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    Sunday, September 6, 2020

    LoL Guide What champion can solo baron the earliest?

    LoL Guide What champion can solo baron the earliest?

    What champion can solo baron the earliest?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    In league of legends the Baron Nashor is used to finish up a game quicker. Solo:ing is the term for killing the baron without any help from teammates or enemies. I know Nunu can solo the baron with aftershock, 2 smites and an ult once he reaches level 13 if he's had a fairly successful game so far and if the requirements are filled he'll survive with only a tiny amount of health left and this also means he'd need to be undisturbed by the enemies for the time it takes for him to solo it. So my question is; what champion can solo the baron the with the least time spent ingame if the champions kda hasn't changed from the start of the game and what items, runes, builds, abilities and potentially ability order are needed.

    submitted by /u/dmadestlad
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    Why some adc build Death Dance and other don’t

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    I want to know what is the logic for building the item on certain ADCs. Why is it built regularly on Ashe but not on Cait for example, I can see why it's a good item on Ezreal but why doesn't Jhin build it? In conclusion, which factors in an adc make it a good choice to buy.

    submitted by /u/rchawgonz
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    Why am I a good Jungler but dogshit Laner ?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    Dont quite Understand this

    Pretty much every game in Jungle I play pretty well (12/4, 14/6, 8/2, 9/3, 5/3 ), get early drake in 80% and 75% of all drakes and heralds. Plus im sitting on a 70% WR in Jungl and 77% on Kayn Overall

    Now once I set 1 foot onto toplane = 0/5, 0/6, 1/5 and so on .

    Is my knowledge of matchups just so bad in lane ?

    submitted by /u/HodrickTheMad
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    Allow yourself to be carried

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    This has probably been on here a thousand times but people in low elo prefer to flame and troll games where they are feeding rather than spending there resources on helping the player on your team that is already fed and has the potential to either carry outright or delay the game long enough for you and the reat of the players to be back in the game. This means if you have a fed renekton, jax, fiora on your team and he wants to split push while you drag the enemy team around the map then do that. Don't be a hero every game it is not needed.

    submitted by /u/fishmoleyqqq
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    When to play meta and when to play comfortable?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Hello summoners, I have a question regarding when to follow pro guides and mobalytics and when to play what is comfortable. Lets say you played 400 games on varus but varus is a b tier champ. Senna is S tier should you learn senna to climb and switch every few weeks based on meta or just learn 2-3 champs and try to climb? I feel at times trying to play meta champs hurts me more then helps. What is the determine factor in what would work best for you. Silver JG main that just switched to ADC. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/thegreenrabbit34
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    How to get good if I always face players who are at my same level?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    When I play ranked I get flamed because I suck, and this is because I constantly get put in gold IV elo even though I should be in bronze (I have played 40 or so games). However, when I play normals, I face silver IV players and I can play a lot better. The problem is that I can't seem to get better by playing only normals because the playstyle is different than what I face in ranked. Is there a way to get better without playing ranked and getting flamed?

    submitted by /u/TheHacker995
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    Gold 4 Kai'Sa VOD Review

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:07 AM PDT


    Made a VOD review of meat beater 3000's gold 4 Kai'Sa game, playing Kai'Sa vs Ashe. Mainly talked about rotations, macro and how one's movements during a fight should align with their overall action, i.e. kiting back while playing to not die, and kiting forwards while going aggressive.

    submitted by /u/VaporaDark
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    How do I beat (or just survive) Vayne top?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Whenever I see someone ask this question I feel like they just say to pick a certain champ or dodge. But I'm not always last pick, and sometimes if the enemy picks vayne I have no way of telling if they are bot or top. So lets say we are assuming that I have already locked in a tank and that I cannot dodge. I know that I should try to rush brambles or tabis but I feel like I just can't farm, not even under tower as I just get poked and then she rolls out of tower range. Do I just need early ganks? I feel like post 6 she can often 1v2, or she can get away as she is hard to shut down with her ulted q. I mostly play Gangplank, Ornn, Shen, maokai, but I was mostly just looking for general game plan and not super champion specific tips.

    submitted by /u/SamuraiSamich
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    The highest ranked I have ever achieved was Silver. I want to improve.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    My highest rank that I have ever achieved was Silver 4 (back when there was a tier V) and I want to make it into the gold ranks. I mainly played ADC and a bit of Jungle (Jungle was what got me into Silver, with one tricking Kayn). In my climb I want to main Jungle (but secondary role as ADC) as I feel it is the role that depends if your team will win (better jungler = higher chances of winning).

