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    Tuesday, September 15, 2020

    LoL Guide If you are an ADC who builds Muramana, buy a pickaxe before you buy tear. PLEASE.

    LoL Guide If you are an ADC who builds Muramana, buy a pickaxe before you buy tear. PLEASE.

    If you are an ADC who builds Muramana, buy a pickaxe before you buy tear. PLEASE.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    Seriously, I see this with every fucken Kai'sa and Twitch. They recall early, they buy Tear, they come back to lane, and get completely fucking annihilated. And this is in gold 4, where few know to exploit item weaknesses, so imagine higher elos, where they do know to exploit it.

    If you recall at 1,000 gold, and you buy tear, some pots, and a pink ward, you are returning to lane with literally zero combat stats. Buying a pickaxe will give you 25 AD, which is a considerable stat boost. "Oh but I won't get to stack". You're a fucking Twitch, you rarely use spells. You stack from a completed Manamune. Ezreal can get away with it, because he is constantly throwing Qs all game, and has the added benefit of huge range and his E to keep him safe. Other ADCs don't have his safety, nor his constant spell usage; they are auto-attack dependant, and they are more reliant on AD than they are on mana.

    If you come back to lane with tear instead of pickaxe, you have just paid 800 gold to lose lane.

    submitted by /u/UnholyDemigod
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    LoL's literally unplayable for a starter...

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    As a newbie in the game, the game is literally unplayable for me. The only mode I can play is normal game blind pick and any lane I try to call is denied by an "experienced teammate". So most of the time I have to play ADC with 3 different champions that I don't even know the skillsets of. Then, I am blamed for playing bad, feeding, etc. Even if I play some in some other role the matchups are awfully unbalanced and the experienced players dominate the lane easily. The only time I enjoy playing league is with my friends against the AI but many people including my higher elo friends say the AI experience is not even close to the gameplay in the ranked games. Is there any way to get around this or the game just denies the new ones trying to learn?

    submitted by /u/redpero
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    My #1 Solo Queue Hack For Jungle Mains To Improve Their Pathing Immediately

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 04:48 AM PDT

    Jungling is a complicated role with many variables and conditions. It can be frustrating to try and improve and climb as a jungler especially in the current season where junglers have lost some power relative to solo laners due to experience nerfs. Out of all the myriad of things you can do to improve as a jungler, here is a really simple one that is also very effective:

    There a few apps out there that give you critical information on the enemy team as well as your own during a game. These apps will tell you crucial things like exact rune page the enemies are using, who is on their main role and who is autofilled, who on the enemy team is duo (if any), how the recent games went for everybody (indicator of their mental), and many more things. The app I use for this info is called Porofessor which has an in game app that will tell you all this info in the loading screen which you can analyze before a game starts to determine your pathing!

    As a jungler, you need to identify your team's win condition and play to it. Often that means getting your winning lanes ahead and controlling all the objectives on that side of the map. Unfortunately, many times a lane matchup doesn't go how it should on paper because of player skill and mental variance. Sometimes you will see a Zed lose lane to a Kassadin in a 1v1 and it just doesn't make sense. This is especially true the lower you are on the ranked ladder. But porofessor on the other hand is a much better indicator of who will do well in lane.

    In one game, I have a Kled top vs an Aatrox and at first glance I am not sure who will win or who will have prio. It isn't your job to understand every single matchup in the game. What I do know is that the enemy Aatrox is autofilled, new to the champion, and also on a losing streak which are key signs that he is ready to break mentally. With this information I hard camp top side (numerous ganks pre 10) and the Aatrox just runs it down all game afterwards going 1-15. Sometimes this pressure will get matched by the other jungler on the bottom side, but if you are against a scaling jungler that wants to farm, a lot of times you can get early pressure for free without losing too much, just let your bot know your game plan ahead of time so they can play safer.

    I recently made a video on my youtube channel about this topic which shows the example above! I am a D1 jungle main and content creator with many similar videos for a lot of jungle champions. I hope they may be useful to you guys!

