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    Monday, September 14, 2020

    LoL Guide Some questions about Exhaust.

    LoL Guide Some questions about Exhaust.

    Some questions about Exhaust.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    I recently changed my role from top to support, I never really used exhaust until now and I have some questions, first of all. Does it work on a Yi's R? I know he can't be slowed, but does the damage debuff still applies? And does it work on true damage? For example, reducing the total damage of Vayne's W. And finally, does the damage reduction apply to already existing abilities? For example, if Zilean puts a bomb in me and I exhaust him after the bomb hit me but before it exploded. Is the bomb affected by the debuff?

    submitted by /u/Energyc091
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    People really underestimate how easy it is to take baron

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    Plat player here. By no means a great player but one thing I've noticed is that in lower elos, people only do baron when they ace a team or something similar. Yeah you should take a baron when you get an ace and can't end, but there is so many opportunities for teams to take baron. Baron isn't actually that hard of a monster to take at 23-25 ish minutes, as long as you have consistent amount of dps, 5 players can shred through it in about 20-30 seconds.

    Here are some examples of where baron is so free to take, but most players don't want to take the risk

    1. Enemy carry/fed player is bot shoving/pushing waves without tp/on cool down. Unless he is ending the game, this is a baron you can easily take at 23min+. It's a 4v5 at baron, and the enemy has to either keep pushing, or he tries to come, and by the time he comes, you should have secured baron, or have turned when the enemy team tries to contest
    2. Enemy jungler just died from a pick. Literally a free baron, as long as your help zone your opponents, this baron is yours to take.
    3. You see your opponents just back after pushing mid/top etc. There is a good 30 seconds until they come to the baron pit, and within that time, you should be able to secure it as long as your whole team is there.

    Getting baron is straight up 1500 gold for your team, and at least 1 free mid tower, which can swing the momentum of a game. I've won so many games by taking a baron when behind, and siege towers to close the gold gap

    submitted by /u/ZLouieZ
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    What makes Selfmade's Eve different than other peoples and what can we do do abuse the things he does to help climb?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    I'm sure everyone has heard about how fearsome Selfmade's Eve is on the Chinese Super Server, but I'm not really finding any analysis on Youtube or whatever on WHY his is so good. What does he do that us noobs aren't doing? Is it pathing? Comboing? Abusing vision even more than a perma stealth champ does? What's his secret?

    submitted by /u/Bio_Hazardous
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    How I climbed an entire rank just from one tip.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Hey. I recently climbed from bronze 4 all the way to silver 4. That may not be much to you guys but it was great considering I was hardstuck for a while. You can check my op.gg here . My last like 10 games were a winning streak and it was all because I followed this one tip I read here once.

    Try to estimate the location of the enemy jungler.

    Knowing, or at least guessing the location of the enemy jungler isn't too difficult and will save you and your team from ganks and help your jungler when invading. To do this, all you have to do is watch if the enemy bot arrives late to the lane. This will let you know where the jungler started their pathing. If the bot lane didn't arrive late, check top. If top arrives late then that means the jungler started topside. If neither lanes arrived late, then you will have to guess where the jungler started based on the champ they are playing. From there you can estimate the clear time, and the rotation of the enemy jungler. Be sure to type in chat, "shaco topside" or "eve botside". This way everyone knows where the jungler is and can prepare for ganks or invades, or your jungler can come for a counter invade or counter gank.

    tl;dr estimate where the jungler is.

    submitted by /u/coolfunaboud
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    How Routines & Schedules can have a positive impact on your ranked climb

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    How Routines & Schedules can have a positive impact on your ranked climb

    Waking up at the same time every single day brings positive effects to your entire life. Doing certain things at the same times has the same effect: When looking at professionals at traditional sports, you'll notice that their day-to-day routines are very strict and that their training times don't differ too much between days. Today, we want to explain to you why they're doing it and how you can apply that to your League of Legends Ranked Climb! :)

    One of the best examples for the two ways a routine improves your life is going to sleep. When people are facing difficulties when falling asleep, doctors focus on two pieces of advice: 1. Try to go the sleep at the same time every single day, 2. Have a nighttime routine (e.g. brush your teeth -> do a 5 minute meditation -> lie down). This is because our body and mind react to multiple triggers.

