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    Wednesday, September 16, 2020

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.19

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.19

    Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.19

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    Hello summoners!

    In order to create better discussion in the subreddit, we will be redirecting all simple questions to this thread. Check out the most recent patch notes on the sidebar!

    What is a simple question? Typically, we define a simple question as something that can be answered fully within a single, or maybe two at most, comments. In this thread, you can ask any question you need answered about League of Legends, even if it isn't necessarily about learning the game itself. Keep in mind we will still continue to remove golden rule violations, rants, memes, topics against Riot's ToS, and paid services - but the other rules are generally more lax here.

    What you can do to help!

    For now, this is a patch-based thread, meaning it will be posted once every two weeks. Checking back on this thread later in the patch and answering any questions that have been posted would be a huge help!

    If you're trying to ask a question, the more specific you are, the better it is for all of us! We can't give you any help if we don't get much to work with in the first place.


    • Our 101 page, with a ton of free content!

    • Our weekly mentoring thread: We have many users willing to provide free mentoring services!

    • Champion discussions: Check out our previous discussions on champions!

    • Summoner School Discord: A voice and text chat platform for teaching and learning. We also have a mentors who are available for personal coaching.

    • Leagueofgraphs: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more.

    • Lolalytics: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more.

    • OP.GG: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more. Note: stats are for Korea plat+ only, so sample sizes tend to be low.


    Which do you use? Deviations in stats are typically minor, so whichever one you prefer.

    If you have any suggestions for this thread, please let us know through modmail how we could improve!

    submitted by /u/anth9845
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    Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.19

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Please do not reply directly to the thread.

    Coaches: reply to the regional comments with the application format below.

    Students: contact coaches (PM/reply) before adding them in-game.

    Respect our Golden Rule. If you find that certain teachers/students are disrespectful, send us a message here.

    For all the previous weeks: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    Format for replies|Only Teachers should directly reply to the distinguished comments

    :--:|:--: Copy paste this and fill it up in your responses.


    Summoner Name:

    **League / Division**: **Areas of expertise**: **Champions**: **Languages Spoken**: **Duration of Mentoring**: **Preferred Methods**: **Other Info**: 

    Previous Week Threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    General Guidelines for Students

    • You will be making the first contact by sending a PM or replying to the mentor of your choice.

    • Come prepared. What do you want to take away from this? Is there anything the mentors can review?

    • Know your issues: In which areas do you struggle?

    • You must understand that getting better is all about yourself. Bring your best attitude.

    • Be motivated. The results are proportional to the amount of effort you put in practice.

    • Mentors are here to assist and help you with the difficulties you encounter. This is not a way to find high elo Duo Queue partners.

    General Guidelines for Mentors

    • You will accept players of your choice as students upon receiving their messages. The responsibility to make further contact and set up times falls on you.

    • Be clear as to what you want to do for your student(s) in your description: Review replays, lane together in normals, experiment and practice in custom games, simply answer questions/discuss, etc.

    • Try to organize your sessions by having specific themes. You do not want to overburden someone with too much information at once.

    • Give yourself discussion prompts to avoid losing your trail of thought. Slow down, clarify your opinions and make sure the student understands.

    • It is important to always promote a positive attitude and mentality towards playing and improving.


    submitted by /u/anth9845
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    Sometimes the only win condition is your opponent throwing

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Our comp was mostly outscaled, we were getting smashed in teamfights. Now the enemy team was grouped as 5 and pushing our bot inhibitor. Their 5v5 was way stronger than ours, all we could do was waveclear and hope for the best.

    Our Amumu saw four of them were on top of each other, he flash-Q's, it lands and he jumps in and gets a massive 4-man ult. We pile on our damage and CC, we burst one of them down and then get aced and lose the game because our teamfighting sucks.

    Our best and only chance that game was catching someone out and winning a 5v4, or they throw at baron or something, and let's be real this happens all the time in soloqueue. The probability of that is low, maybe we just end up bleeding out, still it gives us a chance to win the game. By committing to that front-to-back teamfight Amumu guaranteed our loss. But hey, at least he can pat himself on the back for landing that 4-man ult.

