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    Thursday, August 20, 2020

    LoL Guide Why is Conq becoming the preferred keystone for a lot of midlane assassins?

    LoL Guide Why is Conq becoming the preferred keystone for a lot of midlane assassins?

    Why is Conq becoming the preferred keystone for a lot of midlane assassins?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I am honestly kinda saddened to see Conqueror becoming the staple rune for some assassins over Electrocute (Zed was my first main in League and I loved the burst-y playstyle of Elec). I first saw it with champs like Kata, Akali, Diana, etc, but now Zed and Talon are using conqueror builds that arguably rival the old builds.

    Why do you think this is? What keystones do you prefer on your favorite assassins?

    submitted by /u/canigetitonspoofy
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    When should I consider coaching? Where should I go for coaching?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    I've got 200 games in silver and while I admit part of it is because I'm a one trick on a champion with a high ban rate, there are games where I lose lane and I have no idea how I end up so far behind or what I could've done better.

    I just want to be good idk. I can't tell when a game is lost because of me or because of my team or what.

    submitted by /u/LynchEleven
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    Who is considered the best ADC in the world ?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    I'm a gold elo ADC Main, and im looking for the "best" adc, however you define it, to watch his VODs or stream, or educational videos, in order to improve my adc game. Im currently watching some xfsn saber clips, but I'd like your insight on what content I should watch for adc in general.

    submitted by /u/Ry_uk
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    Junglers Problem with Support?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    i really love to play Lux Support. I had it a couple of times that our jungler telling me to "go away". For example: me giving him a single shield while he clears a camp or me warding the enemy jgl (blue buff). Did I do something wrong? Or is it something I don't get?

    submitted by /u/FlyingSheepsAndSeals
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    Are there any informative high elo top laners?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    I don't know if it's just me not looking In the right places but all the high elo top lane content creators I can find are montage players. They might do an informative game here or there but no guides or anything else. If you guys know any that would be very helpful.

    submitted by /u/thebozz801
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    When is the right time to play other roles and different expectations surrounding game modes

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I used to play League way back when in 2012-13 but got back into it recently (like two weeks ago). I only played support back then and still do (I suppose if I had to declare favourites I would pick Nami or Lulu), but I've been playing alot of ARAM and I realise I'm not too bad with other non-support champions like Vel'Koz, Nautilus, Graves, and Xerath.

    I'm usually pretty open to playing anyone on ARAM since its all randomised and it offers a good place to test out champions in a PVP setting. However, whenever I try to play Summoners Rift I still dont feel comfortable playing other roles besides support, because I feel like theres alot more pressure to play well and get kills in non-support roles, despite doing alright in ARAM.

    I'm just wondering if anyone else feels like theres a difference in player expectation between ARAM and Summoners rift, and if theres a right time to venture out into other roles or if you kinda just have do it.

    submitted by /u/DrVAZUL
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    A question of drafting

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    I'm hoping this question has a complex enough answer to warrant its own post.

    For Solo Q should I try to draft a champ that follows in the same vein as my team or draft to cover my team's weaknesses?

    For example if we have picked Kayle top, kassadin mid and vayne bot should I also pick a late game scaling champ in the jungle? Or should I pick something early game to cover our weakness.

    The same can be said for team fighters and split pushers. For example if my team picks Malphite top, ori mid and kog bot should I also try to draft a team fighter in the jungle or something that can contain a split pusher?

    I'd be interested to hear what people's thoughts are on these concepts. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/JimboAkimboTV
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    CS in the jungle

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    ADC main trying some jungle. I mainly play Kha Zix and i've been doing pretty well. I can snowball in my elo and carry. One problem is the CS though. I don't know what i'm doing wrong. I often get scores like 10/3 but only 100 cs at min 20. So here are my questions:

    Is counter jungling important for mantaining decent cs in the jg?

    How often should i take scuttle? I take scuttle when it spawns for the first time, and if i happen to kill the enemy jg i go to the other side and secure the double scuttle. After that i just occasionally do the scuttle when she's up when im waiting for objectives.

