LoL Guide New to LoL and want to understand Worlds? Watch Red Bull Worlds Simplified! |
- New to LoL and want to understand Worlds? Watch Red Bull Worlds Simplified!
- Quick warding tip for support.
- [Guide] How to win through vision in the first 2 minutes!
- Understanding Seraphine: An Introduction
- If you are playing a squishy, immobile champion, you have to respect the enemy laner's all-in (Mid lane)
- How do I play more aggressive in lane?
- Can you climb to high elo with chat completely turned off?
- How to actually get those kills when you’re winning the lane on CS
- How do I play early game as Sylas?
- Any resources out there to learn how to play better as a team for clash? (Level 1s, rotations, etc)
- High elo adc&support vod rune choice questions
- What to do as a Mid laner when your Jungle gets invaded? (But no prio)
- When should you build manamune on adcs?
- Struggling against catch supports
- Support Pathing Is Important
- How to play against Xerath as an immobile, low-range mid? (Swain)
- What do I do in mid/late game as support
- How to Stay Aggressive Without Getting Camped
- Mouse Button 5+6 usage
- lux split push? i know it's bad but...
- 1500 Game hardstuck Bronze 2, how do I learn how to dodge skill shots
- When is it better to pick an early game mid champion versus a late game scaler?
- Thinking about Seraphine and Sona in the botlane
New to LoL and want to understand Worlds? Watch Red Bull Worlds Simplified! Posted: 30 Oct 2020 04:58 AM PDT Hi Summonerschool, The people of Red Bull Gaming have contacted us to present their new livestream Red Bull Worlds Simplified. The stream is targeted towards newer players looking to get into Worlds and therefor we think this is a great fit for our community. We're hoping this brings a solution for our newer players trying to learn from the best players in the world. Here is some info:"Red Bull Worlds Simplified, the League of Legends World Championship Final stream for viewers new to the game, is going live tomorrow at 10AM CET! Tune in to see the likes of Caedrel, Frankie Ward, Excoundrel and more break down the event:" Twitch link: Later we will probably be holding an AMA with the people hosting the stream, so if you have any questions after the Worlds finals has ended you can ask them then. More info will come later! [link] [comments] |
Quick warding tip for support. Posted: 30 Oct 2020 02:11 PM PDT Hi all, gold 4 support main (Not high elo I know), but I thought I'd share a warding tip that helps me out in lane. When it comes to warding tribrush, you have to be careful with your control wards in the early game. THere's no point in placing a control ward if it's going to be instantly cleared. If you're redside, don't put a control ward in tribrush. It's very easy for the enemy to clear if the lane is ever even so I wouldn't place it here unless it was to deny vision, or if the enemy was perma pushed under their own tower. On blue side, however ,the tribrush ward is pretty valuable. Place your red ward int the bottom left corner of tribrush. This means that if the enemy wants to clear it, they have to go all the way into the bush, which leaves them exposed and isolated from their partner. This means that usually, the enemy botlane will either have to go and clear it together, or get help from the jungler, or they risk being engaged upon. tldr, if you're blue side, use your control ward in the bottom left corner or tribrush, if you're red side, avoid using your control ward in tribrush unless you're denying vision, or the enemy is pushed under tower permanently Note - this tip also applies for toplane, but on red side. [link] [comments] |
[Guide] How to win through vision in the first 2 minutes! Posted: 29 Oct 2020 11:15 PM PDT Hey there again, /r/summonerschool! I had a post about control wards that did really well a few weeks ago. So I'm back again with more vision tips. This time I'm going to try it as a video, so I can be a bit more visual with my help. I'd really suggest watching the video! However, some of us can't listen in, don't have the bandwidth, or just prefer written guides so I did my best to summarize the video below. I definitely missed out on tons of good information from writing summary quickly, so if you have the option I suggest watching instead. Information for Everyone
Topedit - I forgot to include top in the summary. It's in the video though! 1. Defend top side pixel bush. Leave at any sign of aggression as you're likely alone. Try to scare off enemy junglers warding if you can. 2. Try to save your ward for keeping yourself safe. You have a long lane, and freezing is a key part of lane. You'll need the extra ward to ensure you're safe while pushed up or under turret. Bot/Support
About the Author
Feel free to leave me some constructive criticism or positive feedback. Whether you liked the guide, or found flaws - we're all trying to help out the community. Share some love! [link] [comments] |
