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    Friday, August 21, 2020

    LoL Guide Grandmaster Korean Kha'Zix OTP; #1 Kha'Zix Main in KR Server AMA

    LoL Guide Grandmaster Korean Kha'Zix OTP; #1 Kha'Zix Main in KR Server AMA

    Grandmaster Korean Kha'Zix OTP; #1 Kha'Zix Main in KR Server AMA

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Hey guys and welcome to my AMA!

    I am Minion Isolated and with the help of friends over at r/KhaZixMains I'll be answering some questions from you guys starting from the creation of this post to 8/22 EDT.

    I reached Grandmaster this season on Korean server and have over 3 million Kha'Zix mastery across my accounts and now stream on Twitch and YouTube (nearly) every day.

    Feel free to leave me any questions related to Kha'Zix, Korean Solo Queue or streaming and I will try my best to answer them for you.

    T/N: Questions and Answers will be translated from ENG to KR and back so apologies for slow replies.

    Edit 12:20 EST: Will be taking a break to nap as it's late in Korea now, will respond to more after I wake up, thank you all for the questions so far! <3

    OPGG 1

    OPGG 2

    OPGG 3



    submitted by /u/Minion_Isolated
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    What is the symbol at the top of (some player's) profiles?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:04 AM PDT

    I've attacted an image because I know 100% nobody knows what I'm talking about,


    Some people have this symbol at the top (I do) while others don't. I've been curious about what it means for awhile so if anyone could answer then I'd love that

    ty <3 :)

    submitted by /u/callofcutie1
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    What do I do if I get ahead in lane as an ADC?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Should I be roaming to other lanes or should I keep on power farming? Because I feel like if I roam too much I lose my lead because I don't have enough time to farm while on the opposite end if I try powerfarm my team gets wiped without me. So any advice is greatly appreciated thanks!

    submitted by /u/Agon49
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    New to mid lane

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Recently switched from top to mid because i felt that i had a hard time making an impact om the games in solo q. I play Diana and Fizz, watched a couple videos by coach Curtis who says you should have a control mage and a ad champ in ur pool aswell. I have tried a few mages (cass, tf and ori) and i feel really terrible playing Them. Its another playstyle im not used to. Looking for insight and tips, thanks

    submitted by /u/alle1998
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    Liandry's Torment True Damage?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 04:53 AM PDT

    I'm sorry to put this here but I don't really know where to ask this. Does Liandry's Torment deal true damage? I had just finished a Game against a Morde that literally only 1v1'd me because he dealt true damage through Items. The only damage dealing Item he had was Liandry's Torment but the item description clearly reads "deals Magic damage". He did have a Rilay's as well so the damage was obviously amplified but the item just reads "Damage is increased to x" and not "Damage is changed to true damage". I mean, I still won the game but I had so much MR and healing Items, his spells tickled me. Apart from the true damage that really put a dent into me each fight..
    (I'm sorry to put this here but I have played for a long time and never really seen Liandry's deal true damage so I'm kinda baffled right now and hoped to get more info here as google didn't really help me out either)

    submitted by /u/SidYee
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    Is it viable to sell refillable potion and buy it again after completing an item?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    I play only support so this may or may not be important for other roles, but here it goes. I usually buy Refillable Potion on my first or second back (depends when I can actually spare 150g, red wards sometimes have priority). After I complete my first item at some point in the game I would have: supp item + first item + refillable potion + red wards + boots + one part of a second item. On the next back I might not have enough gold to complete second item right away, but rather only for a second part of it (or part of a second part). Should I sell Refillable to make place for it? Should I buy refillable again after completing this item?

    For example I'm building Ardent Censer for my second item and I already have Forbidden Idol. Should I sell Refillable to make place for Aether Wisp? Should I sell Refillable if I can only buy Amplifying Tome? Is it viable to sell Refillable and buy it again afer completing Ardent?

    submitted by /u/szczebrzeszyszynka
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    full ad

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    If my team go full ad and the other team dont build especific stuff for full ad composition, like tabi for exemple, it would not make diference at all? Im silver 4 and when my team go full ad sometimes I dodge for don't be in disadvantage on the game, but what I noticed people dont give a damn about it and like just 2 guys build tabi and other even build mercury. So is this dodge worth at low elo?

    submitted by /u/ParkingAlternative8
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    Why are Azir and Corki always together in the meta?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:10 AM PDT

    I was wondering why these 2 always show up together in the meta? What defines their strength in the meta and what's the link?


