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    Thursday, July 30, 2020

    LoL Guide When you don't see an opponent or a teammate pings MIA, assume the enemy is in your lane, in the river bush, or are on their way so play back.

    LoL Guide When you don't see an opponent or a teammate pings MIA, assume the enemy is in your lane, in the river bush, or are on their way so play back.

    When you don't see an opponent or a teammate pings MIA, assume the enemy is in your lane, in the river bush, or are on their way so play back.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    Have been a top main since Season 3 peaking at Plat II, I decided this season to switch to mid because there are a lot of fun champions that only work in that lane that I wanted to try out. But there are some HUGE differences in the 2.

    1. Junglers are very present in the mid lane due to being in between 2 objectives and mid's impact on the map.
    2. Roaming : Whether it be you roaming bot/top, or the enemy mid roaming or enemy support/bot roaming to you.
    3. Champion mobility, a lot of champions in mid lane are very flashy and have a lot of mobility
    4. Clear speeds increase, in mid some champions can come to lane and clear a whole wave in 2 abilities, it's a lot slower top lane.
    5. MOST champions snowball. In top, there are snowballing champions but not too many, most you can recover from, but in mid, 90% of champions, especially assassins, snowball off of 1 - 2 kills so it's VERY important to not give up a death or allow your enemy laner to get a kill.

    Due to these things, a "new" game changing issue has become apparent to me. People are ignoring MIA's. I put new in quotations as it's not really new to the game, rather it's something that wasn't a huge issue top as most top laners rarely roam and mid laners usually choose bot to roam to cause they're squishy, so the issue is less apparent. But switching to mid, a MIA can shift the entire game. I have had to sit and watch the map as teammates die to enemy mid who roamed after I had spammed MIA several times. Usually the response from the lane that died is

    • "Wish I had a mid laner"

    • "Looks like my mid is sleeping"

    • "Mid can you follow up next time"

    ...etc. I'm sure all the mid mains know them.

    Usually as mid, the reason for me not following up is due to #3 or #4 from my list of differences. When you are under turret because you got shoved in you should NOT be following the enemy laner. You need to clear that wave and get your xp and cs, if you roam after the mid laner not only are you damaging your turret, you're also losing CS, losing XP and if you aren't able to get anything out of the roam you are now 1 - 2 waves behind the enemy roaming mid laner as they didn't miss much XP/CS as the wave bounced back to the middle. What the real solution to enemy roaming is for teammates to respect MIA's and back up unless they can take the 3 v 2/2 v 1, and have your ally mid clear their wave at turret and shove into the enemy mids turret and do some damage or follow with the jungler into the enemy jungle or grab objective...aka trade something. Now if the wave is neutral mid then you should follow up unless you are very behing and unable to add value to a roam. That is YOUR call, not your teams, don't let them bully you because you as VelKoz mid lvl 5 0/1/0 didn't follow up on a roam to a lvl 7 Zed 1/0/0 into a lvl 6 Cait 2/0/1 and a lvl 6 Leona 1/0/4. You will not be of much value or may basically be suiciding, shove the wave take plates or be impactful in some other way. (These numbers are made up)

    Even with top lane, if mid calls MIA or I can't see the mid laner on the map, I back up and farm safely until they appear on the map again. You should assume that if you can't see the champion on the map, that they are in your lane already. I have watched bot lanes that are taking plates, and my mid laner shoved and I can't see them so I call MIA then watch my map as my bot lane ignores the ping and guess who shows up behind them... This has been witnessed in every rank i've been to (So not Diamond+ cause I aint that good.) and is a huge issue. Maybe it's the fact that people /mute all which also mutes pings, which I don't think is a good idea, you should have to manually mute someones pings as you are removing any form of communication which is crucial to the game, but that's a different topic.

    Low elo games become exhausting as people continue to fight non stop for no reason hence why the higher the rank, the less total kills, as higher ranked players fight for reason and will get something out of a kill. But by fighting non stop in low elo, you begin to feel as though playing passive is losing? You should not be all inning/fighting unless you know where every player is on the map. I have had a missing Thresh show up in top lane so just because you're not neighboring lanes doesn't mean they're not coming for your neck. If your teammate pings MIA, back up and farm. You don't have to miss CS like you're getting harassed, but you need to be standing back so you are safe from ganks. This can literally change your game from a win to a loss because as #5 says, mid snowballs a lot, all the laner is trying to do is come bot/top to get an easy kill so they can snowball off that and come back to lane as a threat to your mid laner. You need to prevent this for the sake of the game. Champions like Talon, LeBlanc, Nunu Mid and Zed are shutdown heavily by team coordination and respecting a MIA call.

