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    LoL Guide 10 Tips for Jhin Players

    LoL Guide 10 Tips for Jhin Players

    10 Tips for Jhin Players

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 08:36 AM PST

    Hey there, last time we covered Caitlyn (if you missed it: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/jm1z8v/10_tips_for_caitlyn_players/ ), and today I got some Jhin knowledge for you. I made a text version of the guide and also a video version if you prefer watching over reading.

    Video guide: https://youtu.be/lUMkdF1TDNM

    Text version (works entirely without the video if you have a good imagination and some game knowledge):

    Tip number 1:

    Jhin's W has a very narrow hitbox, but there is a trick to land it more easily. You just need to aim for the feet of the enemy character model, because this is where the spell checks for a character's collision box. For bigger spells (such as Morgana's Q), aiming for the head is fine, because you will still connect with their feet as well. But if you aim for the head with Jhin's W, you are highly likely to miss.

    Tip number 2:

    Jhin's Ultimate will get cancelled when you make a movement command, but it will stay active when you use your trinket. Blue Trinket is highly potent on Jhin because of this, as you can use it to scout if your targets manage to get out of vision.

    Tip number 3:

    Activating a Summoner Spell will also not cancel Jhin's ultimate, so you can use Heal or Barrier to protect yourself while firing. However, this is not true for Flash. Flash cannot be cast whatsoever for as long as Jhin's ultimate is active. If you need to make a quick escape, you must use right-click plus Flash.

    Tip number 4:

    When Jhin has his 4th shot ready, he puts a lot of pressure on the enemy. You cannot hold onto your shot indefinitely, though, as there is a time limit after which Jhin reloads automatically. You can, however, reset the time limit to hold onto your bullet for longer by simply placing down a trap with your E spell.

    Tip number 5:

    After four auto attacks, Jhin enters the reload animation. If you try to auto attack now, Jhin will merely walk into range and do nothing. Doing this while chasing an enemy causes Jhin to stop moving altogether, allowing your opponent to escape for free. Therefore, you absolutely need to make sure to use regular movement commands instead of attack commands during reload.

    Tip number 6:

    Jhin's Q gains more power for each target it kills. However, you will still get the empowered Q on the next targets if you kill the grenade's prior target with an auto attack while the grenade is still in mid-air. This means, if a minion has too much health for Q to kill it, you should use Q anyway and then finish it off with your auto attack. Now your opponent has less time to react to the grenade and you are more likely to hit them with empowered Q.

    Tip number 7:

    If you need to set up a snare with Jhin's W, you can also use damage from unique item effects. Galeforce for example allows you to get the snare, even if you have no bullets left, and effects like Statikk Shyv's lightning enable you to snare targets that are too far away to auto attack.

    Tip number 8:

    Jhin's W is not coded as a projectile, even though it clearly IS a projectile in its animation. Due to that, Samira's wind wall cannot block Jhin's W, so use this spell to counter her. Interestingly enough, Yasuo's wind wall will stop Jhin's W regardless.

    Tip number 9:

    If an enemy tries to hit you with a skill shot during W's long cast animation, simply animation-cancel your spell with Flash. W will still fire from your original position in the intended direction, allowing for a clean escape. The same can be done with Jhin's E, but I highly doubt there are any useful applications for this.

    Tip number 10:

    You can cancel auto attacks with movement commands. If you do this at the beginning of the animation, no bullet will come out, but you can start getting out of danger instantly. However, you cannot cancel Jhin's 4th shot by walking away. You will have to sit through the entire animation, which can leave you wide open to an enemy counter-attack. To avoid situations like these, you can cancel Jhin's 4th shot with Flash. Even if you do this so fast that a normal auto attack could not go off, Jhin's 4th shot will always fire due to its unique coding.

    GLHF and happy climbing! :)

    submitted by /u/MissFortuneDaBes
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    New to the game and want to start playing jungle

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:45 PM PST

    The title is pretty self explanatory, I've been playing League for a month now and usually going support(only with friends) and top. I want to try learning jungle as most of the champs playied there are interesting, in particular Kayn, Zac and Fiddle are the ones I'd like to pick up. Any tips to start jungling and/or recommended champs to start? TY

    submitted by /u/TheRealBelleee
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    Wukong ADC... Why? How do you counter it? Why is he so effective against marksmen?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:45 AM PST

    In the past week or so I had a couple games where a Wukong ADC completely demolished bot lane. I was not even aware this was a thing, but I'm completely intrigued.

