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    Sunday, October 4, 2020

    LoL Guide THREE SIMPLE steps of learning Makro Gameplay in Silver/Gold to climb

    LoL Guide THREE SIMPLE steps of learning Makro Gameplay in Silver/Gold to climb

    THREE SIMPLE steps of learning Makro Gameplay in Silver/Gold to climb

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I am Shepherds Eagle and here are three simple basics it required me to learn to use makro gameplay in lower elo for climbing, have fun!

    1) Understanding other roles

    For most cases I would recommend maining one role to climb successfully. However, since most people like me in the beginning just start to learn their role and then wonder later how always the others seem to loose you the game - just do this: When you feel confident for example as a top laner, jump into every other role for a few times (normals pls) and view the game from that perspective to get an understanding of how much these roles affect your role as a top laner and how much they rely on you as an actual win condition. This will create a much more focused thinking about where you have opportunities later on and where you most surely will int the game.

    2) Learn to trade objectives

    Create space for your team to take objectives by applying pressure to specific areas on the map using vision, waves, kill pressure and punishing enemy mistakes. Example: You have vision on the drake as your bot and mid get pushed in. You see their jgl and bot moving and starting the drake as they clear your vision. Going for a fight now would either be int or your laners would loose a bunch of farm. To trade here you have to call your jgl to the top lane so you have a 2v1 scenario and can force tower/platings/kill and deny their top lane resources. If there is no option for lane you can force herald/crab by pushing top in 2v1 cause enemy jgl is not around. So you even out on the fact that you lost the drake and create an advantage out of a bad situation. Pressure doesn't mean that a fight has to follow!

    3) Closing out games (win condition)

    The most common problem in lower elo is that teams don't know how to finish a game even though they are miles ahead. So use this: In draft you should always have a pick that primarily gives your team a win condition to play around before the game even starts like a strong adc in the midgame, kassadin lvl 16 for late or a fed Evelynn early to mid game. IDENTIFY & learn to play around those win conditions like the kassadin. In late he wants to fight and catch people off guard. So you as a team can play around kassadin by playing 1 - 3 - 1 to force the enemies to split up so kassadin can do some work. In most games the teams go ARAM style without even knowing what their win condition in the fights is like waiting for an Yasuo to engage or hoping that their adc will poke the enemies down without getting insta one shot before a fight even starts. That's WRONG btw. So choose the win condition wisely, play around it and even if your mates don't do, your improvement will make a big difference there.

    Hope this finds you well! Love & Respect you guys

    submitted by /u/ShepherdsEagle
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    How can i learn a new champ when my team won’t let me ?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    I'm a jung main . I play eve and fiddle as my ap champs and kindred as my ad so i need another ad champ other than kindred . So i picked lee sin he is strong early but it is too hard . Lee need alot of mechanical skills . So when i play normal drafts my team always flame me . So i know the answer is muting them but how do i learn a new champ generally ?

    Edit: i didn't expect that much to care about the subject but it's clear that a lot care . And that shows how bid of a problem this is . Thanks guys for you respondes .

    Note : Btw if i have a new eve or kata on my team or the enemy team i give them advices for the champ and recommend some youtube channels to help them . Just be sure to do the same and remember that it's just a normal game . and after all it's just a game

    submitted by /u/Vortex-532
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    Stop Overkilling Objectives

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    A really common trend I've noticed is how after a big teamfight or skirmish win, the entire team stays to take an objective. It's usually not the most efficient play, because it only takes one person to solo an objective (tower, herald, drake), while other teammates could be using their time more effectively.

    Here's a video version if you'd prefer that over text: https://youtu.be/0WR1ElRIfyQ

    After a teamfight win (we'll say a 4v4 win around drake at 12 minutes), there's no threat of a steal from the enemy. With the dragon already guaranteed by the jungler, the laners should look for other ways to push the advantage:

    • Fixing waves (crashing to deny enemy gold/exp, ensure slow push back)
    • Getting plates
    • Counter jungling
    • Vision control
    • Reset to spend gold and gain tempo (hit item spike, and arrive back at lane before enemy)

    If the laners instead stay for dragon and THEN try to do any of the other things, they'll be behind on tempo as the enemy laners are coming off death timers.

