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    LoL Guide How playing norms helps me climb in ranked.

    LoL Guide How playing norms helps me climb in ranked.

    How playing norms helps me climb in ranked.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:44 AM PDT

    I've seen a lot of people in my league career that spam nothing but ranked. Personally I think this is a bad idea and I'm gonna tell you why.

    The main reason why I play norms is to avoid burnout. When I have a bad ranked game, it leaves me feeling sad, upset, disappointed, you can put hundreds of adjectives here, but after a loss, I can just queue up for a draft pick or something and chill. I usually follow up every loss with a game of draft pick where I play an off role.

    Another reason that coencides with this is learning the game. This is mostly just for newer players, but you want to play more than just your main role/ champion, not to be perfect on them, but to understand the basic combos and how each champion wants to play so you can learn to counter it.

    As someone who enjoys the game and wants to keep enjoying the game I usually spread it out somewhat like this. On a day when I play a lot it's usually 2 ranked games and 4-5 normal games. On a day when I can only play a bit it's usually 1 ranked game to 1-2 normal games. I highly recommend this strategy to not only reduce tilt, but also to keep having fun with the game while still getting better

    submitted by /u/ConnerHuss
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    Very simple tips to climb (for low elo)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Hello, I am an EUNE Gold AD carry main. I started playing in January 2019, went from unranked to gold 4 by the end of Season 9, and regained my rank in Season 10. I just wanted to share some very simple stuff that helped me climb and that I don't see people doing often. This is probably enough to get you to Platinum, but is still important in higher ranks. This is quite a long post, so I tried to summarize every point into the first bolded sentence.

    Good luck and have fun!

    DO NOT FLAME YOUR TEAMMATES. I can't stress this enough, but the amount of games lost because mid and jg started flaming each other for a stupid reason is crazy. Just because your jungler failed one gank, your Lux support missed one Q is not a reason to tell them to go uninstall and kill themselves. Flaming can only be detrimental and will never help.

    If a teammate is performing poorly, try to give some constructive advice (e.g. "Zed don't ult their Ornn, you should focus squishies"). Note that doing this will often get you flamed in low elo ("stfu i know who im gonna ult i have 500k mastery"). However if a teammate is inting, just report them (you can send a ticket to Riot with screenshots of chat if they admit they are inting) and refrain from talking to them as you can get banned for flaming.

    KNOW WHEN TO STOP. It is usually a rule of thumb: If you lose one game, go next. If you lose that one, then stop. Going into a game when you are tilted drastically reduces your chances of winning.

    KNOW WHAT YOUR ROLE IS AND WHO YOUR TARGET IS. A Zed that ults the enemy Rammus is useless. A Soraka that heals the 90% HP Yasuo instead of the 20% HP Ornn is useless.

    All damage and healing you output must be meaningful. By ulting Rammus, Zed does nothing but damage the Rammus for 0.01% of his HP and waste all of his cooldowns and energy. By healing a 90% HP Yasuo instead of 20% HP Ornn, Soraka wastes her cooldown and resources to heal Yasuo for an amount that he could heal with a single auto-attack.

    In order to know what your job is, you need to study your role. An assassin needs to kill a squishy in the enemy backline that is not within range of other teammates' attacks (example - Zed ulting a Soraka and escaping with his shadows). A tank needs to create opportunities for the team, disrupt the enemies and soak up damage (example - Ornn with his ult). An AD carry needs to provide consistent damage without putting themselves in danger (because ADC survivability = nonexistent); this usually means shoot the closest thing while being as far away as possible. Of course, every champion has its own quirks that make him different, so this is just a general example.

    KNOW YOUR CHAMPION. Never, ever play a champion for the first time in ranked. To be able to climb with a champion, you need to be familiar with him/her. You should narrow down the champion list for your main role to be able to play 2-3 champions well. For example, mine are Jhin, Jinx and Caitlyn.

    PLAY FOR OBJECTIVES. The goal is to destroy the enemy nexus and not to kill enemies. League is not Team Deathmatch in Call of Duty. Destroying two towers is better than chasing the enemy 0/10 Yasuo, as discussed later.