Understanding Seraphine: An Introduction Posted: 30 Oct 2020 02:37 PM PDT Hello Everyone, I'm SparrowLight, as y'all can see by my user name. This is intended to be an introduction to understanding Seraphine at a basic level: How to play her, strengths/weaknesses, etc. While Seraphine has received due criticism for her general thematic being very similar to Sona, her playstyle feels more similar to Vel'Koz, Xerath, Lux, but is biased more towards combat oriented utility via CC with limited shielding as opposed to the aforementioned champions whose main contributions are oriented towards damage (The exception to this being W-Max Lux) Strengths
Overall, Serahpine has several notable strengths and weaknesses culminating in a champion that feels outright abusive in circumstances where she can abuse her range, but very middling, if not outright weak, to aggression. As a mid laner, I don't think she is a champion that is a viable blind pick, but flourishes as a pick vs other long range/waveclear oriented mages. As a support, she plays very similarly to Neeko insofar as how her abilities behave as well as how weak she is to engage. TL;DR: She's got range, waveclear, and damage, but she's made out of 1 ply toilet paper. If playing as her, be aware of your cooldowns and try to work with your teammates to best utilize your kit. If playing against her, avoid her CC and be willing to get aggressive to kill her especially when her W is not available. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Oct 2020 10:46 PM PDT For some context, I am a Gold 3 mid main, and I am pretty much an Irelia OTP. I am able to win lane a decent amount more than I lose because I abuse the fact that my enemy laners usually do not respect my all-in potential. Since I play Irelia mid, I frequently play against ranged mages that can poke me out (Orianna, Annie, Lux, etc). However, these champions are not very mobile and are squishy. I usually play very passive early on, and I let them push the wave and get kind of complacent because I'm not making an effort to fight them. If the wave is close to my tower and they understand that Irelia has a really strong all-in if she gets her passive stacked, they will play further back, but if they do not respect my all-in potential and walk up too far, I can easily Q to a low minion and all-in them. If I hit my stun and get my passive stacked with ignite, it guarantees a very favorable trade for me or even a kill. On the other hand, if I'm playing Irelia and I miss my stun and don't get a Q reset, it gives the enemy laner a window of opportunity to harass me. Another example would be if you are playing a squishy, immobile mage against Talon. If you walk up too far and Talon all-ins you and procs his bleed passive with electrocute and ignite, you're screwed. You have to dodge both parts of his W (when he throws out his blades and it hits you on the way back) so he cannot proc his passive. If you dodge it, you should have a window of opportunity to harass him. In summary, pay attention to which champions have strong all-ins (typically assassins like Talon, Zed, or Diana), when they call all-in you, and how you should play to avoid it. I'm not sure if I explained this concept very well, but hopefully someone can take something from this and apply it to their own play. [link] [comments] |
How do I play more aggressive in lane? Posted: 29 Oct 2020 10:58 PM PDT A problem that I have every single game is that my laner pretty much always has better cs than me, so even if I managed to kill him, I don't get a lead. In the early game I'm always 20-30 cs behind and I only actually catch up in the late game. I feel like everytime I push to last hit a minion I just get attacked and lose a trade, especially when playing against yone or yasuo since they just spam abilities like it's nobodies business. So what pretty much ends up happening is that my laner can farm with no pressure. I'm bronze 1 and I feel like I could get into silver just by learning to farm better, since I get a couple of kills every game and don't die that much. Tips would be greatly appreciated, thanks! [link] [comments] |
Can you climb to high elo with chat completely turned off? Posted: 30 Oct 2020 10:05 AM PDT I have an issue with tilting, so lately I've been playing with chat off and it's been helping a lot. My current elo is low diamond~ (NA) and I don't think I benefit from reading what people type (it's mostly flaming each other) so I like to keep it off. However, looking at the next season, I want to climb higher to high diamond or masters+. Is it possible to actually improve with no chat? Sometimes players type useful things, or the junglers will type their path or if they're ganking and what-not. I'm kind of conflicted because I might miss out on key information. I know that some high-elo players play with chat off and even pings off but they are already good. While I'm trying to get good. Lol. Is turning chat off more of a hinderance than a benefit in higher elos? Or is it still possible to improve to potentially masters+ with absolutely no chat? Thanks. [link] [comments] |
How to actually get those kills when you’re winning the lane on CS Posted: 30 Oct 2020 08:48 AM PDT So I am in B4 and play Darius. I've gotten to a point where I'm pretty decent at bully my opponent and getting ahead in CS. BUT, I can hardly get any kills. Meaning that when I engage the guy usually manages to get away (frequently by the skin of his teeth). What am I doing wrong, how can I capitalize better? [link] [comments] |
