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    Monday, November 9, 2020

    League of Legends November 14th and 15th Clash LFG Megathread

    League of Legends November 14th and 15th Clash LFG Megathread

    November 14th and 15th Clash LFG Megathread

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:27 PM PST

    Hello Everyone, Riot announced another Clash event. The dates are:

    • November 14th and 15th

    This thread is here to help you find people to play with for the coming weekend. It will be split into four different posts divided by region.

    In your posts, please include the following information:

    • IGN
    • Rank and tier
    • Role
    • How many you have/need

    Optionally include

    • Champion pool/mains

    Join our discord if you would like to find people there

    submitted by /u/PankoKing
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    Immortals assistant coach Paul Decsi says TSM Leena is lying about why TSM are struggling to get imports. Says TSM has burnt a lot of bridges and that it has caught up with them.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:07 PM PST

    Link: https://preview.redd.it/inpfzxfx2ay51.png?width=487&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff432731952244c1685ecf2425e574c1a9418811

    According to Immortals assistant coach Paul Decsi, TSM has burnt so many bridges with talent that it is now affecting them. He says that Riot are working with the the US government, so getting a Visa is not an issue. TSM are fucked because of their own shitty behaviour according to him.

    Edit: People think I am the one who leaks stuff or the one Paul Decis is talking with here. I am not the person who is talking with Paul Decsi on twitter, I dont know who screenshotted it. I found the screenshot on r/teamsolomid, link for the original post where i found this screenshot:


    submitted by /u/LastDare
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    [Jacob Wolf] G2 esports and G2 Perkz have been actively engaging the past two weeks with six different teams — Cloud9, Evil Geniuses, 100 Thieves, TSM, Team Vitality and Misfits — sources told me. Cloud9 are his desired destination, on an #LCS record-setting proposed salary, but... (cont)

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:01 PM PST


    G2 Esports and G2 Perkz have been actively engaging the past two weeks with six different teams — Cloud9, Evil Geniuses, 100 Thieves, TSM, Team Vitality and Misfits — sources told me. Cloud9 are his desired destination, on an #LCS record-setting proposed salary, but... (cont)


    The holdup remains Perkz's buyout, which G2 have told several teams is just shy of $5 million, according to sources.

    If Cloud9 and G2 can come to terms, Perkz would reunite with Zven, his former teammate. The duo won three EU LCS titles from 2016-17.


    Reading comprehension is hard. "Holdup" means that these terms are NOT agreed to. It could very well NOT happen if G2 and C9 can't see eye to eye. Please read.

    submitted by /u/MentallyStableMan
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    Veteran on Paul Decsi/TSM drama: "I've talked to a LOT of potential EU to NA imports this off-season and every single one of them said the same thing: they would only consider one of TL, C9...and yes, TSM."

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 03:10 PM PST

    Link: https://mobile.twitter.com/VeteranEU/status/1325936657506430977

    Here's what Veteran had to say about Paul Decsi's previous claim on TSM burning bridges, and imports no longer wanting to play for them as a result. He's claiming that Malcalypse/Paul Decsi is saying bullshit just because. What are your guys' thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/jacobtredd00
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    AP Assassins did not receive a single new legendary item while AD Assassins got everything they wanted.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 10:44 AM PST

    With the new items coming out soon I thought I'd bring up something that has urked me the most about this preseason's item rework. The massive gap between AP and AD assassin itemization.

    Not only did AP assassins not get a single new legendary, they even lost an item (Hextech Gunblade). They also only gained 2 Mythics with Protobelt being basically the exact same item.

    The difference in flexibility in the itemization between the two types of assassins is so egregious that I don't even need to talk about Mythics (AD Assassins probably have the best Mythics in the game) or haste builds to get my point across.

    Now keep in mind, the purpose of this item rework was to give players better choices and options to deal with more situations. Let's see some in-game examples on how that rework benefits the two sides.

