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    Tuesday, September 22, 2020

    LoL Guide How do I get used to playing without camera lock?

    LoL Guide How do I get used to playing without camera lock?

    How do I get used to playing without camera lock?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    I'm a relatively new player, I try again and again but I just can't help pressing y, I can't move the screen with my mouse while focusing on everything else! I know it can be really useful for looking at situations more clearly and for landing skillshots like Jhin's w but I just can't get it it work...

    submitted by /u/Spad3s3s
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    How do you farm when team perma fights?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    Hi I'm a gold 3 ADC main and recently I have been strugling a lot deciding when to farm or when stay with my team. I saw a lot of high elo players advicing to push side lanes past river and than group up with my team. But everytime I go bot or top to clear waves and I tell my team "I go clear wave dont fight, wait for me", they immediatly start fighting and a lot of time its just my team engaging the enemy team, like they dont even care I'm not there and they lose. I feel like in low elo you are better off just perma staying with your team since everyone loves fighting so much. How should I keep up with farm and prevent my team from fighting without me?

    submitted by /u/squad-W
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    Almost all Samira mechanics in less than 3 minutes

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    Hey r/sumonerschool!

    I made a video guide for Leagues new champion Samira, the Desert Rose, which is playable since yesterday. I'm showcasing mechanics and ability combinations.

    Here is the Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG7T4kMeRBU

    And here is a TL;DW:

    • E is a targeted fixed distance jump, like Yasuo E and Qiyana E. But you can also jump to allies and over walls.
    • You taunt throws a coin which costs you one gold and grants the target one gold. This also grants a stack for your passive. So you can open up fights from out of vision with this trick. The range is pretty long, but the wind up animation is so too.
    • You can activate Q while mid-air of your E dash to get a Yasuo E+Q like aoe hit. This is noted on the E ability if you hold down shift for the detailed description.
    • You can further use this to get multiple stacks of your passive if you time dash through more than one target.
    • You can fast stack your passive by timing your abilities just right. Dashing through 2 targets while W gets reactivated when you inbetween both, grants you 2 stacks for your E ability alone.
    • Melee ranged auto attacks do more damage. Going close ranged in duels and small skirmishes is adviseable if you have to stat-check your opponents.
    • You can toss a coin to your witcher dead opponent too, to show your bad manners.


    submitted by /u/boostedFluegerl
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    Why do champs feel OP when you first start playing them, then fall off.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    I don't know if anyone can relate. But I start playing badly on a champ (I mean like loss streaks increasingly bigger over a month or so, not just a couple bad games). So I pick a new champ, and I surprise myself at there ability to deal big dick damage, carry hard, tank to the point of invulnerability, one shot the entire team etc etc, but then eventually that all goes away and I'm left thinking why did I ever get into this champ because the damage feels mediocre, they're too hard to gank with etc. the only way to explain this is it feels like riots giving me massive stat boosters to start off with, the damage is absurd, tankiness is absurd, but then they start feeling like those stats are reduced.

    Does anyone else feel this happens too?

    submitted by /u/BlackClover47
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    About toxicity and griefing and how to avoid it

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    This week I went on tryharding spree in ranked to get as high as possible and I've noticed that most games there is at least that one guy who flames others for minor mistakes/losing lane or just playing poorly. Sometimes they go too far and they'll just run down mid and spam ff 15 open in all chat. People please! Everyone makes mistakes, nobody is perfect. Don't get into unnecessary arguments just becouse your adc didn't use heal to save you or becouse support stole your last hit. Humans do mistakes it's in our nature. The game can be one sided stomp and it can still turn around. Mid Yasuo will get cocky and try to 1v5 die and give 700 shutdown to your adc who'll finish an item and go on. Negative behavior is not gonna make others play better. Spamming stuff like "OMG so bad", "Uninstall", "ff" etc. It's gonna do the exact opposite. People will be under pressure and will only play worse. Think about it this way: You're playing top you're tp is up. There's a big fight around dragon pit with a lot of good spots to tp to. And yet you don't tp your team loses the fight enemy takes dragon. You could have been the difference but you weren't there. Was it your fault? Yes. You messed up. It was a stupid example maybe a better one should be just having a bad time in your lane, being 0/3/0 in 10 minutes. Everyone has those games where they play poorly, even yourself, even challenger players. But sometimes that one mean message in chat can be the difference between the player continuing to die over and over and him actually focusing on the game and turning it around. As I said everyone makes mistakes. Don't blame others just becouse they miss played once or twice. Hell even if they miss played 10 times there is nothing good that's gonna come from flaming. Just mind your own game and be nice to others and when you do others may be nicer to you too.

