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    Thursday, September 17, 2020

    LoL Guide My first experience playing ranked

    LoL Guide My first experience playing ranked

    My first experience playing ranked

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    Holy shit.

    Mostly writing this just to cope but would also like to share the experience.

    This is my first season and I've played maybe 6 months so far. I'm an adc main and Ashe and Cait are my 2 go tos. I've gotten to the point where I can stomp normals pretty hard. I won something like 10 games in a row and went around 15/2/5 in all of them. I was feeling pretty good about myself. I decided what the hell Im ready. Let's try ranked. So I went for it.

    And. I. Got. STOMPED

    Like 1/20/3 for seven games in a row. -_- I couldn't even make it through the placements. I was riding so high and man did I fall.

    My biggest take away. If you can't cs well under harassment you're going to have a bad time. I got frozen out from the wave and was falling behind so I'd try to step up just to get something and I'd get cc chained to death. It so frustrating losing 2, 3, 4 waves sometimes but I guess it's better than death? I'd get behind in lane then it becomes a fuck you party with the whole enemy team invited lol

    Is ADC just the worst possible role to get used to playing ranked in? I like playing Ahri and alkali mid too. Would mid lane be easier until I'm used to the level of intensity that ranked players are at?

    submitted by /u/yeetzamillion
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    You can know in advance if Zac and Anivia have their passives up

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    I often talk with friends or in game chat and I am surprised by how many people don't know this. When Zac and Anivia have their passives up you can see wings on top of their level (left to the health bar). I've seen so many people write "I didn't think his/her passive was already up" that I thought I'd write this here.

    This also works with Guardian Angel and Zilean ult.

    submitted by /u/francesco1093
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    Can someone explain all types of stealth and what reveals them?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    I have been trying to get better at the game. Have been in gold since i started playing in season 3 and got to plat this season by learning macro play but there is one thing that i still dont understand that is the types of stealth and what can i do to reveal them.

    For example i know that Teemo can only be reavealed by oracle lens but it remains untargetable.

    I have no idea how Akali shroud works.

    When there is one of those champs in the game i tend to drop a pink and get missing pinged because it doesnt work in that champion.

    submitted by /u/DrunkMechanics
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    Free LoL Coaching Community - Introducing ScuttleScholars!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Hello there Summoners. Wanted to go ahead and inform you guys of a new LoL Discord community that's been a few months in the making. We've reached a point where it feels suitable for us to reveal our project to the learning population.

    We call it the ScuttleScholars. Not easy on the tounge, but it's catchy.

    I am Arketual, a leader of the ScuttleScholars. Together with my team and leaders we hope to create a really great educational community for the game of League.

    Q: What is this?

    A: A LoL coaching server we have been working on after the fall of the former one, LegendsCoaching. We strive to create a better environment for learning and easier access to coaches.

    Q: How much does it cost?

    A: We're making sure it's free to everyone interested.

    Q: How do you determine your coaches?

    A: They've got requirements to meet in order to apply currently, and we differ between perceived region strength. We try to check them for quality, and hope to ensure they have guidance where needed.

    Many other questions can be answered with a bit of time spent on the Discord server itself. We have some things that are in the works, but it is detailed and organized. We have two-factor authorization enabled to prevent any problematic individuals from easy access.

    All you have to do is enter the server, and take a look at introduction if you choose. Check the rules and verify by reacting to the message, and then select your roles in our role assignment channel. If you're a student, please write a catalog post in the channel that will be visible. It's a lot of early text but we would like our users have the patience to get through it.

    The link is: https://discord.gg/DbP2jFw

    Hope to see some of you guys there!

    submitted by /u/MasterMerv
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    How to master Hecarim Mid

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm Doaenel, a Grandmaster Hecarim OTP who primarily plays him mid lane. Over the last week, I've been working to create an in depth guide that has everything you need to know about how to play the horse in the mid lane.