    1. I'm really ahead in a game with little to no CC, as an AP assassin: I can get Mejai's and do more damage. As an AD Assassin: I can go Umbral Glaive, kill every ward and make face checking objectives extremely hard for them. To be honest, if I'm fed I'll be one-shotting people anyway. I'd rather take the vision denying item.
    2. Enemy is poking me out heavily in lane. As an AD assassin: I'll buy some life steal, I can just get Sanguine blade later. AP Assassin: I guess I'll play far back, miss CS and lose pressure. When they should've been expanding gunblade so more AP assassins could use it (like they did sanguine blade) they decided to just remove it instead. :)
    3. Enemy Lulu is shielding her KogMaw and Polymorphing me anytime I get anywhere near him. As an AD assassin: I'll buy QSS and cleanse the polymorph, then use Serpant's Fang to cut right through the shields and send them to fountain. As an AP assassin: I'll just spam FF while being useless. If AD Assassins can even counter Lulu Kogmaw, then I don't know why AP assassins exist.

    TLDR; Let's face it, when it comes to this item rework, AD Assassins won out big time, and they were already winning before the rework. Most of the flexible items I mentioned were already in the game. Riot knew this and gave them even more advantages like Shield Reaver and those insane Mythic items. Yeah, they'll probably nerf AD assassins after a few patches anyway we know that. The thing is, they'll likely never give AP assassins the same fun, creative, and flexible items AD assassins have. And that's a shame.

    submitted by /u/Eternal2
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    I put down 100 lotus traps and I still died...

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:32 AM PST

    Doublelift talking to Leena about Malaclypse: "he's piss random who tried to headshot you and blocked you preemptively"

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 03:42 PM PST

    As of 2021 you will be able to play old League!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:06 AM PST

    There is project (now in closed alpha) which will let you play Beta League, Season One and Season Two! Developers of this project have their own Discord and site! You can also watch videos of how it looks now. The Open beta is scheduled for late 2021. So you can request Closed Beta invitation, or wait until open beta arrives! You will be able to play old Sion, AP Yi and many more champs!

    Their website (includes discord and twitter)

    AP Yi Gameplay.

    submitted by /u/MichalVelc
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    Perkz Watch 2020: Travis explains everything he's heard about the rumored Perkz to NA move

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:45 PM PST

    Sources: Immortals to sign former Astralis jungler Xerxe for his 2021 LCS roster.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:36 AM PST

    New Teaser on the LOL Instagram

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:11 AM PST

    Tyler1 gets 122 LP to officially cross the GM threshold

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:54 AM PST

    New support teased in the items teaser image?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 04:21 PM PST

    see in this image at the bottom left there appears to be a lance in the box of weapons?

    Compare to this one.

    submitted by /u/Oracle_1080
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    A normal lethality build gives 130 ability haste or 57% cdr without any dmg trade off

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:48 AM PST

    A normal lethality build gives 130 ability haste or 57% cdr without any dmg trade off


    To give an example rengar ult becomes 22 sec cooldown with ultimate hunter and 10 ability haste rune from sorcery.

    You get 57% cdr, 377 ad, 20% crit, 48 lethality, 30% armor pen, 5% treshhold execute from "the collector".

    Any AD assassin can build this build, it's perfectly viable and not a troll cdr build or anything.

    We'll see how it works once on live servers.

    My prediction will be that assassins will be dominating the early preseason till there is a change that creates a trade off in cdr OR dmg for assassins like it is with mages right now.

    Edit: fun fact 4 clouds soulds make rengar ult 10.65sec.

    submitted by /u/xMisuto
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    All Stars voting is now live!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 10:12 AM PST

    League of Legends Season 11 Cheat Sheet

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 08:18 AM PST

    Hola people of Reddit,
    My name is Lukas and I am the CEO of the upcoming coaching platform RiftClass. I've been coaching League of Legends fulltime for the last 2 ½ years in the German Prime League scene and the Swiss Hero League, aswell as alot of individual SoloQ players on the EUW and EUNE server reaching from Iron to Challenger.