    TL;DR Hoping your opponent throws is a valid and sometimes your only way to win

    submitted by /u/OSAPslavery
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    How to properly beat Garen

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Iam a S2 Toplaner. I know iam not very good and not very high elo but I cant beat a Garen on my lane. Since the "rework" to proc conqueror on garens spin to win i just can't beat this champ. In my last game I was on yorick,all time ahead with around 10 farm, same level. I got a Triforce and ninja tabi, he got berserkers and a ruby crystal. He 1v1 me easy eventho I hit everything and got maiden.

    Same with every other champ ill try. Those dudes don't have to play good, they are just unkillable with unlimited damage. Please help me

    submitted by /u/Hopeful_Pickle_287
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    How can I CS better against ranged champions if I’m a melee champion?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    I struggle to cs sometimes depending on the matchup. I played slot of talon and I am able to pressure the enemy back with the shurikens and get cs because talon has high damage. But ever since I started trying to play kassadin, if I'm up against a ranged champion it is very difficult for me to do anything since they can keep pressure and poke on me. And with kassadin I don't have nearly as much auto attack damage so even I under tower I can't cs until late game. It gets very annoying and I don't know how to deal with this. Is there a strategy for me to be able to cs more as a weak melee champ during laning?

    submitted by /u/SantasBigSack
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    Pay attention to your laner's runes!

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Something I see so much in my games is people ignoring their laner's runes. For example, if aphelios takes pta instead of conqueror, expect him to play aggresive. If the adc takes nimbus cloak and you see it in action, be mindful of them speeding away without flash. Did Nasus take Grasp? Punish him earlier and try to deny the stacks on it.

    Bonus question: Is the blue hook and sword symbol over a champion from gathering storm? I never knew but I assumed so.

    submitted by /u/BigDefaultyBoi
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    This game is hard

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    So like I've played all of 7 games total in normals. I know, it's nothing. But in 6 of the 7 I was by far the worst player on both teams and felt genuinely bad for the people on mine. I'm playing nunu jungle and have read tons of guides and watched replays, watched virkayu and KingStix.

    I'm just wondering if it's normal to be so trash at this game at the start, and how long it takes to feel like I'm not always just getting stomped. I'm in no rush, and I'm having fun, I just feel bad for my teammates.

    How long did it take you to get better, and how long did you guys just feed in the beginning?

    submitted by /u/FreeTortles
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    Surrender more?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    So long story short. To climb rank you gotta play games. Sometimes youre in a game and it just goes poorly. You know its winnable but your team is going to have to play it perfectly and its going to take 45 minutes.

    Just surrender (unless youre in promos)

    I get it. Its winnable. The issue is you probably arent going to win. Its going to tak a long time to win. Its going to wreck your mental and wear you down.

    A 20 minute loss is much better than a 40 minute loss. Sometimes go next is just the best option. I didnt start climbing until i stopped worrying about losses. I found i would take a loss hard and ho on a lose streak.

    Im sure a lot of you will disagree but the sooner you accept that you will lose games, the faster you will climb. No reason to keep everyone hostage in a bad game.

    submitted by /u/Brau87
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    Will Samira make Kat an obsolete and/or non-preferred pick?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    I've been reading up on and watching guides, gameplay and skills for Samira and she seems to be played very similarly to Kat, but with Riot's more modern take that they so often do where new champs' kits are quite overloaded. The only differentiation I can see here is that Kat may be more AP leaning whereas Samira would be a good AD option. Wanted to get this sub's opinion, let me know!

    submitted by /u/TanNF
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    What do I look for when watching high elo replays? As a jungler.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    As a 3 champion pool player, finding macro guides that guide your specific champions are a bit harder than finding guides that deal with an entire class. Watching replays of high elo players who share my champion pool I found have been helpful, but I want to know what I should be looking for compared to watching my own replays.

    I recently found this website https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/replays/all that has a lot of replays and it has been really helpful, linking in case nobody else knows about this.

