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    Thursday, September 10, 2020

    League of Legends Worlds 2020 | Orchestral Theme - League of Legends

    League of Legends Worlds 2020 | Orchestral Theme - League of Legends

    Worlds 2020 | Orchestral Theme - League of Legends

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    State of Skins and Events

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Sunsetting Clubs

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    LS roasts the shit out of Aurelion Sol

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    How teamfights play out in our minds -- perfect coordination

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    LCS Playoffs showed why double-elim is the superior format, I hope Riot brings it back next year

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    Double-elim brought us the following:

    1. Great storylines (C9's implosion, great GG-TSM rematch series, TSM gauntlet run, FLY establishing themselves as a top team)
    2. Removed the ability for strong teams to exit the tournament because of one bad series
    3. With the exception of the bottom seed series which are typically always stomps, we got a ton of really close series, not just the 3-2s but a couple close 3-1s as well.
    4. More matches = better practice for the teams that finally went to Worlds.
    5. Solid rank ordering of the top teams, with the 4th seed having to beat the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd seeds to win the trophy.

    Only thing that could be changed IMO is if they did reseeding to prevent back-to-back rematches in the lower brackets. Would have been better, for example, if GG and TSM had to wait one more round to meet each other in a rematch.

    As someone who's been wanting to see double-elim for a while, I really think this showed the value of it compared to single-elim, producing both a more exciting playoffs and what were clearly the strongest 3 teams going to Worlds.

    Edit: I forgot to mention the issue of giving the winner's bracket team some kind of advantage in the finals. I've seen a lot of people suggesting a bo7 and giving the WB team a one-win advantage, meaning that the final becomes a maximum of 6 games instead of 5. I think it's a pretty hard problem to solve but I do agree that the current solution doesn't give the WB team enough of an advantage. On the other hand, if the goal is to select the best team of the 2 remaining teams, then I think it may be more justifiable not to give the WB team any advantage beyond side selection.

    submitted by /u/Cupcake_Warlord
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    Why Spica is on pace to become the best jungler in the LCS - Run It (Travis and Tim)

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    We already know what Aurelion Sol’s new skin will look like in game. Part of it has already been shown to us.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    As the title says, Aurelion Son's upcoming skin is already partially in game in the form of the little legend Ao Shin's taunt animation where he reveals his true form as a massive storm dragon.


    It's clearly evident that the horns and head shape of Ao Shin's "true dragon form" are the exact same as the ones drawn in the splash art for the teased skin. Plus, the body of Ao Shin's "true dragon form" is clearly the same as/heavily based off of Aurelion Sol's, so there's no doubting that this is (at least partially) what the new Aurelion Sol skin will look like.

    submitted by /u/VerySharpEyes
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    Step by step guide to viewing pros play on Chinese SoloQ.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 01:09 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: Foreign player's soloq accounts are still being discovered so Observer streams aren't fully scouting everyone yet at the time of this post.

    As you may have read over the past 24 hours, a lot of pros are playing on the Chinese server for lower ping. To most here it is a dark world and nobody knows how to get any information about chinese accounts. So here I am to help!

    In China there are two primarily well known streaming sites, "Huya" and "Douyu", this is where you can find either pros streaming, or observer streams (something similar to trackingthepros on twitch). So how do you get there? It's pretty much the same for both sites.

    1. Head over to Huya or Douyu
    2. Look for "分类" on the top bar and hover on it
    3. "英雄联盟" is League of Legends so click this, it is always the first one. Alternatively you can just translate the page and instead it will be easier to navigate.

    Now there's a plethora of streams, but who to watch? Well a lot of LPL players are contracted to stream on these sites, so often times you will find a bunch of pros streaming high elo games which is one way to view worlds players playing, and you might catch a stream of the likes of Uzi, Theshy, Knight, Jackeylove, depending on what time you visit the site.

    But what if you want the observer experience? Well there's plenty of that too.

    1. Once on Huya or Douyu, head to the search bar and type "OB" and smack the enter key
    2. There you will probably see a bunch of streams, well the key is to look out for team/player names in the title. Some streams are dedicated to certain teams and will simply rerun replays when teams aren't playing so avoid things like "Theshy OB" which won't always show live games.