    What you gain from Routines & Schedules

    Professionals in traditional sports use positive triggers to increase performance and concentration in training and in competitive games. They can further increase concentration and performance when they try to put these „smaller" routines into a bigger picture by designing a schedule which include these routines at around the same times every day. Our „inner" clocks are responding to this schedule by already preparing our body and mind for a period of higher concentration and performance.

    How to design your own „Ranked Routine"

    1. Find your own positive triggers: What do you like doing before games? What could you do to make yourself feel more prepared for a ranked game?
    2. Create a balanced routine which includes these triggers and do it before you start playing rankeds.
    3. Try it out: You might not feel more concentrated when you do it for the first time. Key of a routine is that you do it not only once, but almost every day.

    Here is an example: First, make yourself a green tea. Then, remove unneccessary things from your desk that could distract you. Then, do some wrist exercises for 2-3 minutes. Afterwards, jump into practice tool and practice csing to warm up. And only after that, jump into your ranked grind for the day.

    Find your own positive triggers that you enjoy doing.

    Also, make sure to not overdo it. If your preparation routine takes too long, you might be discouraged to stick to it. Make it short, sweet and effective.

    Next step: Include this Routine into a daily/weekly schedule

    This definitely depends on your own work/life routine, but you should try to include your ranked climb times into a daily and weekly structure.

    It could look like this:

    Monday, 8am – 3pm: Work; 5pm-8pm: Ranked
    Tuesday, 8am – 3pm: Work; 5pm-8pm: Ranked
    Wednesday, 8am – 1pm: Ranked; 5pm-8pm: Work
    Thursday, 8am – 3pm: Work
    Friday, 8am – 3pm: Work; 5pm-8pm: Ranked

    Of course, life often gets in the way. Don't get frustrated if you can't keep this schedule up 100%, this is just to give you some sense of orientation. Try your best to stick to it, though.

    Here are some additional tips for your including these ranked times into your schedule:

    1. Don't play too close to your sleep times (after waking up, before going to sleep). Chances are that you are tired and are not as concentrated as you might think you are.
    2. Again: Don't overdo it. If you're working 8 hours and have other commitments for that day like university stuff or housework, doing a 4-hour-ranked-grind afterwards is pretty unrealistic.

    Thank you!

    Thank you for reading this post, we hope that this could help you be more concentrated, increase your performance and feel better by using these techniques from traditional sports for your own climb.

    As always, we also created a video about this topic as well: https://youtu.be/GMORnIDvtMI

    submitted by /u/LilSluggerZ
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    How do I play against the enemy jungler as a top laner?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Hi. Mid-Diamond player trying to get to Masters this season.

    I've been spamming Volibear top a lot recently, having 60% winrate in 92 games, I think it's pretty good.

    I'm kinda hardstuck in Diamond right now though, I recently demoted from D3 because I lost 2 bad games at 0lp (ADC disconnected and never came back at level 2, Tristana jungle with the "trust me I got this)

    My playstyle usually involves destroying the enemy laner with 1 or 2 kills then running over their top lane and everyone else, unless I get camped by the enemy jungler.

    Jungle is just too oppressive at top lane right now, what can I do to make their life hell? I've tried shoving my wave at level 2-3 then immediately going to their buffs and invade them just to mess with them, it works sometimes and I get the kill or it just makes them back off, good trade either way.

    I buy control wards all the time when I recall and just place it at the river bush, are there other places I can ward to stop ganks?

    Is warding their buff at 1:30 effective? How about communicating with my jungler to take both his scuttle?

