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    Monday, July 20, 2020

    LoL Guide Spend Over 120 Hours Making This To Hopefully Help Others!

    LoL Guide Spend Over 120 Hours Making This To Hopefully Help Others!

    Spend Over 120 Hours Making This To Hopefully Help Others!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    If you're looking for a video to help you climb in ranked which is very informative then I might be able to help you. I made a smurf account where I climbed from Iron 1 to Diamond 4 while actively looking at the differences between ranks and common mistakes made. It's basically a guide to escaping all ranks and I really hope you find it helpful! Thank you for your time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geKDohbo6VA

    submitted by /u/YTsharkzone
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    RE: Spend Over 120 Hours Making This To Hopefully Help Others! - THE TOPLANER VERSION -

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    I saw that video hit the frontpage on this subbreddit a few hours ago and after watching it, I felt like it was relevent for mostly midlaners so as I wrote and I wrote, I thought lets do a TOPLANE version.

    How to get out of iron and bronze as a toplaner:

    • know what your champion does and have a general idea of what your enemy laner does.

    • priorize experience over csing

    • work on keeping your champion healthy when farming

    how to get out of low silver as a toplaner:

    • know your champions power spikes and what a power spike is

    • know your champions win conditions

    • stop playing ARAM without a reason

    • learn how to play versus a splitpusher

    • learn how to use teleport.

    • learn how to ping your jungler in or out.

    • stop being scared of towers

    how to get out of high silver:

    • have a general idea of how experience, csing and wave management works.

    • try to learn how to play around an enemy freezing your lane

    • get a better vision score

    • learn what the abilities of the other toplaners do

    • learn when to allin on your champion

    • learn what your counters are

    • learn when is a good time to do drags and barons

    • learn how to CS under tower with your champions

    • stop being stubborn about your allins, if he flashes out, thats a win

    how to climb out of gold:

    • stop shoving everything EVER.

    • help your jungler contest crabs and heralds

    • learn what lane priority is

    • learn how to towerdive efficiently

    • start learning how to manage waves, the more general concepts of wave managing.

    • learn when to back

    • learn to not be greedy over plates and CS.

    • start having a general idea of when a jungler usually ganks top

    • learn how to ping your jungler in when you have a freeze or a win condition.

    • learn how to deny your laner experience

    • do more barons and drags as teams when you have an advantage

    • learn when to give up CS

    • know if you can proxy, when to proxy and what to do after your proxy

    • know when you can take crabs and camps

    • learn how to win a lane against an autofilled or passive laner

    • learn how to abuse an over agressive toplaner with micro management (trading, wave management, efficient backs)

    how to climb out of plat in the toplane:

    • have a plan to win the game, and modify it throughout

    • do not allow an enemy to become unstoppable, put effort into stopping that

    • help your jungler

    • have deep wards

    • have efficient warding and know when to ward and when not to

    • learn to jungle track

    • learn how and when to unfreeze a lane, freeze a lane, slowpush and shove

    • know your matchups by heart

    • know your win condition and play arround it

    • have counter picks and blind picks in your champ pool OR one trick

    • learn when to dodge and use it all time

    • know when you are the carry and when you are not and learn to play in a lost matchup to still win game

    • play around ur carry at all times.

    • play around TP cooldowns

    • learn efficient trading

    • learn how to beat ranged champions and your counters

    • having more than 2 champions in your champ pool is helpful.

    • and most of all; stop chatting, plat4 players chat more than the average silver player.

    • work on your positionning

    • learn when a minion is a suicide note for you

    • stop contesting waves that are slowpushing towards you

    • do your homeworks: read patchnotes, watch videos of hard matchups, read about the new builds and runes for your champion.

    • be ready for new OP/Cheese picks and know beforehand how to play against it.

    submitted by /u/MegahardOnfire
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    If you want to improve at league I strongly recommend watching FNC Bwipos stream VODS

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Bwipo is a very smart player and vocalises every play he makes on stream, when he is playing well I feel he plays the game almost perfectly. A good example is this wukong game (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/680609576?t=1h22m54s) where he showcases many things like how to trade properly in lane, manage waves, waste the enemy junglers time while playing weakside, why its necessary to keep farming and keep yourself strong on toplane and how this can heavily contribute toward a win despite maybe having low KP or a poor KDA.

