• Breaking News

    Wednesday, August 19, 2020

    LoL Guide NEW FIDDLESTICKS CLEAR: Raptor start, 6 camps by 3:06, getting to Scuttle well before it spawns. Combined with my other clear, Wolf start, 6 camps by 3:02, Fiddlesticks can clear at Mach 1 from both sides of the map.

    LoL Guide NEW FIDDLESTICKS CLEAR: Raptor start, 6 camps by 3:06, getting to Scuttle well before it spawns. Combined with my other clear, Wolf start, 6 camps by 3:02, Fiddlesticks can clear at Mach 1 from both sides of the map.

    NEW FIDDLESTICKS CLEAR: Raptor start, 6 camps by 3:06, getting to Scuttle well before it spawns. Combined with my other clear, Wolf start, 6 camps by 3:02, Fiddlesticks can clear at Mach 1 from both sides of the map.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    Here is the playlist with both clears inside:


    You may have seen my Wolf start clear, as it blew up when I posted it. However, a lot of people requested I should do a clear starting on Red side. Currently, people usually skip Krugs on Fiddlesticks when they do this, doing Raptors + Red into their Blue side, or they'll START at Krugs and wait until 1:42 to start clearing. Neither of these is optimal.

    What I've done here is double-cleared Red buff and Krugs simultaneously. Credit to Fidd (Twitch.tv/Fidd) who is a high ELO Fiddlesticks main, who first showed me that this was possible. However, when I tried implementing it into my original Wolf start clear, I found that it was suboptimal as the setup took too long, and any time saved by double clearing Krugs and Red was lost by setting up Red and Raptors in a more roundabout away.

    However, in this clear, since you start Raptors and Red at level 1, you don't have your E to aggro Red buff, so there isn't a shorter setup you can use. The reason I reset the Raptors and then drag Red buff over towards them is so that when I am double-clearing these two camps, both of them have maximum or close to maximum Patience. The reason that this is important is that when I drag the Raptors and Red buff backwards towards Krugs, they can be dragged quite far without resetting them. If you try to hit Red buff first, then go towards Raptors, it will lose about half of its patience bar. With a full patience bar, you can use a single W cooldown to finish off Red, while DPSing the large Krug.

    With this clear, Fiddlesticks can now get to Scuttle well before it spawns on both sides of the map. The Wolf start clear is 4 seconds faster than this clear, but you are nearer to Scuttle when on the Blue side of the map, so it doesn't matter as much. Keep in mind that Wolf start gets you to level 3 in 35 seconds though, whereas the Raptor start clear gets you to level 3 in 50 seconds. 50 seconds is still a respectable time, but if you're wanting to do some level 3 cheese, Wolf start is still better.

    Something else to note is that the Raptor start clear is much easier to pull off than the Wolf start clear, as resetting Wolves is something that is very easy to do.

    Anyway, let me know if you have any questions, and I hope that this was helpful!

    submitted by /u/bquipd
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    HeyGuys, I'm Arrow former pro in LCK and LCS.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    HeyGuys, I'm Arrow former pro in LCK and LCS. Since i have break times, I tried to make videos for adc by myself. I'm sure it would be helpful and useful for adc. The concept of videos is -How to play certain champion/How to climb- with showing examples from my plays. Sorry that i don't have fancy edit, but has lots of information for adc. Please enjoy/learn! Thank you everyone. *Elo is around KR Rank C1 800LP.

    https://www.youtube.com/arrowlol twitch.tv/arrowioi

    submitted by /u/ArrowDongTak
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    (Tip) How to choose between Cpot and Dring

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Some people will say "Cpot against melee and Dring against ranged", but its more complex than that.

    First of all, lets take a look at the stats.

    Cpot offers 3 potions that regenerate 125 health and 75 mana each one, and make your damaging abilities or basic attacks deal 15 magic damage to champions over 3 seconds.

    Dring gives 15 ap, 60 hp, 5 mana regen per 5 seconds and +5 damage on basic attacks to minions.

    Now, Both of them are super effective items and gold efficient but they both are used into two different playstyles in laning phase: Fast and slow.

    Cpot allows you to play the laning phase fast, extending your mana pool in trades and also, maximazing your damage on that trade. Allows you to be allways able to 1v2/2v2 skirmishes with your jungler and later, you have not to buy more potions becouse its refillable. Commonly, with this item you try to push as fast as you can the first 3 waves and comeback to lane with dark seal (350 gold or 425 dark seal+pink) and combine it with Time Warp Tonic rune (inspiration tree) to maximize its effects and have high tempo than the enemy midlaner.

