LoL Guide If you are going to buy more than 2 potions buy a refillable one instead |
- If you are going to buy more than 2 potions buy a refillable one instead
- Re-Post: How to win draft in Clash
- How can I know when to recall?
- The value of time warp tonic?
- Settings for a new player
- I’ve been play MF since 2017& I’m still bad
- Countering phase rush/glacial augment
- Have headache's ever stopped you from playing for an extended time?
- How do you outplay Garen?
- dying way too many times in the early game [ADC]
- Minion wave control and farming
- Tips for CS mostly for Low Elo ( small guide )
- How do I know what my wincon is?
- How to recover from loss streaks?
- getting better at Caitlyn?
- How the hell do you teamfight against Malphite (as a squishy)?
- How can I beat Samira on skillshot AD’s?
- Adc picked hanna. What do I do in that situation?
- How do I even beat volibear as camille in lane
- Simple advice for climbing in gold and below
- How do you ward like a pro?
- Please, help me. I'm hardstuck silver 2-3 with 300 games; I don't know what I am doing wrong.
- I have mastery 5 on Udyr, Warwick, Shen, Nasus, Shaco, and Yi. Suggestions who to main?
- Similar roaming champions
If you are going to buy more than 2 potions buy a refillable one instead Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:09 PM PDT Title says it all. I didn't think this would be something worth posting until my last game. After watching the replay I saw that Cait bought 5 potions after her 2nd back. She used 3 then bought 3 more after 3rd back and so on.... I did some digging into past games and found that this is an every game occurrence in Silver ELO. Total spent in the last game was 1350 on potions in 30 min EDIT: I dont think some of you saw the picture? Or even read the post? This isn't about 3 pots vs a refillable... If I could change the number in the title to *3 POTIONS* or to, "REFILLABLE POTS EXIST," I would. [link] [comments] |
Re-Post: How to win draft in Clash Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:17 AM PDT Thought this might be helpful for some of you today and tomorrow :D Here's a simple drafting guide for all of you! I took a lot of concepts from coaching in a traditional competitive setting, and adjusted them so they could be applied at every level. Here is a video version if you prefer: I also put together a nifty draft sheet to help. The video goes into depth and provides examples. But here are some of the highlights: Ally Planning
Enemy Scouting
Draft Strategy
Draft Tactics
HAVE FUN! It's only a game :D I hope this can help you all to win more Clash games and go into draft with confidence! If there are any other tips you recommend, comment below. I'm happy to discuss further :D [link] [comments] |
How can I know when to recall? Posted: 10 Oct 2020 01:33 PM PDT I've been watching a lot of pro games and the commentators often talk about cheater recalls and getting the best recall possible. I've been testing out these strategies in my own games and it's 50-50. Either I miss out on 0-3 CS and get a great recall. Or I miss out on like 10CS and the lane is frozen or something similar. How can I know when to back without missing CS, and also when to walk back to lane versus using TP to get back. Any advice is greatly appreciated [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Oct 2020 04:40 AM PDT I don't understand the strengths of twt, like, 5% mvt sp while under potion effects is literally the only thing "gained" from the rune, although the synergy with biscuits is good i guess (instant 5% of missing hp and mana right?) it has literally no scaling compared to cosmic insight, and futures market can get item spikes faster in lane, correct me if I'm wrong since it's another rune i don't really understand Tbh i don't really play corrupting pot start champs so I hardly ever actually use twt... Tldr; why, when, how to use time warp and specific strengths compared to other inspiration runes [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:54 AM PDT Hello, I am level 17 and been playing with a few friends who are much much better than me. (high 100/200s) They are great at giving me tips and not getting mad, which is very nice. However, what are some good settings that I should have enabled/binded? I think eventually i'll main mid but going to start playing other positions ASAP. The questions I have are, should I have auto attack on? should I have attack move on (whatever that is?) and anything else that should be enabled/binded that the pro and high elo players have turned on? Would rather get into the habit of their preferred settings at a low level. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
I’ve been play MF since 2017& I’m still bad Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:44 PM PDT They say you're only as strong as your weakest link. It's me, I'm your weakest link. I play a lot of others including caitlyn, morgana, sivir, and even vei. I can't seem to get as good as my friends and I want to do well with MF and Cait. I used to just be bad at the mechanics. Now I know a lot and can't seem to farm. I feel like I should farm more than not farm and go in bc my sup is and when I ping (!) That should mean don't go in (in my head) idk what to do I don't want to stay at a stand still. [link] [comments] |
