• Breaking News

    Monday, October 19, 2020

    League of Legends Potential West Coast NA Server Issue

    League of Legends Potential West Coast NA Server Issue

    Potential West Coast NA Server Issue

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    Hi All!

    While we still haven't seen confirmation from Riot, there seems to be some potential fuckery going on for some users.

    Please note that this may be simply an issue with a service provider or it may be a small segment issue with Riot. Either way, hopefully it will get fixed soon!

    Please be sure to refer to Riot's server status page for any potential updates or try contacting @RiotSupport on Twitter or creating a ticket on the support portal.

    submitted by /u/PankoKing
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    Cloud9 to promote Fudge to starting lineup, Reignover to head coach

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    When finals is Suning vs G2, we will finally be able to see the truth - Group A was the real group of death and TL is the third best team in the world

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    After G2 go 3-1 against DWG this weekend, and after Suning continue peaking into a 3-0 against TOP, we will finally see that TL managed to do in groups what it took 4 teams to do in the bracket stage: take a game off each of the two best teams in the world.

    The obvious conclusion? TL is the undisputed third best team in the world, and would have topped literally any other group. Group A was the real group of death.

    submitted by /u/Sf3n_of_Keld
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    T1 T1 with the Malphite out play on Fiora

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    If an eastern team beats a western team, they're just better. When a western team beats an eastern team, the eastern team just played bad.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    I dont like the double standards that analysts have for pro games. If Korea 1 beats Korea 2 in the LCK, they will call it a great match.

    If EU 1 beats Korea 2, the same way that Korea 1 beat Korea 2 then they will just say that Korea 2 is playing bad.

    In every top 20 list, there is this thing, where you take the top 3 players out of every LCK and LPL team with 3 teams each which forms 18 players. And the remaining 2 gets given to EU players as a fill or pity reward.

    Yet time and time again, western players outperform their counterpart but falls short in key moments, and often times to unforeseeable factors.

    FPX winning worlds 2019 was unforeseeable. They looked bad in groups. IG looked weaker than Fnatic in groupstage 2018. RNG G2, G2 Afreeca Freecs. FNC EDG.

    You name it.

    Im tired of these underdog narratives given by casters and analysts. Where they paint this picture that there is a massive difference in mechanical skill and game knowledge between the top 8 teams.

    The last time this was true was 2017, when Misfits takes SKT to the limit. Every year after that the west shows up to the table.

    Mostly EU but NA has some digs here and there, showing glimpses of brilliance.

    Every indicator suggests that Korea is a clear number 3 region in the world. Whatever happens in LCK stays in the LCK when only 3 teams get to play worlds. Just as you say EU is only G2 FNC, ill say that LCK is only SKT, DWG and GenG. DRX is only here because GenG choked.

    LPL has the benefits of korea from previous years. Everyone look at the LPL and say "thats the way we need to play" and try to mimic it. They fail for the same reason they failed vs Korea. You cant beat the original creator.

    When providing analysis to an upcoming matchup, I dont want to hear that X cant play vs Y because Y is better.

    Tell me why Y is better. What do they do that X does not understand?

    TL;DR: There is a lot of lazy analysis in league of legends. I will hype up the team from my own region because my region is the best kind of analysis. The east gets favored in every matchup, regardless of playstyle, players and meta. Show some respect to the western players and their ability to play the game. If the current curve keeps going the s ame way, LCK continues to stagnate, LCS stays where it is, and the following 5 years will be only EU vs CN with LCK playing spoiler.

    Edit: The purpose of this post is more aimed towards eastern bias, rather than western. I view western analysis as reasonable, because they explain how and why a win can happen. Eastern analysis is just we will win because we are better. If we lose, we played bad. Just to clear up some confusion

    submitted by /u/TrashplankGG
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    I paint Orianna every year to mark my art progress: Part 6

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    The tradition must continue

    (Sorry if you briefly saw this last week, had to reupload due to posting rules)

    Better late than never. I'm sure we've all had an... interesting year. Quite touched that some of you remembered and messaged me about this, as I wouldn't continue making these if people didn't show interest. :p

    As always, all the other years, fanarts, and all the other stuff I've drawn can be found on my Arstation and Instagram.