    On the other hand, Dring offers you the posibility to play slow, with that mana regen and that extra hp you can survive any all in and stay in lane. Allows you to wait for a certain amount of gold, like 1100 to Keepers, 1300 to Lost Chapter or 1100 for Mercs.

    So, there's no just "one" law to follow, you have to know you and your playstyle, what you want to do in that game, with how much gold you want to base (remember that the first back is the most important bc it allows you to have hihger tempo than the enemy).

    If your first back without planning, for example, you will comeback to lane with less effective items, and no hp+mana+damage advantage than the enemy. You can lost the laning phase just becouse you did a bad first recalll.

    So idk how to finish this, so if you don't undertsand anything lemme know :D

    submitted by /u/peruanToph
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    Why do some champions still have their ult up when you interrupt it with Zhonya during a fight ?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    Best example I have right now is from a game I played a few days ago as Evelynn.

    Both team are in a fight. Garen ults me : his animation goes off, I can see the yellow sword appear and go down above my head, while I hear him scream. In return, I use Zhonya or ult to avoid his and my ult now appears on cd.

    I feel relieved because I didn't die. Yet I can't believe my eyes : he ults me again and I die. I see red.

    Why does this happen ? Sometimes I die while casting my ult which barely went off (think Zyra), yet it still went on cd. And sometimes, there are ults like Garen's that kind of reset.

    Is it related to the ults duration of every champion ? Because I don't understand and it kinda tilts me when it happens.

    submitted by /u/Jadefangg
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    I'm a plat adc main looking to learn jungle

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    I'm looking to learn jungle to help me improve as an adc. I'm looking to learn more about how junglers move around the map so that I can better manage my waves to help them get ganks, or objectives. I would also like to learn all about matchups both in the lane and jungle and how they affect a junglers pathing/decision making with ganks and objectives.

    With that being said what would the best way to learn all those things be? Also what champions should I focus on that don't need as much micro so I can focus more on those things?

    submitted by /u/LaZyGremlin1
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    Can someone please explain how my ADC only placed 6 wards yet somehow got 47 ward score in 8 minutes?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    So for context. My Ezreal was on 0 ward score until 35 minutes, i've checked the replay, the first ward he puts down is at 35.17, he had a blue trinket. and the game went for 43.36. So some how in 8 minutes he went from 0 to 47. Meanwhile I'm sitting over here 35 wards placed and only 105 ward score..


    submitted by /u/Alaee19
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    Especially in low elo, top lane will usually get a gank around 3:15

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    When playing evelynn, I usually do a five camp clear and get to scuttle as it spawns. Since both junglers start bot lane most of the time in low elo, this is generally when I see the enemy jungler do their first gank. If it's an early game, three camp clear jungler the gank will usually come around 2:50, maybe earlier.

    Remember this goes for both teams, so if you're pushed to you will probably get ganked and if you're under turret you might get a gank from your own jg. If the lane is even, there might be a gank attempt which you should be ready for, however they might just get scuttle and/or gank mid.

    Anyway hope someone finds this helpful!

    submitted by /u/Bennnnnny55
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    Is there anything you can do if you have been made useless

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    I locked in mordekaiser and the enemy team ended up having Zoe top. She never has to auto me to haress so she was always out if my e range. I'm struggling to farm, I go for spectors coul to make my life easier. Zoe constantly had prio and roamed for kills. The rest of the enemy team was ad and they were all doing pretty well. I took a ton of damage from everyone and I didn't do anything damage to anyone. It felt useless going tank as they ready had items strong enough to melt a tank, and I felt useless builds by damage being too squisy. Is there anything I could have done to be more useful or was I just outdrafted

    submitted by /u/Swivelosity
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    Qiyanna against different match-ups (and just help in general)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    I need help playing Oiyanna mid. I am a support main, and I'm not used to playing mid. It seems like EVERY SINGLE GAME I am not able to get CS. I either get poked out by range champs or either get Half-healthed by other melee champs. I think I need to start doing all-in trades more? maybe? Also, a part 2 to this question, do I need to build different items against different champs? I usually go AD/ lethality items only, do I need to go a more bruiser type build? And what items would I need to do that? Please Help a Noob Supp main out.

    submitted by /u/ApexYenzy
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    I cant beat Juggernauts, lost 1v1 to someone 2 whole ranks below me

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    Im a d4 toplaner, while i dont play Riven that much i have a good 30-40 games on her so im kinda decent but i just hopped into my smurf and got smacked by a gold Urgot, im never able to win lane against things like Renekton, Morde, Darius and other popular Juggernauts. i usually just farm up and roam because every time i try to fight them i get absolutly smacked.

