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    Monday, October 19, 2020

    LoL Guide In-Depth Bard Guide for EVERY RANK made by Lathyrus, a Challenger OTP

    LoL Guide In-Depth Bard Guide for EVERY RANK made by Lathyrus, a Challenger OTP

    In-Depth Bard Guide for EVERY RANK made by Lathyrus, a Challenger OTP

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    Hey guys! My Bard guide just hit 1 million views and to celebrate we gave it a whole make over. It's better, cleaner and has everything you want and need for Bard! We update it for every patch and are already preparing for preseason, so you guys can get a head start with the new items.

    You can ask us any question, cause we want this to be the best Bard guide and love Bard just as much as you do!

    You can find the guide right here: https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/lathyrus-10-21-euw-challenger-guide-how-to-carry-in-soloq-544216

    submitted by /u/Lathyrustv
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    I went from iron to silver by just learning how to punish mistakes and sticking to a champ!

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    Hey guys, i know silver is nowhere near a achievement but it is for me xD. I was iron 4 44% wr and am now silver 4 48% wr. I learned alot of things along the way but i just wanted to point out how important punishing mistakes is!

    When i was in iron, i would play many champs in many roles. I would search the counter for the champ and play it. This however does not work unless you know how to play a champ. A counter is only a counter if the player knows what they are doing. I then played one game of kat and fell in love. I learned her combos in practice and played norms. Once i brought her to ranked i instantly started raising my elo. I did 2 things differently this time however:

    Bought control wards and baited key abilities

    I learned how to punish mistakes. In iron for example, i see that sett uses his W to farm wave so that gave me a chance to strike. I can gaurentee that if you stick to a single champ or two, and bait signiture abilites, you can also climb! Did nasus waste his r and have no flash? Go in if you feel you can win. Did you get hit by all of a mages abilites? Unlucky but go in because now she has no abilities and its your chance to attack.I know im not good at all but i really wanted to share my small achievement with someone and hopefully help them out.

    Edit: One more thing. Dont try to 1 v 1 death battle from full health until someone dies in laning. May seem obvious but i realized that taking trades and then backing off exists. In iron i would all in someone even if they were under tower. I would chase or get chased no matter the costs. Especially during laning where nobody is more fed than anyone else.

    Edit: Thank you for all of the awards, really nice to also see the community being so supportive of each other. Also, thank you for all the words of encouragement!

    submitted by /u/Zenos70
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    Xin Zhao by LCK Pro player

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Video can be found here

    Hi! S10 is coming to its end and everyone is trying to get as much LP as possible. Sadly most people choose the wrong way to do it. A lot of people believe that playing meta champions is the way to go, but this season meta champions for jungle are really hard to play. If you're lower at least D2 it is unlikely that you will be able to learn Lillia, Graves, or Nidalee in time and get your desired rank.

    HLE.CaD thought the same way and instead of trying to "get gud" at meta champions, he decided to play a champion that counters the current meta which is Xin Zhao. Xin might not be good for competitive, but he's one of the best low elo stompers and, apparently, right now he's an elo machine in high elo too - CaD got about 600LP in Korean challenger with this champion pick.

    So, I present to you an analysis video of CaD's Xin gameplay. Video is based on comparison of low elo Xin Zhao player to CaD's Xin Zhao, so everyone can find something for himself. Enjoy and have a good climb!

    submitted by /u/LuckyGnom
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    Play a build that’s comfortable for YOU and helps you in YOUR elo, just know when it’s time to change it up.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    Hello Summoners 👋, I'm sharing this concept with hopefully someone out there who has at some point or another considered building an item that might not be considered Meta and shied away from that idea because of a " win-rates speak for themselves" type logic. I want you to hear me out and understand that especially when picking up a new champion or a new role, branching out from the same build every game can lead to a much more enlightening experience. Something can definitely work better for your ELO than a higher ELO. An example of this would be a support Leona building more of a tank build with Thornmail or Sunfire or Warmogs because the current build might leave you too squishy considering Knights Vow and Zekes convergence are very strong items, but don't provide much tankiness. I think your personalized build might allow you to play more the style you want, and would excel in, rather than the style that that helps your ADC or whatnot. Even if people give you shit for this if you know when works for you and when it stops working for you, I think it's perfectly fine to try out innovative ideas