    Stay healthy!

    submitted by /u/Tius_try
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    Are LCS players paid too much? The trouble with the $400k number - Travis Talks

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Thank You, RapidStar | Cloud9

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    Drawing an Evelynn Pinup with only dots!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:27 PM PDT


    you read that right, I tried my hand at making my first pinup, making Classic Evelynn! I've always loved her design, and am really happy with how it looks! Made with pointillism (the colored parts too) using fineliners, about 70k dots .

    Imgur Album

    The third and fourth pictures are closeup pictures to highlight the details in the artwork, while the rest are work-in-progress photos to see how the piece eventually ended up how it looks right now ❤️ For anyone asking how I count the dots, I draw using grids for better proportions, and count the dots per square, tallying them up in the end. The number isnt exact, but pretty close!

    Hope y'all like it! For those interested in checking out my other work, my socials are in the profile description!

    submitted by /u/stormbeastarts
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    G2 Jankos interview after GEN quarterfinals -- How G2 has learned to play in the carry jungle meta, G2's bo5 buff, his expectation for the DWG semifinals: "I respect them, they're a strong team. But, my confidence is very high. I'm very happy with how we transformed as a team over the past month."

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    R.I.P to Frozen Mallet and Friends. F to pay respects to our Fallen Friends. You will be greatly missed.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    TheShy on S8 Ning, G2 vs GenG, contract

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    Theshy just streamed and answered many questions

    source: https://bbs.hupu.com/38689117.html

    Here are a few interesting ones:

    On IG pick and Ban: I often take sacrifice on pick and ban. Only Rookie and I can make sacrifice. If we ask the other players to sacrifice then they'll explode (meaning: get destroyed). Only rookie and I can play both tanks and carries.

    On future plan (his contract has already ended with IG): If I retire, I won't make youtube or stream. I will disappear, don't try to find me. I will probably become a farmer in rural areas, and then live like that. I will most likely play another year with Rookie. It's probably Rookie's last year as well. It's all hard to say at this point.

    On Ning's Lee sin Jungle clearing (it's a meme that compares SOFM's clearing and Ning's, Ning is significantly slower): I am probably faster than Ning on Lee sin jungle clearing. If Ning does it agian, he probably can be faster too. It's just in that one game, he was slow. In professional matches, if you clear slow, then it causes problems. It's like CS in lane, it's something that you are expected to do well. So fans' criticism are legit. He is a pro, not a casual player.

    On G2 vs Geng: I don't understand how LCK would lose to G2. I watched the highlight not the game. They all say Geng didn't perform today. It's surprise to see 0:3. I feel that we (IG) can win against G2. Geng is much better than us. Losing is surprising.

    On DWG (some comment says if DWG is stronger in Lane, then it's like S8 IG): S8 IG has three winning lanes. No matter what we win lanes. The meta was like that at that time. No matter who the jungler is, as long as you pick ZhaoXin or Camile, as long as you get crab at level 2, then it's auto win. Because all lanes are winning, as long as the jungler picks a champion that can get crab at level 2, then we can win. (I think this is a huge diss toward Ning.)

    submitted by /u/mr_delphi
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    PSA: You can adjust Pickems for Semifinals and Finals

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:32 AM PDT

    I'm pretty sure in previous years you couldn't change Pickems after the Knockout Stage was locked. This might be helpful for people that might underestimate some teams.

    submitted by /u/ojciecmatki
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    Chinese Reaction on LPL tweet Post G2 vs GenG "Everything Going according to the Plan"

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    We got few days of wait before Semi's so i thought why not spend some time capturing some reactions for content starved fans like me. Sorry if my editing is a bit bad, this is my first post on the subreddit, ill try to improve and post more in future if you guys like content of this type regardless.


    Source : https://bbs.hupu.com/38672546.html


    If this is really the script.Lets stop saying G2 is LPL's 5th Seed.They are officially LPL 0 Seed.


