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    Friday, September 11, 2020

    LoL Guide It’s OK To Lose Lane In Normals

    LoL Guide It’s OK To Lose Lane In Normals

    It’s OK To Lose Lane In Normals

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    A lot of people I know and see that play normals on new champs are afraid of losing lane. If you have less then 30 games on a champ, to me you're still new with it, which means you don't know most matchups and you are barely getting comfortable about knowing how to press a lead.

    But what if you're behind, do you know how to play from behind? That's why it's okay to lose lane, you often learn more from losing then curb-stomping your opponent. ESPECIALLY IN NORMALS. My god, it's okay to play safe sometimes during a normal, but it's also okay to int trying to learn your limits. I won't blame you for inting in a normal, I see it all the time, but what tilts me more is playing too safe. Have fun, learn your champ through winning and losing lane, and continue to progress on the champion.

    The last thing you want to do is pick a champ, beat your opponents in multiple games, then when you lose lane just put that champ on the shelf and say they're not that strong. I've seen Nunu mids woop ass because they know their strengths and limits, just learn how to play your champ from all stages. Normals are for learning, please use them as such.

    submitted by /u/ReignNFire
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    How to get farm as ADC with the new minion changes?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    A lot of time, I find myself losing a lot of exp and farm when my minions are in a constant state of pushing when they have x% more damage throughout the game. I try to find open lanes but most of the time, even when you're slightly ahead, every lane is perma pushed. I can't just go in as an ADC and push past river to try to crash the wave into tower, otherwise I risk dying. Usually I try to just get some jungle camps but that only gives me so much and takes away from my jungler. So how do I try to get farm in this new system?

    submitted by /u/wakemeupoh
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    How do you get better when your old(er) and work long hours each week?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:04 AM PDT


    I'm 33 and work 12.5 hour days 5 times a week and cant really fit in anything more then an AI game during the week due to the hours plus the 2 hour round trip to work each day as well as quickly going to the gym as my job involves sitting down for those long hours.

    I manage to hold around mid gold elo and can usually dedicate a few hours each weekend day to trying to climb. i listen to podcasts and patch notes about league but im wondering if there's anything else i can do, or higher elo people would recommend to help outside of playing?


    submitted by /u/EmilySC
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    Are AP mages mid even playable anymore? I don't know what to do against assassins

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    I did a pretty long pause and didn't play since Neeko's release. I was a Veigar main back then and my other favorite champs are Lux, Vel'Koz, Nasus and Jhin.

    So I played some games in the past 2 weeks and it was a big catastrophy haha

    I picked Lux and Veigar in 4 games and they took Zed everytime because I usually ban Fizz (he is even worse than Zed). I'm thinking about banning Zed everytime now, but I'm not sure ... I guess they will always take Fizz when I do this. While it was pretty okay to fight against Zed one year ago it's almost impossible to do it now. I'm not sure if that item has a new effect, but he god an AD item with a damn SPELL SHIELD. Like wtf. I never played against someone using this before, I thought Spellshield is exclusive to Morgana, Banshee's etc.

    So he had spell immunity, got Ghostblade to catch me everytime and roam without trouble, he got MR and Guardian Angel. It was impossible, no way. While I was really optimistic to fight against Zed back then (which was already pretty cancer, but a fair and hard matchup, oneshotter vs. oneshotter) it just isn't possible and it doesn't feel fair and fun at all. I'm usually not complaining about this and maybe there are new mage items to counter this stuff (MR, Guardian Angel, Ghostblade, Spell Shield Item), but I couldn't find it right now. What can I do against it? If assassins get a spell shield Riot probably thought about something to counter it if you're a squishy mage, because squishy mages always got oneshottet by assassins in the past if they moved to the wrong spot. Bad positioning against assassins and playing risky was already punishing enough back then if I remember correctly, assassins never were in a bad spot. I don't want to complain about balancing since I'm not working at Riot and I don't want to judge just because I'm a super bad player or anything, but it's really hard not to evaluate the current situation like this since assassins like Zed were supposed to be "good at early game, should end the game fast and be a bit useless in end game" while AP mages scale hard, are lame in early game and good in late game; but now assassins are really viable in every part of the game and it's impossible to kill them

    To counter this and do anything in lane I need something to slow him down, but since Zed is teleporting around I can't use Twin Shadows or Hextech GLP effectively (it's better against Talon in my opinion). There are no other items I can think of, Zhonya's doesn't tank any damage and only helps the assassin to come closer.

