• Breaking News

    Friday, November 13, 2020

    League of Legends Macaiyala - LS' manager - on LS and T1 situation

    League of Legends Macaiyala - LS' manager - on LS and T1 situation

    Macaiyala - LS' manager - on LS and T1 situation

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 03:32 PM PST

    She has posted that on LS Discord, screenshot


    Hi @everyone I am just here to give a small(ish) update on Nick (LS). I am not allowed to disclose every single detail at the moment so please bear with me here. I'm not even sure if Nick wants me to post this but I feel as if it is extremely important to try and keep you guys somewhat aware of what is going on.

    Mentally, Nick is not okay. He has been working day and night for months now, with little to no sleep, and it has undoubtedly taken a toll on his health. To anyone who asks me to check up on him; we talk every single day. I try my best to make sure he is doing okay, but as of recently with all of the "stuff" going around, everything has just heightened his emotions and there's not much any of us can do in the current situation.

    We are not sure as to when Nick will come back to streaming, but we hope that you can all be patient and understand that he is not intentionally trying to miss out on stream, or anything in general. He loves this community and he is extremely upset that he cannot continue to do his everyday norms. His mental health needs to come first and right now that is 100% our main priority.

    Currently if you have not noticed, LS is not looking at any of his socials, which is why he hasn't been able to personally update you himself. I am not sure when he will be able to do so, but if you have any positive messages you'd like me to send his way, by all means please feel free to dm me and I can try to show whenever I get the chance to. It means a lot. He really needs it.

    As I said before, I cannot give anymore information at this moment. I really wish I could write more. I'm sorry if this doesn't help. But when the time is right, I am sure LS will be transparent with you all, as he always is :slight_smile: Thank you for reading. I hope you all have a good night.

    submitted by /u/Prottek
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    K/DA - VILLAIN ft. Madison Beer and Kim Petras (Official Concept Video - Starring Evelynn)

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 08:05 AM PST

    Veteran on the Perkz drama: "It wasn't his choice, and he deserved better."

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:27 AM PST


    It wasn't his choice, and he deserved better.

    But luckily for everyone not named Perkz we live in a post-truth world where all that matters is the amount of followers you have and the power you hold.


    The wolf had made the sheep a promise.

    But the wolf is a wolf and the sheep is a sheep.

    This is probably the first time we heard someones opinion on this, who is an outsider.

    submitted by /u/Bimbojancsi
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    Jonas "Kold" Andersen will be TL's coach for 2021 season

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:18 AM PST

    He will be part of the coaching staff alongside Head Coach Jatt for the 2021 Season.


    I'm really excited to share with you guys that I will be joining @TeamLiquidLoL for the 2021 season.

    Thrilled to be back in NA where it all started, but now as a coach. Next destination 📷 LA.

    submitted by /u/Miruwest
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    Nadeshot on the state of the LCS

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 12:20 PM PST

    Evil Geniuses x Jacob Wolf Free Agency Show happening on November 16!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 01:19 PM PST

    ESPN has previously cancelled the Free Agency show, but now Jacob Wolf has announced that he left ESPN early and now works together with Evil Geniuses (and various sponsors) to make the show happen after all!

    "SHOW: SAVED...


    JACOB WOLF: EVI ⅃ ...


    Nov. 16 | 6 p.m. ET / 3 p.m. PT



    Guess it's time to rebrand for me

    submitted by /u/EvilJacobWolf
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    Which LOL champions are war criminals?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 06:36 AM PST

    As a break from the preseason madness i decided to compile every single champion (and surprisingly even player) that would inevitably be tried in the Hague for war crimes. Of course you could say that no war crimes were commited since no parties in Runeterra signed any of these, but to that I say, fuck off. Also, since magic does not exist on earth, for the sake of completeness I'll classify any magic which bears resemblance to chemical or biological weapons as such. I'll be listing the champions off alphabetically (because I can't be bothered to do it any other way).

    But first some sources that I'll be using throughout this list:

    The Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons and its:

    • Protocol II (henceforth reffered to as "A") which restricts the use of landmines and booby traps.

    • Protocol III (henceforth reffered to as "B") which restricts the use of incendiary weapons.