Countering phase rush/glacial augment Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:31 PM PDT I am having an obnoxiously difficult time with dealing with phase rush or glacial augment in matchups.I build mercs and will avoid their slows as much as possible but i just dont see what I should be doing to not get ran down the second I slip up and get slowed once. [link] [comments] |
Have headache's ever stopped you from playing for an extended time? Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:25 PM PDT I made a similar post a few weeks (or was it months?) ago asking something along the lines of "can you guys stay focused the whole game or do you zone out?" This was prompted by personal experience of course. Since then, however, about 2.5 or 3 weeks ago, I've been having constant headaches. Sometimes they're terrible but sometimes they're just mild. However, playing is a big no no right now. Every now and then I queue up thinking it's gotten better, even though it's not gone. I can't let this drag my whole life right? But then I get in game and within 3 minutes already the headache intensifies to the point where I just wanna lay down. Note: This isn't asking medical advice. I realize that's not what reddit is for. For what it's worth, I've been to my neurologist and my primary care physician. They both did exams (including physical, blood, etc) and nothing turned up. The neurologist thought it might be migraines but migraine medicine didn't help. I'm still seeing him right now. Also if yall curious, yes I exercise 6 days a week, drink a gallon of water a day, and sleep 8 hours a day. This is no brag/denial; it's just usually the first things suggested by people. Final point. Basically, according to examination at least, I'm "healthy". Have any of y'all players also dealt with constant headache and fog despite nothing being "wrong". Did you quit the game for a while? Were you somehow able to get back? I just miss playing. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:18 PM PDT Pretty much the title. Like when you are engaged in a fight/trade with Garen how do you actually outplay him. There is pretty much no counterplay in his kit outside of specific interactions like Fiora W. His whole kit is point and click or aoe with no outplay potential at all. If you ever get into a fight against him the only way to beat him is to outstat him which is only possible with a few champs like Sett. And god forbid you are ever behind against him. Seriously though, how do you outplay Garen. And yes when he's ahead his reliance on number stat stick advantage is even more apparent which is why it's so cancer to fight him when he's ahead. But I'm talking about from the get go or when you're even. What do you do. (p.s. play a ranged top is not an answer) (p.p.s why does Garen retain his Q movement speed after he has used his autoattack, it makes no sense for the AA buff and MS buff to be independent) [link] [comments] |
dying way too many times in the early game [ADC] Posted: 10 Oct 2020 12:27 PM PDT i typically play vayne/kai'sa atm and i die a few times but i always scale up and end up winning or having a really good late game. i just cant get around early game, i get camped by the jungler, by mid (assassins) and i just struggle to not die in the first 20 mins unless ive snowballed hard i freeze waves and poke but i always feel like im being targeted and one shot any tips on how to survive lane with these late game carries [link] [comments] |
Minion wave control and farming Posted: 10 Oct 2020 04:07 PM PDT I have been playing the game since season 6 and I have learned a lot mechanic-wise and champion-wise mostly, which make me average bronze level ish on laning. I mostly play top and mid. I feel like one of my big problems that keeps me from getting better and winning most of my match ups is about CSing. More precisely, about : 1. Farming under turret 2. Dealing with poke/harassment/lane bullying ** 3. Wave controlling (guiding the minions to my turret, hard pushing, freezing, gathering more minions, etc.) ** By poke and harrassment I mean it's always hard to deal with a bully in lane. How do I keep farming or how do I bully them back? I get to an average of 100 cs at 20 minutes, but I get a hard time with the trades because of that. TLDR; I have troubles with wave control and poking in-lane and how to balance them both. [link] [comments] |
Tips for CS mostly for Low Elo ( small guide ) Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:16 AM PDT
Try to last hit as many creeps as possible. Freeze a little bit in front of your turret by having 3 less casters from the enemy and dealing as much damage to the minions as he does. If your enemy pushes hard in your turret timings are the following: Caster Minions: 1 AA before turret and 1 after(except if you have high Attack Damage) Melee Minions: 1 AA after 2 tower shots Canon Minnions: 1 AA when it is one-shot; Depends on your Attack Damage. By having the wave in your side you have plenty of benefits: -Enemy is vulnerable to ganks. -Easier to focus on farming rather than poking. -Hard for the enemy to kill you if you are careful.