    It feels like AP mages aren't viable anymore. On the veigar mains reddit I saw many people talking about how they don't even play him mid anymore, but only bot or support like the old Lux full AP Damage meme. :D

    I'm not sure what to do, is it better to play these champs in bot since you can oneshot ADC's easily and don't have to fight against Zed, Kassadin, Talon, Yone, Yasuo, Fizz etc.?

    submitted by /u/bubuplush
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    How do you effectively farm side waves?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    Whenever I look at high elo players with their great cs of 9-12 per minute, I notice they always collect side waves at the perfect time. How do you know when to go to sidelanes to kill waves? My CS per minute is usually around 7 which isn't bad but I know that I will definitely get more wins if I can understand how to collect the most amount of gold from side waves. Is there like a certain time you always want to be sidelaning, or are there certain conditions that have to be met.

    submitted by /u/FinerStrings
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    What do I do in low elo if my laners that have priority don't help me with an invade?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    In a lot of the guides I read/watch, its talked about that when you're invading the enemy jungle you want to do it around lane priority.

    So if my mid and bot have priority, I can walk into the enemy jungle and steal some camps. The idea being that if something goes sideways, my laners can leave their lanes and come help me and they'd lose less for it than if the enemy laners came since minions are on their tower or they have a health/mana advantage.

    That all looks great in theory, and I'm sure it works out just dandy in platinum+ where people actually play with their map turned on...

    ...but what does this mean to gold and below where its quite likely the enemy will respond first anyway, even if they don't have priority?

    What sort of strategies should I be walking into situations like this with, where judging by the map state i've determined I can invade -- the invade goes sideways -- and the laners that were technically supposed to be able to arrive first don't?

    I like to press my advantage in aggressive ways like this, but as with anything -- things don't always play out the way they're supposed to on paper. Should I only be invading when I have flash and/or a gap close escape tool ready? Should I only be invading when I absolutely 100% know where the enemy jungler is, or nearby laners are dead/recalling?

    These seem like hyper-safe options that stifle the opportunities that could be presenting themselves -- but I just don't know what else to do with the unpredictable rotations of low-elo laners.

    Any feedback would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    i can't play duo matchmaking due to feel an obligation towards my duo.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    I feel like i have to carry my duo, either he is my friend or just a new met person. This puts incredible pressure on me, and i perform so poorly. I rarely die ten times even in a long game except im duo queueing. Then it becomes a regular thing. I tilt harder, because i missplay a lot. I don't take any risks. I always have to remind myself, not to die for my teammates. And in action, i do die.

    I normally don't feel bad about lose or losing streaks. And with duo i can't even bare one lost. I don't think i can change my hardwired mindset.

    So is this common feeling? Do you guys feel pressure, if not how do you feel? Do you play better or worse when you duoQ?

    submitted by /u/VVasa
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    New player to league, looking for general insight and tips about jungle and master yi

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. I recently switched to lol, or rather, am trying to switch to lol from dota 2 since the community there is the worst cancer in gaming and some of my friends have already stopped playing dota or moved to league.

    I'm a very good dota player, 6k mmr which is just about shy of rank 5k in EU, but I find lol so hard to learn for some reason. I tried a few champs but it's so hard to get used to them and a lot harder to see what everyone else is doing and I feel lost in most games, but a few days ago I found this skinny binoculars hero named Master yi and even I understood that you only need to press 1 button to win. Ive been spamming yi ever since and recently just unlocked the smite thing and the runes page, and tried to jungle.

    My performance went from being useless or feeding to even carrying the game sometimes, tho I'm still garbage and don't know what half the items do, and 99% of champs do, but jungle seems like it's the role meant for me so far.

    If it helps, my main role in dota 2 is pos 1 which is basically your version of adc, but while being an adc most carries there are also tanky as fuck so adc for me is not an option here. Pos 1 in dota has the highest farm priority and 80% of what you're doing is cycling between lane and jungle creeps, and master yi is the closest to resembling a dota carry that I could find and I'm pretty much in love with his simplicity.

