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    Friday, November 13, 2020

    LoL Guide Starting Tear is a big trap!

    LoL Guide Starting Tear is a big trap!

    Starting Tear is a big trap!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 02:17 AM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    Tear of the Goddess had its price reduced to 400 gold, making it a possible starting item, instead of a Dorans item. However: as a starting item it is absolutely terrible, it provides less mana than a Sapphire, and has zero-nil-nada combatstats.

    Here is the early data of the Tear-mages:

    https://lolalytics.com/lol/anivia/build/ Anivia has 5% higher wr with Ring (though it seems a bit questionable, as her best starting items are apparently no items or Cull)

    https://lolalytics.com/lol/cassiopeia/build/ Cassio has 3.5% higher wr

    https://lolalytics.com/lol/ryze/build/ Ryze 4%.

    https://lolalytics.com/lol/karthus/build/?lane=middle Karthus mid 9% delta

    https://lolalytics.com/lol/senna/build/?lane=bottom Senna 2%

    https://lolalytics.com/lol/kaisa/build/ Kaisa 2.5%

    https://lolalytics.com/lol/ezreal/build/ Ez only 0.5%, but he has the biggest samplesize

    Dont start the game with it, it is useless, and for mages it is also not worth to complete Archangels as second, since it doesnt accelerate the stacking (Manamune is different, as it will stack with autos as well).

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Marksman Items - My ADC for Clash the doesn't like item changes made to his favourites

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:25 AM PST

    I'm a support main and the changes are rather good overall. I really like what Riot is trying with this preseason. But the ADC in our Clash team is not really with me, and I don't really know how to help him.

    Firt of all, he said that not going Kraken Slayer 1st will result in low damage regardless of your Pick. Is this true? And furthermore is it really necessary to go a Mythic item right of the bat? For Supports that's definately not the case, but I don't know other roles...

    His Championpool consists of Vayne, Ashe and Caitlyn. Also tried Kog'Maw, Aphelios and Samira.

    Even if I had a reasonable opinion about the changes, does it really matter since I don't play ADC myself? E.g. I saw vayne building Rageblade into Shieldbow into PD and think it's quite strong. How do I know if that build is strong or not? What is with Botrk, It doesn't have Crit, so is it a viable choice for ADCs that go Rageblade?

    In general I think Rageblade is quite strong, especially with a support that gives you Ardent buff. Since Rageblade vs. Crit compariso sounds quite good for Rageblade users. (A post here stated but reddit doesn't like posting I guess?)

    If anyone has example Itembuilds for said Champions or anwsers to questions I have, that'd be really helpful <3

    submitted by /u/TheGreenDeath
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    What can you do to help out your top laner who's getting dove every 2 minutes?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 12:36 PM PST

    Just lost a game where my top vayne was having a rough time, I was getting pushed in by TF so I couldn't do much to help her, and when I did I got killed too, I don't believe the whole "my team holding me back" mindset, so what can I do to help out a lost lane? Swap with her?

    submitted by /u/JustCallMeMichael
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    Questions to ask yourself when Jungling

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 12:09 PM PST

    I'm a D4 jungler and I figured people who know a little bit of jungling and want to get better can follow this and think about it. Here's a list of questions I follow when I jungle that might help you think about how to gank and play early - mid - late.

    1. Who has priority?

    Mid? Bot? Top? Wherever your team has priority is where you can safely fight the jungler or take scut. I don't have a list for this but you get a grasp of this as you play more.

    1. Do I win 1v1 versus the enemy jungler?

    If not, I try to start opposite side, or try to go buff to buff to avoid invades. And even if you do win, priorities matter more than you winning 1v1s if people can rotate faster.

    1. How do I path?

    Clear 3 camps at bot or top, and then clear 2 camps + get scut. That's the general rule. If you are worried about invades, you can go buff to buff and clear backwards. As for your second clear, it depends on some prethinking; is it easier to gank bot/mid or mid/top? You would either clear top to bot (gromp -> wolves -> wraiths -> golems or vice versa) and rinse and repeat to have camps cleared + be at the right place for a gank. Feel free to take enemy jungle camps if you see them opposite side. Do this a lot because catchup exp has been removed and once you're behind, you're going to be consistently behind.

