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    Saturday, August 29, 2020

    LoL Guide If you're critical of anyone other than yourself during and after a game, you're wasting time and energy. Fix your mental. Learn from your wins AND your losses.

    LoL Guide If you're critical of anyone other than yourself during and after a game, you're wasting time and energy. Fix your mental. Learn from your wins AND your losses.

    If you're critical of anyone other than yourself during and after a game, you're wasting time and energy. Fix your mental. Learn from your wins AND your losses.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    Even just acknowledging another player performed poorly is a bad investment. The 2-3 seconds it took you to formulate a negative opinion about someone else in your game is 2-3 seconds you could be thinking about how you can improve and what you could have done better.

    There is no game you've ever played where you did everything 100% perfectly. Has not happened, will not happen. I don't care if you're iron 4 or 1000+ LP challenger -- you did something wrong in every single game you've ever played or will ever play.

    For any person to sit back in their chair after a game is over and think to themselves "I played awesome that game, it was the other 4 players that lost the game. They played poorly and I played perfectly" is the most arrogant, self-important, naïve mentality.

    You have absolutely zero control over what anyone else does in this game. Nothing you ever say, do, or think is going to change that. You control your character, other people control their characters. You make your decisions, other people make their decisions. You can attempt to influence their decisions with communication, but at the end of the day they made their own choices and you made yours.

    At the end of the game you should be thinking things like "I really shouldn't have contested that scuttle crab, I didn't have priority and I was low HP."

    NOT "My bot lane were a bunch of monkeys, if they'd have just come up and helped me get crab, I wouldn't have given that kill to the enemy ADC. Its their fault, they should have responded."

    You should be thinking things like "Why did I try to solo that dragon at 13 minutes, I didn't have smite or flash available, and my mid laner was in base"

    NOT "My support sucked, they didn't buy wards. If they would have warded I would have seen the enemy jungler coming and left drake. My mid laner was shopping while drake was up, what a piece of shit. My team never helped me get objectives."

    You're just deflecting the blame on to other people because its easier than accepting it yourself. The thing is -- you're giving yourself an excuse not to improve. You're convincing yourself that you did the right thing, and there's no reason to change your play.

    Its a normal thing to do. Everyone does it to some degree, some more than others. You should be aware of it though, and catch yourself doing it. You should actively try to correct it, and shift the blame where it belongs -- on yourself -- because that's the only thing you have any control over.

    Everyone's going to have games where their teammates run it down, or someone makes a bonehead play that throws the game. Happens to everyone across all elos. Some people shrug it off and queue up for a new game. Some people sit in their chair and fume and seethe over how shitty their teammates are and how they don't belong in the elo they're in. Some people go grab a glass of water, come back to the computer, hit the replay button, and watch to see where they could have done better.

    Just better. Not perfect. Better doesn't mean you could have won. Better doesn't mean your mid laner wasn't 0/11 by 8 minutes. Better doesn't mean your support didn't have a 9 vision score. Better just means you're looking at the things you did in the game and wondering what you could have done differently, and remembering it for next time.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    So I have been playing league for about 6 months now and I have a few questions about various champion interactions.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    1. Sion

    A) Sion's ult makes him unstoppable, so if Camille ults him at the same time, will he be able to escape her ult? Also, which abilities can escape Camille ult?

    B) When sion is drowsy and about to fall asleep, if he ults does he fall asleep cancelling the unstoppable onslaught or does the sleep not work.?

    1. Teemo

    A) Teemo has a blind on his q. If he blinded a champion with an empowered auto attack(Nasus/Garen/Kayle etc.), will the auto attack miss?

    B) Does Teemo's q blind for one single auto attack or for a period of time(Cause champions like yi can just ignore it if it is for a single auto attack)


    A) let's say, mord ults a champion like aatrox, jax, renekton or nasus, if they ult in his/before his ult but mord still kills them, will he get the bonus stats of their ult as well?

    B) in a situation where a tank uses gargoyle stone plate active and mord kills them in his ult, how will this affect the stats mord receives.

    I) if the stoneplate active is used outside ult?