    PINGS SAVE LIVES. Believe it or not, the purpose of the question mark ping is not to flame, but to signal to your teammates that the enemies are not present where you'd expect them to be. So if the enemy laner is not in your lane, use the question mark ping on your lane combined with the danger ping on other lanes to prevent your teammates from dying to a roaming opponent.

    COUNTING AND COMPARING NUMBERS. There is a Latin saying: "Nec Hercules contra duos", meaning "Not even Hercules vs two people". This is very important in League. Going alone vs 2 or 3 people will almost certainly lead to death, unless you are fed (even then it is not 100% that you will kill them and survive). I remember a game when my jungler went into the enemy ADC and support while I was recalling with literally 15 HP and low mana. The jg died and then proceeded to ping and flame me because I didn't help him. Don't be like this.

    WARDS SAVE LIVES. Very simple. Jungler can't gank you if you know they are coming. Also, use control wards/sweepers to clear enemy vision and allow your jungler to gank.

    TEAM COMPS WIN GAMES. A few days ago I played a game where my duo jungler had last pick and the enemy team was 4 AD + support. Of course, he locked in Rammus and at that point we knew we had won the game before it even began (we also had good picks on other lanes).

    Hence, you should always keep in mind that some games are decided in Champ select, especially in low elo where no one cares about having a good team composition. A team with 5 squishies vs a team with Yi jungle and Kata mid is going to have a very hard time as they will get deleted in teamfights.

    PLAY SAFE IN LANE, CS IS KING. You should immediately go on Steam and download Counter-Strike. Farming is your main source of income and is highly underrated in lower ranks. To illustrate their value, let's calculate the value of a minion wave in early game (until 15 min). Every wave consists of 3 melee minions (21 gold each), 3 ranged minions (14 gold each) and every 3rd wave has a siege (cannon) minion (60 gold on game start, its value increases throughout the game up to 90 gold). So that equals

    3*21 + 3*14 + (1/3)*60 = 125 gold per wave (on average) 

    Meaning, 3 waves give more value than a kill. In lane, you should always focus on farming, because in lower ranks simply outfarming your opponent is very easy and gives you a huge advantage. I had a game where I was a 0/1 Caitlyn and had more items than the enemy 4/0 Jinx just because she had very bad CS. Some people say that you should have 10 CS/min, however that is impossible to pull of in a ranked game, so you should aim for 8 CS/min, although 7 CS/min is also very good for low elo.

    LEARN BASIC WAVE CONTROL. I'm not talking about anything complicated, you only need to know that damaging minions LESS makes the wave crash closer to your tower and damaging minions MORE makes the wave crash closer to the enemy tower. If you need to push, do as much damage as you can (especially to ranged minions in the back) while also remembering to last hit. If you want your jungler to gank, don't touch the minions at all, only last hit them for the gold. Remember, your jungler can't gank you if you pushed the minion wave. Some people don't know this, so they crash the wave into the enemy tower, get killed by the enemy laner because they are overextended and then say "omg report jg useless 0 gank". Don't be like this. Note that wave control is a very complicated topic and you can find countless videos online about it. After you are comfortable with these basics, you can google things like "freezing" and learn more advanced stuff that will help you get past Platinum.

    LEARN BASIC MECHANICS. This includes things like last hitting minions, dodging and hitting skillshots, basic kiting, smiting monsters and outsmiting the enemy jungler. For last hitting minions, go into practice mode with your desired champion, but with no items and no damage runes and try to last hit as much minions as possible. For skillshots, you can find minigames online for practicing. Also, for ranged champions, I recommend using auto-attack move (I believe bound to A by default) instead of simple right clicking. This has multiple benefits: it shows you your attack range (allowing you to stay as far as possible), prevents you from missclicking your target and accidentally walking towards it, making kiting easier. Using A + left click is strange at first, but becomes natural after some time.

    DON'T FOCUS ON ADVANCED MECHANICS. Some time ago, I saw a post on reddit in which someone said how they were a Riven one-trick with >600k mastery, they learned every combo and every animation cancel for Riven, but were still stuck in Silver. You need to know that climbing is like building a house; you start from the foundation up and not vice versa. Building the roof and buying windows won't get you anywhere if you don't have a solid foundation. League is not a very mechanically intensive game like Overwatch or CS:GO. Hence, focus on learning the simple stuff mentioned above and then move on to advanced mechanics.