    TL;DR - If a laner calls MIA, or you don't see a champion on the map, back up. Before any engage or fight, look at your map and pinpoint where each laner is. If you don't know where 1 is, don't engage, hold off until you see them show up, because if you don't see them, assume they are in your bush or on the way.

    P.S. A lot of this also has to do with vision, but sweepers exist and not everything in the map can be warded and sometimes the ward doesn't give enough time for you to get to safety once you see the opponent so you need to be gone before you see them.

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    Why is Xerath considered a bad champion by so many players?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    Recently I've seen tons of people on YouTube and some forums saying xerath is pretty bad in the current meta and requires way too much skill to be viable, or the other mid to be dumb.

    But the thing is, everytime I've played with a or against a Xerath, they trash the opposite team, his poke is actually painful to deal with and he outputs a ton of damage, not to mention he can regen mana and snipe you with his ult.

    For real, I haven't seen a single bad xerath player in any game I've played... So why do people keep saying he's bad?

    submitted by /u/Ouvolo
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    Something to keep in mind while you are climbing/learning

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    I'm a Plat ADC player that plays off and of every season as a recent, but while I was really trying to learn and play the game I struggled with this and figured I would pass it along to some of my low elo friends here.

    I know a lot of people will tell you that in order to be good and win games you HAVE to hit certain metrics, like at least x CS/m, or don't die ever in any scenario, etc. and I just wanted to say that while these numbers do matter, and you should strive to hit these every game, if you don't hit them it's okay and just keep playing the game. I know I struggled with this a lot when it came to CS numbers I would frequently CS well in lane phase, get tower bot, go mid to siege mid (or top depending on game state) just for my mid laner to take the vast majority of farm mid and then my CS numbers tank, looking like I CS'd like shit. When this happened I would sometimes over-compensate and go to places on the map where I shouldn't be farming just for the number in the top right of my screen. It's okay to seemingly not hit these numbers, and to not get into a bad mental state when you don't. Same thing with dying, while you should try your best to never die, especially in situations where you don't gain much, you don't want to over do it where you aren't playing your role in the team. I could easily not die as an ADC in most games by never taking any risk at all, but in doing so I couldn't get any damage off in fights and I would probably be down in gold/levels vs. my enemy ADC.

    Just keep in mind this is a super dynamic game and not every number has to be perfect always.

    Keep climbing.

    submitted by /u/Snowey
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    when do you buy tier2 boots?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:49 AM PDT

    im a top laner and i see a lot of streamers doing different stuff, like someone finishes the boots after 2 items, some after the first, some immediately finish boots, so im confused on when to buy tier2 boots, ill usually get tier1 boots on my first back

    i play aatrox morde and sett, i only finish ninja tabi first when there is some heavy ad champ or mercurys when heavy cc, other than that i always buy tier2 boots after first item, but i see a lot of high elo ppl buying them much later so idk when i should be buying tier2 boots

    submitted by /u/shinolight
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    Junglers and Supports need to learn wave control.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    If you're a jungle or support player, you still need to understand wave mechanics to help out your laners.

    There have been so many times that I've been playing mid (main role) and my jungler takes my whole wave instead of setting up a freeze or just letting my wave be. Same with ADC (secondary role) and support.

    As a mid main, the worst way you can tilt me is by asking me why I didn't follow my laner on a roam when you can clearly look at my lane and see that I'm freezing and completely winning my lane.

    If you are a jungle or support main, please watch a simple wave control guide to make it easy for your laners to win you games.

    submitted by /u/TheoMorrison
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    Maokai Support Sapling Spots

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I created a video showing you some very useful spots where I've been throwing my saplings to in my games as Maokai Support. I'm using these a lot in mid-high diamond games. Maybe you can pick something up from that or start playing Maokai Support for yourself :D


    submitted by /u/LilSluggerZ
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    Is there ever a reason to go Luden's over GLP?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    Recently I swapped to playing midlane and while I do see a reason for some champs to go Archangels, I feel like GLP outclasses Luden's in every aspect unless you desperately need the waveclear.

    Statwise 400 gold seem quite a lot for only 10 additional AP and GLP's active also outshines Luden's passive in all-ins unless the enemies are very slippery.