    1. How do I contest scut?

    Again, priorities determine whether you can get it or not. If you start same side as the enemy jungler and you have lower priority, chances are you aren't getting that scuttler.

    1. Where do I ward?

    ALWAYS drop your first vision ward in the bush outside the second camp you're trying to get to counter invades OR drop your ward at their red/blue/raptors (much riskier). Get red sweeper after first b or after you drop your ward. I like to buy pink wards whenever and drop them in the tribush either mid or top (opposite of wherever you get scuttler at bc of the vision scuttler offers)

    1. Where's the enemy jungler?

    If you know where they start, you will know where they will be at levels 3-4. This also tells you where they will be when your blue or red buff respawns (if they started at red and your first buff just respawned, 99% chance they are at their red, 1% chance they're sitting at your buff). Using buffs to determine where they are is extremely helpful till midgame.

    1. How do I gank?

    Follow the clear path and gank when you finish a clear. Use your red sweeper while walking up towards to lane to clear any wards. If they see you, it's fine; dont force a gank unless you know you're going to get a kill. If you don't have your ult, don't force ganks unless you know for certain you can kill.

    1. When do I take dragon?

    Bot priority (and a little bit of mid) is the #1 factor here; otherwise, if you can solo drag early (levels 4-5) and you see the enemy jungler at top. Also, take drag if you have killed their jungler or one character from their bot/mid. Keep in mind top tp (if your top doesn't have tp while enemy top does, either have your top walk down or don't do it)

    1. When do I do herald?

    If you're topside and see the enemy jungle ganking bot. Herald is a lot easier to sneak than dragon bc top is miles away.

    1. When do I take baron?

    If their jungler is dead and you have vision control. Or if you can do it fast. This varies game by game but vision control is #1 if determining if you can do it or not. ALWAYS have a pink ward in your inventory for baron or for dragon.

    1. What do I do midgame to late game?

    Here's where things get hard. Taking enemy jungler camps is key; if you just won a teamfight, take enemy jungler camps. Baron vision control is key, and getting soul dragon is helpful also. Depending on your character, you can split, group up with the team, etc. Anything is possible!

    Feel free to ask me any questions!

    submitted by /u/herpderpet
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    Video on how to Approach Preseason for Improvement

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 03:11 PM PST


    Since the season ended, I know that a lot of people didn't reach their goal rank. If you are still motivated to improve and reach your goals, this video goes into a lot of stuff about that. Topics include: Improving compared to player base, playing to improve and not to win, working on fundamentals, fixing mental for next season, smurfing, and more. I'll be looking at this post for a while so ask questions!

    submitted by /u/SugoiSwag
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    Cs'ing with Anivia

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 09:16 AM PST

    Hello guys, I just started playing Anivia on mid lane and I'm quite enjoying her, but the problem I am experiencing is farming with her, I normally average at around 8 cs/minute on other champs but with Anivia I average at around 3-5 cs per minute. Do you guys have any tips on farming with her? Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/FPEvan
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    Critical Strike Chance, important laning mechanic

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 05:15 PM PST

    "The critical strike chance changes dynamically depending on the number of basic attack that didn't critically strike. For example, if you have a 30% critical strike chance you guaranteed to have 30 or more attacks that critically strike per 100 attacks. If you don't critically strike for a long time your next attacks have a higher chance of critically strkining."

    Direct Quote Credit leagueoflegends.fandom

    The reason this is important, with crit based champions, is the more minions in a row that you go without a critical hit. The higher the theoretical chance, that if you choose to risk engaging in a trade with your lane opponent(s), you will crit and easily win the trade or even get a kill. This works even with a small amount of crit chance.

    submitted by /u/Battlemagi
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    Is the scutlle crab still worth it in pre-season/season 11?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 02:01 PM PST

    So, with the pre season here, the scuttle crab seems less worth it?

    It doesn't heals or regenerates mana anymore, and a ward covers its vision and it's less riskySo, is it still a worthy camp to fight over?
    I'm not the best jg player but I'm really curious tho.

    submitted by /u/Not_Your_Gal
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    Thoughts on Hydra Adc's

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:00 AM PST

    Ive been trying out hydra on Trist since the item changes, it feels like tiamat first back gives you so much wave clear pairing with your E passive really well allowing you to repeatedly shove into tower getting lots of plates. After completing hydra I've started to go guinsoos or hurricane into kraken or shieldbow for my mythic. I dont know if its OP but it feels pretty strong and snowbally so far i was curious to see if anyone had any thoughts about this build on Trist or other ADCs

    submitted by /u/FYGLegacy
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    Any idea why so few people in the top of the ranking ladder play Jungle?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 12:25 PM PST

    I was checking and the top spots play Mid lane, top lane and Support, in that order. I could find all the roles....