    BEING GREEDY IS VERY, VERY BAD. Chasing kills is an investment. However, investments can be good or bad, depending on the difference between value gained and value lost from it.

    Chasing a low HP 10/0 Ashe under tier 2 turret can give a huge 1000 gold reward if you succeed and it is definitely worth a try if there is nothing better to be done. However, in these ranks you will often see people chasing a 0/10 Yasuo under inhib turret just to get killed, instead of pushing a lane, or doing other objectives. This is bad, as the reward gained from killing that Yasuo is miserable (due to negative bounty) compared to the reward gained from pushing lanes or taking objectives.


    Hundreds of games are lost every day due to insane (self) healing. Don't be a part of the statistic. Buy grievous wounds.

    For those who don't know, Grievous Wounds is a debuff that reduces enemy healing by 40% 1 . Besides Ignite and some champion abilities, there are items that apply this debuff. These items are Bramble Vest (builds into Thornmail), Executioner's Calling (builds into Mortal Reminder) and Morellonomicon.

    Conqueror, Death's Dance, Bloodthirster, Hextech Gunblade, Legend: Bloodline, Taste of Blood, Ravenous Hunter, Blade of the Ruined King, Dr. Mundo, Darius Q, Aphelios auto-pistol, Yuumi zoomies... These are just some of the runes, abilities, items or champions with (self) healing capabilities.

    With so much healing in the game, it is often necessary to buy an item that applies Grievous Wounds. People who play mages usually buy Morello, as it is found in recommended items. That item costs 3000 gold. However if you are playing an AD champion, you can get the same effect for ONLY 800 GOLD. The item you should buy in this situation is called Executioner's Calling and applies Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds upon inflicting physical damage. Executioner's is a very underrated and rarely bought item, despite its usefulness. Unlike Morello which requires you to hit an ability, Executioner's only requires you to auto attack meaning it allows you to apply Grievous Wounds much more often and much more reliably.

    What happens is that people (mostly AD carries) buy Executioner's/Mortal Reminder as their last item and at that point it is basically worthless because the person with crazy healing is probably already fed to the point you can't do anything. This is why you should buy it much earlier, even on first back if the lane situation requires it (for example, you are playing vs Yuumi + Vayne with Vampiric Scepter).

    SOME GAMES ARE GUARANTEED WINS, SOME ARE GUARANTEED LOSSES. You've probably heard somewhere of the 40/30/30 rule, which states that you win 30% of games regardless of what you do, you lose 30% of games also regardless of your performace and you can only affect the outcome of 40% of your games.

    Last year, I had a game where I was 0/13 on Jinx and won because my Zed on mid was fed into oblivion and could just delete the enemy team. Also I had a game where I stomped lane and did everything I could, but my mid laner fed the enemy Akali to the point where she deleted everyone. Lastly, I played a match where I was very fed but so was the enemy Zed, however my team did everything they could to peel me from Zed, I did my best to delete the enemies and we won, despite the fact it seemed lost at one point.

    All of this is a part of League and you should learn to deal with it. There is nothing you can do if your Zed is 0/10 and is basically running down. Do your best to inflict as much damage (or as much healing for your team) and try not to tilt as it will only negatively affect you.

    JUDGE YOUR OWN PERFORMANCE. In the end, you will climb only if you get better. That is why you need to determine how you performed in a game, what are your strengths and weaknesses so you can work on them. Did you win just because your Darius was 8/0 while you were feeding bot lane? Are you doing meaningful damage in teamfights?

    You can get a rough overview on sites like league of graphs, where you can click on your game and it says things like "high kda", "stopped csing after 15min", "no control wards", "bad baron usage". This can help you, but in the end it is YOU that need to understand your mistakes, not some algorithm on a random website.

    1 - Some abilities apply Grievous Wounds that reduces healing by 60%, most notably Katarina's ult and Kled's Q

    submitted by /u/xX_toaster420_Xx
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    What are we doing wrong? (My husband and I can't climb)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    So I'm having a major issue playing with my husband and he won't listen to me, so I'm here to ask you guys what to do. Our summoner names are Underpaid Mom and Determinatored.