How do I play early game as Sylas? Posted: 30 Oct 2020 02:20 PM PDT I've been playing a lot of Sylas lately (Gold) and I realize that my early game has a ton of issues. In lane, I usually lose trades early it seems so I usually try to just focus on farming but I end up getting zoned off a decent bit of CS. That results in me being down 15-20 CS @ 10m and since the enemy usually has priority its hard for me to assist my team in any skirmishes. For me, it seems like I only become useful once I get 2-3 items and I can play mid-late game fine but my early game is really holding me back. I have to work on my csing but i feel like there are other issues as well. [link] [comments] |
Any resources out there to learn how to play better as a team for clash? (Level 1s, rotations, etc) Posted: 30 Oct 2020 10:49 AM PDT I looked, maybe I didn't look well/long enough but I really struggle to find guides for team play, it's all about how to draft well. There are so many resources on how to improve in solo Q but it's hard to find team play material unless you just analyze a lot of pro play vods. If anyone knows any resources to learn some good level 1s, how to rotate and when to rotate etc please let me know! Good luck to everyone for the upcoming clash. [link] [comments] |
High elo adc&support vod rune choice questions Posted: 30 Oct 2020 11:07 AM PDT I have a few questions regarding this vod of a high elo game regarding the rune choices of mf and leona So mf goes overheal, is that just purely for laning because of the nature of the lane and possibly even the jungler or does that allow her some freedom to push and some small gank "protection", if you will? I find Leona's rune choices far more interesting. First, she takes unflinching, I assume for the ability to get away when she needs to or stay on her target to secure a kill. Her secondary rune choices, cheap shot for more damage duelability and relentless hunter for roamability and to compete with potential pantheon ganks? Her minor rune choices are the most interesting and idk why but she takes an mr rune and an armor rune and by far the most interesting rune was the attack speed rune. The enemy team was 4 AD with an akali. What purpose does the mr rune serve? Also, I guess attack speed for more duelability? I usually always go double armor and cdr. I understand they're always comp dependent but if someone could shed some light particularly on this. I'm basically looking to know if my assumptions are correct and if anyone can correct or elaborate on my assumptions. Cheers! [link] [comments] |
What to do as a Mid laner when your Jungle gets invaded? (But no prio) Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:25 AM PDT This has happened in probably at LEAST the past 6/10 of my last Ranked games, so I feel I need to ask now. What do you do as Mid when it's really early level (1-3) and your Jungler gets invaded and they're spam pinging for help? I know it depends on the champion(s), matchup etc. I play Zed and Sylas and it's happened on both. Each time I'd be level 1 or 2 and a chunky wave had just crashed into my tower which would level me up. I wait until I catch the wave to lvl up obviously, then I went to help my jg since the invading jg was so low I thought I could get a free kill. What would happen each time is either: A) I'd help/get the kill but miss out on gold and XP, and find myself so far behind the entire laning phase, like a level or two. B) I'd leave it be and stay Mid, my jungle dies, gets tilted and ints the whole game. [link] [comments] |
When should you build manamune on adcs? Posted: 30 Oct 2020 06:26 AM PDT On Senna, Kaisa, Ezreal you always, so I don't want to include them now. But on basically every other adc it's an option, the most common ones being Twitch, Ashe, Jhin, MF maybe as well, but I've seen it on Jinx too sometimes. So, on these champions, when should you go for the manamune build, and when with the traditional one? I've watched streamers and pros, and sometimes they do it, sometimes they don't, and that left me a bit confused. Thankz! [link] [comments] |
Struggling against catch supports Posted: 30 Oct 2020 01:12 PM PDT I'm a D3 adc main on euw and I've noticed that i struggle a lot against catch supports. Almost everytime I'm facing one i will get hooked or binded or whatever and die one or more unnecessary deaths that make me lose my lane. How can i get better against catch supports? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Oct 2020 04:23 PM PDT This has happened to me in quite a few games and I just experienced it as the support. It's very frustrating when my support is directly on top of me, clicking around my champion and the character collision will sometimes push me out of auto range or will cause me to eat a skillshot because the support is directly where I'm clicking my my character tries to path around them and eats some kind of cc. I also have had to flash/heal to kill someone because my support is directly in front of my character trying to path back as I'm trying to move forward and the collision pushes me just out of range. I JUST did this as a soraka and now realize when you play the role you really need to be aware that your character is able to shift the pathing of your ad. I wanted to turn back and heal my AD, and I was directly in front of him and I pathed RIGHT where he was going by accident, causing my Jhin to stutter-step and therefore lose JUST enough units of distance to get the kill. I know a lot of people like to stick by the ad as tanks or healers, or for AoE shields. Just be aware of where youre standing and what that means for your lane and your companion. [link] [comments] |
