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    Saturday, July 25, 2020

    LoL Guide So what's the counter to Lilia?

    LoL Guide So what's the counter to Lilia?

    So what's the counter to Lilia?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:29 AM PDT

    Just had my first game against Lilia jungle. At level 4 I was at 26 cs with two (one successful and one not) ganks botlane to get my Jhin a kill. Shortly after that, Lilia revealed herself (for the first time in this game) top - 58 cs, level 6 (same level as my solo laners - 2 levels above me and my botlane).

    Am I wrong in assuming there is something absurdly unbalanced about that level of clear speed? Not even Kayn can match that. I'm thinking I have to ban her, but I don't want to give up my current permaban of Master Yi (as I play early game junglers who fall off and I've lost a number of games where we won early but he took over).

    Does she have any weaknesses? I'm not 200 years memeing, I genuinely do not understand how I am supposed to keep up with that clear speed. That is absurd. Does she fall off? Is she vulnerable to invades? Do I just have to permaban her until Riot wakes up?

    submitted by /u/aglimmerof
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    Junglers, what do you do when your adc takes your buff level 1?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    This has happened so many times. I try to be nice about it and carry on with the game but I just end up super far behind the enemy jungler for the rest of the game, and sometimes even get executed on the next camp I try to take.

    I see loads of junglers on YouTube talking about comebacks after getting invaded on both buffs etc. But I can't seem to make it work and catch up :(( please help

    Ps. I mostly play khazix, rammus and fiddle

    Edit: This usually happens by accident

    submitted by /u/bpercuelles_21
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    You should not contest every objective

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    One of the biggest problems I see in low elo matches (I'm Gold 3) is that players often try to contest every objective on the map, even if it's against all odds.

    Let's imagine that you are the jungler for your team. Your mid laner has no lane priority, their lane is pushed against them, so they can't roam or match the enemy mid laner roams. Your duo lane are low on resources and are recalling. You are aware that the enemy jungler is doing Drake. You're both on the same level and you have equal farm. Should you contest it?

    No, you shouldn't. Not only you will put yourself at risk, there is no guarantee that you'll steal it. Instead, you can farm the enemy top jungle, gank top, or do Herald if possible (especially if your top laner can help you with that).

    More often than not I see my jungler in this kind of situation trying to contest the Drake, failing to steal it, dying in the process and giving the enemy jungler a big advantage. And even if my jungler managed to steal it - they would probably die without trading their death for a kill, and stealing the Drake would have achieved actually nothing because now my jungler is behind, and our jungle is free to invade, and the enemy team can pressure their lanes.

    Another secnario is as follows: your team is slightly behind. Top and mid lanes are pushed towards the enemy. The entire enemy team is doing Elder. Baron is up. Should you contest Elder? Most chances are you shouldn't. You can trade it for Baron, take one or two inhibitors, and also deny the gold buff the enemy team got from Elder. By doing so you render the Elder buff slightly useless due to minion pressure - you minimize your vulnerability.

    Now, as a mid laner main, I mostly follow my team, even if I think that they are wrong (I can't control my teammates' decision-making), unless I see a clear opportunity to fix their mistake by quickly taking a major objective. They would probably flame me, but it's better than getting aced for nothing.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't ever contest an objective. If your team is ahead, you may force a team fight over an objective. If your team is behind, and by securing the objective the enemy team gets a lethal advantage that would most probably guarantee their win, you should try to contest it as a last resort. All I'm saying is that you should not blindly try to contest an objective you cannot contest when you have far better options to trade it for.

    Trading in League of Legends is essential as it is in chess. From my experience, my team has a far higher winrate when we trade more and contest less. Also - you should always try to force team fights as much as possible in your terms (not in the enemy terms), where your team has control and vision. If you are much behind and you can't roam freely, farm as much as you can and let the enemy team come to you (especially if your team comprises mostly late-game champions), unless you have no choice but to contest an objective as a last resort.

    It's all very dependent on circumstances. You just need to learn to calculate your moves - not just what you gain from them, but also their (often forgotten in low elo) map dominance costs.

    [This is a discussion by the way. I'm unable to add a flair for some reason.]

    submitted by /u/MoonSt0n3
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    Burnout. What do I do?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    I've been playing league since around 2016, and boy did I love it. At the start, you could make me play for 24 hours straight, and I wouldn't get bored. I really spammed league, and I had fun.(I played both ranked and blind pick, but mainly blind pick)

    But around 2019, I started getting burnt out. I didn't have as much fun playing. At this point, the only way I could have some fun was by playing Ranked, if I played blind pick, I wouldn't have little to no fun. I didn't have much fun playing new champs either(when sett got teased, I got kinda excited. But when he came out, he felt boring, not sure if this the champ itself, or just my burnout).