    Some background: I've been playing league since 2012, ranked since S2. The highest I've gotten is Gold 2. I have kids now and haven't had time to play but I do now, and I want to climb again.

    My husband just started playing early 2019. He's an avid gamer and because of that, he tells me he can adapt easily to new competitive games.

    So I started playing ranked with him almost as soon as he hit 30 (first mistake) and my rank immediately started tanking. I assumed this was because the game was matching us in a higher elo since we are duoing and not soloing (I don't know if it really works that way? But it sure feels like it).

    Almost every time we duo lately, it goes horribly. We seem to have completely different playstyles; he tells me I need to just listen and follow his lead, but I'm having trouble because I feel like I'm seeing things he's not, simply because I'm more experienced and have been playing the game longer. Then when things go badly early game, he tilts and I get too flustered to recover and start playing horribly.

    We're on different accounts than when we first started so our history isn't fully available, but I was hoping someone might be able to look at a couple of our games that we've played together and maybe a few played solo, so someone can tell me what's going on. I've been playing solo over the last few days and it's been going pretty well. I'm specifically interested in the last game we played together a few days ago, where I went 5/3/20 as Sona over a 36 min game. What can I do to win those games? Is it me? Is it him? Were we just not meant to be on Summoner's Rift? What can we do to improve?

    submitted by /u/Underpaid-Mom
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    Request for a quick update on jungle in current season.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    I started the game at the beginning of season 5 and quitted at mid season 7. My main role during that time is jungle with Hecarim. I returned when patch 10.15 hit the live server and realized they adjusted the exp of the jungle camp and stuff. Can someone give me a quick update on current jungle meta and clearing path for early gank?

    submitted by /u/FADOFAMINGO
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    All I'm asking for is the mindset that a jungler should have every game.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    As a plat 4 jungle main (euw) I feel like I can't reach my peak elo (d4) anymore. I have enough knowledge to stomp games but sometimes I just don't know what to do.

    I went for holidays for 15 days, and when I came back I was a bit rusty which is normal, but after a week or two here I am. Autopilot mode activated.

    If I'm picking talisman junglers I always do my full redside then blue then scuttler if the enemy jungle is going to fight me I just go to the other scuttler.

    I only adapt when I play machete junglers, since most of them don't want to do raptors etc.. I do the double buff + gromp route and that's it.

    I can still track a little bit after seeing which laners come late to lane (they can still fake leash but whatever).

    Suddenly, being bad at a role you always mained is sad, plus the fact that it's the most depressing role since you get every insults if your laner(s) lose 1v1 or 2v2 but yeah.

    I really need a "high elo" advice. I mostly play eve and ekko recently I played a lot more champs since I have a small team but yeah mechanically I feel like I have enough capacity. But my macro has been really bad lately.

    I really need help, everytime I write this type of post people come to me and tell me you can just do that by yourself, which isn't the case.


    Edit : I want to thank each person that answered to this post, a lot of helpful answers and that's exactly what I needed.

    submitted by /u/Baylo28
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    How do I identify my team’s win condition?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    I'm a silver jungle main that's been playing since the end of season 8, and I still have a hard time identifying my team's win condition. This also ties into what objects I should be focusing or if I should be waiting for my team to scale. Can someone please help me?

    submitted by /u/JamaicanMon_
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    How to deal with tanks as assassins ?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    I play mainly assassins and some ADC champs . In team fights i feel like i can't do anything to tanks and i understand that this is why they are called tanks . But they can one shot me . I feel like i can't do anything . I know that some of you will just say "roam early and kill them so you can snowball before they scale" . To which i will say that in some match ups (mages) i can't leave lane cause of the poke and constant wave clear . I know i scale to one shot them mid game . But by then it will be too late and the tanks have scaled and we will be back to point zero . How to deal with them ?

    submitted by /u/Vortex-532
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    Stop rushing Zhonya's on Fiddle! Here's why.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    The year is 2020. The fiddlesticks rework is here. They 've changed his E into a skillshot, changed his passive, and have given him a new Q passive. This new Q passive allow s Fiddle to potentially fear everyone on all of his abilities, including his Ult.