    So instead of commiting all available teammates to an objective, you should consider splitting focus to push your advantage more.


    1. This is only a viable strategy IF YOURE AHEAD. If your team is behind, you should play conservatively and just take the objective. Greed could cost you the game.
    2. There is a balance between overkill and greed. Don't spread yourself too thin or try to take too much after a teamfight win, know your limits.


    The concept of overkill has much wider applications beyond objectives.

    Ex: using Synrda R on a champ that has 100HP and no escapes.

    Ex: Using rift herald on a turret with less than half health

    I think it's a cool concept and might look into more of the applications! Where else do you see overkill in League?

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    How to get used to 100% unlocked camera (WITHOUT HOLDING SPACEBAR)?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    The title says it all. I've been playing with the camera unlocked since I started playing, but it's a "fake unlocked" since I keep my tumb on the space bar 95% of the time, just taking it out to see other lane or to target certain abilities.

    I am determined to get rid of this habit as I feel it prevents me from improving mechanically ( I eat too much skillshots in lane and TFs). I want to play with the camera 100% unlocked even in team fights or when chasing/running from enemies (for reference: uzi and Reckless play exactly the way I want to start playing, just watch a video of them playing to understand what I mean if it's unclear) .

    Since Thursday (so 4 days now) I have been forcing myself to play without using the space bar, training with bots and in the training mode (have put more than 10 hours practicing it), but I still can't get used to it and my mechanics have worsened immensely.

    So my questions are:

    . Does anyone have any tips to get used to it faster (besides just playing with the space bar disabled which I'm already doing)?

    . And has anyone here gone through this same transition that I am going through? how long did it take to get used to it? Did your mechanics improve compared to when you played locked cam (after you get used to it obviously)?

    Thx in advance.

    My setting are:
    Dpi: 4000
    In-game mouse speed: 50
    Camera speed: 50
    Smooth camera disabled

    submitted by /u/Ludbr
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    Blitz, Nemo, Mobalytics...

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    So I tried some software like Blitz, Nemo or Mobalytics which I totally love. But every software has something which the others are missing.

    Nemo shows you who to pick or ban. Blitz gives you the perfect setup for specific Matchups (fe as Brand against a Nautilus). Mobalytics is much more detailed and more beautiful in general.

    So which software are you using and why?

    submitted by /u/raalol
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    Need help picking a new support

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    So, I really enjoy nautilus, but I was wondering who I should unlock as a support. I can play braum and nautilus extremely well, I'm decent at blitzcrank, I also enjoy thresh, and I'm not sure about other characters. (I currently have sona, alistar, vel'koz which I don't consider a support, morgana, and nami) I really tend to dislike the champs who are mainly healers though, as I feel useless in fights when I'm more of a player who likes getting involved and actually helping besides sitting back and healing people (think a support who can really just turn around a teamfight or laning phase, like nautilus or thresh) I have 5500 BE to spend and am just really stuck on who to unlock. I mostly play mid lane and am a very aggressive laner from playing so much mid, so that might point me towards a character.

    submitted by /u/DannyPhantom998
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    Education on the jungling role, for laners in low elo. PLEASE READ

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    This was originally a reply comment to someone else's educational post and after I posted it, I figured I might repost so people who don't fully understand the jungle role might better learn what it's about in low elo. This post is designed to educate laners to hopefully lessen the flame junglers cop if you better understand what they are going through and may work towards a better team attitude to secure what's important. The win. Losing lane sucks, but it doesn't mean lost game.

    As a jungler main in low elo I feel like Jungling is the most misunderstood role. I have had to personally work to build my mental game to ignore the amount of flame and harassment I get as a jungler. (I don't mute, because I find chat helps build positive gameplay at times and will use it alongside my pings).

