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    Thursday, September 10, 2020

    LoL Guide Should I play with my low level friends when I want to climb?

    LoL Guide Should I play with my low level friends when I want to climb?

    Should I play with my low level friends when I want to climb?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    I am a plat 4 top main, and I have been playing a lot with some low level friends. It has been a lot of fun, and I have hopped on one of my smurfs to play norms with them. I really want to get out of plat 4 on my main though, and I am worried I am doing more harm to myself than good. I feel like me smashing typically bronze level top laners, is actually making me worse at the role, since I know that I can play with lazy wave management and still win lane. Plus I know what I can do to abuse their inexperience. But there is no way I could get away with most the stuff I do in a platinum level game. How do I create a balance between playing with them at least sometimes, and improving at my role? Because I feel like I am getting worse at the game.

    submitted by /u/SkyGuy1011
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    Here is a Detailed Guide on Magic Penetration

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    Hello, my name is Fanna - I am a D2 Support main on EUW, and I like to make informative videos such as this! This is a detailed guide on Magic Penetration and how it interacts with Magic Resistance, along with some other nieche details that you may not have known about!

    Edit: I have noticed the updoots fluctuate a lot. I am sorry if a video is not what you were looking for, next time I will try to make it clearer in the title. I recognize my mistake.


    submitted by /u/Luxfanna
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    Bad habit of recalling too much

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    So as the title say i have a very bad habit of recalling and going back to base too much which i can't help. it mostly happens when I'm playing mid and i end up recalling after every kill or when I'm extremely low after a bad trade.

    it might sounds like the right thing to do but i end up losing tower plates/waves and allot of gold when I'm backing like this

    I developed this bad habit because i play way too safe, and don't want to give the enemy any kills but after looking at the gold/items difference my opponent usually have much more than i do even if i have kills advantage

    How do i know when is the absolute right time to back and when to risk and stay in lane ?

    submitted by /u/theaverageguy101
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    New player here. Just completed the tutorial. How should I go about the game next?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Basically the title. I know how to purchase items, how to attack, the abilities and such. I just don't know which champion to pick or which lane to go for.

    Now, I've played only mobile games before and League is my first PC game. I'm thankful that I'm able to run it without much lag, but the difficulty in blind picks and such is that I just know how to play Darius for now, and I don't know any other champion at all. One other piece of advice I know is to /mute all, lmao.

    I just want to know, how should I go about playing the game? Where should I learn from, what champs are easy, any YouTube channels or guides I can watch? Literally anything will help, haha. Thanks in advance!

    EDIT: Terminology guides and guides about flex picks and such would be great too :)

    submitted by /u/ThePantherIsHere
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    Pc broke so I want to learn the champions before I play

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:48 PM PDT

    Hey so most of the things I have to learn is from playing. My pc won't be fixed for 1 month. I cant play the game but im looking at all the youtube videos and guides on the champions. So many of them. Most things to learn in the game go through playing so this is the only thing I think I can learn some of without playing.

    I want to learn the champions but what is the best way of learning them without playing as or against them?

    submitted by /u/GingerGod69
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    New Player Questions about Late Game Champs

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    - at what Time begins the "Lategame" ?

    - i wanna try Renekton as Toplane champs but most guides says that Renkton is bad in Late Gamme what means that? Im useless at Lategame ? or Just dont go for 1v1 and wait for teamfights?

    - Any Tips for Beginner friendly Champs ? I tried Garen but its so boring with him, Wukong maybe?

    Thx Guys

    submitted by /u/random-kick
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    Can creating my own strategies (ex: creative items and runes/off meta) improve my understanding of the game and/or improve my ranking?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    I am currently Gold 4 with around 2k games over the last 2 seasons. I spend a LOT of time reading/watching informative league, mostly as background or out of boredom. I enjoy my place on the ladder and ranked is a good mix of challenge and skill.

    However, I often find myself just slaving away to recommend runes and items. I understand the reason they are meta, but I always find myself thinking that different items or runes would've crushed the comp I'm playing into. I played around 20-30 games of Vayne jungle a while back and had a very good time. Custom runes and items, and I did very well (albeit the games were in high bronze).

