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    LoL Guide You're Using Pings Wrong

    LoL Guide You're Using Pings Wrong

    You're Using Pings Wrong

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:24 AM PDT


    In my 3 years of experience coaching Solo Q, some of my most common advice is to /mute all in every game. But when forced to rely only on pings for communication, most players under-utilize or misuse pings. So I wanted to give a few tips on how you can optimize your pings to prevent ally tilt and better organize your team.

    Be Specific

    • Ping specific areas to communicate your intentions to your teammates. Ex: If you want your laner to engage when you gank or counter gank, ping "On My Way" on top of the enemies. If you want them to just survive and you're coming just to prevent an enemy dive, use "On My Way" behind them.
    • Same goes for danger pings, use them to show where the danger is coming from so your teammates can determine the safest way to exit.
    • At the beginning of a fight/skirmish, ping the target you want to burst. This prevents split focus, and will get everyone on the same page.

    Less is More

    • Don't spam ping. If a teammate mutes your pings because you're spamming, then you have no way of communicating important info to them. It's important to keep communication open.
    • Using 6 pings in quick succession will prevent you from pinging for 10 seconds (and longer if you continue trying to ping)
    • If your teammate doesn't listen to 2 pings, they won't listen to 4. So don't waste pings and risk getting ping locked or muted.

    Only Ping What's Necessary

    • Ping your health, mana, and cooldowns to communicate whether or not you can gank a lane.
    • Ping objective timers, enemy death timers, and enemy summs to communicate the gameplan for the near future.

    Ping for Jungle Pathing

    • Use anonymous pings to show teammates your first path, so they know where to expect you early on.
    • Ping "On My Way" and/or "Help" for invades to increase the (small) odds that your laners will collapse on a jungle skirmish.
    • Use question mark pings to track enemy jungle camps in fog, or ping the jungler directly if they show on vision.

    Area is Warded Ping

    • This is a really valuable ping to tell your teammates where you need help securing vision control.
    • It's not bound by default, so go into "Communcations" in your settings and get it set up.

    Level 1 Setup

    • By using 3 different pings (Anonymous, OMW, and Help) you can ping an invade path and make it seem like 3 different people are on board. Teammates usually won't check chat to see it's all the same person :)

    I hope these tips help you to use pings in new and more effective ways! If there's anything else you'd add about using pings, comment below :D

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    I made it to Plat for the first time by Jungle and learned alot along the way

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    I can't believe I finally did it, I've been hardstuck mid gold since season 7 and last night I made the final push to platinum. I started in Bronze 4, since I didn't play ranked last season on my main.

    I play jungle usually, but spent the majority of last season playing adc, so I flip flop between the two. I realized though that i'm much better at jungling (64% wr)

    I wanted to give a couple of tips to players that want to get a higher rank, I'm not good but I think these would really help anyone:

    1) Pick champions that are all similar. I used lee sin alot when i was climbing through the shit ranks (bronze, silver) but he's considerably harder the higher you go. My champs consisted of: olaf, ekko, elise, rek'sai, jarvan, graves, nocturne, lee sin, kayn. As you can see, most of these champions have a really good clear and spike in mid game. This is because as I will mention in my next points, getting scuttles, powerfarming and stacking dragons as soon as possible has never been more important (soul is always a win condition)

    2) On most junglers that I mentioned, they have a relatively good level 3. If you take buff gromp buff, look for a gank. If the gank isn't possible take your krugs and top scuttle. Prioritize scuttle crabs, if you can get both of them at the beginning of the game, that's a win condition.

    3) Recall at the appropriate times. I usually try to recall early game at around 1000g so I can get my jungle item and a long sword, you can usually buy a control ward and sweeper at this time too. Make sure you know approximately what each jungle camp will give you in gold, and do some mental math to figure out if taking that camp when you already want to recall will improve your buy. If it won't, you usually don't want to take it.

    4) Always have a plan of your path as you're recalling. Look at your lanes, look at your camps and think about what the enemy jungler will do, and plan your path accordingly. You need to be very efficient or you will fall behind.

    5) Prioritize dragons. This season, with the inclusion of soul, it's a huge win condition. I play Nocturne and Olaf solely for this reason. I can usually get dragon at level 4 solo, and with the aforementioned double scuttle plan, you should be fine doing this.