    1) Why is he, among many other bruisers (?) a choice for ADC? Is there any difference between Wukong and, let's say Garen?

    2) How do you counter Wukong ADC? Not even Ezreal, who is a very safe ADC stands a chance against him from what I've seen.

    3) When he snowballs, he becomes almost impossible to kill, how do you deal with a late-game fed Wukong?

    4) And finally, I LOVE Wukong, but Top lane. If he is really that good, how can I transition to ADC? What supports pair well with his kit? What should I build with Wukong as an ADC?

    This is completely new info for me, so thanks a lot ❤️

    submitted by /u/SirAerion
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    What is a reliable strategy for beating Wombo combo comps?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:51 AM PST

    I've been playing a lot of flex with my friends and despite two of us hard carrying almost every game (plat and diamond playing with low silvers), we seem to get dumpstered everytime the enemy team runs a wombo comp. An example of this would be galio mid, mf adc and seraphine support. Post 6 they just repeatedly 3-4 man our bot with their ults until their bot lane has 3 levels up on ours.

    What is a viable strategy or comp to compete with this? It seems like MF has too much peel between the galio and the seraphine.

    Any advice would be helpful!

    submitted by /u/EdumacatedRedneck
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    How do ADC vs zed

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:09 PM PST

    Note: this isn't a salt post, I play zed, and don't really play adc

    It seems like every game I play as zed, whether I lose lane or win lane, I can just ask my botlane to set up a gank, have my JG show to so their bot pushes up more, and go down to botlane and disintegrate their adc and give my botlane the kill on the supp. And then even in the midgame, if I'm behind I can reliability trade my life for their ADC by diving at the start of a fight, and if I'm ahead can usually get out and have more influence in the team fight. I also usually win lane as zed, so I get free roam bot to bully their adc.

    So in this situation, what does the adc do, they seem to get champion dematerializered pre fight, or in lane, and usually that lets my botlane get ahead. This also allows me to get gold even in losing lane bc I can just get kills off the adc. I want to learn to adc so I want to know what to do in these situations.

    submitted by /u/Irony_Central
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    In regards to 3-Star difficulty champions, mid lane, and new players who need to learn the basics.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:55 PM PST

    My usual catch to get people to play League is telling them that I'll buy them any champ with any skin, so they can have a main to be passionate about. However, the last guy I tried to get in picked Riven and had a miserable time trying to get behind the mechanics. This guy stopped playing after 2 weeks. Is a new person, and I'm very interested in getting her better as my current flex team is lacking in areas that she can fill. Problem is that the champ she picked as being interesting was Katarina. I'm now spooked. She's played ENOUGH with others to kinda get an idea of the game, but I'm wondering if I should try to full in get her on this difficult champ, or if I should keep having her try other, easier champs. Maybe there are some Katarina mains here that could help explain the difficulty curve to me, who has no intention of playing her myself?

    submitted by /u/Forsyth66
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    Aurelion Sol basic guide

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:55 PM PST

    I'm a D4 Aurelion Sol main, was D3 eune earlier this season, but just managed to make it to d4 in time for the season end. I could probably make it higher if i had more time for the end of season. opgg

    Aurelion Sol is a weird champ, and i'm not even sure what to classify him as, he's kind of a burst mage with less burst dmg than other burst mages, and he is also kind of a dps mage.

    Now a lot of people think he's bad right now, when he's actually just fine, if you play him correctly.

    He gets punished hard for making mistakes, but also punishes hard for enemies making mistakes.

    For example, if you're facing a Sylas, his wincondition is gapclosing by hitting his E on you, and your win condition is baiting out his e or dodging it. If he hits it, you lose the trade or die, if he misses it you can punish him hard by never allowing him into his w range whilst also not allowing him to run away if you kite correctly with W.

    It takes good micro to manage his stars and kiting enemies correctly, but that's just part of the learning curve that you need to face and not get scared off by.

    Laning phase with Sol:

    For both ranged and melee, your lvl 1 and 2 are relatively strong with corrupting pot, w, AA's and Q's. This part is really important, getting a lot of early trades on the enemy till level 3, this allows you to have the pressure to push in the wave for lvl 3 and take a free recall. Now you can come back to lane with corrupting pot + dark seal. This is super good with timewarp tonic which you should be running most games, unless you're in an unwinnable matchup and prefer other runes for outside the laning phase.

