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    LoL Guide Top vs mid

    LoL Guide Top vs mid

    Top vs mid

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Recently I've been thinking whether to play mid or top, I have played mid before and I quite enjoyed it, but as I climbed from silver 3 to gold 2(I played either adc or mid, mostly adc) I realized that playing adc maybe wasn't for me. Maybe I didn't like the coinflip if I get a good support, but that's not the point. The point is I want to switch roles and I can't decide if it should be mid or top. Here are my thoughts on each lane. The thing I most enjoy is competition, it is important for me to climb. With that said:


    +(plus) You can affect the map more.

    • (minus) I feel that my biggest strength is wave management, I enjoy freezing, building small advantages and playing it slowly, playing with the wave. In mid I feel like that isn't as affective, afaik its mostly shove and roam right now.

    • (minus) the queues even in gold for mid are actually quite long.

    • (minus) most of the mid laners I had were actually good and both team's mid laners were kinda even, and I lost most games because enemy jax became unstoppable.


    +(plus) I feel that knowing what to do with the lane is more rewarding top. And that's what I know best.

    • (minus) you're kinda isolated and you can't impact the map as much as you would in mid.

    • (plus) you're kinda isolated and if you get a lead you can really snowball the game.

    • (minus) your teammates will expect you to play tanks. I don't enjoy being just a tank and relying on my teammates to carry.

    • (minus) teemo.

    ? I enjoy playing champions like jayce that can punish the opponent in early and have impact as a split pusher later in the game.

    I know that this +/- list was kinda short so I would appreciate if u gave ur thoughts and added more stuff.

    Even though I'm just a low elo player I'm looking to improve because I feel like I can be so much better if I find my role.

    Thanks in advance.

    EDIT: also one of the reasons why i prefer top lane is because i dont like playing against mages and i like playing ad vs ad melee vs melee

    submitted by /u/SlumpiWumpi
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    How to counter illaoi?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Usually it goes 50/50, but whenever I encounter someone who actually mains that monster I can't win lane. I dodge as many of her skillshots but if she is able to land her Q twice, I'm at half health. Her passive spawns way too many tentacles and if i clear a whole bunch out they just spawn back immediately. If I'm caught by her E, the tentacles that spawn hit you twice but if you leave them there, they will still attack you out of nowhere, even without illaoi using her W or anything to trigger it. The only way to engage her is when she uses or misses all of her abilities but even when she has 1 health and you have 100, she can R/W you and kill you instantly, if I try to stay i die, if I run away I'm slowed and die.

    submitted by /u/hazelwolfhart
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    Veigar players, does anyone have a good pattern for dividing between stacking and normal farming?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    every game I used to come up with a new way to divide between using Qs and Ws. that had been going on until one pattern clicked: W melee minions - Q melee minions - W mage minions - Q last melee minion and if there is a canon minion, he's probably been hit by both Ws. (this pattern is obviously for when your W starts to one shot mage minions).

    But the thing is, this pattern is nothing except spontaneity. So i decided to ask you ,the community, if someone made up a Veigar's most efficient farming pattern?

    submitted by /u/Zagan_baal
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    I can't control my own jungle. Could any higher level junglers give me tips?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 01:36 PM PDT


    I'm a jungler in high gold desperately in need of some help. I actually have a really good winrate (mainly due to micro & minimap awareness) but my jungle macro is pretty bad and I'm afraid I'm going to run into a wall eventually. I'm keenly aware of my massive weaknesses; it mostly has to do with the psychological/mindgames aspect of jungling.

    Don't really know how to get into this, so maybe I can lay down a couple points I struggle with and you guys can give me tips/recommendations? Here we go:

    • I lose one of my two jungle buffs in at least half of my games. If I start bot buff (standard) by the time I clear and get to the top one, it's gone. I started to ask my top to ward it, and they do sometimes (it's a gamble at this ELO I find). The problem is that even when it's warded and I see the enemy at my red, by the time I get there they've smited it and ran away. If I leave camps bot to rush to red (like Gromp & Red) I find it puts me behind. How do you deal with this?