    If you are a toplane player I would go so far to say watching his stream is essential to improve if that is your aim. When I am in the mindset Bwipo always has (playing as well as possible, not flaming or caring about mistakes from teammates and trying to improve) I find it easy to climb and play league for long periods. No matter the elo unless you are a brand new player watching Bwipo will help you improve as long as you can glean some small tips from his stream.

    submitted by /u/monkshod
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    Weird thing I found out about Urgot and Runaan's

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    Let me just copy and paste from the wiki here:

    Purge will apply Runaan's Hurricane on every shot at 100% of the listed damage.

    • On-hit effects applied by the bolts will deal 50% damage regardless.

    This means that the side bolts from Runaan's will still deal the normal 40% AD, even while his W is activated, which modifies his attacks to do 36% AD + 12 base damage at max rank. The Runaan's projectiles will actually deal more damage than the main target, meaning you can effectively apply Purge to three targets at once with no reduced damage.

    submitted by /u/Strange_Pomegranate
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    Hatred for yummi

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    I have a real hatred for yummi because she basically does sweet fa and imo the lane just gets lost and i go in with that in my mind, what can i do better with a yummi sup because i honestly hate the game when people pick her and i feel like i should just ban so i dont get that sup, so instead give me some guidance on playing with yummi.


    submitted by /u/pquinn1212
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    The Duality of Toplane - To help the team early, or to not help the team until later...

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    So I'm running into this issue lately, so I figured I'd try and get some feedback and guidance from some higher elo players.

    I'm a high bronze-low silver toplaner (maining bruisers (Sett, Garen) and tanks (Shen, Ornn, Maokai)), with some jungle on the side when I'm feeling spicy/bored, but I'd like to make my main role better.

    A problem that I run into is how exactly to impact games in a way that doesn't negate me as a part of the team/render me behind.

    This relates to CS, teamfights, all that jazz.

    So what I've tried is playing the game two ways: The first is to stay toplane for as long as possible, CSing and 1v1ing my laner. Sometimes I win lane, sometimes I lose lane, but I just kinda stay there sieging tower until I'm forced to leave by losing my tower/getting their tower, or get collapsed on from my falling mid towers.

    Doing this I can basically hold the enemy toplaner in the lane with me (They have to stop my splitpush), rendering the game effectively a 4v4, where the result is dependent on how my mid and botlane did. They did good? Free win. They got rolled? Free loss. Complete coinflip that I can't control as I sit in toplane chillin' with my 7-8 CS/m.

    This is the playstyle I adapted when I was new, and what I usually play like now.

    As a test I tried playing the opposite way, attempting to spend as little time toplane as possible. Get my core items that I need to function as a champion (eg sunfire cape on ornn), then leave and go mid or get objectives.

    Doing this turns the game into an ARAM fairly fast as my botlane gets their tower then says "Ooh, top's joined mid, let's go there too!". Once the ARAM hits my gold income drops through the floor unless I got a lead and/or got lucky kills during the aram. I tested this scientifically, by measuring my CS/min at different points. It goes from 6-8/m in lane, to like 2-3 CS/m while ARAMing (I take some minions, jungle camps, etc), leading to a game average of like 4-5. I can CS well... but only when I'm in lane.

    However, this playstyle leads to the most impact, especially if I'm on a teamfighting/tank champion. My personal skill matters, and I can make my team win if I make spicy plays, but I won't do particularly well if they're in need of carrying or similar. I essentially render myself a support with support income. Not fed enough to roll the enemy singlehandedly because my CS is trash (because I left lane), so I just act as the secondary engage.

    This is even worse if I did badly for the short period in lane, now I'm behind, the enemy top is ahead, and they're either going to splitpush it hard (I leave, they don't) with their gold lead or join fights with me and kill my team.

    Ultimately though this playstyle makes me feel like I'm a factor in the match, which is what I'm looking for. Only problem is I can never be the carry, either "neutral and making plays/not" and "behind and feeding in TFs due to being behind".

    I have never been able to get a lead early, and maintain it through the whole game, ultimately being the reason why my team wins. Never. I've been fed before, like 10/0, but often that coincides with EVERYONE winning lane because the enemy are boneheads, and thus it doesn't matter what I do with my lead unless I int.