    Most melee matchup besides kassadin and fizz should be a relatively easy lane for you if you kite correctly, because you can pressure them so hard by being ranged and having the ability to kite with w in a way where you can dodge their abilities whilst dealing dmg at the same time.

    Never waste your Q against champs that have a gap closer pre-6, like zed, talon or yasuo, unless you're wasting it to bait the enemy to overextend on you so your jg can collapse, or other similar situational things, but keep it as a rule of thumb not to waste Q, that's when they have a chance to mess you up.

    For ranged matchups it can be a bit more tricky, and they are just straight up worse than melee matchups because they are harder to abuse in lane. Here you need to bait out their main damaging abilities before taking fights, as most mages outing you in burst trades, so if you can bait out or wait for them to waste it on minions, that's your chance to trade and win. Your w is about half the cd of most mages abilities in lane, so you need to play around that and take any chance you get to poke them down. Poking them down puts pressure on them, allowing you to shove the wave to get prio for dragon, place deep wards or roam to a sidelane.

    For runes, I suggest phase rush with timewarp+biscuits secondary, as this is super helpful for learning him and limit testing. Personally I change runes very often, and atm. I'm loving conq with presence of mind+timewarp tonic biscuits.

    As for summoner spells, as long as you have flash, your secondary should be up to you, I like ignite for aggressive lanes, but for certain matchups, like vs akali+kha+samira or other comps like that where exhaust can change fights, I take that for the sake of the team.

    Itemization should always be situational, but a common build path is rylais first item, magic pen boots, liandries torment, morello/rabadons, void staff.

    Anyways, it's 12 at midnight on a school night and I'm 16 years old, so I'll answer any questions you may have in the morning. Unsure about new items yet, but I think that they'll benefit him quite well.

    submitted by /u/saibot0_
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    Just what about Tyler1's macro is so good?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:47 PM PST

    Hey, y'all. As we all know, Tyler1 has recently hit Masters on his toplane only account. I am so surprised by this, because he was so hardstuck Diamond 2-3 for hundreds of games, then suddenly goes on ~25 winstreaks playing a non-meta champion (Cho'Gath) and reaches Masters very fast.

    I watched some of his games, and he often loses lane, or at least does not win it. He additionally also has poor mechanics, I would say his mechanics are somewhat equal or inferior to mine (I am Diamond 4 ATM). What I don't understand, is he still goes on those insane winstreaks. People have claimed it is due to his insane game knowledge and macro, but I just don't understand. What does he do that's so insane?

    As a toplaner myself, I usually win lane, and usually have a ~25 cs lead by 15 minutes, and one or two kill lead. I however am unable to convert that lead into wins. What I always hear and what I always try is one of these;

    • Take first turret with herald, then rotate botlane to secure drakes.
    • TP on a deepward botlane to get my botlaners a few kills.
    • Roam midlane if enemy midlaner is immobile.
    • Permafreeze top for a duration of 3-4 minutes (as Sett this is very easy, because instead of having to get an exactly right number of minions, you can just tank an entire wave and lifesteal all of your HP back over time)
    • Help Jungler invade.

    However, even with all of these, my winrate is roughly 50%. All though, after doing these more consistently over the last few games, my winrate (of the last ~50 games) is about 60%.

    Still, I don't understand how Tyler1 gets a winrate of literally 100% over the at least 20 games in a row playing only Cho'Gath. I would expect Sett to be a better carry, but I still fail to carry in the majority of my games.

    I would truly like some help, as I want to improve at this game, getting Masters/Grandmasters is a goal of mine, and I would appreciate any tips.

    Here is my OP.GG for reference.

    Full link just in case: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=iiS%C3%A9y

    submitted by /u/BasedSett
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    Attack move click or Attack move?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:12 AM PST

    Hey guys!

    Im a main adc and i was wondering which attack command do you think is best and why.