    (You can also search up "峡谷之巅" which is the name of the strongest server in china)

    Once you have found the stream you want to watch, enjoy! Here are some tips left over

    1. You are sadly limited to 720p30fps on both sites unless you register or download the desktop app, neither of which I am forcing you to do as it generally requires your phone number, and that is your choice.
    2. The scrolling text? What is this! Here is how to remove it on Huya and here on Douyu.
    3. To watch VODs on Huya simply click here while on Douyu you click here from the stream's profile.
    4. There are still things flying across the stream? These are gifts/donations sent to the streamer, on more popular streams they may flood the screen at times. Sadly without logging in you can't disable them.

    Happy viewing! And feel free to leave a message or pm me if you need any extra help or info.

    Edit: For tracking without viewing streams etc. follow this thread or this twitter, sadly you'll only be able to use this forum thread as information, because without the chinese app you will be unable to look up the summoners like you would on op.gg

    Edit2: So I did some testing, and I was able to use an android emulator to download the app found here which is used to look up accounts. You will still need to make a QQ account which requires a phone number to use the application. It seems like the iOS app is blocked in certain regions. Alternatively try the WEGame app for PC.

    submitted by /u/ayyyImaokai
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    Kkoma Leaves Vici Gaming

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 11:47 PM PDT


    The old storied coach of SKT of old went to china for a year to coach a bottom tier team to moderate regular season success. I would imagine he got a better offer from another team, T1 perhaps? A tasty candidate for certain as they just missed on going to worlds...

    Edit: "KkOma leave VICI over family problems. According to Chinese media, the wife is pregnant." link to tweet:https://twitter.com/kenzi131/status/1303947539071131648?s=19

    submitted by /u/_basedment
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    I drew some (38) female champions!

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    I drew some (38) female champions!


    I started planning this almost a year ago (started some time after Qiyana release) and it took me this long mostly because i am lazy and procrastinate a lot. But i am proud to say it's finally done. Some of the sketches were done by my friends, like Anivia, Shyvana, Janna, Zyra or Elise ( gl finding her) but the rest + linework + color is done by me. Full image here

    I also just started working on something similiar but with Spirit Blossom and full body so... we will see if that will take me a year as well.

    If you are interested u can follow me on Instagram for more League of Legends oriented art becuase that game consumed my life lol.

    (Hope i did everything right, I am not used to posting on reddit, if u have any recommendations on how to make this post better, let me know in the comments)

    submitted by /u/Akiiuwu
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    Today i reached a longterm goal of mine and i want to share

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    Today i reached a longterm goal of mine and i want to share


    I´ve been playing this game for the past 10 years.

    Today i reached Plat in all gamemodes, which i worked towards to all Season.

    I want to thank you all guys, ive never been so hooked by a game and whatever i do in life, i allways come back to a good old ranked and get my mama flamed.

    Honestly i love this game and i hope we are all here, when i post my all Diamond update in 10 years.

    submitted by /u/Drbob_
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    The return of God's Right Hand: Bengi returns to share his stories about his military service and his future

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    Do you guys think a zodiac skin line would be cool?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    I saw the new cosmic Skarner skin and it made me think of Scorpio. I'm bored so I was just thinking of what champs would fit into the star signs. I know there are already cosmic skins and space themed skins so I doubt this would be a skin line but it was fun to think about.

    EDIT: Okay after reading these replies I realise I didn't mention Rengar OR Nidalee for Leo and I literally suggested turning things that aren't already cat-like into cats