    Except Jungle.

    Strange to say the least, Idk really why but the top players of each server seem to not like jungling, sadly.

    I don't know if this is already 250 characters already but I find it strange, specially when it's commonly said that JG is the most impacting role in the game

    submitted by /u/Wesss--
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    Resource That Helps You Decide What Items To Build

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 05:26 PM PST

    Hi all, this is my first post here so if I'm doing something wrong just LMK. Everytime I watch educational videos(I like Kingstix a lot) I see him saying things like"I'm actually gonna build Banshees Veil because of ____, usually referring to the characters he's up against. I'm fairly new to the game(just got level 30) and I can almost never make those kind of choices the way some of these players do, I usually just build whatever Mobafire says is good. Especially with boots, I always feel like I'm building the wrong stuff and never have the right idea of what to get, even with the new suggested system on league.

    The main question of this is is there a download/plugin/website/tool that I can use while I play that suggests items as well as explaining why I should have them. In general, I want to up my game knowledge and get better at the game while also getting help from a source that can tell me when it's right to build mercs or sorc boots etc. I may have explained this in a poor way but I feel like having something like that could greatly improve my game knowledge, specifically of what each character does(which I struggle with because I really only play the characters I've unlocked.)

    submitted by /u/Evan_Veet
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    Kalista in season 11 , what should you build with the new Mythic Items around here is what I tested out and worked!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 03:10 PM PST

    Hello guys, I am Edd a youtuber and streamer who plays only Kalista and literally she is the only champion that I can perform at a high level! I was challenger and top 1 Kalista EUNE in season 10 and Grandmaster on EUW and one of the best Kalista's on lolgraphs!


    Here is a link with what you should build and what currently works!

    You should still use Hail of Blades as a rune since it's absolutely incredible with the Kraken after you purchase it!

    Hail of Blades


    • 10% Attack Speed - (can also be additional 5.4 Attack Damage but I prefer attack speed)
    • 5.4 Attack Damage (adaptive) - some amount of damage that helps killing creeps, fighting and scaling your abilities
    • 6 Armor - quite good after buffs, can also be 8 Magic Resists against magic compositions.

    I am sorry if this imgur link looks really ugly but I am not sure how do I upload an image here!

    On my youtube channel there is a video with my full impression on her build and hopefully you can learn something out of it!



    submitted by /u/PAWKalista
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    I feel like i can't carry my games.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 01:28 PM PST

    Context: So i recently got back into league and decided to play from a friend's bronze acc, before i stopped playing i had peaked at gold 1. I wanted to try new champions and decided to play Akali. The problem: Today i played a couple of games where i got fed and roamed to help the side lanes, but still ultimately lost because of a losing teammate. I feel like no matter how well i do and how many early kills i get, someone from my team will go 0/9 and the game is ruined. A lost game isn't such a problem, but the real problem is that i get tilted from a situation i couldn't really control. I was wondering how do i "reliably" 1vs5, or at least stop getting tilted from such games.

    submitted by /u/CoomerWarfare
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    Item list: Best Legendary items to pair with Mythics

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Is there a convenient list yet of the Mythic and corresponding best-match Legendary items? If there's no list yet, what are some great Mythic + Legendary combos that everyone is talking about on Twitch or wherever? For example on Zoe, Luden's Tempest (a Mythic) should pair well with Horizon Focus (a Legendary), granting the Horizon Focus +5 Magic Pen. That's just me talking, I haven't confirmed those two items on her yet, but you see my point and it seems like a safe example.

    Lists of both types:



    Fortunately it's pretty easy to just scan the two item lists and do some critical thinking. But there's a LOT of Legendary items, many were recently modified, and probably only a few "best case matches" exist for each Mythic item depending on champion.


    submitted by /u/HamsterHueyGooie
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    Question about the validity of my current macro knowledge

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 02:49 PM PST

    Hello! Season 10 was my first season, and I peaked at silver 3 as a jungle main after climbing out of bronze. I think my mechanical skill is fine (for now), but I feel where I'm really lacking is my macro knowledge and how to close out games and bring back the game in my favor.
    I wondered if some of you could see if my current understanding is correct and if you could add other details I've missed? I keep losing games since I keep autopiloting and following teammates to help and then die, instead of taking charge and leading my team to victory.

