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    Tuesday, September 22, 2020

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - September 22nd!

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - September 22nd!

    Free Talk Tuesday - September 22nd!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    Whatup /r/leagueoflegends! IcyColdStare here with this week's edition of our Free Talk thread - hope you've all had a good weekend!

    Samira, the League's newest stylish saboteur's finally been released! A bit of a delay does nothing to stop the Desert Rose from blooming and blossoming all over her enemies. Personally, I'm in love. I only got to play her once today but holy shit is she fun to play; What about y'all - what do you think of Samira so far?

    Keeping this one short and sweet but as the question often gets asked: yes, League talk is just fine here too! As long as it's not NSFW or otherwise inappropriate for the subreddit you can chat about whatever your hearts desire, so get to it, folks! Of course, gonna ask y'all to follow our usual FTT rules: talk shop, play nice and as always, have a good week!

    submitted by /u/IcyColdStare
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    Samira Ban Speedrun (0.833 seconds)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    Adam is the name of Jax's exlover

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    The commonly mistaken voiceline "let me at em" is actually Jax exclaiming "let me Adam" a reference to Adam's fear of commitment and unwillingness to let Jax love him. So when Jax says "let me Adam" he's pleading to Adam to let him love him.

    Furthermore the commonly mistaken voiceline "who wants a piece of the champ" is actually Jax awkwardly asking Adam's family at a Thanksgiving party "who wants a piece of the jam" to which no one responds. Jax leaves the party and Adam runs outside to stop him Jax simply turns and says

    "imagine if we had a real relationship"

    submitted by /u/kingkaylub
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    Samira Hotfix Nerfs Inc

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Riot Squad5 tweeted:

    Samira micropatch nerfs should be live now!

    Base HP:

    600 > 530


    Base Damage from 10/20/30 > 0/10/20 (so 100/200/300 to 0/100/200)

    Ratio down from .6 to .5 TAD

    Looking to make her early game more vulnerable and take down the power of the R.

    Edit: Riot Scruffy also noted:

    We're still very committed to releasing new champions long term balanced. Sometimes we get lucky and nail it exactly on launch, but most of the time it's about fast follow up.

    Based on our estimates and goals she looked clearly too strong on day one so we're acting fast.

    submitted by /u/Spideraxe30
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    The Seraphine Twitter Campaign rubs me the wrong way.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Perhaps I am just speaking as someone who is steeped in extreme chaste innocence and purity, but the Seraphine Twitter really doesn't sit right.

    Is it not the slightest bit questionable to have a large company publicly simulating the underdog story of an LA-inbound singer getting her big break? This is almost pedantic to say, but this 'entity' called Seraphine is manufactured by a team of artists and managers. And not just random tweets about home-cooked meals or visits with KDA members, as there are also tweets like this journal that try to add doubts or weaknesses to the character. They clearly want to make her journey believable.

    An occasional light on Seraphine's doubts seems like a healthy counterbalance at first. It's all manufactured, though. Any doubts or problems this 'entity' experiences are already scheduled in advance. A team of people chose for Seraphine to be homesick. A team of people chose for her to miss her mom, same way they chose to have her cover be discovered and that she would be joining up with KDA.

    It's storytelling, and not even a particularly novel method of doing so. Plenty of independent media out there, especially in the horror genre, fabricate accounts and personalities for the sake of Alternate Reality Games, or ARGs. ARGs are an absolute blast: they are wrought with smaller clues and puzzles for viewers to pick up on and solve. In the case of YouTube ARGs, many are presented as lifestyle vlogs. They might post normally for months, then suddenly 'disappear' or upload a horrific video. And viewers are expected to dig through those old, 'normal' videos to dig out the truth of what happened.

    Alternate Reality Games work under the assumption that the audience will know to engage with the fabricated character, social media account, or other 'entity' as if they were real things. That's where the investment and excitement occurs--look at the subreddit NoSleep's rule against declaring stories as fake, which is to preserve a story's realism against the outside community.

    But Seraphine is not an ARG: she is an Alternate Reality Girl, created by a marketing campaign, demanding to be treated as real. The end-goal isn't to have the participants solve a puzzle or dig into a deeper lore, it's to drum up hype, to get people emotionally attached to a character so she can advertise whatever is relevant at that time. Seraphine will never, ever, ever do anything to betray you or lose your sale. No politics, no hidden boyfriends they have to apologize for, no nothing. Just a curated timeline of victories and defeats.

    We should wonder whether it is okay to have this sort of fantasy being commercially produced.