    • Aries (The Ram) - Ornn is a good fit
    • Taurus (The Bull) - Alistar is a pretty obvious choice
    • Gemini (The Twins) - Possibly Kindred? But Shaco has his identical clone so he could fit this one too
    • Cancer (The Crab) - Urgot, although he does already have a crab skin, so maybe elise? Make her a crab and she'll spawn little crab babies
    • Leo (The Lion) - Sett because a wolf is kinda similiar? Idk it's a reach. Make Ahri more lion-like? Or make Warwick a lion.
    • Virgo (The Virgin) - It's an earth sign, so I was thinking Taliyah? Sona might work with this one as well
    • Libra (The Scales) - Kindred because they've got the whole life/death thing going on
    • Scorpio (The Scorpion) - Skarner, could maybe give Cass a stinger?
    • Sagittarius (The Archer) - Varus is probably the best choice
    • Capricorn (The Goat) - Hecarim, or maybe make Kled ride a goat??
    • Aquarius (The Water Bearer) - Nami, could give Orianna a jug or smthn? Make Bard collect little water drops?
    • Pisces (The Fish) - Fizz, or literally turn Yuumi into a fish lol
    submitted by /u/NormieHunter
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    Is Renekton OP? The Winrate Paradox

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Is Renekton OP? The Winrate Paradox

    In the last few weeks, there has been a lot of discussion around Renektons strength in pro play. One of the main arguments for Renekton has been his high winrate in the LPL, LCK and LEC.

    (Image from @ lplenglish)

    This seems to indicate that Renekton is a good pick, right? Not necessarily, because context matters. If a champion for example only works as a counterpick it probably wouldn't be a great Idea to blind pick this champion, even though he has a high winrate. Other factors play a big role too, like teamcombs, Player proficiency on a champion, samplesize and so on.One thing that often gets overlooked is that high winrate teams who play a champion a lot (like V5 or TES in the LPL) can inflate his winrate. To explain this a little bit better, here is a little example from an imaginary League with 3 teams:


    As you can see, his winrate in this League is 53%, over 70 games. What you can also see is that Team 1, who plays Renekton more that T2&T2, has a pretty high winrate on the champion. Now take into account the winrate of these 3 teams over all games in their split:


    Every single team has a lower winrate on the champion than in their overall split! And the champion still has a 53% winrate, even though every single team is more likely to lose when they play him! Weird, right? This is because Team 1 for some reason plays the champion a lot, and thus "inflates" his winrate.

    A better Stat than "Winrate"?

    An easy way to make a compact Stat is by adding the Values on the right and dividing them by the number of values, so we have an "average Renekton multiplier". Lets do this for the LEC:


    Here, the "average Renekton multiplier" is 0.7709, so you are 23% less likely to win with Renekton than with a random champion. The problem with this is that we don't account for the differing number of games the teams played on him: The 0% WR from 1 VIT game counts as much as the 100% WR from 5 MAD games, that's why I think we should give more weight to teams who play the champion more:With this adjustment, the "weighted Renekton mulitiplier" is 1.13, so you are more 13% likely to win on Renekton than on on a random Toplaner. There is another problem with this though: samplesize. The LEC only played 16 games of Renekton this split. Lets look at the real Leagues: LPL and LCK.

    In the LPL, Renekton has a Winrate of 52,34% over 128 games. If you take into account that high winrate teams seem to pick the champion more than others, this drops to 48.42%!

    For the LCK, with 44 games and a 57% winrate, it drops even lower, to 47.44%.

    These Stats are not perfect, because it can't take into account other context, but it's still are more accurate singular value for a champion than "winrate". The goal of this is not to debate if Renekton is good or not, but to show how adding a bit of context changes these very oversimplified metrics drastically. Do you agree? Did I do something wrong? Interested in hearing your opinions.

    TLDR: Statistics are not always as they seem, so handle with care!

    submitted by /u/thetrapper1
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    Take all of the item changes shown in the video with a grain of salt

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    I've seen some people(including myself) theorycrafting with the new items, but I realized that's probably not a good idea. Aside from the fact it's not real easing for months, the items shown in the video are likely not what's releasing, and here's why

    1. Deathcap is different costs at different points in the video: At one point it's shown as 3600, at one point it's shown as 3800

    2. Identical Items: in addition to the Cursed Demonhelm shown, the video briefly mouses over an item called Shadowbane. If you pause and look at its, it's essentially the exact same item, with both dealing %max HP damage, giving health and AP, and giving resistances based on enemies affected by the passive. Obviously, these won't both be in the game