    submitted by /u/JustAnotherSoul99
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    Why does no-one play Nautilus top?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    I love top lane and Nautilus is one of my favourite champions to play in the top and I feel like he's super strong against most melee ad champions. It's so easy to punish them for mistakes and the ganks are hilariously hard to escape from. Does he seem good because I'm playing in Gold elo but really isn't? Is he not fun to play for other people? Am I missing something? I really don't want to stop playing him if I get to rank up. I just won a clash with him because I first picked him and they kept wasting bans on top laners omegalul

    submitted by /u/PAGCPG
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    How to snowball with earlygame junglers?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Im a toplaner who has been spamming jungle games with the hope of maining the role next season, so far i have learned a lot and i find decent success but the question is: How do you properly use earlygame junglers to snowball?

    I have been spaming mainly Elise and Reksai, the thing is that i feel like other junglers with better scaling like Ekko or Zac can gank just as well as me and heavy farming junglers like Graves or Kayn can easily powerfarm and be monsters later on.

    This is clearly not a problem of the champions but a me problem so im looking how to solve it, how do i make the most out of earlygame junglers? what can i do to consistently get earlygame leads?

    For the record im playing on a low plat smurf

    submitted by /u/EmilianoR24
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    Literally the best trick for reaching Silver

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Learn the basics. There is no trick. I fooled you. If you can't reach Silver, it means you don't have the basics. If you don't have the basics, you can use as many tricks as you want but Silver will be the highest rank you will ever reach. You might say "but there are thousands of people who can't reach Silver" well I'm sorry to tell you that they all don't have the basics. If you really want to reach Silver, you shouldn't be looking for tricks. You should be practicing on your basics so that you can play way more consistently and reach much higher ranks. You need ALL of the following if you don't want Silver to be the highest rank you ever reach: - Disable auto-attacking and focus on your farm. Doesn't matter how much you hit the minions if you can't deal the killing blow. Instead of hitting a minion at full health, use a basic attack on the opponent just when he's about to last-hit one of your minions - Use your wards properly. Don't just drop one in a random brush once in a while, place them somewhere that lets you see the enemy jungler as soon as they come out of the jungle, instead of putting it in a place where you only see them when they're already next to you. If you're mid, stay on the side of the lane where you have more vision. If you're a jungler or a support, make sure to also ward in the middle of the river in front of the dragon - LOOK AT YOUR MINIMAP. Seriously. The opponents won't stay where you expect them to be, so before moving forwards you always need to check how many opponents are visible and where the missing ones might be. Remember that this is not a single player game. Use a missing ping every time your lane opponent leaves, and be aware that someone from other lanes could do the same - This includes you too, you don't have a reason to stay in your lane if you already cleared the wave and the opponents are still farming. You can leave lane briefly to go place some wards, or you can even go help your teammates in a fight if your lane opponents aren't pushing. But you need to have vision behind you in case you get followed and surrounded - Know exactly what is your role when choosing a champion. Before picking Lucian mid make sure that someone else picks a proper teamfight champion. Before picking Vayne top make sure that someone else picks a proper frontline (No, writing "someone else pick a proper frontline" and then locking Vayne without waiting for an answer doesn't count. And no, your Thresh with a full support build doesn't count as a proper frontline either). Also keep in mind that if you pick Amumu to fill your team's quota of engage tanks then you can't wait for someone else to engage. If you're afraid to die because you only bought Ability Power on Amumu that's on you. The only ones who can afford to just think about dealing the most damage no matter the team comp. are mid and ADC, the others must compromise - Know at least the strongest and weakest points of every champion you see as well as your own. And know at least whether a champion is strong in the early game or late game. No point trying to 1v1 a Talon at level 2 if you're a Veigar, you will lose 90% of times - There is no need trying to play the champions that look the strongest to you, play the easiest ones for the role you chose. Until you can play the easy ones somewhat decently don't bother looking for guides on the hard ones - Know what items do exactly and when you should buy one instead of another. If you always buy the recommended items then I can 100% guarantee that several times you bought items in the wrong game or at the wrong time and they didn't help you at all - Remember that killing a champion is not just a way to get more money, it's a way to get free access to an objective that they would prevent you from taking (dragons or tower plates or entire towers etc.) - Unless you have a strong way to start a teamfight (like Sion R or Blitz Q or similar ways to reach a far away opponent and immobilize them) then NEVER group in midlane as 5 people to push in a 5v5. You might be tempted to go fight 5v5 but if you have to do so under the enemy tower then you will most likely lose without a proper engage. You should rather poke from a distance with 3 or 4 champions, while the other goes to a different lane to push and try taking a tower or a dragon (especially if they have Teleport to come back mid in case they're needed). Of course you need good vision of the enemy path to see if they're chasing the more isolated members of your team

