• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 6, 2020

    League of Legends 2020 World Championship / Group Stage - Day 4 / Live Discussion

    League of Legends 2020 World Championship / Group Stage - Day 4 / Live Discussion

    2020 World Championship / Group Stage - Day 4 / Live Discussion

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:00 AM PDT


    Lolesports | Leaguepedia | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

    All of Worlds will be played on Patch 10.19.

    Today's Matches

    # Match PST EST CET KST
    1 G2 vs TL 1:00 AM 4:00 AM 10:00 17:00
    2 SN vs MCX 2:00 AM 5:00 AM 11:00 18:00
    3 DRX vs FLY 3:00 AM 6:00 AM 12:00 19:00
    4 TES vs UOL 4:00 AM 7:00 AM 13:00 20:00
    5 FNC vs GEN 5:00 AM 8:00 AM 14:00 21:00
    6 TSM vs LGD 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 15:00 22:00
    • All matches are Best of 1


    Twitch YouTube LoL Esports Other Languages Comment Stream


    Group A Group B
    # Team Region Record Information # Team Region Record Information
    1 G2 Esports Europe 2 - 0 Leaguepedia // Twitter 1 DAMWON Gaming Korea 3 - 0 Leaguepedia // Twitter
    2 Suning China 1 - 1 Leaguepedia // Twitter 2 JD Gaming China 2 - 1 Leaguepedia // Twitter
    2 Machi Esports PCS 1 - 1 Leaguepedia // Twitter 3 Rogue Europe 1 - 2 Leaguepedia // Twitter
    4 Team Liquid North America 0 - 2 Leaguepedia // Twitter 4 PSG Talon PCS 0 - 3 Leaguepedia // Twitter
    Group C Group D
    # Team Region Record Information # Team Region Record Information
    1 Gen.G Korea 2 - 0 Leaguepedia // Twitter 1 Top Esports China 2 - 0 Leaguepedia // Twitter
    2 Fnatic Europe 1 - 1 Leaguepedia // Twitter 2 FlyQuest North America 1 - 1 Leaguepedia // Twitter
    2 LGD Gaming China 1 - 1 Leaguepedia // Twitter 2 DRX Korea 1 - 1 Leaguepedia // Twitter
    4 TSM North America 0 - 2 Leaguepedia // Twitter 4 Unicorns of Love Europe 0 - 2 Leaguepedia // Twitter

    On-Air Team

    Trevor "Quickshot" Henry Aaron "Medic" Chamberlain Daniel "Drakos" Drakos Max "Atlus" Anderson David "Phreak" Turley
    Clayton "CaptainFlowers" Raines James "Dash" Patterson Indiana "Froskurinn" Black Andrew "Vedius" Day Christy "Ender" Frierson
    Marc "Caedrel" Lamont Nick "LS" de Cesare Jacob "YamatoCannon" Mebdi Issac "Azael" Cummings-Bentley Sam "Kobe" Hartman-Kenzler
    Barento "Razleplasm" Mohammed Jake "Spawn" Tiberi Yushuang "Candice" Duan Eefje "Sjokz" Depoortere Laure "Bulii" Valée


    Group Stage 16 teams participate Teams are drawn into four groups based on seeding Double Round Robin Matches are best of one Top two teams from each group advance to the Knockout Stage Knockout Stage Single elimination bracket (drawn randomly, 1st place teams face 2nd place teams, no two teams from the same group can be placed in the same half of the bracket) Matches are best of five 


    Reddit Eventvods.com LoL Esports

    submitted by /u/untamedlazyeye
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    I drew Lulu in MS paint

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    I drew Lulu in MS paint

    Hey guys hope everyone is enjoying worlds. I was bored and decided to draw one of my favorite champions, Lulu. Perhaps we will see her picked top again sometime.


    submitted by /u/Absolutely-Corny
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    Redesigning champion splash arts to better capture what it feels like to play against them, starting with Nasus

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    Redesigning champion splash arts to better capture what it feels like to play against them, starting with Nasus

    I am starting a (probably short) project where I remake champion splash art, using their cropped loading screen image as a base. There aren't a lot of rules with this, except:

    • I cannot look at the real splash art while drawing it, it needs to be from memory
    • No more than 15 minutes spent on each drawing

    Anyway, here's Nasus. I really hate Nasus.

    Nasus stomps on Teemo

    submitted by /u/The_Buttshark
    [link] [comments]

    I threw together a little VO Concept for Brenvar The Chained Glacier by Halfyzz.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Hashinshin investigated by the FBI

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    This is TSM's powerspike

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Everyone thinks TSM is not going to advance but in reality this is their yasuo 0-10 powerspike. Why you ask?

