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    Thursday, October 29, 2020

    LoL Guide Pre-season PBE Changes Megathread

    LoL Guide Pre-season PBE Changes Megathread

    Pre-season PBE Changes Megathread

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    Welcome Summoners,

    With Worlds around the corner pre-season has made it's way to the PBE. We're super excited for all the new items, builds and changes that are happening at the moment and we would love to give you guys a platform to discuss these changes.

    However because we have our Relevancy rule:

    PBE changes, theorycrafting or balance ideas. These are not things currently in the live game and as such there is nothing to learn.

    We can not allow PBE changes to have their own post, therefor we've created a megathread in which you can all post your builds, ask your questions. Big or short just drop it here.

    Don't know what's going to change?

    • In this link you can find all the new items preview.

    • Also be sure to check surrenderat20.net to stay up to date with all the recent changes.

    • Want to test the changes yourself? Sign up for the PBE.


    See you in the rift!

    submitted by /u/furiousRaMPaGe
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    Can someone explain me why fleet footwork is powerful?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    I've seen many Caitlyns, Akalis, Kassadins, Gnars and so on taking this rune. I've tried it many times but I can't understand why it is used by many, all it does is giving a very little heal and a speed boost. Why would Akali take FF instead of Electro? I'm in low Silver and really can't see why this rune is taken, I feel like that even an Akali could do better with PTA instead of FF. Thanks to whoever answer!

    submitted by /u/peneoof
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    How do I get over being afraid to play the game because I’m bad at it?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Please remove this post if it's not allowed!

    My boyfriend loves League of Legends. He spends a lot of time on it, he's ranked pretty high up I think, and he plays sometimes when we're in call and I'm doing either school work or playing another (usually indie) game on my own. Recently, he's been trying to get me to play with him, but I have anxiety issues and worry about playing with other people. But I wanted to surprise him, so I started trying to learn. I was really excited because he has so much fun playing it and he really wants me to play with him.

    In my first non-tutorial game, someone cursed at me for playing my Champion wrong. In the game after that, someone called me a lot of different names. The breaking point for me was when my teammate cursed me out then called for everyone in my team to report me for feeding.

    I know I'm not good at this game, but I was trying to learn. As I said earlier, I have anxiety issues and I felt so bad about it I went afk (I know, rude, but my hands were shaking so bad I couldn't play anyway. Plus me going afk probably didn't hurt them lmao my KDA was bad)

    I know maybe it's not that big of a deal, but now I'm scared of being baggage to my teammates. I really wanted to learn for my boyfriend as well as my friends who love the game too. But I developed so many little anxieties from the first few games I played. I just want to get some advice on how to move on from this and to stop getting so upset by what people say. Thanks :-)

    submitted by /u/aaaaaaaaa1989
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    Does Ezreal outscale Jhin?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    I just had a game where we 2v2'd them twice in bot lane and got an insane lead for my team, but teammates got caught multiple times and fed big shutdowns to enemy Ezreal and Brand(mid).

    We got to about 35 minutes and I felt like with Ezreal just does more damage than me in skirmishes and his WQ's can chunk out my top jungler and mid, alongside with the pressure generated from constant Q poke.

    Maybe it was just this game because enemy team had good late game and good teamfighting. This led me to wonder whether Jhin as a champion does more damage than Ezreal in the late game. It'd be great if I could hear some ideas.

    For context:

    elo : P3-4

    Us: Shen, Elise, Lissandra, Jhin, Thresh

    Them: Jax, Hecarim, Brand, Ezreal, Leona

    submitted by /u/ScrandHD
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    What makes a good weak side ADC player?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 12:15 PM PDT


    I have a clash team with my close friends and so we have just developed a natural way we play the game, which involves a giga weak side bot. They love to skirmish top side with my sup so they are barely in lane, and it gets even worse after 6 because they main shen supp. If they draft me an early game adc, I just fall off because I don't have the support to make agro plays, and if they draft me a late game adc, I have just no kills and usually have to give up farm due to how hard a can be bullied w/o a support.