    I'm in the same situation now. I feel really excited for Yone. This has probably been the most excited I've been about League in a while. I'm hoping that Yone will help with my burunout. But I'm afraid it's going to be the same situation with Sett, where I'd get all hyped up, but then get disappointed.

    Keep in mind that I still have a little bit of fun playing Ranked Solo/Duo.

    Do you guys have any advice on how to cure my burnout? I'm willing to do anything to have the same satisfaction playing League that I had when I first started League.

    submitted by /u/Advanced__Human
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    The importance of positivity

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    This one is for the lower Elo players in iron, bronze or silver. Its something I want to share as it helps me climb to gold consistently now.

    Be positive, say WP or GJ lots to your team mates. When they make a mistake say nvm we will try again.

    I am trying on my 3rd account to climb to gold using support only. Support was my first role before moving to mid and I used to think its impossible to get out of bronze as a support. My mindset was all wrong and it kept me there for a while.

    Something I like doing now that wins me 70% + of my games on my alt account is locking in leona and asking my ADC to go agressive when I do in champ select. I then state that if it goes wrong then its my fault and to blame me.

    You wouldnt believe how many low elo ADC's are too cautious to fight around a level 2 power spike. But when you remove all blame from them if you die they will all in.

    Then its up to me as the support to spot when an enemy makes a mistake like a Morgana missing her Q, ping the engage and go all in blowing my ognite early.

    Even if we dont get a kill I still say GJ for following me in we usually get summoners and we can repeat again shortly.

    Keep up the flow of positivity and people play better.

    In my last leona game mid and ADC both said that leona is single handedly winning the game. I wasn't, I got my trist a little ahead to 5/0 and asked if I could roam and leave him solo, then up to mid 3 times until the Ahri was ahead and laning ended.

    All the while warding and calling out where people did something positive. I ended up 4/8/22 in that game but a lot of those deaths were sacrificing myself so someone else could get away after they made a mistake.

    Try it in your next games. I see a lot of people saying /mute all helps you climb. I think being the positive one on the team helps more.

    Granted I'm not high elo myself but if someone like me with fairly slow reactions and average skill can consistently climb I think its worth a go.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Stabbycrabs83
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    How to improve fast as a Support main?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    Hi, I am Apollo027 (BR) and started playing the game on March. Since then, I feel I've been improving quite fast for my level, since I had lot of tips from higher ranked acquaintances, to the point I've recently reached Silver 4 and am still going up. The thing is, I know it is hard for supports at low elo to shine as everyone, including the player in question, is bad, but I've had quite the challenge to surpass the MD5, having to do it 3 times and only because I left my Sona one trick for my Vel'Koz. I know limits like these are natural in the player's evolution, but I really want to know how to improve faster in terms of gamesense and mechanics with these and other champions. Any help would be welcomed. Glad for your time!

    submitted by /u/vitgarcia027
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    How do I improve mechanics?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 02:05 AM PDT

    i am a diamond 3 player, and I think I have a better than average macro play than enemies in my elo, I know How to track jungler, How to wave Control roam and everything, but I absolutely suck at most things related to mechanics, my lane phase is carried basically by superior wave Control than the enemy and I climb by shotcalling to my team and playing tanks, but some times I struggle at the lack of confidence in some plays, and at some point everyone needs to have some kind of good mechanic, and I have a dream to be a league pro player, so that's why I am asking here: how do I get to improve mechanics?

    submitted by /u/zueriou
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    How to practice being out of vision

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    I'm in silver but when I've played with friends in plat and above, they get frustrated if I recall in vision since I was out of vision when I recalled then the enemy wouldn't know if I'll return to pushing that lane or maybe they were coming to gank me and might get discouraged. Basically just denying the enemy information, but by positioning myself out of vision by being aware of the distance of their minions' and turrets' vision.

