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    Monday, September 7, 2020

    LoL Guide How do you deal with Hecarim as adc?

    LoL Guide How do you deal with Hecarim as adc?

    How do you deal with Hecarim as adc?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    I feel like hes one of the hardest champs to deal with as an adc in solo Q, hes always going to outrun you, has insane gap closing, you cant stand close to your team because of his ult and his E is targeted and its really hard to time the flash so that it doesn't hit. I dont really play hecarim ever so i dont really know his limitations all i know is he can one shot carries when fed

    submitted by /u/Bigtacomeatsniper
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    Dark Harvest has made me play extremely more aggressively and better.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    I mainly play Heimerdinger and I always take comet on him in mid. Now that I have started playing Dark Harvest which made the laning phase more fun (hard to explain), I play WAY MORE aggressive and better. Heimerdinger is a poke-heavy champion for me and when I ran comet i never bothered to AA every possible second, but now that I have a reason to do so (get dh stack) I do it every possible time. It lets me zone out the enemy and I can dominate the lane much more. Dark Harvest has made me have so much more fun in the game that I dont know if I will ever switch off.

    Im not sure if this helps people alot but for me it did, and also im enjoying the game more.

    submitted by /u/assjuty
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    Why is gangplank picked so much in pro play?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    First of all, I just wanna say that this post is no hate targeted towards GP mains. I'm genuinely curious on the champs pick rate in pro play.

    I see gp being picked a lot in pro play, but I haven't ever seen any gp pop off and carry the game, or do anything that makes me remember the play.

    What I see every time is gp just farms and accumulates gold, ults the other side when their team is fighting. And other times when he joins the teamfight, he either gets blown up or doesn't do anything significant. Even landing his barrels is pretty much telegraphed. And once he used his 3, he has to wait till he gets more.

    He's neither a frontline nor a consistent dps. I just feel picking a frontline with any engage or utility/cc would just be better overall. And yet, I keep seeing GP being picked.

    I know solo queue is completely different and I've seen some gp highlights and barrels hitting multiple enemies and doing significant damage. Hence my question is strictly about pro play. And if someone has a memorable gp highlight or game in pro play, please share it so I can see it too!

    submitted by /u/Silencer306
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    ADC habits to help you climb.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Far too often I see ADC's in games that get stuck in the "I must get all farm, every kill, and delete everything" mentality. I see their play is highly inconsistent from one game to the next, and they either win hard or lose hard. Constantly a "coin flip." Playing to get fed, get ahead, and end is perfect, but you can't always do it in SoloQue, as it's impossible to win every lane. So here's 10 of my thoughts on how to improve your overall win rate, which heads up, does NOT include padding your stats so you can look like a smurf.

    1) Play to your support. Yes, we all get that Morgana that stands about 10 feet behind us. Yes it's frustrating. Guess what? Adjust or feed. Don't flame your support if you're unable to adjust to them. If your support doesn't have the confidence to aggressively trade back up, lose some EXP/CS initially, and FREEZE FREEZE FREEZE. Farm safe under tower and don't give away free kills, ping like a mad man when your laners are missing, and just play it safe so you reduce the chances of either of you inting your lane.

    2) Adjust your play style! Sometimes you get a support that all ins a lot, sits behind you, or roams a lot. Guess what? If you want a support to just do as you want, then DuoQue. Otherwise, be flexible, don't flame. You don't have to be fed and 1v9 to win the game. You just have to be relevant, and play to your teams win conditions.

    3) Don't be afraid to be the support! Did you get smashed in lane, but your squishy AP mid Syndra popped off? Change your play style! Instead of playing to get fed and trying to live/steal everything, play to enable your mid. Use your abilities and damage to keep THEM alive. Body block if you have to, force the hecarim to eat your face instead of theirs. You can't always be the main character of your team, and until you play to enable your main character you'll lose more by being selfish.

    4) Warding is YOUR JOB TOO. Buy control wards dangit! Enemy JG showed top? Ward his jungle so yours can steal camps. Need safe roams between bot and mid? Ward THE ENTIRE RIVER. Enemy JG invading your bottom jungle a cucking your JG? WARD IT. Ward objectives, ward it all.

    5) COMMUNICATE! If you see something ping it. Catch two free kills? Ping baron immediately. Want a ward? Ping your empty one, ping the bush. Want a gank? Ping minutes before, type freezing, ping again, ping you're going. Need help clearing getting vision? Ping it! Need help fast pushing a wave? Ping it! Recalling? Ping it!