    How can I make the most out of the limited resources I get?

    submitted by /u/CrystalSSB
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    Dealing with neeko invisible engage

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    I lost a team fight because the ennemy neeko did an engage on my ADC with steal + R Flash. The ADC just walked up to aa the tower and got immediatly blown up. I have no clue how we could have prevented that outside of not walking up to the turret at all if we don't have vision of neeko.

    submitted by /u/infinitysoulpit
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    5 Tricks You Must Know Before Playing Lucian [Educational]

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 09:19 AM PDT


    Hey there, here is 5 quick tips/mechanics mainly for Lucian noobs hope they can help, the video is quite short and straight to the point so you shouldn't get lost.

    What does everyone think about the new lucian skin and will it make lucian played even more in ranked?

    submitted by /u/-CoachMarv
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    Does having prio leave you vulnerable?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    I'm a lv 60 silver 4 top laner but I've been watching high lv junglers to get an idea of how they move. Something they talk about a lot is lane prio.

    Example - enemy Viktor has my Malz shoved in under turret and has prio. Enemy nunu has vision in my jungle so I can't go to red or I will get 2 manned.

    Forgive my ignorance but if Viktor has Malz shoved in then why not just gank mid? I thought this was what junglers looked for in gankable lanes? As long as Malz had decent hp they should win the 2v1.

    I understand that having prio means you can shove and roam to objectives or other lanes, deep vision, jg camps etc but if they are harassing under turret and over staying then isn't the enemy laner having prio a good thing in terms of ganking?

    If they are smart then they should either use the prio to roam or reset and wait for the wave to bounce back but a lot of the time I see them harass under turret and these high level junglers not punish with a gank because the enemy "has prio"

    What am I missing here?

    submitted by /u/completelyscroowed
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    new to diana, any tips on how to play her against some matchups in mid?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    i'm a newly emerging diana player, coming from adc and maining kai'sa. i somewhat understand her kit, but i need some tips on how to maybe play against people usually played in low elo (i've never played ranked), such as lux, zed, yasuo, yone, ahri, akali, fizz and veigar.

    i know somewhat how to play against lux; speck into magic resist, but that's really it.

    submitted by /u/ceriies
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    Don't be afraid to use practice tool and play customs!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    Whenever I play normal matches (and unfortunately, sometimes ranked), I see my teammates flaming a person that's trying out a new champion or just trying to improve on it. If you're the guy who wants to get better at playing champs, you can always turn to customs and practice tools. There is also nothing wrong about having to follow mobafire guides, reading other players' opgg accounts, etc. I hope this can be a sign to anyone who's afraid of doing that to keep fighting with their chin up high. I wish everyone a good day!

    submitted by /u/brue_the_beer
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    When should we sell corrupting pot?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    I've picked up ekko recently, and I start corrupting pot every game. I also buy dark seal on first back. I'm looking for some advice from higher elo players regarding when I should be selling my corrupting pot - it seems quite useful even in the midgame, but I'm not sure whether it's worth holding on to since it sells for significant amount of gold. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Hi_ImToxic
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    How do I extend my lead as an ADC?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    I'm in ADC player in high silver and I play champs like Jhin, Samira, and Ezreal. I more often then not come out of landing phase with more kills and a lot more farm then the enemy ADC. What I'm seeing more and more is the fact that I'm barely winning the actual game because I have no idea how to extend my early game lead into the mid game. I often stop farming and never get solo experience so I'm always underleveled. I never know when to actually go and farm instead of being with my team doing objectives. All in all how do I play the mid game as an ADC?