    It's not hard to conflate Riot's synthetic idol group with the real thing. And even I am aware of the insane predilections people develop over these idols: Perfect Blue, a movie drenched in the subject of idol fanaticism, came out in the late 1990s. To stare down the 'slippery slope,' it is odd to imagine a society where people are so desperate to have untarnished superstars, are so incapable of dealing with the spontaneity of the human beings they wish to look up to, that they just pine for whatever can be made in a board room. Kinda like the fact scientists are racing to make fake meat to assuage the reality that we all lack the temperance or income to stop eating real meat. Extra like the fact the same restaurants that push our dependency on cheap meat advertise these engineered 'impossible burgers' and inspire pride in people for choosing the "cleaner solution." We're all fucking pathetic.

    And I do recognize that the Twitter account often retweets and provides shout-outs to artists. Even something done wholesomely can have unwholesome consequences in the long run.

    Wish Riot would stop bullshitting everyone and get back to releasing actual content for their game.

    submitted by /u/Papaya_Dreaming
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    We're down 12, up against a 7/0/4 Garen and 18/4/7 Lux. Everyone but Me and My Support are dead. My Teammates are ready to surrender, but I've got other plans...

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    Samira taunt stacks Spellbinder

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    Her taunt counts as a spell for ludens & rylais so you can cancel it and fully stack Spellbinder in about ~15 seconds, give or take.
    I don't know if this is intended or not, but this is probably pretty good for Vladimir or any other Spellbinder users because Samira can fully stack it in such a short time.

    Easily reproduced in Practice Tool.

    submitted by /u/SirPuzzle
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    Interesting thing I noticed watching Chinese streamers vs other regions

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:23 PM PDT

    With worlds coming up and all the new attention on the Chinese super server soloq, I've been watching Chinese streamers on youtube for the first time (mostly clips from Uzi and Knight).
    I am fluent in Mandarin, and I mainly watch pro players from NA/EU, so there's something really interesting I noticed in what the Chinese players say that I haven't really heard from other streamers.

    Apart from more universal League language, like "jungler is top... I need to base... or MY TEAMMATES ARE INTING ME", what they also say a lot is "ke yi cao zuo yi bo", which roughly translates to "we can try to mechanically outplay them", which I find really cool because usually it means it's not a sure play, like ganking 2v1 or 3v2, but going for a high risk high reward play. It means everyone is confident in their ability to come out ahead of a 50/50 situation.

    Of course I'm not saying that players in other regions don't go for 50/50 plays or try to go for "outplays", but definitely not in the frequency that I'm hearing from these Chinese streamers. I just thought it was a cool subtle difference that results in the infamous Chinese Soloq aggression, with 50 kills in 20 minutes, non-stop fighting, and tower dives that either look GODLIKE or straight up INT. When you have 10 players constantly asking "can I try to outplay my opponent RIGHT NOW", that's what you get.

    submitted by /u/airlee21
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    Patch 10.20 Preview [Full Changes]

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    A follow up from the previous post yesterday

    Riot Scruffy Tweeted the patch 10.20 preview with the full changes.

    10.20 Patch preview with almost final changes.

    Samira hotfix will carry over into 10.20, we will reevaluate her state in a few more days.

    Image version of the changes: https://i.imgur.com/k2OwNmc.jpg

    >>> Systems <<<

    Relentless Hunter Nerf

    • Basline OOC MS: 10 >>> 5

    • OOC MS per stack: 9 >>> 8

    >>> Nerfs <<<


    Base stats

    • Armor: 20.88 >>> 18

    • HP regen: 6.5 >>> 6



    • Damage: 70-250 >>> 70-230


    Base stats

    • Magic resist: 32.1 >>> 29


    Base stats

    • Armor: 32 >>> 29



    • Shield: 60-160 >>> 40-160



    • Damage AD ratio: 100 >>> 75% bonus AD



    • Attack speed: 25-45 >>> 20-35%

    >>> Buffs <<<



    • Healing amp: 50-70 >>> 50-100%


    Tentacle Spawn

    • Cooldown: 20-12 >>> 20-8 by champ level

    Sion Jungle


    • Damage to monsters: 100 >>> 150%

    Urgot Jungle


    • Monster cap: 60-360 >>> 100-360


    • [NEW] Deals 50 minimum damage to monsters



    • Damage: 65-165 >>> 75-175



    • Damage: 50-210 >>> 60-220


    • Cooldown: 130-70 >>> 120-60



    • Damage: 60-260 >>> 75-275

    • Mana cost: 55-75 >>> 45-65

    >>> Other <<<

    Hotfix fix nerfs (Patch 10.19)


    Base stats

    • HP: 600 >>> 530


    • Base damage: 10/20/30 >>> 0/10/20 (so 100/200/300 >>> 0/100/200)

    • Ratio: .6 >>> .6 tAD

    Looking to make her early game more vulnerable and take down the power of the R

    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    LCS Viewership Update

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    5/4/5 Samira vs 10/3/6 Cogmaw... and his team.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    EnderCasts former playtesting team on community perception and lash out regarding Samira's balance

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    Its sad seeing people bash on champ design every new release. The champion team creates a champion that is fresh, rewarding to play as and against. The balance team has to get it close to balanced before release, knowing that its winrate will increase ~10% over the first patch.