    II) if the stoneplate active is used inside ult but mords team is surrounding them, will the stoneplate active work as if their are 3 enemy members or only 1 enemy.

    C) What if a champion is conditionally buffed(eg. Orianna giving resistance and armour to teammates)? What will happen to the stats when mord ults.

    1. Jax

    A) Does his e dodge empowered autos or not cause their seems to be no consensus on this topic(I looked around).

    B) If any champion has been blinded will that champions auto attack(s) still be counted as 'dodged' by Jax e. Edit: I mean that since the damage on Jax e increases the more AA's he dodges, will blinded attacks increase e damage.

    1. Champions with delayed abilities (eg. Cho'gath q). What will happen if you use a delayed ability but you die before it actually happens.

    2. Will ignite damage stop if you use a stopwatch? What about Zed ult Damage?

    3. Can you cleanse blitz hook (I know you can cleanse thresh's hook but blitz hook seems too fast, so much that you will have to have a high reaction time to cleanse it. p.s. I play at 190 ping so it might be difficult for me )

    4. Can trundle pillar stop dashes that can go through walls (Eg. Aatrox e)

    Finally, I would like to say that I know some of these things might never actually happen in my games but I find it very interesting how the various abilities of champions interact with each other.

    Edit 2: I would like to thank everyone who used their precious time to answer the questions and with such enthusiasm at that. Thanks

    submitted by /u/SwordGenius
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    Do item effects and passives work while in stasis?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    pretty much the title.

    If you stopwatch in the middle of the enemy team, is frozen heart passive still running or does it disable for the stasis time period and then resume after?

    Similarly does Bami's cinder also pause while you're in stasis, does Zeke's convergence unique frost passive just disappear when you stopwatch?

    EDIT: I would like to clarify that by item effects and passives I don't mean champion abilities such as swain or Morgana ultimate, my question directly refers to items.

    submitted by /u/ExoticPenguins
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    My two mains are getting instapicked on 7/10 matches i play. What should i do?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Hi, im a new player (LvL 10+) and i have this problem. I play with Warwick in Jungle and Ashe in Bot, and those are my go to characters. Before i just leave my team picking and then choose Warwick (Becasue most of the times no one wanted to go jungle) or picking Ashe after someone gets a support. But now most of the times almost instantly someone picks warwick or any adc as soon we get into the champion selection. I dont wanna be that kind of person that just locks the champ and dont care about the rest of the team, but im getting forced. What should i do?

    submitted by /u/RealWina
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    Is there a way to still reliably dodge ranked games?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    I'm not one of those people who dodge a game because I get a bad lane, but sometimes you just know in champ select the game isn't looking pretty and I'd much rather take a 3LP loss.

    Just an hour ago, I had 2 people flaming each other in champ select for no apparent reason. Quickly checked their stats and both were on loooong losing streaks, so obviously just tilted people.

    Which is fine, it happens, but I don't want to play with them when they will probably rage all game long and lose.

    So I dodged the game when there were still 5 people who needed to pick. Logged in a minute later and BOOM, loading into the game. And of course, one of them goes for a hyper aggressive all in that doesn't work 3 minutes into the game while our jungler was still a long way away, dies, and then starts insulting "this trash elo". You know the type.

    The game was a 25 minute stomp.

    The frustrating thing is that there is no rhyme or reason to it.

    I get that if you have not picked yet you can dodge easily. but even after I picked dodging works most of the time.

    But 3 times it has not. All 3 were losses and I have to say it makes me a bit flustered.

    Is there a way to guarantee the dodge?

    I think dodging is a mechanic in the game for a reason and riot should not make it a gamble.


    Some people say altf4, some say sign out, that really makes it hard for me to know which works.I get the confusion because it seems completely random to me as well.