    How do people practice learning the boundaries for enemy vision? Ideally, something like how beginner modes show the edge of turrets or hovering an ability to see where it's range is relative to my opponents. I'd rather not have to open the replay tool to see when I was in vision.

    submitted by /u/kinaswartes
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    Why isn’t it more common to buy a refill potion on early backs?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    I've just started playing rumble mid and I've found myself buying a refill potion if it fits my early buy pretty much every game. It seems to be giving incredible value especially when bought early, as throughout the game I'll use WAY more than 3 charges ("break even point" with cost of 3 pots). I was wondering, if it's so easy to get huge value like this and drastically improve certain lane matchups, why don't more people buy refill potion? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/bman1j35
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    Sion seems to be the best top laner in the LEC

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Sion is not overpowered but his strengths have aligned perfectly with the meta. He has a great teamfight presence with an extra meatshield in his passive and several tools for zoning/cc. Meanwhile, his laning and 1v1 is not bad with Grasp, and Sunfire + Titanic Hydra core makes waveclearing and dueling quite good. Sion passive with Titanic Hydra is a menace in its own right. Proccing sunfire passive on his Q does a surprising amount on burst. Chogath, Maokai and Ornn are still staples for the teamfight objective meta. Thoughts on the resurgence of tanks?

    submitted by /u/Peeping_Cat
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    The Myth of Muramana

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    Ever since the buffs to Muramana, the item has been gaining a lot of traction, especially in the ADC communities. It seems to be everywhere and many videos are discussing how strong it is by showcasing its numbers. The numbers are great, it's undoubtedly the strongest mid game item. However, it can seriously damage your early game, a tradeoff many overlook. In lane, a first buy usually will be weaker than the enemy ADC because you don't have much damage options apart from the pickaxe whereas most ADCs have first items with many damage components. Following that, Manamune builds will nearly almost be weaker than items at the same price point, especially when the other champions hit their 1 item spikes. Then at Muramana transformation, it becomes much stronger. So before building it, it's important to consider is the additional value worth the lost early tempo.
    Cheat Sheet for when you can consider it:
    Mana Hungry:
    - Ezreal (Must)
    - Senna (When on ADC and can stack)
    Strong flat AD scaling champions / frontloaded damage:
    - Draven (When team is playing for mid/late game)
    - Miss Fortune (When team is playing for mid/late game)
    - Artillery Mage Varus (When team is playing for mid/late game)
    - Jhin (When team is playing for mid/late game)
    - Senna (When on ADC and can stack)
    - Kai'sa (Must)
    - Caitlyn (When team is playing for mid/late game)
    Weak on 1 item, 3 item spikes:
    - Kog'maw(When team is playing for mid game / zoned off wave, no gold)
    - Kai'sa (Must)
    - Twitch(When team is playing for mid game / zoned off wave, no gold)
    Dumb 100 AD Breakpoint
    - Kai'sa

    submitted by /u/LeagueLaughLove
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    FF @ 15: Strategies for winning a game as quickly as possible

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:43 PM PDT


    When playing League of Legends, games can easily carry on for more than half an hour pretty regularly. If you're trying to climb the ranked ladder and push through the lower divisions, those longer games can really slow down your progress (especially if you walk away with a loss). While we all enjoy playing the game, it's often the shorter games that we want when we're on the grind so that we can gain LP as quickly as possible and be rising through the ranks as quickly as possible.

    For this reason, I've developed an easy-to-read guide that includes all the tips and tricks you'll need to close out a game in just 15 minutes. The early game is very important, so ensuring you're as proactive as possible during the initial stages of a match is key for this strategy (as well as having a keen eye for aggressive plays)!

    The champion you pick and your mastery on them alone are often not enough to bully your opponents into giving up. Your macro game and mindful objective control are far more important to make your enemies feel as though there's no way they can win even in such a short amount of time. All of this and more is covered in depth in the guide, so read on!

    If you have any strategies, tips or tricks that you and your friendly summoners have for forcing these fifteen minute fiestas, let me know! We'd love to hear your methods so we can all see our elo soar in no time at all. GLHF!

    submitted by /u/RealZesty
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    How do I keep the lane frozen when the enemy won’t farm?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    This happens a lot when I'm toplane (low elo/silver) whenever I try to freeze wave because I know I can poke and punish the enemy for farming they usually just go sit idle under their tower until the wave inevitably pushes back towards them after a bit, then they continue to farm and in most cases are able to cs enough to still be in an ok spot. As long as I'm still farming even with last hitting the wave will still eventually push and they basically just wait for it making my freeze kinda ineffective. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/finallymadeareddit2
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    Is it Possible to get better without having that much time to play ?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    I Work for like 12 Days every shift so i just have Free Days every 2nd Weekend. However everytime i come home from Work i feel really Tired so i am not able to play much games ( 3 at Best ). I really like Playing League but it really annoys me that i dont get any better since i dont have much time to play. Is there some Position that maybe doesnt need that much time to learn ? Or Maybe some mechanics ?

    submitted by /u/Boy666lol
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    I try to improve on everything and still I lose almost every game

