LoL Guide Don't try to counterpick someone by playing a champion you have no experience on, especially in low elo. |
- Don't try to counterpick someone by playing a champion you have no experience on, especially in low elo.
- I keep wanting to switch roles...
- Why isn't manamune jinx a thing?
- I've seen a lot of posts asking about wave management recently- So I made a video showing how to extend an early lead with Freezing
- Is it okay to pick Vayne into mid tanks?
- Lower Skill + New Player Question to keep having Fun
- As a support, should I stop caring if my ADC does or doesn't freeze?
- Laning against Long Range Poke Mages?
- Locked vs unlocked screen
- Assassins or Control Mages
- Freezing without slowpushing
- Top lane question. Phage vs Sheen first.
- Some jungle questions
- How can I improve to not be such a "feast or famine" player?
- How can you tell if someone "scales well" or not?
- How to play Vayne?
- Mid-Lane Matchups
- Can I mess up my elo just by losing games?
- At what point should I consider myself ready to play Ranked?
- A Trick From Other Games
- What should i do as evelynn jungle if every lane is winning and i can’t gank any lane ?
- I have no idea how to manage waves.
- Is it worth getting to diamond tier??
Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:11 AM PDT Counter picking someone can be detrimental and can often lead to snowballing them so bad that you put them out of the game for good. You see this a lot with champions like Xerath mid who can really wreck a team 1v5 but not if they have to lane vs a good fizz or zed player early game. However, counterpicking someone just for the sake of champion advantage when you have no experience on the champion is awful and can have quite the opposite effect. For example, Morgana can be seen as a counter to pyke in some ways. But its a counter with a very clear weakness towards pyke as well. Morganas spell shield has a 20+ second cooldown while pykes q is half that. Experienced pyke players will actually find a morgana lane to be very easy if the morgana is inexperienced. As a rule of thumb especially in low elo, a counterpick isnt really a counterpick if you never play the champion. Just stick to what you know, even if you are disadvantaged slightly. [link] [comments] |
I keep wanting to switch roles... Posted: 04 Aug 2020 06:15 AM PDT Is it just me, or do you constantly feel like you want to switch roles if you don't play well in a few games or get losses in a row? I can't count the number of times I've switched champs and roles. I've legit mained every role and probably like at least 30 champs. I know I should play what I'm best at but when I don't do well on them I always get discouraged and want to start playing other roles (which I'm obviously worse in). How do I change this mentality and just stick to what I'm good at? [link] [comments] |
Why isn't manamune jinx a thing? Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:20 AM PDT Presence of mind, biscuits, muramana, runaan's, Essence Reaver.... she uses mana on every rocket so she could stack manamune fairly quickly, and with the additional mana from POM/biscuits/manamune she could basically just never swap to machine gun. What makes her crit build so much better? What's the math behind it? I feel like the mana stacking blue build that we see on champs like ezreal, draven, corki, etc is pretty damn strong right now. Can anyone explain this to me? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Aug 2020 10:44 AM PDT Hey guys, Subzeroark here again, this time with a video review of one of my games top lane. In this game, my jungler ganks me early multiple times and we get a huge lead top, but I extend that lead even further by freezing the minion wave. If you ever wanted to learn the types of scenarios that freezing is useful, definitely check it out. If you have any criticism or comments about the video, definitely let me know! I want to make really educational content, so any advice you guys can give would definitely be appreciated! [link] [comments] |
Is it okay to pick Vayne into mid tanks? Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:21 AM PDT I know that everyone will immediately say 'no' because from what I've gathered, people don't even seem to think Vayne ADC is that good right now, so when you tell me I'm an idiot please do so kindly lol. I'm very new to League (maybe 6-7 months) and I mostly play mid lane or support but Vayne was a champ I picked up pretty early although I don't play her much anymore because I don't main ADC. However my usual mid picks are ranged mages/assassins and that. I recently had a game where I was playing Ahri into a Sion mid (because their mid and top lane swapped) and I could NOT KILL this stupid tank Sion. He won every trade and I could barely even roam because I was constantly pushed up to the tower (it also didn't help that other lanes were behind, too). I know most people think toplane Vayne is super cheesy and terrible, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't she good against tanks and stuff like that top lane? I thought maybe in the future if I'm up against any mid lane tank champions maybe going Vayne would be a good counter, but I'm definitely not knowledgeable enough to know any better so I thought I'd get some advice. I know it's far from ideal, but is that a viable option? And if not, any advice as to how to handle "toplane mid picks" like Ornn or Sion or Aatrox would be really greatly appreciated. And also I'm really very sorry if this isn't the right place to ask or something. [link] [comments] |