    Thanks. I mostly just want to strategize and destroy their jungle and mess with him without resorting to tower hugs and freezing my wave unless necessary.

    submitted by /u/crianichia
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    No feeling of progress every time I hit Diamond 4

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    I know that elo is not that important but I honestly have 0 fucking idea on how to keep improving. Most games seem to be decided either in champion select or when some teammate mental breaks down and ruins the game with soft trolling. Games I win is just my ganks working and enemy junglers not. And thats all. All games seem like a copy of the previous but changing champs and their pathings and Im still trying to figure out what is that small detail that can really make the difference.

    submitted by /u/Beautiful_Wroth-Roar
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    I'm pathetically bad at this game

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 02:15 AM PDT

    Is it normal for a beginner to be naturally terrible?, I just started playing league 3 months ago and am currently on and off while playing due to irl stuff, I get nervous everytime playing normals, the only modes I can actually have fun are aram and the limited time modes, I queue up everytime with players far above my level of playing in normals and I perform badly everytime, some of them even expect me to pull off some faker level shit even though I'm only a beginner who has 0 amount of knowledge about the game, I don't know if it's worth it to continue playing any more.

    submitted by /u/justanotherpewsfan
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    When is it appropriate to switch champs for the team vs playing the champ you are most comfortable with?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    In a ranked environment people play to win, however lets say my team is all AD it would make sense for me to go an ap character right? but what if my best/main champ is AD?

    Is it more effective to play what the team could use even if its not your most proficient champ? or is it better to stick with what you specialize in and fight hard match-ups teamwise?

    For example, if I play dairus and garen mainly top, but my team is all AD, should I go mordekaiser? or stick to my main of darius of garen depending on who's banned? or should I switch to a tanky character for a team with all squishies? even if Im not particularly amazing with that tank champ?

    submitted by /u/x_xwolf
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    Support main looking to improve

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    After a year and a half hiatus came back to League and started playing ranked again . Initially I played top lane with champs that could potentially hard carry like Jax, Vladimir, Ryze, Riven but support was always my preffered position.

    I finally reached Gold IV today after going 3-2 on my promos and sat down thinking what I could do to further improve myself and be satisfied with the player I have become .

    So the champs I mostly play are Thresh, Braum, Blitz, Leona and for utility supps I play Morg, Zilean and Yummi but very rarely.

    So the aspects of the game I am currently interested in are : Roaming, Vision control around objectives, Wave management, Map awareness , Itemization

    Roaming :

    I feel like this is a very important skill to master especially with my champion pool that as you can see contains champions with high cc and setup potential . I want to learn to choose the correct times to roam and how to execute a roam properly

    Vision Control :

    I LOVE playing for vision . I really like placing wards and/or denying the enemy team vision . But I feel like I am not doing my best to provide my team more control over the river . An example . Lets say that my team is at the right side of the map . What I would do is reset like a minute before the objective spawns place a control ward at bot lane tribush a ward on the red bush and another on the path from chickens to river . If my team is from the other side of the map I am trying to ward the bush next to the wolves the mid lane bush to the river and the one on the blue . But I am really bad at preparing for Baron and Rift Herald . Which are some key places that should be warded in order to help my team secure the objective ? Also should I rotate all the way to the top lane to help my team secure the objective ?

    Wave Management :

    Although this is mostly something adcs have to take care about most adcs in low elo aimlessly push the wave all the time resulting in wasted opportunities. For example when we are ahead we are forcing the opponent to play under their tower meaning we cant engage on them and we are overextended and vulnerable for a gank . On the other hand when we are behind and push we are risking on a potential engage from our opponents and a further set back . What can I do about this ?

    Map Awareness :

    In laning phase I mostly try to keep the 2 bushes close to bot lane almost permanently warded but I dont feel it provides any niche at avoiding any ganks from the jungler or a rotation from the enemy midlaner . I feel like its better to have the tri-bush warded and then place a ward at the mid lane of the river which could provide (?) a better understanding of the enemy players' moves.