How to play against Xerath as an immobile, low-range mid? (Swain) Posted: 30 Oct 2020 12:02 PM PDT I have my problems with xerath (his q hitbox being one of them), but I know he isn't really a super op champ. The only thing I could do was dodge his q by playing mind games with which direction I was going (which didn't work because of the stupid hitbox sometimes). I could use my combo on him, but it didn't feel like I could do more damage than him. So, I wound up getting poked out and then ulted or q'ed under turret for a quick trip back to fountain. I know he's beatable, I just felt like I was at a gross disadvantage. Any tips? [link] [comments] |
What do I do in mid/late game as support Posted: 30 Oct 2020 09:49 AM PDT I'm a new support and I feel pretty ok during the lanning phase but after first tower I have no idea what to do. Sometimes I feel like I'm getting on my teammates nerves by going mid to help or staying and helping my ADC get more (2nd) tower stacks or following my Jungler to help ward objectives (I don't like to be left alone because I play squishy supports like Soraka lol). I got flammed last night during a ranked game because I did these things. We were loosing and 4 enemy was mid so I rotated to help my mid and Jungler. We won the team fight (thank goodness for Sorakas ult!) but my ADC died in bot lane and was mad. Did I make the wrong decision? Should I have stayed in bot lane? There wasn't an enemy when I left, they were just farming. I'm bronze if that helps lol thanks for all your advice 😊 [link] [comments] |
How to Stay Aggressive Without Getting Camped Posted: 30 Oct 2020 09:21 AM PDT Hey all, I'm a JG main trying to expand my horizons by learning a midlaner and, as a result, I decided to pick up Azir. I understand him fundamentally well enough. I have his mechanics down decently and I know that you're supposed to play the laning phase pretty aggressively, but lately I've been getting camped really hard as a result of my aggressive play. Whether it's the enemy JG or even their sidelaners coming to my opponents aid (just the other day I had a game where the enemy soraka roamed mid and stayed there for, like 10 minutes), I can't seem to maintain my lead once this kind of stuff starts happening. What should I be doing to prevent this? Should I be freezing the wave sooner so it doesn't push into the enemy's tower? I genuinely don't know since laning has never really been my forte. Thank you for your help! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:59 AM PDT Just out of curiosity... For those of you who have and use mice that have the mouse 5+6 buttons, what do you use it for? I currently use them for active items like GLP but am wondering if anyone out there uses it for attack move (or other things). Thanks ^^ [link] [comments] |
lux split push? i know it's bad but... Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:54 AM PDT i play mostly lux mid and often i find my self pushing a turret alone, i know that lux is probably better if she stay with the team and she is killed easy if she is alone, she have no escape, squish... but i see often people ignoring minions and turrets, i'm starting to think that if i'm silver III is mostly because of good macro/pushing&getting turrets. i see nobody in top and minion pushing on our turret so i go there and clear a wave or two so that it push in opposite direction or some other times we had a tam fight and after that i go alone in mid finishing that first low heal mid turret and nobody stop me&nobody help me.... sometimes i die trying or i get one turret and instead of stopping i keep pushing until i die (not that my idea is push until die but it happens...) i rarely win my lane hard so that i can oneshot enemy midlaner or that he become useless, when it happens it's mostly thanks to multiple jungler ganks, i mostly win a bit/go even/lose a bit (but i don't feed if i lose my lane). this also happened in a normal game where i was adc: we had one afk (top), so it was 5 vs 4, we had teemo pushing top and nobody stopping him so i had to go top to prevent him from taking turrets. this was quite problematic game because since we had an afk you could not even slow push, their minions were stronger so i spent all the game running from one lane to another preventing minions crashing on our turret... teamfights were 3vs4 because we had afk+me top/roaming to save turrets and they had teemo top, we won so many teamfights because in our side there was a fed sylas+fed veigar but in the end we lost that. they did NOTHING, killed so many enemies but gained