    Video Link: The #1 Tip To Climbing Ranked As Jungler

    It is important to note that sometimes the information provided by Porofessor can be misleading. For example a smurf player might get called out as being autofilled when in reality they can be playing their main role and the account they are on is a different role for fun. Luckily Porofessor gives you enough information to judge the validity of the claims it makes regarding players. Always take overall win rate and recent games played into account before deciding whether someone is a weak laner or not.

    One of my favorite things Porofessor tells you is when someone invades often in the early game. This is usually a sign of a player that likes to level 1 or level 2 invade so you can have your team ward accordingly and usually pick up a free first blood when the enemy jg invades over vision.

    PS: I am not paid or affiliated in any way to Porofessor GG.

    submitted by /u/Arfreezy_LoL
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    How to deal wirh wave management?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    Hello folks, I'm playing league for one year now, mainly on top lane but now also on mid lane. I made a good progress in knowledge, but wave management is still a mystery for me.

    Often I don't get it when to do what with the wave. When to switch to another lane and what do then.

    Has anyone a good guide and tips to practice for me?

    submitted by /u/palpatin0
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    Help finding a main.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    I play Rengar and Vlad but have been looking for some other champs to try to main. When I play Vlad I get stomped by a M7 Leblanc or Sylas spamming emotes the entire time. I have both of these champs and have played them quite a bit but I can't make decisions for my self so I want you to help me decide. I tried to play both but I want to focus on one of them till a higher mastery. I don't play ranked so I'm low elo and are like level 90.

    submitted by /u/GenericBacon08
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    How often are y’all playing at your “optimal” state?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    The post earlier about how anyone can "get good" inspired this. TL:DR, sometimes midway thru the game everything just starts to feel foggy, but it's not quite autopilot.

    For me, I obviously know I make tons of other mistakes, but one thing I feel that holds me back is my focus in game. It's not exactly autopiloting either, like let's say about 7 minutes into the game I'm still going strong, fully concentrated. However at some point I always start to feel foggy, and by that point I feel like I can barely control my champ and decision making feels atleast twice as worse.

    Some games this happens and some games it doesn't happen at all. Fortunately I don't really go on gaming binges anymore so if I'm like that I just quit after the one game

    submitted by /u/MiDenn
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    My rank is too high compared to my skill level?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    Recently I went from Bronze 1 to Plat 4 in the span of about 3 months. My friends and I were all playing at a similar rate and almost all of them were stuck at about Gold 3-4 and are still there, but I still feel like I'm worse than them. Anytime we play I make more mistakes than them, have less game sense and simply knowledge, and just always do a lot worse. I guess I'm having "imposter syndrome" and have been playing a lot less and losing a lot more since I've reached Plat. I just don't understand how I was able to climb with a ~65% win rate while my friends are stuck, it feels like I'm not improving at all and just getting lucky.

    submitted by /u/iamcamps
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    Is bot lane really worth ganking?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    I don't find a lot of success ganking bot lane, which means that my ADC rarely gets ahead.

    Sometimes the enemy ADC is already fed and can 2v3, or the support takes exhaust and I cant get near the enemy ADC. if my bot lane is asking for me to gank then the enemy usually has a huge minion wave pushing my laners under turret, and I can't get any isolation damage (khazix).

    what are some tips to gank bot effectively? the enemy jungler always seems to get their ADC fed and I seem to just feed the enemy bot lane :(

    https://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=DNLCC (silver elo)

    submitted by /u/luwst
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    Does playing in low ELO make you worse?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    I feel like in low elo, I don't get punished as hard for certain mistakes and am sometimes rewarded for doing things that would never work if I played against better players? I feel like playing in tiers below Plat* reinforces bad habits and/or mindsets that would actually prevent me from getting better / climbing.

    I also think if I played against challenger players more regularly, I'd have an easier time learning where my mistakes are and what I should/shouldn't be doing because I would get punished for it.

    submitted by /u/Vertibrae-X
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    I'm a Ryze and want to really understand what is optimal or useful on him and why.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    I've decided I want to main Ryze Top/Mid. I know I can just look up builds but I'd like to increase my understanding of items. Everyone just says you don't need to know what these items do at your level but I'd like to know so I can get better.