    6) Check your ego at the door! Unless you can OP.GG stating you're rank 1 in the world you will ALWAYS SUCK compared to someone else. SO QUIT FLAMING FOR PEOPLE NOT PLAYING ACCORDING TO YOUR IDEOLOGY. It's a known fact that being toxic to anyone (even if they suck hard) significantly reduces your win chance. See the above concepts for reference.

    7) Build Executioners/ Last whisper EARLY. If they have sustain in lane, build it immediately after your first 1300-1400 gold buy item. (Like a BF sword), if they have armor in lane (frigging Leona/sett) build it immediately after your first 1300-1400 gold buy! If not, build it second item if an enemy that heals or builds armor pops off. If they don't pop off, do your normal 2 item build and build it third!

    8) ROAM. If you slam the wave into their tower, don't have enough gold to get the power spike buy you need. (Like 1300-1400 gold for first back early game) and your laners can't clear it fast, or aren't present, ROAM! Get vision in the ENEMY JUNGLE. In drake pit. Roam mid to help your mid get prio. Go help get herald. 5v3 the top or mid lane. ROAM AND MAKE A MAP IMPACT. Don't forget to communicate and ping you're in your way and to drop wards!

    9) Back timing! Slam the wave, back. Dragon up in 1 minute? Back. Herald/Baron up in 1 minute? Back. Buy your items, get to the location early to secure vision control and set up to win the fight.

    10) Rotate! Watch your timers! Will herald be up soon and drags down? Back 1 minute before, ping it, slam top/mid with your laners, and go get it. Double herald sneaks and slammed down mid significantly increase your odds of winning. Dragons increase your odds of winning. Don't AFK farm, even if your team doesn't understand roaming, rotating, or objectives, if you ping and start it up you're more likely to win, especially against un-coordinated teams. ESPECIALLY in low Elo.

    Thanks for reading my rant, hope something helps you improve, feel free to drop me some advice in the comments! Stay chill my dudes (dude is absolutely a non-binary term for anybody that isn't from Cali. He/She/They...even the dog, all dudes), and don't forget to enjoy your game!

    submitted by /u/Tymazen
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    How to smite when behind enemy JG

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    First post here so apologies if something is wrong. I have played league on/off since 2016 but got really deep into it last month once I figured out the JG role and realized that it the one that I find the most interesting to play in. I just can't do lane CS wave farm, get too bored tbh from the gameplay.

    That being said, I got into ranked last 2 weeks playing as Kha Zix or Hec, and beside all other ranked struggles, one particular thing that I can't figure out is how to smite when I fall behind enemy JG in terms of levels.

    For sake of example, let's say I am lvl 12 and the enemy is lvl 14.
    My smite dmg is: 720
    Enemy smite dmg is: 800.

    If I wait until 720 hp left on drake, enemy smites and they steal. My team flames me
    If I smite at 800 HP and do 720 dmg and hope other AA/abilities from me and teammates will do, enemy smites at 800, takes out the last HP immediately and steals, my team flames me

    I tried telling my teammates, gonna smite early, so they can be ready to take out the last HP, and that did not work out either.

    Is there a strategy here I can utilize or its just pure timing of me smiting early + other abilities being faster than the enemy's smite? And is there way to communicate this to teammates in some league jargon that my smite dmg is outnumbered?


    submitted by /u/sidewayset
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    What's the best way to practice map awareness?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    I need help in map awareness, I'm in D4 elo and I've been stuck there because I always throw the early leads I get by randomly dying due to bad map awareness (ex: not watching map and I didn't see that enemy JG ganked mid then pathed bot or I forgot that Syndra respawned and it takes 25 seconds to come and then she killed me). And I go from 3/0/1 as Evelynn early game to 4/3 or I even had a very bad game where I was 3/0/3 on Elise but ended it 7/12 because I had bad map awareness and got tilted or going for something like "Lux is recalling in the bush, I hope she won't react fast with her Q to root me before I burst her" but then she roots me and I die.

    Are there any guides/videos/tips you guys could give? Really need to stop turning off my brain after the early game is done.

    submitted by /u/FabioSxO
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    How to deal with not getting ganks?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    I play top from time to time and I notice I never get a gank from any of my jungler. Is it because no gank top is a thing? I'm kind of getting tilted from playing top because I freeze the wave just outside of my tower, trying to deny enemy cs too. Basically in my eyes just setting up free kills but no matter how hard I try I never get the gank thus having no real advantage to my strong early games

    Resulting in me getting tilted and spamming assistance pings when I have another good setup for a gank after 10+ minutes of still having not received any ganks. Even though I am pretty sure I am able to shutdown the enemy top laner with 1 or 2 good ganks.