    Watching clear mechanics and paths is the obvious choice, but I'm struggling to find the correct mindset. Should I be thinking what my win condition is, and how I think they should be playing, but then analyze why they did or didn't do what I thought they would do? Is there more to it other than that?

    I searched for analyzing replays but I only found guides on watching your own replays.

    submitted by /u/DrFloppyTitties
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    Jungle advice for Gold elo

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Hi all!

    Just looking to listen to some advice about mid to high gold jungler.

    I feel like Im constantly going though the motion of going on massive win streaks and then it all to be reversed by losing streaks and regardless of winning or losing it feels like someone's feeding more or less. I keep engineering some semi good game plans that tend to work then don't work at all and atm I feel like I can't scramble a win because someone hard inting to cause us all to hard int.

    What do you do when someone is hard feeding? How to you play out the game? I know focusing on other lanes in an answer but just doesn't seem to even work. I can gain leads but because I tend to play a more team play/aggressive/objective playstyle, I love playing graves but I choose not to play him in ranked anymore because when I do I feel like I'm there to plug holes in an ever drowning ship. I feel like this a lot on a lot of carry junglers and I just don't know what to do anymore. All in all... Has anyone got any advice that can help me try stay motivated and push me to hit at least plat again and try go higher. What do i need to do to exceed gold players? Just anything that can make a change in my play and try to stomp games.

    I appreciate anything you can give me whether it's a champion or build, a fundamental, a game plan ect.

    (It's rather this or I just accept that I cant hard carry from jungle and I transition to a lane to stop one of them from hard feeding it)

    THANK YOU!! <3

    submitted by /u/I3ezza
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    What should I do to not get ganked at 2:40 by a 3 camp jungler without giving up lane control?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 12:53 AM PDT

    So let's say I'm playing Irelia versus Renekton and I manage to auto space well on Renekton level 1 and so he gets chunked to half and the wave is pushing to him, and I can either crash on the second or third wave.

    If try to crash on the third wave, the enemy jungler shows up having done 3 buffs before I can crash and now I either die from being overextended or give the enemy a free freeze and burn my flash. My jungler isn't in the area either to counter gank because they are full clearing or they are pathing botlane. So I can't even TP back to lane or I will just die again. Now I am already behind a level in the lane in a snowbally matchup and the game is not very much in my control unless someone else on my team nails me out or the enemy misplays really hard.

    If crash on the second wave, I can go ward something or invade the enemy jg, but this doesn't really accomplish anything. I also get denied farm now for the next 3 waves because the enemy jungle started in the area and now my laner has a minion and level advantage. This seems to be my best option, but sometimes the enemy laner is too healthy and can just hold the wave because they know their jungler is about to gank. What can I even do in this situation? Another potential outcome is the enemy laner crashes the fifth wave and recalls and buys items. If I attempt to crash the cannon wave that comes next, I probably won't be able to push in time before Renekton comes back and even if I can, he can just TP to the minion and force a freeze because I have the item disadvantage. If the enemy jungler is in the area, I can't even recall and TP. And worse if Renekton gets back to lane without using TP I have to use my TP to get back to lane to not lose minions from his freeze while he still can hold onto his TP.

    Level 1, if I let Renekton push the wave, I can't walk up to him or the wave and he just gets away with a free cheater recall because my jungler is bot side. There is even a potential to get dove with a Renekton Elise if I trade at all to get some CS gold.

    submitted by /u/Nblitz729
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    Jungle role - distribution of kills.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    For context, I don't play assassin junglers so I'm not going to be looking to be a 17/0/1 Evelyn or 23/1/0 Kha zix nor could I even really get this fed hence why I don't play assassin jungles.

    I'm in low elo, so what is your methodology for jungling. I've heard people say don't give to lanes, your the difference in the game you need to carry it don't rely on others. Then I've heard people say don't take the kills, your the one turning it into a 1v9.