    I've laid down to think about it, and I've seen 3 vast macro variables that needed to be taken into account. I'm sure I've missed some and would like it if you guys told me some more. The 3 I've found are strength, information, coordination.

    Strength's most extreme translation into the game is team fights, in which the stronger team will almost always win ( strength is relative to the situation). Strength could be generalized to be the main aspect of actual fighting.

    For information, this would vision, timers, basing, etc. This is the main aspect of attack where they least expect since they can never predict where you are going accurately if they don't have a vision. A clean rotation to bot from mid will usually result in a tower if they aren't sure where you are going.

    As for coordination, this is mainly taking advantage of the fact that solo queue, especially in low elos, is uncoordinated sometimes due to no comms or any way to transfer a gameplan to deal with large amounts of different angles of attack. The first thing that comes to mind with this variable is split pushing because if you do it with other angles, lack of information on their team helps, then the team needs to coordinate on which of the angles and how to deal with them. Dealing with this is either pressuring a much more valuable objective or going even with each of the split pushers to push them back, then gain back lane priority through wave clear. I usually find that if you split push near objectives, and the splitter messes up and gets called out by a 3v1, a drag or rift gets taken if it is up soon. So I guess that could be a viable method as well.

    I think like this.

    Do I have more strength? I have the option of team fighting.

    Do I have more information/ they don't have enough? I have the option of attacking with the element of surprise, allowing for strength to act as a safety net instead of the main variable. This allows for clean rotations without the enemy being able to follow and "guerilla warfare" in the jungle, being able to catch out unsuspecting enemies that are crossing the jungle.

    Do I have more coordination? I can accurately set up different angles of attack, allowing for offense and defense of split pushing.

    More strength --> teamfights
    Superior information --> rotations and guerilla warfare.
    Better coordination --> Splitpushing

    The information allows for coordination, which allows for more strength. They are connected in a way.

    If I'm ever weaker than the enemy, I will withdraw unless I am desperate. Then, I will fight.

    Although coordination can bring strength through the overwhelming a weak side of the enemy, micro is how you build up your variables' power. They can all be enhanced through micro, which is why it is just as important.

    I think that should be it, but this is just some of my tendency to generalize scenarios to make things simpler for myself. I have some more things to talk about, like guerilla warfare philosophy to get back ahead, but I still need to think more about it and work out their kinks.

    Thank you, guys; I really appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/dkotcha
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    Top lane melee champ vs ranged

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 10:54 AM PST

    I've been playing the game for a month and so far I really can't do anything against ranged champs in top lane. I feel like it's too risky to even farm minions due to all the poking. Every time I try to engage they only increase the distance between us and continue to poke eventually leading to me losing lane. I honestly don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/CACA1400
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    Are tank Supports dead?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:43 AM PST

    i know this is just the first week of the new itens on the live server, so things might develop themselves in ways we can't easily predict. but looking at things as they are right now, Tank supports can only do one safe Mythic (the Solari one), you might be able to squeze a Shurelia to snowball a really hard advantage, but that's quite risky and some people are doing Chemtank on alistar, it does give you nice stats but it is bit too pricy for supports getting it reliably. Knight's vow doesn't give armor nor does it heal you anymore, Stoneplates are 3300 gold, (33 shy of a f#cking trinity force) you still can do Zeke's and redemption but that's basically it. i mean supports rarely get passed three items, but there's no need to ONLY have three items plus your support item.