    Agent 0 ( This is a reply to the comment above)



    Caps the 2nd best mid laner in the world..he is sooo good!!


    Nah, he is the worlds best midlaner.Lets fight over who is second best.His contributions to LPL are too many to put any other midlaner in discussion for the first spot ( this is what is implied here)



    G2 are LPL's foreign gods of war


    Guys honestly i am a little worried that G2 will eventually break past our LPL teams, I am panicking thinking if TES or SN can beat G2?

    Most upvoted Reply to this comment is below

    只要lck不进决赛 g2夺冠也没那么难受🐶

    As long as its not LCK winning, i would not be uncomfortable with G2 winning it all



    I dont think there is a team in this world that contributes more to LPL winning championships than G2


    I am getting teary eyed...Out of all the LPL teams which team can really bring LPL its 3rd world championship?None of them ..only G2 can


    Common G2 , destroy LCK ( referring to the upcoming match with DWG)


    I am fine with EU winning , i just dont want to see LCK win.


    Guys its really hard to play G2 in the finals, its going to be really fking hard to play them 😅

    Below are two of the reply to above comment


    That's what i thought last year too ( another reply to this reply was " And thats what i thought the year before that" LOL)


    Tbh i would be okay with G2 winning worlds.Lot of ppl in my circle dont want to see LCK win and have a hold G2 in high regards.


    I hereby declare that G2 is LPL's best friend,until the end of time

    Reply to this comment is below


    And i declare whatever you said to be true!

    Thanks for Reading ill add more later if ppl want them

    submitted by /u/FanInPain
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    [Fan Art] Skintober 2020

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I participated in this years #Skintober on twitter. I decided to stop cause I really wanted to focus on personal work, but I've still got 16 concepts to show.

    Hope you like em

    and if you wanna check out what I did for previous years



    submitted by /u/Kyrin22
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    Udyr OTP reaches Grandmasters with an insane 70% winrate, building Runic Echoes into tank every single game

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    Fallen Kayle, Divine Morgana (versus fan concept)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    Fallen Kayle, Divine Morgana (versus fan concept)

    I am baaaaaaaack because these are fun to do!

    For Day 17 of Conceptober, it's Versus, so I have Divine Morgana and Fallen Kayle: a tragic tale about ascension to Aspect of Mercy, and fall of blind justice. Both of them became what they sought to hate.

    Glowy swords and glowy chains, but always flowing hair C:

    A close up, how you like that blue hair tho

    For Morgana, I wanted to give her some high fashion glam, and for Kayle, I want her evil.



    If you like my stuff, I will do them more often when I have free time (soon-ish hopefully)~


    submitted by /u/StopDropRollDie
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    I also played PBE for 3 weeks. I only see doomsayers, so here's a less biased feedback post.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    So, I know many people on this sub are scared about pre-season, worried that damage is too high because of mythics or whatever. I also saw someone complain that healing is too high? which I find weird af, so I'm posting this to clear things up for those of you who don't play.

    Liandry's Torment + Demonic Embrace is not OP.

    Someone posted about this already, but I'd like to reiterate his point. Outside a couple champions (specifically Malzahar and good Brands), this item combination isn't actually that OP. It's certainly strong, but the passive itself is only 0.5% hp/s higher than current Liandry's Torment alone (given CC, which should always be the case). There's the added 1 second duration, but it honestly doesn't change too much. The real power of this combo comes from magic resistance shred - which squishies should not be too concerned about.

    Other mage specific changes:

    • You have less flat magic pen than live if you build anything but Luden's or Protobelt (which no one buys): You go from 33 magic pen every game to 18 without Luden's, or 28 - 48 at 1+shoes - 5+shoes items with it.

    • Liandry's breaks even with Luden's in terms of pen at 120 magic resist. Squishies shouldn't be worried about Liandry's+Demonic Embrace because it's strictly weaker than Luden's against them.

    Tanks get hurt a lot more however, and I do think there is too much %armor and %magic pen in the game now. It's good to have ways to stop things like Ornn from being unkillable, but tanks will struggle to 1v1 anything now.

