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    Thursday, September 3, 2020

    LoL Guide Be careful doing baron against jinx while she is alive, the rocket can smite for extremely high amounts

    LoL Guide Be careful doing baron against jinx while she is alive, the rocket can smite for extremely high amounts

    Be careful doing baron against jinx while she is alive, the rocket can smite for extremely high amounts

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    Lost two games today off baron steals from jinx

    The rocket deals 10% − 100% (based on distance traveled) damage based on travel distance, the bonus damage based on missing health is retained.

    MAX. PHYSICAL DAMAGE:» 250 / 350 / 450 (+ 150% bonus AD) (+ 25 / 30 / 35% of target's missing health) Enemies surrounding the main target take 80% damage. Bonus damage from missing health is based on each unit's own missing health.

    MAX. SECONDARY DAMAGE:» 200 / 280 / 360 (+ 120% bonus AD) (+ 20 / 24 / 28% of target's missing health)

    submitted by /u/jptboy
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    Anyone Feel Like Top Lane Is Too Counter-pick Heavy?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    More than any other role, first picking top seems to be incredibly punishing. Almost all of the top lane champions have some kind of hard counters. Sometimes I feel like top lane is a rock paper scissors game that is decided at champion select save for very select few champions. This doesn't seem to be as much of a problem in other lanes. Does anyone else feel this way?

    submitted by /u/Orcus_The_Fatty
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    How do I lane 1v2 as adc in botlane?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    Im started to level up new account to play ADC and learn that role, but people on low levels usually troll when they get support like yesterday my support wanted mid didnt get it, then locked in brand and went mid anyways so I got to play solo bot. I was Ashe vs Aphelios and Soraka bot. I couldnt do anything, Aphelios is farming last hitting and soraka is just coming at me poking with autos and Q. I try to wait for wave to crash in my turret but they poke me under turret as well and they take plates fast, team wont help me ofc. I dnot understand what am I supposed to do as adc in those matchups.

    submitted by /u/WalIRose
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    [ADC] I struggle against non meta botlanes, how can I improve

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I'm playing mainly ADC, my second role is toplane. My main champs on botlane are Ashe, Trist, Jhin, Ezreal (in this order) and I only main Maokai toplane. Sometimes I play against non meta botlanes, like AP Carry + Support, double AP Carry, Bruiser + Support or Assasins. Especially against double AP Carry botlanes (namely Veigar, Vel'Koz, Xerath, Zyra) I'm struggling big time, because they have enough stuff to escape every fight early game and farm and start outdamaging me by level 6. Last game me and my support were constantly pushed under the tower and even there I could barely farm due to the constant poke from Xerath and Vel'Koz. Obviously I was heavily behind in gold later due to my farm deficit and was unable to catch up and thus remained useless all game (I played ashe that game).

    Do you guys have any hints or any tricks on how to win those non meta matchups without relying on the jungle too much?

    submitted by /u/Siebolic
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    VOD review - what do I look for?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    I try to watch my own games as much as I can, and I see what I'm doing wrong. For example, missing obvious CS or dying in a weird spot.

    However, I'm not sure how to review my games in such a way that I can pinpoint my exact issues and, most importantly, how to improve them.

    I'm not a superb player (low plat), but I want to improve, I just don't know how. Please help.

    submitted by /u/Dew-
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    What's the point of Starter Items?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    So I have a question about (laner) starter items, mostly about Doran's Blade, Doran's Shield, and Doran's Ring (perhaps even Corrupting Potion? Cull is kind of special though since you gain gold over 100 CS) in that why do we buy them?

    I understand that they grant a lot of value for only a small amount of gold, but why? Aren't we technically delaying our item spikes by buying Starter Items instead of a component item? How applicable is buying multiple Starter Items (but delaying item spikes even further)? When do you sell your Starter Item?


    submitted by /u/PhosphorusElement15
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    How do you improve core fundamentals?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    After watching Tyler1 exceed my rank in a few days with zero knowledge of toplane, the champions, or the match ups made me realize that mechanics really don't mean anything.

    I am a midlane Viktor, Malzahar, and Leblanc player. What core fundamentals do I need to improve and how do I do it?

    I have a 55% winrate in 50 games on Viktor, 63% winrate in 4 games on Malzahar, and 40% winrate in 40 games on Leblanc for this account. I don't enjoy playing the same champion every game and I rotate between these 3.

    I have played over 3000 games this season across 6 accounts. Playing every role and almost every champion. I make a new accounts to exceed my old rank with fresh MMR, I haven't gotten any further past Gold 2.

    What can I do to improve?

    submitted by /u/mustangcody
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    I can't apply what i learn.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    Hi, first time posting here.

    I've just started playing seriously this season and got plat 3 in a relatively short time by playing only pyke support. I studied playing support and pyke so much that i think i can hit diamond pretty easily.

    The only problem I have is actually applying everything i know. As soon as I get into the game, my mind just blanks out and I don't ward , I overstep, and make stupid and obvious mistakes such as missing easy hooks and ults. As soon as I finish the game I can pinpoint every missplay. I don't think is from tilting because I almost never tilt and never use chat.

