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    Sunday, September 27, 2020

    LoL Guide How to deal with massive losing streaks?

    LoL Guide How to deal with massive losing streaks?

    How to deal with massive losing streaks?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Is there any actual trick that prevents you from going on massive losing streaks? I've literally tried everything, I even got some of my friends to play duoq with me because I thought it would make the job easier but it was completely ineffective. 80% of my recent matches were decided by trollers, griefers and teammates with bad mental; also I'm not gonna even mention the smurfing problem and precisely the high elo players stomping and ruining some low elo games.

    Here is my op gg for those interested: https://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=alincasmaua

    (I got 8 wins in my last 28 matches)

    submitted by /u/strngzr
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    How do I approach champ select/loading screen game analysis (runes, builds, how to counter enemy laner, etc.)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    I started playing League for the first time around a month ago, and coming from an FPS background, I found League to be very complex, but I really enjoyed learning about everything in the game. I just recently reached level 30, and I've found a liking to playing support, mainly hook supports (pyke, blitzcrank, nautilus, thresh).

    From watching other people, I've found out that it's super important to be able to prepare for the game well before it starts. Figuring out how to play against their laners or even finding a general strategy to play the game based on who they have and who we have seems to be a big advantage.

    With that being said, I don't know how to do this. Considering my hero pool, what are things that I should be looking for/how would I play against it? When should I deviate from my regular build? When should I pick certain champs over others?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/cramstr
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    Hitting all the vitals in Fiora R as quick as possible?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    I have been using fiora for quite some time and she has helped me climb from iron to silver in 2 weeks. Recently, as I face players from higher elo, I find it extremely hard to hit all the vitals as they just stand beside obstacles or just get away.

    On practice mode, the fastest I can hit all vitals is 2.5 to 3 seconds. My basic combo which is also memorized by my muscle memory is auto first vital, Q towards one of the sides and walk around to hit the remaining 2 with E.

    Goes pretty smoothly if I land a stun with my W but not only it became harder to land a stun (players predict my W) it also became harder as they know how to avoid being hit in all the vitals.

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/nexusultra
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    Who counters Samira?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    I'm trying to main Samira but Samira gets picked allot before me. Who can I pick as ADC to counter Samira? I'm willing to learn anyone to counter her.

    I already played her allot but every game I stomped, the only reason I would lose is because of my team so I really don't know who would fuck Samira up.

    submitted by /u/MaybeAFish_
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    Why does Katarina have such a high win rate against lux?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    I find this matchup to heavily favor lux. All she does it take barrier, maybe null orb, and just perma freeze wave under her tower while denying farm to the Katarina. I play both champs quite a bit and I just find it impossible to do anything to lux as kat unless all her sum spells and q are on cd.

    submitted by /u/Shimadacat
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    I can't play with Yuumi

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Honestly, it's impossible for me to lane when my support is a Yuumi. As ADC, I primarily play Vayne, purely because of the scaling and the ability to carry. I just feel like it takes ages for me to hit any powerspikes when I have a Yuumi with me that does absolutely nothing but permanently sit on me without healing, as if they are watching a movie.

    I try my best to make it work while farming, but when they pick Yuumi into something like Pyke, Nautilus, Leona, or anything with cc, it feels impossible to even play this game without dying 8 times at least. Farming becomes insanely hard because I have nowhere that's safe because I'm being zoned out and because they nearly never ward the brush where a Pyke is waiting in to use their hook, and besides that, it feels like they heal me for no hp whatsoever.

    What can I do about this, to somehow make it possible for myself to play together with a Yuumi support without feeding the enemy 24/7 because I have no peel or anything such as vision because they don't bother to ward brushes etc?

    submitted by /u/Naritaii
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    Abusing Low hp junglers

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    Advice for low elo assassin players. Some junglers like Master Yi or Khazix get down to low hp in their first clear. If you have a ward to catch them at their critical point when their hp is the lowest, it's a free kill. Most low elo plebs don't expect to get invaded. So if you're playing Zed, Talon, Leblanc or even bruiser mid like renekton or Garen with ignite, shoving your wave in to go shit on a 1/3hp Yi cluelessly farming raptors on top of a ward is a viable strategy. Obviously timing when to shove in the wave is important. Of course, this also works if you're playing an early game jungler but it's riskier because enemy laners might be able to come help their jungler out, so you need to keep track of more people when you're invading as a jungler.

    submitted by /u/CelsiusTheGreat
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    How to make a full use out of Future's Market?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    I recently started taking Future's Market with Hexflash on Sett support, since Deadman's plate's combine price is pretty expensive (1100g). But I never really thought about using it efficiently. Do you always go on dept upon every back? Or only use it to finish off core items? and should you always be on the maximum lend limit by purchasing extra pink wards/potions?

    submitted by /u/ThePogBan
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    The value of items vs objectives vs towers?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Hi guys! I'm a top player that's fighting their way up the ranks. Recently, I switched off of Ornn for a break, and I came to a problem: when do I back or TP now, and why should I do it?

