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    Thursday, August 27, 2020

    LoL Guide Who to play if bad at CS?

    LoL Guide Who to play if bad at CS?

    Who to play if bad at CS?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:03 AM PDT

    i been playing ziggs and Aur Sol. but i keep losing the CS game.

    it's always very one sided also.. like 80 vs 200.

    i usually go support to avoid this but i want to play other characters.. so i go middle.. but it's always one sided booo :(

    ziggs i just go manaflow/presence of mind and spam spells.. but early game is hard.

    Aur Sol for the stars to spin around and help me get last hit is nice. but i get yelled at for going Aurelion Sol middle.

    submitted by /u/Searah1992
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    what the strongest intermediate bots in the game

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    so i was playing customs against bots with my friend who is learning the game and holy shit was i amazed how good they are, they juke skillshots and hit theirs they cs better than my human friend xd also buy proper items and they recall when they're low, the two strongest bot champs i got so far are brand who hits skillshots better than my supports and garen who is giving my friend nightmares

    so ho do u guys think is the strongest bot out there

    submitted by /u/cool_username115
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    What are some pointers that are advices to write down on a note for junglers?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:33 AM PDT

    As a new player who just started rank, I believe some points to write down and keep it beside me would constantly refresh memory.

    For example the note could contain:
    1. Check which lane arrived late
    2. Estimate the jungle route of the enemy
    3. Consider whether to contest crab while doing your first clear.
    4. Gank or second clear
    5. Dragon spawning soon, decide.......

    So what points do you guys recommend I write down as a jungler so I keep the fundamentals intact until it's drilled inside my memory?

    submitted by /u/Thegenius760
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    Roaming without priority

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    Why are cheese roams (just abandoning lane and losing a couple waves) so looked down upon? I get that they're risky but I've had so many games that are completely saved or where I stomp because of said roams. If someone like Panth/Diana/Yasuo gets a kill or two and I completely lose my chance at solo killing them I just farm under tower until I see bot overextend then I go get a double kill and suddenly I can fight my laner again and start snowballing myself.

    Yet I'm always told it's awful and instead of roaming with no priority I should just afk farm under my tower indefinitely and pray my team doesn't feed too hard.

    submitted by /u/EonXII
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    Hand placement

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    I found out that a lot of people are playing league with their pinky resting on shift and the other 3 fingers on Q W E and I want to ask why some people do it? It feels so worng to me and not natural since you can use all 4 abilities with your 4 fingers and dont need to switch one finger to R all the time.

    submitted by /u/Gleis7
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    Why do pro teams leave obvious bans last?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    I've been trying to learn to read pro drafts better and noticed this in the recent G2 vs Mad lions games. ML managed to bring back the series largely due to banning Mickyxs dominant nautilus so naturally it was banned in the next game aswel but it was banned last In the first round of drafts. Surely banning obvious bans first means that the opposition has to consider a wider range of options.

    If I remember correctly the same thing happened at the last worlds (or maybe msi) when pantheon had an absurd ban rate he was almost always banned last. Maybe the answer is that it really doesn't matter and I'm over thinking but I'm still curious.

    submitted by /u/yahtzee76
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    A question about smite outside of jungle

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    i was thinking of using smite on zoe to make more opportunities to land skillshots by taking away minnions with smite when needed, i figured it would help with objectives and stealing blue buffs when the opportunity arises. if i dont build a jungle item until 20 mins and selling my ludens for a runic echos to get chilling smite to have a fast cooldown summoner for teamfights and extra movement speed. would i suffer from lower cs because of smite, im not sure how the debuff works

    i was also thinking the applified echo enchantment would mean i could use q to hit camps through lane walls to refill xp

    submitted by /u/Neillpaddy
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    3 Tips All Neeko Mains Must Know

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 09:33 AM PDT


    Hello I am A Grandmaster Neeko Main! Here are 3 tips that surprisingly most people do not know and seriously helped me climb on the champ.

    TLDR of video:

    Tip 1: You can hide ulti cast by using passive. This will make the ult invisible to enemy team so you can surprise them.

    Tip 2: You can keybind neeko Passive so you do not have to click it

    Tip 3: Neeko root is a buffer. This means you can start the root cast then flash after to make it harder for the enemy to dodge

    submitted by /u/doglightning
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    What to do after early solo kill toplane with no TP and low HP?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    I've been playing Rengar top recently. I sometimes manage to get a kill on the enemy laner early on (using ignite), but I am left with very low HP. The enemy just respawns, TPs to wave, and either I have to take a terrible back (leaving me 1-2 levels behind) or overstay and die.

    What's the right thing to do in this scenario? Should I just avoid early fights, even if they net in a kill?

    submitted by /u/CoryITH
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    Does anyone else have “stinking periods” and how can I get out of them?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    You know what I'm talking about. Everyone has a stinking game. You can't seem to hit any skillshot, miss every big minion, overextend all the time, your vision score is 0, everything sucks and life is miserable. The problem here is that I can go weeks playing like a filthy drugged Iron IV, losing game after game after game. And it's not like I'm playing games back to back, all tilted and stuff. No, this shit is consistent. What just pisses me off even more, because when I'm not trying to click with my ass, I am good. Damn, there are periods when I just get three divisions in one day, victory after victory, carrying hard!