    Remember in playoffs when TSM lost their first series vs golden guardians 0-3?

    This is where they want to be. remember how many times they came back when it seemed doomed? They play better under the pressure.

    TSM will steam roll from here on out.

    submitted by /u/playforfun2
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    LS about his Academy tweet "that was told to me first-hand by a team that reached out to me"

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    G2 Esports vs. Team Liquid / 2020 World Championship - Group A / Post-Match Discussion

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 01:47 AM PDT


    Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

    G2 Esports 0-1 Team Liquid

    G2 | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Discord | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit
    TL | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Discord | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit

    MATCH 1: G2 vs. TL

    Winner: Team Liquid in 34m | Player of the Game: Jensen

    Match History | Game Breakdown | Runes

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    G2 mordekaiser ornn shen leona syndra 57.3k 11 3 H1 H4
    TL lucian camille twisted fate tahmkench pantheon 66.3k 24 10 M2 M3 I5 B6 I7-DS
    G2 11-24-30 vs 24-11-58 TL
    Wunder renekton 1 2-4-4 TOP 1-2-11 1 volibear Impact
    Jankos nidalee 2 2-4-8 JNG 5-1-13 1 graves Broxah
    Caps jayce 3 3-6-6 MID 10-2-10 4 orianna Jensen
    Perkz ashe 2 1-4-7 BOT 6-2-12 2 kalista Tactical
    Mikyx alistar 3 3-6-5 SUP 2-4-12 3 sett CoreJJ

    Spoiler-Free Schedule;

    Patch 10.19 Notes: Worlds 2020 - Samira and Yone Disabled.

    This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

    submitted by /u/G2Minion
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    Korea's reactions to Worlds 2020 Group Stage Day 4

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, while browsing today I found a Reddit reaction thread! They translated your comments on the DRX vs FLY game and seemed to love them. Anyway, see you next time.

    Sources: http://www.inven.co.kr/board/lol/4625

    TL vs G2

    북미해설들이 제일불쌍하다....매판 어떻게 포장하누.....대놓고 쓰레기라고 하지도 못할텐데...

    I feel bad for NA casters. They can't even call their own teams bad.. how do they sugarcoat it every game…

    옌슨 저새끼 뭐하냐

    What is Jensen doing

    이럴빠에야 택티컬단식 세나시키고 코장 오공 같은거해서 코장 몰아주는게 더이득인거같다 ㄹㅇ딜러진 개발암이여

    Honestly just put Tactical on starving Senna and give CoreJJ Wukong or something and give him all the gold at this point. TL backline is cancer.

    진지하게 코장이 미드 원딜 더 잘할 것 같다

    Core would probably be a better Mid and AD. Seriously.

    코장이 혼자 다 하네

    Core is doing everything by himself.

    니달리가 창을 잘쏘는건가? 창을 잘 맞는건가?

    Is the Nidalee good at landing spears or is TL bad at dodging it?

    라이프가 세트서폿은 어나더레벨이긴하네 코장도 잘하고있는데 그정도 느낌은 안나네

    Life Sett support really is on another level. Core played really well but still didn't feel like Life's.

    지투는 역시 겜 지들이 다함 이기는것도 지는것도 지들손으로 정함 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    G2 really plays their own game. Whether they win or lose they decide it themselves.

    북미 1시드랑 3시드 바뀐거아니냐? 어케 TSM이 1시드노

    Aren't NA's first and third seeds switched? How is TSM first seed

    오늘의 북미는 다르다!

    Today's NA is different!

    결국 g2 약점은 확실해졌네 캡스가 좀만 말려도 전력의 반도 안나옴

    Well looks like we found G2's weakness. If Caps gets behind they're not even half the team they can be.

    SUN vs MACHI

    A조 눈썩이네 ㄹㅇ

    Group A really rots my eyes.

    이런 MCX한테 진 TL한테 진 G2에게 진 수닝 혼란의 조

    Suning lost vs G2 that lost vs TL that lost vs Machi. Group of chaos.

    DRX vs FLY

    스프링 케리아 모드가 안나오네 그땐 뭔 저런 신인이 다있나 했는데 요즘은 너무 평범해

    Keria can't get his Spring form out. Back then he was an insane rookie but now he's just average.

    도란이 인성이 진짜좋은가봐 강한자한테 강하고 약한애들한테는 약하게하고

    Doran must be a really nice person. He's strong vs strong opponents and weak vs weak ones.

    drx 왜이래 진짜 얘내는 잘해야 8강이려나

    What is DRX doing… I guess they're quarterfinals at best.