    • Related to previous point: most people have told me to mirror it (as in if you see them at your buff, go get their opposite one). This sounds great in practice but I've found to be in the ELO where people are getting good enough to ward and peel to counter this; like the support warding red etc. For instance if I do top blue (mine) > bot red (theirs), their bot lane might peel to come get me, denying me the buff. And then I'm behind on levels, or worse, I die.

    • The obvious solution to this is to get my team to do the same to them; e.g. if they come to my top red, my top peels for it. But I find that it's often not the case and not everybody does (or can) do it. How do I play around this? I previously climbed to plat playing top as I basically only needed to rely on myself. I won lanes more than I lost, so given the 40/40/20 principle, I climbed swiftly. I find that in the jungle, if the enemy team decides to ward outside their lanes, it makes my life pretty miserable as I am essentially denied enemy jungle access.

    • I'm often scared to go into enemy jungle. I know I can't 1v2 (I'm not a Jax main!) and often find the rewards not worth the trouble. The problem is that sometimes I'll play against an enemy jungler that does it and it puts me behind as my own jungle is lacking camps. I don't favor playing the high-risk/high-reward game of counter jungling (see point above, I find it's really risky). Is this something I absolutely, categorically have to do (and gamble on whether or not an area is warded, etc.) or is there a way around it?

    • First scuttle scares me. I find it's basically luck on whether or not you're going to run into the opposition. It's mind games to guess where each jungler will go, and as a poor low level dueler, I struggle to not get gibbed. I usually do scuttle towards the end of the clear (but not too late otherwise it's gone) and don't have a full HP bar at that point, so it's sometimes a struggle. How do you guys decide which scuttle to go for? I know a lot of you will say "learn jungling routes" but I find that in gold, honestly some people just do whatever and nothing lines up with the videos I found. Also, I find the enemy mid often accompanies their jg to fight over scuttle, while mine does not. This forces me to abandon it, and puts me behind when done repeatedly. I find this is basically a lottery to see if I have a mid that cares.

    • Lastly, I find myself often under-leveled compared to the opposition. This makes the 8 mins mark miserable, as it's really really hard & scary to gank a lvl 6 Darius at lvl 5, for example. I feel like if I farm too much (i.e. always clear my jungle) my laners get behind from enemy gank pressure, but if I don't I fall behind on levels and then it's all over. How do you guys balance farming/ganking?

    Thank you in advance, and sorry for the many questions. Again, my map awareness/warding is good I think, and I generally keep track well of the enemy jungler well, my problem is mostly about the psychological aspect/mind games that come with jungling I guess. I started playing jungle as I found it to be a role where you can really influence the way the game goes and have map presence; which I think is my greatest strength. I'd just like to be able to rely the least possible on my teammates.

    Thanks a bunch guys

    submitted by /u/BigTesco69
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    How to properly utilize early gold lead and transition into Mid game

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    i wanna give out a simple tip that is really under utilised in under gold - plat elo.

    https://ibb.co/rF6VjXp - image example

    Where at 10 minutes Caitlyn was 2k gold ahead of Kai Sa and same was for support Swain, both with completed items. and 2-3 level lead. with this gold/xp lead Cait lost game because she never left bot lane and tried to push for inhib never freezing either, which gave Kai sa some gold and xp to breath.

    basically she wasnt threat anymore because she refused to leave bot lane, which gave us time to catch up and win game. the main carry was Sett who at 15 minute was way less fed then Cait but because cait was nowhere to be seen sett was hard smurfing on whole map.

    so with this info i want to say that when you take bot tower and drake there is absolutely zero need for adc to ever visit bot lane basically ever again, she should be rotating mid and pushing her advantage for turrets and herald which would transition in baron and a game.

