LoL Guide Lane pressure makes taking early dragons a lot safer |
- Lane pressure makes taking early dragons a lot safer
- Spent 165 games playing Syndra, but still didn't learn her and can't win games, help pls!
- 5 RULES for roaming supports in Silver/Gold to climb
- A Support Item Quick Guide
- Why do Pros insist on contesting second herald.
- It's okay to fail.
- New Meta from Worlds - How Suning Gaming used a level 1 invade and vertical jungling to make the game unplayable for Team Liquid
- How do I untilt, learn more, expand my champion pool, and just improve in general?
- Question: From a new ADC player
- How to play late game as a ranged solo lancer?
- What are some tips on maintaining tempo in the jungle?
- You Should Know: Ignite+Phase Rush Hecarim is BUSTED
- Support importance?
- Long time ADC switched to MID - Looking for good ressources for MID Lane in generall
- Ways to deal with uninteractive enemy laner?
- Fight! Fight! Fight!
- Can't get better at a role no matter how much time you put into it?
- Whenever I watch high-elo junglers, they always do these cheeses where they sit in bushes top/bot and somehow it always works. How do I do this?
- How can I exactly win games consistently as a Jung?
- Total Damage dealt
- Keeping early leads?
- dealing with smurfs from other regions
- top laners, hear me out Shen is fucking great in solo q right now
- A Semi Complete Guide for ADC Synergy Tips to Support
Lane pressure makes taking early dragons a lot safer Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:21 AM PDT Many jungle champions can easily solo dragon early on (Shivana, Warwick, Vi, just to name a few). If you have one of them in your team and they are moving to start dragon, keeping the mid and bottom lane pressure up (keep minions under the enemy turrets) usually is a lot more helpful than going over and help at the dragon pit (and risk bringing enemies over). [link] [comments] |
Spent 165 games playing Syndra, but still didn't learn her and can't win games, help pls! Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:50 AM PDT Hey guys, I'm pretty sad and disappointed in myself. I'm a G3 mid player. I was a OTP Katarina - 291 games 57% winrate. But I'm not a fan of assassins (Katarina is just an exception and fun for some reason), I really do like control mages, so I started playing many different control mages to fun my favorite. My Orianna - 60% winrate. Cassiopeia - was 0-5, but i practiced a bit in normals and now it's 68% winrate in 20 games. Vel'Koz - 63% winrate. But I found Syndra and really liked her design, combos, laning phase and as a character overall. So I've spent 165 games playing her, but my winrate is 48%, despite all other control mages is over 60%. I have 40% winrate in last 40 games and I keep losing. I'm taking breaks and I'm pretty calm in general, so I'm not tilting often, but it's pretty sad, cause I'm always trying my best but no matter what I just can't pass 50% winrate. And I can't find a problem by myslef, I'm checking VODs, I'm fixing my possition problems, matchup but I keep losing. I've tested all rune pages and itemization. I've come to this setup: Phase rush, manaflow band, absolute focus, Scroch + biscuits delivery, time warp tonic - this helps me to win laning phase and be unpunished early and later due to phase rush. It helped me a bit, but I still keep losing many games. My CS is 7 in general, I even try to roam to spread my lead. After games I check my VOD and sometimes I just can't see an option how could've I won. Like, I can't kill their ADC/Mid due to fed frontline, I don't do damage to them, even tho I won the lane and have 7-8CS. I just want to know how can I improve and why am I so bad at Syndra? I played 165 games and tried almost everything, it shouldn't take so long to learn the champion, so what's dragging me down, why am I throwing so many games? I'm a bit sad over this and want to improve, thanks. [link] [comments] |
5 RULES for roaming supports in Silver/Gold to climb Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:20 PM PDT Hello everyone, my name is Shepherds Eagle and since i am a support main on my way to becoming a LoL Team Coach, i want to share my way of roaming that you can easily use in lower elo to climb. In higher elo this is at least standard. Which Supports can roam There is no rule for any support champion that says "Don't roam!", still there are some champs who like to do it and some who are a bit hard to execute roams on. Pyke is a good example for a perma roaming champion, since he got all the tools of an assassin and is just missing out on the damage, so you want to play him a little like an assassin - roaming & looking for kills. Champions that have a kit, that allows them to move around the map quicker than others like Pyke and Bard or have globals like Pantheon love to roam. You can roam with most of the other supports too, as