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    Wednesday, September 2, 2020

    League of Legends Patch 10.18 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    League of Legends Patch 10.18 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Patch 10.18 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    New South Korean Bill to Exempt Significant People (E.g Faker) from Military until 30

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    Source: https://n.news.naver.com/sports/esports/article/442/0000122755

    Summary: https://twitter.com/SaintSnorlax/status/1301075872812859393?s=19

    "A new bill is being planned in Korea (might as well call it the "BTS and Faker bill"), to allow individuals who have made significant contributions to Korea's global image through pop culture and/or esports to delay their military service until age 30."

    submitted by /u/AxelTV
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    [FANART] KDA The Baddest: Ahri

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    [FANART] KDA The Baddest: Ahri

    I really liked Ahri's new design and I thought it fit well with my way of looking at the character.

    I have tried to make it look like a frame taken directly from a K-POP song video clip. I hope it's great. And I'm thinking of doing the same with Akali, Eve and Kai'Sa if I see that this one receives a lot of support.

    More LoL art on my [Twitter @/HawHaeAe] (https://twitter.com/HaeHaeAe) & [Instagram @/nixeuu] (https://www.instagram.com/nixeuu)


    submitted by /u/4gasshi
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    As of 10.18 it is now possible to show the champion name instead of the summoner name above a champion's health bar

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    Binding "Show summoner names" to a key in the "Hotkeys" section of settings now cycles through 3 different modes, summoner names, champion names and nothing instead of just summoner names and nothing. This was not noted in the patch notes which is strange considering how many people I've seen asking for it in this sub. Hope this helps someone.

    submitted by /u/Ronizu
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    Old Video of mine outplaying with a plant

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    I am a fan of NA going into Worlds. Realistically I'm not expecting any crazy results or performances, but I still am excited and hopeful to see what happens

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    Tl;Dr: Idgaf about the most likely outcome, I still am, and always will be, hyped to watch NA at worlds

    There are a couple of threads on the front page right now that kinda are prime examples of struggles of being a fan of NA teams on this subreddit. Our region gets constantly bashed in pretty much any interview, post-game thread, twitch chat, promo video, and even unrelated discussion posts.

    Despite 2018 Worlds and 2019 MSI being some of my region's best international showings ever, 2019 Worlds really was a bummer (RIP 2019 Clutch forever in our hearts) and tempered the excitement that was seemingly allowed to be felt.

    This isn't anything new for me. I have been a Jets football team fan for my whole life. The last time the Jets had a legitimate shot at the superbowl was 2011 (fuck you Patriots HA) and the last time we actually won the superbowl was way before I was born in 1969. Yes, the last time we won the superbowl was when America first landed on the moon.

    Even though every football season I go in knowing in my brain that there really isn't a chance that we'll even make playoffs, that doesn't mean that I don't get excited in my heart that maybe this is our year.

    Thats how I feel about NA teams right now. Sure the consensus is that NA is incredibly weak and we'll get rolled at worlds, but that won't stop me from getting excited for the tournament with the hopes that this could be the one. Even then, maybe this isn't the one. Maybe next year isn't the one. Maybe the year after that isn't either. But I know in my heart that one year it will click and NA will stun the world with a phenomenal run.

    I can already feel the naysayers disagreeing with me, but just look at other sports historically. When the Jets were going into Superbowl 3 vs. the Baltimore Colts, everyone predicted a Colts win. I mean, why wouldn't they, the Colts were in the NFC which had steamrolled the teams from the AFC for the past two years. Clearly AFC was the weaker region, why even bother including them? Well one famous interview in which Joe Namath guaranteed victory and one stunning upset later and the AFC was on the map.

    Fellow NA fans of Reddit, one day the faithful will be rewarded!


    submitted by /u/firewall245
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    Common teleport instead of ignite mistake except i win somehow

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    Video of the 3 dragon little legends's dancing together. Credits to @paul_jarvis and @oscar_coen on twitter.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    I animate Spirit Blossom Lamp telling Wolf a story

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    dont tilt when behind as a jungler, your smite is always important

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    KDA the baddest akali fanart :)

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    KDA the baddest akali fanart :)

    i really liked this years kda line, for akali especially, so i thought id do a fanart for her~

    the whole baggy jacket asthetic i love so much, can't wait to use these in game


    submitted by /u/cdicedtea
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    G2 Grabbz discusses the loss against Fnatic, thoughts on G2 playstyle: "I'll never cut down on creativity or aggressiveness. I think [...] it's a good strength of ours. So it would be the worst I can do to kind of try to calm them down or just "play safe". I don't think that's how G2 works."