    One thing I don't understand about league is how the farm priority is organized here, after I kill all the jungle camps I go to a lane and farm there but players spam ping me most of the time for taking their creeps, but idk all the champs so can't tell who are the adc/supps and if I should be farming lanes or not. Seems like every champ has very fixed laning and it seems to go on for a long time, like 15 minutes compared to dota where pretty much the laning is fluid and people swap lanes based on matchups, but I guess that is because dota has teleport for every hero on a much shorter cd and towers can fall even by 7-8 minutes, there is no jungler and the adc moves to jungle usually after the laning while the rest of his team try to make space, so this is a very important topic that I'm trying to learn about league, just laning in general and farm priority, also how to gank, when to gank if I'm a jungler and if I should take farm or not from other lanes.

    Next I wanna ask about runes and which ones should I use for master yi and I also need some help with the build. To my understanding I have to get enchantment blood razor first and then Blade of the ruined king. I don't know if and when I should be buying boots, and what type of boots. In dota every hero buys boots as the first major item but it doesn't seem to be the case in lol and idk if I'm ruining my games by buying boots like berserker greaves 2nd item (I rly like those boots because they are similar to power treads and work for my playstyle), so I just wanna understand how important are boots in lol.

    Towers are very different in this game as compared to dota, they seem to be very op dmg wise and I think they have scaling dmg because every time I dive I get 2 shotted or 3 shotted by the tower, unless I dodge with yi's q on a creep wave, a mechanic I know from dota which I'm glad is working here as well. I don't know how to act in team fights around objectives because ranged heroes can just blast my ass off from behind their tower and my team seems to linger around and I don't wanna be the asshole who leaves to jungle and then gets called out for not being there, and it's one of the reasons why I can't stand laning in this game because ranged heroes seem to destroy you with a couple of hits while in dota you can sustain most of their damage and there's almost no spell usage unless they're committing for a kill or they are a low cd spell hero like bristleback or batrider. I can't even tell if they're autos or spells that they're throwing at me but it sure hurts so it's one of the main reasons why I'm inclined to the jungle role, apart from me enjoying to hit minions more than Champs.

    Last off, I wanted to ask about the key bindings, I've already remapped my item keys to be dota-like, I have no problem with summoner spells but my recall is now unmapped and Idk how to attach a key to it again, I also don't know the key for summoning the rift monster and pausing.

    Sorry for the long, long post but I'm actually starting to enjoy this game, well just playing yi really but it's nice to take a break from dota anyway, people here seem to be more chill and even if there's someone flaming they don't ruin the game with feed, sitting afk in the trees or breaking items like they do in dota. Thx a lot for reading.

    submitted by /u/stygiandesolation
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    I don't know what rotating is, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    does it just mean you go to a different lane? Why is it called rotating? Is it the same thing as roaming? I play support so I'd appreciate if the explanations have examples from a support perspective. If anyone has any videos, I would greatly appreciate that as well. As a sort of followup question, what's a good youtube channel to watch for a Bronze support player to finally start climbing? (please don't recommend that I not play support. I'm literally so trash at carrying games by myself and I would much rather have the ability to set my teammates up to do as much as possible, plus I have the most fun with support and I almost never become absurdly depressed like I do when I feed in any other role)

    submitted by /u/sToTab
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    How can i kill a mid/late game immortal volibear?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    for the past month i started to play a lot of top, and usually shen, i had about ten games against the new volibear and never was able to win, last game i managed to win the early game and get 2 kills on him without him killed me even once, but them he came back immortal as always and i wasn't able to do a think, he just used his ult and tower dived me, i was erased in a second even with the 2 kills advantage, it was about 10 min in the game i had like 60 farm he had about 80, any suggestion to how can i fight that? even the turret wasn't able to dmg him and at the end he was able to survive 1 v 4 for like 20 sec, please help, i am desperate... as u guessed i don't even have a rank yet, so pls don't flame lol

    submitted by /u/vladrumsh
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    My girlfriend is going to try LoL

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    Please help me guys. I want her to like playing the game as much as I do. She is typically not a gamer by any means. I need some ideas on how to introduce her to the game without overwhelming her.