    3. Brokenly Overpowered Items: I'm not even talking about the mythics. Another item you can see if you pause the video, Mortal Reminder, is so insanely broken it would make any champion that uses healing actually hurt by it instead of helped. It applies grievous wounds, but then have a passive where if you hit someone that was healed within 2 seconds you deal 40% of the damage healed. Which means, if you auto 3 times the enemy takes 120% of the damage they healed as true damage. In other words, any healing actually hurts them more than it heals. I think it's obvious why this isn't a finished product

    I just wanted to share my two cents honestly, I'm pretty sure most people already knew these weren't finished

    submitted by /u/Prescottdog
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    Moments & Memories | #LEC Summer 2020

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    When the herald does all the work

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    'LAST LEC SHOW OF THE YEAR' Sjokz Behind the Scenes Vlog

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    what is this pixel running across my botlane?!

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    So ive been blessed with this companion for about a couple years now. I never thought much of it since it doesnt disturb my game in anyway besides maybe visually. I cant pinpoint what causes it exactly, i just know it happens when i die and respawn. But not all the time..i was wondering if someone else noticed the same thing happening to them?

    I just rebuild my entire(!) pc a few days ago and thought for sure i would loose the little pixelated companion but sure enough hes still there, which leads me to the question if its connected to my account?! Because i literally exchanged every single part of my pc.


    submitted by /u/Casyra
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    K1CK Neosurf vs. LDLC OL / EM 2020 Summer - Group A / Post-Match Discussion

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 02:08 PM PDT


    Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

    K1CK Neosurf 0-1 LDLC OL

    K1CK | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
    LDLC | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

    MATCH 1: K1CK vs. LDLC

    Winner: LDLC OL in 27m
    Match History

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    K1CK hecarim lucian shen senna kalista 45.6k 10 2 H4 I7
    LDLC caitlyn ashe renekton graves lee sin 56.7k 19 9 C1 H2 M3 I5 B6 I8
    K1CK 10-19-26 vs 19-10-27 LDLC
    iBo ornn 2 1-6-5 TOP 5-4-6 1 camille Bando
    Shlatan kindred 3 6-5-4 JNG 0-3-7 2 skarner Tynx
    Matislaw orianna 1 2-5-6 MID 11-3-1 1 akali Vetheo
    Puki Style ezreal 2 0-1-5 BOT 2-0-5 3 kaisa Exakick
    Mystiques braum 3 1-2-6 SUP 1-0-8 4 rakan YellOwStaR

    This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

    submitted by /u/JoXuh
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    Finally made it to Gold after almost 9 years

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    Yes, I know that Gold isn't exactly impressive compared to the millions of challengers here on this subreddit, but it has been a long journey.

    I began playing League at the end of Season 2. I became a quick fan of TSM, and I was terrible at the game. My friend that introduced me to the game had been playing since beta so I learned quite a bit in a short time.

    Season 2

    Main role: Top
    Secondary: Jungle
    Strengths: Decent game knowledge
    Weaknesses: Mechanics, macro, CS, item builds
    Highest rank: Unranked
    Main champs: Master Yi, Garen, Irelia

    Since I started at the end of the season (sometime in fall), I was only just learning how to play the game. This was my first MOBA and I fell in love with the game. I played a ton of games with my newfound freshman college friends.

    Season 3

    Main role: Top
    Secondary: Jungle
    Strengths: Teamfighting
    Weaknesses: Mostly the same as season 2
    Highest rank: Silver
    Main champs: Irelia, Jarvan IV, Nautilus

    Because of the games I had played with my college friends, we became incredibly good at teamfighting. Even though I usually got smashed in lane or didn't do well early, I could make up for it by playing a tank supportive role. I got placed in bronze when I finally decided to try ranked, and made it a goal to climb out of bronze to silver.

    Season 4

    Main role: Support
    Secondary: Jungle
    Strengths: Teamfighting, vision
    Weaknesses: Mechanics, macro, CS, inability to carry Highest rank: Silver 3
    Main champs: Alistar, Janna, Lulu

    Because of certain life events, season 4 happened during the year that I had taken off from college. I played with different friend groups, and tried different roles as a result. Sometime in season 3 I developed an unnatural liking to playing Ezreal and would play him whenever autofilled to ADC.