    Another important part is deep vision . Which are the places from either side of the map that I should try and ward in order to have a good idea of the enemy junglers pathing ? Also should this be done with the help of the jungler or is it something that the support has to do by itself ?

    Also how do you feel about going domimation secondary for ghost ward ? Is it good enough or are the effects from inspiration better ?

    Itemization :

    I usually play tanky supports . So the build I follow is Support item -> Zeke's -> Stoneplate -> Mobility Boots / Swifties and then situational depending on the enemy team comp . I dont really like Knight's Vow. Although relatively cheap I dont feel like its strong enough to justify an item slot ( well maybe on Braum ) and it poorly synergizes with Mobies bcs if my adc takes damage so do I which resets Mobies passive so you are kinda forced to go Swifties which takes away some of your roaming potential .

    Thanks a lot from reading this REALLY lengthy post and I really appreciate any sort of feedback or tips I receive . If you have any noteworthy youtube guides please do link them.

    submitted by /u/eyaggelospap
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    Tips for new support player?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 11:11 PM PDT

    I've recently picked up the game and have mainly played support. I main sona right now and had a couple of decent games but in a lot of games I get rekt by the other support. I farm minions and buy items but it's pretty common for me to die early. One time my adc thought I was trolling. Sometimes I really don't know where I'm supposed to be and what to do. I don't really know where to start improving. Do you have any of you have tips?

    submitted by /u/alarmbe
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    Why is Oblivion Orb so expensive?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    The only reason I see why it would be so expensive would be the ability to shred all MR of squishy targets if paired with sorcs. But still, 800g for 50hp and 15 mpen sounds kinda ridiculous in my head. Most of the value you get out of it is nullified if they just build a Null Cloak. So why?

    I would like to emphasize that a carry can buy an item worth 450g which they can build to DD, Mercurial, or Maw to negate the 800g you spent as a mage. Actually, null cloak gives 25 MR so building it actually negates over a thousand of a mages gold. Thats an extremely one sided trade. Im an ADC main and I find that unfair.

    submitted by /u/Neonforce65
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    Learning in ranked?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    I play League now for some time and feel like I am somewhat of decent now. I go positive in normals most of the time and my itemization is also ok.

    Just everytime i go in ranked it feels unwinnable every game. I still do decent but it is way harder to carry. I usually play 2 rounds ranked and then go back to normals for a week.

    So now my question: Should I now focus on ranked and extend game knowledge in a ranked enviroment or try to get really good in normals and then try to climb?

    submitted by /u/MaikabutGucci
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    Is Nunu good for complete and total noobs?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 05:06 AM PDT

    So a little background, I've been playing the game for only about a month, and while I know jungling is the most difficult role, it's really the one I enjoy most and have the most fun playing. I'm not super interested in becoming a godlike player, I'm mostly just interested in being good enough to enjoy the game and not get stomped every single time. So far the champs I've most enjoyed are Nunu, Vi and K6.

    I freaking love Nunu, but I struggle more with him than I do with Vi or Kha zix, mostly because I feel like I'm not doing as much damage. But there's something about him that makes me want to play him rather than the other two. I know his playstyle is very different, and I really want to commit to learning him, but I was wondering if you think he's good for complete and utter trash noobs and if he is, how I should try and make an impact with him if I'm not the one jus straight up killing people with ganks like I do with vi and k6.


    submitted by /u/FreeTortles
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    Wave Management Help: Behind and Wave Pushing Towards Enemy

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    I'm a little lost at what to do when in a situation where you're behind and enemy shoves the minion wave into your turret. I'm able to freeze outside turret range but eventually the wave will build up on my end and start pushing away from me.

    Say the wave meets in the middle of the lane but I have more minions (for ease of argument, let's assume I have 3 more minions in my wave).

    Do I ...

    1. continue to last hit which builds up the wave even more? I assume next wave will crash closer to their turret with me having even more minions (say 4 or 5).
    2. clear wave completely and crash my minion wave into their turret so that wave resets?