    Im not even a Tank support player, so i'm bringing this up as a meta development/prediction discussion. if tanks aren't on the botton lane maybe they will start to apear on the jungle or the top plane?, Pyke and Pantheon are still on loose so it's not like hard engages are off the menu, but if anything i would say that the damage that follow's said engage was the unhealty bit of the situation, but that's not what riot nerfed, if anything it got buffed with Prowler's Claw. and the lack of armor all around the bot lane makes lethality ADCs that much more powerful (The collector litereally executes you if get bellow 5% your Maximum health, while giving crit and lethality for the ADC.) So anyways these are my two cents on the situation would love to hear any sort of imput on it.

    submitted by /u/OGGOGOgomes
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    Are crit adcs dead now?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 02:14 PM PST

    I spamed Caitlyn the last months and enjoyed her really. With the recent nerf and crit changes hyper carries lost their impact completely. Mythic items are a great idea but I really don't know what riot took when they created the items? We have galeforce which has an useless pssive only Jhin and Kalista can use it properly. Kraken slayer is such a big noob trap and bad item that I just ignore it because how you should fight Tanks when you have no lifesteal to compensate their damage.

    Shieldbow is the best but that does not change the fact that the items are just way too expensive what they give you. The crit changes are actually the worst change for adcs I think and I am really happy that they will revert the change again like 2 seasons before. Change my mind ?

    submitted by /u/MonkeyDDeltaZed
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    As a new player, I love Nautilus. Is he actually good?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 09:38 AM PST

    Hey, I'm an overwatch player that just picked up league, and after trying a few champs, I like this guy! I've seen some posts here and there about how he's lacking, and I haven't seen him mentioned often lately when people mention support tanks. Are there some other champions I should try out?

    submitted by /u/Kaboomeow69
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    I can not beat leona or pyke. Pyke is much worse.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 02:06 PM PST

    Why is this?? it doesn't matter if i have braum nautilus blitz or any other frontline support i can not win lane against these two champs. No matter how safe i try to play pyke is always coming out of invis in my face, and i can never sidestep the hooks. Leona just has too much chain CC and it seems unbearable. Any adc players have tips?

    submitted by /u/AtrocitiesExhibition
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    To settle an argument with a jungle maining friend.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 10:07 AM PST

    My friend has been maining jungle and rarely plays lane. I play ADC and MID mainly. Whenever he wants to drake I say let me shove this wave and I'll join him. It turns out he really hates when I do this. He doesn't see why shoving waves before walking is important. I am relatively new to League and everything I have seen about getting better at league talks about wave management. Have I miss interpreted what these guides have said or is shoving before roaming actually something you should do?

    To give context he has been playing League for over 2 years now and reached Gold 1 at the end of the season. I have been playing on-off since the start of the year. I reached silver 4 in flex cause I don't really enjoy the Solo queue experience.

    submitted by /u/fraint
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    How do you keep your CS per minute high in late game?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 03:06 AM PST

    Hi There,

    I've been playing league since Season 3 and up until now, I never really played to climb, I played to win but did not tryhard every game like it is a win or win situation.

    I am quite good at CSing, I have reached Gold, I am currently sitting in Silver 4, and can get 80cs at 10 minute mark easily, I like to play mid, so once it gets to 14-15 minutes, I either start roaming or I will keep CSing, but once the Silver ARAM stage hits, I feel like it is impossible to keep my CS high. I will always end up 30 minute games with 180-200 CS, and if I'm playing a champ that doesn't have a great waveclear, such as Kassadin for example, probably even less.

    My question is, what are some tips to keep your CS per minute high (7 or even 8)?

    I will usually hit 5-6 easily but very rarely any more than that.

    submitted by /u/realmart9n
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    [SINGED] Theorycrafting new runes, items, and playstyles for S11 Preseason

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 03:35 PM PST

    Does my jng path change for the new patch?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 06:40 PM PST

    Hi I normally pick jng I play a variety of jng champions, from leashing champs to ad then to ap. does our jng path change because of the monsters got changed or do we do things differently? ( champs I play noct,Hec,Fiddle,Evelynn,sett,riven ) thankyou in advance

    submitted by /u/Nikorasu_Akamine
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    Trying to get better at League

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 06:35 PM PST

    I am a top main, but I duo bot with my friend.

    bronze I

    My main issue with trying to improve is that I do not know how to exert influence over the game. Whenever I win, it seems unearned and completely out of my hands.