    • I haven't seen anyone use Proto-belt. Axamuk's Folly and Rod of Eternity aren't really mage items anymore due to lack of mana; maybe Ryze or Cassio with a Tear.

    • Everfrost is fucking stupid on Seraphine plz delet seraphine. For real though, not a lot of love for this item. Glacial Augment in my opinion just isn't as good without spooky ghosts.

    Additionally, most AP items have lost some stats, raw AP is lower across the board with a big nerf to Rabadon's Deathcap.

    P.S. Malzahar with Liandry's and Demonic Embrace is really dumb.

    Healing is not OP either.

    • Ravenous Hunter went down from 1.5% +14% at max stacks to 1% +10%.

    • Death's Dance was reworked and lost its omnivamp. Takedowns now remove the damage queue (the 35% it delays is stored in a debuff) and heal 10% of your total HP over 2 seconds. This requires you to actually pop off in a fight to make use of it.

    • Oblivion Orb now costs 800 gold, and has grievous wounds; Morello is also cheaper.

    • There are 2 additional grievous wounds items (Chempunk Fumigator and Chempunk Chainsword) for enchanters and AD -no %arpen- respectively. The increased diversity allows you to build grievous wounds without wrecking your build.

    • Grievous wounds from items are now 60% against targets under half hp.

    • Moonstone Renewer is strong, but only during combat. You're not gonna see a Karma healing her team to full during a siege by spamming Q and E and staying far back anymore, thank god.

    You are, however, gonna need to CC the enemy enchanter support or kill them during fights, unless you can delete carries in the 2-second cooldown.

    Eclipse isn't the only item AD assassins have, please start buying the others.

    I see almost every assassin rushing Eclipse on PBE, which would be good if they had to side lane vs a tank, but especially in its current nerfed version, it's not worth it against squishies. The invisibility from Duskblade is more helpful than the shield to get out, and Prowler's Claw gives much better stats.

    TL;DR Eclipse is bad to assassinate squishies, good for side laning. Prowler's Claw is probably the best for the former.

    Speaking of AD assassins, they've had it probably the best this pre-season.

    Not only did AD assassins get an easy way to fight tanks in Eclipse, they also didn't sacrifice anything for it:

    • On Live, the maximum Lethality you can get from full items is 71.

    • On PBE, the minimum (Eclipse/Duskblade + Edge of Night) is 76. You also get a bunch of %arpen from Eclipse.

    The maximum (Prowler's Claw + Collector) is 107.

    • On Live, the maximum AD you can get from full items is 275.

    • On PBE, the minimum AD (Eclipse/Duskblade + Collector) is 260.

    The maximum (Prowler's Claw + Serpent's Fang) is 285.

    A theoretical maximum lethality build would be:

    1. Prowler's Claw, Collector, Ghostblade, Serpent's Fang (stats are too good to care about passive), Edge of Night: 105 Lethality, 280 AD.

    2. Replace Edge of Night with Umbral Glaive: 107 Lethality, 280 AD.

    But what if you want to fight tanks?

    1. Replace Prowler's Claw with Eclipse, Edge of Night: 82 Lethality, 270 AD, 20% Armor Penetration.

    2. Same, Umbral Glaive: 84 Lethality, 270 AD, 20% Armor Penetration.

    For comparison, live theoretical maximum lethality build would be every lethality item: 71 Lethality, 275 AD, and that includes the shitty sanguine blade.

    Every theoretical pbe build is stronger than live. I say "theoretical" a lot here because I know you're going to build GA or something, but that applies to both live and pbe so for comparison's sake it's easier this way.

    Goredrinker seems busted on paper, but I haven't seen a lot of it.

    Maybe it's because the best use of Goredrinker also happens to be the best use of grievous wounds - low hp, or maybe people just don't like bruisers :doubt:. I unfortunately didn't get to see this item a lot, I have to try it myself.

    The other bruiser items have been okay so far outside of bugs.

    Guinsoo's Rageblade is cool, but a bit too strong.

