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    Wednesday, July 15, 2020

    LoL Guide Sneaky's youtube videos are super instructive for ADC mains

    LoL Guide Sneaky's youtube videos are super instructive for ADC mains

    Sneaky's youtube videos are super instructive for ADC mains

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 02:36 AM PDT

    Basically title.

    SnipingHobo puts heaps of effort into each video. The recent video The highest damage Ashe build?, for example, shows the total dp/10 (and dp/10 after armour) for enemies from 1500-3000 health and 50-200 armour for Ashe's 5 most common builds.

    He'll do this anytime there's something to explain, whether it be why a champion is being played (new build or recent patch) or if Sneaky mentions something that can be elaborated on.

    It's also especially good, because he will put any major explanations (like why manamune Ashe is a thing) at the start of the video, so you don't have to find it in between Sneaky memes

    submitted by /u/Snockerino
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    What do I do If I've lost toplane

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Few games where there is a bad start and the jungle and I int into the toplaner for them to get a 2 kill lead. What do I do at this point? If I walk up to melee range to take farm I'll get killed, if jungle ganks the enemy toplaner will get a double. help

    submitted by /u/red336
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    Playing with camera unlock- is it really that much better?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    I've been playing this game fairly on and off for about 8 years. Over the last two I've been getting into ranked.

    That being said, the entire time, I've played the entire time with my camera locked. How is unlocking it better? Can it really help me play astronomically better? Other than just mind numbing repetitive practice, do you know of any ways to adjust to it better?

    submitted by /u/Wayweaver
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    How to have impact as Top in low elo

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    So I currently am a Morde main. When just dueling without any ganks from either side, I mostly win or go even in my matchup. After I pick um my 2 core items I generally take t1 tower (if not already down) and now spend my time on getting kills and makro plays. Most of the times until now I got a good or even great kda. But right then my problems start. I spend my time roaming, or doing pressure / splitting on other lanes so either I or my team gets towers or cab lane more easily. But when I do that I often get picked by multiple enemies and my team seems to do nothing on the other lanes. Another reoccurring situation is that I ult their carry (if I don't die immediately against them) and split him of their team so mine could win better, but when coming out of the realm my team often has retreated and I am in the enemy team. I just dropped from silver 3 to silver 4.

    So my questions are: what can I do better in Makro plays or should I only focus on top ? Are there any toplaners that can carry (more easily) ? And what should I do if I'm getting camped but my jgl doesn't take advantage of that?

    submitted by /u/Vatolino
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    Black cleaver and %armour pen interaction?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Just wondering what is the interaction between these 2 items? I'm guessing black cleaver shred is applied first and then %armour pen is applied after when calculating damage but I'm not super sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated for my annoying senna ass.

    submitted by /u/funwithno-one
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    Annie Mid Bronze/Silver

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:06 PM PDT


    I main Annie mid, with Lux as back up with some other champs here and there. Looking for some advice especially regarding how to better push my lead in lane, any way to push better wave clear and roam to help other lanes win.

    Also, tips on ward placement and better preventing ganks. There's a link of a full match of me playing Annie mid in clash if you could review that and advise that would really good. We take an easy win in the end but even with my 8 kills at the end I feel like I never really got strong and carried.


    submitted by /u/TankDS
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    A small guide to pinging

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    Today I want to cover a rarely discussed topic which is non-verbal communication (pinging).

    There are many guides, but I haven't seen anything on proper pinging, yet it's so powerful that it can decide game outcome indirectly.

    Here I collected some of the ways the pings could be used and how they are being misued based on my soloq experience: https://i.imgur.com/i14moWo.jpg (please correct me if I got something wrong)

    Now I'm going to explain them with some scenarios.

    1. "on my way"

    Assume your midlaner is tunnel vision farming and sees your omw ping, but he's full autopilot so he expects you to pop up within 5 seconds to join his engage and forgets to check the minimap. Engage ends, he dies. He blames you.

    Both of you did a mistake here in this case, but if you're playing soloq, it was your fault. Why? Because you made your teammate do something stupid. You want to win so you don't want your teammates doing something stupid. Either ping near his tower so he can see that you will take a while to come or don't ping until you're within 5 seconds range so they won't do anything stupid.

    If you resigned from ganking, ping warning/danger on center of the lane so your laner knows that you won't be coming.

    2. danger ping (+overextending warning)

    assume your teammate has camera centered on his character, even if they play on unlocked, they will have camera somewhere close

    indicate where the danger will come from so they can hug the opposite wall, this can save them from death, can deny enemies 300 + minions + turret plates gold and may result in your midlaner ending lane with 2/1; 10 cs behind instead of 1/5; 50 cs behind score.