nothing out of that... meanhwile i soloed so many turrets and got also an inibitor. at some point ally wrote "you didn't partecipated a single teamfight in all the game" which is more or less true but i wasn't needed, they could win teamfights alone, at some point minions were autoattacking our inibitor and i started to ping "warning" every second until the game stopped my pings NOBODY recalled and it's not that they were pushing for an objective or fighting... i had to wait to respawn and miracle-save it. besides that adc game, as lux what i should do? keep doing that if it works? try to write/ping to get some help from an ally? stay always with the team/the fed ally even if it seems that they don't do anything logic/useful and only after a teamfight try to ping help after for an objective? some things that i see and seems that other people don't: -both teams have two drakes, i ping&start baron (was adc) ally ping "drake spawn in 40 sec" i think "who cares!?!?? leave them the drake, we we will get baron which is more important and end the game" which is what happened, we got baron, and while we was pushing&getting turrets they got drake but we won the game thanks to baron. -minions pushing on our side that needs to be stopped -minion pushing on their side so that you can use them to get a turret -enemy super fed, what i do? stay away from him and push a different lane, he can't reach/kill me if i play defensive. what they do? keep searching him and forcing fights and losing both because is fed&numeric disadvantage (like 2 vs 3) -inibitor taken? i go in other lane, superminions will take care of that already won lane, but they sometimes don't. -your team killed 3 enemy and the fourth is running away with low HP and tons of dashes? what i do: after 2 seconds i understand that he is faster and i start to get drake or push for an objective, what they do: keep running on him. the problem is that since i mostly play lux i can't solo drakes, i can start them and bring them to half HP, losing almost all my HP and at that point some ally help me but i can't do the same for the baron. so this is why i think i win games in ranked but as lux is hard... [link] [comments] |
1500 Game hardstuck Bronze 2, how do I learn how to dodge skill shots Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:01 AM PDT One of the biggest issues I face in this game is dodging skillshots. It just feels impossible. I have horrible winrates vs Lux, Neeko, Xerath, Ziggs, Ahri, all those champs that spam 200 skillshots in laning phase just destroy me. It feels like even if I dodge 7 of them the one that hits me wins lane or just kills me once they have any items at all. I can't dodge anything ever, I can't farm under tower, champions like this just frustrate and tilt me to no end because it feels like they just win for free so easily by hitting 1 out of 10 shots while if I don't dodge 10/10 I die. I'm always stuck playing Melee vs Ranged. Even worse is that they are all super safe and outrange me. How am I supposed to punish a Lux Q E when her range is longer than any assassin dash? Even if I flash + gapcloser she can just flash away too and now woopie doo we both don't have flash. Same with Xerath and stuff like that. But I can't push and roam either! I just can't get close without getting shit on so I spend every game with no wave control, no CS, and I'm left tilted getting flamed as Lux runs around going 22 - 0 with her Q laser one shot I've tried LoLDodgeGame but I feel like I have way more time to react to skilllshots there. I have a 240ms reaction time which is kinda slow but every skill shot is so fast and has so much range or AoE damage I can't do anything about it. I've tried spacing outside the range of her E and now I'm hiding between my first and second turrets losing waves as she zones me out from my own tower I really have no idea what to do or how to get better at this One big mistake I think I'm making is I always have to look at my champion, even after a ton of games I can't watch the enemy and also last hit or dodge and shit Please help :( ty [link] [comments] |
When is it better to pick an early game mid champion versus a late game scaler? Posted: 29 Oct 2020 10:39 PM PDT Hi guys, Throughout this season my two most played champions have been Vladimir and Kassadin, two late game scaling mids. At a certain point, I heard that it would be beneficial for me to add some sort of early game/roaming/assassin + ideally an AD one. Therefore, I started learning Talon and Qiyana and once I determine which champion I like more/am better at I will stick with that one. However, I am having trouble figuring out when exactly this pick, lets say Qiyana should be chosen. Now, obviously I will pick Qiyana rather than Vladimir when enemy team picks something like Kassadin, or if my team is heavy AP. But besides those two factors, when else should I pick Qiyana? What type of team comp is better for a scaling mid versus an early mid? One example that confuses me, would be lets say the enemy team picks Ryze or Malzahar. Kassadin and Qiyana both do well into those matchups, but one is a scaler and other is early game. How do you know which one to pick? When