    So how does all of this stuff that I just typed relate to Fiddle's build? Well, the old Fiddle used to rush Zhonya's as second item every game because he had no survivability, there was no fear . This trend has continued, and most Fiddles tend to rush Zhonya's after Runic.


    New Fiddle has this "tankiness" where he can avoid all of enemies' spells because they are feared for up to 2 seconds. They can't attack you. You no longer need stasis. You have survivability now. Combined with DH or Electrocute as well as the missing HP% on W, you can burst people down quite quickly, eliminating the need for Zhonya's. If you immediately use Zhonya's after you ult, you're playing Fiddle wrong.


    This isn't to say this is a shit item and you should stop building it. But at that stage of the game when you get to your second item, most of the stats it gives you are worthless. Armor is terrible since HP is tankier early on. 10% CDR isn't needed at that stage either.


    Zhonya's is still helpful, but it is no longer mandatory, especially not as a second item. It's SITUATIONAL, just like how it is on most other mages. They have a fed Pyke? They have a Blitz who saves his E for your drain? Go ahead, buy Zhonya's second. But that is situational. It can come in later, as a third or fourth item perhaps. But this begs the question, "what the fuck do I build second?"


    Your default choice should always be Liandry's.



    This post isn't just about ranting about rushing Zhonya's, it's also a proposal. A proposal to build Liandry's as Fiddle's second core item.


    Why Liandry's then? Picture this. Again, this plays into his AOE fear. The burn is massive. It also increases ALL of your damage by 10%, which is massive. Each tick of the ult procs both passives. It does 2.5% MAX HP burn. This will delete squishies and tanky bois alike.


    Not only that, but it also gives you HP, which, at that point of the game(early-mid transition), will be tankier than armor. Picture this. Remember Rumble? (Riot doesn't) You know how his ult always seem to delete you and burn you to death? This is the exact same concept. AOE, DoT with a CC. They will burn and you will SUCC.


    You want more champion examples? Kennen, Anivia, Teemo, Malzahar, Annie etc.


    Conclusion/TL;DR: Stop rushing Zhonya's on Fiddle. Build it later, and build Liandry's second instead.



    F.C.V. (Frequently Voiced Concerns)


    But sometimes you can't always ult out of vision! I don't get the fear then!


    That's called a misplay. Control the vision around the bush/dragon pit/baron pit/whatever, make sure you ult without vision. It's an AOE fear FFS, if you don't ult out of vision that's a lot of teamfighting power that you just wasted. (This is concerning teamfights, in 1v1s, it's okay to ult with vision)


    What about oblivion orb?

    This is a fine buy if you really like ulting ADCs and ruining their life. Protobelt is okay as well.


    But pro players build Zhonya's? What do?

    Pro play is a totally different game than soloq. Also, they still build Nashor's on Morde soooo...


    Why should I believe you?

    Because NA Challenger Fiddle Nikkone does this. I would say he's quite successful with it.


    What are you, LS?

    Im flattered

    LS aka "Liandry's Salesman", takes away 2.5% of my Max HP every time I make this joke. Please send me RP in order to pay for the medical bills caused by Liandry's Salmonella infecting my lungs, thank you.


    Wait, aren't you the guy who posts those stupid memes on the Fiddlemains reddit?

    Yeah. That's me. Here they are: https://redd.it/i0e4v4; https://redd.it/i24h3z; https://redd.it/i3nvx7; https://redd.it/i4fw3e

    submitted by /u/Blasterus
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    This season is the one that i've met the most games with afk, like, one after another

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    What the hell is happening? i swear past years you could say, ''oh but is not so frequently, and if happens on your team happens on the opposite'' bla bla bla kind of thing, and when i say afk, is not the ones that can't connect, but those ones that ''you didn't help me on my jungle now i'm afk'' or ''i'm afk because that guy is afk'' or ''i'm afk till 18 good luck trash'', this is happening in two out of 5 games, and since my mmr is dogshit because i played like an ape for a long time, 2 losts = 6 wins.

    i've reported all of them, it's been two months, i didn't received 1 report notification, not even from a 1/12 riven that said that she gets bored played on plat and told us to add her on her main

    submitted by /u/x-Taylor-x
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    A quick guide to how towers work, and how to towerdive properly

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    I see tons of people overly scared of towers. Unable to push leads because their opponent plays under tower and uses it to kill them if they're overaggressive. Later on, teams struggle to siege unless they have someone with range who can auto the tower from afar.