    진짜 플퀘랑 비비면 앞으로 어떻게 올라가냐

    If you go even with FlyQuest how are you gonna advance from here.

    우리가 알던 drx로 돌아왔네

    Yup they're back to the DRX we know.

    이그나 애국자네 ㅋㅋ 고맙다

    Ignar is a true patriot. Thank you.

    쵸비야 이적하자

    Hey Chovy let's get you to a different team

    잊지않겠습니다 이그나

    I will never forget, Ignar.

    이그나는 역시 R키 없을때 최강 궁만 배우면...

    Ignar really is the best when he doesn't have the R skill. As soon as he levels it up…

    TES vs UOL

    재키러브 세나 한번 더 보여주세여

    Jackeylove please show us your Senna one more time.

    잭키러브가 그냥 괴물이네 괜히 우승권팀에 계속있는게 아니네

    Jackeylove is just a monster. There's a reason why he's always in a championship-contending team

    유오엘 졌는데 멋지다.. 그냥... 되게 열심히해서 멋져

    UOL lost but they went down swinging. I respect that they really tried their hardest.

    갭이 큰 싸움이었지만 UOL은 비메이저 강팀의 품격을 보여줬네

    The gap is huge between these two teams but UOL showed the class of a minor region's representative

    FNC vs GEN

    젠지 이정도면 고의패배 수준인데.. 솔직히 솔랭에서 아군 서포터 스펠 저렇게 들고온다? 바로 미드 달림;

    This is some kind of an intentional loss from GenG.. I see my support bring Ignite/Exhaust in solo q? Running it down mid right away

    기대한 사람 없쥬?

    No one expected anything right?

    라이프 점멸 안들어서 피해본게 너무많다 무슨생각으로 저렇게 한건지 모르겠다 라칸 핵심이 점멸궁 이니시 아닌가?

    There's so much Life missed out because he didn't take flash. I have no idea what he was thinking. Isn't flash R engage the core of Rakan?

    무난히하면 이길자신없었나?

    Were they not confident they'd win if they played normally?

    라칸 노점멸으로 할 수 있는 플레이가 뭐임?

    What can Rakan do with no flash?

    2주차 프나틱은 줜나쌘데 조심해야겠다 이제 진짜

    Weak 2 Fnatic is even stronger we have to be careful now

    라이프 지분 90이상이라고 봐도 무방한 판이다

    It's fair to say this game is 90% Life's fault.

    진짜 노플 오더한 새끼는 좀 맞아야돼 그새끼 혼자서 진거나 다를바가 없어 이건

    Okay whoever told Life to go no flash deserves a beating. That piece of shit solo lost the game.

    TSM vs LGD

    TSM이 북미 정복했다매 근데 3시드 리퀴드는 G2잡았는데 쟤들은 왜저래

    You said TSM won LCS. Even their third seed TL beat G2. What are they doing?

    TSM의 롤드컵은 과학이다

    TSM at Worlds is science.

    더블리프트는 플레이인 원딜들 보다 못하는듯

    Doublelift is worse than Play-in AD's.

    아니 어케 1시드로왔냐고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 북미는 도대체 어떤곳이냐고

    Okay but how are they first seed LOL what kind of a place is NA

    팀 솔로미드 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ팀홀로미드다 ㄹㅇ

    Team "Solo Mid" is right.

    덮맆 수은 반응 작년 우지 반응속도랑 너무차이난다 역시 연세가.....

    Doublelift's QSS reaction and Uzi's last year are so different. Can't hide the age….

    북미 시드권 회수하고 pcs쪽 주자 마치하고 psg가 그나마 더 봐줄만하다

    Let's take a seed away from NA and give it to PCS. Machi and PSG are more watchable than this.

    다시는 북미 안 믿는다TSM 3등 찍은 내가 븅신이지

    I'm never believing in NA again. I'm a fucking dumbass for putting TSM third.

    submitted by /u/roylovesatp
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    "I understand that people are mad. But to me the only thing I can do is practice really hard and try to win no matter what. I understand why they get mad." CoreJJ on the community's reaction to NA's performance at Worlds

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    Bjergsen and Doublelift have collectively made it out of the group stages of Worlds/MSI twice in their entire careers.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Bjergsen in the 2014 world championship, falling to the tournament winners SSW 1/3 in the quarterfinals.

    Doublelift in the 2019 MSI, making it all the way to finals (and beating iG for G2) to lose 0/3 in the fastest Bo5 ever.