    Champions will be released "overpowered" because people associated fun with winning. If your champion releases at 35% winrate, even if that is long-term balanced when looking at a mastery curve, that champion's playrate will never recover.


    Okay, first of all, the playtesters are phenomenal an all high diamond to challenger (and there are even master-challenger designers on the balance team)

    Second, playtesters have a few different jobs during the lifespan of a champion.

    1. Assess the pattern of the champ (abilities, playstyle, role, etc) and make sure it is fun and doesn't have long term problems (Note they advise here, they don't make final decisions)

    2. Help make sure iterations in development align with the designer's goal. Easy.

    3. Help roughly tune the champion for release. (note this isn't perfect balance, but rather projecting the winrate for players with 30, 50, 100 games and how the winrate will be on day 1 and so on

    I probably missed something but those are the big points.

    TLDR champ design, balance, playtesting, all hard jobs. I guarantee 99.9% of you all would be awwful at them. Give them a chance, they all want to make the game better because they love this game as much or more than you

    Link to the tweet thread

    submitted by /u/Prottek
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    Getting pentakils isnt new but riot made an oopsie on this champ.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    Samira is sitting at a whopping 49.51% winrate in platinum and 48.57% winrate at all ranks on her second day on the rift!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    It is impressive that a new champion, on their second day of release, with such a mechanically complicated kit is able to nearly break a 50% winrate on the second day of their release... This may be a sign that the champion may need some tweaks.

    https://u.gg/lol/champions/samira/build as a source

    submitted by /u/aph347
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    T1 reveals he received an LCS academy offer

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    Over the course of 2019 Worlds, Splyce (EU 3rd seed) won a game over 7 different 1st seeds

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    SPY beat Isurus and DFM in playin groups, the #1 seeds from Japan and latin America, then UOL in knockouts, first seed from Russia. In groups they won at least one game vs FPX, China #1, J team, Lms #1, and GAM, Vietnam #1. In quarters they lost 3-1 vs KR #1 SKT, but still they took 1 game.

    Luck of their groups i guess but still pretty wild to take games vs. 7 different regions' best team. Ironically they never won vs their own regional best team, even in regular season lol.

    Humanoid is the only one returning this year from that lineup, but hes back in playins lets see if he can go around the world again!

    submitted by /u/mufcrusher77
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    Samira just got hotfix nerfed

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Some Samira Hotfix Nerfs just went live:

    Base HP 600 >>> 530R total damage 100-300 (+600% tAD) >>> 0-200 (+500% tAD)

    Source: https://twitter.com/MarkYetter/status/1308480968425005058

    Also a tweet from Blake Smith: https://twitter.com/Squad5lol/status/1308479715674435584

    with the same information + reasoning behind the nerfs: "Looking to make her early game more vulnerable and take down the power of the R."

    submitted by /u/Cozeris
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    Tyler1 outplays Zoe

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    Uzi reacts to Worlds Group Stage Draw (with Eng subs)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykSyEWLCaVA

    This video is from Uzi's official youtube channel and they subbed it. Since i have a min character limit to pass, i will write moments from video that left an impression.

    - Uzi saying he doesn't know why but he laughs anytime he sees DL. (EDIT: A commenter has suggested that this translation might be wrong. That Uzi is saying he feels happy when anytime he sees Doublelift. I am leaving this here as an edit).

    - Uzi seems to really respect DRX laners

    - As part of the above, he in general seems to respect Korean teams a lot. He does say that EU teams seems to get stronger when playing on world stage.

    - He also agrees that group A seems free for G2

    - Says there will be interesting matches in the other groups

    submitted by /u/Excllencepersonified
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    Samira's "show auto attack" indicator should include her melee radius within her ranged radius.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    For visual clarity it is really hard to know where Samira switches from melee to ranged and I think this easy fix would help out tremendously. I think there should be a small melee radius in orange or some color indicating where her melee range starts.