    Attack move is when you press the button (A as default) and then left click to confirm the cast of the auto, and attack move click is used as a smartcast of it, you just press the button (lets say is A again) and the champ will attack where your cursor is.

    submitted by /u/Skydog1606
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    Thought on Doran Shield as Jungler´s First back for early dragons?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 10:54 AM PST

    So, I've been reading about Doran's Shield changes for S11 and caught my attention the part that says: *"*Endure: Restores up to 40 Health over 8 seconds after taking damage from a champion, large jungle monster, or epic jungle monster. Restoration increases when you are low Health. "

    So maybe with this champions like Shyvanna could have a more decent early, didn't got into calculation. Was just an idea and wanted to see what everyone opinion is

    submitted by /u/Teffa1403
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    Good mechanics based snowball junglers

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:03 PM PST

    I'm a low elo top/mid player and play feast or famine champs like fiora akali and zed, what junglers can sort of get this type of play style, where if I outplay I can fight and kill early, and if I get fed I become god. I was trying Lee Sin and liking him, but was basically inting trying evelynn and elise

    submitted by /u/Irony_Central
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    Somewhat new to the game and want to learn top.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:54 PM PST

    TL;DR: Somewhat new player. Been playing every role (main mid), but want to make top my secondary role ever since I got Irelia from a champ capsule. Who's like the Coach Curtis for Midlane? Thanks!

    Hey guys, I'm somewhat new to the game (4 months playing), and I've been trying every role as much as I can. Of course I like mid because it's 1v1 (mostly) and you can roam to objectives or to gank. I also like mages, but never assassins.

    Problem is, I've never found a secondary role to main. I tried Bot and Support, but you have to be coordinated. Plus, ADC is really squishy. And jungle takes so much game knowledge and matchups I don't feel comfortable maiming it right now.

    So that leaves top for me. I guess I liked it a bit since I got Irelia from a champ capsule and been trying her out. I know, super hard to play, yet at the same time she's so much fun. And it's mostly fighters and tanks, not assassins (for the most part).

    Going to find more easier champs to main too so I can get more confident with learning the game and lane before I use Irelia seriously.

    I know that Top is different from mid, so I'm asking who streams and makes guides for top lane, like the Coach Curtis for top lane?

    Thanks for your answers!

    submitted by /u/Remnants91
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    What fighting a Katarina smurf made me learn

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:43 AM PST

    I had this ranked match against a Katarina, I knew from the very start she was a smurf. Checking upon her OPPGG/Poroprofessor.

    You can guess, I lost the match badly.

    But that's not what this post is about.

    She made me learn a lot in the 18 minutes she wrecked us. Such as..

    • By not playing Ranked, I don't improve.
    • Don't walk back against Katarina's blades.

    Though. In my next match, I had a smurf on my team and that wasn't really fun either.

    But at the end, I learnt from both games quite a lot. It's odd but I do thank them, they made me realize.. if I don't play ranked, I will never improve at all.

    submitted by /u/CurrentRisk
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    How to freeze the wave for a long time

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 08:38 AM PST

    So I play a lot of top lane, and I try and freeze the wave in front of my turret a lot in losing matchups so that I don't have to be too far away from my tower. I try and freeze by only last-hitting minions at the last possible moment, but this only really works for a wave or two, before the wave builds up enough for it to just push up to the enemy turret, where my opponenet usually freezes it for what feels like forever. Am I doing something wrong, or is it inevitable that your wave will just start pushing after a wave or so?

    submitted by /u/momoking8289
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    (Jungle) After afew minutes early on the match I end up almost dead doing camps

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 09:11 AM PST

    I'm trying to master Kha'zix to be my main jungle, but after making my way to the camps I usually end up almost dead (even if I use my habilities and smite) obligating me to return to the base or use all my potions and I while loosing oportunities to gank

    Can someone give me some tips?

    submitted by /u/pobry
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    What to do when you're being destroyed in lane?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:35 AM PST

    Like I understand how to play when I'm just losing your lane but like when it's really bad to the point where even just farming under tower will lead you to feeding more? Other than just forfeiting the game because the other lanes might be able to bring it back? Getting no gold/cp and waiting until team fights seems terrible but so is feeding even more.

    submitted by /u/forgotusernameoften
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    Top lane main looking to role swap to mid but having macro problems.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:55 AM PST

    OK, so I am new to the game and only started playing ranked these past 2 months. Made it to bronze 1 maining top lane and thought I wanted to experiment with mid lane to impact the game more. Of course since I am bronze I am bad in many aspects of the game, but roaming seems to be the one thing I struggle with the most. Like, when I get an early lead I want to help top and bot lane by roaming, but they always seem to be pushed under the enemy tower when I get my wave shoved. Should I be doing anything differently? Any mid lane tips are very much appreciated since I really like the role and wanna get better at it :D

    submitted by /u/Billib2002
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    Playing Kayn in lanes rather than in the jungle

