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    Monday, August 17, 2020

    LoL Guide Sub level 10 looking for some very basic help

    LoL Guide Sub level 10 looking for some very basic help

    Sub level 10 looking for some very basic help

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I'm brand new, like legit have less than 10 games played I think I'm level 9. I've played a lot of team based games so I have a knack for roles and such and would like to focus on Juggernauts and tanks. I get the general idea of farming levels, pushing, trying not to feed while still killing enemies.

    I've played mostly Garren and Darrius and really like Darrius especially. Some really basic questions:

    Why am I supposed to go Top with these champs? I can't really get a good explanation of why certain heroes play certain lanes. I understand the jungler role, kill those big monster mobs to get levels up/buffs and then help to gank in different lanes, but am I supposed to be Top with the tankier guys? Why?

    -Is there a difference in bot spawns between lanes?

    • When trying to do my AA, do i just click one of the minions for example once? Does spam clicking reset my attack swing?

    • Is it actually last hit to secure the gold from a minion? Sometimes I feel like I hit them last but someone else gets the gold, maybe that's in my mind.

    • Sometimes my ult doesn't go off and I am confused as to why

    -Some similar Champ recos based on Darius or maybe a different role to play that you guys feel is lacking. For example, there's a lack of Main tanks in Overwatch competitive so I learned those to climb.

    -I never really use my wards because I'm not entirely sure what they do.

    -How does the turret targeting work? I feel like i get targeted by turrets evens when my minions are attacking it first.

    -Anything else you guys can think of, thanks!

    Edit: I really really appreciate the feedback on this and the amount of people willing to help out. It's nice to see the entire league community isn't full of toxic assholes lol

    submitted by /u/DeputyDomeshot
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    Suddenly started playing bad

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    Im a toplane player. Last week i was poppin off. Went from d4 to high lp d3 in a good streak. Even tho i lost some of the games always won lane or at least i was slightly ahead. Now suddenly i started losing every single match up. Getting hard stomped. Not only i lose the games my tram gets crushed now. I also make hard every game we are ahead. Most of my scores are like 2/7 3/8 etc even on won games. I make enemy toplaners huge to the point its impossible for me to lane anymore. And my teammates have to piggyback me to the victory. If they are unable to then we lose. Any tips to get over this? It happened all of sudden but i even lose normal games and smurf games on gold/silver players. And btw im not tilted.

    submitted by /u/TTLyfe
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    What is the role of a midlaner

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    Im new to league and find playing zoe and veigar fun. I tend to land all my shots in team fights and lane but still do worse than the other laner but not really bad ( positive k/d/a and above 12k damage) but still feel very clueless especially in early game wondering if yall could help out

    submitted by /u/Knightmare1234
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    Basic tips for improving yourself overall

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Here is a list and some info on some tips to improve yourself from a master/grandmaster player (I main support and mid lane). Note some people will probably have different thoughts and this might not help everyone. Some tips mention here are basic to every basic!


    Know your champion: How much mana does each of your abilities have, which do you find best to max and start off with (dont always follow sites like pro guides due to you may have another gamestyle or something else works better for you. Please note although i said dont always follow sites, sometimes as a start you can try and see if it works. Your build might even look every similar but with one or two changes. If your champion has huge amount of range like caitlyn then know how to abuse the living sh*** out of it to make your champion as good as it possibly can.

    Know your weakness: I What i mean by this is, know what top 3 (you can do more) champions counter you. Which ever one of those 3 or more you have, ask yourself which annoys you more when you play (note this doesnt have to be your worst counter) and then in draft and such ban that champion.