Lower Skill + New Player Question to keep having Fun Posted: 04 Aug 2020 03:38 PM PDT So I'm brand new to the game. I played it for maybe a month about 6-8 years ago, but moved on to other things. I recently decided to give it a try again and am actually having a lot of fun! I'm admittedly not very good. Okay . . . I'm fairly bad. I'm TRYING, but yeah . . . I'm just not that good. Still, I'm enjoying my time want to keep playing as long as it remains fun. So, the loaded question then is: When I get to level 30 (I'm 20 now), would I have more fun playing Ranked in Iron (theoretically playing with people at my level) or Blind pick in regular SR and just not worry about Ranked at all? I'm a bit older now (about to turn 44) and honestly not worried about being amazing. I want to get better, obviously - and I suspect I will. But there's likely a built in cap for me with skill and reaction speed/timing. I accept that fact. I just want to keep enjoying my time and play with people at my level, so that I'm not bringing anyone down. [link] [comments] |
As a support, should I stop caring if my ADC does or doesn't freeze? Posted: 04 Aug 2020 08:17 AM PDT Like, I'm currently playing in Gold, and some ADCs here freeze but, unfortunately, a lot (a lot) more of them don't. Given the importance of freezing waves, should I just try to freeze them myself or use my admittedly-fair mechanical skill to 1v3 instead? An additional question that may be a lot harder to answer: when it comes to supports that have no real choice in passively pushing the lane (Brand, Ahri, Zyra, etc.) is it almost impossible to properly freeze a lane with them when it comes to engaging, and instead should I be watching for ganks? [link] [comments] |
Laning against Long Range Poke Mages? Posted: 04 Aug 2020 12:00 PM PDT As you can probably tell by my other posts, I like to play mid. I usually play assassins when I can, but I can play a few long range mages when required. However, I struggle immensely against long range mages myself. If I play a melee assassin, I can't walk up and CS without getting poked and bullied out of lane. If I play a long range mage, I have no movement abilities and get locked down with the opponents CC. I even try to hug turret and CS when I can, but that just gets me down about 30 CS and I quite literally am useless. What do I do? I know that I should just play passive and NOT DIE, but it's so much easier said than done. I know I'm not a great, if even decent player, but I just have no idea what to do. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Aug 2020 03:01 PM PDT I have been playing league for about 7 years and as an adc main I used to play with only locked screen. I always wanted to get to diamond/masters but I feel like locked screen drags me down during teamfights eventually resulting in coinflip fights. I always watch these streamers use unlocked screens while I just cannot use them, I have to use both locked and unlocked spending 90% of the time on unlocked. It is just hard for me to use it, anyone have tips for me to get used to the unlocked screen? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Aug 2020 08:53 AM PDT Recently switched from being a yas leblanc main to playing more control mages because i found at my elo constant team fights can benefit from a control mage. Found when i played assassins it wasnt really enough for team fights especially if i was the carry. That being said, im now playing control mages getting ripped apart from assassins roaming and specifically irelias farming. I then went to try out Irelia mid again and went up against a cait that would consistently have multiple traps placed under the minions that i would go to last hit (cant see them until minion dies/moves) In your opinion, at low elo, should i be spending my time with control mages with bad mobility or assassins who perma roam? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Aug 2020 02:09 PM PDT Hi guys, Silver midlane main currently playing orianna. I sometimes find myself in an advantageous position where the wave is on my side of the tower early game, but whenever I try to set up a freeze, it eventually slow pushes towards the enemy after one or two waves. Is that the natural aftermath after freezing? I've found that slowpushing on champs like orianna can be really dangerous especially without jungle backup since it makes me extremely gank prone, and also because if I don't push fast enough the enemy mid can freeze the wave under their tower. [link] [comments] |
Top lane question. Phage vs Sheen first. Posted: 04 Aug 2020 01:46 PM PDT I have the general idea that you want to go sheen when you need the extra burst and the phage to stick to your target, this question comes from someone saying that sheen is always better than phage and that phage was garbage but I completely disagree. I want to hear your opinions on this. Thank you! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:11 AM PDT I'm a bronze jungler and I have some questions.. What exactly is jungle mechanics? Is it when skilled junglers avoid lots of damage from camps by strafing? Also, what to your knowledge is the best jungler to take drake solo early? other question - do pink wards reveal shaco on his Q? Cheers. [link] [comments] |