    Lately I'm going on a bit of Win streak, and one thing I'm noticing about it, is the even distribution of kills and assists. I get sometimes you need to kill steal from the vayne, if your unsure about whether she can get it before the enemy escapes, its still gold and exp advantage, just secure the kill. But I'm wondering if my success lately is due to this even balance. My macro doesn't change, and let's just say people listen to my pings, if I'm jungling I should be calling the shots (if I'm confident I'm in control of the game) but I'm not sure what is best. If I go 1/3/25 on Zac, that seems more helpful to my team than if I'm 25/3/1 because Zac kind of needs a team doing damage to follow up, but at the same time I don't want to be 0/0/10 on Olaf, I do need some kills to make sure I'm playing Olaf very aggressively into objectives and macro control.

    What is your methodology/champ and does it work or are you noticing it's the reason it's not working.

    submitted by /u/BlackClover47
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    When should I get ready for new seasons?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Edit: Title should read "HOW" should I get ready, mb.

    As seasons come and go, I've experienced every pre-season since the creation of the game and I still can't seem to easily slide into a new season even after pre-season is over.

    I see other players grind during preseason and then perfectly shift into the new season pretty immediately reaching their past elos in a couple dozen games and progressively climbing as they always do.

    I'm not really one to get hardstuck somewhere, but my climb is very very VERY slow after new seasons. I've ended the last five seasons at Diamond 2, maxing out at diamond 1 a single year because I had a pretty decent duo and we did what we could to win.

    As every new season arrives I do my usual 10 straight losses at the beginning of season and then start my three or four month quest to get back to diamond. I always reach it and I'm always motivated to get to it, but I feel like the length of time it takes me to even get there is stagnated by the fact that I can't seem to adjust to new seasons very well or even climb higher than diamond 2 these past few seasons. I guess I am hardstuck diamond two and I never seem to get out of the "new season" funk before the next seasons begins. I do only play around two days a week due to work and studies but I grind those two days, maybe 8-12 games or so on each of those days. If anyone has any tips on how to adjust better to new seasons and being able to read a new meta before it becomes meta that would be helpful. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ParadoxIrony
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    How do you truly understand if you have a trash ADC player as support and don't play ADC?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    This is meant to be informative/suggestive contrary to the title that couldn't be worded better:

    But a lot of professional support players at the least seem to have a decent understanding of when their random Solo Q ADC is a questionable player and appropriately suggest the notion of roaming/etc if so.

    But there's you as support and you potentially don't play ADC: How do you make this assessment valid?

    What I mean is when the lane isn't going well, your all-ins aren't working out, or something similarly bad, how can you necessarily tell it is your ADC and his actions not the champion picks or you doing something wrong before casting any blame? Like you see it often when someone goes in as Braum and dies than screams at their AD but he'll bark back and it can be hard to tell whose fault it is. Or an ADC player might complain you're standing back too much as Soraka or Janna and get pissed, but you think that's a good tactic

    I think this distinction is pretty important if you want to improve as support and not just randomly throw blame or tantrums without understanding what might really be wrong in the lane

    submitted by /u/fauxaffability
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    As a mid are you helping or hurting your team if

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    you play an assassin, you easy win lane, but never go mid, so end up with 20 kills, but have 80cs, all your mid towers are gone from 15 mins down to inhib tower. You just keep running around the map looking picks.

    everytime ive been in a game where i had a mid that does this, we lose. they usually flame as they have a good score and feel others didnt pull their weight. opinions?

    submitted by /u/mushmushmush
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    Would a fresh account help me climb faster?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    I'm a jungler stuck in a bit of an awkward situation. I know for a fact I can reach a fairly higher rank than I am but am held back mostly by varying degrees of tilt. My tilt isn't even always angry tilt sometimes I'm just playing like I don't care at all.

    I have almost 800 games in gold ranging from 4 to 1 this season because I can't seem to control myself for long enough to make any lasting progress. When I'm only a little tilted I'll do things I know are bad hoping I don't get punished but when I'm really tilted I'll just do whatever. Like I played top lane for 30 games with like a 20% winrate.

    Despite that I have a 59-60% winrate on Nunu with 370+ games this season. It would probably be a little higher if I didn't tilt playing him a lot too. When I'm focused and trying I'll have bursts where I have like 70%+ winrates over a few dozen games.