    What am I missing here, considering that Luden's seems more popular? Would be great if someone could give some Insight:)

    submitted by /u/maiden_des_mondes
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    What is a cheater recall

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:59 PM PDT


    Basically this, you can do it on most of the champions on all lanes, you just have to prevent your opponent from thinning the wave, if successfully done you will have one item over your opponent wich is really good in early game. The steps i personally use are

    1- damage the ennemy caster minions but don't kill them on the first wave, prevent the ennemy from killing your casters

    2-once the second wave arrives finish the casters and prevent the ennemy from touching the wave at all, only last hit

    3- push as fast as you can with the power of your minions and your abilities, make sure the wave is going under the tower and recall

    Notes: all damages the ennemy does to you in the process is insignificant if you achieve the recall correctly. Make sure the jungler can't gank you at level 2 because you could actually loose your lane on this. It might be harder to execute if the enemy laner outranges you, on the other hand if you outrange your opponent you shouldn't hesitate to do it.

    submitted by /u/donatello_but_cooler
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    You Should Be Able to Play and Understand All Five Roles at a Fundamental Basic Level Before Queuing Up For Ranked.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    There are tons of "safe" champion picks who, while not as impactful or complicated, can at least hold their own and do the bare minimum of their role in each role. Everyone should have a basic grasp of each role before queuing up for ranked.

    I've been autofilled as all five roles (Top, Supp, Mid, Top, ADC) in ranked. I never fed a single game.

    While I do not always get my main, which is Jungle or Support, I can play all five roles at an adequate level so that people who excel at their role have a chance to shine without me weighing down the team giving my team a greater chance of success. I'm not as impactful as I am when I don't get my main role or champions, but that's no excuse for not doing my best and trying to create conditions where other people can still win and carry the game.

    I'm writing this post because I have lost games to people who try to bully other people to dodge queue when they do not get their one trick role/champion and they blame their team and Riot's matchmaking for not accomodating them.

    Everyone should realize that unless you dodge queue yourself, it is unreasonable and bad tactics to just expect someone else to be more well rounded and switch with you, or to dodge queue on your behalf.

    Everyone needs to take responsibility for themselves. Its unreasonable to expect someone else to be a jack of all trades and switch with you every game if you yourself are unwilling to be a jack of all trades. Its not only self centered, its losing you the game, LP, and the games of everyone unfortunate enough to get stuck with you.

    submitted by /u/pointme2theladies
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    Plat player here that has no clue on how to deal with garen

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    I legit dont understand on how this champ is fair. The rework just made him completly busted and the nerf that they made was removed. He is a tank that builds as and attackspeed and is still tankier than a tank because of his w doing everything a tank wants. Armor mr tenacty shield. what more can you want ? His e dealing 1k dmg while barly taking any dmg himself. I play Irelia, Camille akali top and i cant do anything vs him because of his dumb tanky stats and dealing tons of dmg

    submitted by /u/Nibla02
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    Why is Leblanc viable in proplay but zed isnt?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    basically title, was discussing it with a friend but didnt find a good reason besides ap mids being better for drafting than ad mids in most cases

    submitted by /u/Taiyox
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    Is game chat a necessity?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Hello fellow summoners!

    My name is LowPsyco, I just hit grandmaster again playing support (mostly rakan and a bit of taric), and I am here to share my opinion on game chat. To give a little bit of background information on why I am making this post, well let's just say that I was stuck diamond for a while, was toxic, typed alot and didn't improve a single bit. When I eventually got suspended for 14 days, I just promoted masters and decayed from my rank because of the suspension. I was very sad, but decided to reform. Forever. I completely disabled ALL chat and allied chat to try and challenge myself for a week. That week, I made it back to masters and saw exponential growth in terms of learning the game and correcting my mistakes. I then decided to activate allied chat, but mute everyone in my team. I could now type, without seeing what others would respond with. I would make macro calls in chat and time summoner spells (a flash is 5 minutes). I then activated the white timers in front of the messages(in settings) to ping the enemy flash when used, to then time it in chat while not in danger. I would copy that message (CTRL+A) (CTRL+C) and paste it when you could no longer see the timers in the chat (CTRL+V). Just by doing that and keeping a positive mental every game, I was able to go from D1 to Grandmasters, in less games than it took previously. In my opinion, chat is completely useless and nothing that you type in chat, whether its flame or constructive criticism, will change the way your teammates play that game. There is a quote that I like very much about this game and it goes like this : Lose is improve. Thank you all and have a nice day on the rift.