    submitted by /u/sandwichkid42069
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    For everyone thinking they are in the devision that they are right now or they are hardstuck cause of their teammates (My own story)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    First of all my english is not the best hope you understand everything and i'm not really trying to flame anyone here just giving a reality check and before you comment just read all of the post
    So it's the end of the season there are like 14 days left or something like that. The previous season i ended being silver 3 or 2 (don't remember) after demoting from gold 4 (the previous season) i gave up cause there was like a month and a half unitil the end of the season , i was toxic , i blamed my teammates for everything my mentality was trash at the point where i rage quited on normals. At the start of season 10 i was silver 1 after finishing my promos i somehow promoted to gold 3 i guess i was fine , then i became kinda hardstuck gold 3 every game flaming if my team do something wrong , dies first , don't listen to me. I decided that it was because of my teammates and not because of me and i bought boosting from gold 3 to gold 1 , pretty pathetic. After 1 week i demoted to gold 3 from gold 1 (after getting boosted). I just stayed gold 3 and gold 4 all the season without wanting to learn the game but instead just get quick LP cause i thought that i was good and i deserve platinum. When there were 3 months left to the end of the season i was gold 4 and i decided that i'm giving up and again i blamed my teammates that i will prob reach plat next season and flamed the matchmaking going in google . I always wanted to be plat even when i was silver in season 9 my goal was to go gold and plat. 1 Month and a half till the end of the season , i stumbled upon this channel : Coach Curtis (not trynna promote). As i was mid laner and i watched some of his videos and started trying to learn from there and try to know as much as i can for the next season. I really started to notice the mistakes i was doing and that simple mistake can cost you the lane or even the game. Then some day i random scrolled on his channel something to watch for all players not just mid laners (by the time then i started playing top lane cause it was more fun for me playing bruiser and more comfortable for me) and i stumbled upon this video : "Is the coinflip real" as i was still thinking that the match system is trash i watched the video it's about the 30/30/40 rule basically 30% auto loses , 30% auto wins , and 40% are in your control. He made solid points in the video (i'm not gonna explain it if u wanna watch it the post is already long enough :D) that we are the reason why we are in this elo not because of our teammates. I had to re-watch it again and honestly i got hyped up. From the next day i started watching replays of my champions but challanger plays it (in youtube). I opened this subreddit's wiki which honestly helped me alot. I learned wave management as this is one of the this that helped me climb the most as top laner. I tried fixing my mentality by not raging or flaming even when if i lose , i saw alot of improvement in my games as my mentality as i could recognize some of these 30% when you just get afk , trollers inters i didn't rage at all just suck it up accept it and go next. Sometimes i got carried and sometimes my team lost because of me. There was 1 month left i was gold 4 from there i promised myself that i will try my hardest to reach plat even if i fail i will try atleast gold 2 or 1. I started focusing on the game more on jungle tracking , warding , wave management (as i said).It's actually funny that no one follow what the wave does and you can control it as you want in gold elo cause they don't know how it works :D they just push and the wave is yours.Anyway i demoted from gold 2 to gold 3 and promoted from gold 3 to gold 2 atleast like 3-4 times. When i was feeling of getting tilted i just stopped for a bit of hours i started to watch top lane players on twitch that also helped me. These days i have been playing prob at my peak (there was games that i fed too) and yesterday after going on 8 win streak i promoted to plat.After this i know i won't flame my teammates for my devision and realized how much of a clown i was honestly.
    If i could do it for 1 month from gold 4 to plat i could probably be like plat 2 or more if i realize it quickly at the start of the season or something.But i'm happy honestly , for those who recognize yourself in the post or you behave the same way as i did. I even have friend in discord who gave up on ranked cause he is whining all the time and flaming his teammates. How about you actually try to learn the game instead of just wanting to win , how about you focus on improving more than LP ? How about you stop flaming your teammates cause it literally doesn't do nothing but feeding your ego and you just try to feel good for yourself cause you think you are above these players even tho you have 500 games in this deivsion. I don't care if im gonna get hate on the post or updown. It's the truth and the faster you realize it the faster you will actually start from something. If you read the entire post to but instead just jumping to see my opgg , thanks.
    Here is my opgg : https://eune.op.gg/summoner/champions/userName=bJqVDominic

    submitted by /u/teddo23
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    How to play against Brand mid

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    He got buffed this patch and I just can't beat him. He literally got a triple after he died because of his stupid passive. It seems as though he's a bully early who scales really hard, and I can't out-damage him at any point. I know it shouldn't be this hard and I'm just making a mistake, but I don't know what that is. Any tips? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/yanderedevhomie
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    Practice Drills I use to improve as ADC

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Hey all, I was just talking with my coach about my current drill regiment I use to practice the basics and figured I'd share them with you all! I just started league in March and I've made Plat this season. I'm really hoping to hit diamond in the off-season so if you guys have any basic drills you use please feel free to share them with me!

    My basic concept for most drills is I practice them until I can do them 3 times in a row perfectly. I go into practice tool/customs for 1 hour a day and I ALWAYS start with CS, then move to the one item I want to practice and I do only that one drill for the rest of my practice time. No more or less than 1 hour. I do this any day I play league (but not every day).

