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    Saturday, November 14, 2020

    LoL Guide Dopa's thoughts on mastering solo Q play

    LoL Guide Dopa's thoughts on mastering solo Q play

    Dopa's thoughts on mastering solo Q play

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 06:24 AM PST

    How I got better at ADC by doing push-ups

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:37 AM PST

    Disclaimer: The concepts ahead are my own way of thinking and playing that I hope help others.

    As an ADC one of the major things that constantly get beat into your head is CS, trading and wave management. I personally looked into all of these tactics and I think I'm mediocre at all of them. Something that stood out to me from all of the advice given from pros and guides was positioning. This to me is the most important thing to know as an ADC. Your goal is to output damage in fights and the longer you stay alive during a fight the more effective you are.

    So I know that my primary way of learning is through negative reinforcement. This might sound a bit weird but I don't learn unless there's a "punishment" so to speak for my bad actions. I began small by doing 1-2 pushups every time I died because I honestly hate working out even though I try to stay in shape. Every death I would get up from my chair and do them as quickly as possible, or wait until the game was over and tally them all up and finish before I did anything else. This drastically improved my KDA because I started to dread the idea of having to do push-ups after I died.

    Also you only often hear pros talk about your mental health and few talk about how your physical health plays into your gaming. It is important to maintain these things as they do impact your play whether you think so or not. Working out isn't fun but the game is for me. So it's common to mix your pleasures with chores so to speak because it helps you do one that you wouldn't do otherwise. And in my case it helped me improve both my physical health and my gameplay. Hopefully this concept helps someone else. And it doesn't have to be push-ups. It can be getting up and going for a walk, forcing yourself to do laundry, cleaning your room, or even taking a break for 3-5 minutes per death after the game is over to refresh your mental state.

    Hope this helps someone and good luck next season.

    submitted by /u/Donatellooo
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    Preseason 11 - Build cheatsheet for all 152 champions

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 12:09 PM PST

    Hi! My name is Neko, I am an amateur coach from LAS, and with help from a close friend, we did a lot of cheatsheets for all champions, with suggestions on how you should build them. I have a lof of experience in theorycrafting and analysing builds and any kind of meta stuff.

    All this builds are based on a month and a half of playing, testing and analysing the items on the PBE, and not any actual data of what is best (for multiple reasons, data from sites like Lolaytics are still not good for making precise conclusions)

    As a disclaimer, I could be totally wrong about these builds but I think discussing them will help us all to learn and experiment.


    AD Carrys
    AD Bruisers
    AD Assassins
    AP (Mages)
    Enchanter Supports
    Tank Supports


    Each link below has the image of the build of 10 champions each link, all in alphabetical order.


    Aatrox - Garen
    Gnar - Kennen
    Kled - Neeko
    Nautilus - Ryze
    Sett - Tryndamere
    Urgot - Yorick


    Amumu - Ivern
    Karthus - Nocturne
    Skarner- Zac


    Ahri - Diana
    Ekko - Kog'maw
    Leblanc - Nautilus
    Nocturne - Swain
    Sylas - Vel'koz
    Viktor - Zyra


    Aphelios - Kai'sa
    Jinx - Sivir
    Swain - Ziggs


    Alistar - Karma
    Leona - Rakan
    Senna - Vel'koz
    Xerath - Zyra

    Is there a champion missing? You think I forgot about a situational item? A skill maxing order is wrong? It would be very helpful to receive feedback to update and improve them! (I will also be updating them in these days from data recollected by sites, while they become accurate)

    I hope they help you to itemize and have fun on preseason!

    EDIT: Seems like a lot of build did not get uploaded on the Imgur links... I will be adding them as I identify what was uploaded and what not.

    submitted by /u/CoachNeko
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    New Things You May Not Know About Items

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 01:30 PM PST

    Hey guys, it's /u/seyandiz here with a quick guide this time.

    With all of the new changes to the shop, some things are hard to notice. Here are some interesting things you might have missed with the new item shop.

    1. Hydra items can be built on ranged champions

    Tiamat, Titanic Hydra, and Ravenous Hydra can now be built on ranged champions. It also counts as on-hit so it'll cast twice with Guinsoo's Rageblade.

    2. Starter Items Changes

    Starter items refund 40% of their original purchase value

    This has always been true, but now it is called out explicitly in game. All other items refund 70% of their value.