    Link: https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/doaenels-grandmaster-hecarim-mid-guide-season-10-580774

    If any of you guys have any questions, be sure to leave them in the comments and I'll try to answer them as best I can.

    submitted by /u/Doaenel
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    Leaving adc in a losing situation?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:33 AM PDT

    Had this happen to me a lot of times. I mostly play adc, but I'm still learning. In our losing games when we die 2-3 times to the enemy on bot, the support usually just leaves me alone in lane and starts roaming, which often results in me dying a few more times to tower dives and stuff. I don't know if I should just go 1v2 on bot if that's the situation, but if I'm already behind and can only last hit under our tower I'll just get even more and more behind until the point where I will be a glorified minion in the next team fight. Am I supposed to stay there and try to farm alone? I can't go to other lanes or jungle because they'll ping me away.

    submitted by /u/siposbalint0
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    Do items go into effect as soon as you buy them, even if you are dead?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    Asking as a Teemo main. Lots of time I die and I'll finish an item while I'm dead. Do I get the stats right away or do I have to spawn first? So many times I finish Liandrys or Rabodans and the enemy hits a shroom. Just wondering if they're taking the extra damage. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/BluePantera
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    Please switch your trinket if the situation calls for it.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Just a short post based on an experience I just had. Was playing mid and 15 minites in i noticed literally everyone on my team had yellow trinkets, I noticed this after our jungler didnt sweep a ward we saw placed in mid lane. Additionally, no blue wards were taken either. I probably should have taken one of them but anyway...

    If you're playing jungle and your name is not lee sin, you should almost always be taking sweeper after first back, it allows you to apporach a lane or invade with knowledge of whether you have been spotted or not. There are times when you would swap trinkets, but in general, you should swap onto sweeper.

    In the game I played, there was a mastery 7, 600k points zyra support, who never takes sweeper (or even blue ward). When I suggested she should swap her trinket, she got mad at me. **Your support item is a yellow trinket but better** as support you should never have yellow trinket after your support item evolves, it becomes irrelevant.

    I personally do not know when you should swap to blue wrads specifically, but I do know that its range and indefinate duration makes it better then yellow ward often.\

    I'm sure this is not a problem at higher ranks, but at my level it is pretty common, so i figured I'd put this out there for those who don't know.

    submitted by /u/MysticAttack
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    How do I get over the feeling that game outcomes are completely out of my control/overcoming toxic mindsets?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    I feel like I've fallen into a terrible mindset, and I don't even know where to start to get out of it. I've been an on-off player since pre s1, and recently I've began to feel like I have zero say on what wins games and what loses games. I feel like every single game is dependent on whether you got lucky enough to get the better team. I'm not the most amazing player, but I never do inherently bad. I either go even or come out ahead. I feel so overwhelmed and powerless and I feel like the mindset of "if I win, i got lucky and if i lose, i got unlucky" is destroying my mental state and ruining the game for me. This post is not a rant, but more of asking advice on how to overcome toxic and terrible mindsets like the one I have adapted recently.

    submitted by /u/frogspop
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    Climbed out of Iron and Bronze into Silver for first time since season 3, and I had an epiphany...

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    TL:DR - one thing that helped me climb out of iron and bronze is actually paying attention to my stacking runes (presence of mind, manaflow band, ultimate hunter, etc) and doing what it took to stack them up as soon as possible

    I was Silver 2 back in season 3, stopped playing for a couple seasons, picked it back up and found myself in Iron/Bronze (don't remember when iron became a real tier) and I just couldn't get out. I have never claimed to be good at this game by any impressive measure, but I can (and could) hold my own.

    There are many reasons that I finally managed to get back into silver. One would probably be that I used to get bored playing one champion or one role for more than like 5 games. I would venture out of my comfort zone for the sake of having fun. That's what normals are for. Don't experiment in ranked (duh). Another reason would be that I now have a much smaller champion pool that I feel comfortable to play reliably. I pay attention to "strong" meta champions, but I use my champions to climb without over diversifying myself. If it works, don't break it, right? I actually started caring about vision and NOT face checking a bush when there are no enemies currently visible on the minimap (still working on that one to be honest...).

    But the real epiphany that I recently had is that I started actually paying attention to is my stacking runes. You know Presence of Mind, Mana Flow Band, Ultimate Hunter, etc. I specifically started to actually care about roaming and applying pressure on lanes that I had not killed or assisted with yet in order to get UH stacked up. I stopped constantly poking with abilities in Mid Lane and waited for MFB to be off cool down so that it would continue stacking up the extra mana. I don't pressure fights constantly and wait for Dark Harvest to come off cool down so that I can get another stack before the enemy gets pushed out of lane and backs before I can get more stacks.