    Also another side note: high elo streamers/youtubers, why are you not making more video's explaining the meta? Sneaky's recent videos are so informative, and it's so refreshing. It's such a big topic and you can go so in depth explaining stuff to lower elo people like me who do enjoy the pro scene. Currently that's just one big void. All streamers are making cookie paste smurfing vids or just boring gameplay youtube videos. It's insane to think that nobody touched this market yet. I'm sure it would get a big following if someone made a weekly video explaining meta stuff.

    submitted by /u/Jaxters
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    It seems impossible to make any kind of impact in 90% of my games

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    I've been trying to get to lv30 (25 now) and mostly I have been jungling as warwick. I feel like I do pretty well and usually get some kills and have a higher cs than the enemy jg but it almost never matters. Is it best to pick a different champion? I try to talk to my team to make plans but they always just ignore me if they haven't flamed me already. Maybe I should just uninstall.

    submitted by /u/hatingdiv
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    (ADC) I win in Gold but lose in low silver. How can I adjust my playstyle?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    I have around a 60% WR in ~Gold 3 playing Ashe. I've been playing with my friends on a lower account in around silver 4-silver 2 and I feel like I just can't win games. I win lane every time but it feels out of control from there. Are there any adjustments I can make between these two elos to win more games? Is it just plain harder to adc in that elo? It feels like I have less impact as adc lower which seems strange so it makes me think I'm doing something wrong.

    If you need more details, please let me know.

    submitted by /u/rnichaeljackson
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    What to do when my team engages at a number disadvantage?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    It's something that lately happens quite a lot in my games. There is someone dead or split-pushing and my teammates commit to what it likely is a 4v5. In these situations should I help them and hope that we win the fight or let them all die in a 3v5? It's a bit frustrating because we tend to lose anyway. I'm talking about scenarios with more or less even teams.

    submitted by /u/smooth_kiwi_
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    Silver Elo, Learning to play Support.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    Hey everyone. Talon main here with 600k+ mastery. I've recently gotten bored of playing Talon midlane, and figured that I might play some support champions. Thing is, I don't know what to try. I've played around with Talon support, which surprisingly, works, but is mostly a 50-50 matchup, as I either snowball or end up slightly behind. I'd like to try a support that can set up plays, or is overall good at dealing some damage on their own with some mobility. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/ItzSnapter
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    Gathering storm vs Coup de grace? Both equal?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    Just wondering, which one to go for? Like is the damage from coup de grace the same as gathering storm? Would like to know what you guys think? which one is more stronger? I mainly play full AP champions in Plat/Diamond rank solo queue and sometimes the games last 30+mins depending if my team does not surrender/given up haha. I've tried using practice tool to see the outcome but can't really tell...

    Sorry for the nuisance

    Thanks 🙏

    submitted by /u/ToddyMooMoo
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    supports saving the world

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    Does a support like brand or lux can correct the lack of ad on my team? and if does, they get necessarily build strong ap damege itens or can they procede with the core support itemization?

    I don't know what to write no more, pls don't ban me. My question is just simple s2s2s2s2s2s2s2s2

    submitted by /u/ParkingAlternative8
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    Need help for toplane.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    What can I do when I play Jax, am underleved and lane against a aatrox who denies me every farm I could get. He i got 30 minutes at like 15 minutes. he wont let me farm and when i try to contest the farm i get full comboed. Is that fair? what can I do? I really start to hate toplane just because of situations like that.

    submitted by /u/CemsLit
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    Need some help playing Riven

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a new player here, about level 35 and not a smurf. I've been finding it hard to learn to play Riven in public matches because I get abused by level 100+ players. If anyone has some tips that'll help me do better so I don't have to continue trying to learn on my own, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