    As Ornn, I rarely had that issue. The objective was to stay top, level, freeze lane for ganks, and help with Herald, but I felt a change when I was Garen or Quinn. When I would have over 1000 gold and a pushed up lane, I had no idea whether to get item with my advantage, begin Herald or head to dragon, or continue the push.

    So my question really is which of the three take precedent in a USUAL situation: items, towers, or large objectives?

    Thanks for the help guys.

    submitted by /u/XwhatsgoodX
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    practice tool wave management

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Hi new to the game, i get practice tool can help a lot in many ways like csing and learning new champs and stuff. but how do i practice wave management in practice tool? do i have to have an enemy bot in my session in order to practice wave management? because i cant seem to freeze any lane when only last hitting? it always pushes and i get that means theres no one doing damage to my minions but how can i practice wave management solo in practice tool or is it impossible without a enemy laner? thx

    submitted by /u/steich16
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    People want to learn how to deal with lane bullies, but I wanted to ask - How do I optimize my enemy's misery?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    Title. I've been playing a lot of Darius and Renekton recently, and while some games go amazingly others not so much. I try to hold the wave as long as possible, but it eventually slowpushes into tower and all that denied CS is for nothing. I'm good at trades, and I know what a freeze is but I don't know how to apply it in a real game. For example, I shove a wave into tower, and you would think that it bounces back but it just doesn't. It just stays there forever. I can shove the wave, back, and it'll still be barely in the center of the lane and my opponent is just standing there, CSing. If my opponent has more than 30 cs at 10 minutes, I've failed.

    submitted by /u/MrMeem1
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    Why do I suddenly play horrible?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    Hi reddit, I did not come here to complain, rather ask what couldve happened to me and how can I improve, or start winning, after a giant lose streak? So tl;dr, I had a giant winstreak, from g4 to g2 50 something LP, which was really huge since i was getting 15/16 lp per win, and lose 23 per loss. After that, I decided to have some fun playing other champions, i came out negativaly, with 20 something LP in gold 2, not a big deal. So I decided to tryhard again, confidently thinking i could get plat next week, but i just couldn't, I couldn't carry any games, started losing lane etc. and I have no idea what am I doing wrong, do I have to reset my mental or something? If so, how? Im currently sitting at a 56LP gold 3, just stomped, which was partly my fault, which I acknowledged, but still didnt know what i couldve done right, and kind of my junglers fault since he inted 2 kills to the enemy akali. The game looked like this, i got first blood for a death, i was winning lane till my lee sin came in, gave 2 kills, and akali was suddenly one shotting me, and I couldnt even stay under turret, and ofc, other lanes were losing as well. I tried to stay safe as much as possible, but when i saw an opportunity for a good fight(i was playing yone), i did what i could, escape, and we still lost the 5v4 fight. I ended the game with a 2/8, where one of these deaths where because irelia wanted to swap with me, i went top, died to a darius with nimbus cloak and ghost, and got flamed for fighting even tho i didnt even try to cs.

    submitted by /u/dragonekm
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    Hi! I'm latte #2 [how to raise SoloQ rank SCU by T1 Wolf]

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    [Current: promo at lvl 30]

    Giving something back to the community.

    I'll summarize and translate random korean's lol players talk as I climb.


    This is the reason you lose, and why you can't raise rank.

    Place, Time, Action, relationship.

    • "place" you can't play in the house. You gotta go to PC bang. Equipment is different. To be honest, I had some Equipment buff. My keyboard was $200, mouse was $250, Its not something a person can afford at home. If you ask "mom, can you buy me this keyboard a pro--" . Its game over. you gonna be eating only kimchi for dinner

    • Always sit on the corner. If your tiers low, it feels like others observing you. avoid that by sitting at the far corner.