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:16 PM PDT


    Imma try and keep it short (edit: I failed).. I'm a Silver Player since idk how many seasons but I don't really give a damn about rank.. I mostly play for fun and in order to have fun I need to improve cause constantly losing ain't really fun anymore. And I'm really on the verge of quitting this game alltogether because idk if it's me or the current meta.. but yeah

    I main Fiora (80k points) and I was doing very good with her. Won lane in most of the games. I hit level 7 with her very fast after getting level 5. And at some point... I just started to fall off and fall off and came to a point I lost almost every game with her. So I thought imma try and learn a new champ to make a break from Fiora: I picked Irelia cause she seems to have the most similar playstyle to Fiora.

    BUT.. now no matter who of these 2 champs I play.. it just seems that every toplane matchup is rigged against me. They're fucking tanky, can dive the heck out of me and also take maybe 1 or 2 braincells to play (Yes I'm looking at you Garen and Nasus players).

    I always try to improve on wave control (cause freezing seems to be the only possible thing to do against pretty much any toplane matchup; Garen or Darius 80% of the time; as they f*** me in the a** with their tankiness otherwise) I try to improve on vision.. but either I get turret dived with a herald and die without having the ability to do anything against it or get a 12/1 Midlaner/adc into my face. I can't get lane prio because as said - they fuck me with their tankiness (fiora is somewhat okay at that.. but Irelia.. horrible).. but even if I somehow win lane with mechnical superiority they just seem to outscale me.

    Now probably the first suggestion would be to play other, easier champs... but that's the thing. I don't wanna play chunky a** tank champs - they are boring to play. I like champions that have heavy mechanics beacuse learning them and improving at the mechanics is just such a rewarding feel.

    But yeah.. it seems like no matter how much I learn their mechanics and powerspikes.. I just lose every game. I stopped trying doing heroic shit and just wait for them to make mistakes but end up in 2v1 towerdives where I either can sacrifice my turret or die.

    And playing midlane is basically asking to get autofilled. So yeah.. what's your suggestions? As said; I do try to improve on macro- and micro-play but it kind of feels like doing push-ups every day and still gaining 0 strength...

    So how do you win toplane as someone who doesn't like playing tanks? I know that it's possible and I know that many people are successful with champs like Fiora, Irelia and Riven.. idk why it is so impossible for me.

    submitted by /u/3shyguy3
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    Solo/Duo and Flex skill difference in ranks

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    Hi fellas !!

    Since i am on the same side with some friends and i would like to see more opinions and here is the question.

    Does the rank between Solo duo and Flex makes a difference. if you can't understand here is what imma tryin to say.

    If someone plays with 3-5 premades on flex and he is currently Diamond but he is pretty much like a hardstuck plat on solo duo , does this player is considered even as a Diamond at all ? Does the Solo Duo gives you the real rank wise or Flex is probably the same so its just made to play with more premades for more fun , while the skill per rank is almost the same ?

    What is your opinion guys i want to know ! I think Solo/Duo explains the real devision , while playing absolutely Solo on the SoloDuo is the most accurate of all.

    submitted by /u/Vanchovski
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    How do you clear "mental fog"?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    There are days where I'm 100% focused, as in every decision I make is a conscious decision and there's next to no autopiloting. Like I'm conscious of where their jungler is, how my lane opponent moves, when to harass/trade (in regards to manaflow for instance), what I should be doing mid game, etc. Then the remaining 80% of days are those where I have this "mental fog", where I literally can't make conscious decisions even when forcing myself. The difference in winrates and KDA is clear, I play on this acc when I know I'm in in the right mind to play (ignore the Yuumi games), and this is the account I play on when I wanna play but got mental fog. Is it possible to learn ways to defog oneself?

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_RULE34_MEGUMIN
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    How to comeback

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Hey guys, long time lurker first time making a post. I've been playing LoL for about 3 years now, and am G4. My biggest problem I have with this game (besides the horrid amount of unbalanced champs) is that I find comebacks impossible! Majority of my games at around 25min if the enemy team is already pushed to inhibs it really feels like it's game. Like maybe my team will win a fight but we still end up losing. It really feels like we just delay the end of the game. My question here is how do you comeback? What is the play to make, if they have 3 drags and you know you can't contest becuase you'll lose in team fight? Or just in general how does a team get back into the game? When being slaughtered? Real help would be appreciated! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/leaveittofate
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    Do I switch to manual camera.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    I have been playing LOL for almost 3 years now and I am currently plat 3. I have decided to switch roles from adc to top lane and I found a problem. I keep getting tunnel vision. I keep missing enemy jungler ganks and my own jungler ganks. I play with a locked camera as I decided when i was maining adc it was good cause I can keep track of my champion in teamfights and I am lazy to keep pressing space and re adjust the camera to a certain postion. Suddenly in top lane I can't do the things i have been normally doing in bot lane and I have bad tp timings cause of said locked camera.