    I am in Iron 2 and really only played my placements.

    I'm wondering where should I go if my team isn't working together. I know he's immobile but with his ultimate, he can split push pretty safely so long as I pay attention and I actually rarely feed on him. I usually just wait till I get 3 items and just focus on trying to help whom ever is working together the most in the match while grouping for team fights mid to late game because "Lol E+Q go brrr" and I'll take out the most dangerous target first then go back to pushing a lane.

    My build usually goes Rod of Ages for more bulk. But I hear some people say grab Archangle's Staff and I'm unsure which go first.

    I also like to grab Righteous Glory for more bulk and mana. It also helps with keeping enemies off me and helps me escape.

    I do like to build Twin Shadows occasionally if they have a fed assassin and I need to keep eyes on them due to the lack of vision and since most people don't ward in low elo.

    Void Staff is also something I normally build if I'm ahead.

    Also what should I be doing as him mid-late game?

    submitted by /u/TheBlackLuffy
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    I struggle to understand lane match ups and what I need to do to win them. Is it possible to view high elo replays of very specific match ups and if so how?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    Someone suggested to me that I should use op.gg to find certain matchups and watch them to learn how to play against certain champions. I checked op.gg, but I can't figure out how I can view replays and I can't find the specific replay which is qiyana vs ahri. Does anybody have any tips on how I can go about doing this?

    submitted by /u/No_dreaming
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    I'm D4 and honestly don't know what I'm doing

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    The only thing I know is how to play my champ. I play top lane shyvana just because I have fun doing it. The highest I've been able to get was D2 but since I know very little about this game I didn't stay in that elo for long. I don't know anything about the game in general like rotating, wave management, placing wards, what items to build in situations ect. Like going for tower instead of taking dragon or anything critical like that. Tracking enemy junglers? I usually just build the same thing over and over. What are some good videos or streamers that can help with learning these kinds of things. Like I've never done a vod review on my gameplay cause I don't even know what to look for. I've playing league for a while and for next season I want to try and get way better.

    submitted by /u/steelworth12
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    Yone's Soul Unbound (E) and recalling early

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    So quick question about Yone's E skill. I've been maining him for awhile now, 30k mastery, and I still don't get how his E recalls in relation to CC and stuns.

    According to Mobafire's description of the skill (the italicized parts):

    "RECAST: Yone cleanses himself from all crowd control (except disarm, nearsight, silence and slow), detonates the marks of champions to deal true damage equal to the stored amount, and dashes unstoppably back to his body. After the duration ends or upon dying, Soul Unbound will recast automatically. The recast cannot be used while Yone is immobilized, silenced, or grounded, despite being a cleanse."

    Sooooooooo I'm confused as to how this works. For example lets say I'm in my spirit form and Lux locks me down with her Q. Now that is an immobilizing spell according to Mobafire. So I should not be able to recall back, which is true, I cannot. But the recast is supposed to be a cleanse? Removes all CC? In my experience it seems like the early recall works on NO TYPES of CC. Like at all. I just get stuck standing there and die while I am mashing E like crazy. It just seems contradictory because one sentence says it cleanses himself from all CC like the summoner spell and then the next sentence says it can't be used while stunned... defeating the whole purpose? Can someone elaborate on this? I think I'm just getting confused on the phrasing but I want to know exactly how it works because I could save myself from a few deaths with the knowledge.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/ThaBigSean
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    Managing salt and toxic players

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Hello everybody

    I am a level 30 something (can't remember exactly) player who plays top and mix, exclusively top currently. I had been finding lots of success with Kled, with a 60 something % winrate in draft picks and I recently got my first token towards mastery 7 with him. With this success, I figured I'd try ranked and to my dismay, I got demolished. Looking back now, I am not ready for ranked and I'm sorry my poor choice lost everyone that game but the thing is, towards the end of the game, my support, ADC and jungle were being quite hostile towards me and my poor performance, which I tried to apologise for (to no success.) Usually I am very tolerant of toxicity in games as I tend to just ignore it and not provoke the people any further but today I just snapped and said the very things I am against. It wasn't like a sentence or two telling them to shut up, I really went all in and was quite toxic myself and I am not proud of it. Is there anyway, once I am in this state, to sort of regain control and calm things down? I only stopped when I made myself quit (the game was already over). Also, I know somebody will mention /mute all but sometimes the calls people can make can be very beneficial so I was curious if there was any other way than muting. (I will do this if necessary.)