    What I'm looking for is an effective playstyle that lets me get solid CS through the whole game and get items, even leads (I can lane and win lane (including "don't int them and you're good" lanes) decently regularly, but I lose it by not using it or by joining teamfights too early), AND actually contribute and make my games non-coinflip 5v5s as they're supposed to be.

    So, a few direct questions:

    • How do I freeze minions to farm continuously after towers have fallen? I know how to freeze in a lane with all 3 towers up, but once towers fall something funky happens and I cannot farm the wave without shoving it, no matter how little I hit them. If I could do this (eg freeze it in front of my T2) then I could farm a lot better as I wouldn't have to extend beyond my lost tower to farm (causing enemy collapses) or wait for it to push all the way back to me.

    • Do I need to assist with all objectives? (Either I have TP but had to use it to get back to lane, or I don't have TP... do I walk down river?) Sometimes I'm able to actually TP to an objective and it works, but I can't necessarily know if my presence is even needed. Often I've TPed but the enemy weren't even gonna contest dragon anyway, and I just lose farm/XP/Tower in exchange for "take dragon faster XD".

    • If my team is ARAMing, do I ignore that (even if the enemy top is with them) and keep farming/whacking away at tower? When is ARAMing the right call? Can I punish enemy ARAMing (if I splitpush to T2 towers they just pull off the ARAM and come kill me, then return to it)?

    • I don't really splitpush because I haven't found it to be effective (they just send one random semi-useless person (often it's my enemy laner that I stomped!) to stop me, and since I can't just towerdive them to keep pushing, I'm held off while my team loses 4v4). Do I need to get so much of a lead that they need to send multiple people? How would one splitpush if behind? And don't say "But then how do enemies do it?" because they don't. I couldn't count how many enemy splitpushers I've seen negated by some random 0/3 person puppyguarding our tower so they can't get it, and then winning because the splitpusher had a lot of their team's power. Maybe that's just an elo-based thing.

    • This ties into the previous point. If I leave and my laner doesn't, how much priority should I put on stopping their splitpush? Sometimes the enemy holds me in lane as Yorick or something because if I leave for like 2 mins I lose a whole tower, even if I rendered them super behind (I can just come back and kill them again, but they just int for the tower over and over). Sure, I can sit there puppyguarding the tower, but again, 4v4 coinflip.

    • If I get a lead, how do I power up my teammates? I've had games where I get a big lead because I'm absolutely smurfin' on my opponent, but then I end up getting eventually shut down by someone on the enemy team who's also fed/neutral, and once I'm dead they can just deal with the rest of my team. How can I make my lead transfer to the rest of my team so they can't just focus me to win? Even if I roam to mid I often just end up killing them, which makes my lead bigger, but my midlaner is still behind/neutral. The best I've been able to do is emit "big dick energy" at objectives to encourage enemies not to contest, but if my team is behind that doesn't really work.

    • I can sometimes roam to midlane via walking to help them out if they're getting camped, but botlane is a mystery. TP is often on CD, and even if I can TP to botlane the enemy bot either: Books it to their tower so hard they leave behind dust in the shape of their silhouette like a cartoon, or just collapses on me 2v1. I've rarely been able to TP botside, and have that result in kills for me/them (unless I'm playing Shen). Do I just have to hope that they go neutral+?

    Sorry this is so long, but hopefully it makes me easier to help. Appreciate all insight even if you're silver like me.

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    How to reduce the amount of times I die?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    Hi, so basically I have this big problem which is, many games, when I check my KDA I often have the most deaths on my team, maybe 1 or 2 more than the second worst ally if we are not losing a lot.

    There are some games I play well if I win lane or something, and when I have an advantage and actually have the strenght to play offensive my score isnt that bad and I can even carry a few games.

    I feel that if I could reduce the amounts of times I die, I would be a pretty good player, but I usually take bad decisions being too agressive because I feel like if I dont kill the enemy I will keep losing lane or something. The fact I main Irelia doesnt help as you have to be very careful in many top matchups and engaging carelessly means death with her.

    So, what would you suggest to help me stop dying that much? Thanks a lot for your time I really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Omehaktl
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    Support Main - Loving Brand

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    Hi lovely League community!

    I play support and I really enjoy. I sometimes dabble with Mid lane, but for ranked purposes I am a support main through and through.