    The plan is to play with her against bots until she gets the mechanics down and understands the idea of the game a little. I would love some advice on what roll/champs you guys would recommend to have her start with. If anyone has ever successfully converted their girl into a gamer please tell me how to do it.

    submitted by /u/S0urD
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    As a top laner, how do I contribute my help to other lanes.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    A few times as wukong now I've won lane, but sometimes after I get fed and take tower, I feel like I'm roaming the map doing nothing losing cs and exp. TP is on a distastrously long cool down, so tp ganks are quite few and far between. After I push tower I feel like pushing lane in too deep too early just gives them golden opportunities to get back into the game on my overextension. But my other lanes might hurt a bit if I'm just sitting the enemy under there tower looking menacing, stealing exp that badly needs to go to the lane owner.

    submitted by /u/BlackClover47
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    Placed Bronze II and cant improve

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    I just finished my placement matches yesterday and went 4W - 6L and placed bronze 2 so I guess thats reasonable but I just cant improve at all! I feel at the same skill level from since I started. I can play support to an extent but as ADC I just forget how to do anything and I always end up feeding and having to mute everyone because I don't want to see my teammates shit talking me. I also notice the people I lane against are like 200+ in levels and all mastery 7 so I can already see the outcome of the lane. Sometimes I focus too much on my mechanics and never show up for team fights or sometimes when I get rushed by everyone I panic and do something dumb and die. It's not like I don't understand how the game works because I've been watching lol streamers since the beginning of this year and only until August was I able to actually play but I just am not able to replicate, its gotten to the point where I don't enjoy the game anymore even though I so desperately want to get good :(

    submitted by /u/Yurwife
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    Is switching top and bot lane during laning phase a good idea or a bad idea?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Had a scenario where in top lane, the ally team Shen was getting destroyed by enemy team Riven. In bot lane we had ally team Pyke and Tristana destroying enemy team Veigar and Nautilus. Ally team already lost drake and both towers were still up. Neither ally top or bot was level 6. Bot wanted to switch top lane.

    Why they thought it was a good idea:
    - To stop riven from getting more fed, and Veigar gets scales infinitely anyway, so leave him.

    Is it ever a good idea to switch top and bot lane before laning phase? I think one of the lanes should at least have a tower before switching.

    submitted by /u/arnoproblems
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    Is it normal to lose a lot of games when learning a new champion?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    So I one-trick Zed and I feel "limited" only having 1 champion I can play in Ranked. For a while I've felt adding 1-2 more champions is good because I won't get burned out playing Zed over and over, even though I do like playing him. Plus as a Mid laner I feel it's required you know at least 1 AP pick for a better team comp.

    I chose Sylas because in ways he's similar to Zed while not being too similar. Instead of practicing him in Normals, I had a separate lvl 30 account to try learning Sylas in a Ranked environment. I've been playing a couple games a day on him for a week and losing most of them. Granted I am limit testing and playing way more aggressive than I would normally. But I thought as a Mid lane main I'd have experience in the role that would cross over when learning a new champ.

    Is it normal to lose a lot more when you're learning a new champion? MMR is the exact same on both accounts, Silver/Gold. Also, I've heard many times that one-tricks might be divisions lower if they didn't have their one-trick to rely on (e.g. Riven mains climbing from mechanics not macro). So could learning Sylas & maybe 1 more help me in the long run compared to if I stayed a one-trick Zed?

    submitted by /u/MyNinjjaz
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    I never win promos

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    I have a problem : I can't win any promos without losing it 1/2 times before.

    Kinda exhausting cuz i had a good winrate when i became plat (65%) and now i keep losing, but that's not what I'm complaining about..

    Every promos, at any elo, I have to do it 2/3 times before winning, even in gold.

    This results in my mmr ruined cuz when you lose a bo3/bo5 your mmr is fcked up.

    Now i do +18/-18 with 55% wr, obviously Riot wants me to stay at 50% wr in plat 4 but it's frustrating when I know that if i hadn't lose all my promos 1/2 times, my mmr would be much higher and I would be maybe near Diamond.

    Makes me feel bad cuz I had 65% WR so I was like "damn I maybe can reach Diamond", became platinium 3 after losing the bo3 2 times so, resulting to me winning only 17 LP and losing 20.

    I still kept climbing and was on platinium 2 promos, as usual I lose them, mmr fcked up , then full lose and demoting to plat 4 :)

    Today was on bo3 for plat 3 but as usual lose it cuz of one afk, and the other game autofilled support and no lane winning.

    I really feel like I'm cursed and Rito doesn't want me to climb.

    Is there anyone in same case of me ?

