LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.21 |
- Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.21
- Switching off, not paying attention. ADHD.
- One inhibitor down is usually not enough to win the game.
- Drafting frontline is incredibly important
- What's the best way to 'adapt' to playing against non-traditional duo lanes (botlane)
- Why is Lulu top so dominating right now? How should I play against it?
- What to do in lane I’m going to lose?
- What do YOU do as support early game when other lanes get stomped and lead to snowball midgame?
- If you buy items that cap up to 100% critical strike chance, and then buy an IE, what happens to the extra crit chance?
- Beginner player - Aurelion Sol
- You may be your worst enemy when it comes to playing your best League of Legends - a few red flags about how you're climbing
- how to play against sion that just suicides into turrets all game?
- high elo itemization
- Dealing with assassins as a mage
- How to play as lucian mid.
- Tips on midlane wave management for mages? Trying to hit plat for the first time before season ends
- How do i freeze wave in situations
- Since people build Ruunan's on Jinx, why isn't it built on Cait or Sivir?
- Silver Hell
- Tip for casuals (like me) plat and under, or just new players.
- Patience
- How to trade as ADC (Ashe)?
Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.21 Posted: 15 Oct 2020 12:32 AM PDT Hello summoners! In order to create better discussion in the subreddit, we will be redirecting all simple questions to this thread. Check out the most recent patch notes on the sidebar! What is a simple question? Typically, we define a simple question as something that can be answered fully within a single, or maybe two at most, comments. In this thread, you can ask any question you need answered about League of Legends, even if it isn't necessarily about learning the game itself. Keep in mind we will still continue to remove golden rule violations, rants, memes, topics against Riot's ToS, and paid services - but the other rules are generally more lax here. What you can do to help! For now, this is a patch-based thread, meaning it will be posted once every two weeks. Checking back on this thread later in the patch and answering any questions that have been posted would be a huge help! If you're trying to ask a question, the more specific you are, the better it is for all of us! We can't give you any help if we don't get much to work with in the first place. Resources
Which do you use? Deviations in stats are typically minor, so whichever one you prefer. If you have any suggestions for this thread, please let us know through modmail how we could improve! [link] [comments] |
Switching off, not paying attention. ADHD. Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:52 AM PDT hey there, I was wondering if people had similar experiences and could lend me some help. I have always noticed that in league of legends I 'switch off' randomly and often. Legit sometimes I'm playing the game, 10 minutes pass and I barely even notice what has happened, I'm just happily whistling along and paying no mind. this makes me a god awful jungler for obvious reasons, but also just makes me horridly inconsistent at the game. I have noticed that I tend to go on huge 10 win into 10 loss streaks, and I largely blame this. I basically just stop trying to win, stop trying to get advantages. because I stop paying attention. Now I had a couple of coping mechanisms, such as pinning a note to my monitor that says 'you should be doing something right now, what is it?' which helps outside of league too. but. generally. I struggle to overcome this. Never managed to get out of platinum and I can't help but feel that's because I start to get punished for inactivity. I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD and I can't help but feel like this problem of mine with league, might not be so unique. so. I'm posting here. TLDR: have attention span issues from brain chemicals being in a slightly wrong balance. this is bad for proactivitiy and therefore my LP. does anyone have any useful tips or coping mechanisms to get over/around this? [link] [comments] |
One inhibitor down is usually not enough to win the game. Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:44 PM PDT Another little macro tidbit for you to keep in mind, don't ease up after one inhibitor down. Unless it's like 60+ second death timers 5-0 ace with minions closeby, it will typically require two or more inhibitors to win the game. Up until around plat 1/diamond 4, teams tend to get complacent after they take down an inhib because, while certainly a very important objective and will open up a lot more freedom to secure objectives around the map, that rarely leads to a win, especially if the enemy team has champions with solid waveclear. Additionally, taking too long to obtain important objectives such as baron/elder drake/more inhibs will actually punish you in the long run. Remember that super minions will not only guarantee the siege minion makes it all the way to the enemy base (meaning they can slowly obtain more cs and minion gold than you), but they also push lanes much harder meaning less cs and experience for you since enemy waves are dying to yours. This happens more often than you might think because players don't feel inclined to continue pushing a wave if there's a super minion already there. TL;DR: Don't let up the pressure until you at least take down two or all three inhibs because losing one inhibitor is actually a blessing in disguise for the enemy team if your team isn't competent enough to steal the entire map while they defend. [link] [comments] |