    If I wanted to improve my understanding of the game, does it make sense to play off meta or build my own meta by theory crafting?

    submitted by /u/cosmic_evil
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    I'm a Kat main and the hardest part of using her is not how will you execute your combos in the fastest way

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Once you get tha hang of using katarina you can easily do the EWQR combo then EWQE on next targets. But for me the hardest part was to do it slowly; as your mmr gets higher, people will learn to avoid the Q dagger passive and if you also miss the W since it takes moment to drop there's a high chance that you'll get outplayed cause most of your damage comes from the passive.

    Learning to maximize your damage is the key to be a good katarina. Learning to put AAs between your abilities will maximize your damage more so if you are using conqueror. I learned this from Hubblet where he almost always get first blood level 2 by just Q-E-AA-Passive-AA-AA-AA-E-AA. With ignite and conqueror you can almost always do this as long as you poked them with Qs before, and had setup your wave in front of your tower.

    On level 3 you what you can do is E-AA-W-AA-P-AA-Q-AA-E-AA-P-AA-AA-E-AA. Those AAs are optional, you can skip some of them, this is just to show how much of a damage you can do in an early level. Additionally, AAs are more powerful in early levels. That W in the combo written can also bait projectile abilities since W will give you a movement speed. Tip: whenever you are using the combo EW combo always use W then do a sidestep

    I reached level 7 on kat before I learned these so at first it was hard for me to adjust since I was used to just using up all my abilities whenever I engage on an enemy. But after I had learned it, although I haven't really mastered it yet since I still have some of my habits and it's on my muscle memory, my performance and laning phase had improved greatly, it became easier for me to fight against fellow melee champs like zed, yasuo, and irelia.

    Patience is one the keys to become a good katarina player

    A)Patience is required to use your abilities I have already said some of it before. An additional is when you are confident that you can trade some AAs with your target, you can EW-AA...and only Q when they used dashing abilities or flash or you can execute them.

    B)Patience is required to engage Katarina when not fed can't just engage easily because when you are using katarina, you have to have this mindset that you will only engage if you can get a reset. But there's an exception. I have this combo that I just learned from experience. I will engage on the most valuable enemy player e.g support or adc with this combo: EWQ-Gunblade-Zhonyas/Stopwatch. I might not kill them but what's important are: they are low, you might have baited some of their abilities/ccs, you still have your ult, and your E would be ready the moment stopwatch ends. The distraction you made can give your teammates enough time to properly engage or kill that valuable enemy. I don't know if this will work on higher elos but I had a lot of comebacks doing this.

    C)Patience to come back if you had a bad start. Be patient and do bot be discouraged if you can't solokill anyone because your behind. Kat is a good cleanup champ and it's possible that you may comeback after only one teamfight.

    I hope this helps. You can correct me anytime and I would love to learn more and improve. I hope my sentences won't confuse you, I apologize if it's too long and has a lot grammar mistakes.

    submitted by /u/NoxianLotus
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    Playing top

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Is it even worth it? I'm trying to climb playing toplane, but it just doesnt seem woth it at all. The jungler(and all of the team for that matter) apparently forgets that top exists, lane phase gets stale and i dont feel like i did much at the end of the game. During all of the game, it seems like toplane is pretty much useless compared to the other lanes.

    submitted by /u/VamPiet4h
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    How to lane as an ADC: When to push, freeze and slow push?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    I already know how to execute basic wave management but I don't often know when to use them. I try to always crash the minion wave after a kill, when the enemy support roams, or when I'm going for a reset and freeze the wave near my tower when I'm quite behind. Another thing is when I crash a huge wave into the enemy tower and back, the enemy laners always manage to freeze the minion wave as the turret wasn't able to kill all the minions I shoved. What other situations should I use this techniques and how can I execute them better?

    submitted by /u/Praecalidus
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    New to LoL and need any help

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    I'm brand new to the game and played the tutorial but when i've gone into a match i'm literally getting one shot and insta killed and i feel like i'm not doing anything for me or my team and i really don't understand. Has anyone got any tips or video links that can offer me some help? So far i've only played ahri.

    submitted by /u/Buxxo7
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    What is currently in meta right now. And where to look to what is

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 07:41 AM PDT


    I've been struggling as of late in my ranked games to feel comfortable like I'm having any form of impact. Since that is the case I want to look and see if changing what I'm playing will help me out. Ideally, I want to look at changing to playing what is meta and really strong right now. Also where should I look to see any lists that are fitting to what the current meta is and what can give me a good chance to help from a champion perspective.