    But, towerdiving is a lot easier than it appears, due to how simple towers are.

    How a tower works:

    • If there are no targets, it will start shooting at the first enemy that enters it's area.
    • It will keep firing at this target until it dies, goes out of range, or becomes untargetable.
    • After that, it will pick it's next target based on this priority list. Generally, traps then pets then cannons then minions then champs.
    • It will instantly switch to firing at champs that damage enemy champs. However, it will only do this once and will keep firing at the fight starter until it can't. This means that if you begin tanking tower, so long as you keep taking shots, your allies can freely attack people under tower and will not receive aggro. This is one of the major jobs of a tank, retain tower aggro so squishies can dive.
    • Shot damage does physical and ramps over time as it hits champions.

    To towerdive, you need one of these: (the more you have, the higher the success rate)

    • Someone beefy enough to tank the tower
    • Dashes to get in and out quickly
    • A fragile target that can be killed quickly
    • Minions taking tower aggro so you can walk closer

    Generally, you would towerdive by:

    • Shoving wave under the enemy tower.
    • Have someone positioned behind the tower so they don't just leave. The person behind needs to be as strong as the person in front, otherwise they just get attacked. If you're behind, don't reveal that you're behind until minions are in position.
    • Walk under tower as close to the enemy as you can while minions take aggro. Hopefully, they waste CC on you during this time when you aren't tanking tower.
    • Quickly CC and burst them, then walk out of tower. If you have dashes/defense steroids use them to get out.
    • If the enemy escapes, walk out to clear aggro, then kill the tower.
    • If you have some kind of ability that can move enemy champs, (sett R, hooks, etc) see if you can get them out of tower range with it so you can kill them easier.

    If you're a tank/beefy bruiser in this situation, your job is to get tower aggro (so be the first to walk in/do damage), then retain it for as long as you can. Mid game you should be able to take several shots, late game you should basically be able to ignore towers. Be extremely careful, dropping aggro (by walking out, or becoming untargetable) can result in the deaths of your allies (because the tower will have charged up hitting you, it will 1-2 shot your squishies). Stay near the edge so you don't get attacked and can walk out of tower as soon as it becomes too heavy to bear.

    What not to do:

    • Do not towerdive people you cannot burst without tank assistance. If they can tank your burst, they might make you die to tower.
    • Do not reveal that you are behind before your allies are in position, otherwise they'll just attack you or start recalling.
    • Do not dive champions with the means to outplay your dive. People having flash, kayle ult, nasus ult, soraka ult, akali ult, Jax E, etc. Get that out of them first.
    • Do not deal damage to the enemy until the very last second. Be careful of things like Sunfire cape or AOE damage as these will make you tank tower.
    • Do not towerdive when the enemy jungler's location is unknown. If they roll up mid-towerdive, they can very easily wipe both+ of you.
    • Do not towerdive minion-less unless you have a tank that can tank the tower for you while others dive.
    • Flash if you must between shots, never while a shot is flying. There is no way to stop a flying tower shot other than becoming untargetable (zhonyas for example). It will hit you, so don't waste flash. Either you're gonna die or you don't die.
    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    New to game so wondering how leveling in match really works:

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    last match we played a dude had 95cs and 2/0/2 and was level 13 but the other guy was level 11 with 105cs and 13/0/6 so im trying to figure out how the second guy was basically underleveled. is there a trick to level up faster other than not dying lolol. thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Mitt102486
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    Yone Counterplay Thread!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:25 PM PDT

    Hi, r/summonerschool.

    So as of today Yone got released into the live servers. He is a mid/top laner who in lore is the brother of Yasuo and has some similar mechanics to Yasuo (double crit) I have not been able to play Yone on the PBE since I live in Australia and have 200+ ping. I am a ranked only player. I would like some advice on counterplaying Yone.