    Don't play ranked: Some of you may disapprove of this and suggest that rank is possible the best place to learn to get better because you would face your skill. The reason i suggest not to play rank is due to toxicity. When i was grinding though the ranks, one common thing i saw was so many got angry or just so toxic towards anyone who were playing like a pro EVEN in iron which is the lowest of the lowest rank. The other issue which ive seen a raise in recently is smurfs (yes i know you can also face smurfs in other modes). Smurfs are a lot easier to find in ranks now. The issue is if you face a smurf you may get destroy not cuz you are a noob but because the other champion has at least 2x the skill you have. Even 1 smurf in the game can make you lose the entire match. Even a smurf on your team is bad in the way you will get carried to a rank where you dont belong. However if you truly want to play rank, find a full team or a friend to help you and mute EVERYONE IN YOUR TEAM AND THE ENEMIES apart from ping (well u can do mute ping if they spam u a lot). By muting everyone, you wont get distracted by emotes, toxicity or people saying you suck or you should build other things.

    Don't play champions because they are op or useful to ranking up fast. The issue is if you rank up to fast you may get in a match where compared to everyone in there you are a big noob which can change the game to whether or not you lose.

    Play draft: People in draft are less toxic (there is still toxicity in draft but its a lot less) than rank and you have a better chance at playing against your skill level than you have in blind (plus you get to go the lane you want.

    Main at least 2 champions! The issue with maining one is if they banned that champ, well then are dead. Yes there is a very small chance they will ban both champions. Learn how to play all roles just in case of something. This does not mean you have to be a pro in each lane, this just means you have a least 2 champions you can play for each lane that you are good at.

    Learn to use the map to help your team, if the enemies have a ward in the bushes then tell your jungler by either pinging the area or msging him/her. Knowing if the enemies have a ward near you or on drake is very useful for the jungler so he/she knows if he can gank without being seen or take drake with worry of the entire team coming immediately. Remember to ward near bushes yourself not for the jungler but so you can tell in someone is coming to gank you. If you are two in a lane like bot lane and one has ward the bushes then i highly recommend warding the drake so your jungler and yourself can see if anyone is going for drake. Dont place a ward by drake if the next drake is first spawning in 4mins due to your ward would mostly be gone by then and they it would just have counted as a waste which isnt always good.

    LISTEN TO YOUR TEAM! Reason i caps this is cuz this is the biggest thing i see people not doing. If your team is telling you the item you have or rune you have on sucks or isnt the best for that champion then try and listen some actually know what they are talking about and not just being rude. Yes if one champion said "Well when i got the item it didnt help me at all" then this does not mean it wont work you. Some just arent the best at using some items to their full advantage. Like your rune and items can sometimes work every good together like bloodthirstier and domination rune with lifesteel stuff on it. Even if the normal build works for you or it seems op for you there can sometimes be something better, there is no harm in trying the items they build. U could always wait until after match and test it in practice mode or bots match.

    Dont always be scared or play scared even if the champion you face have a higher mastery or mastery points or even ranked. Ive faced people who have a higher rank and overall at least 2x better stats than me but ive still mange to defeat them and win against them. If you are a tank then be a tank, dont act like you are a squishy champion cuz you arent. The issue with playing like this is the other champion will gain more gold which can give them an early chance to buy powerful items before you. Yes if you mange to build full build before you are even half full build then yes they have a great and better chance at defeating you.

    Don't lose hope ever! Ive seen people give up because we/they only have 2 turrents left and no drakes and the enemie team is a small bit fed. Ive pulled back from matches that people thought would be impossible. Even the pros can do this. Ive pulled back from where our nexus is half health. Ive seen people do it. Ive mange to do it sometime cuz some teams don't know the meaning of surrender (i mean that metaphorically not that people need to search up the meaning). Yes even matches ive kept our hopes high or not ive still lost which can and probably will happen.

    Learn from defeats. If you got defeat then ask yourself truly ask yourself what did i do wrong NOT who on our team messed up. Yes you can have matches where you actually did the best you could you just had a guy who fed the enemies and made them unkillable. BUT do not as soon as the match end start blaming anyone even the afk. First ask yourself what could i do better and what did i do wrong and once you know this look at your team, did anyone feed a LOT?, Did you have an afk? if so which lane would he have been in and would it have help a lot, a little or not at all if he wasnt afk. Yes you can have an afk where you still win or lose where even if that afk played it wont have help a lot or not even helped at all.

