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    Friday, August 28, 2020

    LoL Guide Me (D4) want to help my friend (S1) improving at the game, but he costantly queues up and blames his teammates, any suggestion ?

    LoL Guide Me (D4) want to help my friend (S1) improving at the game, but he costantly queues up and blames his teammates, any suggestion ?

    Me (D4) want to help my friend (S1) improving at the game, but he costantly queues up and blames his teammates, any suggestion ?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    Hi, my name is Haranee. Today, a friend of mine asked to be coached at the game, but after that immediately queued up. He said to me I could watch his current game and tell him his errors at the end of it, but the game ended very bad for him and he istantly queued up for another game.

    I dont want to force him to stop doing what he wants, but I know that queueing up costantly is not the best choice for him and I dont know how to make him realize that.

    Any suggestion ? I might have missed some details, so feel free to ask me them.

    Edit: Thanks for the helpful advices down there !

    submitted by /u/Haranee_CC
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    (toplane) I'm in low elo and my team constantly wants to group up and "aram", how do I play around this

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    After roughly 10 min I can see both teams start grouping up mid and waiting for someone to start the fight. There is no point to this. Most of the time dragon is down and they are now fighting over one lane's xp and farm.

    Some times they win the fight, some times they lose. If they lose I get blamed for not helping, despite me using the opportunity to get tons of minions and often tower or inhibitor. I will end most games 3-4 levels up on everyone else and with a good kd, but since its a 4v5 my team often loses if they try to fight.

    It doesn't matter how much I tell them to not fight or ping. I just had a Vi try to 1v1 a Ornn she saw deep in the enemy jungle, get 3v1'ed, and then blame me.

    How do I play around teams like this? I like playing Urgot, Malphite, Yorick.

    submitted by /u/Less_Tennis5174524
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    Weird champ mechanics you might not know

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 08:05 PM PDT

    Making a thread with weird mechanics you probably didn't know. Feel free to comment if you know any other and I will add them:

    • If Sylas steals Cho'Gath's ult and gets a kill with it, he will gain a stack of feast (+120 health and larger size). This does not disappear and he can do it again to gain more stacks. Remember that you can gain 6 stacks from minions, and then it stacks almost infinitely with champions, dragons, heralds and barons.

    • Rengar can use Ivern's bushes to proc his passive (i think?), leaping out and dealing extra damage

    • Tahm Kench can eat Poppy as she is ulting to have her also fly with him.

    • Akali can mark an enemy that is teleporting and then reactive the mark to fly across the map to where the enemy teleported.

    • The item quicksilver sash removes all crowd control debuffs, including Mordekaiser's ult. Thats right, for 1300 gold you can completely remove your lane opponents ult. Cooldown is lower than his ult's is. Its also good for killing Veigar, Morgana, or other champs with annoying cc.

    • Cho'Gath's ult damage scales with health, so a good trick is to buy stoneplate and activate it. You will gain double health and therefor much more ult damage. Its a bit tricky as the item removes 60% of your damage dealt on other abilities, but not your ult. So hit the enemy a bit first.

    That's what I can remember right now. Hope that you learned something and if you have something to add please tell me <3

    Edit: Here is some good stuff from the comments:

    • You can teleport to: Thresh lantern, Zac blobs, Heimerdinger turrets, Yorick minions, and most other champ made stuff.

    • Put a ward on Thresh lantern to keep people from using it, they will often click the ward instead.

    • If a Lee Sin is about to Q you, put down a ward and he will hit it, keeping him from getting you.

    • Anivias ult gets cancelled if she takes blastcone/lantern/tunnel/Ivern q, however if Sylas uses her stolen ult, he can use all these dashes. Her ult also cancels if any playermade terrain (Yorick/Taliyah/Trundle/Ornn) knocks her away, except for her wall. An enemy Anivia can cancel her ult with wall.