    I just got back into the game since that season and I want to improve as a player, gameplay and skill wise.

    What should I do to start my climb? What are things that I should avoid? Any tips on Jungling? Really, anything is nice, any general tips, anything. Since I am barely getting back into the game, I will only be playing mostly Normals.

    submitted by /u/Fidqareon
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    What is the math behind on how valuable Sorc Shoes are?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    So, I've been always curious on just how strong sorcerer's shoes are for an ap dealer.

    I know that they are strong, but I feel like they have a lot of hidden value because I never really notice how much they are doing for me, so I'd like to know more math behind it. Because sometimes if I want to go a different boot, like ninja tabis if enemy team is all AD and Im a squishy mage they might be more valuable, but I dont really know if it ever is worth going ninja's over sorc's. Also on a champ like Fizz or Vlad, what is the difference if I take Ionian boots instead.

    submitted by /u/SatanV3
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    Scaling Baseline

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Hi there, First time poster here. I'm a new player (bronze 4) and I'm curious about different champions and how well they scale. I know Urgot and Yi scale well but why? Is there a site I can go to that compares champs at different levels so I can compare how well they play at different stages in the game? Do I have to go to the league wiki and compare each champion individually? Does Mordekaiser scale well? Why or why not? I hope my question makes sense and helps people who want to improve in the game.

    submitted by /u/TempestRonin
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    Tips to improve in toplane ?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    Hello , former singed main , ive quitted singed for about 7 months now , i climbed to gold with him at the begining of the season with a 60% wr , but then idk i wanted to try other roles , ove tried mid but didnt like the midlane champions and there playstyle , tried jungle and i was so bad , the role is bery difficult and very unforgiving , ive tried adc but i felt like its to team dependant , so here i am back to toplane , and the only champ i can play at a decent level is singed , i really would love to know how to carry as a toplaner , like how do i use my lead in lane to snowball evem harder ? How do i deal with splitpushing champs that outscale singed very hard like jax , yorick , tryndamer ? How do i impact the map if my botlane is feeding ( i usually take ignite on singed bcz i play with conq and want to hard win my lane ) ? Singed isnt really good at splitpushing , is there anything i can other than teamfighting which singed really excels at ? Should i sacrifice my lane and roam bot when dragon is up ? Is wave management really important for top ? Like i know how to manage waves at a decent level but with singed u cant bcz ur poison perma pushes !

    submitted by /u/Four_Bullets
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    How to not make Senna feel clunky?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    So I've picked up Senna AD carry after seeing it such a sought after pick in LEC and LCS lately.

    My issue with it is that it takes so long for senna to snowball and feel her power spike. I feel like REALLY can't delete ANYONE (even a lulu or lux support) without a prolonged fight or until I get muramana online (which at that point game is 20-25 min in and almost over). Even the Senna ult feels underwhelming doing like 2-3 health bars

    Compare this to my other most played champs: Caitlyn (BF and IE spike) and Ashe (Botrk can run most ppl down)

    Edit: Another thing, another muramana user like Kai'sa CAN start deleting people way earlier if she gets snowballed. My guess is that Senna and Kai'sa are opposite ends of damage spectrum. MEANING: Kai'sa 100% burst, Senna 90% sustain/attrition.

    My runes are Glacial+Precision secondary

    Item build: Murmana > Swifty > (BlackCleaver OR Duskblade (no tanks)) > RapidFire Cannon > IE > 5-6 situational

    Should i to squeeze a dirk in front of Black cleaver?

    Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/PalladynSlonca1
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    I can't ban out both Yasuos and a Zed and they're in 90% midlanes. The heck do you pick to teach enemies to stop picking these bastards? :C

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    Okay, I apologize the title is a big aggressive but I'm so over playing vs these 3 champions almost every game, lol. Both Yasuos ofc means Yone and Yas. I need me some tips.

    I like to play mages, I'm decent with them but not amazing so I can't dodge 100% of enemy skillshots for 20 minutes and hit every single one of mine. I'm gonna catch something at some point and these champs just either 100-0 me or force me to back right away if I don't want to get instagibbed on another "run-at-you" engage or, you know, a driveby gank. Catching a skillshot from a mage doesn't instantly force you out of lane early on. Not to mention trying to catch those champions with your CC skillshot basically means you're dead if you dare to miss 1.