    6) Shadow your strong side when they're in a sidelane. This means putting down control wards, and sweeping for vision, but not letting the enemy know youre there unless you've committed to getting a secured kill. Your teammate being strong means you can 2v3 in most scenarios, but rarely will they be able to 1v3, so you need to be there to help them.

    7) Split the map in half. If the enemy team is for example, diving bot lane or taking dragon. There's 3 possible things you could do:

    • Take Rift Herald, then potentially look for a gank and use that herald you just got

    • Gank the enemy top laner (unlikely if they have a brain)

    • Take enemy jungle camps (you always want to be doing this when the enemy jungler shows somewhere far and you have prio)

    • Push in mid lane, the mid outer turret is the most essential turret in the game. If you can chip it down or take it, don't worry about your teammates flaming you for taking mid cs, this is solo queue, you need to enable yourself

    8) Mute ALL, i only have pings turned on. Chatting is never beneficial imo, all you need are pings. Just spam ping when you want to take objectives

    Now the next goal is Diamond, I'm not sure if that's achievable but I'll be striving for that.

    Here's my op.gg: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=african+hooch

    submitted by /u/ZedisDoge
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    to newer players. the power of a small champion pool, that has some variety in it.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    the power of having 2-5 mains is very strong to keep your skills sharp and is probably the best way to climb. but, in having those mains, having at least one or two of those mains be slightly different, is an underrated trait.

    for example; a top laner playing fiora, tryndamere and renekton.

    at first you'd think;

    "yea, fiora and trynd are good scaling split pushers. being good at one is essentially being good at the other. but why renekton?"

    this is to simply make life easier.

    a fiora/trynd will suffer against a good malphite/darius/wukong and many other champs that a renekton can simply handle with.

    yes, renekton's a VERY different champ, but learning him will offer a different type of gameplay that will help you in many situations your otherwise fiora and trynd couldn't compete in. also, he can be blind picked much more safely than the other two and is more of a mid-game champion, opening up your mind to different macro options the other two champs wouldn't really be able to do, eg: renekton roaming to mid to flash stun enemy midlaner with hard CC.

    this will open up your playstyle to be more versatile, safe and flexible. all important in a game like league.

    my own example is i started playing adc to learn the role. i'm a d4 top laner and just wanted something different. just with my top laners i've chosen 2 similar ADCs and then a very different 3rd one to compliment the other two to cover what they lack.

    aphelios & kaisa. late game auto attackers complimented with strong abilities that scale super hard. then? kalista. a mid game champion that does very well with engage supports and can end games when snowballing hard.

    despite kalista being very different, i chose her to be a 3rd champ im dedicating to due to wanting to synergize better with an engage support or ending a game quicker thx to my mid-game presence.

    all in all this was basically me saying; when choosing mains, consider at least one of your mains be a different type.

    whether it's completely different like a malphite when you main jax/fiora, or simply one of your marksmen ADC champs is more geared to mid-game than late game eg; draven, lucian, kalista. you should look for a slight variety of options in your small champion pool if you truly want to climb.

    it really does matter and makes you a much more flexible player. also makes your life MUCH easier when you don't have to constantly ban the many champs that counter all of the champs you main that aren't different enough.

    hope this helps newer players.

    *also, at the end of the day, you could just one-trick one champion and learn all it's matchups so you never lose hard in any matchup, but hey, this is an option too if you want more variety.

    submitted by /u/At_tar_ras
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    EUW Master Tier Gragas Matchup Spreadsheet

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Quick introduction: i'm a master tier Gragas otp with 3 million points

    Will add a midlane section in the future.

    submitted by /u/SloppyWalrusss
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    How to play top lane without just getting destroyed?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    I'm a brand new player and I'm having a really tough time getting a basic proficiency at the game. I chose top lane because it has lots of bulky bruiser champs like Sett and I like that play style but I'm having a hard time learning how to farm well or trade without getting destroyed by the opponent. And all the video guides are going a bit over my head so I feel like I can't learn from them as well. Do you guys have any tips? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/spencerthebau5
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    What can you do as an ADC if you don't have a team.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    As the title says. I would like to know what can you do as an Adc if your isn't there. I mainly play Jhin, Caitlyn and Ashe. (Most of the time it's Jhin) I am in silver 1 trying to reach gold. But I always wonder what is my point as an adc. Most tutorials say that you have to stay behind your tanks and deal demage to the nearest enemy from a safe diffrence. But what should I do if I have a mage support, assasin jungle, mage mid and a brand top who "counterpicked" teemo. (This is a specific case but I had a lot of games like these)

