League of Legends Patch 10.22 Discussion and Bug Megathread |
- Patch 10.22 Discussion and Bug Megathread
- Top Ornn skins of all time
- K/DA - MORE [Official Music Video]
- MikeYeung My Time as a Pro on P1, TSM, TL, EF
- Red Bull are hosting a stream of the final, called Worlds Simplified, for people completely new to League of Legends!
- Perkz on the rurmors of him leaving G2
- You Really Got Me | Cinematic Trailer - League of Legends
- Bewitching Janna Fan Art
- The scene of Lux walking in You Really Got Me Cinematic was brought back from her old splashart.
- Amazing & Munchables on Double Elimination playoffs for Worlds 2021: “Make Worlds a really long tournament, I think double elimination – simply because of the best-of-fives we don’t get to see – is a really good argument.”
- PSA: Alt + F4 now also shows the 5s leave warning
- since yorick is recieving a new skin I'd like to bring up a major issue with yorick
- Tyler1 Insane 1v3 ultra mega outplay of the century
- dont be tempted by the genocider, pentakill is forever.
- The Dive | 2020 Worlds: TSM's Bjergsen Retires, Semifinals Reactions, & Finals Preview
- was playing ranked when the stars aligned perfectly
- 4k screenshots from "KDA - MORE" M/V
- Park Jeesun on working as an interviewer AND translator throughout 2020 Worlds, behind-the-scene interactions with the players, the difference between Korean and Western interviews, agrees with Ashley Kang on who her favorite interviewee is
- The Greatest Troll In History | G2 Worlds 2020 Semifinals Voicecomms
- Inori part ways with cloud9 and becomes Free agent
- Annie's shield range is bigger than intended right now.
- Type your 3 favourite champs in the comments section and people will say what that says about you as a player, or a person.
- It’s insane that when I last watched LCS many seasons ago, players’ low salary was an issue.
- Breakdown of a Game - TES vs SN Game 1
- Official Gameplay Trailer | League of Legends: Wild Rift
Patch 10.22 Discussion and Bug Megathread Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:35 AM PDT | ||
Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:54 PM PDT
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K/DA - MORE [Official Music Video] Posted: 28 Oct 2020 07:06 AM PDT
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MikeYeung My Time as a Pro on P1, TSM, TL, EF Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:05 PM PDT
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Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:38 PM PDT | ||
Perkz on the rurmors of him leaving G2 Posted: 28 Oct 2020 06:09 AM PDT https://twitter.com/G2Perkz/status/1321438365615620096
I doubt he's ever leaving g2 honestly people are overreacting to fake rumors what do you guys think? Perkz IS G2 Edit: https://twitter.com/G2Perkz/status/1321449567095762946
Guys he's obviously clowning the clout chasing rumor accounts there's no way that shit is true Edit: wooloo reply to this: https://twitter.com/LEC_Wooloo/status/1321480486963826688?s=19
Edit: honestly I'm starting to believe this rumor more and more perkz if you're reading just go to wherever will make you the most happy I wish it would be in Europe though. It probably doesn't mean much because I'm just a pissrandom but I will support wherever you go [link] [comments] | ||
You Really Got Me | Cinematic Trailer - League of Legends Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:30 PM PDT
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Posted: 28 Oct 2020 03:04 PM PDT Halloween is coming soon! Are you excited? Be aware of bewitching Janna, or she will bewitch you! This is a surprise gift for a dear friend- his favorite champion!! Hope you like it! [link] [comments] | ||
The scene of Lux walking in You Really Got Me Cinematic was brought back from her old splashart. Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:55 AM PDT
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Posted: 28 Oct 2020 06:38 AM PDT
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PSA: Alt + F4 now also shows the 5s leave warning Posted: 28 Oct 2020 07:31 AM PDT Before anyone gives me slack: I use alt + F4 to skip the nexus animation at the end of a game. Now, however, this also prompts the 5 second countdown screen before you can leave. Not sure how I feel about this as it will prevent ppl alt + F4 leaving instantly but I want my minmax 3 second saving gimmick back damnit! [link] [comments] | ||