Try to shove the wave firstly and then try to poke. Push hard in the enemy turret and dont give a chance for the enemy to freeze. Always have good and deep vision; You won't be easily ganked and may even find a way to win 1v2. Try to time your back and arrival in lane correctly so you don't lose much gold. By having the wave in the enemy's side you have a couple of advantages: -You can deny a lot of CS from the enemy. -You have the ability to roam and have deep vision. -If you win really hard you can even take enemy jungle camps like raptors, krugs and gromp.
If you and your team are setting up in the jungle try to cover up your cs with jungle camps. When nothing is going on in the game split push 1-2 waves in side-lanes and then even counter jungle. When in your lane try to clear the enemy wave before you minions come somewhere near the Tier 1 and 2 Turrets: That way you can't lose CS. [link] [comments] |
How do I know what my wincon is? Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:13 PM PDT I am a top/jg player in Silver 1 making the climb to gold, and I think the biggest thing I'm caught up on is figuring out my wincon. Does it always change depending on champ or is there general guidelines? I know that for some champs like Kha and Olaf, you want to snowball hard and get your team ahead and for Zac and Sej you want to frontline as hard as you can. But is that a wincon? Is there more to it than that? [link] [comments] |
How to recover from loss streaks? Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:45 PM PDT I have lost my promos to Gold 2 weeks ago, and right after it, I lost 7 games in a row. Since then, I have been consistently 50/50ing and gradually losing LP, to the point of deranking 3 divisions. When I analyze my replays, I notice my gameplay has not changed at all, and is exactly equal to when I got to my promos, with the only difference being that I'm getting more frustrated over time for not being able to get back up. Is it a phase of bad luck, or is my gameplay fundamentally wrong? I have nearly grasped Gold with the same skill level I have as of now, but I don't seem to reach it again. How do I deal with that? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:08 PM PDT she seems like a champion eith alot of potential but I can't seem to play her at all. I find it hard to play her in tight battles, if that makes sense, without a full bukd she feels really weak and defenceless, anyone have any tips to carry and not get your ass wrecked by the enemies? [link] [comments] |
How the hell do you teamfight against Malphite (as a squishy)? Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:48 AM PDT I mostly play squishy immobile champions, whether ADC or AP mage. I have no idea how to play against Malphite. It seems like either we have to force his ult to escape while he is disconnected from his team, kill him beforehand, or get a pick or isolate the enemy team during the teamfight so I don't get immediately bursted as follow up. If the Malphite is competent he won't miss his ult and won't use ult if his team can't follow up on it. So oftentimes it just seems to be me getting zoned by the Malphite while my team goes in a 4v5, and the moment I step up, Malphite ults me and I get zoned by him. What am I supposed to do here? [link] [comments] |
How can I beat Samira on skillshot AD’s? Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:57 AM PDT I've played a single game of her to understand what exactly she does, this was in a ranked Diamond 2 game and I ended the game at 16-1-15. I went up against a Diamond 1 Ezreal. I know that this had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with my own skill as a player and I feel horrible for it. Right now I perma ban this champ because at the moment I'm 1-8 in games against her. I main Ezreal and throw in other AD's when necessary but I would like some advice on how to actually beat her with skillshot ad's. She not only can dash in on top of me, but can also cc me into the air quite easily as well as avoid projectile cc with her moving yasuo wall that doesn't need to be aimed, which isn't a one-and-done like Sivir but remains for multiple skill shots. Every time I have to pick before her and she gets picked into my Ezreal/Ashe/Jinx/Jhin, she just.... avoids últs q's w's all at low health or simply jumps onto my immobile ad, slows with her sword shoots me into the air and últs me as soon as she gets s rank. It doesn't make any sense to me or how I can play around this character as anything other than a range bully like Cait or an ad with high mobility such as Lucian or vayne. [link] [comments] |
Adc picked hanna. What do I do in that situation? Posted: 10 Oct 2020 01:58 AM PDT Before we start I genuinely want to learn how to deal with this situation I'm not flaming or anything. I main support, I locked in shen for support role and then my adc locked Janna. I figured to each their own right? I've seen weirder stuff in my time playing support. However janna started buying support items instead of AP. I'm a very aggressive support usually but I only did counter-engages. We still kept dying (because duh). What should I do in this situation? Should I have roamed instead of dealing with this? Thanks for any help :) [link] [comments] |
How do I even beat volibear as camille in lane Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:39 AM PDT I quit toplane because of champions like this where you literally build full armor take 0 damage and win every trade. [link] [comments] |