    How do i beat their insane Damage and Tankiness? if im playing on my main i know i can just farm it up and do well in the rest of the game but in my smurf where i really have to carry i dont know what to do.

    TLDR: i dont know what to do against Juggernauts

    submitted by /u/Mostlikelytilted
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    Constant AFK players in games when I am trying to improve. How do I look to improve when I am stuck with players that instantly rage quit?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Basically I am looking to improve in league ever since I got back to the game. I recently got into pro play and I want to improve myself so that I can better grasp and understand the game. I have been playing this game for fun in since season 5, and now I am trying to play the game seriously and climb the ranks. At the moment I am Silver 3/4 in NA but every time I try to play the game there is always a person who just instantly rage quits the game in the first 10 mins. For the past 2 weeks of just trying to play the game, there has always been one person who AFK's each day.

    I am taking the basic advises people give like play basic champions like Annie or main 2 champions to learn the fundamentals of the game. But I feel like the constant AFK people is making me want to not play the game out because the learning process of the game is not worth it because everyone in my team has given up at that point.

    Do I just keep playing and hope that I get matched with okay players? do I dodge if comps seem unplayable? What sort of way should I approach the game if there are so many negative factors that take in place?

    submitted by /u/smolnerd04
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    What to pick as bot? with an all AD comp

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    So I played a game last night where I was 5th pick and my top (nasus), mid (talon), jg (kayn), and support (blitz). I was the last pick vs Renekton, Galio, hecrum, brand, jinx. I picked sona(since i play sona sup alot) to get some AP damage but was useless all game. Who would you pick in this situation? Should I of picked someone like annie? syndra? vayne?

    We were even till about 20 min but then when they just armored up we hard lost since I couldnt do enough damage to take them down.

    submitted by /u/SpeeedyGaming
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    When to take objectives?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    I had an awkward situation in the last game I played.

    I was playing Hecarim jungle vs Olaf. At around the 6 minute mark I'm in the bot-side river looking to take drake. We have prio bot and our mid laner has just pushed in his lane and is rotating across to help me take drake. At this point I'm not sure where Olaf is. I decide to go for it.

    I ping the support to come and help since I know that if mid pushes out his wave and Olaf comes at the same time we lose the mid jungle 2v2 and they get drake. The support refuses to come.

    I decide to try to finish the drake anyway and of course their mid and jungler turn up at the same time, win the 2v2 and take the drake.

    I try not to let other peoples poor decisions affect my own decision making, but should I have swallowed my pride and backed off the drake? We had prio bot and mid so it's almost certainly ours if bot lane helps...

    submitted by /u/JimboAkimboTV
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    When should I buy boots as a jungler?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    What's the priority on item completion for junglers? Do I combine my jungle item first, then buy boots? Do I buy boots then combine my jungle item? Do I complete my jungle item then by boots? Do I buy boots then complete my jungle item?

    And when do I upgrade my boots to tier two? Before or after my 2nd item? (After jungle enchant)

    I know enough to choose tabi or mercs. (Unless I'm a champ that uses zerker or sorc) based on enemy CC vs enemy physical damage.

    I just a struggle sometimes deciding when to buy/upgrade my boots.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    How can I climb in a region where lol servers don't exist ?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    I'm an Indian and play on EUW servers and I get around 130 ping at my best internet speed not to mention the often spikes which make me lose cs and make fatal errors.

    It is always easy to blame my ping when I'm losing lane but this way I will never climb. I don't know when Riot creates South East Asian servers cause garena servers have almost no players compared to EUW and even if I'm not playing ranked, I don't like to wait 5-6 mins for a normal game.