    What is my main source of cs in the mid game? Camps or sidelane waves?


    I don't do this. As mentioned, and i for my part think it's annoying since i play Twitch who needs to scale. I do know that it's important for some junglers though (like twitch haha) so i don't tilt. Just annoying when my lee sin takes my whole wave + cannon instead of taking 1-2 minions. Should i start taxing 1-2 minions?

    Would appreciate some help! :')

    submitted by /u/snanwich
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    Defeatist Mindset

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    Hello SummonerSchool!

    My mindset going into every game is 'expecting to lose, hoping for a win'.

    Recently my attitude towards my Ranked games has suffered quite harshly. This is due to numerous factors, but the prevailing one I would say is that this meta feels much more 'coinflip' than past seasons. I would justify this by saying the importance of early-game has never been so great, and so many of my games feel entirely coin-flip based on those crucial first 8 minutes.

    I watched CoachCurtis' Loser's Queue video where he discussed the 30/30/40 rule, and it encouraged me pretty greatly, only that very night I had a 4 game lose-streak (3 of which I would say were 'unwinnable', 1 was 'I could have won if I played better'), and then my next game was an absolute stomp where my top lane Darius went something ridiculous like 12/0, with literally no input from me (the Jungler) and the enemy team just did a FF15, so it served to only hammer into the coin-flip phenomenon for me.

    I can't shake this defeatist mindset that I currently have, where I now go into every game just expecting to lose.

    Does anyone have any advice? I miss the enjoyment and thrill of trying my best.

    I should mention I decided to take a couple day's break from League (up to Day 2 now) to see if that helps. I might play Ranked again on the weekend.

    submitted by /u/aglimmerof
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    When is it worth it to cross the map for a RNG scuttle crab?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    Like for example if you're on one side and you just ganked or something and then want to go clear all your camps on that side before recalling. But suddenly the scuttle is spawning on the other side. The enemy jungler that just died in your countergank has already respawned and is probably walking down there already. All my camps are also up on the other side. Is crossing the map immediately worth it here? What if my mana is a bit low a I have about 900-1k gold?

    submitted by /u/finbat15
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    Jax itemization - Bork vs Gunblade?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    So I've been using Jax as my toplaner of choice recently, for when I get autofilled or when I just can't be asked to tryhard my main role - and for normals of course.

    Most builds I checked out seem to agree that Bork and Triforce are the go-to first two items, with the sequence varying, not quite sure what it's based on though - matchups I assume? Bork is an obvious choice for an autoattack based melee bruiser, but is there any reason to get Gunblade instead? Since it gives both AP and AD it seems more bursty, and Omniheal is obviously very strong on any type of a champion. I've only seen it built on Akali and Katarina, pretty much everybody else who could potentially get it goes for Rageblade and/or Bork.

    Is the onhit effect of Bork just overall better, compared to the raw stats on Gunblade? I'd expect it to scale better and propably perform better on Dragon/Baron, no?

    submitted by /u/XWasTheProblem
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    How should Ezreal’s laning phase be played?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    I really enjoy playing Ezreal but I feel like I play way too passive in lane because it feels like I get out damaged every time I try trade. So should I just be sitting back and farming or should I be more aggressive? I know I outrange them with my q and can poke them but if they stand behind minions and position well should I just be sitting back and farming?

    submitted by /u/Agon49
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    Double Doran’s Ring?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    Why do people build it and what is the point? I've been seeing it on a lot of Diana and Sylas lately and am very confused.

    I'd also like to know if and when I should use it myself in the midlane and when would be a good time to sell the item and go on my regular build path.

    (I usually play Ahri or Neeko)

    submitted by /u/cosmic_railway
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    What to do when your opponent freezes your lane

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    So I'm pretty new to top lane, pretty much only played jungle for the entire time I've played league, so you can imagine I have no idea how to properly play lane. Because of that, everyone I go against destroys me in wave management and I always feed. I know that if I die twice I'm supposed to just suck it up and sit under turret, but what can I do before that happens.

    AKA, how do I stop my opponents freeze before I start swapping spit with my turret?

