• Breaking News

    Wednesday, August 19, 2020

    League of Legends Mediocre Rap Battle of the #LEC | 2020 Summer Playoffs

    League of Legends Mediocre Rap Battle of the #LEC | 2020 Summer Playoffs

    Mediocre Rap Battle of the #LEC | 2020 Summer Playoffs

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    *Alleged* Seraphine Teaser

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    I want to preface this by saying that this is all alleged and parts of the community have just jumped on this.

    This twitter account was made June 2020 and embodies a character named "Seraphine" (same @ on instagram) who is into music, from Streamie's leaks we know that Seraphine is a "sensational" mid lane musical mage; and I certainly can imagine the sensational aspect coming from the potential popularity of her persona with a K/DA or TD style of setup with Worlds 2020's band (Allegedly Crowd Control, but thats also jut hearsay right now). The art from the get go is absolutely phenomenal, and really embodies a riot-esque style and can be compared to K/DA, Odyssey, True Damage etc.


    Continuing, she's already posted music, and decent quality music too (it's a cover, but god damn is it a good cover)- and despite her art being amazing from the get go she doesn't mention being an artist anywhere in her bio, just an (aspiring) musician. Some users have said the music sounds quite studio/riot quality and not as indie as her bio says. Further more, though I admit very much confirmation bias based, her instagram features this post:


    Where it says `Hello!` and 你好 (Hello in chinese), as worlds is being held in China this year and if I'm not mistaken Seraphine will be released around worlds - her musical theme would also make sense if she were to be part of Worlds 2020's band, as a "sensational" mage, possibly represented similarly to Ahri's success in the Popstar-K/DA universe.

    Edit: She's also said she likes league


    Along with that, she has a Tibbers teddy bear in the background of one of her posts:

    Same tibbers teddy from riot merch store, form the stitching on the chest to the large orange button eye.

    u/Xzcouter commented that it's possible this is her irl persona (like how TD is set in the real world), and that the default champ is from Mt Targon due to the starry imagery within her posts.

    He also mentions how her diary pages (as well as some of her other posts in general) can be seen to reference her potential lore, one that notably is captioned:

    i usually have to wait a year before i like a photo of myself. in the moment it's hard to appreciate where i'm at, but now that i've grown, i miss her :')

    He was also one of the earliest people to find her twitter account! Though his posts got automatically marked by the bot unfortunately.

    u/RaffyPooh also mentioned that her cat's name is Bao, which lends further credit to a potential appeal to the chinese market during worlds 2020 in Shanghai.

    u/Kardiackon pointed out that on her instagram, she actually claims to be the character in the images, instead of simply claiming that it's a persona:

    Comments her first instagram post

    u/Elephox commented that the song Seraphine covers, Childhood Dreams by Ary, is licensed to Universal - the company that Riot announced a partnership with recently for worlds. Further lending credit to this theory.

    Multiple people have also commented that she follows numerous Chinese accounts on instagram/twitter (continuing with theme of worlds being held in China this year, where Seraphine will likely be unveiled) and there's a post on her twitter about her moving to LA, where Riot's HQ is. That could just be a fun reference to her recording at Riot's HQ for worlds 2020 songs.

    I'd love to hear what you guys and the community think about this potential really really cute and fun teaser.

    submitted by /u/HmmALeaf
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    How to break an ADC player completely

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    The D.E.N.N.I.S. System for Support Players

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    Demonstrate Value - Purchase Relic Shield so your ADC never misses a cannon minion again

    Engage Physically - Land your CC ability on a priority enemy target, resulting in a first blood and gold for your ADC.

    Nurture Dependence - Recall when your ADC is 100g from BF sword so they're forced to sit in lane alone without you. They get zoned out of XP range and fall behind.

    Neglect Emotionally - Roam mid with your jungler to goon-squad for a kill. Type "GJ Mid and JG!!!!" in team chat.

    Inspire Hope - Return to bot lane just in time to save the ADC from being 1v2'd.

    Separate Entirely - Leave your ADC and never come back. You belong to the jungler now.

    submitted by /u/MattRazz
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    10.16B Patch Notes

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Fpx GimGoon’s Gnar unbelievable calculation

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    A tale of top lane in 31 seconds

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    The Crack Down - Damonte on Jensen vs Bjergsen

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Treatz playing in Academy Semis tomorrow

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    TWEET: https://twitter.com/TreatzLoL/status/1296266758492270592

    Text: See you guys in Academy semifinals tomorrow :P

    This probably means that Biofrost is back to playing with the main team. While I do think he and DL struggled in the series against GGS, I didn't think he looked that terrible against DIG. It's especially worrying for TSM considering how late this switch is, considering it's already second week of playoffs.

    UPDATE: https://twitter.com/TreatzLoL/status/1296269904828493824

    Text: 1 day of scrims will be a banger game guaranteed

    The fact that TSM is switching so late is an oh no

    UPDATE: https://twitter.com/TSM/status/1296279044976041985

    Text: After the GGS and DIG series last week, we have been splitting time with our supports. Treatz will be playing in the academy semifinals vs EG tomorrow while Biofrost scrims. We will play the better player on Sunday.