    The current champs I've played a lot of is Ahri, Zed, Viktor.

    submitted by /u/X80T
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    Low level players in Silver 1

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    I've just reached silver 1 last week and since then I noticed that usually both teams (my team and the enemy team) would have atleast one or two low level players. Usually these players are only around level 30-36 and are unranked. I don't know if this is normal or not for silver 1 players to be paired with low level ones. I cant really tell if this fair or not since usually, like I said earlier, both teams would have its fair share of low level players. This means that for the past few days, My games usually feel like a 4v4 or a 3v3 since one or two players on both teams just feed and don't know what they are doing. Whats worse is that these players often get flammed for playing poorly even tho I try to tell my team (and the enemy team sometimes) that these are only new players and that they are new to the rank game mode. Im curious as to why this is happening. Im curious as to why this happens.

    submitted by /u/chromosome_not_found
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    The push from low masters to challenger?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    Yo, so my peak was gm but that was only 60 lp, so it's actually just masters 60 lp. I was wondering what I need to do differently so that I can climb to gm or challenger. I feel like I'm pretty good at most of the basics. Should I work on consistency? Playing meta champs? Playing less champs? I constantly switch roles or champions after losing because I tend to blame my champ instead of myself. For the few challengers / grandmasters out there, kinda need your help.

    Also, I'm playing on KR servers right now because I'm in Korea, and I'm stuck in D3 lol

    submitted by /u/FadeOfWolf
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    Recommendation of bruiser junglers

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    Hi there!

    I recently came back to the game and want to take it a bit more seriously. I started playing around season 3 but have been in a 5 year hiatus or so. Now, through studying, I'm almost at gold 4, which i hear is around half the ranked playerbase.

    Thus, I want to start maining characters instead of trying new ones every 4 games or so. I settled on 4 as a good number, since that way I can cover an ad assassin, mage/ap assassin, bruiser and tank. However, it is only the bruiser role that I cant seem to fill.

    Taking into account that my other picks are, in order, kha'zix, fiddlesticks and nunu and that I value cc, objective control and mobility, what bruisers would you recommend?

    Pdta: I've already tried olaf, volibear and xin zhao if he counts. Back in the day I played a lot of vi, jarvan and shyvana (I hear she is now ap), but I've been told they are relatively weak right now.

    submitted by /u/Light_pfff
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    Graves Jungle in Competitive 5s

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Recently I've been asked to learn Graves. Having played him a fair bit before I understand his kit and the basics of playing him. But I'm not really sure what kind of comps he fits well into. I can look at pro teams and see they picked it, but I haven't been able to understand what makes the pick make sense other then the picking team is looking to have a more carry oriented jungler. Any insight towards this? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Sluggo95
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    Deal with Hecarim Ganks

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    I was playing Kayle against a Hecarim jungle. Since I can't have the wave frozen under my turret all the time, I found his ganks very potent since I only have my w speed up and flash. I was just wondering where good warding spots would be because most times, by the time I'd see him on the map, it would already be too late.

    submitted by /u/Capsaisyn
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    Good pairing for ashe, senna, cai, and lucian?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    Been playing adc again lately. Sometimes my support picks first or allows me to choose the support.

    Just wonder what are good compliments for my picks.

    I know braum Lucian is good.

    Also, wondering what are good and bad match ups for my champ pool.

    I really like ashe and cait for their range. Like lucian for the combo and dashing around. Senna im trying out. I like the idea of a supportive carry since ashe is like that.

    submitted by /u/SilverKnightOfMagic
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    How do i play against people Funneling in the current meta, when banning Yi isn't an option.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    Hello, i'm a P4 jungler main from Brazil and i just got stomped as hell by a Duo funneling together.