    (Trying to main gnar btw)

    submitted by /u/That90sKidd
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    Tips on slots for items and item actives

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    Hi there! This is just a post about how I manage what items go in what slots and I'm hoping some players will find it helpful. For myself I have been playing a long time (since mid season 1) and yet I have never had a consistent setup until now, and I wanted to share it because it works so well for me.

    The main idea is to break up 90% of the items into one of two categories: reactive and proactive. This lets you put almost everything onto two keys, leaving a third for overflow and three for warding.

    Reactive items could also be considered defensive items. They include:

    • potions, stopwatch, QSS, Mercurial, Zhonya's, Stoneplate, Randuin's, Locket, Seraphs

    For proactive items, think tools for engage, picks, or damage. They include:

    • dematerializer, predator, cutlass, Blade of the Ruined King, Gunblade, Tiamat, Titanic or Ravenous Hydra, GLP, Protobelt, Mikael's, Redemption, Shurelya's, Righteous Glory, Twin Shadows, Spellbinder, Ghostblade

    Since you almost never build multiple items from the same list you almost never have to adapt or fudge it. Below are some examples where you might need to fudge it, but they are rare and easily played around:

    • you are playing an enchanter and you make it to six items

    • you are playing lategame full utility veigar

    • a lategame ADC with qss+bork who also picks up the extra stopwatch for a single fight

    This leaves you with three full slots that you can dedicate to warding, which is a little bit different from most item actives.

    This comes down to the fact that I like to quick cast most items but normal cast wards, because you can use the cursor indicator to always place ward precisely at any edge of any bush using the color change trick.

    This lets me ward bushes from slightly further away or let them reach a bit more in some direction if I want. It also makes certain trick wards easier, like tri from river. Mostly I just like seeing the range before I place it to make sure I'm covering exactly what I want, as well as to think about how to place wards to avoid pink wards that are common.

    Edit: for anyone watching the playoffs today, a perfect example just popped up in game 3 of the C9 match (where a ward wasn't on the edge of a bush). !Games 1,2 spoiler warning! : here it is.

    Finally, I'll just add that I didn't include Zeke's or Knight's vow. I just toss those on my overflow button since I only cast them once or twice a game and it's usually out of combat.

    In case anyone is curious (and also a good TL;DR; I guess haha), the actual keys I bind to are:

    1: overflow (Zeke's, 2nd stopwatch, etc.) 2: reactive (qss, Zhonya's, etc.) 3: proactive (Botrk, Protobelt, Tiamat, etc.) 4: pink wards (normal cast) 5: support item (normal cast) T: trinket (normal cast) 

    For my keyboard and hand I find 4, 5, and T to be comfy right for my three sources of vision control, and I find 2 and 3 to be the easiest to use in combat, which is necessary for most items to be used well. I don't use 6 at all because I can't comfortably reach it on my keyboard.

    This post is less about which key you put what on and instead building consistency so that you know what items are on what keys, so make sure to adapt it to what is comfortable to you if you like it.

    submitted by /u/Free_Wi-Fi
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    How can I prevent my teammates from throwing?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    So I just came from a weird game, we were all doing well in our laning (some lanes even and others ahead) and we had a really nice scaling team comp (Nasus, Elisa, Lux, Vayne and Pyke). Then, their team started getting a lot of picks and my teammates throwed the lead. I rewatched the game, and apart from me doing some mistakes, I have no idea how I could have prevented stuff like Elise attempting to invade a Khazix without vision of the enemy team at minute 15. This ended up in me also throwing the game because of the tilt. Here is the game https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/es/match/euw/4771670078?ref=7w3Ji9tl#participant8

    submitted by /u/FalierTheCat
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    Why is my gameplay so streaky?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    When I play league in ranked, I'll go on 10+ game win streaks, followed by a very short (2-4 games) of 50/50 win loss, followed by a 10+ game loss streak.