    Doran's Blade Omnivamp Doesn't Stack

    In the past, the lifesteal from stacking doran's blades stacked. It was a crazy efficient strategy to build all doran's blades early to destroy your laning opponent. However with this change the efficiency of a second doran's blade is 20% less now and it makes the item barely gold efficient. You'll pretty much never want to stack doran's blades ever again.

    Doran's Ring Changes

    Lost the 1 mana per second passive. However you now gain 6 mana on minion kill, and if you're unable to gain mana you heal instead.

    3. Warden's Mail Item Changes

    Warden's Mail no longer slows attack speed. It now reduces the damage you take based on your max health. Based on testing, it affects minion autos, large monster autos, turret shots, and on hit abilities. It does not affect any other damage.

    You no longer can stack both the Frozen Heart aura and the Cold Steel passive like you used to. They also now share the same named passive, so you should never build two of the Rock Solid passive items.

    It seems weird that Rock Solid isn't a unique item group, which I'll get into next.

    4. Unique Item Groups

    You probably knew that Mythics were unique, but what about all of these other unique item groups? This list is quite long, but I wanted to list them all.

    Unique Mythics

    In case you didn't read anything about items yet, you cannot build more than one Mythic item. You should almost always build one first as well due to their crazy strong item efficiency and passives.

    You can go here to get a list and read about their abilities.

    Unique Mythic Component

    You cannot build multiple of these items at once! They all build into Mythic items, so I believe this is a safeguard for building them to nowhere.

    • Ironspike Whip
    • Lost Chapter
    • Bami Cinder
    • Leeching Leer
    • Noonquiver

    Unique Hydra

    Can only build one of the hydra items at once.

    • Tiamat
    • Titanic Hydra
    • Ravenous Hydra

    Unique Crit Modifier

    Can only build one crit modifier, definitely seen some people misunderstand this in game.

    • Infinity Edge
    • Guinsoo's Rageblade

    Unique Lifeline

    This one was needed for a while! The number of people I saw build both Sterak's Gage and Maw of Malmortius was too often!

    • Immortal Shieldbow
    • Sterak's Gage
    • Maw of Malmortius

    Unique Last Whisper

    Can't double stack up on that % pen.

    • Last Whisper
    • Lord Dominik's Regards
    • Serylda's Grudge

    Unique Quicksilver

    Can't cleanse twice if you can't build two.

    • Quicksilver Sash
    • Mercurial Scimitar
    • Silvermere Dawn

    Unique Mana Charge

    This was added before the item change, but in case you missed the memo. You can't do double tear.

    • Tear of the Goddes
    • Manamune
    • Archangel's Staff

    Unique Glory

    Old news.

    • Dark Seal
    • Mejai's Soulstealer

    Unique Sightstone

    Can't get multiple pink ward boxes.

    • Stirring Wardstone
    • Watchful Wardstone
    • Vigilant Wardstone

    Unique Jungle

    No double smite for you.

    • Hailblade
    • Emberknife

    Unique Support

    No you cannot get multiple support items.

    • Spellthief's Edge
    • Frostfang
    • Shard of True Ice
    • Steel Shoulderguards
    • Runesteel Spaulders
    • Pauldrons of Whiterock
    • Relic Shield
    • Targon's Buckler
    • Bulwark of the Mountain
    • Spectral Sickle
    • Harrowing Crescent
    • Black Mist Scythe

    Unique Void Pen

    Nope, can't double stack % pen.

    • Blighting Jewel
    • Void Staff

    About the Author

    If you liked this, checkout my other /r/summonerschool posts.

    submitted by /u/seyandiz
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    Playing league alone?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 03:02 AM PST

    Me and my friends have been playing lol on and off since season 2 none us have ever been fans of ranked which means we've been having fun i normals. But later I have been finding it interesting to play ranked and see if I'm just a hard stuck bronze as I think.

    But the problem is, I'm to scared. I think is the pressure of being on a team with 4 people you don't know and that you have to perform and if you don't you are basically ruining the game for 4 other people. This have come so far I can't even played drafts alone and if I ever play alone I play Arams.

    So I'm missing some crucial brain parts which makes me a blob, have ever any of you felt the same? Am I just thinking to much of a video game? What should I do to be able to playing alone?

    submitted by /u/TagGe69
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    All junglers should build a support item as soon as your smite is upgraded

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 10:46 PM PST

    In high elo, most junglers buys the 400g support item after completing their smite quest. Vision is an extremely underrated aspect of the game and having an extra person on your team able to place 4 wards per back can be the difference between a win or a loss.

