• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 14, 2020

    League of Legends Travis Gafford: Santorin has verbally agreed to join Team Liquid for the 2021 season, signing a one year contract

    League of Legends Travis Gafford: Santorin has verbally agreed to join Team Liquid for the 2021 season, signing a one year contract

    Travis Gafford: Santorin has verbally agreed to join Team Liquid for the 2021 season, signing a one year contract

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 02:34 PM PST


    Sources: Santorin has verbally agreed to join Team Liquid for the 2021 season, signing a one year contract.


    This means that the full Team Liquid roster for 2021 has been reported as:

    • Top: Alphari

    • Jungle: Santorin

    • Mid: Jensen

    • ADC: Tactical

    • Support: CoreJJ

    submitted by /u/axw30
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    ADC 1v1 in a nutshell

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 11:39 AM PST

    Sources: FNATIC have reach made verbal commitments to Cloud9 to sign Nisqylol, replacing Nemesis as their midlaner for the 2021 LEC season.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 06:09 AM PST

    FNC Selfmade does solo baron nashor at 20 minutes with Amumu

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 12:38 PM PST

    Preseason Nocturne

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 02:38 PM PST

    Can/should T1 be penalized by RIOT?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 06:47 AM PST

    With the recent T1/LS controversy, and the news that T1 specifically allowed users use toxic/homophobic attacks (link), should RIOT take punitive action against T1? Their actions are clearly against RIOT's code (and Discord's too for that matter).

    This situation seems very similar to the Echo Fox forced sale where they had an employee use racist language, and RIOT forced them to get rid of him, and when they did not, RIOT forced them to sell their team (link), so it seems that RIOT would have the authority to take action against T1.

    Is this a course of action RIOT should take? The evidence seems pretty damning against T1.

    submitted by /u/BiffHardslab
    [link] [comments]

    Initial Breakdown of the Data of Patch 10.23

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 12:03 PM PST

    With the patch having debuted for three days, I thought it'd be worthwhile to make a roundup post so that people who have been avoiding playing, as well as people who have been playing but still aren't sure what's good and what isn't, would have some reference on the data of the patch and what things are doing well based on data and what things aren't.


    1. This post is based on data 3 days into the patch so there's the chance that a week from now the meta does not quite look the same as it does right now
    2. With that being said, with the number of games available for analysis, I think there's a decent portrait to be painted about the meta
    3. Data is taken from u.gg and op.gg. Most of the numbers are going to be Diamond+, the samples from Masters+ are a bit on the small side. I will occasionally bring up higher ELO if I think it helps make a point but will mostly avoid it.
    4. Because this analysis is based on winrates, it's really hard for me to give a perspective that's going to match overall high elo (Challenger) because of the specialization of the players there and the low sample size for games. Kindred or Nidalee might be good (though their winrates look like theyre in the trash can), but unless there's some sort of statistical data to back that up, I'm not going to go claiming it.

    Sunfire Tanks

    I'm going to make this its own section because I think it probably deserves that.

    Winrates tell a pretty compelling story about what class of champions is strong in general right now, especially for Top and Jungle. In Top lane, as of the time of writing this post, the top 5 slots for win rate are all occupied by tanks: in order, it is Poppy, Malphite, Shen, Cho'Gath, Maokai, all at about 54%+.

    In Jungle a similar story develops. The top 3 win rates are Amumu, Nunu, and Rammus. Sejuani, Zac, Dr. Mundo all are also doing well.

    The unifying thread between all of these picks is that they all go Sunfire first item for their Mythic.

    Why are Sunfire tanks at such a high win rate?