    The role is diverse, laners need to understand the difference between farming junglers and ganking junglers. In other words herbivore and carnivore junglers. Which ones need kills which ones don't, which ones are inters pre 6 but carry post 6, as to the others who can cheese chain gank all lanes from level 2 but fall off late game. This will not only help you work for your teams jungler, but also understand what the enemy jungler is looking for , for example, letting bot lane push you in to setup a freeze on your side is eliminating a level 2 xin zhao gank, not enabling it).

    • ⁠Junglers are objective snatchers, they re not there to babysit your lane for you, especially if your not the win condition.

    • ⁠If your inting your lane and getting the draven and Leona giga fed, your 1/0/2 Olaf is not going to be able to do a single thing to help you. He's helping you by staying the f**k away from that player and not giving him more kills, his time is better spent getting your Katarina to 15/0. Stop spam pinging and typing jg diff.

    • ⁠Jungle camps give less exp and gold than your lanes, they NEED to afk farm for brief periods of time to stay relevant, again they cannot babysit you.

    • ⁠Junglers who gank cannot magically secure kills just by turning up, you need to set your lanes up for the gank (the enemy Aatrox has 3 wards to your none, your lack of ward control is why your not getting ganks, not because it's jg diff)

    • ⁠Your jungler just ganked and got you a double kill, don't ever dare ping him off your minions, because they're trying to push your wave into there tower. He's getting damage and/or turret plates off there tower, again the jungler is there for objectives. It also forces the enemy to lose minion gold and exp by dying into there tower. He's also a member of your team, that gold and exp helps him into mid game.

    • ⁠your wave management control or lack of, is likely why your jungler cannot successfully gank without inting into tower. If you want to hard push into there tower when you can't tower dive a full hp adc and supp, don't ever expect help from your jungler.

    • ⁠touching on this last point, constantly hard pushing under there tower without a set reason or play, is why your getting ganked, not because it's jg diff. I'm always in games when all 3 lanes are doing this, we cannot always know where there jungler is at all times for counter ganks when all lanes are practically screaming for an enemy to gank/roam your way.

    • ⁠don't spam ping the open drake or rift, when all your lanes have 0 priority and your dead. It's scary and very high risk for a jungler to take objectives, when your getting owned heavily in lane and cannot help support them if the enemy collapses on them. Sometimes the better play is to just leave your lane and help your jungler secure the rift or drake. The amount of times I've secured a double kill for my mid laner because they came down to help me take the scuttle happens more often than me successfully ganking there lanes.

    I hope this advice helps someone, cause I know for certain there are laners that need to hear this. Please don't flame your jungler, it is in no way the hardest role but sometimes they can have very tough games that they have not had a chance to take control of.

    submitted by /u/BlackClover47
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    When do you decide to deviate from "normal" boots?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    I'm mostly talking about carry champions - obviously tanks tend to buy tabis or mercs depending on the enemy comp, but as a mage, assassin, or ADC, when do you decide to go for tabis/mercs over zerkers/mobis/swifties/sorcs?

    I play a lot of midlane and sometimes, I'll see streamers go for mercs instead of sorcs even if the enemy team doesn't have a ton of CC.

    If I'm playing Orianna and the enemy Yone and Draven are fed, do I need to go tabis? Do I need to go mercs if the enemy has a really competent Morgana? I've even seen mid laners like LeBlanc and Ahri take boots of lucidity sometimes, and I have no clue when that would be optimal.

    How do you choose your boots if there isn't a cut and dry answer?

    submitted by /u/Closix
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    How to play this game

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    I've been playing about 3 months now and I would get MAYBE one win for every 15-20 losses and my KDA is under 1. How do I learn this game? It's been rough between toxic teammates and my own self-toxic attitude (I've broken 3 mice in the past 2 months), and the fact I have no friends in this game. And I think my problems with raging would all just go away if I just played better. What's a VERY quick way to learn this game without just losing every game I play?

    submitted by /u/LabMan95
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    How to learn to attack move

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    I've been playing for almost 6 years now and when starting i don't know how to attack move and never bothered to learn it because I'm playing mostly melee champions.