    While pathing/ganking/fighting, just last hit a few minions (cannons/melees are especially good here for faster quest completion) and duck back into the jungle. Rinse and repeat. The damage oriented support items like Spellthief's Edge is less commonly seen on junglers, but may be stacked quickly if you are getting into a ton of skirmishes, which is situational.

    If you notice your opponent doing this too, make sure to communicate to your teammates that you need at least 2 to 3 sweepers on your team. I envision Riot nerfing this, or we are back to a Tracker's knife jungle meta.

    submitted by /u/Peeping_Cat
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    One important idea from Dopa's talk: TP is actually stronger early than Ignite is for midlane.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 12:34 PM PST

    I see a lot of people go around with the misconception "if I have ignite, I have to force early game plays" and start taking trash trades because of it. This idea comes from the days of Ignite Riven top where you would just all-in level 1 and win because of ignite.


    Here's a clip of Bjergsen talking about how to play against TP if you have ignite.

    Early game, there isn't really much of a point in trading. If you blow all of your mana (and HP) early game, he can just recall, and TP back to lane.

    At that point, the lane is hard lost. They have complete lane control so you're forced to recall, which causes you to lose a dozen minions worth of gold and EXP.

    This is why TP was the most picked summoner spell for mid lane BY FAR at Worlds 2020. There was no mid lane champion that did not pick up TP as their main summoner spell.

    I'm like pretty sure at this point that ignite top is unironically worthless. It's shit in lane and also shit past-laning phase.

    So what's the purpose of ignite? As Bjergsen says, it's just for an all-in oneshot combo.

    For a lot of assassins, ignite actually lets you get over that threshold mid-late where you can one-shot ADCs. A lot of the time, you can get picks that you would literally not have enough damage for.

    And in lane, if you just all-in from 100-0 your lane opponent, they won't ever get to abuse the fact that they have TP.

    So if you're in a lane where you're playing against TP with ignite, don't force trades. I mean sure, if you can blow their TP early without losing too much HP/mana, that's great. But your health is a resource. You don't want to blow it until you can commit to an all-in/you're getting a gank.

    I mean, it's gotten to the point that in the major leagues, Leblanc now picks up TP more than ignite.

    To be fair though, in pro play, solo kills very rarely happen, which makes ignite a lot weaker. I think ignite is still fairly strong on assassins mid lane.

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    Season 11 In-Depth Bard Guide by Lathyrus a Challenger Bard OTP

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 05:31 AM PST

    Hey Bard Lovers! Preseason is finally here: meaning new items, new meta and new builds. We updated our mobafire featured guide to fit these new needs of season 11; to guide you through and show you what works best on Bard now depending on your playstyle and elo.

    We love to hear your feedback and will continue to keep the guide always up to date!

    Check it out here: https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/lathyrus-10-23-euw-challenger-guide-how-to-carry-in-solo-544216

    submitted by /u/Lathyrustv
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    Guinsoo doesnt boost Kraken for most ranged champions

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 08:54 AM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    This 2 items together seem like a good way of handling tanks, but sadly they dont really work that well together.

    Buying both items still means that Krakens true damage procs on every 3rd auto, so 3rd-6th-9th-etc.


    this is only true for champions whose autoattacks are projectiles, for melee champs and ranged champs who dont use projectiles, the procs come faster, it procs on 3rd-5th-7th-10th-etc autoattacks.

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Is it just me or did jungling get way more feast or famine?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 07:23 AM PST

    I'll preface this by saying I am in no way a great jungle. I would say I'm relatively decent. But my few jungle games since the update, I've noticed it feels way more feast or famine. I can get a kill and 2 assists early game and try my best to power farm while also ganking when it looks good.

    It feels like if the enemy jungle gets 2 kills and some assists while having a good bit less cs than me, I feel useless. My last few jungle games, if I don't get giga fed early, I fall WAY behind. To the point that I find myself 2-3 lvls under enemy jungle and therefore have like no way to contest objectives or even get near the enemy jungle.

    Again I'm not the best jungler but man I feel like a shit ass jungler since the item update. I've played mostly Kayn, Vi, and Maokai. I'm being told Kayn is hella strong right now but man if I don't pop off, I feel like trash.

    submitted by /u/Aterix21
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    Not all mythic items are the same but I feel the majority of the time they should be a 3rd item.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 03:55 PM PST

    I have not done any math myself, my theory is based off phreaks video with a gold effective spreadsheet shown throughout.