long as you get Mobi Boots. The only champion i would not recommend to roam a lot on is Zyra since she is far too vulnerable then. When (not) to roam If your ADC needs your guidance, you stay. First rule. If your midlane gets ganked by the enemy support but your own bot lane is getting pushed in it's mostly too late for you to also roam, so wait for a better opportunity. When you have no idea where any of the enemies are on the map, you stay in your lane and wait for information on them. Last thing you want is getting caught while roaming, so make sure you got a sweeper (red trinket) with you to check for vision. Why you should roam Often a game doesn't play out the way it's planned, so you have to give a counterweight to the things going wrong for your team. Solo laners often tunnel on the 1v1, so you can use that against them. Junglers tend to think that they are safe in their jungle, so scare the crap out of them by warding their blue/red buff all the time and saying hello while they do crab an so on. You don't want to fight immediately, you want to give your team mates valuable information and a helping hand to win their lanes. If the enemy support is missing and maybe roams too, you want to know where he is going at least so you can warn your team mates. For the more ambitious roamers it is also possible to do wave management in the later stages of the game if neccessary. I hope this finds you well! Love & Respect you guys [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:01 AM PDT While it's only relevant for like, 30 more days, this has been popular with my coaching students recently, and so I figured I'd post it over. A generic quick-guide to support itemization so you can stop buying just based off of generic website builds: (quick thanks to x3no_lol for the formatting help!) Athene's is a fantastic skirminshing item, and is good if you expect to 2v2/3v3 a lot as someone who heals/shields. Extended laning phase and long fights make this item shine. If you're the type to never hit an enemy, this won't be an item you should grab. (Pacifist play-through isn't a good league strat in general tho!) Ardent is a damage focused item that relies on your carry being in a position to be effective (I.e. Facing Zed + Akali + Yi would be a bad time for it since your adc doesn't do damage while dead. Pls grab them some defense). It shines with attack speed focused adc's like Jinx, Koggles, and Vayne, and is ineffective with slow big hitters like Jhin & MF. Redemption shines in team fights where you can use the huge numbers and not be limited by the CD, which hurts it in other situations. It's heal effect scales at 3X strength with heal/shield power, so it's best with other enchanter items. Best as a second item usually due to the scaling and how ineffective it is before teamfights. Mikhail's is massively op, but only in its niche. Shines when it can turn off enemy ults (Leona/Ashe/Varus/Sej) or long range catch abilities (Morg q). Useless against no cc comps, knockups, supresssions, and knockbacks. Shureliyas is underrated imo, and shines whenever either team's fight win condition is "run at them then deal a lot of damage". Allows both engage & disengage, so it is good with and against champs like Sett, Voli, Illaoi, and Darius. Weak into most assassins, pick comps, and sudden engage like Malphite. Locket of the Iron Solari is the fast response tanky version of redemption. It shines in teamfights where you can eat a fast burst of damage. It's good against champs like Kat, Yi (where it prevents that first reset), and Karthus (soak his ult). Zekes brings your snowball into the midgame by providing a solid chunk of damage onto your all-in ult usage. It shines on champs who are using their ult on engage (Leona, Alistar, Rakan) while they're even or ahead, and can afford to prioritize damage over a defensive effect. Knights Vow adds some scaling defensive power to a carry while simultaneously providing you more survivability. It excels in situations where you're protecting a squishy who puts out sustained damage, as they're both the ones who need to survive longer and will provide you the most healing. Effects are halved for ranged champions, which makes it rare for non-thresh /rakan ranged supps. Righteous Glory is for those situations where you're having trouble engaging onto a specific target. It trades off Shureliyas team followup potential for the slow when you reach your opponent, giving you more time to hold them down. The additional tanky stats will help you survive this priority targets damage. Gargoyle's Stoneplate is the "it's all about me!" buy; pick it up when you're the main tank on the team and need to soak damage. It shines when your carries are unable to step into range until major enemy CDs are down and you're the only one building tanky. Great bang for your buck, but only protects you so be proactive with it! Randuins