    The Geneva Protocol (henceforth reffered to as "C") which prohibits the use of chemical and biological warfare.

    The 1949 Geneva Conventions (henceforth reffered to as "D1 and D2") and more specifically:

    • Perfidy

    • Not respecting the white flag

    The war criminals at hand:

    Amumu - The Sad Mummy is a rather surprising start to our list, breaking C as indicated from his passive and W. Killing people simply by touching or crying on them is no ordinary way to fight. You might say it's a curse, I say it's a war crime.

    Brand - The Burning Vengeance is a tricky case as all his skills (and passive) have a fiery dispositon, but he technically doesn't break B since he wields no weapons, but rather is one. As such I classify Brand not only as a war criminal, but as walking war crime.

    Caitlyn - The Sheriff of Piltover blatantly breaks A through her W, now a bear trap in and of itself isn't that bad; but a bear trap containing a lure in the form of food is a whole other beast. Not even going to mention the clearly racist nature of the trap as seen in the name.

    Cassiopeia - The Serpent's Embrace commits war crimes at lightning speeds poisoning enemies left and right with her Q and W, both of them breaking C. I don't care that as a snake "it's natural to her", no matter how natural and GMO-free your deadly poisons are, they still make you a war criminal for using them.

    Corki - The Daring Bombardier surprisingly enough isn't a war criminal because of his heavy ordnance (for some reason bombing people is fine according to the laws of war), but rather because of his Q which breaks C and gives me flashbacks of Spec Ops: The Line.

    Dr. Mundo - The Madman of Zaun is very deserving of the name as he hurls infected cleavers with his Q breaking C. And keeps Brand company by setting himself on fire with his W, breaking B and becoming a walking war crime.

    Elise - The Spider Queen makes the list in a very GLaDOS way as she cripples her enemies with both her Q's, the human one made of neurotoxin, the spider one filled with venom, and her human W which sends out a spider gorged with, you guessed it, venom; all of them blatantly breaking C.

    Gangplank - The Saltwater Scourge breaks B with his passive which sets his sword on fire. No, I don't care how cool it looks, it's still a war crime.

    Jhin - The Virtuoso lays explosive traps with his E breaking both A and peoples hopes of having two functional legs.

    Jinx - The Loose Cannon plays very loose with the laws of war as her E very much breaks A. Surprisingly enough that's the only war crime on the insane girls list.

    Kog'Maw - The Mouth of the Abyss doesn't commit a war crime by commiting a suicide bombing with his passive (yeah that's legal as long as you don't pretend to be a civilian, and let's be honest, no one is mistaking this void creature for a civilian), instead he breaks C with his Q, W, E and R as all of them are biological weapons.

    Lillia - The Bashful Bloom may seem sweet and cuddly, but her bubbly exterior hides a cold-blooded war criminal. Both her passive and R fall under C, while I'm not sure if her "Dream Dust" is biological or chemical in nature but I do know a couple of guys who would gladly buy some just for the name.

    Lissandra - The Ice Witch may seem not that bad at first glance but then you realise that her passive turns your friends' corpses into frozen IEDs. Not only does it break A, it also breaks the rules of basic decency.

    Malzahar - The Prophet of the Void has one signature move, and it is Space AIDS, less commonly known as his E. You might argue it targets the mind and not the body, but c'mon, it's space AIDS and it breaks C.

    Maokai - The Twisted Treant is particularly... twisted, as he hurls saplings (basically children) to act as suicide bombers breaking A and god knows what else.

    Morgana - The Fallen is morally ambigous, and that ambiguity extends to her W and its status of being a war crime. You might say it's magic, but the flavour text says she "infects" the target area which seems very biological to me, breaks C.

    Nidalee - The Bestial Huntress very clearly breaks A through the use of her W; also breaks any laws regarding public decency with her dance.

    Orianna - The Lady of Clockwork may seem fine, but the devil is in the details, as she uses her ball as an IED clearly breaking A.

    Rumble - The Mechanized Menace is everything but subtle as he does his best impression of a Vietnam era american soldier with his Q blatantly breaking B.

    Shaco - The Demon Jester breaks A with his insidious W, which not only damages and terrifies any bystanders but also fills every players hearts with rage. Not to mention his E which breaks C by utilising poison.