    Communication and support: (this is for all roles) Communication is extremely useful any any rank and i highly recommending getting better at it even pinging is just as good. What i mean by support is, if you see your jungler taking drake, go help him to make it go faster and safer even if you arent a support. Yes if you cant cuz you are facing off then yeah but still try to. If you see enemies doing drake, go there and help teammates take it back. If you have no teammates near you are they are all dead, try and have vision on drake and try to steal drake. Yes if you die and mange to take drake then depending on the drake it will be worth it mostly.

    Dont start blaming or getting angry at your teammates. If your teammates suck or arent doing as good then dont good full rage mode on them, it wont help you one bit at all or even them except now you or your teammate might start just throwing cuz of that. Give them tips on improvements and tell them how to be a better at their job WITHOUT sounding angry. If you lose then just go blaming teammates even if it was their fault, if they were trolling or feeding a lot on purpose then just report them and thats it. If you begin to blame someone then others might blame you are even go against you. Not only that buy blaming people will just leave people with a bad taste in their mouths which nobody wants.

    Be ready to switch champions or lanes cuz how you have become. If for example you are a lux main support and then after a long time the way you play is more aggressive and less helpful for your adc/ap champion you are support then you may need to go to another lane like mid or even change to a new champion in the same category like yummi for example. Same goes for other lanes. If your game style aint working in the lane, First try another lane with set champion if it still fails try other lanes until u try them all. If none of them work then its probably either your champion or your role. I know it can be heard to hear if you want to be an adc main but your game style suits or is 10x better at top or as a support..

    Know your enemy, if your enemy can abuse the range of the champion like caitlyn then you, then you have to watch out for that. Know if they are early or late scaler. Early scalers you will have to play more carefully compared to late scalers.

    If you have any questions, just leave them down below and ill try and answer them

    submitted by /u/lonlygamerx
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    Why is Nidalee being played in pro play?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    I've never seen her before, although maybe it's because I've never followed the pro scene that closely.

    She reminds me of Lee Sin almost, where she's good early and can snowball, but she's seems to provide less utility as she has no CC. I know LS refers to Lee Sin as a sinner champion because his performance, in theory, is based on enemies making mistakes and using them to get ahead. Is Nidalee then also a "sinner"? What does she provide that Lee Sin doesn't, besides AP damage?

    submitted by /u/lifesucks26
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    Kills don’t always translate to wins

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    I was playing a game earlier in low elo and at around 25 mins into the game we get a 3 for 1 team fight - dragon and baron up (all quite low so said just go drag). I was spam pinging to go drag, me and jungler left mid, but the other 2 members chased kills down the lane.

    Upon them dying, this meaning we couldn't drag (as it was now 2v2, rather than a 4v2), I asked "why not just go drag?". Their response was "because it's 4v2 get the kill".

    At this point none of their remaining team members had shutdowns and there were objectives such as dragon and bot/top towers to get. We get nothing more on the map if we kill those enemies, so just go for the 100% play and secure objectives.

    TLDR; don't chase kills when you've won fight and can secure objectives safely!! :)

    Gl out on the rift!

    submitted by /u/basago
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    Inexperienced player interested in a career

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 02:19 AM PDT

    As summarized in the title, I am a relatively new player to league, having only played league for under a year, but have known and watched people play the game since I was 7 years old. I started playing League approximately 5 months ago, and only played about 20 or so games in ranked. I find lots of enjoyment in playing the game itself but more so greatly enjoy helping and teaching others, and studying fine details and concepts that decide whether or not you win is a source of happiness for me. I decided over 3 months of contemplation that I would like to pursue a career in coaching, but I am a relatively new player and am unsure of where to go, but am extremely willing to learn more about the game to be able to play at a level needed to become a coach. Any sort of help or insight would be really appreciated. As ludicrous as pursuing an esports career may sound, I would appreciate if you took my interest seriously and understand that I did not decide this on the fly over a few minutes. Again, any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.

    (Edit): I would like to make it clear that I am not forfeiting every other aspect of my life for this goal, as that would be a poor and risky decision. Just saying this to avoid having repeating answers, but if you want to highlight difficulties I will have then feel free to, doesn't have to always be best case scenario.