    Pinging over your teammate character means "you're overextending". If they're in the center of their lane this ping doesn't make sense and only annoy them, keep that in mind.

    3. "enemy has vision here"

    pinging teammate's trinket (twice) + enemy has vision = please ward here

    pinging when enemy has vision when your jungler is preparing for a gank can save their time, they could be doing another monster or ganking another lane already. Don't blame the jungler if you're wasting his time by letting him sit in a warded brush without his knowledge.

    4. requesting assistance

    sometimes no one feels obligated to answer your help call. If you need certain teammate to help you, ping both the goal and your teammate. You can also make it clear by typing "mid come drake" for example. Help ping + typing "group" has same purpose, except you call whole team.

    5. warning about roams (enemy is missing)

    You see enemy midlaner roaming, you call "enemy is missing" and you see the direction he's heading into. You pinged, but they died anyway. Why? Because you didn't made your ping clear enough. Enemy is missing ping was so overused that our brains started ignoring it. Adding 3 danger pings that follow where the enemy is heading will make your teammates actually check the minimap. You can ping roaming enemy path in reverse order (first danger ping near lane) to get faster reaction from your teammates.

    Note: if your teammate died regardless of your pings type "run when I danger ping". They may be bad, but they don't want to die so next time they will listen. Typing it once is enough. Don't force it or respond to whatever they typed back. They got your message. No need to add or further explain anything to them.

    careful when pinging: using 4 or more pings (spampinging) or making bad calls all the time will make your teammates mute you. Make your messages clear, but don't be too annoying, otherwise they will simply ignore you. This also applies to BM'ing with enemy is missing ping. Please don't ping more than once or twice. We get it, you're either tilted by this champion or you witnessed something strange.

    Alright, that's all for now. Remember to warn your teammates if they are in danger. The gold differences deaths create are so large that saving your teammates from one death can decide later game stages. The importance of that increases with every minute of the match. Making clear calls helps you secure kills or avoid deaths. Remember that gold differences are huge.

    submitted by /u/IWillNameMyChildZoe
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    Tip to drastically win more games as a top laner: Mentally carry your Jungler

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    People have been complaining how top lane has little to no impact early game. I agree, but there is something you can do to help. Carry your jungler mentally.

    Junglers can easily tilt because they have the highest responsibility early in the game. I've noticed that even little things such as complimenting your jungler's plays such as saying "gj" "wp" can help your jungler mentally especially at an elo (such as diamond below) where every blame is on your jungler.

    Also tips to help your jungler early as a top laner:

    •If your jungler is ganking bot, put wards on your side of the jungle to help him know if the enemy jungler is invading.

    •If you play utility champions and your jungler is ganking, give your kills to your jungler so that he can affect the map more.

    •If your jungler is getting scuttle or invading, always try to get priority so you can rotate faster.

    submitted by /u/givemeanameredditpls
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    As a support main - how do I know when to roam in the early game?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    I know I need to roam towards mid and sometimes even top lane but most of the time I do it and get nothing out of it, no kills, no summoner spells off of enemies and I just end up leaving exp behind and sometimes get my adc killed.

    How do I know when the right time is to leave lane and go help mid lane?

    EDIT: I'm a bard one trick and I know I can roam pretty well with my chimes and my E I'm just having a hard time understanding when.

    submitted by /u/theManlyMan8
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    Miniguide on how to use the Rift Herald properly

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    I made a 2minute video on how to properly use the Rift Herald because it's something I see misused quite regularly. Here's the quick rundown:

    Killing the Rift Herald:

    • When it's rear eye is open basic attacks from behind will deal 12% of it's max health as true damage

    • This takes 10 seconds to respawn but basic attacks reduce this cooldown by 2.5 seconds each

    • You can hit it's eye when it's summoned by the enemy to deal true damage as well