    submitted by /u/MarosTheGreat
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    As an AP mage should I take Banshees or Zhonyas against AP assassins?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    I'm usually playing Veigar in Silver elo and I don't really know what I should do against Fizz or Diana. I know they are hard counters, but there must be something I should always do. I know that Zhonyas would be the best option against Zed, Talon, Yasuo, Yone etc., but what about the AP assassins? Would Banshees be a better option? Or is the MR just too weak?

    submitted by /u/bubuplush
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    Video question| Want to know if that correct move or bad one.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 01:58 PM PDT


    i was graves and my friends is syndra, we play together and we think each other is wrong about one move in a game.

    i should recall and defend bot lane, or i should stay with the team and maybe end the game for the victory.

    please answer only who high rank and understand the game well.

    thanks !


    submitted by /u/itaypro2
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    Does a tool like this exist?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    So I've been role swapping and soaking information about how to play mid like a madlad and while I become more successful with time I was thinking about how to make the process less frustrating by losing and more efficient and I stumbled on the Importance of Level powerspikes. I've been looking for a tool like Blitz or mobalytics that gives me matchup insight but I didn't stumble across a single tool that just told me how my level powerspikes will do compared to my enemie. Yes I know it's part of the experience but as I said I like to develope concepts that make the process of learning more efficient. So if you know a tool like that It would be really nice to know.

    submitted by /u/Bluumotion
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    Don't feel very impactful on Sett top in gold in mid-late

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    200 ranked Sett games this season and feeling a little bit stuck. The issue is I win lane almost every game. Usually 3 - 0 in the first 10-15 minutes. I get 1v2s on their jungler, I play around my own jungler and get TPs on bot lane where I try to donate shutdowns or at least get them myself.

    Then comes the post-20 min clown fiesta that is gold league. I try to dunk heavy tank onto light carry in TFs, get a flank F and R onto ADC, but there is rarely enough follow up in time to make it worth it and I just end up dying because I have no way of getting out once I'm in. I also try playing back and sticking to fed carries and peeling for them, which in gold seems to work much better, but ultimately feels like my impact on the game is quite low at this point despite being often 7 - 0.

    Another strategy I have tried is splitpushing, however I feel like this is not that effective considering how little wave clear Sett has. That and the fact that if the ADC shows up, they can kite me to death pretty easily and there is little outplay potential.

    Now, is this just the natural limitations of a champ like Sett, or am I just so bad I don't even know what I'm doing wrong? Should I try building tiamat or a hydra? Is there a different champion I can play that may remedy these issues? Shen looks real appealing atm but I have been anxious to learn a new main this late in season.

    Thanks for reading my wall of text.

    submitted by /u/Evrae_
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    Does the dodge penalty actually reset after 16 hours?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 03:38 AM PDT

    Hey guys! I am trying to climb out of silver and I usually dodge unfavorable games to save my MMR.
    I have heard that the lp penalty will reset after 16 hours of your last dodge, but when I dodge after the 16 hours has passed recently, the penalty remains and I got a -10 lp loss.

    Does it behave differently as I thought? It happened to me several times already.

    submitted by /u/yuyuichiu
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    Support that doesnt stay bot lane

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    So I just had a game which was unwinnable, support left me alone in lane and fed and had an afk jungle.

    I was wondering though, if your team wants to play it out and your support leaves you, how would you go about playing in bot lane alone as an ADC? Is my main priority not dying at this point? Should my item build be different than usual or should I try to get at least one of my core items?

    submitted by /u/Donutfister4
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    What i need to improve? [Bronze 1 - ADC]

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    I always hear to improve my CSing and so i did it and now i get an average of 6.5 per minute (it was like 4 before), with this i climbed out of iron.

    But even if i end doing the most damage, try to shotcall I still lose. There's this game (ArcherRyuga on EUW server, it's the lastest ranked loss on mf if you want to check op.gg) where i hit 7 cs per minute, 39k damage, won the lane and still lost.

    I didn't want to blame my teammates so i tried to watch the replay and still i didn't notice anything wrong in what i did.

    What can I do?

    submitted by /u/-Ryuga-
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    How do I control vision from behind?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    Recently swapped roles from mid to support and have been enjoying the greater focus on vision control. In high silver (and at any level) it wins games.

