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    Saturday, July 11, 2020

    LoL Guide Playing Clash this weekend? Here's how to win in draft.

    LoL Guide Playing Clash this weekend? Here's how to win in draft.

    Playing Clash this weekend? Here's how to win in draft.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    With Clash coming up this weekend, I thought it would be helpful to put together a simple drafting guide for all of you! I took a lot of concepts from coaching in a traditional competitive setting, and adjusted them so they could be applied at every level.


    I also put together a nifty draft sheet to help. The video goes into depth and provides examples. But here are some of the highlights:

    Ally Planning

    • Collect top 5-6 champions for each of your teammates and organize them by comfort level (copy spreadsheet from above)
    • Write out the champions you expect the enemy team to ban away from you.
    • Note any flex picks, as well as who has the deepest pool

    Enemy Scouting

    • Collect top 5-6 champions from enemy history/mastery/ranked tabs in Clash
    • Ban strategies:

      • Highest elo player's best champ(s)
      • OTPs
      • Weakest player (if carries and OTPs are handled already)
    • Note: they are not locked to roles. Probably smart to ban a OTP even if their last clash game wasn't in that role.

    • Screenshot enemy history/mastery/ranked and save them in discord so you can view them during draft.

    Draft Strategy

    • Recognize basic themes (i.e. dive, poke, kite).
    • Use flex picks to conceal your themes until your enemy team has committed to one
    • Draft towards themes that counter your enemy's theme

      • Dive beats poke, poke beats kite, kite beats dive. It's a basic rock, paper, scissors game (oversimplified, but trying to make this easy to follow)

    Draft Tactics

    • Early pick flexible champs to keep your theme options open. "Flexible" is constituted as:

      • Can play multiple lanes
      • Can adapt build according to situation
      • Can match different themes (engage/kite/poke)
    • Save late/counter picks for your players with the deepest champ pools

      • Focus on getting more comfortable champions early for your weaker players. This keeps them from getting banned out.
      • Allows your best player to take advantage of a lane counter,because they're the most likely to know how to snowball that lead into a win.

    HAVE FUN! It's only a game :D

    I hope this can help you all to win more Clash games and go into draft with confidence! If there are any other tips you recommend, comment below. I'm happy to discuss further :D

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    Champions that help you get better at the game.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    There's lots of champs that really help on improving yourself on certain parts of the game. Here are some of them.

    Twisted Fate - He helps you to improve your macro a lot since he is absolutely powerful in split-pushing. When you play TF you really also make decisions that aren't really risky because if you're in trouble you can usually just ult out and repeat if it's back out again while splitpushing.

    Jinx - Jinx is a late game hypercarry. She teaches you how to kite since her AoE AA helps to slow down the enemy team. She also teaches you how to position yourself better as an adc because of her having no mobility and also how to carry late game.

    Master Yi - Probably the most infamous right-click champion, he teaches you how to 1v5, check for enemy spells since CC hard stomps him, and use ingame items since he isn't mechanically hard to use.

    Soraka - Another famous low elo champ, she teaches you to look at the map and your teammates' stats since her ult is global and can save skirmishes even though she is super far away. She also requires you to position since she does not have any mobility skills.

    Renekton - The Croc teaches you how to play the early game since his early game is super good. He teaches you to dive since his ult gives him bonus health to survive a tower dive and his simple combo ( E - W - Q - E) helps you to learn how to trade.

    Edit: Seems a lot are pointing out that Warwick and Nasus should be here.

    Warwick - The most beginner-friendly jungler, WW teaches you a lot on how to be a jungler yourself. He teaches you to invade and secure objectives since his early game is super strong. Has a healthy clear so that new players won't die easily in the jungle, W to encourage players to gank lanes, and R as a single target lock (the only hard part about him).

    Nasus - The good old stack boi. Nasus encourages players to last hit due to his Q being heavily dependent on last-hitting. He can have enough sustain in lane thanks to his passive and good at all-ins from his W and R. Nasus also helps players to learn how to scale and play safe in the early game as a scaling champion.

    Edit 2: Shen is also constantly mentioned.