    I got placed on Mid lane in this game and and my jungler refused to swap with me, picked Ahri and got paired against a Taric/Yi funneling combo. However my jungler basically insta tilted because he wouldn't know what the hell he was supposed to do.

    The master yi was constantly invading and stealing his camps while getting covered by Taric, the only thing i thought at the time was to shove down midlane and use Ahri's mobility in my favor to gank bot whenever they were invading top, but i was not that succesful and get the hell of the lane when they were coming back. (I was keeping track of my junglers Raptors with a pink ward in the bush near it and was constantly warding the bottom side of the river)

    To be quite honest i didn't get mad at my Jungler because i realized that i would be in the same situation on not knowing what the fuck should i do.

    I already searched about it in other places and basically every answer is ''lol ban Yi everygame", but at least here in Brazil, seeing people funneling is very uncommon and it wouldn't be worth to waste a ban on Yi everygame because of this.

    Could any of you guys help me on it?

    submitted by /u/Zafil
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    Tips for a new MOBA/ADC player

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    I just started playing league the day before yesterday and it's a whole new world to me. I realized the tutorial wasn't very helpful once I got into an actual game. 😂 This is my first MOBA ever so, I'm a bit unsure of what each class is supposed to do, positioning, and stuff like that. I'm familiar with the idea of cooldowns and working as a team because of Overwatch and FF14, but besides that. 🤷🏽‍♀️

    submitted by /u/GoodnightAdlai
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    How do I deal with Manamune Ranged Top laners as a first pick Top?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Hey all! Been in a bit of a slump recently. Been playing flex with my university's esports team for practice, and I am always first / second pick. I don't mind this and my team doesn't hold it against me, but they never want to trade and I'm having a lot of times where I go against a Lucian, Vayne, or Jayce one trick who rushes manamune. Once they get the item, they outdamage me, our sustain me, out poke me. I'm not sure what to do, even when playing champions like Fiora who should be able to win these

    Is the solution to just play ranged manamune tops only? Should I just sit under tower? Even if I get a kill ahead once they get manamune I feel like they are untouchable in a 1v1. Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/TheLastPlumber
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    Is flash really essential on most champs?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    For awhile now, but most recently after watching Midbeasts most recent video I've wondered how many other champions can easily play a game without flash. For a TLDR taking TP ignite on Katarina is being used. They are many reasons but I also feel like this is the case for many other champs. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/MITH420
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    do i need to improve my macro play?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    hey everyone, its me again ^.°

    my development so far looks like this:

    • played solo queue as adc alot, when asking for advice i was told to leave botlane for duo queuers
    • switched to my second role, top lane, playing mainly maokai
    • was told to play something that can snowball/solocarry, so i switched to nocturne, wukong and jax (in this order)
    • after getting my ass handed to me multiple times i learned matchups by looking at replays, analyzing what went wrong in laning phase, trades, skirmishes and fights
    • i now can confidently lane as nocturne and wukong, need some more training on jax (but i barely play him)

    now, im silver 3, i win my lane almost every time. when having a lead im invading the enemy jungle and start to gank mid. i have to admit that sometimes i stay top pushing when drake is up, which i need to change. i still lose almost every game and im about to be demoted to silver 4. most of my lost games i have the most gold of my team, more gold than the enemy toplaner, dealt the most damage to champions and have enough kills, but yet i lose for some reason.

    dont get me wrong, im not saying "my team is keeping me in this elo", i know that there is something i can change to win games, but i dont know what it is (yet).

    submitted by /u/Siebolic
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    Bot lane Vlad?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    I'm an ADC main, but I also like a lot to play some mages, but since I suck at solo lanes, I'm trying to play them bot, with relative good success with Viktor and Veigar. But I was wondering if Vlad can work bot as well. He isn't very good early, which can be compensated by the support, even if this means getting 6 a little later, because as soon as he hits 6, the bot lane can just engage and kill the ADC.

    That being said, which runes should I use? As far as I remember, I've never seen anyone use Phase Rush on bot lane, so I don't know what should I use. Electrocute? Maybe Aery?

    submitted by /u/rocket_door
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