    But it gets worse - it seems sometimes there's no need to catch any skillshots, it's enough to approach the wave to last hit with an AA and they run me down with auto attacks and point-blank skills. I just don't know how to play vs them. I can't farm with skills exclusively because I have mana. They don't. If I play like a total pussy and let them constantly push so I can freeze/farm under tower and at least not get ganked, I fall behind in CS and they get to roam and get fed on the botlane.

    Zed, I usually just ban straight out because level 6 he just ults and straight out kills me then goes back to his shadow so there's no rooting him under tower for a return kill or any such thing. Or he'll go botlane and get fed there and then return and laugh at any armor I might buy.

    Yone there's at least a chance (only on champs with CC obviously) to catch him when he starts to run at me but as Orianna for instance? What the heck do I do when he pops that skill?

    Yasuo is almost impossible to catch, on the other hand, because he jumps through minions like a madman and has the windwall if he's any good. And then it's too late because I dared to approach the wave at any point and he instagibs me.

    Yes, I know, I'm not good :D I realize there are ways to lane vs them I just don't know how. For instance as Orianna or Lux.

    I'd appreciate any tips (and yes, I do take 2x armor runes, but for instance on Lux I can't start with Zhonya or I'll be completely useless all midgame, be unable to efficiently waveclear, AND Zhonya's cooldown is way longer than any of their ultimates to boot. Orianna needs ludens/archangel for mana as well, as do most mages).

    And if there are no tips because these champs just counter most mages then what are the champions that can seriously make them want to quit playing? Cause if I can't enjoy myself playing the champions I like then at least I'd like them to not enjoy those annoying picks either :P


    submitted by /u/Satanic_Leaf_Gecko
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    Pros and cons of playing Renekton?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    Hey guys, So very time I come against a renekton he is able to hard win lane deal loads of damage, snowball and carry the game. It almost feels like there is little you can do against him especially in panning phase as his ult basically let's him two vs one. So before outright getting home I've just been wondering weather or not I should pick up renekton. I'm wondering if you could help me decide by highlighting some of the pros and cons of playing him. Thank you! Sorry for the bad English it is not my language

    submitted by /u/Man-Like-Sule
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    Is Cooldown Reduction usually better when you have low cooldown abilities?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    So we know that CDR value (casting frequency) stacks exponentially and it gets reworked in pre-season. 40% CDR equals 66% more casts (100/60).

    But now lower base cooldown also means more casts per time. If you multiply that by 1,66 you get even more casts per time.


    5 sec cooldown ability: 6 casts/30sec*1,66 = 10 casts/30sec (you get 4 more casts)

    10 sec cooldown ability: 3 casts/30 sec*1,66 = 5 casts/30 sec (you only get 2 more casts)

    But now not every ability is as powerful and spammable as the other one thanks to Riot being good at balancing I guess. For example you hate playing against Camille E with max CDR. But against Annie Q you're chilling even though it has much lower cooldown.

    I thought about this topic when I saw that the scaling CDR rune stat has the best winrate on Lillia when I kinda expected attack speed.

    So yea do you think it's highly contextual (depending on champ's kit) or can you answer my title question with yes?

    submitted by /u/Vermeiden
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    Is pyke support worth playing

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    He is pretty much the only champ I play in ranked and I have been maining him since his release since I was still new back then. He feels terrible to play now since I was used to the overtuned release pyke. I can snowball my adc, control the map and still lose since the enemy support just buys ardent and unholy grail and stand behind their most fed teammate. How can I out value the enemy support throughout the entire game, not just the early game, or should I just play an enchanter. And if you have ever seen one, a link to an ACTUAL pyke game guide.

    submitted by /u/jynyj
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    Be honest : Is it possible to climb as an ADC ?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 02:24 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I'm playing since season 1 and started maining adc season 4, since season 4 i'm between plat 4 to plat 1... playing sometimes solo, sometimes with duo.
    This season, after not playing at all season 9, I came back and now i'm going up & down between gold 2 and gold 1, even though I do feel I have a better level than any other ADC.