    So... Wtf? Does anyone else has that? And, above all, how can I get out of that fucking awful state?

    submitted by /u/apolobgod
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    As a top-laner, what are my options if I cannot split push?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    What can I do when no objectives are up, or when there is insufficient vision for me to be split-pushing? I understand that I can look to group or take jungle camps, but how exactly can I get my team to group in an efficient way and what should I usually be looking to achieve by grouping?

    submitted by /u/swintonn
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    Should I decrease my cs/min (serious question)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    So I am in the following situation, I am a gold/plat player and I very often watch pro play and very high elo streamers (mostly challengers). What I noticed there is that they always CS as much as possible, how they rotate to catch waves, how they farm jungle camps when having free time, and how they avoid araming when no objectives are up.

    Anyway, for a while I have been trying to incorporate these ideas into my gameplay and the result of that is me having around 9cs/min or even more almost every game, which is very high for this elo, but other than that I dont really do much. If me and my team were 5v5 mid for some reason while none objectives were up, and I see a wave is about to crash at top turret, I would go ahead and take the wave, pinging my team to not start a fight. Most of the time, they don't, I wouldn't call my teammates apes, I don't think they are the problem. However sometimes somehow fights happen just like that, randomly, and it turns out that I am never there for that, because I am farming something, whether jungle camps or sidelaning or whatever. In lane I usually never stomp lane and solo kill my opponent over and over again, mostly because I am focused on farming and I try to respect the enemy jungler and keep the wave in a good spot for me, which makes it even easier for me to CS, but I dont really do solo kills that often, neither do I get killed, that happens to me extremely rarely, as I saw the pro's don't get solo killed so I decided to do the same. Ofcourse, I am constantly trying to take objectives whenever possible and I do group with my team for all the dragons/barons and so on, with few tactical exceptions.

    TL;DR: My gameplay seems "boring", just like pro play can sometimes, I am always having very high CS and I am usually at least a level ahead everyone else in the game, but I rarely stomp / hardcarry or fight in general.

    My question is: Should I change this and start CSing less and joining random fights more because I am in this elo?

    submitted by /u/Content_Mission5154
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    Can someone explain Lane Priority & Wave Management?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    I was playing Syndra vs Viktor in gold elo, I wasn't sure whether I was meant to push or let the wave shove. I ended up pushing because that way he wastes mana cs'ing under turret, but then I realized - I'm ALWAYS shoving in every matchup and I'm not sure if I'm meant to do this?

    If I'm against a mage, I shove so they lose Mana, If I'm against an assassin, I shove and poke under their turret. Am I controlling wave correctly? When should I be freezing so that I can zone them out of CS without risking getting ganked?

    I heard Faker is able to win lane by just controlling his wave properly and applying pressure mid, but I don't really know what people mean by that. Does he just perma-shove?

    submitted by /u/ProfessorQiyana
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    Trading vs. CS'ing in Mid Lane and Tunnel Vision?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    I've been playing a lot of mid lately after having mained support since starting a few months ago. I play pretty much exclusively AP mages (primarily lux) and I'm still pretty mediocre at last hitting, especially from the maximum of my range, so I find myself needing to use abilities to CS at points still, but I do tend to save enough to trade with the enemy laner. However, in watching some of my replays, I've noticed that I seem to tunnel vision on last hitting and getting CS, often at the expense of trades (e.g. getting chunked repeatedly by Xerath Q because I tried to last hit the minions instead of clearing them with my E). How exactly does one balance the two without falling behind on CS, especially against another ranged matchup?

    submitted by /u/NotTheTrueKing
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    Is playing a marksman bot sub-optimal +Theory crafting alternatives.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    The title says most of it. Adcs feel weak to me. This isn't a new concept: Saber, Sneaky and others have pointed out how useless you are on adc until ~3 items, and even then an even to behind assassin will one shot you.

    Mages on the other hand, come online at 1 item (or less, ziggs with lost chapter is a menace) and offer cc, utility and/or aoe.

    I am by no means a stellar ADC, but it has been my main role for years so I'm not new to it either. Recently, my best success has been on mages, namely Cass, ziggs and Swain but I've even played with and had good luck on malzahar bot. I've also had a lot of success on yasuo bot when we need physical DMG.