    Yep, get ready for another season of Master Yi. At this point we've become accustomed to him tearing our buttholes apart at two items, and it's still gonna be the same. Rest assured though, there won't be Navori Quickblade perma-alpha striking master yi's; just 100-0 in 0.75 seconds ones. Woohoo.

    Tanks are either hard engage or support now.

    It doesn't look like tanks will one shot you anymore, from what I've seen so far; but they will run at you at mach-3 with Berserker Suit or slow you the fuck down with Frostfire gauntlet after their engage. But neither of these items allow them to delete carries, nor do any of their legendaries.

    It's nice to see tanks become indestructible cc bots again imo, with a lot of debuffs like Randuin and Frozen Heart while still being pretty tanky with Sterak and Gargoyle Stoneplate for example.

    AD Carries hit a better powerspike at 1 item and can choose not to be made of paper anymore.

    That's cool. Not much to say about the role though for me, I don't play it a lot.

    And finally, please stop looking at exploits/bugs and thinking that's gonna be meta.

    Bugs are bugs and they are fixed during the cycle. Of course a ton of them will show up with how many changes there have been. It's clearly not intended that you can reduce your cooldowns to 0 every AA, or have 2100 haste or even deal 40k crits (sorry jhins).

    I hope I didn't get any math wrong.

    TL;DR: Healing a bit down, raw damage around the same if a little higher, % armor/magic pen too high, ad assassins living the good life, ad carries are fine, tanks are fine. These are just my 2 cents, don't treat it as gospel.

    submitted by /u/fesenvy
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    Let’s be real, season 11 is going to shake up the game A LOT. Which direction is league going to go next? NOT A COMPLAINT THREAD

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I was just curious of your thoughts about how much of a shake up season 11 will be versus some of the past preseason changes like the dragon changes or support item changes in the past seasons. I'm personally of the opinion that this season will cause a massive amount of difficult choices and chaos in playstyles, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but I believe will take longer to fully grasp the change.

    submitted by /u/JustAnotherSoul99
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    Patch 10.22 Preview V2

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    A follow up from the previous post last week

    Riot Scruffy Tweeted the upcoming changes for patch 10.22

    10.22 Patch Preview. Last patch of the season and things are pretty stable.

    This includes some of the champion adjustments that we started working on last week.

    Image version of the changes: https://i.imgur.com/erIepGz.png

    >>> Nerfs <<<


    • Too strong in both Jungle and Mid in Elite play

    Lulu Top

    • Specifically top is too strong in skilled+ so focusing on Solo


    • She's still climbing in power as players are mastering her, previous nerfs weren't enough


    • Strongest mid in skilled bracket, small nerfs to bring him in line

    >>> Buffs <<<






    • Bonus resists: 15-55 >>> 40-70

    • No longer gains 1-3 resistance per second



    • Explosion damage: 12-16% (1.5% per 100 AP) >>> 10-14% (2% per 100 AP)


    • [NEW] Always spreads to nearby enemies

    • Spread range: 375 >>> 300

    • Blaze effect doubles spread range to 600


    • [NEW] Can now bounce to Brand

    >>> Champ Adjustments <<<



    • Damage reduction >>> 40-240 (+40% AP) shield for 3 seconds

    • Mana cost: 20 >>> 40

    • [NEW] Can now be cast on self or ally within 800 range



    • Fires: 9 >>> 7-11 arrows (by rank)



    • Traps deal full damage immeditely instead of over 1.5 seconds
    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    Jankos is the BEST Jungler EVER! - Thorin's Thoughts

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    SKT Reunion | T1 Travelers Ep. 1

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Instant Karma :(

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    TheShy's Sharing on his stream