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:36 AM PST

    I've been playing and enjoying alot of Kayn in the jungle recetly and I'm curious as to why almost no one ever plays Kayn in either top or mid. Personally I haven't tried it yet but I feel like kayn can gather his form from poking his lane oppenent from a safe distance. The only downside I can see from this is that Kayn's form is limited based from his lane oppenent since he won't be ganking as often as a jungler. As a top laner, I think Kayn can get his Rhaast form very quick, thus providing the team with someone who can tank alot of damage. As a mid laner, Kayn can use Shadow Assassin's E to traverse the map very quickly therefore allowing him to assist both top and bot, however, Kayn may find it difficult to gather his Shadow Assassin form since some of the champs played in mid are melee champions

    submitted by /u/chromosome_not_found
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    How to play as melee vs. ranged champs?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:04 PM PST

    I'm a midlane main and I struggle a lot with ranged matchups. I main fizz and I know I don't really have all in potential until level 3. My question is how do I manage to farm until then against ranged champs? Should I close the gap and pressure them with auto attacks? I'm really lost here

    submitted by /u/sadkinz
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    How do you maintain and improve your climbing mindset and approach?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 04:56 PM PST

    Having watched a lot of Coach Curtis's YT videos I would like to focus on improving at League during preseason since it's a time where rank "doesn't matter" and thus I can concentrate more on getting better over chasing wins.

    However I've struggled a lot with blaming teammates and shifting the attention away from my own play, even if there are no stakes in terms of rank. Typically I start off fine, not really blaming teammates too much but after a few losses I start to naturally shift my attention to what others are doing in the process of taking in the map state. Basically at that point I want to know how to reframe this as "this guy is inting" to "because X teammate is not on the map my decision shifts from A to B."

    Not necessarily sure if this detail can offer more pointed advice but I usually am more affected by teammates' "brain" (decision-making) mistakes rather than mechanical/micro mistakes.

    As an example if my mid is hard gapped 0/4 or something I might get a little tilted at worst but I can most of the time rationalize it as maybe he just doesn't understand the trading patterns or made some mechanical errors and don't really hold it too much against him.

    But things that really set me off are when people make decisions that in my mind reflect a lack of discipline such as overstaying at inhib, chasing kills, flipping a baron against an enemy nunu, or two adcs trying to fight a level 18 jax in the sidelane. These are the mistakes that I need the most work on in "ignoring" or not letting affect my mental as much. Obviously I can't mind control or beg them to not make these mistakes and they are going to happen game after game but rationally understanding this fact is only part of effectively dealing with the emotions that arise in the moment, and especially on a consistent basis.

    I'm aware of the general advice such as take frequent breaks, etc. but I specifically am looking for ways to prevent/reduce the finger-pointing/blaming in the first place, or, if I do find myself behaving this way, counteracting the slippery slope.

    Another thing that I would like to get better at is separating signal from noise in VOD reviews. I don't review my own games as much as I would like to because in my experience I have gone through the cycle of 1. wanting to improve 2. finding mistakes in my own play through VOD review 3. feeling validated that I engaged in the activity of watching my replay 4. getting frustrated/tilting because I perceive the review to be "ineffective" as I a. don't see improvement as quickly as expected b. encounter problems different from the ones I identified or c. lose games due to factors seemingly outside of my control.

    To put this in concrete terms let's say I notice a pattern of not respecting strong/weakside in my games (I play top) and as a result I get ganked and die a lot. So I improve upon this and maybe win a few more games but then I lose some unfortunate games, some being my fault (possibly losing lane or playing micro/teamfights wrong) or some not being my fault. Regardless I begin to question my thought process e.g. should I be grouping or splitting more leading to over-generalizing and further harming my play and sometimes through tilt I "unlearn" previous lessons, running with this same example I'll die more often to ganks.

    Based off these experiences I feel as though my slow rate of improvement is due to 1. being extremely tilt-prone and being a "streaky" player and 2. poor translation of lessons learned from review to future games and would appreciate any advice on getting better on either of these fronts. Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/Autstorm
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    How to play against one a counter as a one trick?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:20 AM PST

    I am starting to one trick khazix as I have a nearly 70% wr and want to start to climb. My only question is what happen when the enemy jungler goes rammus, mundo, or amumu? Do I play it out and try new builds and avoid any fights with them at all costs past two items? Or would you just dodge? My champ pool this season was over 70 champs and I have only been "one tricking" for about 2 weeks now so I'm kinda new to this. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/thegreenrabbit34
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    Capitalizing on a crashed wave as support

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 03:43 PM PST

    Hey guys, just hit plat 3 by playing support and wanted to give out some tips that I see lower elo (I know plays not high elo) support players not using and just walking back to the middle of lane to auto push it back in.