Drafting frontline is incredibly important Posted: 15 Oct 2020 06:24 AM PDT I didn't realise how true that statement is, until recently I got into a game with no frontile. Kayle, Evelynn, Viktor, Aphelios and Swain. We got obliterated post early game, because enemy elise and garen has free access to our carries. If you're a midlaner like me, you might think "I don't care, it's not my job", but trust me, there are too many horrible junglers/toplaners below plat, who have no clue about team composition, and will just pick their favourite assassin and sometimes it will be up to you to pick that meatshield champion to hold the line, and there are some good picks like: -Malphite - very easy, very useful even from behind. -Pantheon - basically ad twisted fate that scales well with black cleaver, edge of night and death's dance. -Renekton - hardcounter to melee champs like yasuo and katarina. -Sylas - slightly less common midlaner, but really good and can soak a lot of dmg with protobelt. So don't do what a lot of players do, don't tunnel vision on your mages/assassins and add a bruiser/tank to your champ pool, because you might really need one some time. [link] [comments] |
What's the best way to 'adapt' to playing against non-traditional duo lanes (botlane) Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:26 AM PDT I'm still learning and getting good at playing vs traditional matchups (e.g leona, naut, lulu, nami blah blah) But I can lane just fine vs normal comps in the botlane I'm talking when the enemy pick something like Urgot/Yone What's the 'best' way to learn that on the fly? Or is that just dodge territory? [link] [comments] |
Why is Lulu top so dominating right now? How should I play against it? Posted: 15 Oct 2020 11:25 AM PDT I understand that having a support top gives more utility to your team, but is it really so much that it overcomes not having an engage tank or a split pushing menace? I recently picked Orrn into a Lulu top, thinking that I could survive the poke damage in lane, and that my tanking and CC would help overcome the utility she brought. And even though Lulu died 5 times in lane, their team still won. Assuming I get 2nd pick top, is it better to just pick something like Fiora or Nasus, and just afk split instead of trying to kill their carry that has 2 supports? [link] [comments] |
What to do in lane I’m going to lose? Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:39 PM PDT I never know what's the best thing to do in a lane I'm 100% going to lose. For example, top lane when it comes to going against someone like Darius or Tahm Kench it feels like a definite loss if they picked after me and counter my champion. I know I should stay back and farm instead of feeding kills but a lot of the time they just zone the hell out of me and I can't even get gold or XP. At that point it just becomes wait until they hit 6 and then dive me under tower with or without their jungler. Then in the case of Darius he can easily 1v2 even if you are lucky enough to get a gank from your jungler. It just feels like a no win situation. So I was wondering in a situation like this what is the best thing to do? [link] [comments] |
What do YOU do as support early game when other lanes get stomped and lead to snowball midgame? Posted: 15 Oct 2020 09:32 AM PDT I'm interested hearing your opinions and strategies when those kind of things happen before it'll get to midgame (and at that point it'll get harder)? FF15 is only a video game title. P.S. Not talking about top going 0/1 in 10 minutes, but rather two of the other lanes (usually jungler which makes a lot of successful ganks top/mid) is STOMPING the early game giving top/mid free winning lanes. This also makes u as bot lane play more carefully so even if ur better than enemy bot, u cant play too aggressive and get to an actual stomp of the lane. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Oct 2020 04:29 AM PDT For example I buy an Essence Reaver, Runaan's & Rapid Firecannon. If this makes my crit chance 100%, then what use do I get out of the extra IE crit chance? I heard people say it gives you extra lifesteal, but I do not understand how that mechanic works yet. Thanks in advance. [link] [comments] |
Beginner player - Aurelion Sol Posted: 15 Oct 2020 02:16 PM PDT How does one play this magnificent noodle? Love the concept of his kit, but I seem to suck at using it; any melee character or Leblanc and I die. I try to keep distance, but when I do, Im useless to my team. Whats the secret? also recommended general use runes would be neat :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 14 Oct 2020 06:07 PM PDT Hey everyone, after playing for quite a long time and introducing a lot of friends to the game and helping them climb, I've noticed a few points that are very common and hinder your ability to play at your best level. I think it's important to be aware of those, the game is hard enough on itself, you don't need your habits to get in your way too.