    The Drills so far: -CS practice with level lock, only AA's, only a Cull to try and get perfect CS. (I can get 100ish but haven't achieved perfect yet)

    -Practice hard shoving waves into tower without missing a CS (kill all minions, with abilities at level 3)

    -practice fast pushing without missing a CS (kill 3 melee then just last hit ranged with abilities at level 3)

    -practice slow pushing without missing a CS (kill 3 ranged and only last hit melee with abilities at level 3)

    -practice freezing without missing a CS (AA's only level 1 locked with Cull)

    -practiced trying to hold a freeze against a friend trying to break it (AA's only with no abilities)

    -practiced walking timers without boots, with T1 boots, and with T2 boots from bot to mid, base to drag, base to herald, base to bot, base to buffs, mid to top, and mid to bot.

    -Summoner spells tracking "ADC F 6:10"

    -Kiting around a dummy at max range auto attacking at various attack speeds and levels

    -AA cancel and combo practice on dummy's

    -Phone timer that goes off every 7 seconds and I have to look at minimap (I do this actively in norms games)

    -Memorized meta jungle routes and time it takes for them to clear or path so I can track enemy jungler

    -Important objective spawn timers (drag, Herald, rift scuttle, etc)

    -My newest thing is getting a friend to do Max range AA only duels with mirror champs to practice auto spacing. I've noticed stats wise I've developed very strong vision, objective control, and income, but my combat stats and damage per minute are really lacking so this is my next big focus area!

    Please share any drills you have and feel free to use or improve on mine!

    Edit: Also, if you're interested in doing any drills with me like the max range AA drills, or dodging drills, etc, please feel free to shoot me a DM on here so we can link up! I really want to improve my combat stats (because they're like bronze abysmal) next so I'm hoping I can find a few like-minded and willing friends! I play on NA, US EST time zone.

    submitted by /u/Tymazen
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    How Do I End Games As An Assassin Jungle

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    I've been playing a lot of Evelynn and AP Nunu to carry the mid game (I am a Nunu and Ivern main, I started playing Evelynn around four days ago and am already almost mastery six). I get tons of kills and objectives, but I've had two games in the past two days where I am hyper fed with over fifteen kills and we lose because we can't end. How can I help close games better as an assassin? Should I just sit back and continue doing my job of getting picks or should I go for large fights to help my team directly? I feel like I gain a very large bounty mid game and often lose it late game in teamfights where I am either CC'd or caught with my team to far to follow up on my damage (or even my death). I would love some advice from some higher rank players as I haven't played ranked since level thirty, and I feel I play pretty well for my elo. I just hate seeing games thrown like that when my team is relying on me.


    Thank you for anyone even people lower elo than me, any advice is welcome. (This post is mainly coming from the forty-three kill game where I got a pentakill, we still lost...)

    submitted by /u/Shakez11
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    How to play safely in the early game as an ADC?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    Bronze 1 Ezreal Main, I do decently into the mid to late game as Ezreal after I have Frostborn Gauntlet and Death's Dance, but I struggle in the early game with almost every ADC I play. I can't figure out what to do to solve it, playing against Caitlyn and Jhin is like the bane of my existence and even laning against Miss Fortune, Senna, Jinx, and Ashe is just a nightmare. I've tried changing my starting item, (I used to solely build cull to try and farm for my power spike, but have tried using Doran's blade and Doran's shield), I've tried safely farming with abilities, but every time they just manage to poke me down and force me under tower/base. So, what is a good way or good mentality to have in order to save myself from hard inting the early game?

    submitted by /u/ListenBleedRepeat
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    Fiddle Lane/Build

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    What lane is best for Fiddle and what items would be good for him? I picked up the game just a few weeks ago and my friends told me to play fiddle for some reason, but I was also told that jungling is really hard for a beginner. Is there any lane that would be decent for his playstyle besides jungle?

    submitted by /u/seesawbutter11037
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    What to do with team ARAMing as ADC

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm a gold 4 ADC main and this is my first season.

    So I've been maining ADC all season, I usually play Jhin, Ashe, Aphelios, Cait or Kai'sa. Anyways, I've watched almost every Youtube video out there discussing how to properly play ADC and generate gold for my team. I'd like to say I have pretty good macro but for solo que, it can be difficult.