    While playing with a gold lead, it's often easy to play aggressively for objective vision around dragon or around a pushing lane, or even take deep vision for a pick. From behind, stepping towards fog of war can mean a death and my team is locked out of our jungle. How do I work around this vision oppression? Blue trinket? Or just wait for picks to make my way forward?

    submitted by /u/Zephos___
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    Runaan on MF

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    I am making a janky movement speed MF build and I am wondering, does Runaan's activate love tap? I would test this myself but I am unable to do so anytime soon. Any help testing this would be greatly appreciated. Also, if this doesn't work, do you guys know any janky items that work on MF or would help her with going faster?

    submitted by /u/New_Shitposter
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    How to deal with Brand, lux double Spellthief's Edge bot lane?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 02:16 AM PDT

    Hi summoners,

    I am a mid level silver player, strangely one game where lux and brand (duo) in enemy team with double Spell thief. I have seen lux, sona before, but this one is different.

    The game went like this, they completely ignored the CS and just poking us (me : ashe and supp: nami). Because they are not touching minions, its frozen near their tower so, jungle could not even help us. When ever we tried to go for CS they use their chain cc combo and burst us or poke us down to 50% of our health. Post 6 it became even harder to take any CS under our own tower as their both ult one shot us.

    List of things I did: I took cleanse and nami took heal. Bought hex drinker first item and wits end second. I skipped QSS because I had cleanse. Apparently very low in CS/gold, we could not get more items

    Another thing that, they both had TP, so they keep ganking other lanes time to time and got fed then build items like ludens, liandry and death cap etc.,

    Post game I checked that they have almost 80% win rate and using this same strategy to win lot of games. Any advice would be helpful to deal these kind of situations. Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/srivignesh_ms
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    Twisted fate with fleet footwork?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    Is TF with fleet footwork good? I'm gold and it's always my go to rune.

    1. You get a little movement speed boost after aa minion if you have your W going you can get in range of enemy laner

    2. Blue card and the health gives you crazy sustain

    3. Good kiting

    4. Secondary ruins I get nimbus cloak and (the one that increases movement speed effects) plus ghost and I feel like I am untouchable

    So is fleet footwork THE rune to run or should I be looking else where?

    submitted by /u/Appa-Bylat-Bylat
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    How to focus on nothing else but csing as a beginner?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    I started playing adc few days ago, I always tend to focus on fighting the enemy duo all the time. Since I get very low cs numbers like 40-45 cs in 10 minutes and lose majority of my games due to it I just want to concentrate all my attention towards farming and nothing else, but keep getting distracted when my support or enemy picks fights. Any tips to focus on only farming and nothing else as a beginner?

    submitted by /u/ryokunintai1
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    Ranked Statistics

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    I know alot of those ranked stats sites that show u how many percent of players are in which league but when I checked I didn't see any stats where they compare them on a minimum of games like 50 or 100+ atleast which would be way more informative because of a lot of players might be silver / bronce / gold but they never really put in much games to climb and might be even good enough to be way higher than they are, so if anyone has a website where these things are tracked ( I did not find one )

    submitted by /u/CeemoDeNiro
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    F Keys Problem

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Hey all, I have a quick question. Playing LoL on an HP Omen laptop.

    When I use the F Keys to pan the camera on my teammates, the key performs the actual function, i.e, pressing F2 or F3 darkens and brightens the screen, respectively.

    I haven't been able to find anything on others having the problem.

    The obvious answer is to change the bound keys, but I can't find a setup that is comfortable and/or intuitive.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/fleischio
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    How To Lane Against Urgot

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    So I don't see Urgot picked often but when I see him, I'm already preparing myself to lose lane. He just feels disgustingly broken to me. I've had more than once where I would dodge his Q and E and he would just press W and I would get outtraded. It's absolutely insane. Recently I had a game against him and the enemy Urgot would just 1v5. He would press his W, walk in circles around everyone, take no damage and gun them all down. At the end of the game I was a little bit tilted, not gonna lie, and I said "Wow that's a fair champion" in all chat. The guy playing Urgot said he played him for the first time and agreed the champion is absolutely broken as well.

    So my question: is there a way to beat him in lane or do you just try to survive? Also I know there are probably champions that do beat him (I heard Fiora is really good against him), but I don't want to be forced to play a specific champion just because they picked Urgot.

    submitted by /u/IIIDzire
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