    TL:DR - Tried ranked after great success in normal draft pick, did awfully and got flamed a lot, usually I am tolerant to toxicity but today I snapped and became very toxic myself, how can I not do this again (preferably without muting but I will mute all if necessary.)

    submitted by /u/imadeaypto
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    How I (Finally) Reached Diamond after Being Hard Stuck Gold for 4 Years

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    Hey! I just hit diamond last week for the first time ever! I've been playing for years and I've ended every season at the bottom of gold since season 6. 3-4 months ago, I really decided to try and improve as much as possible. I started streaming and playing league every day, and I want to share with everyone how I broke out of gold into ranks I dreamed of. I'm now D3 60 lp and trying to still climb.

    1. Be mentally present. This is the most important tip for improving and climbing through ranks you've never played in. You have to be ready to learn and you can't let autopilot take over. If you're tired, play normals or play on an alt. You're wasting your time on your main if you want to climb. Every single loss has to be a learning opportunity. If you lose once, you can't let what happened in that game happen again. Even if you think the game was a team diff, if you were truly better than the elo you are playing in, you could have found a way to win.
    2. Learn how to add. This is how I learned macro. Learning how much each objective is worth relative to other objectives is how you learn what the right decision is. Every time a team gets an objective, I ask myself what can I trade to make that trade worth it or put it in our favor. For example, if my mid lane opponent gets a solo kill pick, how much xp/gold/plates/whatever do I have to get to make sure he's not ahead. Learn how much gold neutral camps and objectives give. If your opponent roams and gets 2 kills but you get 4 plates + first tower, whose up in gold? If your opponent gets a plate but you steal jungle camps, who has more gold? Will you have priority against your laner when he gets back? Can you snowball your lead harder than their team can snowball theirs?
    3. Recognize win conditions. I feel like everyone talks about this one, but it's for good reason. If you know win conditions of the champions you play, the champions on your team, and the champions you're playing against, you will start to learn what decisions you need to make to win the game. The reason I think this point is so influential is that knowing win conditions is how you learn how to dodge, and dodging saves you sooooo much time, LP, and MMR. If their team out scales your team AND they have favorable laning phases, you will almost never win that game. Everyone on your team would have to outperform everyone on their team at all stages of the game. That's really unlikely. It's better to take the -3 or -10 lp than the -20 lp, a wasted 30 minutes, AND your MMR going down. Every high elo player dodges for good reason. Learn how to dodge, save your time.

    Hopefully, my advice helps some people who are in the situation I was in! A lot of how I think about the game is mental. You can take faulty mechanics to a very high level if you're able to put yourself in favorable situations and if you're able to learn quickly. Lmk if there are any questions!

    edit: formatting.

    submitted by /u/DeterminedDragon
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    Playing support in low Elo, should I stick to playing carries?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    So I've been trying to climb on my own, usually I play draft or whatever with my friends, all of which are between gold-plat level and we get places with roughly same level opponents and I do well 90% of the time.

    Anyways, 28-ish games into climb and I'm bronze II, slowly gaining LP, but seem to get held back in my promos (the dreaded curse of the "as soon as I get in my promos someone ints or feeds"). I play a mix of Pyke (easily my best but banned a lot), Senna, AP mages (Lux, Brand etc)Yuumi, Leona, Bard and Lulu.

    I can play all of these close to the same level and carry on all of them to an extent, but have the most impact on Pyke, Senna and Lux (because you know, damage). However in some cases there are times when we don't have a tank, peel, or sustain and need to pick one of the others which is fine. I feel like I have the biggest impact in the 3 I mentioned, but in some cases cannot Carry a game due to situations outside of my control. Thing is, if I don't play the side picks, I feel like we then lack that in the game and more often than not, the reason we lose a game is due to lacking the thing I didn't pick.