    Cuz at this point seeing my mmr fcked up and that I can win any promos is making me really frustrated and I'm becoming more and more toxic, cuz I really think that I deserve more than this shit elo.

    submitted by /u/Zedex4066
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    How to handle against a more aggressive lane when playing bottom?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    Sometimes I get to play against more aggressive players who can deny my cs by making me playing under tower and sometimes missing farm, I often have this problem vs champions with better engages like Thresh, Pyke, Nautilus etc who tend to force the lane, get level 2 fast and kill me pretty easy and constantly dominating lane afterwards and I found the best way to counter this being banning Thresh mostly because I found him the hardest to play against, but I want to be able to play into these type of lanes and use my ban for something more dangerous for the whole game, like Shen or other picks that are harder to play against past lane phase

    submitted by /u/hi_im_biscuit
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    Does flash scale into lategame?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    Debating with a friend over different definitions of "scaling". Would you consider flash to have scaled into late game because the amount of damage you can dodge (or length of a cc dodged, etc) with a flash increases as the game goes on?

    I have only ever thought of scaling as compounding stats like crit which increases the value of every additional point of AD you buy/have bought (ie. If i have 100% crit and critdmg is 200% then every 1 AD i buy is effectively 2 AD). Or % based abilities that increase as the underlying stat increases (eg malps W adds increasingly more armor as you buy more armor, ignoring the fact that armor itself has decreasing returns to scale). My friends perspective has me all confused now lol.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/perm-throwaway
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    Indecisiveness is keeping me from climbing

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    I started playing League earlier this year and I've already got close to 1000 games under my belt. I love the game and I've gotten pretty good at it, but I have a conundrum. I want to find a role to main for comp, but I genuinely play all roles equally. I almost always queue for fill in casual, I have a split playtime on all the roles, and that's just how I have fun. For comp though, players are promoted to get really good at a single role for the best odds of ranking up quickly. Every friend I talk to says that queuing fill is discouraged and I should main a role, But I just don't know what my calling is. If you have any recommendations for finding a role to fit me please don't be afraid to comment them.

    For those curious, my best characters in order are:

    1. Fiddlesticks
    2. Neeko
    3. Draven
    4. Pyke
    5. Aatrox
    submitted by /u/Unusualian
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    Maybe a common question, idk. About dying less

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    So in general, i am a gold elo player, i don't consider myself a good player, a bad one neither. Let's say i'm pretty average. The thing is, i have a really aggressive (maybe even reckles) playstyle which sometimes ends up with me carrying a game but another time it makes me pretty much useless, because of dying too much. I have this feeling that i could climb much higher and become better in general if i learnt to play wiser, because now every game is pretty much a coinflip for me and i don't really know how to get rid of this habit. If i play on a hard counter i die A LOT and even if i'm dominating i end up with ~10 deaths. Do you guys have any tips and/or ideas how to get rid of this problem or even minimalise it?

    submitted by /u/xXxcasualtosterxXx
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    The difference between a GOOD and a GREAT laner

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    I've been doing a lot of coaching sessions with Diamond ADC players and notice some patterns.

    This video goes over many things I see that differentiate Diamond from Challenger laners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RSbcayFLuQ&ab

    submitted by /u/value247
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    When is the next big spirit-blossom like event going to be?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Hello fellow summoners,

    Hope you all having a wonderful climb.

    As a newbie I didnt really take advantage of the spirit blossom event as much as I should have but did still enjoy it.

    I wanted to know when the next big event like this will be. PsyOps is okay but really want to take part in something special like spirit blossom again.

    Thanks guys Good luck in your climb

    submitted by /u/ashbossg
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    How do Assassins get back into the game when they fall behind?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    When a mage or ADC falls behind, their typical goal is to to make it to the 2-3 item power spikes that they need to become relevant again. Assuming they have a frontline, their ranged damage/disruption options make it easier for them to participate in team fights despite being underleveled and underfarmed, and so their game plan doesn't dramatically change despite being more difficult. Assassins, however, are designed to duel and snowball, and generally lack the waveclear, safety, and scaling that traditional carries fall back on along with the always-useful utility that tanks and supports bring. How do these champs get back into the game when they get destroyed in lane and cannot skirmish, gank, or farm without dying?

    Note: As a supp main, I'm often trying to encourage my upset Assassin teammates not to quit the game. Many of these players will queue up their Akali top, Zed mid, and Khazix jungle irrespective of the enemy team comp or their lane match up, lose the early game, flame some other role for not helping them, then soft int or afk until the game is over. It's my hope that if I can outline a game plan for them before they full tilt, I can find something productive for them to do while I pressure my side of the map and push our win conditions. I've had decent success doing this with other champion types, but I really don't understand how non-support assassins play the game when they aren't stomping it. Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/MattUSticky
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