    With the majority of mythic items being gold inefficient as a first buy should there be build paths that include some legendaries, boots, and then a mythic? Of course this wouldn't apply to all builds. The adc mythics are gold effective just already so most of the time I wouldn't see tmost of the "marksman" stray away from the three except maybe kai Sai, and then ezreal/corki might want triforce or finish thier tear first. Just want to talk about different options because I have been seeing a lot mythic first buys lately.

    submitted by /u/Validus-Miles
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    My beginner Seraphine Support guide

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 01:39 PM PST


    Here is my beginner guide for Seraphine Support. It provides a simple item build that doesn't rely on active effects, strictly abusing passives. If you play this build right, it can buff your entire team and helps show you the Support role. Seraphine is a fantastic beginner Support that has a low skill ceiling, so by learning her, you can help learn the more complicated Supports. Seraphine is fairly overpowered at the moment, so might as well abuse it while you can. I really enjoy this champion.

    submitted by /u/rabidrabbitx
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    What's your opinion about this player

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 01:17 PM PST

    I've got a old friend lf mine from highschool that recently got in silver ... I asked him to help me too on my euw acc to grind . I tried to grind first as ADC , but playing adc hurts my head(I'm terrible at multitasking) . Then I gave up on playing adc , even though my winrates are just like on support , my exp from grinding to silver as a support on eune enables me to be able to play the role(supp.) comfortablely. Now with my backstory over , here's the question : "Should I keep playing with him?" I kinda feel like he's trolling(idk if it's pure bad intent) but let's say that today he did a perfect match with Volybear and than 2 looses as Kayn ... Even though I asked him as nicely as I could to play what's is he the most confident with(his stubbornness hurts my mind)... Idk , grinding alone feels kinda lonely , but hearing someone having ego along the lines of : "Dude , you're just bronze 2 and I'm silver" is offensive :(

    What should I do with this guy ?

    submitted by /u/Chris2kN
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    Everything thing that a good ADC must know

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 03:17 PM PST

    hi! the season number 10 was my first season and i chose to play as ADC. I was playing alone without duo and actually I'm in gold elo but i know there are so many things that i don't know and of course I would like to steel improving to myself as adc to reach diamond in this new season as quickly as possible, it's hard to do it alone specially when I don't know what I really need to improve as ADC if you can bring me your support I really appreciate it.

    1) What's the fundamentals for a good ADC?

    2) how can I use practice tool to improve those fundamentals?

    3) is it really important to play according to the meta in low elo?

    Whatever information you have is valuable for me, thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/01artemisa10
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    New Player Here, VERY New

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 12:49 PM PST

    Hey guys! I've been playing TFT a lot the past few months and been loving everything about, and I was wanting to get into the base game as well. My issue is that the only PC games I play only need a mouse, so my skills with the keyboard are severely lacking. I have a good amount of knowledge about the game genre because I play a lot of Smite on my Xbox, so the controls are the only thing I really need help with. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me get better with the controls so I can play for real?

    submitted by /u/Tbird1945
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    Here’s why Crit/AD ADC’s are dead for good.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 12:49 PM PST

    Riots item re-work is an awesome thing. I'm in love with the concept. But they ROYALLY goofed on ADC's.

    How'd they do that?

    Because they gutted raw AD & Crit on items, gutted Crit Damage, and gutted champions passives that work on Crit. That's a 4x Nerf to crit ADC's.

    What they have back was more AS on those items.

    So why are crit ADC's dead? Because now it's unfixable without a complete revert on ADC items. With the new rage blade, AS/OH ADC's now get all the AS they used to, plus some, more AD, more on-hit damage, and to top it off some crit they never got before!!

    Well... how come they can't just buff the crit & AD items to fix the crit/AD ADC issue? Because now that AS/On-Hit can utilize these crit items, giving anymore AD/Crit will make those AS/OH ADC's giga-broken, and the AD/Crit champs even with the rest of league.

    They can't do that, because it would unbalance the game more.

    Okay, so what about a passive, ability, and stat rework on the AD/Crit ADC's to offset it?

    Not going to happen. The time investment requirement to rework all of the crit ADC's and try to keep their uniqueness instead of "just another AS ADC" would be monstrous. They can't buff their base stats enough to make up for it, because it would break their early game. They can't buff their scalings to make up for it, because they'd still suffer hyper low win rates and only be useful at major late game.

    So uh... what's riot probably going to do? The answer? Nothing. They will make more money by ignoring the AD/Crit issue and just releasing new... and I use this word lightly for riot... "unique" ADC champions that don't have that issue. So you know, you'll buy them.