    This is all VERY obvious information that anyone with decent game knowledge of League would already know. But I think it is worth noting and remembering the importance of those stacking runes. They should not be underestimated. Stacking these runes as quickly and efficiently as possible have made me NOTICEABLY more powerful in my games.

    Anyways, just my personal experience that I thought might be helpful to some other person trying to understand why they feel like they just aren't improving.

    submitted by /u/ArchAggie
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    Having fun in League for the first time in forever but....

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    So, I've been playing league for a long time now. Mainly support. After 5 years of supporting people I tried to expand my Horizons a little by trying out new roles and new champions. I was way more successfull than I thought!

    However after playing some games on all lanes with different Champions I finally decided that I like midlane the most. However my winrate doesn't really show that...

    Maybe it's about the Champions because I noticed I win more consistently with easier Champions like Ahri, Malz and Neeko. Don't get me wrong those Champions are really fun to play but... they don't really cut it for me. Playing them feels Kinda boring because I played all those Champions as off meta supports already. I am Really Interested in Qiyana after playing her for the first time. I watched a ton of gameplay but I'm absolutely not able to replicate that.

    • I die a lot
    • I need to work on my cs (seriously it's terrible..)
    • I don't know when I can kill someone
    • I don't know how to poke/trade
    • And I got a lot more problems.

    I'm Really frustrated as Qiyana is the first Champion that I really enjoy playing after a looooooong time of being completely unhappy about league. I already watched a ton of guides and I'm still watching them and I try to break them down especially when laning but as a matter of fact in high elo gameplays there are so many things that happen that I can barely follow. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp when it comes to the muscle memory. Like I can do what I want to do without thinking too much but when it comes to deciding When I should do something then I'm completely lost..

    I know that this is partly a lack of experience with the role and the champion in general and a lot of it comes with time but I would really like to win my lane for the first time but I just feel like I'm to bad and that is a little frustrating.

    So does anybody have good Advices for trading as a meele champion in mid? Or better is there someone from EUW who could tell me a little more about Qiyana, or even teach me? That would be amazing! lots of Thanks for anyone who's replying!

    submitted by /u/Bluumotion
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    Itemization Top Lane

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    I'm making this post after the realization that I am building Tabi and bramble first almost every game lately, and wanted to share this with other people gold or below to help.

    As an Urgot main, it's frustrating seeing these items on the enemy top laner, as it punishes me for doing damage and mitigates a lot of the damage I am dealing.

    I would mainly rush these into fiora, but eventually I realized that it works very well against most top laners In general, and so below I will leave a list of champs that you should rush these items against every game. For reference, my build usually looks like

    boots>2 cloths>tabi>bramble>kindlegem>BC

    I will pick up a ruby crystal If I have the option of 2 cloth or 1 cloth 1 ruby.

    Rush against:

    Camille Fiora GP Garen Gnar Irelia Jayce Jax Kled Nasus Olaf Quinn Renekton Riven Sett Shen Trundle Trynd(I ban tbh, you will also need randuins) Urgot Wukong Yorick

    Others Some champs deal magic damage but are still mainly autoing, such as teemo or Kayle for example. With those types of champs, tabis is probably still a good option with additional MR.

    In those instances, I will typically go hexdrinker>tabi>kindlegem>BC

    As you can see, building these items first will have an impact on MOST top laners. Tabi and bramble are both super great items early, and you would be surprised at how much more effective these can be than buying a phage or sheen or cuirass. And eventually, you will most often need these items in the long run eventually, so you may as well take advantage of their benefit as early as possible to make it harder for your enemy to snowball you.

    Utilizing these items early will 100% improve your laning phase as a top laner, I promise. If you have any questions I will do my best to respond.