Simple advice for climbing in gold and below Posted: 10 Oct 2020 04:20 PM PDT This surely works in plat and higher but it's easiest to capitalize on and I've been climbing through gold pretty well with it: First off, this is a staple read for anyone looking to climb: But my advice builds on this. If someone is Silver or Gold, they can be insanely good at some things. Typically it's 1v1ing or some sort of micro play. I've seen incredible yas/fiora players that barely know what they're doing macro but they pummel everyone that gets in their way and go all the way up to plat or diamond. So what am I getting at? It's not hard to see what your opponent is good at. Do they always land their skill shots? Do they always get great cs? Are they constantly solo killing people? If they're stuck in gold or below, it's very likely they haven't balanced this skill trait out. So you need to punish the opposite of what they're doing. If they constantly roam, they will lack CS. Warn your team to play safe, ping MIA, ward and play close to your jungler when they roam and shove hard into tower so they lose cs. Make up the difference by outfarming them and shut them down mid-late game when you power spike. Are they amazing solo killers? Play SAFE. Only let them fight you when your jg is just around the corner. Be ready for tower dives and save cc. Do they have really great farm? Set up a slow push bot lane and force a teamfight top or around baron. They will probably ditch their team to pick up the cs while you 5v4. There are more subtle things that I personally don't believe are common to be skill maxed in gold and below, but other traits would be wave manipulation, warding, and macro objectives, or jungle tracking. These are harder to "take advantage of" but there are always ways to punish things. League is a game of this for that, and you should always be looking for a way to take the larger share of the tradeoff. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Oct 2020 04:01 PM PDT I've never really understood warding properly. Getting vision control is a big deal and I always hear "buy pinks, you don't have enough vision control". But I have a hard time justifying 75 gold for a ward that, if it does it's job well, is going to get destroyed. And as a team, you can only have 5 pinks on the map at any one time. It's 75 gold to see the enemy in their jungle, and if they're smart, they'll destroy the ward the moment they see it anyway. but pro players are constantly dropping wards and securing vision. What about warding am I not understanding? [link] [comments] |
Please, help me. I'm hardstuck silver 2-3 with 300 games; I don't know what I am doing wrong. Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:43 PM PDT Hello all. I have played league of legends since season 6, but I haven't really started playing ranked until recently. I started in bronze 4, but I quickly climbed to silver 2. But at that point, I became hardstuck. I can't get past silver 2, and I demote to silver 3 often, and I quickly climb to silver 2. Also, my teams are always sub 50 winrate and losing streaks. Even if I dodge bad teams, I get them the next game; I feel like I am in losers queue anyway. I have a champ pool of 2 champs, and that is Vladimir and ekko. I have success in these 2 champs, but I can't climb with them. I don't know what I am doing wrong, as I win lane often, and I have good wave management and macro. Usually, I try to tell my team what to do, such as lane assignments, but they don't listen and get caught out, and I get so tilted. Also, I have all chat disabled, but my teams regularly flame me. I really want to get to gold before the season ends. Can anyone look at my opgg and help me? I would really appreciate it; I don't know what I am doing wrong. Also, please no replies that tell me to take a break, I can't, I am addicted. [link] [comments] |
I have mastery 5 on Udyr, Warwick, Shen, Nasus, Shaco, and Yi. Suggestions who to main? Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:43 PM PDT So I've been bored lately, and asked my self. Who should try to get good at next? I went through youtube videos because I dont have a life, and still confused who to main next. So I went here, any suggestions?? I prefer tank champions, or champions that does a ton of damage. Help ; - ;. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:20 PM PDT So, I'm a support main that only began to play mid a month and a half ago, and at the beginning I didn't get the hang of it: I tried champs I knew how to play like Lux and Brand and didn't find a lot of success, then I tried Sylas and Ekko and I didn't quite like them either. That's when I decided to try the champion that became the love of my life: Galio. I absolutely love playing him, I have a very high winrate with him and I just spam him because he's just so god damn fun. Besides, I don't allow my laners to feed, cause every time there's trouble anywhere on the map I just ult or TP to help out and get a kill or two. Being able to help other lanes is really fun. I wanted to know if there are similar champions I can try on the mid lane, champions that allow me to take advantage of the mistakes of other laners and help my team snowball. I don't really like being the carry, but I do love enabling carries and protecting them or playing around them to win games. [link] [comments] |
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