Thanks for reading, and I hope this can help you :) [link] [comments] |
how to play against sion that just suicides into turrets all game? Posted: 15 Oct 2020 01:36 PM PDT so i've lost several games now to sion players who play with the same strategy: do absolutely nothing except run/ult into a turret and spam attack it, not even moving until they die, they never team fight or group, just always run directly into the turret/inhib and attack it. it feels like playing against a bot. they just repeatedly run into the turrets solo but my team always loses. even if we kill them on the turret their stupid death form just ends up killing it anyway looking at after game stats they do almost no damage, literally nothing productive except run into turrets and push all game. this is in plat/gold elo btw. what can i do against this? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Oct 2020 01:08 PM PDT So I've been watching a lot of challenger vods lately and I understand that the play style at that level isn't representative of elos below that, but I was comparing first buy choices between the supports and noticed thresh went mobis first where morg got brown boots into amp tome and eventually completed her codex. I'm not sure why but my best guess is that thresh as a champ provides more utility than damage to the team and therefore requires a greater map presence hence the mobis where as morg who also has utility, but does more damage should start building into damage earlier on? Cheers! [link] [comments] |
Dealing with assassins as a mage Posted: 15 Oct 2020 12:50 PM PDT Hey, so I straight up love playing mages in the mid lane! I find it extremely fun and enjoyable, but I can't help but feel completely useless when against any kind of assassin, sure I win a bit in early game, but once level 6 hits, I tend to just get destroyed (zedd, Talon, etc). I was wondering if there were any tips for dealing with this properly [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Oct 2020 12:08 PM PDT I've recently picked up lucian mid and I really enjoy him and Im getting fed quite often but I can't seem to transition it into midgame very well. I contest objectives and skirmish really well but I don't really know how to teamfight as lucian, I feel like I either go in to early and get popped or go in to late and my team is dead. [link] [comments] |
Tips on midlane wave management for mages? Trying to hit plat for the first time before season ends Posted: 15 Oct 2020 11:48 AM PDT This is my first post, I just finished my promos and got into Gold 1 for the first time ever!! (Last season I hit gold for the first time, gold 4) I'd really like to hit plat this season so I was wondering if I could get some advice on what I think is the weakest part of my gameplay. So I main midlane mages, my current champion pool is Morgana (yes I play her mid), Lux, Ahri and Neeko, but I play less Neeko than the other 3. Right now I've been using primarily Morg because I really like her utility as well as damage, although historically I've been mostly a Lux main. What I need help with is my wave management. I've been slowly learning about how to better manage my waves, but I still have trouble knowing when I should be slow pushing, hard pushing, or letting myself be pushed in (I've heard you should never freeze for any significant amount of time because it gives the enemy laner free map pressure). I have some basic knowledge, like pushing in allows you to deep ward or roam, and lane priority is really important especially at the beginning of the game, but every game I feel myself getting confused as to what I should be doing in any given scenario, which leads to autopilot. Could I get some good advice on what I should be doing with the wave/how to do so based on who I'm playing, what kind of champ I'm playing against, junglers, and what's going on in the game (and any other factors I may be missing)? What to pay attention to during game to keep myself from autopiloting and instead always be making decisions on what to do with the wave? [link] [comments] |