since yorick is recieving a new skin I'd like to bring up a major issue with yorick Posted: 28 Oct 2020 05:43 AM PDT the amount of bugs that actually affect this champ is insane and can seriously screw you over in game. for example sometimes champs will just ignore your w collision(as in they get stuck in the center of the cage and then i see them just walk through it). the maiden has even more bugs. sometimes the maiden will get stuck in the tower and will not be able to move out or do anything until the tower is destroyed or the maiden gets killed while stuck in the tower. sometimes the maiden will just stop moving for periods of time meaning if you decide to release it this can slow down her splipush. the cloud drake bug where certain champs when their ult is active will not get the cloud drake cd and this bug was revealed over 3 months ago by some high elo yorick players AND IT STILL HASNT BEEN FIXED and this feels awful because yoricks ult cd is very high and the extra cd would be really nice early and still helpful late. sometimes the leash range for maiden will be very buggy and even though it was changed to 500 units it will sometimes take 700(original leash range) and sometimes it will be even longer. look, im not asking for my champion to be buffed and become super op. all I'm asking is that the major bugs on this champ get fixed so it feels much smoother to play because the bugs can make it really clunky. I feel like this is something reasonable to ask from riot. I'm not asking for 100 base ad lvl 1 I just want my favorite champion to not have this many bugs that can actually affect gameplay. I'm wondering your thoughts on this as well as what game breaking bugs your champion has that you wish riot would fix. Edit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OFiuzJ8XbE7vyyVwjAhEu8K_mAuR88l_pHoi7aRsQwI/edit this is a list of bugs compiled by ninetales who is afaik the best yorick jg in the world. [link] [comments] | ||
Tyler1 Insane 1v3 ultra mega outplay of the century Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:44 PM PDT
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dont be tempted by the genocider, pentakill is forever. Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:49 AM PDT
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The Dive | 2020 Worlds: TSM's Bjergsen Retires, Semifinals Reactions, & Finals Preview Posted: 28 Oct 2020 03:09 PM PDT
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was playing ranked when the stars aligned perfectly Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:59 AM PDT
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4k screenshots from "KDA - MORE" M/V Posted: 28 Oct 2020 08:53 AM PDT
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Posted: 28 Oct 2020 08:31 AM PDT
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The Greatest Troll In History | G2 Worlds 2020 Semifinals Voicecomms Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:40 AM PDT
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Inori part ways with cloud9 and becomes Free agent Posted: 28 Oct 2020 03:30 PM PDT
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Annie's shield range is bigger than intended right now. Posted: 28 Oct 2020 09:49 AM PDT I noticed in my games it felt like I was shielding allies from a mile away. Right now Annie's shield can be cast on an ally if you click within 225 units of them, and this is allowing her to cast shields on allies if they are outside her shield range, but she still clicks within her shield range. Not sure if this is intended. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:20 PM PDT Could be your 3 most played champs, favourite champs to play, highest mastery scores, whatever. Up to you. Then people will say what that says about you! Whether that's what you're like in game, or what you're like irl (I know we're all socially anxious fuckos irl /s ). Disclaimer: PLEASE judge someone else's champs before typing your own for the thread to work! If you're really awesome, you could sort by new and type one that hasn't been judged yet! So I'll begin by saying my 3 most played are LB, Akali, and Katarina, but with the exception that since Yone's come out he's been my most played lol. Be as savage as you want [link] [comments] | ||
It’s insane that when I last watched LCS many seasons ago, players’ low salary was an issue. Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:50 AM PDT To come back to watching pro league and seeing the salaries develop in just a few years is pretty crazy. I remember when $70k was considered big money now look us with the million dollar bucks 5.5 fkin k oh wow what a throwback [link] [comments] | ||