    • Azir's soldiers can't go trough Yasuo's windwall, instead they will stop moving at his windwall (if you try to move your soldiers past it) but they wont dissapear. Azir's soldiers AA's also go trough Yasuo's windwall, dealing normal damage and everything. However, if you use Azir's ult against Yasuo's windwall it'll completely dissapear. Vel'koz's and Senna's autos work the same way with windwall. It's because windwall blocks projectiles and their autos aren't projectiles

    • If Ashe has sheen she can modify an auto attack already in the air with spellblade. Auto, then activate Q and the auto you just sent out that is already in the air will do more damage.

    • More on Tahm Kench eating people: Fiddlestick and Lucian ults still work while inside of him. I assume its because its damage over time.

    • Zoe's sleep effect gets cancelled by damage, but not damage over time. This includes stuff like Lucian's ult. So you can sleep and enemy and then rip a fat Lucian ult into them.

    • You can exploit zoes bubble to go further than it should. If you R to where it will have a long pass on a wall and press E at the right time, she will go back to her starting point (as her R does) and the bubble will launch for the distance it was would go over the wall. So you can launch a long E in the middle of a lane. It usually catches whoever is in its path off guard because they think it will stop.

    • You can use Flash mid ability or shortly after to extend the range of a ton of abilities! This includes stuff like Malphite R or Vi Q. It works on a ton of stuff so I wont list it all here.

    submitted by /u/Less_Tennis5174524
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    Th Absolute Beginner Guide

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Hello everyone at Summoner School!

    I have recently been teaching some of my friends how to play the game from scratch. The main issue we discovered when working together to help them learn the game, they mostly struggled with learning what all of the champions did. And who could blame them, there are SOOOO many. So I started recording myself in Practice Tool going over Champion abilities and interactions and playing them a little bit.

    In that vein, I created this Youtube series, and I am still working on content for it. Right now I have done a couple champions, some terminology and summoner spells!

    If you wanna check it out and give me advice and if you wanna see more or less or whatever, please let me know! Also let me know some of the next champions you want to see!

    Here is the link to the playlist as it stands so far!


    Thanks everybody!

    submitted by /u/tattoopotato
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    Is following your lane opponent out of guilt instead of solid decision making a common problem for y'all too?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Sorry if this is posted here often, in which case I just didn't know.

    I realize that it's a case by case scenario, and sometimes you definitely should follow your lane opponent. However, sometimes they clearly have prio over you and already got a shove, and you know following them might just result in them turning and killing you instead. In these cases, the first time it happens I usually just ping them out multiple times. However, when their roam results in a kill most of the time people start flaming you for no follow. (note: this is not a post to say everyone sucks at listening to pings. I understand it too. Sometimes I see a ping but I'm so engaged in a fight I can't turn back).

    Okay, so after that first initial roam I always feel obligated to start following even if it means missing a huge wave with no benefit in return. It's like partially emotional guilt, and partial fear that if I don't show any "effort" in helping the jungler and/or side lanes might just tilt from having a "useless midlaner".

    Obviously, if I know there is a better choice than the one my teammates want then I should probably go with it (I won't always be right but then I'd learn). However, to this day I still make a lot of plays out of "guilt" even when I realize it's probably not worth. Do y'all deal with this too?

    P.S. Another similar scenario is when your team is getting chased and u finally made it out, but when you don't turn back to try to save the others they assume you're trolling.

    submitted by /u/MiDenn
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    For those who make plays considering teammates feelings

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    I saw a post on here about feeling guilty when not ganking lanes or when laners die to roams and they spam ping you or when you see the mgo in when you didnt want to. I think most of the people in even up to d3 will opt to go out of raw emotion like not wanting to upset someone or just feeling forced. Watch this video by dopa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CSmA9aBuYE&t=16s
    Make the best decision and get advantageous when things like a gank or a roam from the enemy happen. If you are late to roam or know its a bad game dont put yourself behind for people who are already behind or are going to be behind naturally due to what is about to happen. you go from a -1.5 trade (because you pushed and denied minions xp gold plates etc. / counter jungled or got an obj) to a -3 because you got literally nothing or might even die yourself so now you have a -4) Play for optimal loss prevention at all times. This is a massively helpful concept to start practicing and implementing into your gameplay to climb.

    submitted by /u/hardstuckp2
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    Swain or Annie mid

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Should I continue playing Swain or join the church of Annie. I have played both champs about equally and I feel like both are similarly difficult.