Omen is generally too expensive for supp budget builds, but when facing multiple crit users it can be an excellent damage soak item. Twin Shadows usually sticks out as useful for people building glacial augment or mage supps building a bit more utility, but it can also provide good information on enemy location when going to ward on a dark map, as well as slowing down enemy engage/disengage. A niche pick if you're not one of the 2 listed groups, but situationally viable. Umbral Glaive provides unparalleled vision control, making it a great buy on any AD support. It shines in any game where vision is important (hot tip, that's all of them on summoners rift!), and is weak when you don't need both the AD and the lethality. [link] [comments] |
Why do Pros insist on contesting second herald. Posted: 06 Oct 2020 03:52 AM PDT I have seen multiple times how a team thats behind on the play contests second herald, just to get clapped and throw away the game. The casters constantly say how its not really worth it, and when the enemy team commits 4/5 Members cant they just get 1/2 towers anyway by spreading across the map? If you have a high mobility jungler, trying to steal it seems reasonable, but you dont need the entire team for that. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Oct 2020 01:47 PM PDT Everytime you get stomped by a smurf is a learning experience. For the cycle to be whole there is a need of stompees and a stomper. One day you will be good enough to be the one inflicting the pain, but until then, play the role of a stepping stone and keep your head high, because the stairs need to be solid. Solid enough to handle multiple stomping. Glhf [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:12 PM PDT WORLDS SPOILERS: while watching Worlds groups, I started to realize how many teams are commiting to level 1 invades and vertical jungling in the early game. The team that executed it to perfection was Suning Gaming against Team Liquid in day 3 of groups. I decided to do a full analysis of how they made this strategy work. Here's a video version if you'd prefer: Step 1: Champ Select
Step 2: Invade and force vertical jungling
Step 3: Slow push & crash waves, zone off the enemy from XP and gold
Step 4: Spend gold and repeat
End result: SN bot lane secures 4 turret plates, 1 kill, 35 CS lead, infernal drake, completed Infinity Edge.... all by 10:30 Other:
I hope you enjoy this analysis! :D [link] [comments] |
How do I untilt, learn more, expand my champion pool, and just improve in general? Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:53 AM PDT I've been playing League for around 8 years now, and I only picked up ranked spamming in the past year or two but for whatever reason I cannot and just cannot improve past a certain point. Last season I peaked at Diamond 3 ~70lp, this season I failed promos to Diamond 2 four times; my goal was to just quit after Diamond 2. I one tricked Anivia for a large majority of games and played other roles when I was required to do so - but I'm very prone to tilt. When I tilt I can go on 40% w/l streaks for weeks or months at a time, but when I'm playing well I can outmatch players in my MMR bracket. Just a couple months ago I was playing Diamond 2 games with Masters in my matches and winning and performing well, now I'm struggling in mid plat and my MMR just keeps tanking. I know I am the problem so I'm not blaming things on losers queue or whatever. I tried expanding my champion pool because Anivia gets out performed in pretty much every aspect, and her early game feels terrible to play (I played mainly Anivia and Malphite top when I was peaking). Whenever I tilt I just go on autopilot mode and I take shitty 1v1's which end up snowballing into me being the main cause of a loss. I've tried taking week long breaks from ranked but the tilt just snowballs when I lose the first two games as soon as I start playing again. I've tried VOD reviewing and currently I take notes after every game on where my opposing laners outperformed me or me over him. I mute all chat and keep pings on. I used to have 35 more wins than losses, and now I'm at 8 or 9. I guess I'm mainly writing this as a rant because I've never done it before, but I am also looking for ways to improve in a general sense - things like snowballing leads and gapping my opposing laner, pushing my leads into other lanes and impacting games, or even just expanding my champion pool. Anivia is very fun to play but she's just felt weak for the longest time. I hope I can play as well as I did just a few months ago and reach my goal by the end of season. My opgg [link] [comments] |
Question: From a new ADC player Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:57 AM PDT Greetings, I am new to the ADC role. I have been looking into what champions, are good in terms of learning the role . So far I see two types of answers that make sense.