    Capitalizing on a crashed wave can be the key difference to your jungler gaining neutral objectives and even can help your toplane. A slow pushed wave will also give you more time to roam and plant wards.

    1.) Always try to slow push a wave before an objective like drake. If you see that your jungler is pathing bot as drake is spawning having a giant wave crash essentialy locks down the enemy adc making its a X vs. X+1 for your team.

    If the enemy adc does decide to sack the wave and join the team fight then not only do they lose a considerable amount of xp and gold but it also doubles your gains if you win, and halves your losses if you lose. To expand on that point the adc will have lost his entire wave, and gave away gold to your team. Not only that but when a stacked minion wave is crashed it will almost always be pushing back into your tower. So in a perfect situation the enemy adc will have lost 3-4 waves while your adc has gained kill gold + obj + they can collect the big wave slow pushing back in.

    2.) What if no objectives are up and its slow pushed in? Placing deep wards in their jungle can be super helpful on tracking the enemy jungler. Blue buff and gromp are gone? If so, ping your top laner as the jungler will most likely be pathing top side to clear his top camps and make some sort of impact on the map topside. Deep wards also can be a early warning of a gank.

    3.) Don't be afraid to dive. With the huge wav crashing and deep wards in their jungle you can easily see if the jungler is in a position to counter gank your dive. Ping your mid and jungle to dive when a wave is crashing. A single dive with the wave crashing can be the difference to winning or losing lane as not only does the enemy bot lane die, but they also miss the exp and gold from the minions.

    That is all, just wanted to give out some tips that helped me climb as support.

    submitted by /u/Grand_Dog
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    How to carry as top when another lane fed hard?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 03:21 PM PST

    I am a silver player and I have been recently playing a lot of top. My usual go to heroes are Urgot and Mordekaiser, but I do play Cho and Kennen at times as well.

    I have been getting a lot better at not dying to ganks and not losing cs, so I think overall I usually at least don't lose the lane and often times win it. Today I had a few games when I won lane quite comfortably - maybe 30-40 cs lead, 4-5 kills and 0-1 deaths. If other lanes won too - that's an easy game from there. If other lanes are even - I usually would go mid for some aram and then come back to clear CS on side lane. Sometimes we may win, sometimes we may lose, but at least I feel like there are plays I can make and there are ways in which I can help team win.

    But there were at least 2 games today when other lanes lost and fed somebody. One game it was a Diana jg who was something like 12/2 to my 6/0 and another game it was Samira who was 6/0 to my 5/1 (that's how laning phase ended). Both games I was playing Urgot. And my problem is - I can't 1v1 either of them. Diana is too fed and Samira is way too mobile. We can't teamfight because our team does so much less dmg that it's impossible to get anything done. When I am next to tower, opponents do respect me as a threat and back off a little, but they just go to other towers and at best my team concedes them and at worst they die under tower. I can try to split push, but again - given how weak my team is, opponents can easily show up with 3 people and then at best I can trade which isn't great.

    So my question is - can I do anything in the situation like this? Do I just keep defending base, hoping they will break one inhib and we can farm up? Or do I play different heroes that have more 1v9 carry potential? Or any other suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Gesha24
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    Got to Gold IV in my first season, what helped me improve.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 03:11 PM PST

    Take the game less seriously. In the end, even if you have a goal rank or want to improve, it's still just a game. It helps so much when you don't mentally expect anything from your teammates, so you're not disappointed when they misplay, and support them when they play well. And if that person is being a little baby in chat, smash that mf mute button. Got so many "stayed cool" when I've muted 7/10 players in the lobby.

    The advice this sub puts out is really basic (like what I'm doing now LOL), so a lot of learning you have to do yourself, or learn from good content creators on YouTube/Twitch. What helped me the most was watching my own vods, and seeing what I could improve. Seeing first person perspective is especially important because you know what you were looking at/can remember what made you misplay. Got ganked because of a bad ward placement/timing? Lost a 2v2 because I miscalculated abilities and damage? Got caught out by Yone/Camille from two screens away? As a new(ish) player I'm constantly making so many mistakes that I don't catch in game that I only catch in review. Too many complaints in this sub about bad teammates holding you back.

    TL:DR: Watch your damn vods and be an adult in game.

    submitted by /u/echo008
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