    If any of this sounds new to you, or you don't think you know how to do it, then go practice and ask for advice if you need it. Reddit is full of idiots like me who take satisfaction in just hearing a "thank you" and knowing maybe the next guy I find in my team has a general idea of what he's supposed to do

    submitted by /u/Night25th
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    How to counter tempo drafts?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    As the title may be a bit vague, let me elaborate:

    If the enemy team drafts for a highly tempo reliant playstyle (aka pretty much lost if behind, pretty much won if ahead), how should I counterdraft and how should I adapt my playstyle to theirs.

    Examples for those kinda champs I'd say are ones like Nidalee, Elise, Pyke, Draven, Renekton, Aatrox, Bard, Kha'Zix, Pantheon, Rek'Sai, combos like Cait+Leona/Morgana, etc. etc.

    I'm not looking for matchup counterpicks (which you aren't always able to go for) but rather teamcomp styles which focus on/are good for either shutting down that effort with their playstyle or just straight up disable it from the start.

    (Reason for the question: Clash theorycrafting)

    submitted by /u/NerfAkaliFfs
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    Who to focus as an ADC

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    As an ADC main in low elo, I try and read guides whenever I can. Yesterday, I had a game like this: Mundo, Lee Sin, Akali, MF (me), Sona vs Sion, Wukong, Lux, Jhin, Pantheon. With no hard CC on our team outside of Sona ult, and a Jhin and Lux that got fairly fed, I would focus whoever was closest to me that I could in a teamfight, as running in to attack Jhin or Lux would have me focused and blown away.

    Our Akali started flaming me that I was focusing Sion and Wukong in these fights, annoyed that I wasn't focusing Jhin and Lux like she was. With the two of them fed (partially thanks to our 4/11 Lee) me engaging on them would see them outtrading me pretty heavily. Was she right though? Was focusing on the melee characters the wrong idea and I should have been trying to get shots in on their carries? I told the Akali that diving in to kill the backline carries was her job as a high-mobility assassin, is that wrong?

    Ending the game with the least deaths, second most damage (after Mundo), and very good CS made me think I did well but I want to make sure I'm not just cementing bad habits.

    If you want to see the stats of the game, my reddit name is the same as my league name

    submitted by /u/TheLiveDunn
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    Hextech Protobelt Gltich

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    So I am not sure what has been happening lately or if it was just that one game, but I was playing Diana in a ranked game and everytime I died, my hextech protobelt would automatically sell itself from my items and it would give me the gold. It doesn't seem too bad but protobelt is a essential part of dianas kit and arguably lost us the game, as I was ahead but then after it selling two more times from my items, I was at a near 1k gold loss, on top of not having a core item of my kit. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing as it lost us the game, since I was not able to do much without it.

    submitted by /u/Sebaspa1219
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    Is this how wave management works?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    So I'm currently trying to wrap my head around wave management and wave control (as an ADC in particular). While I think I have a basic understanding of it, I wanted to summarize everything, so that you can tell me whether this is correct or not.

    Fast Pushing/Crashing: You push the wave as fast as possible. This is usually done to get a level advantage over the enemy, get lane priority and before recalling.

    Slow pushing: You push the wave slowly without crashing it into the tower. This gives you an advantage in trades and gives you more time to roam, ward or recall once you crash the wave into the tower.