How can I improve to not be such a "feast or famine" player? Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:06 AM PDT Hello! I was hoping to get some tips on how to improve my gameplay in the way that I'm not so reliant on getting a few kills to start my game. I started out the season silver 2, but was pretty confident I could get a decent bit higher as long as I committed to actually grinding ranked this season. I did really well, maintain something around a 65% winrate on yasuo and at about 200 games, I'm now plat 4 but I think I'm finally starting to plateau. I think I have the potential to get even higher, but I think I have one big thing holding me back. It seems recently to me I'm very feast or famine as a player, if I can get some jungle ganks and get a couple kills before the ten minute or so mark, I'll generally steam roll my lane and transition my lead to other lanes too, but if I don't I either can't do much in lane, due to getting harassed away from cs by my ranged lane opponent, or I'll get tilted I guess and still try to play like I normally would if fed, looking to trade too aggressively when I'm even or behind with my lane. Does anybody have any experience with this or tips to help? I feel like I know my issues here but I'm not sure how else to play the game honestly. I rolled through the lower elos so effortlessly by just getting a few kills early that I didn't really learn how to transition into mid and late game without being fed I think. Here's my if it helps at all! [link] [comments] |
How can you tell if someone "scales well" or not? Posted: 04 Aug 2020 01:12 PM PDT I hear this terminology a lot, "scaling well" or "falling off", but have never understood what determines this or how you can tell. Aside for some obvious cases like Veigar or Nasus, they obviously scale well into the late game because they stack infinitely. But what about Anivia for example? I hear she scales well. Why? She has access to the same items everyone else does. And on the other hand, why does someone like Hecarim not scale well? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Aug 2020 07:53 AM PDT Hello everyone. My bf got me into League about a week ago. We've been playing BOT (me ADC, him support) in NB where I can practice mechanics and get the feel of the game in general. It feels less pressure than SR since games are shorter and I don't get punished as badly from missing CS which is currently the weakest part of my gameplay. It's been very fun! I enjoy ADC, even though it can be mechanical and mistakes are costly. I have researched and tried out other roles but I just always come back to ADC. It's just what I like to play and dedicate myself to especially if I wanna get serious about pushing ranks one day. So far I have played Ashe, Vayne, MF and Xayah. Out of all these heroes I have enjoyed Vayne the most, got some good plays on her. I even got my first Penta on her (albeit in NB so maybe it doesn't really count haha). I really like her kit (tumble, condemn, her passives, ult) and I feel like she can do amazing things in the hands of good player, so I really wanna get good at this champ. So even though I have done more memorable plays on her than say, Ashe, I do have tons of games where I feel like I don't get to do anything and just get stomped on. I find it difficult to play around her shorter range and I don't think I have a clue how to play her. On Ashe it's easy to get value because at least I can just be max range and spam aoe slows, fire up stuns and maybe get some autos in. It's much easier to be safe on her and still feel like I'm contributing something. On Vayne I can't really do that because of her range. The second I get in range I get destroyed. I try to stay afar and wait for opportunity to strike but sometimes it feels like I'm just afking and forcing my team to 4v5. Granted, I'm new to the game so I don't know what the other champions do so it's very hard for me to gauge when to engage and when to keep my distance. But I still feel like I don't have an idea how to play her and it's not just experience/knowledge thing. I have been watching some videos (found Constantine lll's videos have been helpful!) and figured to ask some general tips/basics here too. English is not my first language so excuse me for any mistakes. Thank you for reading! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Aug 2020 07:43 AM PDT Hi all, I'm a support main but I've decided that I want to start going back to playing mid-lane. When I was playing support I found a matchup chart which helped a lot by explaining how different types of champions in bottom lane synergise well with each other and who has good matchups against poke, all-in and short-trade champions. I was wondering if anyone had seen a chart like this for mid lane? Not so much with synergies but if there is a rock-paper-scissors-esc chart for mid lane matchups. [link] [comments] |
Can I mess up my elo just by losing games? Posted: 04 Aug 2020 07:22 AM PDT My current rank was silver 4, but my elo is gold 4 (I will always meet Silver 1 and Gold 4 in my games). A win gives me 30-33lp, a lost takes away 7-9lp, which is perfect to climb back to gold. However I lost a lot of games (5 wins out of 11) and just recently got to silver 2. I don't know what I did wrong, my kda is always good, I ping a lot, I roam to help my teammates, etc... but in the end I always lose. Is losing the only factor that affect elo, or kda, cs per min, vision score, damage output... also affect it? Thanks [link] [comments] |