    Shen - One of the most versatile tanks in the game, Shen also teaches you to look at the map a lot too since his R is used to help allies by offering them huge amounts shields that can save your allies' life. His kit is also pretty straightforward and easy to play.

    Edit 3: Missed out on champs that roam and provide peel.

    Tahm Kench Another support to be picked up easily, Tahm Kench teaches you how to peel for your teammates thanks to his W, which devours his target. His ult helps him to traverse the map easier and his E for survivability in skirmishes. His Q is his main source of damage and his kit is very noob-friendly.

    I hope this will be helpful and allow new players to learn the game more efficiently. If you think you have more suggestions you guys can add some in the comments!

    submitted by /u/IWillDominateYeet
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    Dodging is broken

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    I never used to dodge and never really understood how and when to dodge but once I knew I immediately started seeing success. I know this has all been mentioned before but I can't stress enough how important dodging is. I was a player that would say "ya right im not dodging i will lose lp i dont want that" But honestly it is busted as shit. I dodge when I see my entire team is on a losing streak, or my ADC picks her 30% winrate jinx in 50 games. Or when one player is on a massive losing streak. Or when an account looks boosted and so on. I would legit dodge up to 3 times a day even 4. I see so much success it's insane. You are basically dodging until you get a good team that can pretty much carry without you (But you still have to try and carry). You save yourself from getting tilted and losing LP AND mmr and possibly going on a losing streak. Its legit just dodging losses and winning instead. Its so OP and i highly recommend it to all players

    submitted by /u/TwoBlacksOneSoap
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    Dodging isnt a bad thing..

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    If you see questionable actions or convo going on in the pre-game chat. Just dodge. Its better to take a 6 min break, than a 20 min to 40 min possible loss. Check your runes, your items, watch a video, get a drink, whatever. The point is to avoid a sure losing situation and get into a more favorable winning situation.

    submitted by /u/Lyless1
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    Theorizing Azir in the bot lane

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Recently in S10, we've been seeing many AP champions hit the bot lane like Diana and Cassiopeia and do decently. These APCs seem to be strong since ADCs in general are doing so poorly this season due to item and rune nerfs. I was thinking: what if we put an AP champion that scales marvelously with items in the bot lane to farm with the help of a support?

    Azir is a high skill cap champion that can farm and poke from a safe range using his W. Being able to maximize the opportunity is quite exciting. Gone are the days your ADC walks up for farm and gets hooked by a Thresh or a Blitz: Azir can farm everything from a safe distance. The use of his range could pair beautifully with a good Thresh or Alistar: once the support locks down the enemy, Azir can W > E > Q in and do his work or if he's not too far, just Q and AA away with Lethal Tempo on. No need to put yourself at risk.

    Mr. bird emperor could contest dragon pretty well with time to prepare his W passive (3 soldiers give him a ton of attack speed) and having an R that block off / knocks up the enemy team is pretty significant. In general, Azir is pretty strong at destroying objectives.

    With having the handholding of a support to farm safely and his presence and impact on objectives, I think Azir can get fed easily as opposed to mid lane where he has to worry about trading. What makes him strong is his items and the versatility of his build: Build a Nashor's tooth and the rest is free game. You can build an Armguard for safer fighting bot lane which transitions into Zhonyas. You can get a luden's for the burst and CDR, even a Rylais/Liandry's combo for that shred. What mostly makes Azir unplayed is his difficulty and his time to get fed.

    This is just what I think, feel free to have a discussion of the viability :3

    submitted by /u/royalfoxe
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    Have to main a lane: Which lane to pick? I'm a veteran since S2 and can't play a single lane.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    So I want to come back to LoL (I am Silver III now). The thing is, I have never found my role, let alone a champ to main. This is my hardest struggle. Back in the days, I just played Riven and got to Platinum. That being said, I learned Riven and not League of Legends. I had some decent mechanics that gave me the edge over players in Gold or even Platinum but my game sense is absolute trash and you'd be surprised how many basics I don't understand (wave management, split pushing, roaming, etc).