    Every other year and tournament they have failed to make it out of the round robin stage, whether on different teams or together.

    Bjergsen's game record is 20/33, and DL's is 28/39.

    submitted by /u/Z027
    [link] [comments]

    Patch 10.21 Preview [Full Changes]

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    A follow up from the previous post yesterday

    Riot Scruffy Tweeted the patch 10.21 preview with the full changes.

    10.21 Patch Preview with changes. Not 100% locked down but almost finalized.

    Image version of the changes: https://i.imgur.com/JUp42jk.png

    >>> Systems <<<

    Nimbus Cloak Nerf

    • Movement Speed: 10/20/30 >>> 5/20/35%

    • Duration: 2.5 >>> 2s

    >>> Nerfs <<<



    • Cooldown: 15-11 >>> 20-12

    • Attack speed: 30-50 >>> 20-40%



    • Base damage: 45-165 >>> 35-155

    • Base damage max: 90-330 >>> 70-310



    • Armor per stack: 8-20 >>> 6-18


    Base stats

    • AD: 61 >>> 58



    • Attack speed: 40-80 >>> 40-60%

    Pantheon Support


    • Damage: 75-215 (+100% bAD) >>> 70-190 (+115% bAD)

    • Mortal Will bonus damage scaling: 100 >>> 115 bAD%

    >>> Buffs <<<



    • bAD ratio: 50 >>> 70%


    Lethality stat passive

    • 2-12 >>> 3-18


    • Calibrum additional mark damage: 20-70 >>> 40-100

    • Gravitum R root: 1 >>> 1.25s

    • Severum R healing: 200-400 >>> 250-500

    • Infernum R splash damage: 75% >>> 85%

    • Crescendum R chakrams generated: 3 >>> 4



    • Healing: 2/3/4/5/6% at lvl 1/5/9/12/15 >>> 2-7% smooth scaling by level


    • Cooldown: 15 >>> 15-11

    Lee Sin

    Base stats

    • AD per level: 3.2 >>> 3.7



    • Mantra CD refund for spells: 2/3/4 at lvl 1/7/13 >>> 2/4/6 at lvl 1/6/11

    • Mantra CD refund for attacks: 1/1.5/2 >>> 1 at all lvls


    • Cooldown: 45-36 >>> 40-34



    • Pulse total damage: 40-240 >>> 50-300
    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
    [link] [comments]

    Schoolgirl Kai'Sa cosplay by Juliamajch based on Yajuu's fanart

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    Schoolgirl Kai'Sa cosplay by Juliamajch based on Yajuu's fanart

    Hello. I'm not really sure if it really counts as a cosplay because it's just a low budget one but I recreated Kai'Sa from Yajuu's art! Reference here. Hope you like it~


    submitted by /u/juliamaj
    [link] [comments]

    Learned this sick play from Tay at Worlds 2020

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Captain Flowers talk about why he won't do another NA vs EU rap battle until NA is good, ft. Doublelift flame

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    OCE pro tweets suggest something wrong with the OPL

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    Twitter is lighting up with mysterious tweets from Oceanic pro players that appears to suggest that the OPL may be over for good.

    Edit: more tweets rolling in, this looks very, very bad.

    Nothing official as of yet.

    Order Swip3rR: https://twitter.com/swip3rr/status/1313716758012780544?s=21

    DW Getback: https://twitter.com/getback71/status/1313715448345554944?s=21

    Pentanet Rogue: https://twitter.com/rogueoce/status/1313718325990440961?s=21

    1v1 king Pabu: https://twitter.com/pabu22/status/1313715246477918209?s=21

    C9A K1ng: https://twitter.com/k1ngyb/status/1313720100436897792?s=21

    Order GM and caster spawn: https://twitter.com/spawnlol/status/1313698298104930305?s=21

    Direwolves Udysoft: https://twitter.com/udysof/status/1313719047691927553?s=21

    submitted by /u/Arnotts_shapes
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    FPX doinb analysis on TSM vs LGD Worlds Day 4

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    Fnatic Selfmade says he's one of the best Junglers to ever represent Europe

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    Team Liquid's Jatt reflects on TL vs G2, discusses one thing TL was able to do better than G2, and a message to NA fans: "If NA always does the opposite of what they did in Week 1 in Week 2, do the math"

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Your team's remaining scenarios for getting out of groups - Post Day 4 (Week 1)

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    Here's the foldy sheet I created that show all the scenarios. Below is a summary of the number and percentage of remaining scenarios for each team, in no specific order. If you'd like to see those scenarios check out the spreadsheet!