    My problem is I'm stuck in a cycle where I get tilted from stuff like people going right to their lane hugging their tower nd not looking at my buffs at all before minions spawn. I know everyone thinks they're better than their elo but I know for a fact I'm thinking harder than 95% of the opposing junglers even on autopilot.

    Virtually all of them start bot side except perhaps Kayns because they think they HAVE to go raptors. It's pretty obvious none of them think about their pathing let alone the enemy's. They have no awareness of lane priority and won't leave a gromp to go to a guaranteed kill. Where as I'm planning where I want to be and who I want to play around and how where the enemy is going to be affects that. I constantly look at my minimap and quickly drop camps to go turn fights early game.

    It's just that even when I'm focused and at my best the unwinnable games or the very hard to win games set me off very quickly. Taking breaks doesn't always seem to help either. I know it's a numbers game and that I have to lose some games but everyone likes to see progress. Even after an awesome winstreak where I'm clearly the most impactful person I feel like I've gotten nowhere. Add in people not listening or calling me the stupid one and the grind wears on you.

    So I guess I'm wondering if starting a new account and playing when I'm focused would let me climb faster than one with firmly cemented elo?

    submitted by /u/finbat15
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    P3 MF Onetrick - want to expand adc pool

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    I'm currently a Miss Fortune onetrick, playing Kai'Sa occasionally (https://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=EriendStS). I'm going to keep playing Miss Fortune & Kai'Sa in solo q, since I find these champions fun, but i'd like to learn similiar adcs (mostly for clash i guess, but also in general), preferably with emphasize on AA, objective-taking/fast tower taking, being able to easily waveclear/manipulate waves, and maybe scaling? I guess it also be a bonus if Manamune rush is possible, i just love that, but its not a must.

    I'm good at general macro, snowballing/objective taking, farming and decision making, bad at warding/vision and worse at fighting if that matters at all.

    Any suggestions appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ErlendStS
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    How to not get ganked lv 2 on top lane?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    I am low elo player (gold 2) that gets tilted when he is lv 2 ganked. And sometimes even champions that need lv 3 to gank or are bad on the early game ganks me after their first buff and i don't really know what should i do.

    I can preddict that a Lee Sin will gank me lv 2 but should i also be able to predict that a Master Yi will gank lv2? Because while i watch high elo players or smurf on low/mid elo, i see that they don't ward lv 1/1,5 to not get lv 2 ganked so, should i never slow push if the enemy laner leash his jungler or should i ward because high elo players know something that i do not know (which is the reason of why they don't ward)?

    submitted by /u/Xaitor119
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    Mental problems are preventing me from climbing, I need help

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    I just break down when someone makes easy to avoid mistakes. For example, I was playing a game with Annie and I was close to hitting LVL 16 just in time for baron fight (92% for level 6) and I was clearing gromp, jungler pings me away I ping my current XP but he still smites it, he didn't gain anything from that we just lost value as a team. At that moment I just stop functioning, nothing goes through my mind except the question "why does this person think like that", I just typed a why in chat and got off my chair and vented. At that moment my thoughts were that this guy is a donkey but after I cooled off I realized I am an even bigger donkey for throwing that game. How do build a better and stronger mental.

    submitted by /u/wastedlantern
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    App/Website to see one's worst matchups?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    Is there like a website, which I can put my summoner name, and it'll tell me which champs I'm bad against? Based on WR? Pretty sure I've been feeding against Caitlyn lol.