At what point should I consider myself ready to play Ranked? Posted: 04 Aug 2020 08:21 AM PDT So, for context, I'm an Iron 1 player and have recently been more interested in playing Ranked now that Lillia is out. I have a 50% total winrate on her in Draft across 36 games. Given that I'm planning on effectively one-tricking her (unless she gets banned, of course) I wanted to know at what point should I consider myself ready to hop into ranked. Am I ready now? Should I wait till I hit 50+ games and see how my winrate fares then? Should I wait a couple patches to see if she gets any changes? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:56 PM PDT I started playing league a month ago, I've gone from B3 to S3 in a week, and climbing steadily. Rather than mute chat, as most people propse on here. If anyone on your team gets negative, try typing "NO TILT, ONLY WIN" and send it. 9/10 times repeating this in a game or just being immensely positive "NO LOSE, ONLY WIN" will get me a win. Had a Yi going 0/5, he started tilting, I simply wrote "YOU are the BEST Yi in NA! Go show those (bleeped) WHAT YOU GOT! NO TILT, ONLY WIN!" and he ended the game 12/6 or something. As someone who has played many competitive games, I can say without a doubt that the better the mental, and the more positive energy you put into a game, the higher your chamce of winning. So my importance heirarchy is as follows MACRO > MENTAL > MICRO The 3 Ms of victory [link] [comments] |
What should i do as evelynn jungle if every lane is winning and i can’t gank any lane ? Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:24 AM PDT So this is my first post on reddit . I have been playing this game for almost a year . I was here before pre season 10 start . I'm silver 3 now i climbed from iron 4 0 lp . I main evelynn jungle and i almost have 200K mastery points on her . I usually carry my games but i can't carry before i get my jungle item and death cap . I don't feel like i'm doing enough damage before i get death cap . The problem here is i can't get it until later in the game if every lane is winning . Because i can't gank and get my dark seal stacks . I also know that getting a death cap as a second item is bad and might lose me my lead . I heard that as the jungler if you can't gank any lane focus on objectives . And here where is the problem i can't win 1v1 until i get my dark seal stacks . And in this elo my team rarely rotates to help in scuttle . I feel like the enemy team always rotate but never my team . So what should i do ? Dive ? . I tried it some times but in this elo laners see i want to dive but doesn't push the wave or help me when i dive . Edit 1 : i played this game before i don't remember when but it was on the old client [link] [comments] |
I have no idea how to manage waves. Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:52 PM PDT So I used to play this game way more than I currently do, and hit plat 1 by one tricking Riven top in like season 7 or something before I pretty much quit the game. I've started to come back to the game slowly due to lacking other games to play during the quarantine and I've realized one thing. I have no idea, and have never had any idea, how the hell wave management works. I hear buzzwords like soft freeze, bouncing, superior waves, etc and have no idea what the hell any of it means. Since I play Riven top, the way its always worked for me is, if I'm ahead, shove into tower, poke them when they farm, and kill them if they get too low and step up. If I'm behind, stay safe under tower and last hit minions. I've watched guides on wave management and read posts on it but none of it ever seems to stick. Any advice on how to better understand wave control? It seems really important and I have a feeling if I had a good grasp on it I could have hit closer to mid diamond before I quit instead of just being plat 1. [link] [comments] |
Is it worth getting to diamond tier?? Posted: 04 Aug 2020 02:49 PM PDT I started playing League of legends in the october of 2013, when i was only 9 years old. I had my highs and i had my lows, i've been stuck in all tiers prior to diamond. My peak was achieved a month ago when i hit plat 3. From there it only went down hill. I dropped to gold3, making my way to a hardstuck gold 1. My dream was to get a diamond tier, and when i hit that i would consider that i finished the game. I never expected for the game that i had to so much fun couple years ago to turn into nine to five job. In the summer of 2019 i got to gold 1, and wanted to rush to ge to Plat before the school starts. I demoted to g3 and left it there. I was reunited with the game in the Winter, i felt uncomfortable playing it, i was washed up , and holding a mouse was even weird for me. Yet i managed to get into plat promos, that didn't go so well as i got 0/3 w/l. I was lucky enough to be on the break when the season 10 launched, I after i finished my promos i was placed in silver 1, and it was a breeze getting to gold4. I got to gold 3 and left it there. The pandemic has forced me to go back home, reuniting me with the game once again. I once again felt clunky and uncomfortable plaiyng the game. I got back in the rythm, but i was pretty bad, barely escaping the gold4 demotion to silver. And after 3 months , i finnaly got back to where i was when i left the game. You can also say i was pretty lucky. I went on a 30 game win streak. Most of my friends were asking me how did i pay to boost me lol. Getting to plat 3 was a breeze, i lost some games while i was at 0lp after getting promoted but it didn't matter. The luck worn off, and i went all the way back to gold 3. I found my way back to gold1. Seeing all the time i spent just to evolve, but backwards was quite depressing. I looked into stats that were built in the client. Seeing the time i spent was quite heart breaking. In the past 3 years i lost 2 months playing the game. And i can imagine that in total of my league career i spent around 4 months over the 7 years. I feel like the journey to diamond isn't worth it, and i feel like i should quit , and really give up on diamond. I know you guys can't tell me what to do, as i have to make the decision myself, but can you at least tell me is it possible to get from gold1 to diamond by the end of august? [link] [comments] |
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