    I think it's because of autopiloting or an unremoved piece of my ranked anxiety, but I have no idea how to better myself.

    Any advice would be helpfull.

    submitted by /u/BoostedThrash
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    Break freezes

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Hello, i am a player in Gold right now. I kind of know the basics of wave management now ( slow pushing freezing etc) but there's 1 problem i face once in a few games: The enemy freezing infront of their turret.

    This just makes me vulnerable to ganks and i die over and over again. I have heard that the way to prevent this, is to crash the wave. Everytime i have tried that my minions just attacked the turret but they survived long enough for his minions to attack my minions under his turret, resulting in his minions being closer to his turret, giving him another free freeze.

    Advice needed :')

    submitted by /u/snanwich
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    Is Guardian Angel viable in low Elo?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    I've seen Guardian Angel in 'optional/situational items' in almost every item build guide for a good few champions, but I have yet to see it ever properly work. Every time I see somebody using it, they end up dying and having the resurrect activate, only to be instantly killed again as the entire team simply camps the body. I myself have only tried it a few times but for me it's been the same experience. I primarily play ADCs such as Jinx if that affects the decision to get it, though I've seen people in all lanes using it so I don't really know

    So is GA useful in low elo or is it not worth it? And if it is useful, would someone have tips on how I could know in what situation to get it?

    submitted by /u/Bluescreen70
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    What do you guys think about the Porofessor’s ranking system and does it mean anything?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    So, I usually check Porofessor to see stuff like my wr, my k/da, etc. Yesterday, when I checked it, I had the "Godlike Yone" tag. It's the first time I've ever seen that tag so I was like: "yo, wtf is this?" After checking, according to Porofessor, I'm one of the best 1000 Yone players in the world.

    Now, that's neat, but really? I mean, having the tag is cool and all, but I'm a Plat 4 LAN scrub, so I don't think I'm anywhere near being one of the 1000 best at anything in the world at LoL.

    The biggest "flaw" I found in the ranking system is that winrate is highly valued, but it doesn't take into account rank, so yeah, my Yone has a 75% wr, but that's only in plat 4, if I was challenger, or even Dia, my wr would be much, much lower.

    submitted by /u/TrulyEve
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    How can I best help my team when I queue with friends who are all higher elo than me?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    Tldr; How should I approach a game against players who are better/more experienced than me (particularly laning phase)?

    I am unranked, account level mid 30's, and have never played regularly until this year. Lately I've been having a lot of fun playing normals with a group of people ranging from mid bronze to diamond 4. We generally have a good time but I often "increase the challenge" by doing poorly in the early game and create a raid boss on the enemy team. My team are good sports about it since it's normals and they know my skill level but I would enjoy feeling less like a liability.

    Important details: 1. I don't have a main champion or even a main role, and we tend to swap roles around every match. I actually prefer this since I get to try new stuff.

    1. I know most champions' abilities but am often playing new or uncommon matchups (ex: I know what Orianna's abilities do, I don't know what I should be doing with her when laning against a Rumble mid).

    2. I don't play solo very often, it's a lot more fun for me to play with people.

    Thanks for reading! I'm looking for anything about mindset, champion selection, playstyle, communication, making practice enjoyable, etc.

    submitted by /u/SeaBass000
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    When buying Void Staff is worthier than Morello (just for the magic pen)?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    What's the threshold of MR that mathematically tells you to buy Void Stuff instead of Morello.

    Because most of the times I see that the enemies are straight up stacking mr and I know that I need Void asap, but there are cases where 4 out of 5 enemies have mercuries or just one small mr item (i.e. death's dance, qss...) and I don't know what the best buy is.


    submitted by /u/thelessiknowthebest
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    Should I buy Trinity Force as a jungler

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    Ok so I am a mid silver jungler who just started learning VI. All the recommended itemizations include Trinity Force as a core item, but I can never afford it before the game is closing to an end. The earliest tri force I've got is around 20 mins, and that was a perfect game for me because the opponent jungler did not know what they were doing. I got tons of kills, a lot of farms, herld for the first tower and some tower plates, then some really good pushes to get more towers. According to porofessor, my farming is still very average among silver VI players even in that game.

    Even when everything goes so perfectly, I can't get the tri force before 20 min mark, and it feels really weird not having my first item (after the jungle item) ready until that late. As an early to mid game jungler, should I give up tri force in most of my games an get black cleaver instead? I like the punching / tanking style of VI and don't want to play her as a pure tank (cause why not just pick Zac instead). And I don't want to give up the early game pressure and go afk farming.

    What should I do? Focus more on my clear, or take black cleaver instead.

    submitted by /u/goodanimals
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    are tanks important in soloq

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    Why do so many people care about tanks so much they will dodge if there is no tank or play a tank themselves even if they are not comfortable with their pick. Also if tanks are so necessary in soloq then why are some of the strongest top laners right now are champions like Jax, fiora, and Camille who only build a little bit of health.

    submitted by /u/TerriblePersone
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    Help selecting champions

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm new to League of Legends but this isn't my first MOBA as I've played Mobile Legends but I've decided to dive into League of Legends, hence this post. I usually solo queue and like to be good at a champion of each role to adjust based on team comp. I think I've found a top laner being Fiora but haven't found anyone for the different roles that I enjoy. Who do y'all suggest for each role? I generally enjoy chracters that are difficult to learn for the satisfaction of it.

    submitted by /u/Shump_II
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    Optimizing Lux Support

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    How do you lane against strong early game champions and hyperscalers?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    Recently switched from being a Top main to an ADC main (Xayah and Ashe mostly). I just hit S4.