Just wondering what you guys think, and what you think seems right? Note: I have a years experience playing league.(last played s7) as a Top laner (Bronze) Edit: Spelling Cheers, [link] [comments] |
How to play late game as a ranged solo lancer? Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:14 PM PDT So I've been playing a lot of Kalista in top/mid, preferring mid because people can't say "ranged top" and I struggle to have an impact on games unless I'm super fed by the 15 minute mark. I'm aware that as a lane bully I should be rotating and contesting all objectives for an early win but sometimes that doesn't happen and the enemy has the chance to scale. What can you do as a squishy second adc to close out the game? [link] [comments] |
What are some tips on maintaining tempo in the jungle? Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:34 AM PDT t feels like there just isn't enough time to do everything in the jungle. How do I know whether I should be clearing camps, getting Herald, or hovering around a lane for a kill opportunity? I usually average 3-5 kills before 10 minutes, and 5-6cs/min, but often after teamfights I have ~2000 gold and all my jungle camps are up. When is it worth recalling and when is it worth clearing camps? If I recall and spend my gold I have massive kill pressure from item lead and can continue killing the enemy. But if I clear camps and a fight breaks out I have 3000 gold and are weak because I haven't spent my gold. I'm trying to learn evelynn who obviously has to always be farming. What are some tips to path efficiently/recall efficiently while influencing lanes and counterganking on a champion who is weak early game? [link] [comments] |
You Should Know: Ignite+Phase Rush Hecarim is BUSTED Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:54 AM PDT Hey r/summonerschool!, My friend, Sandwitch0, an NA GM-Peak Challenger Hecarim Enthusiast(Abuser) has just made the ULTIMATE guide to Hecarim! It helped him escape the depths of elo hell and will help you ascend too! In this video he will break down everything YOU, a jungler, will need to know about the most BUSTED jungler HECARIM. Toss away Lee Sin, Nidalee, and Kha'zix there's a new king of the jungle. You will LITERALLY speed your way through all elos of League of Legends! EDIT: for proof [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:16 AM PDT Hi everyone!I'm a support in Bronze 1(yeah go ahead and laugh, i'm over it) and I've played support before but I only started playing serious soloq for a few days.I have pretty good vision,my mechanics are decent and I try to have map awareness(still getting used to staring at the map).I know I have a long way to go but I just wanted to know...other that vision,actively participating in teamfights and pinging when someone is missing/pinging spells or items,what other things should I try learning/ improving if I wanna try and climb with support? I heard about positioning being important in laning phase but I dont really know how to apply it to my games... [link] [comments] |
Long time ADC switched to MID - Looking for good ressources for MID Lane in generall Posted: 06 Oct 2020 03:16 AM PDT I recently switched from ADC to MID Lane, my current Rank is Plat 4 where i play MID Lane on an equal level, current problems are playing under enemy jungle pressure and playing matchups correctly. For anyone interested my Link My Main focus at the moment is understanding Wave Management and learning MID Champs. First of all i am searching for good and up to date ressources to learn the fundamental mid lane skills on a plat+ level. Are there any good Coaching Videos or any recommended youtubers that teach u mid Lane? [link] [comments] |
Ways to deal with uninteractive enemy laner? Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:04 PM PDT I play alot of Sett and I'm finding alot of the time the enemy laner sits under tower/ stays far away from the wave so I can't trade. I always try to freeze the wave and deny the enemy gold but when I'm playing against scaling champs I feel like I'm under pressure to take advantage of my strong early game. Many times in my experience a jax will just sit under tower and eventually outscale me by literally not playing the game for 10 mins. What can I do to improve? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:25 PM PDT I'm a silver 1 TOP laner. Most of the times I win my lane. But I don't understand my team! They always force fights without reason. Almost all the time they lose fights. They run it down in a lane or donate kills in the jungle except fight around objectives. Look at the below example and tell me what to do...... I'm Renekton with 4/0/2 and 200cs in 25 mins. Enemy laner is a sett. after that 20-25 min mark rest of the 4 people in my team start to force fights. They fight before dragon spawn and lose dragon. they fight before baron spawn and lose baron. I always push side lane when my tp is up. But, when I am tp into a fight my team always run away or they die before I join them. When I don't have tp I always try to farm near my teammates. But every single time they force useless fights and get baited and lose. I end up losing games over and over again because of that. What to do in a situation like that. How to deal with it? They don't respond to chat or pings. If anyone have sheet,guide or something like that will really help me :) [link] [comments] |
Can't get better at a role no matter how much time you put into it? Posted: 06 Oct 2020 01:13 PM PDT I've been playing League for over a year, and for the life of me I can't play Assassins. I started off playing Jungle, and my first main was Warwick. Along the line I tried playing Kha'zix. I'd always just play Normals back then, but still, I'd almost never pop off like an Assassin should. I'd usually trade a death for every kill and be 5-5 or 10-10, even after dozens of games of trying to get better. Eventually I got decent at taking kills at the right times, and learning how to snowball, but I'd still throw games. A while ago I picked up Zed in Mid lane and have played him a shit ton, I have 370K points on the guy (but 90% of that is from Normals). 