    I do not main a champion on top but I play fiora, renekton, Quinn, Darius or akali the most

    submitted by /u/Flying_Dutchmenn
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    I’ve improved my cs’ing and my Leblanc has become worse because of it.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    I'm currently a silver mid player and have recently started focusing on improving cs and macro in general but have found that my Leblanc specifically is getting worse. I used to not care about wave and just went for roams whenever they looked good, which often ended with me going something like 7/1 but with 3 cs/min.

    Now I'm getting 6-7 cs/min but my KP has dropped drastically. I feel like I have no impact and am scared to go for roams unless I've fully shoved the wave in mid (which is hard to do on leblanc).

    submitted by /u/supplas
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    As an mage midlane, what do I do against 2 assassins?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Recently I've been trying out midlane mages to play. I've generally liked playing them most of the time but I just feel hopeless against 2 assassins. Recently I was against a talon mid and shaco jungle and I just couldn't do anything. Pushing wave was asking for a death and even if I froze wave their burst together still meant I had to use flash or just died instantly. Even if I get a zhonyas it just delays the death and stops towerdives from happening. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/BeepBird4
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    Why is Mordekaiser a “weak-side” carry top laner?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    What aspects of his kit enable him to be played successfully without as much jungler attention? Is it his ultimate that favors 1v1 island laning?

    I've seen people group him with champions like GP. To me, GP truly fulfills the "weak-side top" archetype with his global ult that allows bottom-lane influence from the top island.

    How does Mordekaiser fit in? Is he beneficial to play around as a jungler, or should his presence in your games enable you to look elsewhere on the map?

    submitted by /u/IsleOfOne
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    How to survive Annie (fed) as adc???

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 03:17 PM PDT


    i play ADC ( mostly Twitch and some ezreal here and there.) and i am having problems with fed annies. Whenever i go out of stealth she oneshots me before i can kill her. QSS? Yeah, i get out of the stun but still instantly die. I kind of am able to deal with it with ezreal due to my E, but i have no idea what i have to do as Twitch.

    submitted by /u/snanwich
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    The ''40/40/20'' proposition, way too simplified

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    If you've been on this subreddit for any period of time, you've probably heard of the ''40/40/20%" rule.

    What this means in a nutshell is, 40% of games are guaranteed wins, 40% of the games are guaranteed losses, 20% your input can change the course of this game.

    While holding some amount of truth in it, I think it's a very oversimplistic way to view the game, reason being there's a lot of variables in play.

    1. What elo do you play in? The lower the elo, the more coinflip the games are. That is, unless you're especially good at carrying games, your win rate tends heavily towards 50%. Usually lanes win or lose extremely hard, so edging out your lane opponent by a slight margin doesn't really make a difference. You have to stomp, and you have to stomp consistently to climb in low elo.
    2. What kind of champions do you play? Feast or famine assassins, tanks, supports, ADC's? Classes that have more impact on the map early are better for having an impact on the game overall, if you are successful with them, especially in lower elos where people give up more easily and don't know how to play from behind. Having a mostly passive role or playing for late game usually mean that more often than not, the game ends without you having much impact.
    3. What is your playstyle? Aggressive, passive, or something in between. Obviously the more aggressive are, the more impact you have on the game, for better or for worse. If you play stupidly aggressive you could end up deciding the outcome of 99% of matches (either you int or you're a challenger smurf).

    Now, I know that the 40/40/20 rule is supposed to give you hope. But it can also bring you frustration.

    In bronze, if you play soraka in a very passive fashion, even if you are playing better than the average at your elo, chances are your impact is next to nothing. You carry your own weight of course, but you're likely to stump at 50-50,5% win rate. That has nothing to do with your level of play, only that your playstyle is especially unsuitable for low elo.

    Challenger smurfs play feast or famine, hypercarry champs for a reason.

    submitted by /u/Uppmas
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    Is there any other way to deal with Renekton other than banning him?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    I just role swapped to Top and it's a pain in the ass because all the champs I like to play get hard stomped by Darius and Renekton. Since Darius has higher pickrate in plat I'm banning him but every other game the enemies have a onetrick Renekton I just can't deal with. I like to play Fiora, Camille and Sion. Whenever I pick one of them and just try to cs safely I get camped and doven by the enemy jungler in the first 5 minutes so Renekton just chain dives me. Any idea on how to deal with Renek?

    submitted by /u/Kurumi_Fortune
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    Best Ways to Improve and Learn Jungle

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    This is the first time, in a long time that I've actively played the game. I think season 2 was the last time I plated every day, or even a couple times a month?