    What can I do in these situations? I can't stay behind a tank because there isn't one. And the enemy usually has a fed yi who got fed from our sped toplaner (again a specific case, but I had a lot of them simillar to this one)

    submitted by /u/4ThatWin
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    Hidden settings video to help improve your micro play.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    I'm a fairly new jungler (started in December 2019) and I wanted to figure out what the heck attack move click actually does. One search on YouTube later and I found the answer to that question and a lot of neat tips to either slightly or greatly improve my awareness and micro play. Here's the link! :)

    submitted by /u/xBrayJay
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    Tank fiddle

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I have played now several times vs tank fiddle and i cant help it seems so extremly op.. he deals tons of dmg, you cant walk up and cs and if you want to try to fight him you straight up suicide. Is there a counter matchup or anything you can do against it? If anyone says i should buy grievious wounds - ty for the tip it's rather waste of gold than it's useful haha

    submitted by /u/chillboy3
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    i need a super detailed explanation on kiting jg camps as melee from a mechanics point of view

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    for the sake of argument let's focus on just the buffs for now.

    on ranged champ it is self explainatory. if you kite, the blue/red can't hit you cuz they're melee, and if you keep scoot and shoot you minimize damage.

    what I don't understand is why on earth would you even want to kite as a melee champ with higher attack speed and lower range. the buff don't even run after you cuz they have higher range, so you're what, kiting yourself? compared to you the buff is the ranged enemy, and can wack you out of your auto range. so for the same reason you don't try to kite a turret, you shouldn't try to kite a camp.

    yet people do, and there must be something I'm missing. I need a _full_ explaination on the details of the mechanics of why this even works. I know it works, but I don't know why it works, and it is bugging me.

    submitted by /u/evanthebouncy
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    Mid Macro tips pls

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    Backstory: I am a ryze abuser kinda new mid laner who would like tips to roam and recall

    OP.GG: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=HK731

    I enjoying playing mid lane but I don't know the right time to Roam and when I shove the wave and recall I still lose XP to the turret, any help?

    submitted by /u/hk_731
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    Why doesn't Blitzcrank/Thresh build Deadman's Plate like Bard or Sett?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Honestly, Bard's build has been super confusing to me. If you want movement speed, why not opt for Righteous Glory instead of Deadman's Plate?

    But why don't other engage supports build Deadman's? The only one I've seen is Sett, but he's hyperreliant on movement speed to get in range of his E.

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    How do you position your fingers while playing?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    I personally play with 4,3,2 on qwe and use the index finger for e,r,d,f and use my pinky for ctrl and attack move, which I have binded on A.

    Does anyone use other keys, maybe more in the centre of the keyboard for the abilities?

    The only person I noticed with other bindings are Tobias Fate, he used to have ult on Spacebar, but other than that, I didnt notice it from anyone else.

    submitted by /u/plutonium_in_space
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    How to beat Yasuo without jungler help?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    If i'm not playing a tank like poppy or malphite, I feel powerless vs Yasuo, here is where I struggle the most:

    1-His early game pressure is very high because he has wave clear without cd or mana costs at lv 2, if I can't fight him (which most champs can't) he will shove and i'll miss some CS every wave under the turret, or he will freeze.

    2-Then he scales very well, feels like every item is a power spike, eventually he will get around 30% lifesteal/spellvamp just from runes, forcing you to get healing reduction.

    3-If i'm playing bot or mid, vs a Yasuo that knows his champion and doesnt int, I always get smashed without ganks. I always put into my head " dont fight, he will shove and you just point that out to your jungler". But if the jungler doesnt come he will slowly get an advantage over me.