    It seems crazy to me that they would choose to scrim with the most recent Academy support on the Academy semifinals, seemingly indicating that they're already leaning towards Biofrost?

    submitted by /u/Derk08
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    The most unsatisfying moment in Nunu history.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    Riot Games Partners With Cisco

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    NEW FIDDLESTICKS CLEAR: Raptor start, 6 camps by 3:06, getting to Scuttle well before it spawns. Combined with my other clear, Wolf start, 6 camps by 3:02, Fiddlesticks can clear at Mach 1 from both sides of the map. [YouTube playlist inside!]

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Here is the playlist with both clears inside:


    You may have seen my Wolf start clear, as it blew up when I posted it. However, a lot of people requested I should do a clear starting on Red side. Currently, people usually skip Krugs on Fiddlesticks when they do this, doing Raptors + Red into their Blue side, or they'll START at Krugs and wait until 1:42 to start clearing. Neither of these is optimal.

    What I've done here is double-cleared Red buff and Krugs simultaneously. Credit to Fidd (Twitch.tv/Fidd) who is a high ELO Fiddlesticks main, who first showed me that this was possible. However, when I tried implementing it into my original Wolf start clear, I found that it was suboptimal as the setup took too long, and any time saved by double clearing Krugs and Red was lost by setting up Red and Raptors in a more roundabout away.

    However, in this clear, since you start Raptors and Red at level 1, you don't have your E to aggro Red buff, so there isn't a shorter setup you can use. The reason I reset the Raptors and then drag Red buff over towards them is so that when I am double-clearing these two camps, both of them have maximum or close to maximum Patience. The reason that this is important is that when I drag the Raptors and Red buff backwards towards Krugs, they can be dragged quite far without resetting them. If you try to hit Red buff first, then go towards Raptors, it will lose about half of its patience bar. With a full patience bar, you can use a single W cooldown to finish off Red, while DPSing the large Krug.

    With this clear, Fiddlesticks can now get to Scuttle well before it spawns on both sides of the map. The Wolf start clear is 4 seconds faster than this clear, but you are nearer to Scuttle when on the Blue side of the map, so it doesn't matter as much. Keep in mind that Wolf start gets you to level 3 in 35 seconds though, whereas the Raptor start clear gets you to level 3 in 50 seconds. 50 seconds is still a respectable time, but if you're wanting to do some level 3 cheese, Wolf start is still better.

    Something else to note is that the Raptor start clear is much easier to pull off than the Wolf start clear, as resetting Wolves is something that is very easy to do.

    Anyway, let me know if you have any questions, and I hope that this was helpful!

    submitted by /u/bquipd
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    The LEC All Pro Team

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    LoL Twitter is sending teasers for an 'event' that involves at least 5 champions

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    LoL Twitter is sending teasers for an 'event' that involves at least 5 champions

    Imgur link for those who can't see the images here

    Two months ago, League of Legends' twitter account sent this tweet containing three emojis:

    \"Dr. Mundo\"

    Since then, they've sent another 4 tweets like this one, the latest being posted today:





    There's also an even earlier tweet from April containing three red hearts that may or may not be related:


    A lot of people have been guessing that most of these teasers are about champions, in which case we most likely have Dr. Mundo, Yasuo, Skarner, Trundle, and Ekko (some Malphite guesses for the 4th one but IMO the circles seem to match a colour associated with the champion, so Malphite would have had a brown circle, Trundle more likely. 'Mountain' can be his pillar and 'club' can be his True Ice club).

    So how could these 5 be related? A new skinline for after PsyOps? We know Yasuo is getting another skin this year, but then Mundo is currently being reworked for a 2021 VGU. This year's Worlds music group? Skarner definitely feels like a weird choice but this could be a boy band if they can make it work (maybe Skarner can be the drummer, something non-vocal)

    Also, the chances of these being random tweets seems unlikely, as a Rioter has replied with a reaction that implies she knows what's happening.

    submitted by /u/Straiteis
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    Spirit Blossom Ahri <3 the new skin looks amazing.-Acrylic on canvas .

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 04:41 AM PDT

    Damonte explains why he doesn't think beating TSM was a fluke, why Team Liquid will pose a much larger challenge, and why he enjoys the Golden Guardians vibes this year much more than Clutch last Worlds

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    T1 Midlaner Clozer Montage - The Best

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    Some slick moves with warwick

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    My hand drawn coven morgana , what do you guys think?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    LEC Rap Battle - Making Of (Sjokz)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    S04 Dreams reveals how Schalke managed to play like "We have nothing to lose" and realize the #SchalkeMiracleRun, the change he notices in his Schalke teammates: "Abbedagge's mindset changed. [...] He started playing with less regret, with more aggression."

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    How to lose a game by minute 2

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    My drawing of Spirit Blossom Ahri!

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    My drawing of Spirit Blossom Ahri!


    Hi! I love her design so much, I think that her skin is so majestic and was hoping to capture her peacefulness :D

    Hope you like it!

    I have more drawings on my Twitter and Instagram. Thanks for viewing!!

    submitted by /u/konoumin
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    My 1v5 Nexus Saving Pentakill :)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 04:17 AM PDT

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