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    The Dive | C9 Eliminated, TSM vs TL & The Fight for Finals vs FLY

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    The latest trend in CN community: "THE NING RACE" contest

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    The trend started from the following video "Amateur jungler Ning vs Top tier jungler Sofm". It is a comparation between Ning and Sofm's first angle. We can see that Ning was slower and had much lower health than Sofm when finishing raptors. The next day, pro players like Karsa, Knight, Lwx, Tian also tried the route of Ning using Lee Sin, and thousands of normal players joined them. So Chinese community held an clearing jungle contest titled "The Ning Race" and the three fastest will be awarded.

    Link: https://bbs.hupu.com/37643599.html

    The Ning Race maybe the closest level you've been to a pro player!

    Hello everybody! Join the Lee Sin race, and it's time for you to throw down the challenge to some pro players!


    (1) Any rank level and play mode is welcomed.

    (2) Pick Lee Sin as jungler at the red side. You should follow the right order: blue buff--gromp--three wolves--raptors--red buff. Record your game time after finishing the raptors and after finishing the red buff.

    (3) Runes requirements: should be the same as Ning: Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Coup de Grace; Magical Footwear, Cosmic Insight; +10 Attack Speed, +9 Adaptic Force, +6 Armor.

    (4) Smite can be used only once. Cannot use flash or guards to speed up.

    (5) Skills: W(at lv1) -- Q(at lv2) -- E(at lv3)


    We will pick three fastest normal players for a free Lee Sin skin. There are also other guys sending money to them. The prize pool is 2,300 yuan in total. Link: https://bbs.hupu.com/37651792.html

    Ning's time was 2'58'' when finishing raptors and 3'16'' finishing the red buff. Sofm's time till raptors was 2'52''. Here are some excellent normal players and pro players:

    Sofm takes in challenge: 2'47'' raptors https://www.facebook.com/sofm.lmht/posts/3214503058653766

    TES Knight: 2'49'' raptors https://bbs.hupu.com/37652575.html

    TES Karsa: 2'51'' raptors https://bbs.hupu.com/37651408.html

    OMG Sicca: 2'59'' raptors 3'17'' red buff https://bbs.hupu.com/37636480.html

    Kid(former played in IG): 2'52'' raptors https://bbs.hupu.com/37652390.html

    normal player@whz1994: 2'48'' raptors 3'01'' red buff https://bbs.hupu.com/37654075.html?is_reflow=1&cid=37035578&bddid=70180801404&puid=32363958&client=fc1b0ba9ffa797b3d69f042f61fe4e07a578bf9c

    normal player@杰睿: 2'48'' raptors 3'01'' red buff https://bbs.hupu.com/37655989.html?is_reflow=1&cid=37035578&bddid=70180801404&puid=32363958&client=fc1b0ba9ffa797b3d69f042f61fe4e07a578bf9c

    normal player@是千珏吖: 2'49'' raptors 3'02'' red buff https://bbs.hupu.com/37654389.html?is_reflow=1&cid=37035578&bddid=70180801404&puid=32363958&client=fc1b0ba9ffa797b3d69f042f61fe4e07a578bf9c

    normal player(the record holder) u/phylaris: 2'47'' raptors 3'00'' red buff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ1vZDdm5zM&feature=youtu.b


    normal player@自豪铜锣烧: 2'49'' raptors 3'03'' red buff https://bbs.hupu.com/37648384.html

    submitted by /u/Secure-Drama2567
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    Small guide to trashtalk each region on reddit for the upcoming worlds

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    As we all know worlds are right around the corner and discussions already look very heated between different regions fans, so lets try and regroup all the usual flames/trashtalk/memes surrounding each region :

    LEC :

    • Can't wait to get 3-0 in finals by LPL again

    • As always its only G2 & FNC that matter

    • They'll manage to somehow dodge all strong teams on their way to finals

    • Caps gonna carry his team to finals yet again

    • If RGE or MAD do a single mistake, we should've better sent S04 instead

    • Anyway, Rekkles is a KDA player and Tristana OTP ( u/FireDevil11 )

    • Perkz can only play Kai'sa/Xayah.

    LPL :

    • Gonna get carried by Korean imports yet again.

    • worlds are in china so they have an advantage over other regions already.

    • took them years and millions to start performing in worlds.