    The problem is i have added some ranged champs to my champion pool and whenever i try to practice attack moving i usually do it when csing or clearing camps but i autopilot to regular right clicking on teamfights. I watched a lot of youtube guides on how to get a hang of it but i still cant seem to fully learn it.

    submitted by /u/KerkIsMe
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    Is it incorrect of me to think that most games can be revived or won from counter building?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    I play mostly norms, draft pick and I think most games can be won if people just counter built against the enemy team. Like I get if a Veigar has 1k AP you prob can't do much about it, but I see most people running around with like around 1-1.5k health and NO armour or MR against the enemy team at like 30 mins into the game.

    Does it make sense to build more against the enemy team and MAYBE we could have a chance? Not like descale yourself damage wise, but have a couple nice defensive items to counter how much damage is incoming so we can survive?

    submitted by /u/JunkyBoiOW
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    7 Quick Nami Tips in under 2 minutes

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    Hi r/summonerschool

    Been trying to make some MINI support guides for some of the champs I main and just finished a 2 minute video guide highlighting some quick tips you can use in your next NAMI game. This is neither a beginner's guide nor an advanced guide, just something you can quickly browse through (2 minutes of info) to perhaps gain some tips and tricks that can be instantly applied in your next Summoner's Rift game.

    Hope one of you finds this useful!

    submitted by /u/ADD_ikt
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    Sett jungle

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Hey low elo trash here and watching a lot of pro play the past few months and I am seeing a lot of sett jungle. I know it's a from older patches and I know he got nerfed recently, but as I play it here and there I feel like it's not that bad. The clear can be a little rough, but nothing insane. I also feel like his ganks are not horrible. I'm just curious if someone could enlighten me on why he's considered bad in the jungle now?

    submitted by /u/Gankotsuou
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    Is there a quantifiable champion scaling indicator?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    I'm a pretty new league player. I watch a lot of pro games and mainly play Aram (to both avoid toxicity and have a chill time while playing).

    While watching games, I've heard a lot about discussions regarding teams that "outscale" another team. Listening to either casts or co-streams, I often hear discussion about which team will "outscale" based off of comparing champs one-by-one. From what I've heard, this is mainly based off when the champion has a power spike. Aka: a mid-game power champ will be out-scaled by a late-game champ.

    I'm wondering, is there a definitive statistic that someone can use to know how champs actually outscale one another? I'm thinking something along the lines of a max build dps comparison or something along those lines. I understand that things like movement abilities and survivability may be hard to capture, but I'm hoping that there's some reference to try to quantify how much a champ is better in the late game.

    Thanks for any help and replies!

    submitted by /u/dkost74
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    KhaZix, what to evolve?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:42 AM PDT

    Hey all, I've started playing jg recently and mainly use KhaZix. I understand the basics of the character but I am clueless as to what to evolve and I was wondering if any Kha mains could point me in the right direction. I usually evolve q at 6 but then on I'm clueless. Is there a specific evolution against a specific match up or is there 1 pattern that I should stick to? Ty for feedback and also any further advice on how to play the bug would be appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/CTMzz19
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    What to do top against chronic tower sitters

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    I keep running into this constantly. You start to win a lane and then people just pull the "I'm gonna run to tower and push the wave off turret" and then they simply wait for you to push in again. Sometimes I'm not on a good roaming champ, for example. What do you guys recommend?

    submitted by /u/Itr0llhoe
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    Beginner Video on How to Play Weakside

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:06 AM PDT


    I am a D2 MIDLANE player. This is my first educational video so give me some tips on how to improve it. This is a video of me talking over a video while I'm playing on my smurf for fun with my friend. I say some stupid stuff in this video and didn't really explain everything/speak precisely so ask me questions in stream or discord about anything. I will also be reading the thread.

    submitted by /u/SugoiSwag
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    A Champion Pool Guide: Brought you by the Champ Pool Megathread guy

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    Hey there, you may know me from the Champ Pool Megathread where I give (sage) advice to many of you about what champs to take to ranked or whatever. I have been more or less camping that megathread for 6 months now, all the way from April. This guide is basically an accumulation of everything that I've learned.