    Anyway, I've found myself mostly interested in the Jungle position. I used to main Mid back when I plated, and would sometimes play ADC or support, and I used to be able to play top moderately well.

    I am improving little by little in Jungle, but what is the best route to go from here. I haven't been playing ranked, or even draft. I wanted to learn basic pathing first. Should I just dive into ranked? And who should I focus on as far was a champ? The three I like playing most have been Nocturne, Evelyn and Kayn.

    I'm not ashamed to admit I need to continue to improve. To be honest I enjoy trying to learn it. I just have kind of hit a wall at the current level I am playing at. I usually only play with two buddies also, but there are issues there as well to where I might improve more if I play on my own.

    Any help would be appreciated. I watch a couple of the content creators on you tube, but I feel like the actual practice would benefit me more at this point, just need a little guidance to get the best way to do so.

    submitted by /u/jitbtwin52
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    Bot Lane Commication as ADC

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Hey guys as an ADC main communication is KEY!I always wish there were times my support push the wave push and when my support DIDN'T push the wave. Here are some things you should type to your support to form strong communication and win lane.

    First off tell them that when you use the "assist me" ping on the wave you want them to help you push. Then tell them when you use the "fall back" ping on the wave it means you don't want them to push

    Second please tell them your game plan! For e.g:

    Mission 1: Push the wave

    Mission 2: Get the wave to bounce back

    Mission 3: Hold a freeze

    Make sure to tell your support:

    - when your minion wave is pushing forward to drop a deep ward

    - positioning side-by-side

    - punishing the over bot lane for not positioning side-by-side

    Results: As a support I never hear ADCs communicating with me like this so I don't know. But as an ADC there are 2 results:

    - They communicate that they understand your idea AND ACTUALLY LISTEN

    - Or they don't listen at all/they don't reply

    In the end it never hurts trying. The higher elo you go the more effective this is but as a silver top/adc main there are games where my support understand and be on the same page with me

    submitted by /u/EverydayEverynight01
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    As a jungler how can I deal with laners who keep dying to their enemy laners without the enemy jungler's help?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    I want advice for situations that my solo laners keep pushing the wave and taking 1v1 fights and lose.
    I'm going to explain what I do in these situations and I kindly ask you to help me correct my mistakes or suggest me better plays.

    What I usually do is try to keep it positive and nicely ask them to stop pushing the wave so I can gank. And help them but they either don't listen, or the 1 or 2 kills already made the enemy laners to be 2-4 lvls above both of us (specially when it's a solo lane) and the lane is ungankable.
    Sometimes they immediately start flaming so I just don't respond if they don't take it too well.

    I mostly play early game champs and try to look for a lvl 3 invade or gank. And if I get a flash or a mobility power that has high CD I'd like go back to finish off the kill if possible.
    Also I try to play around my winning lane(s) but it's usually that my 1 winning lane can't carry hard enough and starts losing their lead too.
    Then the losing lanes just can't handle it and they often times have 10-15 deaths even if I try to help them a bit.

    Disclaimer: I'm not ranting about teammates. This is a common occurrence and I'm simply looking for hoe to deal with it and climb.

    Average elo: used to be plat, but now it's just silver 1-2.

    submitted by /u/MiseryPOC
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    How do I play with a teemo support?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    Just got out of a game with a teemo support (I was Jhin adc). The enemy Botlane was Miss fortune and Lux. My teemo support basically sat in the bush and left me alone in the lane, and when he walked out to poke, he would get snared and bursted down. I would try to trade kills but either the wave was in a bad spot or I didn't do enough damage. Eventually the teemo would set up his shrooms in the middle of the botlane So that they exploded and took CS.

    How does one properly play around teemo support?

    submitted by /u/A_Toxic_User
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    Advice for a beginner.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 03:16 AM PDT

    Hello summoners! I started playing League a few days ago. I have around 60 games now. I'm practicing to be a midlaner and still learning the basics. My champion pool rn consists of Annie, Neeko and Zoe, the latter two being my most successful ones so far. I would like some help to clear out a few creases and master the basics before I start playing rank. Here are the few things that I'm having some trouble with-

    1. When I'm trying to cs sometimes the minions survive with just a sliver of health and die to my ally minions before I can get in my next auto. How to make sure I last hit it? Does it vary from champion to champion?

    2. In teamfights sometimes it gets too chaotic, misclick somewhere else and end up in a different position from where I intended to go. Worst case scenario I just rush to the middle of the enemies and die.