    also to midlaners when you have botlane rotate to mid you should always go bot lane and start farming there but for some ungodly reason they take it as personal offense and start tilting (shoutout to Yasuo players), because if you stay all 3 people are getting behind slowly in xp and in gold, also bot lane xp and gold is lost, basically 95% of the time you want to rotate to bot lane and give midlane to botlaners,

    submitted by /u/YouareDumbass
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    My cs/m is drastically worse on assassins than mages.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    If I'm playing something like Syndra, Viktor or Cass I'll maintain 7.5-9.5 cs throughout the whole game. When I play assassins though my cs'ing falls of drastically after laning phase. I'll get like 8/m in lane but I kinda start team deathmatching a little bit just because I feel like as an assassin you're looking to get an advantage and end as soon as possible. On champs like Fizz, Zed and LeBlanc I'm pretty much always at like 5.5-7 but I can very clearly feel the impact of having low cs. It's just that assassin cooldowns are important and don't take jungle camps that well. Any advice for this?

    submitted by /u/bbjimin
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    What Is the best build for volibear?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    I am currently at silver 3 and I found out that volibear is pretty broken at the moment. I created a build for him which is I go rageblade then gunblade and go straight tank. I am doing pretty good with this build I was on a 5 game winning streak but when late game comes, I found out that I am very squishy and will die a lot faster than normal. So what I am asking is that what runes and build is the best for volibear and whether or not my build is good.

    submitted by /u/IAmNot0K
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    Defense against Zed's ult: during Death Mark, or when it pops?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    How do I play Fiddlesticks?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    I downloaded league purely to play fiddlesticks (and none of my friends play smite anymore) but I have no idea how to play him, what to buy, where to go so I just wanted some general advice.

    I know someone that plays league and he told me that I can play Fiddlesticks as a bottom until I'm level 9 and then I can play him as a jungler, is this true or will I just suck as a bottom with him?

    submitted by /u/Aezaellex
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    I noticed that world championship teams die a lot less in professional matches than people in solo queue do, is it something that should be copied in soloq?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    I watched a few games of LEC and the first thing that I noticed was "damn, pro teams have like less than 15 kills/deaths per team at the end of each match." Now I (as many others) am trying to climb as high as i can (just got out of iron :D) and I wonder if this is something that I should try myself. On one side, it's cool, I can try to run away whenever somebody is close to killing me, but in the late game both me and my opponent will be 0/0/0, and that's assuming he doesn't roam. I will easily lose even to a 3/4 enemy because he's 900+ gold ahead of me. So should I (generally, because I know it's situational) try to not die like the pros or take the risk like other low elo players?

    submitted by /u/alekdmcfly
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    I'm having trouble clicking enemy champs during skirmishs

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    I'm a fairly new player, only level 40. I'm still searching for my role, but a problem I consistently have is misclicking during fights. I always kind of panic and just fail to hit the right champs, or anything at all. I'm trying very hard to improve, and I feel this really hinders me. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/yoav25
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    A Question about Ping etiquette and a personal example. Pls Help!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    So me and a few friends bought a PC at the start of the year and started playing League. Me, not having watched any Vids or Pro league before this am now playing top lane. And two of my friends, now the Bot Lane, have been more active in the scene than me, so naturally they are better than me as they aren't learning the game from almost zero. Keep in mind we are all Bronze or Iron players.

    At first my calls were pretty non-existent. When my Laner left lane i would ping after I gave him enough Time to be half-way down river as he might just be waiting for me to push the lane back a little and doesn't want to commit too much as he may get ganked. That was a big problem for my, then Jungler, now support and I kept getting flamed. So i changed and pinged earlier which I think is understandable. Because I almost never followed he got invaded by top and jungle and probably died as he can't win a 1v2 mid farming. But if my Laner goes roaming and never returns after a few minutes i'm not going to ping him missing again as he never returned. You got my missing Ping and know he is gone.

    Do I ping him missing every 20 secs? I don't think i should.