    Why should I limit my champ pool?


    Limiting your champ pool has many benefits. The main one being that you are able to focus your practicing on these specific champs, and it does not take weeks to do so. You are not a proplayer(sorry pal), you do not need a champion ocean. You have a limited amount of skill and you would rather be very good at a handful of champs than be kinda shit at 50.


    Another reason why it's good to limited the number of champs we play is to learn the actual game. After we learn these champs, really master them, we are now able to somewhat autopilot and learn the macro. The game knowledge, the objectives, the wave management, whatever. This is how you improve and climb.


    The Basics


    One primary role, one secondary.

    Three champs for primary, two for secondary.

    Primary is a little bit more flexible, but max 4 champs.


    The Details


    In this part, I'm going to talk about basically how I make my decisions and how I choose one champ over the other. Remember this golden rule: Fun First. This is a video game, not your life. Have some fun. Don't force yourself to learn champs that you don't like. This is the one rule I hold above else when I give advice.


    First off, choosing roles. I see often people asking for help because they have trouble picking out a role because they love all of them. I ask them to come to Reddit chat with and we have a little... well, chat. I ask them the same question every time: Why do you like each role? and I ask them to write a paragraph or so for each. And every time without fail, they always seem to like a couple of roles more than the other. I encourage you to use this tactic on yourself if you find it hard to narrow down roles.


    Secondly, the roles themselves. Each one has a "requirement" that I set out that help cover different subroles and makes sure there are almost no holes in the pool.



    This role is quite open. Basically, pick whatever you would like. 3 bruisers? Sure! Want a tank? Sure! Teemo? Sure! The only thing is to not pick three squishy champs because that could hurt your team comp a lot when you aren't picking something tanky.

    Ex: Sett, Teemo, Darius



    The role with the least freedom. Due to the wide variety of subroles and how many things are viable, I encourage and recommend you to have each three of the subroles covered. One AD, one AP, and one tank.

    Ex: Graves, Fiddle, Nunu



    Three mages are fine, three assassins are fine. Having some variety is great, such as having a scaler and a roamer. Try not to have too much AD, because the team comp usually relies on you to be the magic damage.

    Ex: Annie, TF, Vlad, Talon



    Pretty similar to Top, just make sure you have some scaling in there.

    Ex: Lucian, Jinx, MF



    For support, you want to cover both the engage supports and the enchanter supports. Bonus points if you pick up a mage support, but not needed.

    Ex: Nautilus, Leona, Nami


    Thirdly and finally, looking for similar champs. Identifying this yourself is quite useful and may lead to a new main. It's good for general game knowledge, too. Try to ask yourself, What do you like about X champ? Let's give a few examples.


    Bobby likes to play Fiddlesticks in the jungle. There are many special aspects to Fiddle, but he really likes the game-changing ultimate. Now, what other champs have that same aspect in the jungle? Hecarim would be an answer with his AOE fear, while still abiding by the requirements above.


    Sharon loves Ahri. She has all of her skins, even the ugly ones. What she loves about Ahri is her fast burst and mobility. There are a lot more answers here. Leblanc, Katarina, Talon etc. etc.




    I can't stick to a pool! I end up playing 30 champs and I love all of them! Help?

    This is quite a common question that I see. Sorry buddy, there's no secret trick. You have to tell yourself why it's important to have a small pool in order to improve and climb.


    I want this or that champ for when I get autofilled. What do?

    My recommendation is to dodge. Depending on your roles, autofill rarely happens. There's no point in learning a whole new role and champ just for a couple of games. Exceptions include flex picks.


    Champions to just learn the game in general?

    Top: Garen

    Jungle: Warwick

    Mid: Annie

    ADC: Ashe

    Supp: Blitz and Soraka


    Current state of blah blah blah? Are they good to climb?