    Here is her auto attack radius as of now. https://gyazo.com/6044104acee412dcaa5de1a1bedb0a5b

    submitted by /u/Drengar
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    (Original animation) Jarvan's Bizarre Adventure ganking Tendency

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Yugioh effect in league

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    As years went by yugioh as a game developed and with the new cards trying to be unique we reached cards with over 200 words of text. This situation is now happening in league. It is hard to be unique or different in simplicity and the way to overcome it is by adding details, or words.

    But there is something else I see similar in this case. Did you know even thoguht there are cards that look bonkers in yugioh the most powerful and banned cards are dome of the oldest? Think of pot of greed which just says "draw 2 cards.". People get scared when they see a long passive but just calm down, nasuses passive is one of the better ones even thought it is a single sentence, kazsadin's similarly 1 sentence passive is what makes him the perfect anti mage. Just because they are simple they dont suddenly become weak. There is power in simplicity as well.

    submitted by /u/Icewek
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    30-minute interview with GEN Rascal as he reveals his life story, from college student, to a wannabe professional gamer, to 2020 Worlds contender; says he is most wary of TSM out of FNC/TSM/LGD in Group C "When a team wins its regional championship, it is a huge confidence boost."

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    Fae Dragon Ashe Icon Fan Art

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Fae Dragon Ashe Icon Fan Art


    Hello guys ~!!

    this is my recently work hope you like it~!

    It's not enough yet, but I'd appreciate it if you liked it. ☺️

    submitted by /u/Blizz_brian
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    Warning. Ankles Were Broken

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    Worlds Winners 2015-2019 vs. their odds pre-Worlds and odds for Worlds 2020

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Hey everyone.

    Here's a look at how the regions were assessed by public perception pre-Worlds, eventual winning region bold.

    2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
    Korea 53.7% 60.7% 70.4% 42.5% 38.2% 31.9%
    China 31.6% 22.8% 14.7% 46.4% 36.9% 49.9%
    EU 8.0% 5.1% 4.4% 3.9% 18.7% 14.0%
    NA 3.6% 7.5% 6.0% 3.0% 3.5% 2.4%
    PCS 2.8% 3.8% 2.8% 3.6% 2.1% 0.6%
    Rest 0.3% 0.1% 1.7% 0.6% 0.6% 1.2%

    And here's a look at the teams. Eventual winners in bold, runner-up in bold and italics, play-off teams in italics.

    2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
    SKT 40.4% ROX 28.6% SKT 30.8% RNG 26.6% SKT 18.8% TOP 29.2%
    EDG 12.8% SKT 27.4% LGZ 28.3% KT 23.4% FPX 15.4% DWG 22.3%
    LGD 12.8% EDG 17.5% SSG 11.3% IG 15.6% G2 13.0% JDG 14.6%
    KT 9.6% SSG 4.6% WE 5.7% AFR 10.7% IG 12.1% G2 9.5%
    IG 5.9% TSM 4.6% EDG 5.0% GEN 8.4% DWG 10.0% GEN 5.4%
    FNC 5.1% RNG 3.8% RNG 4.0% EDG 4.2% RNG 9.4% DRX 4.2%
    KOO 3.7% G2 3.8% TSM 3.7% FW 2.9% GRF 9.4% SUN 3.8%
    OG 1.9% FW 3.0% FW 2.5% FNC 2.1% FNC 4.0% FNC 2.6%
    AHQ 1.9% C9 1.9% FNC 2.1% TL 2.1% TL 2.9% LGD 2.2%
    CLG 1.5% IM 1.5% G2 1.7% G2 1.5% SPY 1.7% MAD 1.1%
    TSM 1.2% CLG 1.0% IMT 1.3% C9 0.6% JTM 1.7% TSM 1.0%
    H2K 1.0% H2K 1.0% GAM 1.3% MAD 0.5% C9 0.6% TL 1.0%
    C9 1.0% AHQ 0.8% C9 1.0% 100T 0.3% GAM 0.6% ROG 0.8%
    FW 0.8% SPY 0.4% MSF 0.7% VIT 0.3% AHQ 0.4% UOL 0.5%
    PAIN 0.3% INTZ 0.1% FB 0.4% GRX 0.2% FLY 0.4%
    BKT 0.2% ANX 0.0% AHQ 0.3% Rest 0.6% Rest 1.4%

    I think it's pretty interesting to note that the winner for the past five years was always within the top3 favorites at the beginning of the tournament, even if there were some crazy unlikely upsets during the tournament. If the trend continues into Worlds 2020, it's not looking very good for the West...

    I gathered the betting odds from different sites over the years. I think it's always nice to have a clear unbiased view of who was actually considered a favorite as the tournament progresses as some ppl can be really quick to rewrite history.


    submitted by /u/avaislegendary
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