    I'm sure this has many reasons beyond what I've thought, as I do not know what I do not know. However, receiving guidance from the following would (hopefully) really help my game. Any good advice is much appreciated.

    prioritizing upcoming/current objectives

    • Cs'ing mid/late game
      • Laning phase, I can pretty consistently farm 7-9cs/min depending on match up and how aggressive everyone is in lane. After the laning phase though, my CS falls, hitting lows such as 4-6cs/min as teams start to team fight and objectives are contested.
    • Warding
      • I suppose this is typical of my rank, but I never know where to ward, and I basically default to the nearest bush.
    • Leads
      • I can semi-consistently get a lead over the enemy laner(s) but transferring gold leads/pressure seems difficult and hard to do without it being a waste of time or dieing outright.
        • TOP - If I get a lead, I try to balance out warding in enemy jungle, scuttle, rift, pushing tower and ganking mid/bot with tp. I am unable to watch everything, so my TP is often late, or my gank timing is off. Warding/scuttle/rift is a coin flip between which one I do, because I have no idea which to go for when. Usually, taking first tower is a huge priority, but I wonder what I have to sacrifice to get it.
        • BOT - If I get a lead, I try to ward so as to not get ganked. Then push push push so I can rotate dragon or get first tower. If I do get the tower, I try to push to the 2nd tier and take pressure off of my other laners/jungler. Maybe take a jungle camp or two if I've managed the waves properly. Then its just try to get fed via cs or kills and hope for the best.
    • Itemization
      • Currently, I just use already thought out builds found on mobafire, op.gg, blitz.gg, etc. But I feel like my builds are backwards and could respond better to the game. Currently, I rush whatever core item(s) are on the build, grabbing the sub-items that seem most beneficial to my kit before finally completing said item. I don't respond to what is happening in game at all beyond "get grievous wounds cause healing" or "you're dying alot, get more tanky(on bruisers)" or other basic responses.
    • Recognizing any potential threats/ power spikes of champions
      • I have no idea when I'm actually strong, and exactly how strong I am. I have a general sense of "when I'm ahead" but that doesn't define exactly where my limits are.
    • Team fighting
      • What I aim to do in a team fight depends on who I am playing, and the role I am in. I establish my goal in the team fight. I tend to single-mindedly pursue this goal because I have trouble seeing and reacting to whatever is going down in a team fight. The most I have ever been able to react to is understanding a certain ult is critical to the fight and either enhancing its effect, or trying to deny it.
    • Map Awareness
      • I mainly have trouble watching the map to see when/where an enemy disappears/reappears, especially on deep wards where they are visible for a split second or two. I can mostly keep track of my teammates, but unless I happen to get a MIA ping, I am often unaware.
        • There are some obvious, "you are alone in a pushed lane, and the enemy is MIA so you should GTFO" or "Bot is missing, but drag is up, so they are probably doing drag"
        • I think most of this ignorance comes from an obsessive focus on mechanical play and perfect cs'ing.
      • I also don't know exact timings of jungle pathing and backing/getting back to lane.
    • Wave management
      • I know how to freeze a wave and how to push but when towers are thrown into the mix, I have trouble understanding the future state of the wave. My wave management is purely responsive and not proactive.
    • Win conditions
      • I have no idea. I understand the concept, and I come up with an objective to do when asked in game, but I have no idea if what I am saying is true or not. If one guy is winning lane and ahead, then obviously get him more ahead and try not to die. That's the only specific situation that I know is a good win condition. Not really sure why though.
    • Comebacks
      • Farm more, contest where you can, and take stuff where they aren't? These are things the apply even while ahead. I am unaware of strategies specific to coming back.

    As a general rule everything feels like its out of my control, even if I'm dealt all the cards. I cannot make the enemy team show up when I want them too. I cannot bait them into making mistakes, and even if they do make a mistake, I do not easily see a way to capitalize on it. This is on a macro level. Mechanically, its very easy to see when a champion overextends.

    relevant champs

    TOP- Aatrox, Pantheon, Nasus, Swain

    Jungle- Pantheon, Aatrox, Rengar, Kha'zix, Ekko

    Mid - Swain, Pantheon, Ekko, Aatrox

    Bot-Jhin, Samira

    Support - I haven't played this in my life. My duo only plays Nautilus.

    Playstyle -

    • I am generally as aggressive as possible without overextending to my knowledge. I try to punish and bully the enemy laner(s) out of cs, and take fights wherever possible if there is something to get at the end. If I end up behind, I pretty much turtle and try to farm.

    I have played awhile, but I play pretty casually. Only recently have I wanted to get better. Everything is Much appreciated!

    I am willing to link replays, but I do not know the best tool for that.



    submitted by /u/unit3_
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