    There are a few early game matchups that I find myself losing constantly, like MF, Draven, and Lucian. I'm never really sure what I can do against them— it feels like they do so much damage early on and I have no good answer to it without putting myself in extremely risky situations where I risk dying.

    In the case of hyperscalers like Trist and Kog, I'm just as clueless. I might be able to go even with them early, but it seems like they spike so much harder after picking up one or two core items compared to me that I'm left completely unsure of how to respond.

    In these situations I try to farm up as much as I can but I always find myself getting zoned off the cs by the enemy ADC purely because of the damage that I know they can dish out, and this is made even worse if they have an engage support like Leona or Naut. As a consequence the enemy ADC is always quite a bit of cs up on me (if not one or two kills up on me as well), so I'm always behind when it comes to the mid and late game, often to the point of straight up being irrelevant.

    Splitpushing just to get the farm is something I've tried as well but more often than not my team wants to constantly engage the enemy team, which sometimes leads to unwinnable 4v5 fights where my team gets wiped.

    Is there anything in particular that I can do during laning phase to limit their snowballing and/or give myself more impact? I'm sure their are strategies and approaches that I haven't tried yet so I'd really appreciate any input that you guys have. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/moogeton
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    What's the correct play here?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    High elo game, blue side hecarim is doing his 2nd red of the game, raptors and top side are up

    Blue kayle is backing under tower with tp up after getting chunked by red wukong, who still hasn't backed, and is pushing a big wave atm. She's 30 cs behind or 20 after that wave.

    Blue side irelia got a double kill on red side nunu and yone at around 4 mins (all flashes burned) and she's been freezing ever since, 20 cs and a level ahead.

    Blue ashe/janna have been on a farm fest against red twitch/nautilus until a minute ago where they got a huge trade and burned twitch ss. Everyone is on 50% hp except for janna at 90%. They are the only players with no lvl 6 yet and the wave is neutral

    Then, irelia survives a gank but her freeze is broken and red side makes a move on the first drake (ocean) while irelia, still on good hp/mana, farms her wave under turret.

    What's the correct play here?

    Is there any critical information that blue side could know that I'm not giving you and how can it change your decision?

    Edit: no ults have been used, and don't look at the comments before answering, think for yourself first

    submitted by /u/Lezaleas2
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    How to counter Senna support with Glacial Augment as a support

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    Just as the title says.

    Im a support main and i have recently played a game where the enemy botlane went lucian/senna. Im in low elo, but I know that lucian's early is strong, so to win lane I believe I have just to wait for a gank, poke safe if i can, or simply play safe and outscale him in late.

    However, this senna with Glacial Augment made my life impossible since the very beginning. I cant play aggro early against her cuz lucian punishes me. And in late, with the extra range, she procs the GA rune from her fountain and I end up getting caught and killed, so I cant even provide vision or kill enemy wards.

    I cant even gain lane pressure and by the time my jungler comes, I am low health from the poke, no matter how safe I play, so I cant follow up (im not blaming my jungler, I just wanna know how to play).

    Is it me that im bad af or is Senna GA strong? Help and thx in advance.

    submitted by /u/TriNauux
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    Thoughts on sett top?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    I just picked up sett in hopes of learning another top laner. But recently I've heard he's been nerfed a lot and even in the recent patch too. Incase you ask how high I am I'm lvl 34 who's only just begun ranked flex so there. My question is if he's still worth playing even with all the nerfs?

    submitted by /u/Knightynight_
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    I want to swap from Support to Jungle

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:16 PM PDT


    I've played League since the S4 and my role has always been Support, with others role like Top or Jungle as secondary. For this season and the next one, i want to play as a Jungler. I've already played some games with Olaf, WW, Vi, and i like to play things like Hecarim, Kindred or Sejuani. Also i like to play around the neutral objectives and focusing in farming over ganking lanes.

    So, my questions are, how should I start with the change? What champions would help me to do better in the jungle? Any advice for the future or things that i should definitely do?

    Thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/malafar
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    How to lane against an Ahri as Akali?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    Looking for tips how to have a better laning phase against Ahri as Akali. I am currently hovering g3-g2 elo. Normally in lane as akali you look for e's to engage trades and qs when they go for cs to poke. However against ahri if you e in she can guaranteed charm you. I found I couldn't often get close enough to q without taking large amounts of damage from Ahri's auto + q + w.

    She was permashoving and unfortunately my jungler wasn't ganking so I just had to farm under tower while taking heavy poke damage ( I don't want to blame jungler, I want to focus on what I could've done better). I didn't give her any kills but she had a 50 cs lead at 20 minutes which was not ideal. Thanks for any tips you guys have!

    submitted by /u/ETurns
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