    The weirdest part is, I don't feel like I'm doing anything different between the games. I go into every game like its my first game of the day. I don't care enough to tilt, I just play to have fun. I'm not doing weird shit like trying new champions, I'm not typing or raging at people in some games and not in others (I actually just have chat turned completely off). I don't have some games where I feel like I was impactful and other games where I wasn't. Its none of the typical things I see people talk about here.

    My play is inconsistent at best across EVERY game, not just waves of good, and waves of bad. From one game to the next even when I'm on a winning streak, in one game I'll smash and get all drakes and close the game with baron in 25 minutes -- in the next I'll be praying to RNGesus that my 7-1 lucian can carry my heavy ass because I inted kills in 2 lanes in 5 minutes.

    It just seems like for long sprints, I'll just get godlike teammates, maybe I'll help carry, maybe I'll be the one getting carried -- but my teammates are super solid and we get the W game after game after game. I'll win games I have NO RIGHT to win, just hard feeding playing like ass and still win.

    And then for a dozen games or so it just seems like nothing I do matters, I lose no matter what. I could have the most godlike game that's ever been played on NA server and its still a loss, or I could literally lose the game single handedly and be "sorry, bad game" at stat screen.

    So I openly admit my gameplay is average, above average at best -- inconsistent on the best days, and whether or not I'm gonna hard carry or hard feed is a total coinflip from games to game -- and with that pattern you'd expect me to be pretty 50/50 across 100 games. At least that's what I would expect.

    But no. Its 10 wins, 10 losses, a win, a loss, a win, a win, a loss, 10 wins, 11 losses..... its just so streaky and I don't know why.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    Life steal and anti-heal

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Recently a friend told me that anti-healing items such as morellonomicon don't work against life steal. By that i mean that if i would heal 50hp with my vampiric scepter, i would heal the same amount if grevious wounds is applied to me. Is that true ?? I could imagine that "life stealing" is a different concept than "healing" but i never ever heard such thing before. Thank you already for your explanations!

    submitted by /u/Stupid-Hobbit
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    How can I get better at melee mid champs?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    I am a jungle main with mid as my next favorite role. I typically play ahri/cass mid but I would love to be able to play champs like Galio, Diana, fizz and zed. The thing is, I suck at playing melee champs against ranged champs. I almost always lose. But I know those champs are really good right now and I think they're really fun to play, so I would love any tips!

    submitted by /u/Melssenator
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    Picking a VOD for Coaching Review?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    I'm getting coaching soon, and I'm not sure which VOD I should send to the coach for review. How do I decide a good VOD so I can get the most out of it?

    Here's my opgg if y'all know how to pick a good one just from opgg. https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=OneTrickPonyMyth

    submitted by /u/JiimBV
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    Champions which are hard to clear the Jungle with

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    Hey there, I had a game that was kinda hard from the beginning because I could not clear the Jungle very well (low hp and took much more time) I was playing Sylas and the question is how do you avoid bad clears with champions like Sylas or Ekko etc. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/DualBlow
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    How to CS during mid-game as an ADC?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    I currently mostly play normals. I can CS okay-ish (70-90 cs at 10 minutes) until the first tower falls but then my CS drops dramatically. Around this time everyone slowly starts gravitating mid to ARAM.

    I have tried:

    1. farming jungle: not sure when it is a good idea to farm your jungle.
    2. setting up the creep wave to crash into enemy turret, so it slow pushes towards us, group mid, then picking up cs at my convenience. I haven't been very successful at this yet. I find it too difficult to crash it under tower because of how unsafe it can be, so I end up creating a giant wave for the enemy laner instead.
    3. farming mid, and then promptly getting scolded by my mid laner.
    submitted by /u/vkknoell
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    Is splitpushing making my teammates play better?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    I was stuck in gold 4 when I started to play Yorick and only splitpush, like never group or very rarely I climbed to plat4 with like a 75% winrate, but in those games my teammates played well, or started bad but ended better Now i am getting stucked in plat2 and I feel that it is because my playstyle changed and i am grouping too much, i dont know if I climbed because i got lucky or thanks to my splitpush The games that I dont group are the games that my teammates play better and I win

    Should I stick to splitting or should I group more?

    submitted by /u/mrgodyrmc
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