    Though I improved because of my game knowledge, I was held back at my inability to carry. I was able to win games before because my friends were great at carries, and I would play supportive champions to compliment their strengths.

    Season 5:

    Main role: Support
    Secondary: Ezreal
    Strengths: Teamfighting, macro, vision
    Weaknesses: CS, mechanics, inability to carry
    Highest rank: Silver 3
    Main champs: Ezreal

    I began to expand into attempting ADC. My mechanics were awful and I would often missclick when kiting. I tended to (and still) play supportive ADCs. But at this point in time, I never really had games where I could hard carry if the team was behind. I played less and less League at this point leading to a nearly 2 year break.

    I continued to watch the LCS because I was a huge fan of DL and TSM. I became a fan of TL when he joined TL (and was obviously hyped to see him rejoin TSM).

    Season 8

    Main role: ADC
    Secondary: Support
    Strengths: Teamfighting, macro
    Weaknesses: Inability to carry
    Highest rank: Silver 4
    Main champs: Ezreal, Ashe, Kaisa

    Though I did not play much ranked in this season, I decided to hop over and commit to main ADC. I wanted to improve at being able to carry games. I slowly improved my CS and mechanics. I still tended to lose lane, but had a stronger mid/late game.

    I began to teach my GF how to play League during season 8. This is what reignited my passion for the game, and was quite surprised at how much she enjoyed it.

    Season 8 was also the season that introduced non-ADC into the bot lane as meta. This was a rough transition for me because I've traditionally been bad at assassin and mage champions. I reluctantly picked up champs like Heimerdinger.

    Season 9

    Main role: ADC
    Secondary: Support
    Strengths: Teamfighting, macro
    Weaknesses: Mechanics
    Highest rank: Silver 4
    Main champs: Ezreal, Xayah, Kaisa

    Another year where I put less than 100 games into ranked. I believe that I grinded more than 100 games in only Season 3 and 10. This year I decided to continue practicing my mechanics and CSing. I recognized that my early game was a liability, and starting mid game from behind almost every game was not ideal.

    I was on the TL hype train once again, especially with their amazing run to MSI finals. I'm hoping to see a huge international run from TSM.

    Season 10

    Main role: ADC
    Secondary: Support
    Strengths: Teamfighting, mechanics, macro, untiltable, willingness to grind, objective control, map awareness
    Weaknesses: inability to keep high CS after mid game starts
    Highest rank: Gold 4 (for now), will grind to climb more
    Main champs: Ezreal, Ashe, Xerath

    I finally was able to compile everything that I learned from previous seasons. Somehow my ability to not tilt shot up through the roof. Maybe it was maturity kicking in? As I played against better players, my map awareness jumped up immensely. I learned to be able to have some control over the wave and began winning lane more often.

    Even though my mechanics vary from game to game, I started to have carry games from the extra gold that I earned from improved CSing, roaming, and objective control. I had a stronger understanding of the impact of missing or denying minion waves and became a much stronger laner.

    I know I still have a lot to improve on, but I'm quite happy that my efforts and practice finally came to fruition. If you're still reading this post, I appreciate your time and hope that it may inspire you to keep working towards your climb.

    I'm happy that I've finally reached gold, a goal I had set for myself some time ago, but im starting to feel like I have the potential to reach plat so I will continue to strive to improve.

    Summoner name: qckapiu

    EDIT: I forgot to include this, but because of the harsh ranked reset, I started this season in Iron 1. This was the first time I was placed lower than Silver in years. It took me probably 80 games to climb from Iron 1 to Silver 4, and then nearly 500 games to eventually reach Gold 4.

    submitted by /u/thepikau
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    K/DA Ahri Fanart

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    K/DA Ahri Fanart

    K/DA fanart time (again) :D This time I drew Ahri and hooooo boi, her tail was the most challenging part to draw 😱 It was fun, but HO BOI.
    Hope you enjoy~!

    Social links in the comment :D


    submitted by /u/Yaba_Yaba04
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