    This issue has been known for months, even pro players have talked about it (Perkz on Twitter) and STILL they can't either fix it or give us a "guaranteed" solution.

    submitted by /u/Chopters2567
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    Mid lane after laning phase help

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I'm wondering what my response should be when laning phase ends and the support and jungler both come mid, I would normally rotate top or bot to continue to get solo exp but the top laner is still top, and adc is still bot. I typically play fizz which makes taking jungle a bit of a pain, are there any other options I should consider? I always fall behind in levels during mid to late because of all the exp that is getting shared. Also keep in mind this is low elo (silver 3). Any advice would be welcome!

    submitted by /u/Palazzo2356
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    How does Caitlyn, one of the biggest lane bullies in the game, lose to Ashe in laning phase in LCS?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    It makes no sense to me. Caitlyn is typically supposed to be the early game lane bully, but when I watch LCS, people are constantly talking about how Caitlyn is supposed to play for scaling in this lane.

    And it's consistent. The Ashe is consistently 20 CS above Caitlyn after laning phase.

    Also, isn't Ashe supposed to be a heavy midgame threat? Why is she so strong early game now?

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    Why is bot Lucian so weak compared to solo lane lucian?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    Like seriously, it completely boggles my mind. I know that Lucian right now on the botlane is pretty much garbage tier but having him in a solo lane is pretty good, especially in the mid-lane. But the power difference is so absurd, like seriously a fed mid lucian seems like he can carry 1v9 while a lucian that might even win the botlane feels like a caster minions in teamfights.

    Any reason to this besides just having more experience due to the solo lane? Is it because he excels in 1v1s but kinda sucks in 2v2s right now?

    submitted by /u/Mrf12345
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    Everything you need to know about laning phase

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    Hi! Last time I did a short compilation of ideas from my video people seem to like it, so I do it again. If you prefer to listen, rather than read, or you want to get a full explanation of the ideas that you will find below, you can do it HERE!

    What is laning phase?

    Usually, when people say laning phase they refer to the first 10 minutes of the game. Truth is that laning phase lasts until any of tier one towers die. This means that in theory laning phase can last from 5 minutes and to the infinity, but on practice even in the most passive games tier one towers start dying around minute 15.

    Why is it so important?

    Usually, if one of the teams gets an advantage in the laning phase, they win the whole game. Especially if we're talking about higher elo soloq games. Even the best soloq player in the world Dopa, said that in his opinion League of Legends is a game that last 15 minutes. However, if you win your lane

    How do you win laning phase?

    You need to understand is that "to win laning phase" doesn't mean to kill your opponent multiple times. "To win laning" phase means to get more experience and gold than him. We have two ways of getting more experience and gold than your opponent: we can play aggressively and trade with our opponent to force him out of lane or we can play passively and focus on farming.

    How you should play your lane mostly depends on your champion. All champions can be divided into two types: those who can aggressively trade and those who can sustain well. Champion type depends on their abilities and basic stats.

    Aggressive champions usually have strong damaging abilities, damage focused passive or they just have a lot of healing of some sort. When you're playing on aggressive champion, you should look for constant fights with your opponent, because it will be impossible for them to outdamage you or to heal incoming damage faster than you.

    Sustain champions usually have good regen or defensive abilities. When you're playing on them your goal is to just calmly farm out until you will get your core items. Your dream lane usually looks like this. Your opponent is trying to inflict damage on you, but every time he's doing it you either use your defensive abilities and mitigate this damage to a point where it doesn't matter or you trade health with him, but your regen is so good that you get back to full health right before he can try to play aggressive once again.

    Three phases of the laning phase.

    Laning phase can be broken down into three phases. The fact is that you play differently between minutes 1 and 5, between minutes 5 and 10, and between minutes 10 and 15. Between minutes 1 and 5 prioritize farm over trades, between minutes 5 and 10 focus on abusing strong sides of your champion (either play super aggressively or super defensively) and between minutes 10 and 15 try to help your team on a map, rather than being in your lane.

    submitted by /u/LuckyGnom
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    Jungle Volibear feels squishy

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    I've been trying out the new volibear in the jungle. I'm going with what the internet recommends. But when it comes to team fights I feel so squishy. Even with cinderhulk deadman's plate and my ult and e, I still just get bursted, even when the items are even. He feels way less tanky than the old voli to me. What am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/Mojjin
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    My Lux CS is bad.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    Rolled the elementalist skin and now I'm in love with the giant laser cannon. I think I'm doing well on support but I want to move to mid. The problem is my CS sucks.