    Shyvana - The Half Dragon may claim to just be proud of her heritage, but her flame spewing E has no place in a civilised war. I don't care that your mom used to do it all the time, that doesn't give you permission to continue her criminal ways.

    Singed - The Mad Chemist. Bloody hell where do you even start with this guy. Even in lore he's a goddamn war criminal, not to mention on the rift. Of course his Q (and W to a lesser extent) breaks C. Seriously, if there was a Hague on Runeterra, Singed would be the first in line.

    Sylas - The Unshackled is in an interesting spot as nothing in his kit makes him a war criminal, but if a player were to steal a certain ult, they would certainly be a war criminal. The choice is yours, you sickos.

    Teemo - The Swift Scout is who everyone has been wating for, and for good reason. While Brand and Mundo may be literal walking war crimes the devil himself is one figuratively. His Q and E break C in the most blatant of ways while his R is an unholy combination which results in an invisible poisonous IED that is masked to look like a mushroom. Of course it breaks both A and C; if it were up to me, Teemo would be right behind Singed in the queue to the Hague.

    Twitch - The Plague Rat doesn't bother hiding his obvious war criminal status as he poisons his attacks and throws casks full of it at anybody close enough, breaking C. Hell, his stench might also break C...

    Urgot -The Dreadnought breaks C with his chemically unknown Q. insert obligatory Bane joke

    Varus - The Arrow of Retribution flies straight into jail for breaking C with his W. I do not know what the Blight is and I prefer to keep it that way.

    Vladimir - The Crimson Reaper's basic abilities are suspicious at best, but his ultimate takes the cake for the most obvious case of bioweapon on the list. As Vladimir unleashes a literal plague on his enemies breaking C. insert obligatory period joke

    Ziggs - The Hexplosives Expert's kit may be full of explosions the only real problematic ability is his W which acts as an IED on a very short timer. Definitely breaks A.

    Zilean - The Chronokeeper is one mean old man, as he hurls IED left and right while laughing maniacally. His Q breaks A by definition.

    Zoe - The Aspect of Twilight cares not for the rules of war and sets traps with her E wherever she pleases breaking A. Before you come after me for this, the skill description says it's a trap and I shall heed its words (also i really don't like Zoe).

    You - The Player himself, did you know that every time you flashed the white flag emote and kept attacking the enemy you broke D1? And that every single time you attacked an enemy flashing the white flag who cowered in fear, you cemented your place among history's villains by breaking D2? You might judge these men, women and creatures, but remember that you too are a war criminal in your own right.

    Gotta say, it was surprisingly fun compiling this list, if you have any complaints or additions be sure to post them in the comments so that we may argue over the most miniscule of bullshit.

    Cheers Lads, try not to commit too many war crimes this preseason.

    submitted by /u/ABaronMortis
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    Big changes to NA Academy and Amateur just announced by Riot; increased inter-league competition and amateur support

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 10:25 AM PST

    All these complaints about Tank Junglers, yet Kha Zix is at 54.5% winrate with more games played than the top 4 Tank Junglers combined.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:59 AM PST

    Haven't heard anyone complain about him, or Hecarim at 55%, and Kayn at 53%.

    Both of them also have almost as many games played as the top 4 Tank Junglers combined.

    I am NOT saying Tank junglers aren't a problem, I think they are very strong.

    But you only impact the map if you are actually played, and Kha Hec and Kayn are played far more than Tank Junglers by a wide margin.

    Why are AD assassin/fighters left out of the complaints on this Sub, especially when they are played so much more than these Tank Junglers.

    Edit: I don't play Tank JG, I play Vi Voli

    submitted by /u/Suavarino
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    Ocelote on all of the most recent Perkz rumors and hate towards him

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 03:08 AM PST


    Luka is one of my closest friends and vice versa.

    Anybody thinking we would fuck each other up for a video game is out of their fucking mind.

    As I've been telling you for fucking 15 years, have some goddamn patience and don't jump the gun you animals.

    He's my son's favorite uncle

    I do not think it will stop all the speculations and hate as it is too far gone but is interesting to see how situation will unwrap itself.

    Edit: new tweet

    Perkz is the most accomplished, most legendary, most impactful Western player in the history of any esport. Ever.