    • will win worlds. obviously. whoever disagrees is wrong.

    • team who will win won't perform the same ever again.

    • will only win finals because they're vs EU and the real second strongest team would've already been eliminated before.

    • Chinese teams will leak scrim results as always ( u/Embrac1ng )

    LCK :

    • Only DWG will perform.

    • But in the end if T1 manages to get in worlds they'll be LCK's last hope as usual

    • Washed up region, their time is over. accept it already.

    • G2 is coming for them like last year

    • if a single team fails in a group people will say they should've been in play-ins

    • Some kind of behind the scenes drama will happen just before group stage

    • Also for lck, if t1 doesn't make it to worlds and Korean teams perform poorly "this would not have happened with t1" ( u/AmadeusSalieri97 )

    LCS :

    • Is LCS.

    • Won't get out of group.

    • FLY first seed LUL / TL first seed LUL / TSM first seed LUL (Pick one)

    • They don't deserve a pool 1 spot

    • Only C9 will perform at worlds as usual ah... shit.

    • Washed up players

    • TSM should've never returned to worlds

    • If LCS does well in groups then the other team was having a happy game. If they win a BO5 then the other team were just underperforming or had external problems that factored in ( u/skeletor9000 )

    Wildcards :

    • UOL is EU is they perform

    • UOL isn't EU if they don't perform

    • The LATAM team, R7 is either from LAS or LAN depending of its performance and the server of the one saying It. ( u/JackMerceR )

    Single player flame : Low blows, easy to use as emergency flame

    • X is washed up and shouldn't compete

    • X is overrated and will be exposed hard

    • X champion pool is too small

    • Player X is unable to even hit masters -> LUL, washed up ( u/PraiseTheStun )

    • Chinese soloQ players purposely sabotaging Korean players soloQ practice while the Koreans call the Chinese dogs ( u/PraiseTheStun )

    • Have an alter-ego negative name to pull everytime a player underperforms (Hylishit, Shoemaker, Craps, Choky, Shaker...etc) + add LUL for bonus style points ( u/FilthyFioraMain ) (Bonus trashtalk names :DoubleTrash , ChokeTurtle , Freesen ,Passion of euros , Solo'd u/KoreanApe what a username to flame others... )

    These are just the first ones that came to my mind, if you have more memes and trashtalk material then share them I'll gladly add them to the list.

    This is all to show that you can meme all regions on reddit and no matter what teams will be shamed for losing and shamed for winning, there will ALWAYS be someone to flame & trashtalk a team/region no matter what they do, even more in worlds period were opinions are made up very quickly.

    submitted by /u/takato99
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    Sylas players watching Samira's ability reveal like

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    Sylas players watching Samira's ability reveal like

    One more \"I do this better than you\" to add to the arsenal.

    Still not as good as Gnar ultimate which has a 100% AP scaling and 30 sec base CD on lv 16, not to mention he doesn't need rage to use it, quite possibly the best choice, along with Fiddlesticks and Swain.
    more goofs

    submitted by /u/Sub_Cheat
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    I didnt even expect my team to follow up like that

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:54 AM PDT

    Midbeast "What is that?" XD

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Older Doublelift documentary from Machinima thats since been deleted. "Doublelift: The Road to Success".

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    So I drew The Baddest Akali with only 75,000 dots!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! I'm finally done with The Baddest Akali from KDA! Tried my hand with a single color scheme with brush pens this time, hope y'all like it! 75k dots in 42 hours with 0.1mm fineliners! 🙌 if you want to see close-ups, the link to the imgur album is below!

    Imgur Album

    For anyone asking how I count the dots, I draw using grids for better proportions, and count the dots per square, tallying them up in the end. The number isnt exact, but pretty close!

    For those of you interested, my instagram and twitter is:



    submitted by /u/stormbeastarts
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    FLY Solo: "I think the perception of NA will be worse if we win the LCS finals."

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:04 AM PDT

    Any% Lux time = 4.91 seconds.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    Any% Lux time = 4.91 seconds.

    Hello Fellow summoners! This is my Lux fanart. It's an ANY% speeddraw done in MS paint using steelseries rival 300 mouse with 2800 dpi. Time = 4.91 seconds. I bring this to you and hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.


    It's her splash! Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/3lobooster
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    LEC Summerfinal - We Are Everywhere

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    Riot has updated their code of conduct for players (the summoners code)

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    How FlyQuest Used Smart Level 1 Strategies To Help Them Qualify For Worlds

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:25 PM PDT

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