    At the moment I just got into Gold and my only goal is to hit high gold before i can feel complete about my ranked experience.

    What im asking is which champ will help me climb with the most efficiency

    submitted by /u/mickyracknite
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    How to deal with ranked stress

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    I used to play league, took a break for like 3 years and just rejoined. I started ranked for the first time and it's been the worst experience playing. When I used to play I mostly played aram, but recently I played with friends more so I started normals.

    Most of my friends are gold or higher, and one friend said it was fun/easy. I also felt bad about being not that great at the game so I thought it could be a fun way to improve so I wouldn't feel like a deadweight every game. It has felt like hell though and I wish I could go back to not being ranked.

    I'm low silver and I know I'm bad, but it feels like there's so much of the basics I don't know, my mechanics feel like shit and like I'm still bad despite playing one of the easiest champs. Constantly seeing that I'm silver also doesn't feel great and it makes me feel like I'm more of a burden. It's all a bit overwhelming and it feels like there's too much to improve on, as well as school starts in a week so I won't reach gold before ranks are locked in :(

    submitted by /u/draxwendraxwen
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    Please be real with me. Experience or Talent.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    This has been hidden in my mind for a while now but has slowly emerged as I do more and more things. It's not just league actually, but league has definitely made more worry more about it; I don't feel like my fingers are fast enough nor are they coordinated with my brain. I see people play at the highest level and wonder just how they're able to do everything in such a short span. I understand that what I'm watching is the highest level but it's still disheartening to see players do insane things while I still accidentally press flash instead of ignite or something. I tried playing Lee sin recently for the first time and although I might know what the combos are, I can't execute them. I'm not fast enough... Another example would be flash cancelling. I feel like I'll mess up and do something wrong; pressing too slow/too early. I'm currently level 46 and still feel really awkward playing with keys as I was originally a mobile player.

    I'm pretty sure that was a mess so here's the shorten version: I feel like I'm not good enough to pull off fancy moves or play champs that require more skill than just pressing a single button at a time. Will I get better over time as I familiarize myself with the keys? Or is it my lack of talent?

    submitted by /u/Sora_Isekai
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    How do I beat Sett ?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Every time when I play against sett it just feels so one sided, he have for some reason high atk speed and damage at level 1 a gap closer that slows u and also a mordekaiser w that does % damage to you. A lot of the time the sett player either plays passive until he gets a BORK and outscales/damages me then proceed to 1v5 with his R or they just run me down all level when I try to even farm. What are some good champion that can be used to deal with him or win him in all stages ?

    submitted by /u/K0chira
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    How to roam proactively with intent?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I play mid (mainly Lux, Ahri, and Neeko). I'm an Iron player, so of course, my game knowledge is crap.

    Anyways, I looked at my last replay with my soloq match playing as Lux against an Akali and I noticed that I roam reactively. I mean, every time a teamfight breaks out during the laning phase when my mid roams (after pushing my minions), like a knee-jerk reaction, I roam. But I flip-flop; I decide to go, but then when the fight is over I just don't commit to it. I know because of that I miss CS. Thankfully, we won because Akali kept having unsuccessful roams (aka feeding) however, I just feel like I'm just roaming because my team fights and they might lose.

    I guess what I'm asking is when to roam and how to roam with intent. Basically, if I roam, should I roam with an objective in mind? Would that help me not roam just for the sake of it or as a reaction?

    If you need me to clarify something, ask me

    Thanks for the answer!

    submitted by /u/Embers91
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    How do I (P3) exert more map pressure as a toplaner without throwing my lead?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    Recently, I decided to try and climb as high as I can in the ranked ladder instead of sitting around for the end of the season then pushing for Plat. As a result, I have been trying to implement more advanced techniques and to study the game out of the game. This has led to me watching some VODs of myself and watching a lot more of pro play to see how the toplaners conduct themselves in lane and out of lane. One of the main things I have noticed since watching VODs is that I will be able to snowball my lead in top if I get ahead but I can't seem to have enough presence to snowball the rest of the game. Usually the best I can do is a good TP botlane to win a fight or to set up for drake but after that, it's more or less a pray that the enemy team runs it into me before I get outscaled (Aatrox and Sett).