    Decades from now, when Luka is ever washed up and wrinkly, I'll always have a place for him in G2. I keep mentoring him.

    Luka does whatever the fuck he wants.

    submitted by /u/Prottek
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    Reddit Knows Balance

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 02:25 AM PST

    Visual example of item shop icon problems

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 03:50 PM PST

    There was an almost 200k upvoted post about how the Google Android apps got redesigned to look similar and are incredibly hard for people to tell the difference (https://reddit.com/r/funny/comments/jr5wtk/are_you_sure_you_want_to_go_back_to_the_old/)

    It popped up in my mind as I was trying to figure out what to build in my last few games (and echoed by others here) so I tweaked it it with shop icons https://imgur.com/a/1gYVfRq

    submitted by /u/BDizzleNizzle
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    Resistance Yorick is a pay to lose skin

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 01:36 AM PST

    Resistance Yorick like many new skins wants to put specific emphasis on the recall animation in a specific angle so it looks good. This makes it that whenever you recall, you will face towards the screen.

    This directly conflicts with his maiden control, as the maiden when out of combat will attempt to follow behind Yorick, and since you face the screen you cant actually choose what direction is behind you anymore, it's always going to be towards the top side of the map.

    This can result in several situations where the maiden will now walk out of bushes when you recall, showing people where you are or have her flat out just int to the lane as you try to leave

    It shouldn't work like this at all and currently the skin can create really costly situations either getting the maiden or you killed for nothing more than a recall animation

    Are these situations still kind of rare? Yeah, but they shouldn't happen at all.

    EDIT: A video of how it works for those overly curious

    EDIT2: confirmed to be fixed next patch

    submitted by /u/TheEpikPotato
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    Team Liquid's UNSTOPPABLE Coaching Dream Team Revealed | The Liquid Update w/Ovilee May | Off-Season

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:06 AM PST

    [Jacob Wolf] Moon (former FLY and NRG jungler) is promoted to Head Coach of CLG

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 06:01 PM PST


    @clgaming will promote former Academy coach @Moon1 to the head coach role of their main #LCS roster ahead of the 2021 season, sources told me.

    Moon will replace SSONG and Weldon, who were fired by the team shortly after the end of the 2020 LCS Summer Split.

    submitted by /u/Hevvy
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    Vici Gaming Jungler, Leyan, has been fined 3 months salary for abusing a Graves bug in Solo Queue

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:15 AM PST

    Vici Gaming Jungler, Leyan, has been fined 3 months salary for abusing a Graves jungle item bug in Solo Queue. He was able to one shot baron, rift herald, dragon, jungle camps etc. in a Solo Queue game, which eventually allowed him to win the game. Obviously, he got reported for his actions.

    Video of him abusing the bug (in Chinese): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP7ymcf5_Wc

    Timestamps of him abusing the bug (in case you are lazy): 1:28-1:35, 2:45-2:57, 3:43, 4:17, 5:28-6:09, 6:29

    How to abuse the bug (credits to u/POPCORN_EATER): You have to smite 4 times and recall during your final smite. Then you sell your jungle item while the smite animation is happening.

    Here is a video detailing how to reproduce the bug (which has since been patched): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBEn6L7Tfxs

    Response from Vici Gaming:

    https://weibo.com/3923830023/JtIzB7m3i (Link in Chinese)

    The above link is a post from Vici Gaming saying they fined Leyan 3 months salary and also gave him a stern warning.

    Response from LPL:

    https://weibo.com/ttarticle/p/show?id=2309404570875931525133 (Link in Chinese)

    LPL says that he violated some rules from the rulebook and that he will be banned from the following events in the near future:

    1. 2020 LOL All-Star Event
    2. 2020 LPL All-Star Weekend
    3. 2020 Demacia Cup
    4. 2021 LPL Spring Split (First 2 BO3 matches only)

    In addition, Vici Gaming is fined 50,000 Yuan (~USD 7,500).

    His account is banned from the server (super server 峡谷之巅) for 3 years.

    Some of you may remember Leyan as the former IG jungler in 2019. He was quite hyped as a rookie but did not live up to expectations, in my opinion.

    Chinese fans seem to think that the punishment is quite lenient (lmao), but I believe western fans would not think the same.