    Freezing: You only last-hit the minions and try to keep the wave where it is. This is mostly done to be safer (near your tower), potentially zone your enemy off of their farm and make them step further away from their tower to make them more susceptible to ganks and engages.

    I know this isn't very detailed and there are a lot of things that I didn't mention specifically but I just wanted to make sure that I got a decent understanding of the basics. So please tell me what you think, is this correct? Did I leave out anything fundamental?

    submitted by /u/popogay
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    Ingenious hunter is crazy good for vision

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Gold 2 here (On my way to Plat before the season ends, hopefully !).

    I recently switched back to jungling, and decided to focus on playing solid macro games. My big objective was to finally learn to have a good vision all around the map, which is so important given the amount of counterjungling going on nowadays, whether I intend to use it or defend myself against it.

    Anyways, I re-discovered how strong Ingenious hunter is. Quick reminder, Ingenious hunter gives 15%(+5%/kill, up to 40%) ACTIVE item cdr, as well as TRINKET cdr.

    Now, this may now be so amazing with a red trinket, but let's just consider the basic yellow trinket for a second. From lvl1 to 18, the ward will stay up during 90-120s, and a new charge will appear every 240-120s. In practice, there will be moments where you will have no wards at all on the map, except for your pink ward. I have seen many players rely too hard on pinks to provide vision, because they know they cannot provide a permanent vision of a given area otherwise.

    Everything changes with Ingenious Hunter, because, much earlier, you are given the possibility to permanently ward the same spot, if need be. Even better, you will have 2 wards up on the map for a good portion of your time, as charges now have a 144-72s cooldown.

    But, and this is where is gets very interesting, some runes and champions have crazy synergy with this. I want to start with fiddlestick. Let's just check two games I played recently, to understand how stupidly strong it becomes over time.



    As you can see, fiddlestick can easily reach 160+ vision score past the 40 minutes mark. Keep in mind I am still learning how to ward properly. This is because fiddlestick's wards last for up to 5 minutes at lvl18, and you get a charge every 20 seconds (thanks to ingenious hunter), so it's easy to get maximum vision and anti-vision all around objectives. With pink wards, and assuming you start off 2 trinket charges, you can reach a total of 16 wards on the map.

    Now, of course, fiddlestick is a special case, what about other champions ? Well, there is one very special rune for you : ghost poros. When a ward expire, a little poro appear and gives some vision for 60 minutes, until someones chases it away. First, let me say this : this is probably the easiest rune to get stacks on, provided you place it correctly. No kills required, no enemy ward has to be removed. Simply put wards down on good spots. You get 1 stack per poro spawned, and 1 stack per poro chased away. The synergy with ingenious hunter is double : More wards -> more poros -> faster stacks. But also : more wards + 60s vision -> greater vision around the map

    Because, assuming you are level 18 :

    No ingenious hunter, no poros : wards last 120s, with a charge every 120s

    Ingenious hunter only : 120s, 72s

    Ingenious hunter + poros : 180s, 72s (assuming they stay alive, not including vision radius, ward is left unchecked, blablabla)

    So, in theory, you should have between 2 and 3 "wards" on the map at any given time, which is double to triple the normal amount. Now your pink wards can be used to remove vision without losing crucial ward sports.

    And now, the even crazier part. All of this is secondary. Poro ghosts give 30 adaptive force, and ingenious hunter is 40%cdr on active items. These are only 2 secondary runes in the red tree, you can fit this on virtually any character (avoid this on toplaners for rather obvious reasons, unless you play quinn), and it is amazing paired with glacial augment on some characters, especially with the 5% cdr runes which synegyzes further with the 40% cdr on item actives. Originally, I always kept 1 free item slot for pinks on fiddlestick. Now, I can also use it for phantoms or a randuin for teamfights or skirmishes.

    This is the perfect option for non-lethality champions who wish to have more vision around the map, without the need of the umbral glaive + zombie wards combo, without sacrificing an item slot, or the stats provided by eyeballs collector. It's an even greater option on champions who have great synergy with active items like zhonya, GLP, gargoyle, phantoms, randuin, righteous glory,... The list goes on.