    My friend who I play with is currently maining Ashe. It works for us, we are both Silver 2 in flex. We haven't done our solo/duo ranks and probably wont at this point, both trying to get gold with our other mates in flex.

    My go to Supports are, Brand, Morgana, Senna, Nautilus, Xerath. I tend to play rather aggressively.

    Anyway, is this a good combo the further we go. Also who else is good or even better with Ashe?

    Cheers for all your help!

    submitted by /u/Joeyjoejoeington
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    Looking for a peeling advice for supports

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Is it worth peeling as a tanky support for an adc that is constantly mispositioning and not respecting the other supports engage range. Quite often (bronze II btw) adc's are literally standing in the open for thresh / blitz / naut to grab them and then blame me for not "peeling" saying that i should literally sacrifice myself for them to stay alive. Which i honestly doubt they would anyways judging by their positioning. It's like oh yeah, i should die 5 times in a row just because you wanna serve yourself on a plate to the enemy. What do you guys do in these types of situations ? Do you try to protect your adc at all costs or just try to at least save yourself from dying and then support someone else after the laning phase ?

    submitted by /u/HGT_Freak
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    Need advice with always playing from behind and climbing in general

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    So this season is going absolutely terribly for me since the start. I've tried all the roles , all the ways to play, to non stop gank, to just purely play based on objectives,perma roam etc. And absolutely nothing is working it just feels like the game is against me. If i get ahead on any lane the other lanes lose really hard without jungle pressure or anything and it always goes to blaming other lanes or the jungler and the game is usually over before 20 minutes. So here i am asking for advice as to what i should do to win as at this point it just seems impossible to win more than i lose. Here's my op.gg. I usually try to stick to one lane which is usually jungle as thats the lane that helped me climb the most in the seasons before but this season whenever i play jungle i usually get blamed nonstop when my lanes lose 1v1 or 2v2 and just imediately go jungle diff which just makes me never want to play jungle again so i just go and play midlane or any other lane, i usually win lane and then try to extend my lead to other lanes but by the time i even try to roam either the enemy lanes are already super ahead or they already have their lanes tower down and just go aram.

    submitted by /u/HeeCiuP
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    I need some help, please!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I know I'm bringing nothing new to this subreddit and this question must have been answered a million times but: WHAT THE HELL DO I DO AFTER LANNING PHASE?

    Allow me to start by introducing myself. I'm Indiemastor, a silver Xerath otp that started playing at the beggining of season 6. As everyone who started back then, I was firstly an Ashe main, tried all the adc's available back then, but never really used my time to learn anything other than to poke with Ashe. Those who remember s6 will also remember armor pen Varus mid (a bit different from what we have nowadays) which work as a trasition from adc to poke champions in the mid lane, finally settling with Xerath.

    Ever since I started playing I've felt like I was improving. Not only did I feel that, as my ranking experience confirmed it. S6 ended up in Bronze, S7 and S8 in low Silver and last season in Gold. But right now I feel like I'm stuck.

    My lanning phase is good. Rarely lose lane and even when I do, I never feed or just fuck up the entire game for everyone. I'm always looking to find advantages in lane and when I get them, I'm normally very oppressive. I keep my eyes on the minimap, trying to find opportunities to Ult other lanes or help the jungler and be as impactful as possible. I know my farm isn't perfect but it's always around 6/7 per minute, sometimes 8 or 9. Harder matchups are normally around 5 tho.

    Late game is also something I'm quite confident with. As a Xerath I just double-Q squishies into oblivion, stay back in teamfights and do as much damage as possible, avoid getting picked off by any opponent. I'm good at sieging turrets and poking the enemies before teamfights (as I should, right), bla bla bla.

    I always itemize against the enemy team too. Morello against heal, magic pen against mr stacking, liandrys against hp stacking, etc.. I also match my second summoner to my lane opponent.

    I don't die a lot. In the past 10 games, I've never died more than 3 times in a match. I average a kill participation of around 50% and a KDA of 6. My vision score is always the second highest after the support (playing in silver sometimes is even higher than him), and I never forget to buy at least a pink ward for lane (I don't usually buy them after lanning phase - explain next).