    Edit: Apologies, the title is misleading. As some people have pointed out, it is a jungle item bug, not a Graves specific bug.

    Edit 2: Some details on the bug.

    submitted by /u/hurrdurrlul
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    [ESPORT MANIACOS] G2 Is interested on Rekkles

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 03:02 AM PST

    Cloud drake has been bugged the entirety of season 10 and should get fixed

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:04 AM PST

    Cloud drake has been bugged for the entirety of season 10 and doesn't grant CDR if an ult is active when it's killed.

    Yorick almost never get the CDR since Maiden is active most of the time and it sucks losing out on it.

    There's been posts about this in the past but it's still not been fixed or mentioned at all.

    submitted by /u/iEtix
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    Zeds worst enemy !

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 12:01 PM PST

    Perkz <3 Jankos

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 04:05 AM PST

    Tanks are strong because everyone else is a) getting oneshot b) yet to figure out their builds... and admittedly, Funfire Wincape is busted

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:28 AM PST

    So at this point we're at the "reddit knows balance" counter-circlejerk stage, because it turns out some tanks ended up at 55% winrate. Oops.

    Here's why you can see high winrate on tanks:

    • When everyone else gets oneshot, the tanks prevail
    • Sunfire Aegis ramping damage is stupidly high and you no longer need hard CC to proc the extra burst (hello Malphite)
    • Stoneplate active no longer lowers your damage output
    • Tanks build pretty much exactly what they used to and don't need to rethink anything about the game, meanwhile everyone else is yet to learn their items
    • The most popular champs are still, by and large, ADCs and assassins: the first group is yet to figure out how to build their champions, and the second group is not supposed to do well against tanks in the first place
    • AP champions who don't build Liandry's can't do shit against tanks, mages used to have pretty strong CDR options in all builds (30-40% every game), now with very limited Ability Haste options (compared to other classes) their teamfight DPS isn't as high as it used to be
    • Lord Dominik's Regards has less armor penetration now
    • Jungle clear got slower for some AD champions without the Machete, and tank Mythics are much better than Cinderhulk
    • Games are snowbally and end before tank shredders can come online with their builds
    • In a Zed vs Yasuo 1v9 fiesta, it's tanks who make the difference and clean it up

    So while there's obviously some things to balance (Funfire Wincape nerf incoming), we're yet to see how things turn out. Let Riot do their job and balance things.

    People had issues with tank items not because they were afraid of low winrate, but because when compared to other classes Mythics they weren't new or exciting, just old items with busted sunfire, and the awkward choice between needed resists and desired Mythic effect. Overall, tank itemization not changing much is their biggest complaint and their strongest side at the same time.

    So relax and wait for the Sunfire nerf.

    submitted by /u/lukeatlook
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    I just pulled off a massive outplay as Sion against Shaco

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 12:21 PM PST

    Mundo say "buy heal cut"

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 03:33 PM PST

    Hello, friend. Me Mundo. Me like play on big green rift with friends. Mundo like to play in jungle so he can smash all kinds of things. Mundo like to smash. slurp. Anyway, Mundo like new fire shield that tank can build, it make headbutt burn people. Haha. Mundo also like green armor that let him heal more. It fun. Mundo sorry Mundo say Mundo a lot. He must say or else he forget.. But, Mundo no like be unkillable juggernaut. Mundo like pain. Mundo want die sometime. Last game, bad people let Mundo walk into four of them and not die because they let Mundo do big heal. Mundo goes where he pleases and even Mundo know to buy magic burn orb or hurty sword since they only 800 shinies. Build cut so Mundo play more serious with enemy friends. Thank.

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    Support income is really bad

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 09:18 AM PST

    The support base items are basically unchanged; we have a way to earn income until the item reaches tier 3. At this point, gold income essentially levels off (oh boy 18 bonus gold a minute /s).

    On this patch, I find myself completing my full support quest before I finish my mythic. After this, it feels really difficult to earn more items.

    Last season, the gold generated from the support quest went further, as items were less expensive. All other roles continue to have methods to generate income throughout the game, so they can deal with the price increases, but supports feel left behind now.

    submitted by /u/Ya_Orange_boi
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