    Sorry for formatting I'm on mobile

    submitted by /u/SPENC3RJ
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    How do i die less less

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    i just played a garen game and early on i was like 8/0 or something but things started to go downhill and I would just die in teamfights and I just couldnt get in without dying fast. I tried to like roam alot early cause i swapped with my mid for the yasuo matchup and I was able to help my bot lane alot. I also got us a dragon lead and we got soul eventually but towards the end I felt like I started to lose control is this just something that will happen playing as garen or is there stuff I can do about it to get better. I did win the game but I feel like I didnt play perfectly

    submitted by /u/asherdt
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    how do you guys deal with queue and champion anxiety when returning from a ranked break ?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    been a long time player ( since s3 i believe ) and the last time i took ranked seriously was probably season 6 or 7. i got up to silver 1 and sadly after that season haven't even tried to attempt ranked.

    this season i decided to take it seriously, spamming master yi for around 50 games in normals. i then lost my duo partner, and with yi's high pick ban rate in my elo, i decided to play brand support.

    i was able to get to silver 4, with a 60% win rate on brand over 23 games, and was feeling decent about my climbing.

    then i took a break. worlds is approaching and the FOMO of getting gold is striking again. i'm found that i was forcing myself to play WW jungle in normals because i was told that he's an easy champion that i can use to focus on only macro with, with a little less risk reward than yi.

    all of these factors combined are making it extremely hard for me to queue up for ranked. does anyone have any tips for when theyre feeling stuck with what direction they should be heading ?

    IGN is OurOreOrOurOar on NA server. TIA

    submitted by /u/Naevos
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    How can i get lower ping?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Hello i am very new to the league of legend community and been playing for a week and my ping is between 180 - 250 and the lowest i can get is 169 is there any way to lower the ping or does changing the client region lower it. i cant do the combos right because it takes 1 sec to cast a spell especially with Katrina and also im from bangladesh and i play in eu server idk how to change it though

    submitted by /u/Izrakk
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    Wave Management With Malzahar

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    I'm a very low elo (iron 🤢) player newish to Malzahar. I'm trying to figure out the best laning play style for him. Currently I've been top laning with Malzahar (I know this isn't the meta, but I've had such a high winrate with him that I've kept going), and I also go with his usual mid lane. I'm not sure how aggressive I should play with him though.

    His after I get his "space-aids" and voidlings, I'm able to hard-push for a lot of the game at a safe distance to counter the potential ganks that come with this play style. This has allowed me to get a higher CS/win rate/KDA than I ever have with other champs. However, I recognize this might be because I'm in such a low elo where other players don't know how to capitalize on such a risky wave management strategy.

    I've tried to just do safer wave management by freezing and such, but I haven't had as good of luck in games (most likely because I'm still learning).

    Do you other Malzahar players hard-push like this, or should I stop doing the before it becomes a really bad habit?

    submitted by /u/another_uno
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    What should ezreals optimal damage look like in lane phase

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    So i understand ezreal should take conquerer and get stacks with autos and Q then W and use anything to proc W. Does this make him an extended trader with poke? Im going to assume thats what it is. This is a relatively simple question. Just looking to get optimal damage

    submitted by /u/Bigtacomeatsniper
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    How to counter jungle when someone is ganking?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    So I've heard that if the enemy jungler ganks then I should look to take some of his camps. Does this mean that if the enemy jungler ganks botside (assuming that a counter gank by me isn't viable), I should immediately run to his top side camps even if I wasn't planning on pathing towards top side? Or should counter jungling be more dependent on what makes sense pathwise?

    submitted by /u/wombilybear
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    When do you buy mercs and when do you buy tabi?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    I play mostly bruisers. When itemising, you have only 2 choices - mercs or tabi. As far as I understand, you buy mercs if the enemy has a lot of cc, and tabi when the enemy has many autoattackers.

    But where is the line? Lets say I'm playing Rhaast into Tryndamere, Rek'Sai, Neeko, Yasuo and Nautilus. Both comps have cc, and both have autoattackers. Itemising spirit visage would be nice, but mercs would be nice too, and because that neeko is bad and gets deleted everytime she goes in I don't need a lot of MR. But a Spirit Visage would be dope... Then I don't need mercs? But they have a ton of cc? What do I do?

    After this thought process I end up buying tabi 95% of the games.

    Well on Rhaast, Mordekaiser you can get tenacity in runes, but what about the auto attack reliant ones (Jax, Hecarim, Camille) I don't think I can get that rune (or can I?)