    With that being said, I don't feel like I'm getting any better or any further now because I just don't know what to do between lanning phase and teamfighting phase. I don't know where to go, where to ward, what to do, anything really... Normally, I just stick to my lane, farm, ult other lanes and help my jungler get some objectives (if he's feeling like getting some) and pray my teamates will join me here to teamfight.

    So, can someone actually give me some good advice? What am I doing wrong, where should I focus to improve, anything... BUT MOST IMPORTANT: WHAT CAN I DO AFTER LANNING PHASE?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/rubsbythesea
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    A Noob’s Tale … There and Back Again

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    Working remote. Bored to tears. Netflix. Documentary. League of Legends. "WTF is this?", I said to myself. By the end I really wanted to play that game. I'm not a gamer newbie. Some limited experience in RP … more in FPS because someone has to shoot those damn zombies. But MOBA … zero. So I D/L it and install. It's a little daunting, but I know that most games are to start. I plod ahead. Tutorials … training. And then proceed to make a total fool of myself in the first game. Lesson learned. I retreated. Read infinite blogs and tutes. Then started playing bots. Getting comfortable. I still suck hardcore, but the game is slowing down. I'm seeing more and more. And while I'm light years from being any good I thought I'd give my "total beginners' take" on things while it's really fresh in my mind.

    OK, what have I learned that I can … in all humility … impart to anyone starting out? In no particular order …

    1-I don't know where all the talk of toxicity comes from. Despite being a Titanic sized boat anchor no one ever flamed me. Everyone was fine. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but if I had to guess I'd say a few ruin it for the many. And of course it's more prevalent in ranked games … I get that.

    2- RP … don't buy any. Let me clarify that. I cringe when I hear people say they're never going to put money into a game they're actively playing. You spend $4 for a coffee at Starbucks. Here's something giving you untold hours of enjoyment. And you still won't drop a few bucks on it? We all should support the games we love. It's just there's a good chance that you'll regret any purchase you make in the first few weeks. Wait a bit till you figure things out more. Then yeah … give Riot some love … buy some RP when you know how to spend them.

    3 – Pick a champion and learn how to play him/her/it. Concentrate on one. Research it … try a few out … then commit. If you bounce back and forth too much you're just eating one learning curve after another. Get comfortable. Do your homework.

    4 – Don't worry about getting killed. I know lots of people really prioritize survival. That's not wrong unless you take it too far. You also need to learn strategy. Sitting back and farming minions under a turret won't advance your game. Leave your lane once in a while and try to bag a kill. I'm not saying go all kamikaze … just pick your spots, and get in the fight.

    5 – Learn the language. You'll be lost if you don't do this. Google is your friend.

    6 – Mechanics. To avoid debate, by mechanics I mean hitting the keys that you intend to hit … quickly and instinctively. You've just got to practice. The tool helps to some extent, but games are better.

    7 – Team fights and end game melee. This is still the hardest part for me. My brain just shuts down, and I become an easy kill. What helps is movement. Don't stand still … ever. And don't go too deep until you have a solid shot at someone.

    8 – CS like crazy. Learn to 'last hit'. Don't get bored by farming and do crazy stuff. Be patient. This is very important.

    9 – Spend your hard earned gold wisely. Get an idea what the best build is, and save up. Just because you got killed doesn't mean you have to empty your pockets. Wait until you have enough for a difference maker. ** OK, I'm really wrong on this one ... read comments **

    10 – Be aware. Watch the mini-map to avoid surprises. And monitor your levels. It's better to channel back to base then to get yourself killed.

    Whew, I didn't think I'd be that long winded. Anyway, offered with the complete knowledge that I know nothing about LoL. Helpful hints and comments always appreciated. GLHF.

    submitted by /u/Krow101
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    If you're serious about Ranked, is it bad to play Normals because of the bad habits?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    So I've just started playing Ranked after playing hundreds of Normals over a ~ year. And even though I was already very competitive playing Normals, I'm now trying my hardest to improve every little detail of my playstyle for each Ranked game I play. I scrutinize my replays, think hard of win conditions/team comps/etc before games even start.

    I already feel like a lot of my games in Normals were more harm than good--they taught me the very basics of mechanics for my main champions and what you should generally do, but they also gave me bad habits. For example some of my Ranked games I've mindlessly walked just a little bit out of position in lane and gotten punished severely or solo killed for it. In Normals I'd used to do that stuff all the time and get away with it.