    My reason for posting is because too many times I get into games and in the mid/late game, my team just runs around looking to ARAM with no objectives up, even if we are losing. Unfortunately, I am trying to prioritize maintaining good CS, so I can eventually hit my power spikes. I do my best to avoid gathering in the midlane to share farm and xp with my teammates. Again, no objectives are up but I'll have 3 members of my team gathering top to try and kill one person; and while I'm bot farming trying to keep up in gold with my my lane opponents, I get spam pinged for not being at the fight.

    Also, in the post game, my damage is low because I chose to prioritize CS instead of araming. I group with my team when I don't have anything to farm or there is an objective up.

    I don't understand exactly when to give up farm to go group with my team if no objectives are up. Do I choose to leave the wave and group for no reason? I'd love some insight, feel free to comment please. Again, this is my first season so please take it easy on me :-)

    submitted by /u/ballzoff
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    Chat commands for muting

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 05:15 AM PDT


    I was in a ranked game recently when the entire team started flaming each other (as always..) and I wanted to mute them. I know there are chat commands for it like /mute and /ignore but those also mute their pings (I want those for MIA and stuff). Is there a command that only mutes their chat and not the pings?
    And yes, I know I can do it through the scoreboard but I would like to make a macro on my keyboard to do it.


    submitted by /u/AwesomeRemco
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    Why i cant win 50% of my Ranked Games?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    Hello Guys can you please check my op.gg and tell me what i do wrong why i dont win 50% of my games.. I am Main fiddle Jungle in Gold 4 and i am Hardstuck!


    I hope this is the Megathread SQ&A, i have no idea how i post on reddit with the IOS app

    submitted by /u/Feisty-Whereas704
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    Problems with the matchmaking system or me just having bad luck (for the third time)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    Hello everyone.

    Has anyone been in a similar situation like me - you create a new account, then get to level 30 and start to play ranked.. and then all of your teammates lose lanes (and not only this but they often push the lanes even when losing all the time or they don't try to trade (so the enemies are full hp) resulting in lanes that are very hard to gank). And I'm not talking about a single game, but literally the last 20 games (from which i won 2)

    My profile is: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Wariorwick

    Yes, you may argue that kda is poor, BUT - please consider that i rarely have a death in the first 15 mins and since i play tank-ww i need to engage the enemies. This is a very team dependent build so because of the lacking follow up it just turns out as inting...

    And, additionally, this happens to me for the third time - new profile, and then after 2-3 games (which i usually win by a significant margin) something happens and i get teammates with far smaller win rate than my opponents.

    Is there any solution? You may ask, why the new profile? Because the MMR on my original profile is so low that in bronze i get 8-10 lp per win and lose 14-16... so even-though the games there are easy to win (in contrast to the "smurfs") it will take me a lot of games to climb and I don't have the time to play a lot.

    As an additional info, because I fear that you might say "wellp you are bad" - in some of the games yes, I can agree that i did play far from optimal, but when all lanes are in big deficit after 10 minutes, honestly it is hard to do anything (because even if I gank successfully the players will die immediately after this) Also, played several games with the account of a friend of mine which is somewhere high gold/low plat and I did not have a single game with a kda of less than 2... and much more objective control than in these lower silver games... (and >60% win rate) SO WTF is going on and how can i actually climb with my acount?

    Thank you for your input!

    submitted by /u/Large_Thanks_5254
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    How much does ultimate synergy matter in solo queue?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    I just played a game in Gold 3 where I had a Rumble main one-trick playing mid which inspired me to pick Amumu/J4, but Amumu was banned so I went with J4.

    The guy ended up being absolutely useless and the synergy never went together at all.

    How much should ultimate synergy matter when picking your own champion in solo queue?

    submitted by /u/doodiewolf
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    Farm under tower or push?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    I am as an ADC often in this situation on bot:

    I lost the outer turret and my lane is pushed towards me, wave is more or less frozen at around my gromp/krugs. Enemy bot is not here.

    What am I supposed to do? Farm so I get "free farming time" or push so I can get more things to do on the map?

    submitted by /u/daverave1212
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    Constant CS with senna

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    I've been recently trying to learn senna as a adc and I can average about 7 to 8 cs going into 15 to 20 minutes but once I move out of lane I always manage to end with about 5 cspm. Is this a issue with senna having a slow wave clear or am I just not farming well enough out've lane?

    submitted by /u/NateGoff32
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