    This also just happened. I wasn't part of this game so i don't know the exact circumstances. Top Lane kills Kayle. Kayle sees an opportunity and TP's. Killing the Bot lane. And here he goes again.

    "Why didn't you say she may teleport? I'm going to let it slide one more time and explain again why my death was your fault!"

    The same thing happened to me recently as well. I just died top lane and am walking back. Someone killed Kayle and she decides to Teleport to our Blue Buff, effectively flanking the 4v4 going on mid lane at the first enemy Tower. She literally just spawned, walked towards Inhib and TP'd. And now it's my Fault, just having arrived at my Tower, that I didn't Ping her missing because she just died. Like, what? The actual, what?? What would my missing ping change about you overextending the fight???

    His argument is that he is too busy fighting to look at map. I doubt that. He is the damn Tank support. You don't do that much as a support to be so busy you can't spare a glance at the Death Notification popping up on your screen. You're never to busy to see the Death Notification appearing on the middle of your screen.

    Am I at Fault??? This here is the exact reason why i just stopped playing LOL reguraly with them. I am tired of having a flaming Support to busy to look at map and a crying ADC that keeps complaining how useless their Role is. Can someone please explain Ping etiquette to me.

    submitted by /u/Sir_Zodiac13
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    How to play melee champs?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    I'm an adc main and I sometimes play support and mid. I want to learn how to play top but I have no clue how to play melee champs and how to play against melee champs since 95% of the champs I play are ranged. Any tips? I'm so used to playing adc and farming as an adc so how hard will it be for me to switch to playing top and melee? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/soraxx_
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    Most optimal ADC build path. Debate between a duo partner and me.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    Just as the title says, im a hungle main and my duo is an adc main. He has this concrete build he wont change at all every game when he plays adc and it goes as follows:

    Essence Reaver- IE - crit cloack - crit cloak - into 2 zeals.

    his philosophy is to get 100% crit as early as possible. He mains MF for more context.

    it works some games but other games his damage feels lackluster. I dont know a lot about adc.

    I am plat 4 and he is gold 3.

    my question is how to get him out of this mindset where this 100% crit build is the only thing that does damage. Is this the best build? how does the dps of this build compare to other adc builds?

    submitted by /u/kevkobarz
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    Coup de Grace is a dead rune, you realistically should take Cut Down every game as an ADC.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    TLDR: If you buy no health items as an ADC Cut Down far outperforms CDG at every single stage of the game with the sole exception being the tiny space of time where no one has bought any health items, or if you're fighting the enemy adc directly.

    With tanks like Ornn, Volibear, Malphite, Maokai, Mordekaiser, Sett and Darius all being top tier and how much healing there is in the game it is just better to always take Cut Down. Coup De Grace is good early to give you a bit extra to finish the kills to snowball, but with how long the average game is does it even give that great of a value? Cut Down gives you up to a bonkers 15% bonus dmg if they have 100% max health more than you and this is constant as opposed to Coup De Grace that only gives 8% max and requires you to drop them below 40% to even get it, 15% front loaded dmg is massive compared to 12% back end damage.

    I think it's critical because of the insane healing and how much dive tanks have as well. If you're an ADC and the enemy Voli has a hard-on for you and commits flash + ult onto you wtf can you really do? You might flash + heal plus kite with some help from your team, but with a spirit visage and 600 bonus health on top of self-healing how long is it before you see even a trickle of return from your Coup De Grace.

    If you see tanks on the enemy team you run it but I think it's essential in any game. You get 5% bonus dmg to anyone with at least 10% more max health, and as any ADC this equals to basically anyone who has bought a single kindle gem at any point in the game. So even if you give up first blood and lose lane pressure you're getting a bonus 5% dmg on all dmg to the enemy support even if you're behind, or enemy mid who has Morello/Liandry's, Ryleigh's etc.. This excludes enchanter who have super low HP, but a little extra dmg on Nami only when she has about 700HP and basically no armour versus 10% on Aatrox at full hp is probably still more value.