    Dos and Donts

    DO DON'T
    DO use it on low HP towers. The Rift Herald deals true damage to towers and Tier 1 plated towers gain significantly MORE armour as they lose platings (15 at full HP, 120 at 1 plate remaining). The rift herald ignores this armour stat so it saves you the most time and effort to use it on low hp towers. DO NOT get distracted and forget to actually pick the Herald up off the ground
    DO try to use it on towers that are 1 shottable so it takes the least damage. Towers with less than 2 plates will always be 1 shot. DO NOT randomly summon it behind a wave and let it be stalled/take damage. The new herald summoning animation is very short and almost impossible to interrupt. You no longer need to summon it in perfect safety so you can make sure the wave if shoved and summon it right in front of an enemy if necessary
    DO try to push it to the next tower if you can, don't simply abandon it DO NOT use it on towers that cannot be 1shot if they are well defended/the enemy has good waveclear. They will simply wipe your wave and stop you from being able to finish the turret off
    DO try to use it to create map pressure and force the enemy to either let it take a tower or let you take an objective, such as drake DO NOT forget that the herald has a timer that runs out and will disappear
    DO put it down mid if all lanes are equal DO NOT summon it in the range of a turret if you can safely summon it outside to avoid unnecessary damage to the herald
    DO leave the herald to take platings if you need to, as the summoner of the rift herald you get kill credit for minions, champions and platings no matter where you are on the map DO NOT use it on towers that your team is totally capable of killing anyways. Example: You gank bot, you wipe the enemy, have good vision, a wave and all 3 of you are pounding on the turret with 1-2 plates left. It will definitely go down before the wave, uncontested. Don't waste the herald here it saves barely any time and can be much better used elsewhere.
    submitted by /u/Pixel_Pocket
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    How do I support Senna and Ezreal?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Hey, folks. I'm a silver trash support main, trying to improve. I try to shift my play style to match the ADC I get paired with, and it usually works out well. I pick Nautilus as often as possible.

    I'm running into some difficulty with Ezreal and Senna. When my ADC locks in that pick, I don't know what to do. There never seems to come a point when we can go in. It feels pointless to throw hooks because there's no follow-up, and it feels difficult to peel for them because they either dash out (ez) or just get wrecked (senna).

    So rather than focus on them, I'd like to focus on me. What should I be doing, as a Nautilus support, to set up an Ezreal or a Senna for success? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/shaidyn
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    What's a good gameplan when you're versus a fast pusher and strong ganker in midlane?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    I'm trying to improve on the concept of game plans, or entering the rift already having analyzed my matchup and my teammates matchups and having a good idea of what I have to do. However, I'm more used to playing the heavy roamers, they fit more my style. I like pushing in mid and having impact on the map.

    Now, what do I do when I'm on the opposite end? What's a good gameplan when you're playing Orianna and you are facing a Nocturne, who can perma push and roam?

    I'd like to hear some opinions :)

    submitted by /u/raphaelcgo
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    How to deal with a good Azir?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    I generally play mid and when i see a high level azir, i got stressed at the start of the game. I can deal with Azir onlt with Vlad and i have to play veery passive. That is not fun. I keep getting poked. Do you have any tips for going against Azir or do you know some champs that can counter him?

    submitted by /u/lazy_27
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    So how do you deal with Zed rn?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Since they buffed him I'm really struggling to avoid his combo. I know the Anti-Zed-basics with rushing armguard and saving CC for when he appears behind you after ulting but my brain seems too slow to reliably dodge around his shadow.

    Any tips or insights? Could really use some help:)

    submitted by /u/maiden_des_mondes
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    Is Lulu broken right now? Tips to beat her botlane.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    I have been moving into playing ADC recently.
    I just had a game against a Lulu as Draven.

    Is Lulu considered broken right now?
    What are some good tips to beat her?
    I know draven is usually strong pretty early in the game, should I be more aggressive early?
    Does she fall off at any point?
    What is her weakness?

    submitted by /u/jacobfilmer
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    Can Anyone Help me? Silver 1 - Gold IV

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    Whats the counterplay to AP nunu mid?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    His snowball can one shot the casters lvl 1, he can perma roam, he does a shitton of damage, and has very noticeable sustain in lane.

    Hes basically Talon 2.0

    You can't trade with him, you can't out shove him, out roam.

    Do I just start perma banning him and wait for nerfs?

    submitted by /u/mustangcody
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    Climbing solo vs duo

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    Hello, I just wanted to share something with you guys.

    Both accounts are mine, but look like 2 different people. Main:


    Currently G4 44lp, after 220 games. Was S3 after placements. Apart from 3-4 games, played as a duo. Yes, before losing streak I was close to G2 series, however, right now the effect is: G4 44lp.

    "Smurf" - to test some stuff:


    Currently G4 0lp, after 110 games (exactly half compared to main). Was B2 after placements. Played alone only, where mostly up to like S3 I was playing off roles or testing stuff I do not usually play, because why not. 110 games and at the end of the day, it is very close to my main, where I played 110 games more and I guess even now the lp gains on the 2nd acc is a bit better.

    It's not like my duo partner is holding me back, I feel like playing duo I got 0/20 botlaners much, much more often. However, I also have to admit, playing duo also forced me to play, when I was not entirely tilt-free.