    With relentless nerfed, voracious being a ghost of its former self,.. Even on fiddlesticks, I'd rather have that much more vision, and have great setups for skirmishes, objectives and teamfights, than 25% cdr on my ultimate.

    submitted by /u/Plantarbre
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    Im stuck in SoloQ Gold elo, but I beat diamonds in seriously Clash games?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    With my clash teams I perform really good as adc, I die the least and I have good kda against plats and diamonds (My team is rank tier 2 in clash)

    I have games that are 4/1/12 as ashe for example, but in soloQ???

    My ashe is pretty bad, my support forgets that they have to stick to me outside of laning phase, my team skirmishes 24/7 im talking about 50 total deaths at the 20 minutes mark, I get fed in lane but I CANNOT push that lead in team fights against fed tops and mid that oneshot me, with half the team running it down like its aram every minute they are alive?

    I have a 40% win rate in gold over 40 games, yet I perform relatively good against duo diamond in clash?

    I cant carry against fed enemys when all my team-mates dont want to listen and flame each time someone performs bad...

    submitted by /u/Indis96
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    How can I better understand the meta items for certain champs?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    I always hear in low elo about how "You should do ___. It's the meta now. If you don't then you're bad."

    I do know that low elo is a different game than high elo. I also know that a lot of low elo players just copy what high elo do without understanding why...

    So what I'd like to do is learn how to understand why. I know that for certain information I may not be able to grasp, but I'd like to know. I can read stats, sure, but how can I learn to read stats, relate that to the champ, then relate that to the enemy team? I understand some of it may be due to just knowing the champs, and I'm assuming some of that requires a level or critical thinking?

    What I'm trying to ask here is that I want to be able to critically think and question the "current meta." I want to be able to ask myself, "Why is ___ the current meta? Is it actually? How would I benefit from it? Is there a particular interaction?" I want to b able to ask these questions and know how to get my answer. I have no idea how to answer that because I believe I lack important information that could help me get to those answers. What are those steps? How can I learn those steps?

    submitted by /u/league-account
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    Is omnistone any good?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    I've been playing league for a while, since s5 began, and though I've never been into ranked I constantly ask myself this question: Why would you use such rune a s omnistone? Is there a champion that can actually make good usage of ALL runes? To me it seems kinda like the spatula Item in nexus blitz: The ability to do everything does not mean you can be good at it.

    submitted by /u/TiagoBallena
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    How to develop a plan to improve at the game?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm a Katarina main currently residing in Silver. For the most part, I've played this game casually, but I'd like to try to improve at the game and try to climb the ranks.

    However, I'm not entirely sure how to do this. The game is complex and there are so many different concepts and things to master to improve, whether it's csing, map awareness, micro, macro, and a multitude of other things.

    Given the massive amount of things needed to be mastered to be good at the game, what's the best way to develop a plan to go about getting better?

    I'd say my micro and matchup knowledge is alright, but that's only a fraction of the game.

    Should I isolate single topics and attempt to improve on them one by one?

    Also, I've been playing on locked camera since I started playing, and vastly prefer it compared to unlocked, is it worth it to get used to unlocked?

    tl:dr what's the best way to learn all the different fundamentals and mechanics to improve

    submitted by /u/itsariposte
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    [Question] How did we arrive at the jungle carry meta?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Last year it was all about gank heavy junglers. Olaf, Sejuani, Lee, Elise and carry tops like vladimir. Now the jungle meta revolves around high damage carries like graves, evelyn, kindred and lilia and top lane is back to mostly tanks (orn, shen, voli) with the occasional duelist picks like camile and of course the ever present renekton.