    I will tear down some reasons what I think about the role and why I always hesitate to settle there.

    1. Support:
      This is probably my most favourite role but I'm frustrated supporting players in Silver III. Once I get higher (Platinum maybe), I will definitely get back to supporting as my second or even first role. I also feel super unsafe there, don't know when to engage, when to roam, where and when to ward etc.
    2. ADC:
      Champions feel to similar. I always feel like playing ADC here and there but once I did that, I just want to get to another lane again.
    3. Mid:
      Always taken, I don't like maining a role that's contested that much, will probably get me autofilled a lot and I wanna avoid this.
    4. Jungle:
      I feel like my gamesense is too bad for this. I don't know anything about when to gank where and all that. That being said, it's a role I've always liked + the champion pool that's common there.
    5. Top:
      I always hated the slow pace there. Getting ganked on such a big lane always made me uncomfortable. Have to admit that I feel the safest here, though.

    Breaking down this list, I feel like I should learn to play Top. Or Jungle but there again I feel like I have so much to learn, that I again wanna learn Top lol. What could you recommend to me? Looking at my list, maybe you can tell what's completely off or where I could learn the fastest?

    submitted by /u/rxq
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    As an ADC what do you do when you get a feeding support?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    I'm a silver 3 Jhin main and recently it feels like most of my supports die at least 2-3 times before I die once. How do I deal with being behind in gold while being poked away from farm?

    Additional thing: What do I when supports try and play behind me instead of being aggressive and up front?

    submitted by /u/Alice_Zula
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    Learning Elise with a Diamond Elise OTP

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    Hello everyone! I am a high diamond Elise one trick that is trying to help people learn Elise. I am starting to stream on twitch almost every day playing from high diamond to silver games on Elise. I will help teach tricks to help excel her early game and even help with itemization and game to game situations that help her in late-game situations where people tend to have trouble playing her in. Here is my op.gg ( https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Dan%20Crenshaw ) I am currently rocking a 65% win rate in high diamond out of 200 games on Elise in high diamond and hope to see you guys make a stream sometime soon. Feel free to ask any questions in chat that you are wondering about that has to do with Elise or just playing jungle in general. My link is: https://www.twitch.tv/foddfiveelise and thank you to the moderators for letting me make a post on here to shout my self out!

    submitted by /u/foddfive
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    Tips on builds for soraka with a Jhin

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Hi im just a regular soraka main and i wanted to know what do i build when i have a Jhin on my team?

    for example usually if i know my adc is a champ that needs attack speed i go Ardent censer first but with Jhin i dont know what to go first and i just go either athenes holy grail or a Mikaels crucible

    thank you for any type of advice and have a Good day

    submitted by /u/Pokeybro
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    I wanna know how to help my friend get over his ego

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    Hello, My friend so far has 800 games in ranked and likes to jump around champs. Right now hes mainly playing viktor. He says he deserves a rank better then what he has but hasnt climbed in ages. He always blames his team mates and doesnt see any mistakes with himself. with a 51% wr something has to be wrong with something other then his teammates. How do i help his mental?

    submitted by /u/therealjguy88
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    See your champion rating after you leave a game?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    I accidentally got disconnected from a ranked game just as it was going to end so I did get to see the after action report, and subsequently couldnt see what my rating was. Is there a way to check that in your history page? I happened to have a really good game too so I'd like to see what I actually earned. Thanks in advance.

    PS what I mean by rating is S, A, B, etc.

    submitted by /u/DubbaNick
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    Leveling Camille's R just once

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 03:46 AM PDT

    So, today I was watching LCK and Nuguri was playing Camille and I noticed that by the moment he got to lvl 16, he wouldnt have put more than 1 level on his R, anyone have a clue on why would he do that?

    DRX vs DMW Game 3 LCK 2020 Summer for those wondering


    submitted by /u/toxicmainadc
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    Why am I constantly getting paired with/against higher-rank players?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Hi! I got into League about 6 weeks ago and only recently started playing Ranked solo queue. Currently around rank 37, Bronze 1.

    My past few games I have been consistently paired with players on my team in the Silver and Gold elo, and my opponents are typically at rank 100+ in my lane and elsewhere.