    There is no way that a hyper carry with a such a good scaling curve, having his first power spike at lv 2 is that strong. What am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/cenzala
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    What should a jungler do if the enemy laners are invading their jungle?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    I just played a terrible game and I'm a bit tilted but I honestly want to know if there's something I could have done better. In the game, the enemy Lee Sin was constantly invading my jungle, I was playing Xin Zhao and because of an early advantage I was stronger than him and I decided to stand my ground against him and defend my jungle. But then my laners started loosing priority and the enemy Brand and Ryze started invading my jungle with the Lee Sin and stealing every single camp as it spawned.

    My Veigar and Kayn top started flaming me because I was dying too much (I was like 2/6) in my own jungle against 3 enemies. And I got tilted because I honestly don't know what I could have done to prevent that from happening, and all I could see was two laners that didn't want to push and that gave priority to the enemies non-stop. I couldn't enter my jungle at all and I was behind 3 levels. Is there anything I could've done against them invading my jungle?

    submitted by /u/Wilburg_1
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    Which champions should you never try to tower dive?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    I'm a Kled main, so I have a lot of experience in diving people with my ult and passive, whether it be in my own lane top or when I'm roaming mid/bot. It's also pretty hard for people to dive me, especially solo, again due to my passive.

    I also play Maokai and Malphite a lot, and especially post-level 6 I can chain cc to kill them or burn a flash if they try to dive me.

    submitted by /u/asdfghjjbffgh
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    How do I get better at playing mid and/or too lane?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Hi there!

    So I am fairly new to the game and am really enjoying it. Didn't think I would since it's not a WASD game.

    Getting to the point, I like playing top and mid since they are where more fighting and action is there along with strategies.

    I haven't been able to find any solid tutorial on how to get better at these lanes. If possible, please could you recommend resources, champions to play, just your own advice, or anything else you think could help me?


    Edit: in the title, I meant TOP lane and wasn't able to change it :)

    EDIT: It would be great if you specified whether or not they are youtubers :) Also, please tell me if I should play Co-op vs. AI (what level) or draft pick?

    submitted by /u/BruhUserLol
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    Thoughts on Flash+Ghost on Pantheon in 10.14?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Pantheon is basically the AD version of Twisted Fate, and TF is already sometimes taking Ghost. I already find myself overkilling with Ignite, especially in easy mid matchups. I would think something such as Ghost especially with the +4% - +8% buff to its speed (In 10.14) would make our harder mid lane matchups easier, as well as ganking. I can think of a couple of scenarios where taking Ghost would be good.

    1. Whenever you're ulting bot the bot normally backs way the fuck off forcing you to either flash W or give up on the play. This is where Ghost with its 24-48% movement speed would come in allowing you to chase them down.
    2. Long range mid matchups normally require you to have TP but if you have Ghost, you can chase them down the lane after they blow their abilities poking/farming.

    What do you guys think about Flash+Ghost Pantheon mid with the incoming Ghost buffs?

    submitted by /u/HypothermicConscious
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    I’m trying to learn the game but smurfs make it incredibly hard.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    Hey guys. I'm a level 32 at League (mostly from playing ARAM with a seasoned league player) but I want to start doing well in summoners rift. I've been playing bot lane, as I like the idea of having someone else with me.

    I've picked up Jhin and I find that I'm not dreadful at him. When I get into a game, I tell my team that I'm new to league and that it's my first account. Sometimes people are okay with that and will help by pinging things like when to assist with getting a drake or a jungle enemy, most times I've got people on the opposite team shitting on me, and then the occasional person on my team (usually jungle) telling me I'm shit, I should uninstall and play Tetris.

    I know for a fact I'm not the best of players, I've not done many summoners rifts for this reason. I mostly play bot matches but feel like they end too fast and even those are full of Smurf's.

    I don't play ranked even though I meet the criteria because I don't want to piss anyone off. But I'm starting to think that the sooner I place in a low elo, I won't be up against as many smurfs. I think playing ARAMs with my friend messed up my MMR as he understands league a lot more than me, so maybe it's on my head.