    If there are any tips; that you guys who are facing similar problems and manage to climb upto high elo; could give me it would help a lot.

    submitted by /u/badass_graduate
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    Differences between mages subclasses?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Okay, so I wanted to ask: How do mage sublasses work? How do people differenciate from Control mages, Burst mages, Fight mages and etc? For example, I know that Annie is a burst mage, Ryze a fight mage and that Lux is a control mage, but what are Cassiopeia and Twisted Fate? Can a mage be categorized as various subclasses? Why can some mages be played as a support while others can´t? Thanks for the help :D

    submitted by /u/FalierTheCat
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    Getting hit before landing phase- how significant?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    Was watching some friends leash bot lane and the ADC took some damage before they got to lane (small invade in our jungle). The ADC went to roughly 85% health, the support at full. The support raised his voice to the ADC and explicitly stated that the odds of them winning the lane phase were significantly reduced as a result of this occurrence and expressed exasperation. I haven't played league personally in 8 months, and wanted to know how seriously this impacted the lane phase? Is it over? Are the odds only slightly changed. This is for roughly mid silver ELO, low gold maximum, so I'd like answers that pertain to that.

    submitted by /u/H3NTA1L0RD
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    Looking for Tips on getting damage without dying as an ADC (Bronze III)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I've just made the move onto ranked and want to attempt to climb, but it turns out i'm awful at the game. On unranked I've started having games were I can carry and it's really enjoyable, however when I play ranked it's just not happening. I don't want to purely blame my Supps but i've not had the best luck with them and we often lose lane. However even when I try to influence the mid/late game, I find if I go anywhere near the fight I get focused and killed. But if I try and play it safe it just leads to me having a really poor amount of damage by the end of the game. Are there any ADC's who can give me some tips on how to strike a balance between inflicting maximum damage and staying safe? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/PapaLuigi20
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    How to carry/climb as jungle.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    I have serious problems getting wins in my placement matches. I main wukong/ekko depending if my team needs AP or not. I know where my weakness lay i need to get better with vision and jungle tracking and i try to work on them. But i find myself a lot of times with hard loosing lanes like 0/12 lanes at the end of the match. I tried to help them out early where 7 out of ten times i ping the for example mid laner engage and see my laner backing of running under his turret. Then i tried to hard farm to try and take over late game but if there is a 12/1 mid and bot lane i can farm all i want thats a lost match, how do i turn it around ?? I really dislike assasins/ early game junglers, but sometimes i have the idea i am forced to play them just to be able to get my lanes ahead.

    So my questions are:

    1) Should i change my main champs
    2) How can i help my lanes without babysitting (camp) one of them 24/7

    submitted by /u/Oznasur
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    Is Hecarim Good For Beginners?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Hi I'm fairly new to the jungle and am level 41 with no rank currently playing Master Yi, Nocturne and Kayn. I'm looking to add a more tanky jungler to my pool, Hecarim intrigues me because off his movement speed kit. Is Hecarim a good option, in terms of mechanical difficulty and overall knowledge required to play? If not, I am open to other suggestions, I'm really just not sure what to play.

    submitted by /u/TheMonster71
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    I've played this game for years on and off, thousands of hours in total, and yet I'm very, very bad. Silver 2 at best and nowadays I'm worse, almost demoting from Silver 4. What's wrong with me?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    The past few days have been especially horrible LoL-wise. I have like a 20% winrate, I don't know what's happening.

    I only really win when someone else does well. I'm never, ever MVP, I always have to have someone do at least as well as me to win.

    I have only 1 real main, Veigar, and I have a 66% winrate with him. I don't know how I stumble into wins when playing Veigar, but when I play anything else I just suck. If you look at my op.gg there might be some outliars that I've played a few games on that are still at a decent winrate, but that was longer ago and it's only because there were a handful of games.

    Idk, am I brain damaged? Played this game for thousands of hours, watched all kinds of improvement videos/guides. But I play like a potato.


    submitted by /u/ano1418
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    I need help itemizing.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I'm an adc main in LAN server (gold2). I'm having trouble itemizing, as in I really don't know the reason for builds, I'm just copying them from probuilds. Could you guys check my opgg and point any obvious mistakes in my builds. Or any obvious mistakes you see in general, any criticism is welcomed. Thanks

    submitted by /u/rchawgonz
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    Why are some abilites/summoner spells an instant quick cast even if you have your settings set to a release quick cast?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    Instant quick cast - ability goes off as soon as the button is pressed

    Release quick cast - ability shows you it's hitbox and range when you hold the button but only casts once you release the button

    Some abilities and spells like Yasuo's Q, Yone's Q, Yone's W, and flash will instantly go off even if you have them set to the release quick cast. Why is this, and is there a way to change it?

    I know that instant quick casts are better in the long run, but release quick casts are good for learning the ranges and areas of your abilities.

    submitted by /u/dingusfunk
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