    I actually started working with Riots API to make it myself, but their API is a bit... weird, let's call it that LOL

    submitted by /u/TheFabiocool
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    What do I do with Oblivion orb?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    I keep hearing that oblivion orb is a great early component to build for the flat magic pen and I understand that not completing the item and finishing a core item instead is better. As I get into late game, do I just sell the oblivion orb to buy something else? I guess I only upgrade it after my core and the enemy has high healing like Yuumi or Vlad? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Peel-ip
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    Struggling with skill matchups

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    Obviously the title implies that I should just "become more skilled", but I'm struggling to understand how to effectively play into skill matchups. For example, as Syndra into Neeko, the Neeko seemed far more effective at bullying me early game than I was which, logically, should be the exact opposite. I've had similar issues in the past with mage vs. mage matchups and it's part of the reason I tend to play long-range, artillery-style mages like Lux and Vel'Koz, but the end result is that I often play extremely safe, staying quite a ways behind my wave and generally just trying to CS while mitigating damage in trades. How does one actually approach a skill matchup between mages and how should I go about learning them without inting?

    submitted by /u/NotTheTrueKing
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    Can anyone help me make sense of this insane loss streak ?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    Here's my opgg: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=4655434B5249544F

    I just had a 17 loss streaks, and I don't know how that happened. I went from Silver 2 0 LPs to Silver 4 almost 0 LPs. To lose that much you'd have to be at a low bronze level, but that's obviously not the case considering I'm consistently in mid-high Silver when I play heavily.

    Outside of 3 or 4 games, I actually didn't tilt. It felt like normal, and expected. At some point I didn't even feel empty inside, as these losses felt surreal. They were always the same, both my top and mid HARD int, my jungle lose, maybe 2/3 of the time I lose my lane but it's rather ok and we end up getting farmed by fed powerhouses at our mid T2/T3 and then the game ends.

    Outside of Sona, I already played these champions a lot, and outside of Yuumi, with great results.

    I'm gonna repeat myself but what felt really insane was the consistency of how both top and mid would get absolutely murdered, sometimes with the same scores in several games in a row, and hard-int. It felt like Riot was just repeatingly giving me the same allies and enemies.

    Now the thing is I believe these games I just described, which obviously weren't all of the losses, felt absolutely unwinnable. And I don't mean me, average silver, unwinnable, I mean whoever you put in a team that was 3/22 ( real score, including mine, that was in one of those games ) would never be able to carry with an Alistar or with a Sona. These were just stomps.

    So here's the question, how do you think this loss streak happened ? Do you believe it's really 90% my fault and that, like, 40% should have been won ? What can I do to make sure this won't happen again ? What is wrong in how I play ( not including this loss streak which isn't representative obviously ) ?

    submitted by /u/ModPiracy_Fantoski
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    I finally refused to surrender in ranked

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    I'm someone who used to get really tilted in ranked and would often kind of give up on a game if I did poor early game. Especially being a support main I tended to blame a lot of poor play on my adc or my jungler. This is what I think kept in silver for the longest of time. After taking a couple months off of league ranked and spending time with other things I came back to it recently this semester and have been playing only every once in a while.

    I mention not surrendering though cause I had a game just now that I honestly thought we would lose 5 minutes in. Had the ff at 15 and flamed some of my teammates who were playing poorly. Looking at the end game stats we were down 11k gold at 15 minutes. But after we won a small skirmish and the ff vote failed I muted all and just tried to play to the best of my ability.

    While playing I sort of thought at especiallyin lower elos, games get thrown all the time so just playing the games out the best you can is important to consistency. Sometimes I wont make a comeback and feel like I wasted my time but sometimes you make a comeback and feel great coming back from a tough situation. Maybe there are some games that are just unwinnable, but I've also tried looking at games where I can't really win as learning situations too.

    submitted by /u/Jpeggi
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    Kalista DETAILED guide | How to play her in 2020 and what are her pro's and cons from matchups to tips&tricks and climbing tips!

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Hello guys, I am a Kalista OTP from EUW/EUNE with over 4000 hours played as her and recently after playing over 12 games per day with her for a month straight with this quarantine I decided that I should share my vision on her and my climbing tips!

    I recently played her and with a duo she feels insane I got to GM and rank 1 Kalista ( Top 10 EUW but they play flex ) in Europe by using only Soraka + Kalista with 80 wins and 19 loses!

    Kalista is currently considered to be a B tier pick but if you evolve as a mechanical player and practice, practice she can be more rewarding than Caitlyn, Ashe and boring champions!

    Practice makes perfect!

    Hopefully this guide will actually help you out guys!


    submitted by /u/PAWKalista
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