120 Ranked games and a 50% WR, hardstuck Silver4. I have the same exact problem I did with Kha'zix, when I'm fed/snowballed I throw games. If it's not that, I'll have finished laning phase even or without any kills to snowball, which is terrible as Zed/an assassin. It's not a high skillcap champion issue--I started playing Sylas and Yasuo and instantly I'm doing far better on them with far less games than I ever did on Zed. I've already climbed up a tier after being stuck Silver 4 forever. I can be 0-2 on either of those champions then later on get a Triple kill and be back in the game (no joke, this has happened before). I've been told however that Assassins aren't the best for climbing out of Silver/Low Elo unless you're smurfing. If I was to climb higher would I have an easier time swapping back, or is the role of Assassins just not for me? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:43 PM PDT As title says, I wanted to learn how to lane gank. This is pretty much all I see in high-elo, and they look very good to get a lane ahead. How do I set them up, and when should I do them? The champions I play in the jungle right now are Kha'Zix, Hecarim, and Zac. I also have played a lot of Rek'Sai and Kayn but they are a bit rusty as I've focused on the first three. Also, are there any other cheesy gank setups for the champions I've mentioned? I wanted to make jungle my secondary role. [link] [comments] |
How can I exactly win games consistently as a Jung? Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:01 AM PDT Hey there, Im an old player that stopped playing in 2018 and came back 2 weeks ago. After catching up with all the new features the game has now (new map, new drakes, new Champs, etc..) I started playing rankeds again as a Jung. Most of the games I manage to get most of the drakes, both heralds, baron and some turrets. I think that I have a good game sense and a good timing. My ganks are often good and allow my teammates to either get a kill or at least waste enemies flash. I'm not saying I dont make mistakes, which I do, but I think that my decisions and calls have way more of a positive impact on the game instead of a negative. The thing is, I'm Bronze 1 right now, I managed to climb last week from Iron 2 to Bronze and what I noticed in this elo is that people expect the jungle to win their lanes. (Someone even wrote a post on this sub about that) Laners will often blame me for mistakes they did and then start behaving like kids, flaming, going afk, feeding, whatever. For example, lvl 2 they are already fighting and start asking for help while I'm still in raptors or golems. Obviously I can't teleport and can't stop doing what I'm doing to help someone who can't wait 20 seconds, so my mates die and then start blaming me. Other thing is, last game I had a troll top and a troll supp but my mid, adc and myself were feeded. We still managed to throw the game although we had most objectives. How is it possible that with most objectives and most of my team feeded we still lose? I wrote all of this just to give you some context to my question: If I manage to do my job, focus on objectives, give kills to my laners, etc what do I need to do to stop losing more games? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:53 AM PDT I will let you all know, I suck at the game... have so much more to learn and I generally try to get better with every game. I'm sure I get reported for my skills every match but ey, I am a genuine lvl 37. I do enjoy playing ADC. It's difficult and I have plenty to learn but I am sort of surprised that I am the worst player in the game, and that my total damage to champions isn't too high... but the "total damage dealt" is on par with the rest. Does that mean I am more active in CSing/objectives? Or is it something else? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Oct 2020 03:55 PM PDT I play lee sin and my team is always winning early, we usually have at least 2 drakes and a hearld or so. However, i always have 1 feeding lane, and the lanes i camp and get ahead start throwing and giving shutdowns, while i watch in helplessness as i fall off. Any advice to climb? Im getting objectives early and I'm not getting caught out, and it feels like if my team can close out well and just stop getting caught and just listen, I can climb. I know this isn't what is really happening but I dont know how I can play better other than being a lee god [link] [comments] |
dealing with smurfs from other regions Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:12 AM PDT I love that league is a worldwide game. But saying that I have been encountering players from other regions smurfs or not that enter the game, int, and are uber toxic the entire time. Most of the time they run it down and ruins my teams mental (which I make my top priority to keep intact during the game.) If it gets bad enough they just give up flaming in English and flame in whatever language they nativly speak and most of the time leave the game. How can I tell weather a player is not from my region and how can I manage to keep my teammates mental together long enough to maybe win [link] [comments] |
top laners, hear me out Shen is fucking great in solo q right now Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:40 PM PDT At least in low elo as no one really knows hot play against him
Shens pretty solid in the meta right now, hes a tank so you dont even need to win lane. He doesnt shockingly good damage for a "tank". Most ults will be tp matched by enemy top resulting in tp advantage. Most importantly he teaches you to actually look at the minimap- at least if you want to have a better chance at winning. He also teaches you this is a team game and how to carry without having the most kills. you carry throw flank engages onto the backline, ulting to teammnates for phat shield, blocking autos onto your backline. People say he requires a good team that understand what to do which isnt low elo but honestly people seem to understand a random shield given to you means you can continue to fight as shen will give your team an advantage. He's pretty braindead to play [link] [comments] |
A Semi Complete Guide for ADC Synergy Tips to Support Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:43 AM PDT Hi! Plat supp main here. I just want to share some tips for our ADC mains on how should they play their champs so that they could synergize well with their support. Be mindful that these tips will be suited for any supp type in general and are made for general matchups. This is just to give you an idea what supports like us expect from each champ.
PS. I know there are mage bots and melee bots but I only included ADRs here. [link] [comments] |
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