    Anyways, TL;DR: My limit for playing Ranked in a day is 2-4 games before I know I can't give it my 1000% concentration anymore. I want to play Normals after but I feel it'll give me bad habits since I want to play Ranked exclusively

    submitted by /u/MyNinjjaz
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    I am going 1-4 in my placements

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    I have recently started playing this game while I had plenty of time at home, I have been mailing ADC and Top Lane. This week I hit level 30 and was excited to go into Ranked. One problem, in all 4 games so far, I have been matched up against high silvers and low golds, while my provisional rank is Bronze IV. Is there anything I can do to get matches with other bronzes and silvers and lower my MMR?

    submitted by /u/ThatFuckinPlatypus
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    early cs?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    I'm very bad at the game. (Iron III MMR) I feel like if I get better at csing I can carry as everyone else is bad at it too in this mmr. I keep running into a problem especially in the first 3 or so waves. In which, two or three minions reach low health at the same time forcing me to loose cs. Is there a way to spread out the damage so I can cs and not loose any to this?

    submitted by /u/Silent_star1111
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    Should I get refillable pots or rejuvenation bead as an ADC in low elo?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    I'm playing ADC in low elo and I usually buy refillable pots for the sustain but I noticed that sometimes I forget to use them correctly. I know refillables aren't super viable at high elo, I just buy them now because a few extra points of health between trades can mean the difference between life or death sometimes. Should I stick with refillables, or are the rejuvenation beads better? They're more passive and heal more health over time but they don't really help when I need to heal up quickly.

    Edit: Of course I mean second back, I always buy Doran's Blade and a red pot right off the bat.

    submitted by /u/spencerthebau5
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    Am I wrong to be too passive a player?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 01:07 AM PDT

    I'm a Silver 4 Top/ADC main. Played a game as Ashe/Fiddle into a Jhin/Morgana today and got absolutely destroyed. Knowing that one Morgana Q can CC-chain you out of half a health bar with Jhin around, I decided to play extremely passively. Stepping up only to last hit, making sure to be covered by minions while doing so. Well, it seemed my Fiddle and I were not on the same page as he continuously overextended and by minute 4 he'd gotten himself caught I had to use my heal to bail him out. The next time this happened, when I didn't have a heal to save him, I had to extend to apply some pressure so that he can maybe survive and that's when Jhin and Morgana started focusing me all the way back to our tower leading to a tower dive with all 3 of us dead and Fiddle having gotten 2 kills. I beg him to stay back over chat to no avail as he completely ignores me. This scenario repeats 2-3 times, netting Jhin an IE to my measly Bilgewater Cutlass.

    By the time laning had ended, I was so behind that Jhin could literally Flash Q W E Auto me to death and there was nothing I could do about it, meaning farming alone is a no no. I tried grouping with my team as Ashe provides some utility with her built-in slow and R, but between Morg's E and their fed Fizz I could barely last long enough to use them, and when I did Morg would just E whoever she saw I was going to hit, rendering me basically useless for the rest of the game no matter what it was I did.

    Game ends with all but one person out of my team having fed. I get flamed for being "basically AFK". I tell Fiddle respectfully that maybe if we'd farmed out laning we would've been in a better position by the midgame, to which he responds saying I'm making excuses cause I'm bad.

    I just can't help thinking that maybe he has a point. I play REALLY passively as an ADC. I'd rather farm up till I hit my powerspike rather than going for an all-in that has a chance at costing us the game. I go out of my way to avoid a skirmish out of fear that a jungler around the corner can turn it around into their favor. In this particular scenario, though, I feel like maybe playing more aggressive could've netted a better result. If not a victory then at least it wouldn't have given my team grounds to flame me.

    So when exactly do I play aggressive in lane? And how do I do so without the risk of snowballing the other team? Or ending up with an unfavorable trade that would put me at a disadvantage in lane?

    submitted by /u/IamSoEdGyYyYyYyYy
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    Climbing and things I need to learn

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    Hi there, I am trying to climb up to diamond this season, I went from bronze 1 to gold 4 in about half a year, while trying to climb, I would mainly focus on matchups and map awareness and just spam games, but I want to know what other things I need to learn to climb to platinum and diamond. Am not hardstuck btw, haven't played for a month cause pc had a mental breakdown.