    2nd Edit: I think I did a poor job of making my intentions clear. I plan to climb to a higher ELO first and then consider becoming a coach through that. It seems that many people are under the impression I would like to take my 20 ranked games and become a coach. This is obviously not possible if I do not get to a higher elo first and then find a job opportunity. Nevertheless I appreciate all the feedback.

    submitted by /u/Sel-Wol
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    Coaching A Challenger ADC

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 12:42 PM PDT


    In this video I coach a Challenger ADC, but a lot of the teaching is useful to all roles. A lot of things that I would teach to a lower elo player go unsaid, so I'll answer any questions you have about concepts in the video or ADC/League in general. Make sure to include your rank if you have a specific question about your climbing situation.

    submitted by /u/LoLwolverene
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    Tips for improving my CS

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    Hi there, I'm currently silver III and I want to reach Gold this season. I have been improving my skills and my KDA and winrates are pretty high (Been playing mostly Kassadin mid and Evelynn jungle), about 70%, so I think it's possible. However, even though my CS in early game is good (70-80 cs in 10m) I feel like going through mid and late game makes my CS bullshit, and there are some games which I farm more until the 15m Mark and I almost completely stop farming. What are your tips to improve my CS in mid to late game? Or should I focus more on my KDA? Also, do you think there's a chance I can go from silver III to gold IV until the end of the season?

    submitted by /u/mikepaiva1
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    Does anyone else have REALLY bad games sometimes?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    I am so inconsistent as a top laner. When I lose, I lose hard. When I win, I tend to win pretty hard too.

    As someone who hasn't been playing very long this is often due to not knowing the match ups (where I can trade).

    I am in Gold btw and have only been playing about 2 months. I started in Iron and grinded my way up to gold basically due to having very good mechanics from previous RTS experience. But I really do suck a lot of the time.

    What tips are there to lose less hard beyond just "stay under the tower". I want to lose less hard in the best possible way.

    submitted by /u/Coolmanhahaha
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    How do I actually improve my Jungle clear speed?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    I am a Gold II Rengar Main. Everytime I log-in and play the game, I jump first into the practice tool and try to full clear my jungle with Rengar. Clearing with Rengar sucks if you're not good at managing your stacks, kiting and auto attacks. I feel like im doing the same thing over and over again. Like nothing is improving and my health is still at 50 or 40% after the clear compared to the Rengar Gods which gets only to 90% health and many extra seconds. What's that wrong thing im doing that's making me lose a lot of health and seconds? Yes, I am aware of the reverse clear. I just feel like it is necessary to know how to full clear in order to be a good jungler. I feel like I don't deserve my rank. I just abused Volibear with my duo q partner. At this point I should have mastered clearing with my favorite champion.

    submitted by /u/Rykomi00
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    Cheater recall: counter?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 10:20 AM PDT


    So I had a game as Riven vs Camille. I slow pushed the wave and had a big minion advantage and crashed the wave after clearing the third wave and recalled. (Cheater recall)

    After that the camille csed under tower and began a slow push. Even tho I had an item advantage i couldn't stop the push because of the big minion advantage (so I can freeze the wave in front of my tower). She built a big wave and crashed it into my tower and backed.

    How do I prevent this? Can I even prevent this? What to do after?

    submitted by /u/Raiiku1
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    Hi, garbage player here, how do I beat Garen?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    It seems every game I play against him I lose lane. I don't see how I'm supposed to play against a champ that is super tanky while building non tank items, does boatloads of damage by following me around, and can deal 25% of my health in true damage every fight.

    I play sion, riven, gragas, and trying to get into irelia.

    submitted by /u/ArchMageGaming
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    Is quick cast without indicators faster than quick cast with indicators?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Pretty much title. I'm an ekko one trick sitting at about 900k mastery and I'm trying to push myself to get better. I'm in practice tool testing timings and stuff and I can't really notice a speed difference between casting my Q with indicators and without indicators. But I've seen a ton of videos that recommend playing using just quick cast. Do the indicators actually add any extra input time?

    submitted by /u/tjorii
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    I feel like I've "forgotten" how to play certain roles (ADC primarily)

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    I play the game actively for the most part, only taking breaks for a few days at a time if I do. I primarily play support as I feel like I have the most success there with a 56% win rate in my normal games. I played ADC quite frequently in the later part of season 9 and considered it my main role for awhile, however I stopped playing the role closer to the beginning of season 10 and haven't really looked back much since.