    1. We're still early into the patch. This means a lot of experimenting, a lot of suboptimal play, a lot of compositions that are probably much more "for fun". Tanks exist solely to punish this kind of experimentation because most of the time, tank itemization is not as punishing of a lack of optimization as most carry builds are. If I build Randuin's when I should have built Frozen Heart, it's not great, but I'm likely still getting the job done. Compare that to the case of an ADC. If you build BT where you should have built a Last Whisper upgrade, you suddenly have 0 damage to deal with the tank who just finished a Randuin's - the choice is much more important for non-tank roles.
    2. That aside, if it were truly just the nature of the early meta, we likely would see some tanks fall to the wayside. This is also not the case. The lowest win rate true tank at the time of writing this post is Ornn, sitting at ~51.5% win rate. The fact that no single champion representing the class is below 50% would likely point towards other sources of strength. This strength comes from
    3. Sunfire Aegis. A lot of people have realized just how much raw damage the item provides. The flat damage, on top of the bonus health scaling, and the 72% amp over prolonged fights, as well as the empowered autos make this item a full package. The stats it provides, while not completely cost-efficient, are actually much nicer than the old Sunfire Cape. This is because Sunfire Aegis is a complete package. It is one of the strongest 1-item spikes in the current meta. It gives health, armor, MR, ability haste, and damage in one for 3200 gold. The immediate spike a tank gets from buying Sunfire is very hard to compare to the spikes other champions get off of their Mythics.
    4. This is in direct contrast to most Mythics for tank-busting. Kraken Slayer, Eclipse, Divine Sunderer - one of the problems with building most of these, is that champions get one choice of Mythic. A lot of the time sacrificing the slot for more efficient tank-busting is just not something players tend to do. More importantly, most of these items require more than 1 item to start efficiently working through tanks. Kraken Slayer needs additional attack speed before the True Damage can start punching Holes, Eclipse needs the Assassin to be naturally accelerated otherwise Sunfire will out-value it, Sunderer wants a Cleaver to maximize the physical damage dealt. The only exception is Liandry's, which starts working immediately without assistance.
    5. Tanks are both evergreen champions, but also exceptional game accelerants. Traditionally, tanks spike hardest mid-game when they have two tank items that out value the damage items the enemy teams carries have. In these scenarios, the team fighting and diving pressure a tank creates incredibly useful in forcing around the map and opening or widening leads. But this isn't to say tanks traditionally fall off - they are a mainstay in maintaining team formation during fights. They are useful over the duration of the game, but one thing the addition of Sunfire Aegis did was to make their 1-item spike incredibly potent alongside all their other spikes. This is actually huge for the class as it shores up one of their weaknesses - the inability to function incredibly well off just 1 item.

    In the current situation, tanks are the complete package. Having one while ahead makes you snowball that much harder - many of the top lane tanks have their highest win rate in the 0-25 minute game length window - Ornn, for example, has the same win rate pre-25 as he does post 40. Having one, in general, tends to make the game easier to play historically, but when they double as carriers throughout the mid-game, win conditions are much easier to realize.


    Outside of Tanks, the best picks are side-lane carries - not much of a departure from the previous meta. To list a few, you have Camille, Kled, Yorick, Wukong, Fiora, etc. Most of these champions want either Goredrinker or Trinity and they all share the common thread of spiking on 1 and 2 items. While these champions don't boast as high of a win rate as their tank counterparts, they are a pretty high combined pick rate when categorically grouped and all perform between the 50 and 52% mark - stable, staple picks.

    For most of these champions that want Trinity Force, the staple build might look something like Trinity, Ravenous Hydra, Death's Dance, Sterak's, GA. One might consider options of BoRK, Wit's End, or Black Cleaver depending on the situation. If that sounds familiar, it's because it is - these champions haven't changed much as a result of itemization changes.

    For champions in the same vein as Wukong or Kled, Goredrinker into Black Cleaver is probably the staple opening combination (though perhaps Trinity for Wukong) and then default to the normal bruiser build. If you're a top laner, and you liked playing these champions - good news, they're the same champions they've just about always been, and they're not particularly bad.