    Getting to the point: do we really need a marksman on the team? Is the marksman class - at least in bot lane - kind of dead? What other mages/options should I consider playing bot? What physical damage carries could pick up the slack in top/jg/mid if we're playing mages bot in a 5s setting?

    submitted by /u/NyukaNyuka
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    Rylais vs Liandries for Morde

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    I'm a Morde main, g1 and i always rush rylais because i see it as a huge powerspike item. But yesterday i looked up and everyone seems to be going liandries first. Why? Not only the burn passive is only 1.5 not 2.5 bcs the target isn't slowed but also you are very slow compared to others. Yea i get that 10% bonus damage is huge thats why i 100% build it second item but it costs 3100. Rylais is only 2600 and the components are cheaper so if u have to get a bad recall u can always at least buy one of them. Please tell me if I am missing anything and sorry if my english is bad.

    submitted by /u/MotoShrek
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    How do I deal with the quality of silver games to focus on the important stuff

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    We have all been there, the ace into a split call were two hit mid turret and two go to baron. The non stop following every red hp bar, the all out aggrssion and 0 stratagy. I main bard and I have some glaring flaws, I'm not even pretending this is why I'm loosing. Silver games are a pool of low cs high kill coin flips where each team typicly has 5 oppertunities to end the game, but no one realizes it and only knows how to push mid til they die. I started OTPing bard, so I'm hardly a carry, but I know minion waves and objectives decently for my rank. What would be a big thing to focus on not to get sucked into the shit show that is a team fight every minute?

    submitted by /u/TNatty
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    Trying to climb in Silver, but feels like I'm not budging at all

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    First season of league, played tons of Normals before heading into Ranked. I played literally 400+ games of Zed in Normals with a 62% win rate (games were spread over the covid quarantine and the year).

    I've played about 100 games on him in Ranked so far and only have a 52% winrate. I feel demoralised because I've seen charts where after enough games one-tricking you're supposed to be rewarded with a higher than average WR %. I know Normals mean nothing but it makes me feel I should be doing a lot better because I've had those 400+ games before starting Ranked.

    I was placed into Bronze 4 and after about 70 Ranked games made my way to Silver 4. Now I've hovered here for ~35 more Ranked games and haven't budged. I've been 94 LP and close to promos but keep pinging back and forth.

    A real big problem is I can only handle 2-4 games a day, and I have to dodge AT LEAST 3 times a day because Zed's always always always banned. But. I'm an OTP for a reason, I love the playstyle and gameplay of Zed and I also can't play non-melee champions. Which removes the majority of Mid lane champs as options for a secondary pick. Meanwhile, my friend who mains jungle has climbed much easier than me, even though we started around the same time. He plays 3-4 more games than me a day on average and has already made it to Silver 2. My OP.GG

    submitted by /u/MyNinjjaz
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    How do I get Urgot to focus on a specific champ with W on?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    He keeps changing focus to other champs in teamfights or minions

    I have recently started playing Urgot top. He is very fun, especially after lvl 9 when you can have your W on constantly. However He often changes focus to something else. How do I get him to keep focus on a specific enemy champ?

    submitted by /u/Less_Tennis5174524
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    ADC Kindred

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    I see some people say Kindred ADC is troll but then others say it's really strong. I'm a jungle main but wanna try it out since I'm bad at laning. What are your thoughts on it? Good or bad? I just finished placements and was put into bronze 2. I also see people say she's good in other lanes but I wanna try adc first. Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/dq1003
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    Wholesome experience

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    I'm really quite new to the game so you can probably guess I'm pretty bad. I don't play many matches outside of co-op vs AI as the community is so toxic and I got flamed for being shit in a normals. I know I'm bad, but I tried a normal match because I didn't feel like I was getting anywhere with co-op vs AI as no one plays their lanes properly.

    I ventured back into normals and played as Jhin ADC with a Morgana as my support. I warned them in chat that I was new, and they (and the rest of my team) proceeded to tell me it was fine and that they'd call out useful information.

    My Morgana support was teaching me how to last hit and giving me little emotes every time I hit tricky last shots. The others were relaying useful information in the chat and telling me I was doing a good job when I'd get kills and assist with jungle buffs and drakes.

    I normally mute chat due to the crazy amount of toxicity. It's not always aimed at me, but it still puts me off when I see another team mate being flamed or even my own team flaming the enemy. But experiences like this makes me want to sometimes leave chat unmuted.

    We ended up winning the game and I learnt a lot in the space of 25 minutes which I hadn't known in a few hours of gameplay.

    submitted by /u/Kelsier0fHathsin
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    My ranked MMR is somehow high despite my horrible win rate. What to do?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    I recently got into ranked. I lose most of my games (3 wins, 11 losses), and am at bronze 3. For some reason I still get paired up with people way higher in rank who are way better than me(or maybe I'm just getting worse). I did use to play with friends who were extremely high leveled, but that was in draft. Maybe I don't understand mmr, but I feel like most games I play I can't contribute much, which leads to both sides flaming me, so it's not an ideal situation for the teams I get put in. Besides playing the game more and getting better, is there anything else I can do so that I can have a better time playing? I like the game and play it in my spare time, but being a drag on other people's winrates and getting flamed isn't something I'd like to do every time I hop on.

    submitted by /u/pinkjoy45
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    How to handle Akali in the early game?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    Hello! I have played league for a long while, and I consider myself to know a lot about how to play the game, even though I don't play ranked anymore. I am generally the teacher. However, lately I've been facing Akalis in almost every game, and I just can't seem to figure out how to play against her. She's just so frustrating to face in lane. Can anyone explain to me how I should handle this. Certain pick? Certain runes? When to trade? Give up lane and set roaming as win con?

    submitted by /u/jonasirate
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