    Can anyone point me towards any written guides etc or give me their own pointers on how to improve? Sometimes people in game are really helpful, but other time's they just want to blame me or our mid lane.

    submitted by /u/Kelsier0fHathsin
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    How do I deal with the enemy top laner freezing the wave on me?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    Let me explain the game I was in (Silver 2):

    I was playing Jax top, into Nasus. I've mained Jax all season so I knew how to work with the Nasus matchup, just bully him super hard pre-six and beat him with BoRK after. I was doing well but I got ganked by their Kayn at level 3. I survived but was super low and I had to back. The wave was pushing to Nasus so he set up a freeze, and I knew Kayn was still topside so I didn't want to risk dying to a wither+gank. I sat back and waited for the wave to push back to me. But this Nasus, froze the wave for ten. whole. minutes. When he finally decided to break it I was 70 cs down and 3 levels down. He has 200 stacks at 13 minutes and I was pinging my jungler for help all game but he was camping mid and bot. No one came. Around the 20 minute mark, I have 60 cs and am now 4 levels down on the Nasus. My mid, Ekko and Rammus jg come to 3v1 the Nasus and he triple kills with ease. Then he went on to carry the game with their mid laner.

    I felt so useless in lane, I couldn't go close to Nasus without either burning flash for maybe 3 farm or just straight up dying. And the fact that no one ganked me or roamed to me all game didn't help.

    How do I deal with a situation like that?

    submitted by /u/SirDerpington660
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    How did did the enemy fiora freeze top lane for 15 straight minutes??

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    I just played against a fiora who kept my minion waves right outside her tower for 15 straight minutes before she finally backed and her wave slowly pushed into my tower. I don't understand how she did this when I never attacked a single minion of hers, this makes no sense I hard lost the lane because she kept me away from her minions permanently and I could never farm or anything.

    Turns out she's a diamond 1 fiora main and I'm a silver 2 jungler playing top.

    submitted by /u/KiroLegend27
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    How do you win those games where you dominate but still lose? I include an example photo in my post..

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 03:28 PM PDT


    In the attached game, I was dominated all game. I was able to secure the first 3 dragons and rift herald and I had many successful ganks. However for as many times I got a kill, my teamates also we're dying.

    In the end we just could not stop the enemy team as they were all super fed by the end and I am sick of losing games like this.

    I truly just don't know what more I could've done for my team. Is this just something I have to accept that I can't win every game even when I play well? Or is there truly something more I could've done to win this game?

    I know it's hard to tell on a photo but it's clear indication that I really did as much as I could have

    I am going crazy because this is not the first time this happens. I have a ton of games where as a jungler i do well and still can not find a way to win the game..

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    Garen build?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    I just started playing Garen and I'd like to find out how to build him because mobafire builds seem outdated. My current build is:

    First buy: even matchup- shield Easy matchup- blade Heavy poke on enemy top- triple regen bead

    First item- trinity force (no idea how to build pls help) or boots if I'm doing bad (ninja against ad and mercs against ap)

    Second- usually Phantom Dancer or DM plate/spirit visage if heavy ad/ap on enemy team

    Then almost always deaths dance

    To finnish off I build dead man's plate/ steraks/ spirit visage depending on the situation

    What would you suggest?

    submitted by /u/kabreo
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    I can't transition early leads in to a win on Xin in the JG

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Like the title says. I'm a silver 1 mid main with jg as secondary which means I play jg quite a bit. I like Xin because he isn't very mechanically intensive and extremely strong in the early game. I go Hail of Blades for the quick knock up. I max W>E>Q. my build path is warrior > TriForce > BC > Steraks and either mercs, tabi, or swifties depending on the flow of the game and enemy team comp. Normally I crush early game, usually getting at least 2 of my laners and myself some kills and plates. I'm pretty good at dragon control as well. What I realize tho is that when I do dominate early game it's pretty much a coinflip as to whether or not I can turn that early lead in to a win and that is 100% on me. I think I am just playing Xin wrong in the back half of the mid game. I really think it's my knowledge of the champion's limits rather than macro play that's effecting me. So does anyone have any pointers? Should I just play a different champ like Vi? I know she just got a sizable buff last patch. She's pretty strong throughout the entire game too.

    submitted by /u/SillySilhouettes
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    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    I really suck at this role but I wanna learn how to play it properly but I only get flamed (which I understand, I would flame myself too) and we end up losing because of a severe jungle diff. I'm a toplane/adc main and I'm silver 1 69lp EUW. Losing and getting flamed just makes me not want to play jungle anymore.

    When I played jungle, I had some success with Amumu but 0 success with Graves. Should I just play easy, strong junglers like Olaf and Amumu until I get better at it?

    submitted by /u/moodysaxophone
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