    I tend to run to sidelanes to get farm and put pressure on the map but I'm not sure if this is the best course of action if I am the win condition for that game because it just means that my team can get engaged on easily and die. Even if I get the gold I need to carry a match through a sidelane, usually it has snowballed out of my control and we lose the game off of me not leveraging my lead. However, if I group, I NAram and our team will be more safe but we lose gold and XP in sidelanes while the enemy toplaner gets time to catch back up to me. As Aatrox has a pretty abysmal late game and Sett goes in with R and E then goes ham with AAs as the AD build before he dies, I usually get outscaled by my toplaner, which unless my team is stronger late, usually spells disaster for me. It's usually a lose-lose situation for me and I do not know how to stop the bleeding when behind. The only times where I have turned the game around is when the enemy team tunnel and go into the meat grinder that is a strong Aatrox in the early-mid transition and I just get ridiculously fed where it turns the momentum of the game.

    At the moment, if I am strong, I just try to leverage Aatrox's ridiculous mid game but I would like to understand how I could potentially impact the map more without letting my lane opponent catch back up and outscale me.

    submitted by /u/IronGaren
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    Early game leads

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    Im a jungler main and i duo with my friend whos a top laner. I peaked D5 about 3 years ago, and i quit playing. I started playing recently and im getting used to the early drake/rift plays. If we get a lead top, is it still worth to take the turret by like 10 minutes if the opportunity arises? I know the other top laner can make a comeback with turret plating and punishing his roams, so what would be the best way to carry a lead early game apart from drag/rift control? We are both gold 4 right now

    submitted by /u/criskilla
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    Tips to dodge predict for ganks and for chase

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    With assassin champ or champ that have a dash skill like Lee sin you can hide your animation but for champ like neeko or blitz for example how do you predict the way they gonna move?And also when chasing thorough mid for example how do you predict where they are gonna headed and throw you skill shot accurately?

    submitted by /u/DarkDeathBlade
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    What is Jhin's purpose?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    What does he do? Looking at his kit is having played against him a few times I just can't see what his purpose is. Other ADCs like Vayne/Tristana have great mobility and damage, with Vayne having invisibility + knockback/stun and Tristana having insane tower pressure. Aphelios has a bit of everything, Caitlyn has the range to bully anyone and Miss Fortune can turn around teamfights with her abilities.

    I'm not saying he's bad, I'm just saying that I don't understand what he excels at

    submitted by /u/DuduBonesBr
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    Need help deciding what items to buy each game

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    This is my first season playing league and I'm still learning the basic stuff. I'm a mid player mostly playing diana. From what I've read there are multiple ways on how to play this champion, you can buy attack speed items or you can go full AP. Whenever I'm in-game, it's really hard for me to decide what to buy, should I focus on buying items that counter most fed enemy player or should I focus on buying items that counter my lane opponent? I'm frequently watching one of the best diana main player and his itemization is completely different each game and it would be nice to understand why he buys the specific items (https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Desired+Account ).

    and this is my op.gg ( https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=kikoko2 ) Most of the time I buy items blindly and I understand that that's not the right way to play the game.


    submitted by /u/kikoko_2
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    How to properly manage my learning process?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    Hello, I recently started watching educational league videos to improve my game. I noticed that I have many areas in which I'm lacking, some of which are considered basics.

    However, when I try to apply all that knowledge at once I realize I'm not applying anything. When I try to focus on one thing, I begin to make mistakes in something else (ex. Losing trades I shouldn't because I'm focused on wave control/minion advantage too much). I suppose this is normal but when I stop focusing on something new I tend to be worse at it (ex. I no longer lose trades but I let the wave get to unfavorable states).