    If enemy Ornn has 4000HP (which is just shy of 100% of the base HP of all AD's lvl 18, but easy calculation). Cut Down will deal 600DMG of that total amount. Meanwhile CDG will only deal 162DMG of that. This is a best case scenario because with healing delaying the CDG proc this difference would only increase. But on the base end, so say you're only getting 5% of Cut Down on the enemy mid with 2400 HP you're still getting an extra 120DMG, as opposed to CDG's 8% that would give you 76.8DMG.

    submitted by /u/_tyrannosauruswrekt_
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    Need Some Tips for Better Map Awareness

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I'm kinda new to the game (I've had an account since March last year but only recently started playing to improve). I'm mostly a toplane main, and I play mostly Camille, Fiora, and the occasional Sett. One of the things I have trouble with is getting ganked. For example, I'll Camille E onto the enemy for an all-in but then the enemy jungler comes out of nowhere and I end up dying or burning flash. I'd say I'm pretty good about warding river/bushes, but sometimes the jungler comes from behind when I'm pushed up. Also, if I die to a gank once, I also often end up getting camped and have a really hard time actually getting back into the game and helping the team out. So, I have two questions:

    1) How do I better track the enemy jungler so I can avoid ganks 2) How do I know if I'm going to get camped/how do I respond?

    submitted by /u/yoko02
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    katarina vs trundle and other beefy characters?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    I recently played against a trundle mid and I didn't really know what to do, felt like I could barely damage him and he could take huge chunks out of me very easily, is there any strategy for playing against beefier characters besides trying to ignore them and focus on blowing up anyone who can actually be burst?

    submitted by /u/hammerdeer
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    Custom item set not appearing in game

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    I googled for the answer first but everything comes back from 2016 or when a patch happens.

    I just got back into the game days ago and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the itemset to work in a game.

    I have been playing bots and not pvp if that matters.

    submitted by /u/AriesTR
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    Anyway to deal with an opponent who wont let you farm?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    So I had a game the other day where I was riven vs ornn and the ornn had complete dominance over the lane. I made up in my mind I was going to concede and just farm the lane. The thing is that I was hardly able to farm under tower because he really wasn't afraid of taking turret shots due to the tanky nature of his character, so he would poke/all in me constanty making it impossible for me to farm

    Stuff like this happens to me all the time in other match ups too, any advice on how to handle this and minimize loss of gold and xp?

    submitted by /u/JLWtheOtaku
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    How to switch from locked to unlocked cam

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I was wondering if you could help me transfer from only using locked cam to getting used to unlocked cam. I am a jungle main and I need to start learning how to unlock my cam when I go in for Hanks because I usually dont have any info when going in to gank. I usually play farm to 6 junglers, but recently I've been wanting to learn heavy gankers like kindred and graves, and I want to learn to do more effective ganks, and not just sit in my jungle until I can one shot people with evelynn in the late game

    submitted by /u/reinmans415
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    Keeping enemy inhibitors alive?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    I was watching Voyboy's stream yesterday and somebody in the game chat asked if they had "destroyed the enemy inhib too early" or something to that effect. Why might one want to not complete an objective if the opportunity is open? Deleting an inhib applies pressure that the enemy team has to deal with and opens up more of the map for your own team, so I'm confused why anyone would question the wisdom of getting rid of an inhib at any point in the game.

    submitted by /u/belligerent_ox
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    Learn to get carried

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    This may sound a bit stupid but the first rule to climb is to learn to get carried, you can be a great player but you ll still get some bad games ( getting camped / lagging / tilted / not your day) at some games like this you should always search for the key to win and play for it, fed midlaner ? Play around him, 1/0 late game adc? Give him all gold / kills that will get that power spike closer, sometimes all the team may be losing or it might be a coin flip but always remember : when your teammates are doing great don t be the one to give gold to the enemy and make it harder to your teammates

    submitted by /u/JusttttKidding
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