    The problem lies in when I do decide to go back to ADC. The last few times I've tried it feels like I have completely forgotten how to run the lane. I don't know when to go in for trades, I don't know when a trade will be optimal for me, I don't know if I could turn a fight around in our favor. When I main role'd ADC it felt like as long as my support was semi-decent I would have the confidence to 1v2 the enemy unless they just outclassed me in skill. Lately it feels like I've just completely lost everything that once was. I used to be decent at farming and now most games I always fall behind CS even it feels like I'm landing most of the creeps. Part of me also feels like ADC just doesn't feel as great now in season 10 with the way that the meta's are going and the bountiful amount of CC in the game.

    I even have problems similar to this in other lanes, most particularly in mid. When playing around with friends and filling mid I could pick up someone like Ahri or LeBlanc and go on a few game winning streak where I stomped the enemies. Then if I was to decide to continue playing the champ later on the next day I would just seem to forget how I laned with them and either get nothing for the duration of laning phase or just barely squeeze by and end up being slightly behind the opposing mid laner.

    If it makes a difference I should note that I'm a bronze 1 player so maybe it's just a mix of my overall lack of skill at the game that makes me inconsistent, and the solution to my problem is just a fact that I don't know well enough of what I'm doing so my game play just fluctuates too much. It feels somewhat depressing to go from being capable of doing something to just seemingly "forgetting" how. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.

    EDIT: I also feel like asking if maybe playing support has dulled my senses to the role since there is less emphasis on farming and actually getting the kills, I feel like I've heard people say support can be a "brain dead" role.

    submitted by /u/Nektar_
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    How to Play against Sett Support

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    Hi, so I'm an ADC main who is in low plat/high gold MMR. Whenever I come across Sett support, I feel like there's almost nothing I can do against him. If I try to CS, he'll just flash at me level 2 or 3 and it doesn't matter, because he wants Hexflash anyways. Consequently, I have to just respect that he could just Hexflash out of the brush at any time and just press E, and I make the choice of either giving up half my HP for CS, or basically losing the lane because of a CS deficit. Is there a better way to play against this champ? I just feel like he has too much agency/pressure.

    submitted by /u/dominasian_
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    Taliyah Support Guide -- Roaming like a Goddess

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 02:00 PM PDT


    Hello A bunch of you probably know me as Doglightning the Grandmaster Neeko support OTP. My goal as a streamer and content creator is to make off meta picks viable in high elo. So far with Neeko I have gotten Zoe Support to Diamond 2.

    Taliyah is super fun and has most of the things that make great supports. Her best attribute is her crazy roaming potential with her wall riding and ult. Alongside with roaming she has amazing base dmg and doesn't need a lot of items to shred tanks or build to 1 shot squishies. I hope you all enjoy this guide and my content :D

    submitted by /u/doglightning
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    Why you shouldn’t neglect your Doge

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    I wrote this as a comment for someone but this is my opinion on why Nasus is one of the better champion to play for newer players:

    If you want recommendations for a top lane champion, as a Nasus one trick I am naturally going to suggest the doge.His Whole deal is farming simulator with high rewards if done decently (not well, just decent).

    His Q is where it's at, if you last hit a minion (or anything besides jungle plants*) you gain a stack anywhere from +3 for the normal minions, illaoi tentacles, yorick ghouls, wards, etc. To +12 for champions, large and epic monsters. Meaning your Q does more and more damage (shoot for the stars).

    When you hit level 6 and unlock your ultimate, if you have a sheen don't be afraid to fight, because when you activate your ult the cooldown for Q is reduced by half, that's a massive damage output gained. Not to mention the health, resistances and AoE burn you gain.