    I know these things will get better by just but it will take a while (I play 3-4 games daily at most). Does anyone have any good methods of applying new knowledge? Or can you just tell me what works for you? Maybe by applying spaced repetition/deliberate practice.

    submitted by /u/s0rakaflakaflame
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    S4 player looking to improve.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    I created my account in 2015 when my cousin invited me to the game and started playing again in 2018 with my friends, ever since I created my account I never played ranked games, usually, I just login to play with my friends, but this year there will be a League of Legends tournament ant my school and I really want to participate so I thought it was finally time to start improving in this game, I started playing ranked 2 months ago and climbed from Iron 1 to Silver 4, and I'm having some difficulties especially during the mid to late game, I'm a top laner main and always manage to win my lane, I usually destroy my tower and go rift herald and help to destroy mid, but that's it. I don't know where to go or what I'm supposed to be doing, I don't know when I can split push, when I can go farming or when I have to stick with my teammates (I'm a gnar main so I'm very important during a tf)

    Any hints about where to be and what to do in mid to late game?

    srry for bad English.

    submitted by /u/Gralmeidan
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    How to time when to engage teamfight and kite as adc?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:19 AM PDT


    This question regards silver elo, idk if there is any difference in the answer.
    To be fair, I don't really know if what I'm asking is what I actually need to know.

    So, my Problem is that I often find myself in a vulnerable position. The enemy [Fizz/Talon/Ahri/Nocturne/Champion that can kill me .5 seconds slower than I can even react] just flashes or uses their gapcloser to instakill me. Me flashing away will result in them using their gapcloser or flash and still killing me, same with my flash and escape. I don't really know how but once they reach my auto attack range once , I'm dead.
    I figure this is because I suck at kiting and positioning. Ive already watched some Videos on how to do it (Sometimes you just have to run, tactic with pressing the a key while running) but idk why it just doesnt work when the enemy has one item more than me.

    So the other problem is that I would have to stay away from the teamfight long enough for them to blow their skills, but that just tends to result in my team getting destroyed and leaving me in a 1v5 position, so I figure I tend to engage way too late. So, is there any help on how far I should stay away from my team/enemy team?

    This could sound like a tilt thread, and it probably is to a certain extend, but I just dont understand how to behave when I've won lane, but the enemy top and mid and jungle got fed more thn me

    submitted by /u/Roxxas7
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    Climbing out of Bronze 1: Improvements I should make?(And thank you!)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Hi Guys, this is my first post here so I'm a little nervous.

    I started playing league from late March and now I just got to Silver III(my op.gg is S0urGrap3z). I just wanted to thank this subreddit for helping me break that ceiling in Bronze 1 I was hardstuck in, you guys were really helpful.

    I think the first step(as a lot of other people said) is to break that mentality of superiority, that you don't belong is this rank. Trust me you're bronze/low elo for a reason(which means nothing because everyone gets better!) I used to think that a lot, but looking back I realize a lot of winnable games were really lost because I was in the wrong place. Either I'd be hella fed and throw it all away by being caught out in a late game teamfight, or just super bad macro in general as well as tilting my team. Always think about how YOU could have played something better if you really want to climb. Bronze/Silver games hard carryable. You can't control how dumb your teammates are necessarily, but you need to ensure at the very least you are in a position to make winning plays for your team. Huge thank you again to this subreddit for helping me past bronze!

    Question for all the high elo ppl: as an adc, what is your thought process late game in terms of farming/objective/itemizing? What should I be doing if my team is araming mid? Additionally, I find most of the time that my bot lane is weak side but I play caitlyn( a siege champ). Should I be pushing necessarily to apply pressure or farm safe and wait for jg? Any advice would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/KyleKeeley
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    Is there any "go-to" way to learn league?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    I've been hardstuck silver since season 2 and only ever reached gold 5 once. I took a break from the game for about two years and have found myself coming back to it lately, but i want to improve and move past this whole hardstuck situation.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ConfidentTyranny
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    D4 Support Streamer! Come check me out and free opgg reviews in queue!

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm a D4 Support streamer and I've been playing league for quite a while now. I want to be able to potentially show some people how to improve and give them some tips because I know how difficult it can feel to climb as a support. I strive to explain all my decision making as I play so that people can learn. As I'm a pretty small streamer I can answer pretty much all your questions if you have any and as the title says free opgg reviews in queue!

    submitted by /u/TemperedFate7
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