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    1. "Korean audience all think that rookie's pronounciation is bad, even talkative? I never think of that. Usually he seems like joking with me, I never think that his korean is bad. But ofc my korean is better."
    2. Chat mentioned jkl, didn't catch it clearly. " People that leave will surely leave, people that going to come will eventually come. I don't have any thoughts on this, I won't attach on it. There's no problem on wanting to go to a better team. I don't have any thoughts on transfer of any members like this worlds, not supporting any teams nor any thoughts.
    3. Mentioning Xiao Yu [LPL's host, Rookie's girlfriend] " She speaks simple korean, like what, why, no, hate, etc. Despite others, she actually speaks quite good."
    4. "Why is korean audience thinks rookie's talkative. My words are 10 times more than him. I would just hang around him, asking him have he eaten, what did he ate. He only answered one line after many questions. So, it's actually me speaking nonsense to torment him"
    5. Chat asked about IG's ban pick. " People will think like I'm sacrificing on ban pick. It's because except me and rookie, if we let others sacrifice, they will directly crash in lane. So, only me to sacrifice, I can hold on if I'm sacrificing. Only me and rookie can play tank and do damage at the same time."
    6. Chat asked about will he stream after retiring. " If I retired, I won't do youtube or stream, just disappear silently, don't find me guys, I will probably do farming in rural areas, living like this hahaha"
    7. "I like playing with rookie. Probably wants to continue playing with rookie. Next year probably is the last year of rookie too. I don't know anymore"
    8. "Are rookie and her girlfriend business relationship?[ chat asked] I want them to be in business relationship instead" [ Not sure how to translate this, the original meaning in Chinese is it's not, but TheShy wants them to be in (joking tone ?)]
    9. Chat keeps asking that are some weird heros good for top or not " Guys, I'm not weird ppl, I actually researched champion's compability, if good then, I will pick them. My research actually shows kalista , aphelios is good against lucian, so I tried them. Syndra too, I win a lot in scrims with her, other teams' toplaners also used ther"
    10. " I actually have Huya's consent for streaming at twitch and youtube content"
    11. "Ning Challenge? I will surely be faster than Ning. If Ning try it again, he will also be faster. Only he was slower that match. But true, if u are slow on match, it will cause problem. Jungler clearing is like laners csing, basic job. So people criticsing him re right, he is not some random person but an actual pro player."
    12. Chat asked about who's funnier in China's dorm. " Chinese players funnier probably, Puff and Southwind are really close, they joke around alot, me and rookie will just watch, they fight." Chat:"bad in game, at least fun in life" TheShy : " what are you guys saying ? They played fine, at least they tried hard"
    13. " Fun things this year? IG has a hard year. I don't know any fun things. Probably everyone will feel it is a hard year."
    14. "Oh, right. I watched highlight, lck lost to g2. I can't understand. I didn't watch the game, but only the comments. Everyone is saying GenG is in such bad form. They lost 0-3 to G2. If we (IG) play against G2, I feel like we can win, GenG is so much better than us, they actually lost."
    15. "DWG rather than individual mechanics, they are better in team. If they are better in lane mechanics, they will be top 1 team, now they are better as a team"
    16. Chat:" if dwg lane better, they would be S8 IG". "18 IG was midlaner good. Top and mid were good, bot too. We can win no matter what in lane. The meta that time was like that, whoever jg was, if they picked xz or camilled etc, got crab at lv2, they straight won the game. Since the lane always win, jungle just pick champion that can contest for crab, then can win the game."
    17. Chat asked:" 2018, facing kt, you chose fiora which was different with coach Kim's plan, then you got subbed out because of that, is it true?". " That incident was like this, we already had our picks planned out together with the coaches and players. But the jungle suddenly pick weird champion, does not match with my planned pick, then I can only pick fiora. If we played a little bit better, we could have won that game, I made too many mistakes because picks need to have balance between each other. In conclusion, that game was played by me and rookie. If I didn't pick fiora, that would be inting. I won a lot in lane, the plan was picking tank, but we could only bare with it. After that, we could not deal with it, I can only split push. If I could pick tank, I would be more comfortable, since it is easy.

    Disclaimer: I don't know korean. This is actually second translation from chinese to english whr source thread is here https://www.douban.com/group/topic/197878369/ . I saw Korean journalist also posted same content on twitter, so I think it would be true. Would do a rookie one if free.

    Edit: Fixed some grammar errors. Added 17

    submitted by /u/hihaha99
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    When all you want is to be left alone and chime

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:02 PM PDT

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