    Your W and E are just designed to give you the upper hand. The W (wither) slows their movement speed and attack speed by a metric fuckton. To the point where if you wither someone and they don't have dashes or some form of escape they will just flash because they don't want to be anywhere near your 600 stacked ass while you chase them down like the tasty dog treat they are.

    The E is very handy as not only does it do AoE tick damage it also reduces their armour which means: you guessed it, MORE Q DAMAGE.

    His passive needs a mention to as it is lifesteal which makes sustaining in lane easier (Laning against ranged champions is a ball ache though).

    My standard ability levelling is R>Q>W>E. so level your ult every time you get the chance. Maxing Q then W then E.

    My go to guys for nasus are Trinity force (for the big boy damage, frozen heart for armour and AoE attack speed slow (this combined with your wither is fucking hilarious btw). Spirit visage because it works really well with your passive (it's funny when you have trinity force +400 stacks with spirit and one Q heals you for all the damage they've dealt) and gives you the MR you will need. I also throw in a streaks gage for added survivability and my 5th item varies depending on the kind of games I'm having, but I tend to chose between Deaths dance (great to deal with burst damage) Guardian Angel so I'm much more of a problem for them or locket of the iron solari if I find I'm always grouping for team fights.

    With the shoes it depends on their team composition if they have Crowd Control then merc treads, If they have a lot of auto attack based champs then ninja tabs.

    Why nasus? He is relatively simple and a great means of practising up your last hitting, your Q gets stronger so you don't need to worry about how little health they have as time goes on. All the while you are building resistance items and sustaining with your passive.

    Nasus tends to suit my play style where I just push lanes and keep an eye on the map for TP opportunities. Nasus benefits from not teamfighting (most times) if your lane disappears don't feel bad about getting those juicy stacks because with Nasus while you're lane opponent is gone you have gained some juicy stacks and succulent tower plating while they've made a failed roam because you was a kind team player to let the other lanes know your lane has disappeared.

    I could go on and on but I'm gunna keep it simple.

    Pick up Nasus because even if you lose first tower you can still farm up and become a much bigger problem later on.

    Also the satisfaction of popping a jinx with your Q like she's some kind of zit is orgasmic.

    Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

    submitted by /u/Zombarney
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    How do I prevent playing too passively in lane?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    So I've been playing league for about a month now, and I usually Play mid/top/jng. However, when I'm playing lanes, I find myself playing too passively against Champions that I'm not exactly sure of what their abilities are and especially against tankier Champs. I am too scared to force early fights and only engage when I need to/get ganked. For example, I was playing against Garen as Tryn, and didn't even do damage to him until his jungler came at Lv6 and I somehow managed to 2v1 them. And even after I had the Lead and even Farm I didn't try to engage once more, but he did a lot. So how do I learn playing more agressively?

    submitted by /u/Niqkl1
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    How do I choose which Ashe build to use

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    I've been playing a ton of Ashe lately, and as far as I'm aware she has 3 or 4 main builds.

    1.) Bork+Runaans+IE

    2.) Essence Reaver + Runaans + IE

    3.) Manamune + Runaans + IE

    and then I guess there's a Essence Reaver + Black Cleaver build that's just pure utility, but I never build this.

    So I guess my question is not ashe specific, but rather item specific - When do I choose each of these build paths?

    My initial thought would be to take the BORK build vs tanks, Essence vs Bruisers, and Manamune vs all squishies. Is that correct? Is there more to it than that?

    Any feedback would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    Why isn’t Yone being played top lane as frequently as mid lane?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:44 PM PDT

    So I'm very new to the game (~70 hours total) but I got Yone because aesthetically I really like him plus his move set is super fun to play and learn. I've pretty much been playing Yone every game I can and I almost exclusively take him mid lane because that's where a lot of the online guides suggest playing him. I know he's a new champ so his role still isn't concrete but why isn't he taken top lane more often? That seems to suit him more in my opinion. 95% of the time my mid lane opponent is some sort of ranged champ that can just poke me down while I'm attempting to cs. Wouldn't top lane suit him better as it's another solo lane that primarily has other melee champs opposite him? Is it because top lane champs tend to get kind of tanky which could be a problem for him? I'm genuinely curious as to what other people think!

    submitted by /u/ThaBigSean
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    Good items that aren't in recommended builds?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    What items or builds for your main champs do you like building often and are strong but for some reason not in their recommendeds?