    Should I just stick to the "carry" supports and climb that way or flex to what the team needs (and often loses if we don't have it)?

    As I said I'm close to equally skilled on all of the champs I mentioned, but don't have overall that much ranked experience this season in particular.

    submitted by /u/LonelySoul96
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    Rengar main learning to jungle

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    I previously was a rengar top main, but Ive recently tried out playing him in the jungle. I have trouble keeping up with levels as the rest of the players, constantly 1 or 2 levels behind.

    I connect this with the fact that i dont kill the camps fast enough. Most of the time i don't know where to go. So if you can, please educate me on how to jungle. I know that i should clear red buff first but i could be wrong.

    So an exact step by step on what camps to clear as the game progresses would be nice along with how to kill the monsters in the camps.

    Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/Facts_Machine_
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    Should you perma-push a lane as ADC if your team is behind?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    If you are the only winning lane in your team as ADC, should you try to perma-push the wave to have some kind of pressure for your team (and have good vision for any roams/ganks) or stick to normal wave management? Like for example: your mid is getting perma-pushed in, your Top too and JG is like even-behind.

    submitted by /u/FabioSxO
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    Is it worth sacrificing damage on assassins for survivability?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    I play a lot of Ekko mid and there will be some games where I feel way too squishy to split safely or dive the backline. It's especially noticable if my team didn't do well as a whole, but I managed to come out on top so I need to carry. Is it worth building a deadmans plate or a spirit visage as my 4th or 5th item, after my rabbadons and mejais so that I can be safer while impacting the map?

    submitted by /u/pxl_dog
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    Looking for help from Top Lane Mains on Lucian

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    I'm a gold 2 player and I'm trying develop a champ pool for the top lane for clash and also just for my own solo queue games. I want to add Lucian to this pool just because I really enjoy the champion. I was wondering what kind of matchups should I look for when picking Lucian? I know he's somewhat of a niche pick so what would be good to go against/what would I look for on my team to know I can go marksman top?

    submitted by /u/msnxus100
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    Mindset and Teamfights

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    I am a Bronze 2 player that plays mostly has played support for most of this season but recently moved over to Top Lane in order to climb and to get out bot lane.

    The most challenging thing for me has been mindset. I still have a support mindset. I am generally more passive (due to playing soraka for so long) and dont like taking alot of damage. I am playing Chogath and Fiora, but mostly Cho'gath. Going from a tank to healer isn't easy for me. Because of that I feel my I dont really have a play style for either. It's just me trying really hard not to mess up too bad. So, how do I get out of that mindset?

    As for teamfights, the issue is this. I have a really low Kill Participation ratio. 10% off the average a Bronze player. I dont see the need to either get into a bad fight, or rush into one. Now there is some of time where my team will just rush into a random fight or for Dragon or Baron. If I judge to be worth it I will go but if I think we need to defend base because an "inhib" is down or something else I wont go. I try to have a strategy with everything I do. So how do I decide what team fights to go into and when not to?

    submitted by /u/Lyless1
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    How hard is Ranked compared to normals, and what is the best way to prepare for it?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    The title says it all, I'm pretty new to playing League (been watching for a long time) and I'm very close to level 30. Normal games have gone quite smoothly, except for the few games that teammates int or dc. But as I've been checking stats I noticed my friends/randoms could stomp in normal games (ex: 22/0/3), but have an abysmal score in ranked (1 and 9). So it seems to me that ranked is way harder than normal games, is this true? Also What's the best way to get ready for the grind? I play carry Junglers if that helps in any way.

    submitted by /u/Cantbeatjustbe
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    Help learning how to play against certain champions

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Hey so basically I'm trying to learn some parts of league in order to know how to play the mobile version Wild Rift effectively. There are 40 champions from LoL and before I learn how to play some of them I want to learn how to play against them.

    Right now im researching all of those champions subclass, damage type, and their abilities. What else should I try to learn to know how to play against them? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/GingerGod69
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