    I know I shouldn't think that way but I really feel that the only reason stucking me at this elo is my team : the support going away river for no reason without pinging, getting dived because my support goes to kill a ward while i'm farming under turret. And the worst : the rotation after laning phase. As you know as an ADC you should never be alone and stay "most of the time" mid lane (because harder to gank than if you over extend on the side lane) but 99% of the plat/gold players still don't know this mechanic. Therefore, i'm struggling to farm with my mid/jungler mid and it's basically a fight to get some CS (even if most of the time, I end up the game with more than 7cs/minutes, at my best going at 9cs).

    Now here comes the real question : Everytime I ask a streamer that mains ADC and that is high elo the same answer : Change Role, ADC is in a really bad spot. But I have too much knowledge and too few knowledge on other lane.

    So my question : is it really impossible to climb by tagging solo and playing ADC?

    Is there any tips that could help to make a huge difference ? Like type of way of playing ? Should I group with my team even if they do stupid move or should I stick to my plan and try to farm as much as possible and avoid stupid teamfight ? (because what's the point of having a really good farm and gold if your team dies all the time 4V5 in the ennemy jungle and you end up 1V5) ?

    Any tips welcome !

    Cheer guys !

    TDLR : I'm stuck since season 4 as a main adc between plat 4 and plat 2 and would like to fill the gap to jump diam, but what is the gap and is it possible as main adc ?

    submitted by /u/LinKxFr
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    When to defend level 1 invades as mid laner?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    As the title says when should I ping danger and let my team back off and when should I go defend? Last match we got invaded, I spam pinged my team to back off and they didn't, instead they fought 4v5 and my laner got first blood, then he got double kill on me after I showed up late. I don't understand why letting enemy get kills is better than giving up a buff. The question is when should I defend or when should ping danger to my team and give up the buff?

    submitted by /u/yicongCOD
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    What is Shen’s weakness?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    So I've been facing Shen in top lane more and more, recently and I don't struggle against him in the same way that I might against a Darius or another lane bully, but when I've been trying to exploit his weaknesses I don't really know what I'm looking for. I hope this doesn't come across as a rant because I'm not saying he doesn't have weaknesses but more that I don't know what they are.

    He seems to have a pretty easy time laning in most matchups since he takes grasp, has good engage/ disengage/ escape tool with his dash + taunt, and can trade favourably with his passive, Q and W.

    He builds tank items which makes him hard to kill but still does pretty decent damage considering that he's not building any offensive items.

    He has a really strong global ult, which also means that mid and bot should play their lanes slightly more cautiously when it's not on cooldown.

    He's valuable in team fights because of his W and his E as engage, and can apply map pressure since he has a global ult + teleport and titanic hydra to push in waves to apply pressure.

    The only thing that I actively try to do when I face him is to play around his cooldowns since his W and E have big cooldowns until levelled, but other than that I get kinda stuck when facing him. Any advice would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ElZed-
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    As a scaling jungler, what do I do if the enemy jungler is constantly invading me?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    So i'm still kinda new and i recently had a game in ranked where i was playing master yi and i was against a lee sin. Lee was constantly invading me, i had to give up lots of buffs and even if my laners helped me sometimes i would not be able to kill him in a 2v1 because i did no damage to him.

    So my question is, how do i win the game when that happens? How should i answer that strategy? Cause sure, Lee would eventually fall off, but they eneded the game quickly and i had little to no impact

    submitted by /u/MyNameIsSwagni
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    How to deal with hook champions (ie. Naut, Blitz, Pyke) camping in the brush?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    I'm a Bronze 4 ADC/Jungle player, and I've been really struggling with this recently. I know to stay behind the minion wave when they're up with their carries, but I was playing a clash game yesterday (as Ashe, w. Bard) and the enemy team Nautilus just sat in the brush closest to my turret while their ADC (Sivir) froze the wave toward their side, and it feels like the amount of pressure their support applied while just sitting there is huge. How should I go about approaching farming/fighting/etc. while this is going on? What is their support giving up by doing this? Is there anything I can do without jungle assistance? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/DewOfMemes
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    A question about aggression and losing teamfights

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    Hello Reddit,

    I just had a game where I was flamed to high heaven for not participating in team fights, but I didn't want to participate because I thought they were already lost and I didn't want to end up giving away free gold by dying. I ended the game dealing very little damage and had a low KP, but I still think it would have been worse if I'd ran into every teamfight (my teammates had 2-3 times as many deaths as me, but they thought I was inting). Was I in the wrong here? Is it generally wise to join a losing teamfight to try to turn it around, or is it better to avoid dying by staying away from those fights?

    submitted by /u/5075636369
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