    Ones I can think of are:

    Laning phase buys like refillable, trinkets, cull, dark seal, bead, etc.

    Manamune on certain ADCs

    Liandrys on Fiddlesticks

    AP builds on Shyv, Kog, maybe more

    What else is out there?

    submitted by /u/mmestsemm
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    Question about three laning scenarios midlane

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    So yeah, like the title. The situation in game 1 is as such: Your jungler is a jerk and he thinks bot and top are the only lanes that need help. You're alone. Enemy mid and jungle pinkwarded midlane side bushes. You are low-mid clear champion vs a waveclearer like Anivia. She keeps crashing the wave then zoning you and freezing on her side if she gets a decent reset. If you go past your tower zone you immidiately get 2v1d by enemy jg and mid because no vision, duh. Your jungler is a jerk so he won't come help you clear the pinks.

    What are your avilable options aside from passively defending under tower until enemy mid takes it while falling behind in cs?

    Game 2 has similar scenario but you're vs Zed or other champ that destroys you 1v1 but you can only match him in shoving speed. He keeps killing wave then walking into his pinked bushes, either baiting you to follow him and get solo killed or actually roaming for real, getting double kills on your botlane. How do you prevent him from just doing whatever he wants?

    Reminder, in both cases you can't rely on your jungler to help you clear some vision. I know how to deal with those if I have jungler's help to set up my vision, I just don't know what to do when I can't ward.

    Scenario 3 is slightly different. You are permafrozen either top or mid wih bushes pinked. You are ahead in lane, but they are probably trying to bait you for a gank. You can't wait for jungle to help you since he doesn't want to, he just ganked you a minute ago while he set up that perfect permafreeze for enemy team while you backed. What do you do? I usually just try to soak xp and fall behind 40 cs, but with good enough set up(cc) I've been put in 'don't soak xp and live or soak xp and die' situations before.

    submitted by /u/Dracoknight256
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    Morgana/Lux bot premade with double spellthief, how do I deal with that ?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    Hi all !

    I did a game today, a really bad one and I was lost at some point, I didn't know what I could do anymore. I'm bronze 4 btw if that helps.

    So I was playing Senna support with Tristana ADC against a Morgana support and a Lux ADC. They were premade, potentially communicating directly via mic because of how well they were synchronized. They both started with a spellthief's edge (but I only saw it on the replay, I didn't paid attention during the game because I was super focused on not dying).

    At the start of the game, I tried to harass as usual, and discovered their strategy : one of them had to land a cage, then other landed their cage, resulting in a very long root, and they could just kill me easily. I noticed after in the replay that I spent way too much time away from my minions, which made it much easier for them to land their combo.

    They also had a really good clear speed thanks to both their zones (their E) and at 10min both me and my ADC were 0/3/0.

    Additionally, since my root was our only CC (well I played glacial senna but anyway), and since it has a delay, Morgana could just wait to see if it landed to use her black shield, preventing me from doing any root. Our jungler never came bot but I won't blame my mistakes on someone else.

    Anyway, at 10 min, they were fed, and the game went downhill from there. I ended up with a 1/14/10.

    As for my items, I started with spectral sickle > mercury thread > edge of night > umbral glaive > mercurial scimitar.

    Maybe I should have built qss first I don't know. Mercury thread didn't helped much because they were already fed at that point (I used magical footwear, but ended up getting the boots at 12min).

    That's as much info as I can give I think. Having to focus on dodging two cages wasn't easy and the fact that getting hit by just one ability was basically a death sentence was quite frustrating (I didn't tilted the whole game but it was frustrating and stressful). I don't know how to handle such a matchup. What could I have done better ?

    submitted by /u/Nimyron
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