    • What are his item spikes in terms of levels?
    • What are the counterplay to his abilities?
    • How does he want to teamfight?

    In the mid lane I play Ahri, Kassadin, Ekko, Vladimir, Sylas, Rumble and Galio, in the top lane I play Renekton, Jax, Fiora, Wukong, Darius, Mordekaiser, Garen and Irelia.

    Please do not tell me "Just ban Yone." It is not an option for me, I ban Teemo, when I play top every game. I ban Fizz everygame I play top. NO I do not want advice on how to beat either of them or to be told not to ban them. I am not gonna change where that is concerned, so don't waste your time.

    submitted by /u/SleepyLabrador
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    Want to improve? Play the game less and VOD review instead

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    Practice makes permanent. The absolute worst thing you can do is autopilot grind out 1000 games without taking a look at how you are playing the game. It is incredibly difficult to fix something that you have drilled into your brain through hundreds of hours of gameplay.

    What if I don't know what to look for in my replays?

    Start with the basics. Look at every death and think should we have fought that? Could I have positioned better? Did I get caught? Why? etc. After you get the hang of reviewing every death in a game you can get a bit more abstract. Start looking at your macro decisions. Look your matchup and if you could have played it better (bonus points if you review better players vods of the same matchups and compare how they play out to your own games). Look at how you play teamfights, how you use/deny vision, the list goes on.

    Personally it took me 10+ reviewed games to even know what to look for. The more I looked at my own replays the more I would pick up on. Recently I hit D2 which is significantly better than I ever expected to achieve, and I attribute almost all of that to reviewing almost every loss.

    Don't be lazy. Review your games and your LP will thank you

    submitted by /u/fleshygordon
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    How do i understand lane states?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    Hey guys, so basically I'm a jungler main I'm struggling a bit to understand when the wave will push, when will it bounce back and stay in the mid of the lane or close to my turret. What i want to understand is when will the lane be gankable to path towards it and get there in time or pretty close when it's close to my turret or om the mid of the lane while i clear the maximum amount of camps possible to be there in time. Thank you 🙏

    submitted by /u/UnnamedGuy48
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    struggling to get more cs than my lane opponent

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    I started playing top, and as a jungle/support main I find myself struggling to get ahead of my opponent in cs. I try to freeze the lane at my turret, which usually works, and I feel my last hitting isn't that bad, but I still find myself having less cs than my opponent almost every game. I do try and tp gank as much as possible early on, and I feel this may contribute to why my opponent gets ahead in CS. Should I be tping less to other lanes and focus on my own lane more? Any advice is appreciated, thanks.

    Edit: I play mostly urgot top

    submitted by /u/MagicalDemons
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    Need Help Forming Team Compositions for 5 Premade 5 man.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm part of an amateur league and we scrim twice a week against other premade teams, we've been really struggling with team compositions and the draft phase in general. Our draft phases usually end up being incompatible especially when most teams are running "protect the AD" comps and we're running two engagers and 3 poke champs :/ There doesn't seem to be a lot of resources when it comes to forming a team comp for a 5 man premade. Does anyone know some team comp to practice, preferably not just wombo combo teams like (Ornn / J4 / Ori / Mf / Galio) we're also interested in running things like pick, reverse engage, siege, split ect. We're about d4 average and we're willing to learn any champs. We've looked at proplay for team comp ideas but those seem a bit too advanced for us as the comp was probably heavily influenced by the picks and bans phase. I understand that most comps will be influenced by the pick ban phase and that we'll likely have to move around and change certain champs but we're just looking for a framework or something simple to get us started. thank you. The team dynamic is generally: Top lane plays weakside, jungle stays botside, mid roams bot a lot, adc plays hypercarries and support goes early game power picks like pantheon/sett but again we are willing to play anything thats just what we're used to. Out midlane is the most mechanically skilled out of all of us if that matters. Thank you.