    So what happens to my favorite AD/Crit ADC now? Shelf em bud. They're dead, and riot won't be resurrecting them. Time to learn a new champ, new role, or maybe a new game.

    Wait wait. Why's Jihn doing so well then? Isn't he a crit / AD ADC? I see him on the top charts with uh... holy that's a lot of...mages?!? in bot lane?

    Jihn is unique in the fact AS does not make him attack faster. Why? Because Jihn fires at a fixed rate. So uh, what happens to all that AS? It gets converted into AD. Which makes up for the lack of AD on items. So unless everybody gets the Jihn passive... say bye bye!


    submitted by /u/Tymazen
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    My greatest hurdle -- the fear to commit

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 11:12 AM PST

    TL;DR: I've played casually on and off for many years and am a HotS veteran but I'm frankly 2scared and anxious to get past the overwhelming tsunami of possibilities of what I could do "ideally" in any given situation in league and tend to freeze up in-game or play ridiculously defensively and rarely commit to action outside of bot games or playing with friends. But I want to get past this and be able to confidently handle normals and maybe even eventually ranked, if anyone has any advice.

    Hi, I've been lurking on this board on and off for years. Likewise, I try playing League every year or so ever since it was a much newer game but I always tend to get overwhelmed or intimidated to a point I just stop... but I keep coming back, over and over, since I love the basic gameplay/concept, the characters, the art, the lore, etc. and throughout the mid-2010s I played a lot of HotS, a MOBA that was simple and straightforward enough that I was actually able to grasp it, play it a ton and become pretty damn good at it, and love the ride. I've decided it's time to graduate to the more popular (and less-dead atm) MOBA I've always wanted to play, and I've been banging my head into the wall of League for weeks this time, constantly reading guides, watching vids and trying to practice in practice tool, bot games and normals, but I've reached a particular layer of that wall that I'm having trouble getting past. As the title says, it's my fear of committing.

    I can dance around the waves in earlygame and know some decent amount of wave management. I love poking as long-ranged champs and engaging with CC when it's painfully obvious (lane opponent wasted a cooldown, an ally's getting engaged on and I'm nearby etc) but when the teamfighting starts, or I'm getting out-traded, or I make any mistake I tend to as a newbie (realized I have on the wrong runes, bought the wrong item in the wrong order for my matchup, got the rift herald and didn't use it in the ABSOLUTE PERFECT PLACE etc.) I just... freeze up. I start playing uber defensively and get scared to initiate or make plays. I start getting scared to even throw out abilities sometimes, fearing what my teammates and the enemies might think if I don't use all my abilities in literally the most ideal way imaginable. "Simple" champions like Annie are still scary because I start overthinking when to use her stun, if I should hold it near max stacks or try to 'hide' it 2 or 3 stacks down before initiating, and the sheer number of options I have for that and when/how/where/on whom to use it start to get staggering and completely weigh down my ability to think or act. Even on Garen I get terrified of when/where/how/why to initiate, knowing I have no real hard CC or 'leap' or anything to get where I need to or shut someone down, I'm supposed to just run in and hope for the best and I fear doing that in any but the most ideal possible way, even in normals, will be such a bad thing that I should feel deeply ashamed.

    I've had this problem my whole life in various ways (it's a real thing, called rejection-sensitive dypshoria) but it's something I'm usually able to get over as I gain confidence in a thing. In HotS, I reached a point at which I was calling shots and carrying games. In other 'stressful' gaming situations like tanking in an MMO, I'm able to read guides, prepare then perform well and love every second of it. But in league, just playing the game even on the most simple champs, with how much I know the community gets riled up so bad that even when I mute them I can almost "feel" their hatred seeping thru, and thinking of the sheer number of options I have in any given scenario (farm? run away? initiate? on who? do i have the right items? am i confident I can execute just right? which team members' battles should i help with or avoid? which objectives should i try to get and when and why? should i push tower or just push wave in and roam? wtf do i do if they see me approach the lane and back off when i roam? etcetc) just shuts me down. I keep trying, keep studying, keep running practice toola nd bots games between every normal, but it always feels like I'm so outplayed and outskilled to such an extreme degree even in low normals with a bad win/loss record, that even the bottom of the barrel people I'm getting matched with are already miles ahead of me because "everyone" has been playing this game for most or all of the last decade it seems. It's so hard to get myself to just grin and bear it through that.