    Group A: 64 remaining scenarios (6 games)

    Advance Tiebreaker(s) Go Home
    MCX 8 (12.5%) 20 (31.3%) 36 (56.3%)
    G2 31 (48.4%) 18 (28.1%) 15 (23.4%)
    SN 28 (43.8%) 24 (37.5%) 12 (18.8%)
    TL 13 (20.3%) 14 (21.9%) 37 (57.8%)

    Group B: 64 remaining scenarios (6 games)

    Advance Tiebreaker(s) Go Home
    RGE 6 (9.4%) 18 (28.1%) 40 (62.5%)
    DWG 44 (68.6%) 19 (29.7%) 1 (1.6%)
    JDG 30 (46.9%) 24 (37.5%) 10 (15.6%)
    PSG 1 (1.6%) 7 (10.9%) 56 (87.5%)

    Group C: 64 remaining scenarios (6 games)

    Advance Tiebreaker(s) Go Home
    GEN 29 (45.3%) 18 (28.1%) 17 (26.6%)
    TSM 0 (0.0%) 8 (12.5%) 56 (87.5%)
    FNC 29 (45.3%) 18 (28.1%) 17 (26.6%)
    LGD 29 (45.3%) 18 (28.1%) 17 (26.6%)

    Group D: 64 remaining scenarios (6 games)

    Advance Tiebreaker(s) Go Home
    FLY 6 (9.4%) 18 (28.1%) 40 (62.5%)
    DRX 30 (46.9%) 24 (37.5%) 10 (15.6%)
    TES 44 (68.6%) 19 (29.7%) 1 (1.6%)
    UOL 1 (1.6%) 7 (10.9%) 56 (87.5%)

    And here is a picture of the more detailed table for all places:

    Full Table of Scenarios for All Places (\"T\" represents a tie)

    Group A and C will be the two most interesting to watch next week, as Group A is the only group left where any team can still get any place, and Group C has 3 teams (GEN, FNC, LGD) tied at a 2-1 record. Out of the 3 teams that went 0-3 across all groups (TSM, UOL, PSG), TSM is the only team that can't afford a single loss before being eliminated, while UOL and PSG can stand to lose 1 more game as long as it is against the undefeated team in their pool (TES and DWG, respectively) and those teams remain undefeated through Week 2.

    submitted by /u/Rabid_Platypies
    [link] [comments]

    Jensen on TL's strategy change: 'We had a talk that the way we were playing isn't going to work, we can't forfeit every objective, every camp, everything.'

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    CN Reaction Day 3

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    A lot of threads discussing Knight's Performance. I'll just pick one.


    Title: Knight played so bad at worlds

    - Not too bad, just far from expectations, on the other hand 369 that everyone was worried about actually played decent

    - I'm not satisfied about Knight's performance, he should at least perform at 369's level, even better. 369, nice!

    - Everyone laughed at Xiaohu, but in the end everyone is Xiaohu


    Title: SN vs MCX post match thread

    - Flash wolves dominate lms in the past, now flash lion will never lose to pcs too

    - Thank you, SXL [ IG Manager, give up TES JKL and SN Huanfeng]

    - Richest man just shits everywhere at enemy's jungle [ Sofm's nickname - Richest man, his play in lpl is just so unstable, looks like he's wintrading, so he is called richest man, this nickname gradually turned from negative to positive over the time]


    Title: First seed 0 wins in round 1, doublelife getting his seventh group elimination?

    - No one remembers people that got eliminated in groups, unless they got eliminated every year

    - Doublelift is quarters gatekeeper

    - Regrettable


    Title: TSM vs LGD post match thread


    - Doublelift, it's really you! [ Not sure about how to translate this one ]

    - Everyone in group C is showing off, only TSM getting beaten

    - Doublelift's debuff > lilia's debuff


    Title: TSM Weibo: We still have chance to advance theoretically

    - Feels like chinese soccer

    - Fuck you, refund [ chinese soccer reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdkSUI-otdY ]

    submitted by /u/hihaha99
    [link] [comments]

    "I think DAMWON is the team that will win Worlds. JDG are beatable and are the second strongest team in the tournament." -Rogue Inspired

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    5 man Diana Ult into Yasuo Ult wombo combo

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    I made an Ornn inspired champion theme for the "Brenvar" concept by Halfyzz!

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    I received my KDA POP/STARS Akali weapons today!

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    I shall call the kama Nicer Dicer and the kunai Skyrim Destination Pointer. The paint on, for example, the gem needs some touch ups though.


    submitted by /u/Gekroent
    [link] [comments]

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