    This results in me being easily the weakest link on the team, but because I'm somehow getting carried by better teammates I actually win a good percentage of my games.

    It's frustrating to play top lane against people with strictly better experience and skill than me game after game.

    How is this happening? How do I get to play against people of similar level in ranked? I'm WhirlyV on op.gg

    submitted by /u/SquirrelSanctuary
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    Thresh Help

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    OP.GG: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=WizardSpartan100

    So this is my first season actually playing ranked (I played like 8 total last season), and after climbing quickly from low Bronze to Silver II, I have somewhat stalled out.

    After looking at my OP.GG, I noticed a few things. 1. I am successful on Pyke and Nami, and should keep playing them. I'm happy to see the results match how I feel when playing them. 2. My Thresh isn't so hot (I die a lot in particular), and Swain is meh. I've decided to stop playing Swain, as he feels very feast or famine. Thresh, though, is why I am here. I have played a lot of this champ (main champ right behind Pyke, m7 with 70k mastery points), and always thought I did much better than my OP.GG indicates. I will admit that it seems really difficult to carry if your teammates aren't doing particularly good, and I do feed on occasion as a result.

    Does anybody have tips for Thresh based on my stats? In addition, please tell me if anything else stands out that I need to address.

    Thanks, guys!

    submitted by /u/WizardSpartan
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    New player matched against gold 3+ players

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 03:59 PM PDT


    I installed this game about 3 weeks ago. I played a lot of support with some friends that are good. I've tried playing solo and tried to get better at csing and stuff. I've gone mid like 5 times so far and I'm constantly matched against gold 3+ players who ruin me so bad that I don't even have the chance to CS under tower. Really don't get how the matchmaking works on this game. Are new players always matched against gold players?

    submitted by /u/NecromanticPick
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    How many losses at 0lp to demote? It seems so inconsistent

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    Let's say I promote to g1, win a game, lose, and end up at 0lp. I just lost a game at 0lp and I didn't demote. Will my next loss be a demote?

    If I lose 5 right after promoting I don't demote, but usually when I win then lose lose I demote. I was just lucky this time.

    Do I just hope for luck? Is it something with mmr? I have no way of knowing then.

    submitted by /u/catifie
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    My normals MMR on a new account put me in Diamond. How do I lower this?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    I leveled a new account to 30 and have been consistently matched against diamonds on the enemy team every game. I am a hardstuck gold in ranked and have been for years. I play norms to practice builds and champs, and when I take breaks, I play a few normals to get acclimated to the game again.

    Being stuck against diamonds every game is very stressful, and I am going from 10/1/5 at 10 min to 3/5/7 at 10 min, people are tryharding every game, and I just want to have a laid back match before I get back into rankeds. I get carried by my team enough that my MMR is staying consistent, even if my own performance is not great.

    How can I lower my normal MMR without intentionally losing games or creating a new account?

    submitted by /u/nasurak
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    What well designed junglers teach you

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    Rito gets a lot of shit for their champion design, but I think it's worth appreciating what they've done well occasionally, and as a jungle main I often notice how taking advantage of simple parts of a champions design is conducive to teaching good jungling. If you notice your jungling is lacking in a certain area, try picking up the relevant champ for a few normals to focus in on it!

    Zac- Kiting camps Zac's passive blobs force you to run around during early clears, picking them up to stay healthy and get your main camp damage spell off cool down. Even though they do fly into walls occasionally (⊙︿⊙), and don't teach you to kite in a useful direction, this mechanic strikes me as at least forcing you to not just stand still.

    Kindred- Counter jungling, camping lanes Kindred's marks encourage you to consider invading the enemy's jungle to pick up marks, a relatively simple part of jungling, but one that can elevate you multiple divisions if taken advantage of effectively. The mark system can also force you to think more about which lanes are gankable and will actually pay off with a gank, another important aspect of jungling.

    Lee Sin- Buying Pinks ...