    • Next is time. The worst time to play is the weekend. Because thats when every types of players will come to play. why is this bad? because its when you meet. Yasuo, Zedd, Teemo. These guys play to "enjoy." So when to play? weekdays. Play on night. best time is 10pm-11pm. because its time where people come home from work, academy. and play that 1 rank game like their life depends on it.

    • Action. During the loading screen, maximize your time. Watch Wolf Tube and LCK. All theories are useless. You gotta feel it with your skin. Watch how the pros play and observe. Watching 1 game is worth 100 reading materials

    • relationship. duo is the worst mistake you can make. At best they are slowing you down, at worst you'll lower to their level. you gotta be calculative. does he suck? drop him. if you are better than him and duo and lose, drop him. pros do this all the time. its called "1 loss drop"

    • If you must, find high skill low MMR people to duo with. This is also add on. these guys are usually Yasuo Zedd Teemo.


    p.s: see you after the promos.

    P.S.S: if you have any video you see online and be interested in translation. Let me know. I'll see what I can do.

    source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BCDpwTtHeA&ab_channel=44%EC%B8%B5%EC%A7%80%ED%95%98%EB%8D%98%EC%A0%84

    submitted by /u/LatteHorse88
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    Does server timezone or time of day have an impact on my rank?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    When I consistently play during night times at my region's time zone, do I get the same rank or mmr as if I would play on that server during day time?

    I'd assume that the statistical distribution of player competence in the server population during night time to be different than during day time. So the skill level required for an average rank in the night time population might not actually be equal to an average rank in the day time population.

    Can anyone share any insights?

    submitted by /u/huusmuus
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    How to deal with ADC's in mid lane?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    Just need help with this cause i lose lane 99% of the time i have an enemy adc in mid.

    Honestly, while im usually humble about how low my rank is and thus i take the words of higher ranked players, this is just absurd. Last game, just to name an example, i had a lucian in mid. He did literally half my hp in a single passive auto. HALF MY HP.

    The problem is also that they dont have cooldowns for this damage. Walk forward, 1 click on mouse, massive damage.

    How exactly can i play around this apart from staying under turret? Whats even worse is that a lot of midlaners cant farm properly under turret either..And besides that most adc's has enough range to poke me even under turret.

    People say stay back and play deff, farm udner turret and i will outscale them. How exactly do i, with 50% farm, outscale an adc with 100% free farm?..

    submitted by /u/Skoldelid
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    ADCs grouped by type?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    Hello, i have read that it is good to play 2-3 champs in a role and to target two with a similar play style and one counter pick.

    As there are less than 20 ADCs could someone possibly explain to me what groupings there are for ADCs so I could find ones that have complimentary play styles.

    submitted by /u/Kyle_Airon
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    How do I fix my mindset playing Support?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    Hello Summoner School,

    Throughout the years I've been playing a lot of tank support and found success with it, generally playing around teamfights. However this season, I've encountered little success with this method as it seems no matter what I do to, roaming or not, I always see that red defeat screen at the end of the game. A friend of mine told me that the meta now is to play selfishly, meaning to play champions like Pyke and Pantheon and to try to carry through that. Unfortunately I've tried and my kda as well as win rate suffered even more through that as adjusting to a new style clashed with what I've been comfortable with.

    To those who were able to make the change or even find a new way to win games through support, how did you all do it and what are some tips I could learn from that would help me influence the game a bit more?

    IGN: Nion [NA]

    submitted by /u/RazorNion
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    Tanks Vs Carries in the top lane

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Greeting summoners! Allow me to share my pov for a moment, because perhaps this is apart of my problem. Tanks are not carries, they are full of cc, peel, and a direct way to start teamfights after laning phase (ornn, malphite, shen). Vs carries, things like jax, fiora, tryn, who don't initiate but provide amounts of damage in laning phase and in teamfights, assuming you havnt fed. Now as a player attempting to climb it would appear to me the safest way to carry in top lane is, well to play a carry and work on macro play (assuming most players have a decent amount of micro and only adhere to a 2-3 champ pool). That being said what do the higher elo players have to say on this pov? Am I wrong? Can a tank in fact carry you in solo que or is that more of a duo que pick? It goes without saying this game IS based around a meta (when we go to champion.gg we see clearly what is doing well in "what elo" and what is not) and to an extent if you want to climb you do have to stick to whats "meta" with very few things allowing that rule to bend. Just a bronze/silver scrub looking to understand the game in its current state and hopefully provide some answers to myself and other lower elo players as well. Thank you all for the feedback!

    submitted by /u/Uzgul_Kingslayer
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    Quick Tip: Using Bushes to Drop Minion Aggro when You Freeze can Save Health

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    This is just a small helpful tip I don't see a lot of people take about. For anyone who doesn't know, when you walk into a bush the enemy doesn't have vision of, minions will stop attacking you.