Breakdown of a Game - TES vs SN Game 1 Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:34 PM PDT This is an in-depth breakdown of all components of the first game of the semifinal between TES and SN at Worlds 2020. In it, I will be taking you through the draft and almost every minute of gameplay to explain exactly what is going down and why it is significant. Disclaimers:
Draft (All bans are written in order)
TES rounds out their draft with B4 B5 Pantheon Jayce
Thoughts on Draft - I'll give my extensive thoughts here because some of you have been asking for more of my personal opinions
Gameplay (1:32) Jayce wards the entrance into Top Lane near top tri. This suggests that TES doesn't actually have a clear read on which side SofM is starting - as that ward only lasts long enough to shield from a lvl 2 early gank. Neither team goes for lvl 1 strategies so it does make sense that the reasonable guess is Lee Sin starts Red. In reality, Lee Sin starts Blue against this expectation (2:01) Jayce takes early lane priority against Wukong as expected (3:34) Jhin and Pantheon use their lane priority to scout Lee Sin's pathing and secure priority on the bottom side Crab, dropping a ward over into the Gromp area as well as clearing the Scryer's Bloom. Seeing that Wolves, Blue and Gromp is down, TES can guess that Lee Sin either skipped Krugs and did Red->down and took a very early reset, or started Blue and cleared upwards. Given that Lee Sin is not looking for the bottom side crab and Sett has already secured top side, the more likely guess from this position is that he cleared upwards towards Krugs (3:41) Lee Sin opted for and finishes a full clear and looks for an opportunity Top but doesn't find one. The priority Setthas both Top and Bot lets him Double Scuttle Lee Sin, though he does not opt to full clear so SofM has a tempo lead in terms of his own camps (4:08) TES tries to look for a gank on the bottom lane but seems to awkwardly call it off after spotting Lee Sin on Gromp (note the ping on the minimap), perhaps not trusting the 3v3. Because of the Gromp spawn and Lee Sin appearing, Lee Sin's position in the jungle is mostly compromised for the next minute. (4:52) Knowing that Lee Sin is pathing upwards into Red Side jungle and has options in both Mid and Top (as both Jayce and Orianna are playing priority lane, both Knight and 369 reset to avoid any potential deaths to Lee. Wukong takes Jayce's reset as an opportunity to reset as well. (5:03) Orianna blows Teleport for lane pressure with a purchase of Dark Seal and Tear. This forces Azir to reset and mirror Teleport (6:06) Expecting Lee Sin to likely have just finished Krugs and reset, Sett pops the Scryer's Bloom and looks for deep vision on Lee Sin's jungle before Lee Sin can make it back to the quadrant. In reality, Lee Sin is a few seconds ahead of the play call, and this allows him to secure Crab while Sett is still setting up vision for it. You will notice that the SN bot lane still hasn't reset yet, and both Pantheon and Jhin are both off fresh bases - with Pantheon beelining for the River. TES is looking for a pick onto Lee Sin here where they can force a fight on uneven base timings, but SofM's clear rate actually crucially prevents this (6:37) Because SN's bot lane still has to reset, Sett starts the Dragon knowing that there still cannot be a contest out of SN given the very late recall timings from Ezreal and Rakan. Orianna is pulled down to assist with this. (6:47) Knowing that the entire map has been pulled for the early Dragon capture, Wukong takes an all-in on Jayce to potentially kill or blow summoners. With Lee Sin reiterating a top angled full clear once again, this can potentially setup a future gank for Lee as if he blows Jayce's Flash here, Jayce must cede territory to Wukong within the lane if he acknowledges the threat of Lee Sin (7:55) Natural priority in the bot lane and top lane (due to Wukong's ulti being used) allows Pantheon to separate from Jhin and Orianna's unexpected priority in the mid lane allows Sett to look for a Herald capture as SN cannot contest a potential 4v3 on the top side with both Ezreal and Rakan showing bot (8:14) However, because Jayceis playing for priority in the top lane to enable the Herald capture, because he had just blown his flash, he is a sitting duck to Lee Sin. Lee Sin capitalizes on this, pathing naturally into the gank after full clearing and takes a free first blood on the flashless Jayce. This is effectively traded for the