    Doing 1 would give me a slight fighting advantage because I'd have more minions (maybe this is better in early game) but would require me to be further from my turret and while 2 would reset the wave, it would likely continue pushing if I'm last hitting while they are not in lane, causing the wave to end up pushing ANYWAYS but this time without me having any advantage.

    submitted by /u/Vertibrae-X
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    Yasuo q can be cancelled by hard cc.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Ä° think that not a lot of people know this but i figured this out last season when i was up against yasuo as a maokai. Your q can cancel his q because it has a cast time. Not the tornado one but the first 2 q's it doesn't work with stuff like silence or regular stuns but Knockbacks and knockups do the trick. You can really decrease his damage during trades with this small tip if you time it right. My suggestion would be w the first q and then q the next one as maokai so he just deals aa damage instead of an empowered aa while you get to prock aftershock or grasp on him

    submitted by /u/Fascist_Viking
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    Prioritize wave management or team?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    Hello, I am questioning my priorities when it comes to skirmishes. Say I am building a slow push in the top lane, but am still near my tower, and a skirmish breaks out in the jungle. If I go, I will lose the rest of this wave + the wave coming in, but the wave will crash eventually. If I don't go, my team could be at a disadvantage and I get spam pinged. Typically I prioritize the guaranteed gold and xp from the wave, and let my team do what they will. While this is probably correct in some situations, I am wondering when it would be wrong. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/PaulIdaho
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    What supports work well with Kog'Maw?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    A friend of mine recently started playing the game and decided to play Kog'Maw. I decided to learn support to play with him on a new account, which supports should I learn to play with Kog'Maw?

    Also any tips I could give him to learn Kog'Maw and ADC would be helpful too.

    submitted by /u/notcharol
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    How to end quickly?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    So i was plat 4 in S7 as a twitch onetrick adc and now im a Kha onetrick jungle (came back about a month ago since s8)

    Started off iron 2, now bronze 1 in promos.

    So i have the mechanics, i have the vision control, the cs(ish maybe a bit too low). Now i just dont know how to progress. I feel like i need to learn how to end a game quicker, where to be when, when to gank where and how to be there in teamfights without lacking in the CS

    submitted by /u/Needmeawhip
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    Tips to counter Vladimir

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I am a Vladimir main that produce guides and content based on him. Vladimir is definitely a hit or miss champion. Either you main him or you absolutely hate him and his playstyle. Regardless, every champion has a common weakness and I posted a video showcasing my top 5 tips to countering the champion.


    Hope this video helps! I guarantee the video will have information that'll help you never stress when versing against Vladimir again!

    submitted by /u/chenchenlol
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    Experience and levels in the jungle

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    I've just started playing again after two years off. Im a jungle main and had been playing for several years before my break.

    Just wondering if people can explain to me what the hell is going on in the jungle now, especially with regards to xp. I'm struggling heavily to keep up in levels with other junglers and unless I power farm lanes as well as jungle I can barely keep up with the enemy never mind my laners. I have lots of experience on most jungle champs but tend to favour gank heavy junglers usually. I'm playing a few who have a decent early game and potential to carry on normals to get ready to play placements.

    Other than reading patch notes for two years is there a summary or guide to this year's jungle, particularly in regards to staying at least even in levels? Is ganking heavily going to always set me back? At one point I had 11 kills on vi by 18 minutes and a bunch of assists and I was 2 levels behind the enemy top lane ( who was fed but not as much as me) and even with most laners and enemy jungle who had mostly farmed.

    submitted by /u/Dizzle85
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    New Jungler needing help determining win conditions.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    As the title says. I always here people saying Tyler1 is really good at determining the win condition and camping them or at least ganking them more often.

    How do decide what the win condition is? Is it the Vayne hyper carry? Or the early game Darius top? Does it matter on if their lane has a counter or not? I hover around gold 2 if that helps!


    submitted by /u/Brankin9
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