    TL;DR: I was d1 hardstuck and as soon as i got masters, i got banned making me lose my rank by decay. I disabled ALL chat, only used ally one to type summoners and mute all. Got Grandmasters way faster than normal.

    submitted by /u/LowPsyco
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    Information on how much damage champions do at what stage in the match?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    Specifically for top lane. I am a new player and just starting top but I don't know who i can or can't trade early against, who is weaker early but scales very hard etc. Is there somewhere I can find that type of information? For example (I have been playing adc til now) someone like Jhin is strong early compared to Kaisa who scales very hard, is that type of info available somewhere or just picked up from experience?

    submitted by /u/furbz420
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    Questions about Vi

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Hi guys, as the title says i have some questions about Vi, rn im in my promo to Silver and i play jg with nocturne and i need another champ in my pool, how i can start a TF? The ult of Vi it have no range compared to nocturne, should i use my Q instead? And who i need to target if i use my ult? The adc? Sorry if my english is not the best is not my native language

    submitted by /u/Calm_Driver
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    Should I replace Boots for a 6th full item?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    Let's say I'm playing Ezreal, and I'm super fed. I have 5 completed items + boots, and an Elixir of Wrath. Let's say it's also 45 minutes into a game and I have 3,000 gold just laying there.

    Would it be worth to trade out my boots for a completed 6th item?

    This question doesn't only apply to Ezreal (that was just an example), but to any champion in any situation where they are full build with enough gold to buy another full item.

    submitted by /u/realbigmemer
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    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Im a support main willing to teach other support mains. however i also jungle and adc. if anyone interested please comment and we can start today or tomorrow. GGHF all.

    submitted by /u/maddddbro
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    Looking for streamers that play my role (ADC) and if possible, my preferred champions.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    I'm not very well informed on the streamer world, so I wondered if I could get some name suggestions on people to watch who play ADC. I prefer to play Caitlyn, Ashe, Vayne, Tristana?

    submitted by /u/The_Stagfather
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    Hardstuck - A Movie About Climbing To Challenger In League of Legends

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Should you take outer towers before going for inner towers? [Tower Macro Questions]

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    This is a macro related question regarding which towers to focus on taking down. I've seen some guides say to take all outer (tier 1) turrets before attacking tier 2 inner turrets, and taking all tier 2 turrets before going for inhibitor turrets. Is this generally a rule you should stick by? I know it won't always be the case, as you can sometimes easily take a tier 2 turret early in the game if it's free, say like when you use rift herald and get 2 towers, or when you have to trade cross-map objectives if the enemy team is taking another objective on the map.

    I'll use my last game as an example. My team got an early lead and we took down bot and mid tier 1 and tier 2 early in the game. However, we only got the tier 1 top lane turret. So my team kept pressuring mid and bot inhibitor turrets while we mostly ignored top tier 2 turret. This stalled out the game for a while and the enemy team started making a comeback, even though we eventually won in the end. The enemy team was able to successfully defend against our push into the inhibitor turrets multiple times, and it was only after we switched our focus to top tier 2 that we were able to regain more of our lead.

    Was it a macro mistake to pressure mid+bot inhib turrets while ignoring top tier 2 for 5-10 mins? I know that things are situational, but there must be some general rules to follow? I want to understand macro at a better level and knowing when to prioritize which objectives.

    Sometimes it seems like a better game-plan to rush down the inhibitors when your team has the advantage, and when taking every outer tower seems like it would delay the game even further instead of trying to close out as soon as possible.

    Is this dependent on team compositions? I suppose if your team scales terribly and the enemy scales hard, it could be better to try to get an earlier inhibitor while ignoring the tier 2 turrets? Or would it always be better to take out the outer turrets before pushing for inhibitors? The macro seems to get a little more complicated here.

    submitted by /u/chemicaltrance
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    I want to learn from my playstyle?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    I've been playing League for about 2 years now (took like 8 months break and just started a month ago gain)

    I remembered my friend who was a challenger told me people have their style of role/champions, unless you dedicate to learn something else.

    I could agree but I just had to ask what other people are thinking about this. I use to only play adc but switched to jungle since I wanted to try something new. I kinda like it but it's a tiring role to play. maybe that means something?