it comes to team comps, I have heard that if your team is mostly scaling, you could also pick a scaling champ to have an insane late game. When teammates in champion select draft a very late game comp, people are often pretty confident and positive, and it looks like a very strong comp. And sometimes this is true; maybe we lose a bit early but eventually we outscale and make a comeback. And if we win early, its basically a wrap. However, those games can also result in getting stomped by the enemy team in 10-20 minutes and just be over. Therefore, it can be really good to pick an early game mid when the rest if your team is scaling, so you can get your twitch lulu bot ahead, and allow your Vladimir top to get his items. On the other hand, if my team is mostly early game, it might be ideal to choose another early game mid like Talon and just destroy the enemy team, secure every dragon, roam, etc. But then at the same time you could all choose early game champs and then it feels like you are on a clock and if you don't get a huge lead early and end the game (which often doesn't happen especially in lower ranks, games tend to last long), you can just lose once you get to the team fighting stage. In that case, wouldn't it be better to pick a scaling champion, to be sort of an insurance for your team. So you have an aggressive jungler and bot lane, and they can insure that you don't get stomped early game with a full scaling setup and allow you to get to your powerspikes, and then you are that late game insurance when your Lee Sin starts to fall off a bit. But at the same time...If you have a very aggressive jungler + bot lane and they constantly force aggressive plays, and you are just casually farming mid lane, and your enemy mid, lets say Katarina, is able to help their bot lane and you just lose the game because your early game teammates are behind and you aren't able to scale. TLDR; basically just wanna know when its better to pick an early game mid like Talon rather than a scaler like Vladimir. But I have some more specific questions if you have the time to read the whole thing. [link] [comments] |
Thinking about Seraphine and Sona in the botlane Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:13 AM PDT I know. It might sound crazy stupid, but as someone who loves cheese comp and mages in botlane, I actually wondered if having Seraphine and Sona as a duo lane may work. And I genuinly think it can ! So first, let me remind you that when Seraphine's abilities were revealed, almost everyone said the same thing : "She is a better version of Sona". While I do not think it is the case, I have to agree that there is similiarities between their abalities. But let's be honnest, you will find champions that have the same ability core, but have different/respective mechanism/design. Lux, Morgana and Neeko's cage is a perfect example. So now, let's compare Sona and Seraphine's respective ability and think about how it may work for them as a duo lane. Their Q spell : Sona's Q, "Hymn of Valor", deals damage magic to the two nearest enemies (champions and minions). With her passive, "Aura", Sona can offer a bonus of magic damage to allies that are present in her radius on their basic attack within 3 seconds. Since Seraphine is also an enchanter like Sona, she is dealing damage magic and "Hymn of Valor" will be a nice small damage buff for her. As for Seraphine's Q, "High Note", it also deals magic damage to enemies. But it lands as a radius. Both Qs combined, in my opinion, offer a fair amount of poking. And with Seraphine's passive, "Stage Presence", that can cast twice any abilities of Seraphine, the poking may be better for both the musicians girls. Their W spell : Both Sona and Seraphine's respective W ,"Aria of presence" and "Surround Sound" offer shields and life regeneration. But the difference is that Sona casts the shield and regenerate life on the same time, while Seraphine's condition to regenerate life is for her allies and herself to be already shielded. So cast Sona W first, with Seraphine being in her Radius, then let Seraphine cast her W. Their E spell : Sona's E , "Song of Celerity", offers bonus mouvement speed to every allie in her Radius (with her passive), while Seraphine's E ,"Beat Drop", deals magic damage to enemies and slow them down (may occur to a root, if already slowed and occur to a stun, if already rooted). The only synergy between their E is to allow Seraphine to rush on enemies before casting her E. However, Sona's E can synergize Seraphine's W, which also offer a bonus of mouvement speed. A good thing to charge or easily disengage a fight. Their R spell/Ultimate : Sona's R , "Crescendo", stuns and deals magic damage to the enemies. It will be preferable to cast her ultimate after Seraphine's R , "Encore", that also deals magic damage but charms the enemies instead. Add this abilities chain with Seraphine's E to keep the enemies stunned for longer to allow yourself to deal a great amount of damage to them. Well, that is at least how I think it may work. I may be the only one who wants a SeraSona collab in Earth... [link] [comments] |
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