    TLDR: Need ideas for 5 man premade team comps, willing to play anything.

    submitted by /u/AColorblindChameleon
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    What does rank TRULY represent in League?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    I've played league for a bit now and time and time again, no matter who I play with, the first question out of their mouth is: "Okay, so what rank are you?" A failure to provide a response greater than or equal to Diamond 1 usually serves as a catalyst to get elo shamed or worse. So I guess my question here is: "What does rank truly represent and why does it matter to people so much?" I have seen countless time from not just my own experiences but even during events such as Twitch Rivals where a player like KayPea (a platinum peaker) able to go toe-to-toe with someone like Voyboy(Challenger) or Yøzu (Challenger) and not only win the lane but also the game as well. If rank is the "end-all-be-all" of a player's overall worth or skill, how is it possible for me to beat a Master player in a customs game as a Gold player? And for clarity, this isn't to brag nor an attempt to claim a super high rank. I would just like to understand why there is so much stigma in place around a player's rank when it doesn't seem to be an absolute measurement of a player's potential.

    submitted by /u/DemacianEmpress
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    How do you not get tilted?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    I used to get tilted really badly and as I've gotten older and after a 2 month break from league I was a lot better for a while but last night it happened again, most of the time when it does it happens because of something u feel that I have no control over, even if I do at the time I don't notice that I can control it. You could probably even say that I should have just started farming under turret to not int and get back to help get control but even under turret I was dying and getting dived. I want to keep playing but if I'm going to get as mad as I have it's not safe for me to keep playing as well

    submitted by /u/Tanosuri
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    Why is Camille a Pyke counter? (LEC)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    In today's LEC's skit and champ select casting, they mentioned that Camille counters Pyke but didn't really elaborate (if they did I apologize, skipped some of the analyst desk), what makes Camille specifically good into Pyke? I can't really figure out what interaction makes this good

    submitted by /u/Coinshot_Kvothe
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    how do I keep vision on dragon with an early sweeper?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    I'm a gold jungle main and I almost always opt in for a early sweeper (most of the time first back). I also try to go out of base with atleast one control ward. My problem with having the sweeper is that I do not have any vision control on dragon from that point onward. I can't ward dragon because I usually place my control on hotspots or deep in enemy jungle. My bot lane most of the time doesn't want to ward drake because they want to ward tribush and river (and sometimes lane bush).

    I also get flamed for not having vision control on dragon because that's the junglers job.

    What should I do to get that vision control while running a sweeper?

    Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/Positlve
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    When and where to collect Meeps? (Bard)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    Im pretty new to the game. (Started in May) And I really love bard. He's fun to play and has pretty strong cc. But his kit really relies on him to collect meeps. I never find the timing to do so. If I leave my ADC I get question Pinged in bad situations. The other thing is that they spawn really far apart to make it quick.

    submitted by /u/My_Mo13
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    What to do against ranged characters without jungler

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    Today i was playing katarina mid in a normal game because i don't know her and i want to learn her. The enemy mid laner was caitly and she was perma pushing my jungler didn't come to help me and instead he ganked his already wining premade.Well i wasn't able to farm or anything and at 13 minutes Cait tookcthe first tower and then i just died and then we lost the game because of that. This was just an example so please don't mind this part.

    The question is i am a top lane player and i get ranged players a lot and since this is low elo soloq my jungler doesn't come and gank me. What should i do in these types of situations

    submitted by /u/Wolflyer
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    Summoner Spell Rundown - A Guide for League

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    Hey folks! If you've ever wondered why or when you should take what Summoner Spell, I've got just the info for you! Here in this article, I cover everything you need to know about each Summoner Spell. From why and when they're selected, to how you can use these spells effectively for yourself in-game.

    Let me know what you guys think of the info! As always, feedback is appreciated and I'm always out to offer the best information I can to our community to help them improve and gain knowledge on the game.

    Are there other creative ways you've utilized your Summoner Spells? Are there any spells that you consider sleeper strong in the current meta? Let us all know so we can improve together!


    submitted by /u/HandDrawnHarriette
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    Tips for evelynn

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    So I'm a beginner and mainly played jungle ans loved it since I can turn the game around if I play well. I mainly played WW, Master Yi and Nocturne. I'm planning to pick up evelynn since she got heavily buffed last patch and has a decent clear. Do you have any tips that would help me play her well?

    submitted by /u/M4C13Q
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