    Also for champion. New champ lilla shown up and maybe I'm just extremely lucky... I have 85% winrate. Does that say something about what kind of style I should be looking for? Since I'm just starting to focus I want to be actually good at something.

    What can you usually say from your own gameplay. What kind of changes could you make from what.

    submitted by /u/PearlyKat
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    Differing opinions on how much dragons are worth?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    I've heard opposite opinions on the worth of dragons. Some have called the dragon soul one of, if not the most, important win condition in the game. Others have called dragon useless (or low value) because you can gain other advantages on the map with the time you used to take dragon. Some have said the team that is able to secure dragon is already winning in the first place, so the question is whether the dragon actually helps the team win, or that the winning team is able to take free dragons (giving the illusion that dragons cause teams to win).

    I can see merits to both sides of the argument. Dragon soul does feel very powerful, especially because you can often use dragon fights to bait the enemy team into getting picked off or dying in a team fight. One of the values of dragons is that it simply forces the enemy into making bad decisions, and it is psychologically demoralizing to be down dragons, or to have no dragon soul.

    On the other hand, the first two dragons can feel very lackluster. The stat bonuses can seem really negligible, and sometimes the time investment used to secure dragon seems like it could have been better spent either roaming, ganking, invading the enemy jungle, tower diving, or trying to take an enemy tower. Secondly, with Rift Herald being so powerful, Rift often seems like the better objective to get in the early game. Each individual dragon alone doesn't seem very useful. The objective kind of 'ramps up' and becomes more powerful the closer you are to the dragon soul. The dragons don't seem as useful for the stat bonuses as much as they seem like you're capturing 1/4th of a dragon soul. It doesn't seem very impactful until you are about to get the soul.

    So basically I'm confused because both sides of the argument seem plausible to me. Therefore I can't really tell whether dragons are super-powerful or basically worthless. I hope someone with greater game knowledge can chime in on the subject.

    submitted by /u/chemicaltrance
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    Why do a lot of adcs build manamune now?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Is it just because it makes you spike earlier when it stacks and synergy with presence of mind ?, if its just that why does it appear now nothing has changed in that item or rune recently

    submitted by /u/zazou003
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    Why isn't Shen a good jungler?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    This is probably a basic question but I'm a little new to League and I'm not sure why Shen isn't seen more often in the jungle since he has a dash, a slow and an ult which seems very strong coming out of nowhere. Can someone explain this to me, is it because his clear is bad?

    (This is a serious question, not an attempt to justify playing Shen ; ). I think I'd be a better jungler if I understood why he was bad)

    submitted by /u/jim_jaeger
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    Tips on how to ADC (especially with Xayah) effectively?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    I'm having trouble effectively playing as an ADC main, specifically a Xayah main. I recognize a lot of ADC and it's power comes from the effort of your support, but I've found from an individual level that I lack some critical aspects of playing that I, in one way or another, must address. These are what I feel are my most obvious problems, and I would appreciate any tips for them, including how to practice getting better at them.

    1) I don't kite well at all. Usually I'll just sit there and just auto + feather comboes, while my team keeps the opponent busy somehow. Sure, it works well when my team is nearby, but if I've 1v1 against a mage or something, because I don't have the habit, I'll usually get rolled by all their skillshots, or just not be able to auto as consistently since my AA + Kiting timing will be off (only getting 4-5 autos when I should be getting waay more).

    2) I'm really bad at avoiding skillshots. I've found the most trouble with people like Vel' Koz and his Q, and Lux's E. I find no matter what I do, I just never seem to be able to predict them, and will always get hit. This, of course, leads to me being low and easily killed by any engage.

    3) I'm bad at dealing with players with superior range. Caitlyn comes to mind, so does Senna and Ashe. I just can't seem to deal with them. I do buy Doran's shield into these matchups over Doran's Blade, but their superior poke from autos always whittles me down to oblivion, and I'm simply unable to do anything for it. Occasionally, when I have a support who engages often, I will win trades, but if it comes down to an enchanter support or something, I just get poked to death, or I'm forced to burn Q often in order to apply some level of pressure. It makes CS'ing very difficult.

    4) I suck at CS'ing. Like, a lot. I also suck when it comes to CS'ing under tower. I understand the basic idea, 2 tower, 1 AA for melee, and 1 AA, 1 tower, and 1 AA again for caster, but this doesn't always work when my wave comes along. They'll mess up my timing and cause me to lose 2-3 or even 4+ CS, which obviously adds up.

    submitted by /u/FrontearBot
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