    Conclusion: climbing duo is not always the most efficient way to climb.

    submitted by /u/piersimlaplace
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    Lich bane and Trinity Force

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    I've been playing a bit of TF recently. After I build RoA and Lichs bane I usually go RFC for a bit more range. I thought to myself. Might as well get another crit item like ER to get a more CDR and crit chance. However I thought to myself that makes the sheen proc from LB less useful. Would I be better off buying Trinity Force instead? Even though having a hybrid of AD and AP is good for TF.

    The question really is, when does TF become more useful than LB in a hybrid situation.


    submitted by /u/wheremynames
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    Diana matchups lux, vinegar, donger

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Ok so I play mid bot roles However when I am faced against lux, donger, viegar.

    Am I supposed to shut down lux early with jungler help?

    Viegar seems to zone me off cs with his wall so can't really cs unless I freeze near my side of tower out of turret range.

    Donger how do I take out his turrets I have herd to take them to last hit then w them but the thing is how do I do that exactly?

    I believe my questions are how am I supposed to go about the laning phase vs these matchups?

    I'm aware of use critical thinking thank you mods

    submitted by /u/John_boy_90
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    How do I know if I'm ready for ranked?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    My friend really wants me to play ranked with him but I don't know if I'm ready. I've never played ranked before, and I don't know if I'm good enough at the game to start. He's in silver and has really been working really hard to get gold, and I think if I play ranked with him I'll definitely make it more difficult for him to get there.

    I've been really focusing on improving my skills in the past few months so that when we play normals I won't get flamed so much for making mistakes+being a girl but I'm not sure if I've improved enough to play ranked with him. I've built a solid champion pool and have improved my skills in farming, kiting and vision. When we play normals, he usually carries me and his other friend pretty hard, so my improved skills still don't really compare to his. I'm a bit terrified to play ranked because I'm sure I'll be hyper flamed.

    How do I know if I'm ready to play ranked?

    submitted by /u/Kh108_
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    Give me your lesson on mental fortitude: what would you tell your 12 years old brother to make him stop flaming all the time when you duo

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Short(fun) description:

    My brother is like a carboncopy of Hashinshin at a Gold 2 rank.

    It's both hilarious and annoying to play with him sometimes.

    He mains top lane, has good mechanics, can play multiple meta champs.

    But since climbing he gets camped basically every match Hashinshin style(he plays too aggro at times, other times he legit gets camped for no reason), has the same "I ward but it's useless" mentality as Hash and also complains a lot about champions being "broken"

    Worse even, he feels entitled to getting jungle ganks while spamming chat and flaming all game if he gets camped instead of accepting he draws pressure away from his team.

    What would you tell someone in this situation so he stops being mad literally every match?

    Give me your lesson on mental strength in League.

    submitted by /u/ChristianTheOne
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    Adc and when to build boots first item and other early game advice

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    I'm a support main who has been in every elo and I haven't played much this season. But Im seeing a resurgence of boots rush on adc. This is fine, good in some cases but it's situational to counter major threats in the meta (Ezreal, Varus, Jhin, Sivir, thresh, pyke, Senna, Leona). But if you get a lead and are not vsing these champions you're wasting gold to rush boots.

    Especially into Trist, Vayne, Aphelios and other low skill shot auto based carries ESPECIALLY TRIST AND VAYNE. No ad can outrun them even with boots if you get a lead you need to be able to kill them before they escape. If they get a lead you need to play passive and hope they mess up so you're playing under turret anyway. You cannot chase them down, you can't really run either. I'm happy to hear counter points but this is important players need to understand that your builds need to be more fluid.

    On another note full bf back is rarely viable, especially if you get kills at the 15-30 minion mark. They have the gold to come back with full hp and mana to beat you. So back get what you can that fits your build and get a substational lead instead of a theoretical one. Because until you back that "lead" you think is there doesnt exist.

    submitted by /u/freedgorgans
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    How do you push for level 2 advantage without giving your opponent a freeze?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    I'm trying to work on my wave management mechanics as an AD main and this has kind of been confusing me. Often times if I push for lvl 2 advantage I end up shoving the wave, and if my opponents are smart they can set up a freeze. Depending on my support's pick and skill level and the enemy matchup it can be hard to break a freeze. I generally pick Ashe a lot, but if I have a Leona and we are in to Brand/Lux with Caitlyn (or similar) it's easy for them to get free poke on us as we try to break the freeze. If they have an engage support breaking the freeze risks getting all-ind near their tower. I generally like to play lane with Ashe having my own freeze so we can run down opponents. What is the best way to get level 2 without handing over a freeze, and also what is the best way to break a freeze bot lane?

    submitted by /u/whiteknight521
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