    Even practicing without pressure I miss 1/3 of the last hits I think I should be making. Is there any particular steamers or pros I should watch?

    submitted by /u/Oagariyo
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    Advanced tips for early game champs

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Im fairly good at league with its mechanics and always try to improve when i can, but there is one thing i just cant really get a hold of, which is laning against early champions. I try to farm safely and freeze wave near my tower while waiting for a gank but they always poke me and i cant farm without losing half of my hp for 4 cs. Then it just scales into my enemy having double my farm in 10 minutes and me building resists and having no damage. When i feel that i can win a trade, or even a full on fight, i mostly lose.

    TL:DL i absolutely suck at laning against early champions.

    I play champs like ryze, azir and yorick

    Can someone explain to me the best way to deal with early champs in detail for top, mid and a little bit bot?

    How do i deal with ceirtain troublesome matchups?

    I appreciate every single tip ❤️

    submitted by /u/kriss123boys
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    getting Tilted when Team fed

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    hey all, I've checked an no one asked this before so hopefully I won't be deleted ,

    The issue is that there are some games where I just wanna quit lol.

    I'm a low Elo player (bronze I in promo to silver) and I'm struggling because there are a lot of people throwing the game so early.

    As an example the last game I played, a kassadin mid , literally 30 sec after the wave collapsed mid died and started pinging and flaming me(I'm a jungler main) for not ganking enough , yeah 2 min in the game . I literally was clearing my 2nd camp. And since then at min 5 he was 0/5 .. also my top lane died 2times and every time I wasn't ganking my allies were dying.

    I do know that many of you will just Say don't blame other you played bad. I Know that partly is my bad if we lost the game cause I could have done more but really being 20/7 with 2 drake fore the enemy team at min 8 is such a tilting experience .

    whenever I meet this games I do feel so tilted that I stop playing lol, because it's nothing you can do about it. it's not that bot lost the lane or fed a bit . every lane fed and I really feel useless , like I can't do nothing to help up the problem.

    any advice or help about it?

    submitted by /u/Kindred9
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    Any advice for a bronze 1 jungler?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    I'm having troubles winning games. I'm bronze 1 but I usually play with low golds or high silver. I enjoy playing early champs like Elise / Rek'Sai, etc... I manage to get a lot of kills and a got KDA, get objectives at the start. I know the champs I mentioned are early game champs, because I want to get my teammates rolling, but we don't end the game fast so they have a chance to comeback and I'm useless at late game. On the other hand, when I play late game junglers like Karthus, my teammates usually die a lot and I can't comeback. So, idk what to do, it's like the enemies can win with a early game champions, but I can't.

    What should I be doing more often? Any adivce?

    submitted by /u/godgawd
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    Ornn Combo Guide

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    Hello Community,

    I created a combo guide video for Ornn.

    The combos are seperated in four difficulty classes!

    I really spent a lot of time into that video.

    Feel free to check it out: https://youtu.be/GR7FQ3Pa--o

    I hope its allowed to post it here and I could help you, to get better with or against Ornn

    submitted by /u/MrNoCopyright
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    Is it normal to get worse while you are really trying to learn the game.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    So I've been playing for a while. Several years, but was a for fun player. Made it to low plat screwing around on support.

    Over the last few weeks I really decided to try to actually learn the game and lear support. Since then, I feel like I have been getting worse at the game. I've fallen to gold 3 and don't really feel my impact in games the way I used to.

    Has anyone else gone through this during their learning of the game? Maybe I'm just more aware of my mistakes, but I honestly feel like I'm getting worse.

    submitted by /u/iWantThatGrapeDrink
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    What's the bread and butter of playing Mid Lane?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    I recently started to play LoL (In March), and until now I only played Jungle and Support. But as frustrating these lanes can be, I want to learn how to play Mid Lane.

    However, I tried one game and it went *horribly*. So I tried looking up guides (On Mobafire or YT) on how to play Mid Lane, but they were too much advanced for a beginner like me.