Herald. Initially, Sett motions away from Top, but seeing that Wukong and Lee Sin stay to push for plating... (8:40) Sett doubles back on top of an instant teleport from Jayce to punish the overstay, killing Wukong in exchange for Sett's Flash and Jayce's Teleport. Meanwhile, due to Pantheon separating from Jhin for so long on the roam to secure Herald and Sett being top as well, SN feels pressed to make a play bot and go for a dive on Jhin. Pantheon, however, makes it back into lane with ultimate and this is punished into a double kill for TES. Part of why this dive fails is likely due to the fact that Ezreal is on a Cull and a Tear so there isn't that much burst coming out of the SN bot lane in reality (9:30-9:50) Rakan looks for deep vision in Red Side jungle coming off his death timer as between him and Ezreal, 3 major summoners have been blown. Pantheon, however, spots out Rakan and knows what has likely happened and sweeps out all of the deep vision Rakan placed. While Sett is accordingly spotted on Raptors at about 10:16 SN cannot track past that and Rakan uses lane priority to ward over the Dragon pit once again to try to retain some semblance of vision in TES's red side jungle. Note that Lee Sin has opted to not full clear but rather goes to his Raptors and then Krugs off reset to try to exploit Jayce's Flash timer, which is still down. At this point, TES - due to losing vision in SN's jungle - likely expects Lee Sin to cycle through Blue Side jungle and full clear again if they have been tracking him. Contrary to expectation, Lee Sin actually skips this clear cycle. (10:36) Lee Sin sets up another lane gank for Wukong while Jayce's Flash is still down and before any expected interference from Sett can come through assuming a normal clear from Sett given the information SN has (spotting Sett finishing raptors at 10:16). This kill converts easily. (10:56) Azir goes for a cheeky solo kill on Orianna after miming a base (if you watch the minimap at around 10:20, you'll see Angel drops from TES vision, making Knight think he can greed to push the next wave) but fails to convert. On the bot lane (watch the minimap), noting that Sett hasn't arrived top lane to hold the tower and wave, SN's bot lane starts to retreat due to the threat of a dive but do not distance themselves enough, and Ezreal is caught out. Using the Herald, TES cracks the bottom lane turret for first brick, but this is at the cost of another plate into the pocket of Wukong on the top side of the map. (11:54) Lee Sin attempts to sneak a Dragon under the noses of SN but SN's fast collapse on top of their absolute control over the territory bot lane forces him off and TES secure the second dragon of the game. The resulting rotation has TES assign Orianna to the bottom lane, Jhin, Pantheon, Sett into a loose core in the Mid lane, and Jayce to the top lane (13:07) Seeing Orianna in the bottom lane, SN loosely groups and forces down Top Tier 1 and steal Blue Buff with a numbers advantage on the top side of the map (15:35) SN continues in a loose 4-1 rotation looking to group and catch TES out while TES tries to secure farm on Orianna. They narrowly fail to convert a kill onto Jhin due to mistiming their CC (16:43) TES group to set up for Dragon 3, pulling all 5 members into the general vicinity (16:51) Note the red pings on the minimap, especially the plethora of Red "on-the-way pings". SN does not want to directly contest the Dragon but look for a lop-sided numbers advantage skirmish in the bottom lane. To this effect, at 16:57 Azir actually walks through a Control Ward and doesn't clear it, prompting TES to call for a pick on Azir. Meanwhile you can notice Rakan, Wukong, and Lee Sin all collapsing onto the position. (17:07) A skirmish breaks out with Azir playing a clear bait onto TES, but due to the speed of TES's collapse, SN simply does not reach the area in time to contest and end up losing Lee Sin for Flash on Orianna. TES secure the Dragon as a result (18:47) The game continues into another lull as TES move sinto 1-3-1 formation to catch farm on Orianna and Jayce. This gives SN initiative. Watch SwordArt on the minimap as he maneuvers down through the Red Side jungle and lights it up with vision before setting up a pick on the completely isolated Jayce. TES and SN trade outer tier 1 turrets in top and bot lanes respectively (20:02) TES wants to look for another pick on a SN player in rotation as they pull all their champions into SN's blue side jungle (note the pings towards the river on the minimap). They very nearly miss out