    Rek'sai- Looking beyond your champ Eyes may be overrated, but knowing that there's a fed Ekko about to jump on your ass is not, wait what?? Rek'sai demands that you pay attention to her tremor sense, or you may just find yourself getting, as we say in the business 'Rengar'd', sometimes just dragging your eyes away from your champ when clearing/traversing the river is enough to prevent getting cheesed, and that applies to all champs at all points in the game.

    Fiddlesticks- Multi-camp clearing Pretty self-explanatory, it's quite evident that Fiddlesticks can clear multiple camps at once, and once you realise one champ can do it, it's intuitive to try it with others, a key aspect of speeding up jungle clears (what are we on now, 6 camps by 2:58??)

    Karthus- Monitoring lanes Just imagine if Karthus ult went off automatically when an enemy on the other side of the map was low enough...

    Warwick- Another lane monitor Sort of lets you cheat at lane babysitting I mean monitoring via the blood induced speed boost but at least gives you the right idea- cleaning up the 30% health lone Nami rather than going for the full health level 11 Illaoi

    Kha'zix- Adapting jungling style based on enemy jungler and game state Admittedly not anyone's 'my first jungler', but when you get to plat and above, varying your game plans and adapting to the current game state is essential to continuing to climb, and Kha'zix teaches you to do that on a more micro level (with a little thought and vod reviewing)

    Ivern- Camp sequencing With his unothordox style of clearing, it's imperative that a top tier Ivern plans and executes their jungle clears with efficiency and finesse. Interestingly, camp sequencing is not that essential to Ivern as a champ, as he needs little gold, but the skill is very transferable to farmers like Evelynn and Yi spits.

    Shit that's all I wrote! I'm aware that other roles have similar 'role-teaching' champs such as TF teaching roaming in midlane, but as my expertise is in the jungle, I figured that those were all I'd share. Feel free to add comments about your own roles/champ 'teaching' mechanics.

    submitted by /u/xSnowballMontagex
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    Advice on playing and having fun without worrying

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    I was diagnosed a few years ago with GAD, and it's only been getting worse since. I used to play League a lot and I want to get back into it during quarantine, but my anxiety keeps me from even launching the game. I can't even bring myself to play Co-op vs Ai.

    I'm scared mostly of letting down my team. I know I can help out and do well, but my anxiety causes me to shake a ton, even in bot matches.

    I think what I'm asking for from this post is any advice that may help me to feel more confident in my League performance. Any advice helps.

    submitted by /u/foxtrxt_
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    How does tenacity work in the sense of numbers?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    I know tenacity helps with crowd control, but the numbers doesnt specify how much. Like against this maokai I took legend tenacity and unflinching On my runes while using sett, I had 40-50% tenacity at some point in the game, does that mean the stun/slows are reduced by up to 50% or is just some small portion of the stun duration taken off

    submitted by /u/OmegaNoodles
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    How do I even play against aatrox?!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    Like honestly every time I'm against him in lane I lose lane hard. I can't farm because of his Q which is on a crazy low cool down and his healing is insane. People will say "punish when his q is cool down and bait out his E" yes that's true. But I have a 7 second window to do damage he'll just heal up again anyways?!

    He's perma ban for me and the one time I don't someone ALWAYS picks him.

    He just tilts me so hard.

    submitted by /u/LonelySoul96
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    Does multiple wits end stack?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    same question as in title. now its given in the leaguepedia page that if you buy two ravenous hydra , the cleave damage's lifesteal is increased to 100% i.e you heal for all aoe effect of ravenous hydra. in case of wits end, is that the same case? i mean, if you build a champ with 6 wits end, do all 6 of em apply individual bonus magic damage on hit and heal you, or does it just the attack speed passive and not the lifesteal one?

    submitted by /u/shimodadaisuke
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    Champion pool

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    I've heard so much about how if you want to climb then you have to limit your champion pool to optimally around 3 champs in your role, one to fit every general scenario. But I find that playing the same character over and over gets insanely boring after a short period of time. Even playing the same role for me gets boring after a while.

    Does anyone have the same issue? What can I do to climb without having to repeatedly play the same champion over and over?

    submitted by /u/epicduck900
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