    EDIT: Just to clarify, I am NOT trying to play ranked at all. I just want to learn this champion because her abilities and kit seems really fun.

    submitted by /u/solarsun55
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    Hello, fellow league players

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    So I live in India, in North India to be specific. So the thing is, I recently started playing league on EUW#1 server and I have a latency of 160 ms and I am level 65 right now. So I played ranked today for the first time and I think I clearly inted so bad (Talon player) that I went 1/5 and then decided to ask the enemy lux his/her latency and he replied with 26 ms and then I thought does latency affect my play or not also no I didn't go forward to talk about how bad my latency is and blamed others. We still won because my top was a renekton OTP So do you guys think I should stick to EUW or go to Garena? Also I will remove this post if this has already been answered but please link the post in the comments.

    submitted by /u/nutcracker56
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    What counts as a 'pentakill'?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    It's not a very important gameplay question but I'm kinda curious of what counts toward a "pentakill". Sometimes I kill all five of the opposing team in a short time so that their respawn timers are all up at one point, but the game counts it as a "triple kill" followed by "double kill" for example.

    So yeah just curious, because I'm still yet to get my first "official" pentakill that isn't in a bots game lol

    submitted by /u/popablaster
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    How to beat a ranged support as melee in lane

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:25 AM PDT

    In particular I'm trying to one trick pyke to plat but I like to focus on early game for pyke. Since enemy support is ranged they can help their adc create a bigger wave by autoing wave, if I try to match this push by autoing I get poked and forced to back or die. I then get forced under tower and cant use pull because they stand behind the huge wave and I cannot use melee Q and E because I lose trade to caster minions. I am then outscaled very quickly and become useless. I am actually completely lost on how to beat this.

    submitted by /u/jynyj
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    [ZEN Gamers Guide] Taking Short Breaks for Optimal Performance

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Taking Short Breaks for Optimal Performance

    Hey guys!

    Today's topic is taking short breaks while gaming. We will explore the reasons to take breaks and how to take breaks.

    This is my 3rd post here, you can find the previous 2 here:

    When we game we are usually very involved in the game. We focus on many elements at the same time. If we play for longer stretches of time, we may notice that we are not so sharp anymore. we start making mistakes we usually wouldn't make, we get frustrated easier and the game is less fun.


    Focused mode vs relaxed mode (originally called focused mode vs diffuse mode (photo), from Barbara Oakley)

    When we are playing we are in our focused mode. This is associated with the concentrating abilities of the brain's prefrontal cortex. All our attention is used for a limited part of our brain, but with a high intensity. This is great for problem solving, analytical approaches, tactics and so on.

    The relaxed mode is where we let our attention wander freely. We are not deeply thinking about a particular thing. Our attention is not limited to a certain part of the brain. This allows us to see the bigger picture and get new insights with newly made neural connections.

    Focusing takes effort, relaxing doesn't. It's just like sleeping and being awake. Being awake costs us energy, sleeping gives us energy.

    When we game we want to switch between the focused mode and relaxed mode for a couple of reasons:

    RECHARGE: By allowing ourselves to switch from focused mode to relaxed mode, we give a little rest to our prefrontal cortex that we use to focus. This gives it time to recharge so we can have a higher level of focus when we continue playing.

    BETTER LEARNING: By switching from focused mode to relaxed mode, we allow our relaxed mode to process the information the focused mode has received, but from a broader perspective. This is a good way to get a better understanding of what happened during the game. It helps to get new insights and it will increase the speed in which we get better at the game.

    PREVENTION: Switching regularly to our relaxed mode protects us from over-using our prefrontal cortex. Over-using it can lead to headaches, stress, burnout and so on. By giving it regular breaks you allow some much needed rest.

    TILT PREVENTION: In our relaxed mode we give our build up emotions the space to cool down a bit. This way we lower our emotional levels, so the next game it takes longer before we reach our emotional threshold.