on a catch on Wukong, but secure large amounts of vision in the Blue Side jungle to screen for SN. It is important to note though, this vision comes down before the Dragon spawns, and is cleared out also before the Dragon spawns (21:39) TES returns to 1-3-1 and continues to farm waves on their solo lanes without making much proactive movement on enemy objectives. Meanwhile, SN has solidly reclaimed territory within their blue side jungle and sets up for the ensuing fight over Dragon with SwordArt once again laying down a massive trial of wards in TES's red side jungle. (22:28) SN attempt to set up a trap for TES by running Wukong and Rakan (their two engage tools) through fog of war in bot lane and pincer TES as TES moves down through their jungle clearing vision. While this does not result in kills, the play does heavily chunk Sett down before the Dragon spawns and forces TES away from their red side jungle and bot lane. Of key importance - Wukong and Rakan do not blow their ultimate (22:49) Using the health advantage they got on Sett and the territory they have claimed in TES's red side jungle, SN start the Dragon. However, because Wukong and Rakan are in flank position in TES's jungle, they do not have proper formation and cannot prevent TES from simply walking into them, resulting in a 50/50 which SofM on Lee Sin wins. (23:11) If you guys want a breakdown on a teamfight, just freeze the frame here and you can probably understand why TES is instantly doomed in this fight. In order to attempt to steal the Dragon, Sett was forced to flash in and has prominently separated from his backline, while Jhin is completely exposed to Wukong and Rakan, and Orianna is almost as far forward as Sett and almost a full screen away from Jhin. In the fight itself, Sett manages to close back to his backline but mistakenly ults Wukong's clone positioning it into Jayce. The clone then knocks up both Jayce and Sett, while Wukong makes quick work of Jhin and Orianna is isolated by Orianna and Rakan. With both major damage threats almost instantly burst out, the fight becomes unwinnable (23:43) SN uses the momentum from winning the previous fight to secure Baron (25:09) SN uses the Baron to siege and destroy Mid Tier 1, but at this point SwordArt hasn't had enough time to properly set vision into TES's jungle yet. This allows Sett to find a cheeky pick onto Ezreal stalling the game slightly. SwordArt lays down vision in TES's red side directly after this, but it is mostly cleared out immediately again. Bin still continues to play the side lane to maintain SN's pressure now that they have gained control over the tempo of the game (26:05) SwordArt lays down vision in Blue Side Jungle in preparation of a siege over Top Lane tier 2, but stays to look for a pick on Sett once he is spotted on a fresh control ward in the river. This does not convert and all of SwordArt's vision is once again cleared out, forcing him to base for wards again. Wukong takes this opportunity to also reset as the Baron power play closes (27:26) Sett hexflashes into the unwarded mid lane brush to try to set up a pick again on Ezreal or Rakan but fails to land his E on Ezreal, thus failing to convert. (27:39) Azir recalls from top lane after setting the wave to push in and immediately teleports (27:44) to set up territory around Dragon with his team. Meanwhile, Wukong and Sett have secured the bot lane entrances into Dragon as well. (28:00) Thinking the territory is secure, Rakan looks for potential flank positioning alongside Wukong. Of critical importance is Orianna deciding to recall and teleport, mirroring Azir's play from Top. TES collapses on the position of Rakan and Wukong, compromising the scarcely defended area and very narrowly fails to kill Rakan. Had Orianna stayed, this pick likely would have converted. (28:21) Watch Wukong go all the way around the back and around the blue buff to look for a less direct angle onto the TES team here. This becomes really important (28:31) Another 50/50 over Dragon which Lee Sin wins which results in a teamfight. The near pick on bot lane results in TES occupying only bot lane as territory while SN has the upper portion of the map to retreat through and fight around. Multiple things to break down about the fight:
From here, SN pushes and ends the game. Thoughts on Gameplay
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Official Gameplay Trailer | League of Legends: Wild Rift Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:58 PM PDT
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