    What you can do with this is when minions are attacking you and you are trying to freeze, get them to chase after you and walk into a bush when you want to drop aggro. This helps you take less damage because minions chasing you means they get less attacks off, they are farther away from your tower, so they need more time to walk towards it, letting you drop aggro earlier, and you can more cleanly get them to stop aggro than just standing in front of them. This obviously only works when there are no enemy champs pressuring you, but it can save you a good chunk of health.

    This post was inspired by the Pantheon trying to freeze clip on the main subreddit.

    submitted by /u/zeroxaros
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    How do I break an enemy's frozen wave if they can straight up kill me if I get near?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Let's say I am playing Shen top, and the enemy picks Darius, and gets a freeze started near his tower. I don't have any ranged abilities to farm or shove with. And if I get too close, he will pop ghost and run me down for the kill. So I sit at a bit of a distance, still getting XP but no gold.

    As far as I can think of, I only have a few options.

    • I wait for the random solo queue jungle main, who might not understand wave mechanics as well as a laner, to come help break the freeze.

    • I can just wait for him to make a mistake so the freeze breaks

    • I can roam and farm jungle/help team. (easier in this case with Shen R)

    • I can go proxy farm so that he either tanks the wave or has to let it crash.

    • Maybe I can try to bait him into chasing me for a kill so the wave fixes itself?

    These are all I can think of. Is there anything else I can do?

    submitted by /u/CTHeinz
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    KDA Question

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm in bronze, new to the game, and just climbing while trying to get better and learn the game. I've had people in games mentioning KDA's a lot and I'm not exactly sure what is a good KDA or not. I play ADC, Ashe main. My KDA is 3.23.

    Is this good? I just want to know if I'm on the right path or not.


    submitted by /u/jc1254
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    How do I play with an Ezreal ADC?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm an Alistar/Leona main and I'm so sick of seeing Ezreal adc, so I started to ban him so my team can't pick him. But in the process as you noticed, I lose a ban oportunity so...how do I play with an Ezreal?

    When I'm in lane I can't engage comfortable, because I never know if he is gonna land his abilities and I feel like his early damage is horrible, should I leave him alone and permaroam? it is a losing lane? should I wait for the jg 24/7? when he reaches his power spikes? should I build zeke as first item, as I usually do, with an Ezreal in my team? help.

    submitted by /u/Sednus69
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    Do the best split-push champions change between ELOs?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Or do Tryndamere and Jax reign supreme pretty much Iron-Challenger? Probably with Fiora being right up there, but probably not until a more average (Silver-Gold) rating.

    The other "premier" splitters that immediately come to mind are Nasus and Yorick... but it seems to me that they're simply outclassed at every stage of the game, especially without mobility.

    Is maybe Camille better in a vacuum at high elo? But in my (pepega) mind it seems like she doesn't take towers as fast and is a lot more team-fight oriented than traditional split-pushers who exist mostly to create and absorb pressure.

    submitted by /u/Buuramo
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    Check this out! Need people(at least 15 players) to test my brand new League of Legends website, that helps you find players to play with. LoL Together

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:14 PM PDT


    Hi there!

    I created a LoL friend searcher website that helps people to find players to play with.

    Alot of the times me and my 3 friends needed one more player to play 5v5 flex, and we had problems to find someone, so i decided to create one simple website that allows you to place your team info and then a team or a player will join your room, where you can chat and everything.

    If you have a friend, its simple,both of you open the website, then click on the + simbol on the homepage, then each of you add your info and hit waiting room. (the zone and rank info need to be the same). On the waiting room, you chose the game mode. Solo Duo for this exemple, then press waiting, and when both are waiting, one of you press fast search button and both of you shold be now on the same room. On the same room, you guys can chat, trade discord and decide when to start a game together.

    Because i build it and i know how it works, i have tunnel vision for it, so i need new users to use and tell me the bugs or improvements that the website needs.

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/drking100
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