    Most champs are good to climb. Obviously, there are exceptions. If you want the precise state of the champ, please go to their champion main subreddit. Don't look at winrates or tier lists for that(jesus christ certain channels puts singed at A tier).


    One tricking?

    It depends on the champ. If it's a specialist such as Singed, Heimer, or Azir, sure. These guys rarely get banned and have a high enough ceiling to improve on. Special cases include you identify so fucking well with your OTP that it's impossible to play anything else. But in general, it's a lot more beneficial to have a champion pool of 2-4 champs.

    submitted by /u/Blasterus
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    League of Legends a guide on Mindset the Greatest Tip

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    If you prefer video format I made a little video: https://youtu.be/z9siG6VGiF0

    Hello everyone today I'm going to tell you one simple tip for how you can instantly improve at league of legends or for matter of fact anything you do in life. I know what you are thinking this sounds like one of those adds from the early 2000s "Pro league of legends players hate this content creator for revealing simple tip to get elo in league of legends" Without further ado lets get right into the video

    Alright so now you've probably thought in your heads what way is Emperor of Void going to tell me to improve at league of legends now?

    Is he going to tell me that if I want to improve I have to play 1000s and 1000s of games of league of legends, and if you said that you wouldn't be wrong playing enough of any game will allow you to improve but eventually it's like anything you'll reach a dead end you'll hit a wall and eventually you'll find you aren't getting better.

    Or maybe you are thinking that it isn't possible the game is all luck it is whether you get feeders on your team or not. This may be true sometimes it feels like your team is always feeding and there is nothing you can do about it. And you are absolutely right there is nothing you can do about it so you have to stop worrying about the things that are out of your control.

    That leads us directly into my one simple tip that will allow you to improve at league of legends instantly. The key to this tip is to only worry about yourself every single game you play I encourage you to mute every single player.

    Now sit back, relax and truly reflect on each teamfight your participate in or don't participate in, on each cs you get or don't get on each click you make or don't make. Think to yourself ask yourself were these actions the right or the wrong actions. I want you to remember the things that you did good that game as well as the things you did bad. What you are going to do is write down the things you did good as well as the things you did bad. Then I want you to get into another game and once again do the things you did good but then choose one thing from the list and choose not to do that at all really think about your decisions. Sometimes saying you won't do all the bad things at once can be a little daunting but if you choose to work on each one of those bad things one at a time I guarantee that you will improve.

    Furthermore, having this sort of mindset will make you less stressed out. You will notice that you are no longer worrying about others because they aren't something you can control. League of legends is a very mental game if you are not in a good mindset you are not going to play at the best of your ability.

    I hope you will keep the things I said in mind today. But I guarantee you if you truly follow this one simple tip I provided you then you will improve at league of legends. I also guarantee that pro league of legends players will hate you for following this simple tip they will fear you will improve so much at league of legends that they will not be able to stop you.

    submitted by /u/YTEmperorOfVoid
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    Buying tier 2 boots as first item on Mid champions.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    I saw this on doinb's streams and Dopa's vods sometimes that they usually rush Mercury Treads. Although I do understand the resolve behind building it to champions like Irelia, Akali; I don't understand it on the champions like Orianna or LeBlanc. To me, buying Lost Chapter/Tear depending on the build, champion and getting Luden/Archangel first always feels more meaningful since you usually clear waves better with more ability power. And I couldn't find a meaningful answer to why pro players or high elo players do build tier 2 boots as first item on certain matchups or situations so I'd like to have answer about it on the educational subreddit that is called summonerschool. :p

    submitted by /u/Primesolstice
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    Did taking a break/quitting for a bit make you play better at the game?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    I have been playing league consistently since season 7 and the max rank I reached was silver 1. I want to know if you guys got better or did better by taking a break from the game rather than consistently playing it. I hit a major roadblock after recently(a year ago) in my changing path from top to support, I got better at the game, but everything about me is still awful.

    submitted by /u/Redlinkgaming
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