    So do guys have any tips to begin playing Mid Lane? It would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Thib376
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    Playing Against Much Higher Ranked Players in Top Lane

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Often times when I queue up for ranked flex with my friends, I will be matched up into an opposing laner playing Riven, Yasuo, or Rumble who is in Platinum. As I am silver, I typically get absolutely dumpster by these players, losing the game for my team in laning phase alone. Is there a specific blind pick or play style that will allow me to survive lane with minimal interaction with the opposing laner?

    submitted by /u/HeartstruckDeath
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    How to improve in Iron and Bronze when everyone seem to not take the game seriously?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Hey guys, not a rant or anything, but something I'm wondering, especially since in Iron playing against Bronze and Iron players. I was wondering, especially at these Elos, is how your team plays dictate more strongly whether you win or lose.

    I mean, we all know that Iron and Bronze players make the biggest mistakes, but when you have someone 1v5ing a team just after they took dragon (with no vision at that) in the dragon pit, it makes you wonder at times if people try to take the game seriously. Like if they know this is a strategy game and not Smash Bros. I fall for that same trap too sometimes, of course.

    I know, this isn't to blame anybody, and I'm not saying I'm better than anyone (I'm definitely not, not in the slightest, but trying to improve).

    Maybe my true question is as an Iron midlaner how to improve while in Iron and Bronze when everyone (including me) is bad?


    submitted by /u/Embers91
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    How fo I deal with Tanks and champions that heal a lot ?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    So I started lol about 5 days ago and I have had a problem with champions that keep healing while I'm fighting them, notably Yasuo I had multiple Yasuo wipe the floor with me by using a lot of crits and lifesteal.

    Another example that happened in my last game is I was playing Xayah and the enemy team had a Master Yi and Ilaoi. The Ilaoi kept getting Aces when the whole team was focusing her because of her healing and when I tried to Solo fight Master Yi he just wouldn't die.

    Any tips to deal with Lifesteal ?

    submitted by /u/MRIT03
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    I feel like I can't win more

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    I play since s5, but I stopped playing almost 2 full seasons out of frustration, I recently returned to a new account because I forgot my old email, the problem is that I can not win a damn game, I am very bad, I do not win my line and less the game, I've always been a toplaner but my mechanics are bad and my macro is null, this is my op.gg, https://lan.op.gg/summoner/userName=%C5%B9uri, any advice to improve?

    submitted by /u/Odd-Wing9829
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    Tips Ekko mid for a new player.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    Hi guys, how are you?

    I really want to learn how to play Ekko in midlane and I wanted to ask you a few questions.

    1- What is better Teleport or Ignite?

    2- The style of play that I should adopt in line would be to push and roam like any assassin?

    3- What is my role in team fights? Flank and kill weak rivals and come out with ultimate?

    4- What should I ban against?

    Thank you very much!

    submitted by /u/luchocoss
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    Can’t move as soon as game starts please help.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    This has been happening to me for the past two days I've tried deleting and uninstalling but that didn't work. It was working fine before but now it just doesn't. It lets me choose a champion and type in chat but my buttons don't work and I can't click anything.

    submitted by /u/Toukken
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    I have a few questions about how to ping

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    Hi all !

    So I'd like to improve my pinging abilities to communicate more.

    I already use the G ping to say where I'm going, tell my people they are going to get ganked or they are overextending, or to tell when enemies are missing.

    I also use the H ping when our jungler is coming to tell him about enemy vision.

    I used the alt-click in shop to justify why I'm waiting if I have something to buy and I use the tab pings to ping summoners, ultis or items people get.

    I was wondering if there was a way to personalize the ping will, like to replace the help ping with the vision ping for example.

    I was also wondering if there was a way, a shortcut to quickly ping some things from the HUD like life, mana, skills.

    I find it really useful to ping my remaining health or mana to my mates to tell them I can't help or to ping my skills if I accidentally not chose my ult at level 6 for example. Pinging skills is ok but pinging life/mana is delicate because the bars are really thin so is there a way to ping them more easily ?

    Also do you know of any other form of useful pings, or of other things worth pinging ?

    submitted by /u/Nimyron
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