How do i freeze wave in situations Posted: 15 Oct 2020 08:01 AM PDT I'll try to freeze wave, not very good at it anyway but then they will just leave, the wave will get pushed and as soon as it gets close to their turret them and the jungler and/or botlane will come through river or the jungle and yes i know warding helps and it does, but sometimes i dont have one and my pink is on the other side [link] [comments] |
Since people build Ruunan's on Jinx, why isn't it built on Cait or Sivir? Posted: 14 Oct 2020 08:58 PM PDT I know it used to be built on Cait because it used to work off of her passive but I assume the reason Ruunan's is built on Jinx is because of her range on her Q, if that's the case Cait has huge range wouldn't it be good on her too? As for Sivir, her W ricochets on the enemy team, wouldn't Ruunan's just make her better in team fights with W? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Oct 2020 10:43 AM PDT Hi, I'll be honest. I'm hardstuck silver 4 as a top laner. I used to play like 7 different champions and now I've just narrowed it down to 3, Voli, Wukong, and Fiora, (thinking of switching out Fiora for morde because I find that I get too big headed and run it down because I think I can 1v5). I think that over the course of the game my cs really falls off because I don't know where to be after laning phase. I don't know when to ward depending on the jungle, and most importantly my own match ups. I love the game, but it's honestly annoying that I can't improve even when I try to learn. So what I really want to know is macro, when to cs/push or to roam, and warding timing. It's not just the top laners I'm asking here, any role's point of view is much appreciated. Thanks. [link] [comments] |
Tip for casuals (like me) plat and under, or just new players. Posted: 15 Oct 2020 10:35 AM PDT I want to start by saying if you play hundreds of ranked games a season you will probably disagree with me but this doesnt really apply to you. Play easier champions. Easier champ = fewer mistakes. I know the more complex champions can be more fun but if you want to get your gold skin or at least male it out the lower depths of elo hell you should focus on simpler champions. I know you see Rivens and vaynes crush games on their own but those players often have a lot more time to devote to master them. What you need is a champ you can smash your head into the keyboard and win. Ill list out a few per lane Top: Mundo- throw cleavers to farm safe, get tanky, win late Malphite- play safe you lose early, get tanky, press r and feed your team Garen- spin=win Jungle: Skarner- feed your carry post 6. Nunu- control the objectives and ganks well Amumu- easily bullied but his ult is strong in low elo. Mid: Annie- unlimited q farm, r wins games. Karthus- tricky q timing but strong damage, dying is ok as long as its in the middle of the enemy team, pick up kills anywhere on the map Malzahar- afk farm, spell shield, fantastic ult Adc: Jinx- long range, power house at 3 items, global ult execute Ashe- good poke, global ult stun Ziggs- sit back and farm, takes turrets fast and can offset a bad team. Support: Annie- yup same reasons as mid, when that stun is up you almlst never get engaged on Morgana- root is op, spell shields save lives Leona/alistar- if you play back and peel for your carry you will win your team fights, dont engage with them if you can avoid late game. Your back line needs you more than your front. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Oct 2020 06:25 AM PDT I feel like a lot of league players in low and mid ranks want to find shortcuts to get better, instead of taking the time needed to improve. How do you guys feel? Idk, vod reviews and guides help, but I feel like they should be end all be all's for improving in this game. Time should be the only requirement [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Oct 2020 06:19 AM PDT I have no idea how to damage enemy... i'm supposed to hit them for "long" time with aa and not poke them with abilities but besides when support has stun/airbone so that enemy can do NOTHING and i can damage for free in all other cases i do bad. Even worse when they outrange me. [link] [comments] |
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