    I think part of the problem's that I keep insisting on playing top and mid because they're the 'roles that teach you the most about the game, wave management, dueling, laning phase fundamentals, and the metagame'. Maybe support would be better to focus on till I get more confidence and get more used to normals, though my ADC would even more intently judge every move I make -- I LOVE playing support w/ friends when i get to but with a rando it seems pretty overwhelming. Maybe if it's a 'carry' support like Brand...? And I love jungling, like I REALLY love jungling conceptually and the lack of having to wave-manage would take a lot of stress off as I get used to things... but I know it's the "worst role" to learn fundamentals and you're expected to have good overall meta knowledge and champ matchup knowledge for ganks.... though maybe I could fake it 'till I made it with chars like rammus, amumu or Yi... if y'all think that's not too unhealthy-habit-forming for a new player who genuinely wants to get good at the game. Or maybe even ADC, the role I've even considered the least, if I have a babysitter support but would never blame them for roaming, focused on improving CS and farming for awhile and just "not screwing up" and "trying not to die" and then right clicking people with extreme prejudice later in to the game, maybe that's just what I need to bloom? I'm not sure. All I know is that I'm sick of freezing up so bad or overthinking every scenario and I want to know what I might be able to do to get used to non-bot-game (I'm SICK of them) real-competitive modes and not feel like a complete idiot the whole while, if anyone has any ideas.

    But yeah, sorry for the massive post. Thank you if you take the time to read it, even if you have nothing to say about it. I'd appreciate literally any insight here though. And I'm happy to watch any videos or read any guides pertaining to things like this, though frankly I think I've spent way too much of the last few weeks watching/reading league guides and way too little actually *playing*, and that's what I'm trying so hard to do here.

    submitted by /u/hip-indeed
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    How to teach my level 32 friend who didn't quite grasp the game yet?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 05:06 AM PST

    Just for reference, I'm gold 4 so I'm no Faker, but my friend asked me if I could teach him league. The thing is, even if we play for a while he doesn't improve, so I need to teach him from the basics. Where and why would you start learning your new friend? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/legioneu
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    How to play League now?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 10:39 AM PST

    I am completely lost. I started playin in Season 3 and this is the first time I'm hard struggling with a preseason. For some reason it feels awful no matter what role/ champ I play. I always feel like I'm missing something, while before the patch I could easily set a build I know will give me everything I need and work toward it. I reached Diamond 3 with every role except jungle and this is the first time I am REALLY struggling and feel like quitting League. Anyone else feel this way?

    submitted by /u/HappyLemon745
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    Mythic item system detrimental to supports?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 04:23 PM PST

    Aite can someone just break down the new ADC meta for me

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:38 PM PST

    Playing Clash this weekend and I'm supposed to play ADC. I have no idea what the ADC meta is. For reference I'm D4 so my tier is probably like Tier 2. I've played a few games since the new patch but they've mostly been 4fun games where I just went like AP Nasus.

    My best ADC's are Ezreal and Caitlyn, but I can also play Miss Fortune, Ashe, Jhin, and Sivir. I hear Vayne is pretty good right now, but my Vayne's dogshit so that's out of the picture. How are these champions in the current meta? What do they build? Is there any video or guide out so far from high elo players that provides some kind of basic breakdown of the ADC meta?


    Edit: I also play a pretty clean Senna is she any good rn

    submitted by /u/mmmsocreamy
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    Damage improvement.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 03:52 PM PST

    I fell like unless insanely fed, it's hard to do damage to the enemy team. As soon as I start trading, or a fight is engaged I get collapsed or all they all in me and I get nervous of taking damage or dying so I run/disengage . I'm trying to learn to kite as an adc but I think that may take a while. Is there any tips to give damage without dying or being fed? ( I'm focusing on playing adc or top lane second pick). I guess any other team fighting or lane tips would also be appreciated as I fell like they would help as well.

    submitted by /u/Aaron22
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    Does OP.GG score actually mean anything?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 07:03 AM PST

    Am I the only one who finds the OP.GG's scoring system kind of a joke?

    The way they score isn't known specifically, but from scores it's pretty obvious that they weigh certain things more than others. For example, playing a support practically guarantees you the "ACE/MVP" badge due to how much emphasis is placed on vision. But it's pretty common for one person to take over the game only for someone else to get the badge. It really just seems like a way to sate players who think they played the best, and often isn't an accurate reflection of the game whatsoever (that's not even counting the fact that looking purely at stats rarely tells you anything about the actual game).

    submitted by /u/Dec111819
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