    So when do I get mercs and when do I get tabi?

    Bonus question: do tabi decrease magic damage infused auto attacks? (Kayle, Mordekaiser, Jax, Fizz...)

    submitted by /u/Taramorosam
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    Smurf queue?!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    Just a question. A week ago i played on a botted account and i went climbing as normal, but the account got banned. Now i bought a handleveled account and soloq is real fkn hard! What happened? I mean every game i get at least 7 smurfs in my game(silver-gold) with at least 70% winrate? is this happening or am i just delusional?

    submitted by /u/legenda75
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    Teach me how not tilt and enjoy better the game

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    I am a support main G4 but i not enjoy this role anymore, switched on the most lonely e farm lane of the game: Top

    Playing with teleport for helping when is needed, i am liking the 1vs1 phase but when everyone on the team start int and flame i just spam FF and go afk farm

    submitted by /u/Kiza104
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    How do I effectively learn/practice a new champion without far more experienced players stomping me?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Hi, so I'm an unranked player at level 28 (not a smurf) and am, well, pretty bad at the game. Or, at least, that's what I've been led to think by everyone from every game I've played recently.

    I've recently achieved my Mastery 6 with Fiora and, since she gets banned so much and I don't want to be a OTP, thought I'd branch out into new champions such as Camille. Of course, there's only so much you can do with bot games as bot games have the following limitations:

    1) Enemy bot teams are duo top. This essentially screws anyone hoping to learn a duelist such as Irelia, Fiora or Camille since that kind of 2v1 is unrealistic and just doesn't happen too often.

    2) The bots are, well, incredibly easy and nothing like real players. Even at Intermediate level, they can be trounced incredibly easily and most games can end before the 25 minute mark.

    3) Bots don't place wards or react to the map or roam well or get Baron/Dragons. They're also not capable of, at least I think, of communicating between one another.

    These things make bot games bad for practicing a champion like Camille because the realism of them is very low. This means you can only really practice well and learn techniques properly in actual games. This is where the pain begins.

    I've started playing actual games and have lost 100% of them. Why? Well, Riot's matchmaking decides it's a good idea to put me up against players with up to 2,000,000 total mastery while I'm on 35k, over 100 levels above me and generally a lot more skilled than I am. It's not to do with winrate, either, because these people are winning 50%+ and I'm winning... 0%. Since I'm learning this incredibly difficult champion, I end up standing no chance against their expertise and knowledge over me. I then end up being flamed for losing a matchup which I was, realistically, never going to win.

    Essentially, the question is this: what on earth is going on with Riot's matchmaking because it constantly screws me over and assures I can't learn the champion? Furthermore, how do I actually navigate around this or should I give up?

    submitted by /u/PurpleSpaceSquid
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    Pull minions aggro before they crash at the start of the game if you want the wave to slow push at you.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    At the start of the game (or really any point of the game) you can draw minion aggro to slow the enemy minions advance (dont take damage). This does two things

    1. All the enemy minions will attack the first one or two ally melee minions sooner than yours creating a slight push.

    2. Since they will be somewhat closer to the enemies tower, the enemy minions will get reinforced sooner creating a natural push towards your tower.

    You can use this strategy to keep a weak early game champion safer once you create a freeze or you can set up a freeze to bully off a weak laner from farm and exp near your tower if you are a lane bully. This also allows for ganks from your jungler.

    Hope this helps.

    Edit: typo

    submitted by /u/racza1
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    Why is my LP gains going down the higher I increase my winrate?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    I was g1 at the beginning of the season and then inted my way down to g4 putting my winrate around 47%. I took a long break from ranked and now I'm duoing with a friend who was also g4. We've now made it to p4 with a great 70-80% winrate. We played 6 games last night where we won 5 and every game I got 15lp and the one I lost it was -18lp. When we were in gold in was getting ~19lp and losing ~16lp. My winrate now sits at about 50-51% so why are my lp gains so much worse? Apologies if I added any unnecessary information, but I added as much as I could so you can get a better picture.

    TLDR; losing more lp than before even though I have a better winrate, why?

    submitted by /u/koranfordummies
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