    3. As a mid laner when should I roam? In the games I've played so far the junglers don't have a dedicated route they take and there is a lot of misinformation. Sometimes I see that the enemy adc n supp are engaging bot but my jungler decides to gank top. Where should I go? I'm not very confident about my roams rn.

    4. What cs should I be aiming for in the first 5 mins? I'm very inconsistent rn and sometimes I end up with as low as 15-20 cs in the first 5 mins.

    Any advice and suggestions would be helpful. Thank you. My server is NA1.

    submitted by /u/N8blood
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    What to do when team forces fights while behind as ADC

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    Every game I play it seems as soon as the laning phase ends, my team immediately runs to mid and picks every fight or puts themselves in positions to be caught out. If I go mid we split farm across 5 people and likely just die if we're behind, but if I go somewhere else and pick up side waves they just lose 4v5 and the game is over before I can farm.

    submitted by /u/grahamster00
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    For top-laners like Shen, is it a good idea to sell Doran's Shield in order to reach the threshold for Tiamat early-ish (~9 min) in the game?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    In a recent game as Shen against a Sion, I had already backed once and purchased two Ruby Crystals and a Refillable Potion. I then died in a one-for-one trade, and was waiting with 1150 gold to respawn, at about the 9 minute mark. In order to reach 1325 gold for Tiamat, I sold my Doran's Shield for 180. This gave me better damage and waveclear, but I did feel a significant reduction in my tankiness and sustain.

    Just wondering: is there a general rule folks follow for when it is good to sell your Doran's Shield to reach the gold threshold for a different item, or is it totally game-dependent? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Runic_Bistro
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    Gragas Support AP or Cooldown

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Hey All, I am starting to use gragas as support. I am in bronze 3 at the moment. My build usually consists of relic shield, righteous glory, knights vow, boots of lucidity then i change depending on the team comp. My question is should i start adding some ap damage into their once i finsih righteous glory and knights vow? or should i stay down that path and go cool down reduction?

    submitted by /u/adaringpotato
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    Is there any good guides on Top Lane wave management?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    I feel like I never know what to do with the wave in certain situations and whenever I try to freeze, I kill either too many or too few minions and the wave either crashes to my tower or starts pushing towards my enemy.

    I didn't realize how important wave management was until yesterday I played against a Jax who perma froze the wave on his side and made it impossible for me to play, he had a very large cs lead and became a lot stronger than me and I'm hoping I can learn to manage waves properly so I can do something similar and not screw myself over by letting this happen.

    submitted by /u/FatalChaos_
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    How do you keep focus in a chaotic teamfight?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    I'm getting better at staying focused in laning phase (paying attention to lvls, dodging skillshots, baiting out cooldowns, etc), and I feel like it's improved my early game by a lot. However, I struggle a lot with teamfighting.

    In mid-late game 4v4s and 5v5s, things wind up getting so crazy and chaotic that I literally just toss out abilities and hope for the best. I don't pay attention to cooldowns or anything like that, because my brain just goes 'brrrrrrr' for the whole thing. It doesn't help that, since I only play solo q, things are uncoordinated and teammates go in one at a time instead of all together.

    For extra context, I am a support main who plays enchanters like Nami and Soraka. I'm pretty good at winning trades in lane and helping to disengage a fight if my adc gets hooked early on, but I regret to admit that I'm actually pretty bad at keeping them alive during teamfights. I'll ult or throw a bubble too early, and then an assassin dives in and kills them.

    I also find that, because teamfights have so many different colored projectiles flying around paired with super loud sound effects, it makes it hard for me to immediately realize when someone's gotten stunned or cc'd. I'll register it like a millisecond too late, and before I have time to use Mikaels or Redemption, they're already dead. In fact, I'm pretty bad at using item actives in general.

    So, yeah. I'm decent at early game, but super inconsistent when it comes to mid and late because I don't know how to stay focused in teamfights. I'd love any advice you could give!

    submitted by /u/sheisdoingherbest
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    Me and some friends want to have fun playing in an off meta way: 1-2-1. Asking for your opinions and ideas.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    As stated in the title, we want to have some fun in flex and play with 2 guys mid and one bot. One of the main reasons we think this is good is because of the big influence the two guys on mid have on both herald and dragon.

    I'm really curious about two things:

    What do you think about this strat, do you feel like it could be decent if properly played?

    Knowing that the guy on bot is going to usually be 1v2, what do you think would be good champions to do that? ( for now we thought about lissandra and maybe vladimir and we also got a good game with a cho on bot)

    submitted by /u/adrianos112
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