    submitted by /u/superdominos
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    Is ahri still in a decent place right now? Like low to mid elo?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    To clarify I don't do ranked I just play normals, and every other game mode besides ranked. People just seem to be obsessed with rank and elo so that's why I included that part. Recently I got heavily discouraged from even playing her at all. Do we still love ahri? Or is she actually in a bad spot right now? I didn't think she was in that bad of a spot because of her win and play rate... but eh what do I know?

    submitted by /u/lunarbatxx
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    Is it my fault Im losing as Nami?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Wanna make this as short as possible, im a supp main, me and my adc often wins lane, yet its still laning phase and my top mid and jg manage to screw up which carry on to mid game and they still do their wrongdoings even after laning phase is over. I just wanna know is it normal to lose sometimes and not having any control of the game especially as nami? Ive been losing for 10 games in a row now and i just wanna question and think about it. Thats all ty for your comments :)))

    submitted by /u/Koreannnnnnn
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    So does anybody here think that Irelia is kinda broken rn ? I don’t think so but maybe you can change my mind.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    I'm an Irelia main, maybe even a OTP, but after the buffs I really want to hear what other people have to say about my favorite champ. Irelia has been preforming pretty well lately after the buffs with her winrate jumping up a lot. I hate the people in my games that take advantage of broken as fuck champs such as Darius or Fizz. I just hope I won't turn into the thing that I swore to destroy.

    submitted by /u/Jamez12154
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    I cannot deal with tilt

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Hello, i need help, after losing/something bad happening etc i just can't win the next games, i feel like every game after is unwinnable even before it starts, it's hard to explain but i just feel like the enemy team has an insane advantage even tho nothing has yet happened. The best example for this is i've got an account with around 35 wins and 12 losses in gold 1, ive played the last game in g1, won it, and it didnt skip promos. I got really tilted that i have to play 3-5 more games extra and i just lost 3 in a row really badly ( against players i was winning most of the time, i just couldnt keep my mind clear and focused on the game) first game just made a lot of mistakes and we lost, second game first timed a champ for no reason at all third game i left minute 1 after a teammate died from an invade. Every time something sets me off i feel like there is no way i am going to win any game. This happens all the time, and it really keeps me from climbing fast/enjoying the game. I mostly just get unranked accounts to diamond and sell them after nowadays because i just cannot play enough games to try and climb to high elo because i either have to take a day break after each loss or just coinflip every game after a loss. Also, i don't flame in chat nor do i have it enabled. Any reccomendations how to deal with this? I would have quit league if it wasnt like my main thing i am good at and i also make a small amount of money with it. (I am a teenager). Thanks!

    submitted by /u/pavolos
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    Games are more difficult?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    So at the beginning of this season i said i would climb alone this season after having a long break from the game and i started in iron 1 and between b2 and s4-s3 i was climbing really slow because i was a bit burnt out and really unsure of myself because of what happened in b2 and but i started to give myself 3-4 day away from the game and then play again for 1-3 days and that helped with my mentality a lot i got out of s3 in basically a day lost a couple of matches here and there because i was playing while being in no mood of playing and after two months droped back into s3 then went on a 10 games winstreak to s1 promos.Which brings us to the present. i one tricked azir in midlane the whole way with the ocasional ezreal lucian and nautilus on bot if i got autofilled the problem is the matchups are becomeing a bit harder i guess? i mainly controll my lane not getting killed nor making kills but i win the games because of my abillity to use azir in teamfights late game and better prioritization of objectives ?i find it a bit annoying that i keep the wave wherever i want every time and punishing overextends from my laner but i never mannage to transform that into a kill they just end up low hp frezed up under my tower and low hp .also today i played some flexed games with some friends that are higher elo and i took the games a bit more seriously to kinda test myself because i knew that i will be matched against g3-g2 players and it was weird although i did not feel like i would lose the lane i certainly didn't win it either it was evenly matched i guess but i don't know where to go from here to improve . i feel like i am kinda inferior from a mechanics point since i always fuck up things when laning and 1v1 ing .

    Gee this post is a mess but i hope you guys get what i am trying to say

    submitted by /u/iulian212
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