    Sincerely a dude who wants to climb

    submitted by /u/your_finances_
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    Before you switch to sweeper & farsight alteration, check out what your teammates have.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    I'd see my teammates have 2 sweepers two wards and i'd go ahead and take farsight alteration. I currently main adc so i often take this.

    too many times i'd check again seeing nobody has wards in their 4th slot anymore.

    support players can ward on their own, especially tanks and assassins but when it comes to enemies territory it gets harder for your enchanter/mage to sweep contested/enemies territory.

    So to be rather safe than sorry, keep your wards and use them. This is better especially good when you're a tanky champion whilst your support fellow is squishy like a nami or a vel'koz. If it's possible, you can literally escort your support fellow whilst you both sweep the map.

    i'm not saying this is mandatory, i'm just saying this is occasionally better. For example, umbral glaive champions are often able to just take your enchanter's recently placed ward in front of their eyes but they can't do the same to bruisers and tanks as often because it's much riskier.

    feel free to discuss

    submitted by /u/Zagan_baal
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    How can I improve my MMR enough to escape this cycle?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    I'm in Silver (OP.GG) and I've been playing a lot but I feel like the system has categorised me into some trash group of players.

    When I win I only get 16LP and when I get a defeat I lose 22LP (both numbers averaged). Even when I go on a win streak it takes me 7/8 games to reach promos for the next tier and I then have to win the promos too. Theoretically this means they think I'm playing way above where I should be but based on my match history that isn't the case…

    How am I meant to improve my MMR enough that I escape this cycle?

    submitted by /u/gprldn
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    How do I prevent the enemy midlaner from roaming?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    In a recent game I was playing Fizz into Talon. Talon would repeatedly push the wave to my turret, and then roam and look for ganks. I would ping whenever he left and then try to last hit minions as they crashed to my tower. However, Talon kept killing my bot lane, and they began flaming me. I stated that I pinged he was coming, but they said I need to "not let him roam."

    I'm not really sure what is meant by this. In this sort of situation, what is my best course of action? All advice is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/sassquatch2394
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    If you’re a support and have a crap/tear ADC, do the Bard Playstyle.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    I don't waste my time playing with crap adc players, waste of time. I just rush mobis and help the other lanes or roam with my jg, I might be a bit behind levels but at least I'm getting others fed.

    Even if you get this type of ADCs fed they're just going too end up throwing the lead with their crappy mechanics, especially with the maramuna/tear plebs rn.

    I don't mind an adc main going that build, but kinda tired rn of the ones just playing ADC cause they saw some pro/streamer doing it thinking they're on their way to the pro scene.

    I don't enjoy going exhaust nor do I play passive, once I get my lv2 I insta engage. I get my AD the kills and it kills me just seeing them buy tear when we back.

    submitted by /u/Toxic_Supp_Main
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    Silver elo. My CS is bad. Advice?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Tldr: my cs is bad consistently especially @10 and @15. This leads to me being behind my opponent and basically playing catch-up all game. Please help.

    Hey. I play ADC and have since season 3. I'm aware its considered the bad role at the moment but it's what I'm the best at. I've played ranked throughout the years but really only played league for shits and giggles with my friends.

    I took an extended break between s5 and s8 I think and recently came back for this year. I decided I wanted to actually git gud for once and climb my sad ass out of silver.

    The problem at the start of the year was so much of the game had changed from the years of yore and I had a thick layer of rust on that I spent the first split really learning everything over again.

    CS'ing has always been my Achilles heel. Either my opponent is bad and I get ahead by kills alone or I fall so miserably behind that I become a glorified cannon minion for the next 20 mins - end.

    Lots of guides on youtube and those league help sites hammer home how important good laning cs is. I've been in the practice mode for hours and focus on csing every game I play but I can never get enough to edge out any kind of impactful lead. While I can farm against the clock by myself rather well, once I have an angry Jhinn, support Brand, Morgana etc against me it all falls to crap. I can't maintain the tempo under pressure.

    So, any advice on significant ways to improve? I can go 7-9/min in training but I fight to get 5-6 against people.

    My summoner is Purodyuusaa and I play in the US if anyone wants to criticise my failures.

    submitted by /u/oncesanora
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