    Together, with my assistant coaches, we have created sheets that will present our perspective about the upcoming item changes in season 11. We've had more than 100h+ of playtesting on the PBE to display the best insight possible for you guys.

    The sheets show different build paths for each and every role, ranging from your starting item to your last item in different scenarios as well as optional items. These sheets will help you to have a general overview for the item-build-paths and provide the necessary information for the upcoming item changes. Use them to have an edge above your opponents when it comes to item choices.

    If you have any further questions, feel free to join the RiftClass Discord or follow us on Twitter. Hopefully it'll help you out. RiftClass wishes you the best of luck on the Rift!

    EDIT: The sheets: https://imgur.com/gallery/Dx8Ka01
    The Sheets w/ Itemnames - Big Thanks to /u/FriezaSaga : https://imgur.com/a/6Kd0XKP
    Discord: https://discord.gg/6EhdB6v5dr
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RiftClass

    submitted by /u/RiftClass_Hyaz
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    2020 Scouting Grounds Player Power Rankings by Tim Sevenhuysen (Oracle's Elixer) and Pastrytime

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:21 AM PST

    Sometimes you just gotta "persuade" the jungler to go for that steal. that blast cone was totally intentional.......

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:13 PM PST

    Diagnosing and Fixing NA/LCS - Esports Salon Episode 21 (feat. Jack and LiQuiD112)

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 07:14 AM PST

    I fed a machine learning algorithm every league of legends splash art and generated some images

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 07:38 PM PST

    I fed a machine learning algorithm every league of legends splash art and generated some images

    So I had the opportunity to use a pre-trained StyleGan model for free and used a folder of 1000+ league skins (up to KDA all out) to see if I could make something cool.

    Most of them don't resemble any humans so good luck trying to decipher what any of these are supposed to be (maybe new void champ?), but I guess it would help to also know these were trained off a model used for sceneries and landscapes of mountains, so yeah probably not the most accurate model to use.

    If you wanna check out the full album they're here



    submitted by /u/DeltaSquib
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    Last 20 mins of the season... got gold

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:15 PM PST

    My last game of ranked this season was 22 mins before the season ended. I needed one win to get gold. I even left work an hour early to start my last chance try, started today silver 1 52 lp and managed to get their. Just thought i would share this will yall

    op.gg: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Batmanfrommarvel

    Also its not much, but i did try for it

    submitted by /u/BatmanFromMarvel
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    Cody Sun leaves 100 Thieves

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 08:15 PM PST


    "Today we part ways with @CodySun. Thank you, Cody for everything this past year. Wish you the best on your new team next season!"

    Interesting moves from 100T. This basically confirms either John Sun or FBI, right?

    submitted by /u/Falconhero123
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    I'm detecting a pattern.. Most new Champions have an extra bar below mana now. This is my prediction for a champion released in 2021:

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:40 PM PST


    Like what's up with all of the new bars on champions, I wouldn't be surprised if this happened eventually haha

    submitted by /u/Opatelure
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    After 2,217 games of league in s10. I did it!!!!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 04:52 PM PST

    After 2,217 games of league in s10. I did it!!!!

    After years of playing the game. I decided to try and get Diamond before the season ended. I know it took a lot of games. Every few games people would remind me of that and tell me I'm hard stuck.

    I fell from P1 to P3 and figured my race was over but grinded it out anyway.

    Saturday, Sunday, and Today. I just kept winning more than I was losing. The games all felt so intense!!

    I'm so happy. I feel like I have finally been set free.

    I finally did it.


    submitted by /u/Peezaa
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    Drawing all champs day 54 - Katarina

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:31 PM PST

    Drawing all champs day 54 - Katarina

    I know that this background sucks but hey I at least did decent shadows, I guess. In my comic most of backgrounds looks like here and I got used to flat walls with random lines, it works there because characters are way simpler.

    But hey Kayle is tomorrow and with her I can do more abstract background.


    submitted by /u/MrKisiel
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