    How did this meta change come to be? What would mean in the current meta state if a professional team opted for a ganking jungle?

    submitted by /u/PrinnyThePenguin
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    how do i deal with toxic supports?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    the title probably isn't the best, but i play adc (mainly kai'sa because i'm trying to learn her but i used to play jhin and caitlyn). none of my friends like bot lane nor do they like support, some do but they usually return back to their original positions after having to deal with a miss fortune and ashe duo again.

    because of that, i usually get put with randoms. i have a weird play style of trying to poke and punish if the enemy gets too aggressive, but not charging in myself because in my elo everyone runs away to tower before anything else and i can't tank the damage after getting poked unless i have good synergy with my support and we rush together.

    the randoms, however, get really salty about me doing so and tend to send messages such as "ff 15 i don't have an adc", which really isn't that nice. i understand that i'm not the best, but it's not my fault miss fortune presses one button and suddenly half of my hp bar is gone despite trying to be cautious. i just don't know how to be more self-sufficient in adc and manage to basically 1v2 when i'm playing champions such as kai'sa. any advice?

    submitted by /u/ceriies
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    What makes for a good team comp?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    So usually when I watch streamers they always say something like, "We have the better team comp." But how do you decide if your team comp and what do you need for a good team comp? Do you need cc, a tank, wave clear, dmg? What should I look for when picking my champ as well.

    submitted by /u/Neat_Ticket_8114
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    How do you lane against assassins? in mid lane

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    I'm a pretty bad bronze player but I can at least win lane against mages most of the time but I can't fucking lane against these bullshit "I click you once and you die" champions I just can't fucking lane against them to save my life. so how do you do it?

    submitted by /u/Lord_Tedd
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    Sett's ultimate damage on spell shields?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    Does sett ultimate still create damage with the target's health percentage even though they were spell shielded? Seems kind of weird because the spell never got to hit them. Shouldn't he just deal the base damage? I'm not sure if he does or doesn't by the way. I tried to google it but nothing useful showed up.

    Please explain me why he does or doesn't if you are able to by the way. I'm trying to understand these base mechanics better.

    submitted by /u/PAGCPG
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    Support for the wild rift community

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    First off I just want to say this subreddit has taught me more about league of legends ever since wildrift was announced.

    now that the open beta starts later this month ( 28th, SEA ) and will be available in Europe in December I wanted to know if there are any plans to onboard the all-new influx of players to this awesome game?

    I have some concerns that the mobile MOBA audience has a history with playing lol rip-offs because lol wasn't available and a new wildrift summoner school community would be awesome to the player base, thanks.

    submitted by /u/LORDEARYEE
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    I’m trying to get better, and I’m not sure how.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I hope everyone has been safe during these past few months. I'm an iron player (1 month into playing) and I honestly have no idea how to get better. I don't really main any champions, I just kinda play around on a few of each role. I don't understand why certain champs win certain matchups, I don't understand jungle pathing, I don't place wards nearly enough, and I only win like 1 every 3 games. I've only ever played 2 ranked games, and I've lost them both. Please let me know what to do to get better, because I'm not even sure how to improve. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Nruffalo
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    Help for climbing to silver as ADC <333

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    Hey guys, i'm a bronze 2 ADC main (rough right). I have tried all the other roles but truly don't enjoy any as much as i do bot lane. I have been trying to improve my play and climb, however i feel like i'm stuck in a rut.

    I play mostly Vayne (110k mastery) and Jhin recently, however i can play Miss Fortune and Caitlyn decently too.

    I first focused on trying to get my CS up and deaths down. Although not the greatest at either, i have gotten my average cs up a few points, and trying to actively reduce deaths as much as possible. I'm still trying my best with the deaths but sometimes when i have to do all the work for kills without peel, it's hard to not die 1v5..

    Some problems i'll have is positioning. I will usually end up getting plates or similar with a ward in bot bush, however by the time i see the enemy gank it is too late - a missing ping from mid is a rare thing.

    Another problem i have is that i cannot for the life of me play with unlocked screen. I will click on the map to move my POV, however i can't play with the unlocked screen. This is annoying sometimes in extended team fights.

    I also sometimes miss team fights completely, this will usually happen when i'm focusing hard on getting cs, and don't notice the action on the mini map. I will end up getting pinged by annoyed team mates.

    One other issue i seem to have is being able to finish games. I've had games go on as long as 58 minutes, as my team would refuse to do baron with me or everyone resets when the enemy is wiped, meaning that it gets hard to take nexus on my own. How would you go about ending the game in such a scenario? The only reason i won the 58 minute game is because i stole Elder with Jhin W and minions got the nexus.

    My OP.GG


    Thank you so much for reading (:

    submitted by /u/Randomrabbitz1
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