    Other reasons to take short breaks are:

    • Taking our eyes off the screen for a bit, giving our eyes some rest
    • Getting some body movement, sitting in one specific way for long periods of time can lead to physical complaints
    • When we take a short break, we can detach from the game for a bit and ask ourselves the question, do I still enjoy playing now? Do I want to continue playing? Oftentimes we just continue playing without putting too much thought in it, on auto-pilot. By taking a short break and asking these questions, we can become more aware of what we actually want now.


    We want to take regular breaks, at least once every hour / 1.5 hour. The length of the break can be about 5-10 minutes. If we play a game like Wow or Minecraft, we can set a timer. For games like LoL, DotA, Overwatch, etc we have to be a bit more flexible, but still aiming for every hour/1.5 hour.

    One keypoint in taking breaks: we want to get totally out of our focused mode and in our relaxed mode! So we want to avoid any activity that requires our focus, such as analysing the game we just played, whatsapp, reading, or just thinking deeply about something. It's oke if we want to do any of those activities, but just don't count that as your break yet. First do that activity, and after that start your break and get into your relaxed mode.

    Possible things to do in your break:

    • Listen to music
    • Going to the toilet and getting something to drink
    • Doing so light work-out, like stretches and jumping jacks
    • A short meditation
    • Getting some fresh air
    • Anything that doesn't involve active thinking and is away from the screen

    Thanks for reading! I know that most information is not that groundbreaking, but I still hope it's informative and useful for you. If you have any additions to this post, let me know and I'll add it.

    How do you guys take breaks now?

    PS: if you like content like this, I'm starting a youtube channel about gaming and mindset.

    submitted by /u/ProZenGamers
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    Which jungle should I main next?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    Hi guys, this is my first post here. I'm silver 3 in LAN and I'm a jungle main. Right now my three top champ are hecarim, voliber y ww. But I'd like to add other champ and I can't decide which one. The three that caught my eye were K6, Kayn and Nocturne, but I only have 8k blue essence. So which one should I buy first? Thank you for you attention and sorry for my bad English.

    submitted by /u/Indivelas
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    Sett support

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    I'm currently in bronze 2 and my second role is support I usually play sett as support Most of the time I do really good till around the min 15 But when I get to mid to late game I feel kind of useless and can't impact the game much Is it the problem of the champ or I can't play him right? Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/mehran_98
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    Why isn't blitz.gg working anymore? is there any alternative?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    So i use blitz.gg to look up team mates and opponents ranked stats. It's now clearly not working as all the information it puts up is just totally wrong. Does anyone know why this is, or is there a better source of info i should be using? it's not fun going blind into ranked games now

    submitted by /u/BigBuddyBoy69
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    How do I improve vision score before getting my first support item?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Im a b1 support, bard main and I struggle to get a high vision score in the early stages of the game (before getting a support item). During the mid and late game I can easily get a high vision score (double the game time); but during the early game, my vision score will often be 1x the game length. I usually deep ward after or before a roam, or in an engage heavy lane (where I prefer to stay with the adc) I just ward river or in the middle between the tri bush and blue side bush.

    submitted by /u/TheTrainDogFox
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    What do I do if my support leaves me in lane.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    So I just played my first game of adc today. It was in normal draft of course. I picked varus with a rakan bc I already have his champion shard.

    We laned into a blitz/aphelios and They ended up getting a kill on us in the first 5 minutes. Rakan then said F*ck this I'm not helping you when we were both 0/2/0 and left to gank other lanes and build ad (ik crazy right) and he legit NEVER came bac to bot the whole game.

    I was left in a 2v1 lane for the rest of laning phase and ended up with 60 cs in a 20+ minute game. Surprisingly my kda was bad but not too bad 3/8/9. He finished 0/8/14 and then insisted he wasn't throwing bc "this game was lost in the first 5 minutes" and blamed me and our vi (our jungler).

    What do I do in this situation? I couldnt find myself leaving bot but kept on gettin ganked bc we had no wards up. I couldn't bring myself to just head mid though bc bot tower would fall and our lux was actually doing well.

    submitted by /u/HoneyJasmineGreenTea
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