    One exception to this list is Kayle who is overperforming incredibly well due to her incredible synergy with the new Nashor's Tooth and Riftmaker, effectively replacing the old Nashor's Gunblade. The sample Kayle build looks something like Berserker's > Nashor's > Riftmaker > Deathcap > Hourglass > Lich Bane. One could consider Banshee's, Void, Demonic Embrace as alternatives.

    Explanations and Notes

    The main concept - and you'll see this enforced further down once I get through all of the other roles - is that most of these champions spike well with their Mythic and have good amounts of innate synergy. An example of this - in Trinity users - is that the Trinity builders always had good synergy with Trinity. The Mythic change just gave them better synergy with it. What the new items did do, is create more options for champions to have synergy with. Naturally, the best champions are the ones with very high synergy with their items.

    One way to break down Sunfire users is to think about just how much high innate synergy they tend to have. What do tanks want to do? They want to live long in the middle of a team fight and disrupt the enemy. What does Sunfire do? It gives them omni-tank stats to do that against any kind of damage - gold inefficient as it may be. What does it do on top of that? Provides extra reward for being able to stay alive in the form of damage.

    What do Kled or Wukong want to do? Engage the fight and get into the thick of it and just kill people. What happens on the engage? They're usually in the middle of everyone in the backline and taking huge amounts of damage. Goredrinker gives them a second wind to go berserk even more.

    I'm going to include my ideas on a tier list here, just for the sake of people who want an idea of what to pick - but do take it with a pinch of salt.

    Tier List:

    S Sunfire Users, Camille, Kayle, Vayne if into Tanks with a stable jungle matchup
    A Fiora, Wukong, Jax, Quinn, Kled, Volibear, Kennen, Urgot, Jayce, Akali
    B Mordekaiser, Sett, Teemo, Irelia, Darius


    Outside of Tanks, Jungle has a good amount of diversity. Most of the picks are champions with strong synergy with their Mythic choices. Hecarim and Vi with Trinity Force, Kha'Zix with Duskblade, both forms of Kayn with Goredrinker or Duskblade for Rhaast and Shadow Assassin respectively. From the previous jungle meta, the carryovers are Graves and Evelynn - both are incredibly stable at relatively high P/B presence. Graves goes Eclipse -> Lethality, Evelynn goes Harvester -> Deathcap -> Lich Bane/Void -> etc.

    One pick to watch is Sunfire/Stridebreaker Udyr - it is performing extremely well in higher ELOs at the moment with a 57.5% winrate in Diamond 2+, and a 62% win rate in Masters+

    Explanations and Notes

    Overall jungle playstyles seem to relatively favour opportunistic playstyles rather than gank-heavy pathing. This is consistent with the fact that though the items may have changed, jungle EXP has not changed a huge amount (I believe the Krug changes were mostly XP neutral). What has changed, obviously, is picks that work well in the infrastructure.

    The unifying thread is that jungle picks with clear choices and synergy with their opening Mythic perform well. A few standouts that popped up include Chemtank/Sunfire Skarner and Goredrinker Olaf. The jungler is still a carry-oriented role - make no mistake. The tanks that are popping up are going to feel like carries due to the strength of Sunfire. The difference is, the timing of spike - you really want to be able to spike on items 1-3 as the jungler right now.

    Other things to note:

    I suspect the changes to Gromp (restoring HP and mana when killed) likely also helped bolster Kha'Zix - as the guaranteed sustain from his rotations, on one of the camps he takes the most easily - likely gives him more opportunity.

    The consuming of the smite item is actually very helpful to champions who previously simply did not care that much for going any of Warrior, Echoes, or Cinderhulk - Hecarim comes to mind here.

    Tier List

    S Sunfire Tanks, Kha'Zix, Hecarim, Kayn, Evelynn, Udyr
    A Graves, Vi, Skarner, Olaf
    B Master Yi, Xin Zhao, Elise, Rek'Sai, Fiddlesticks


    No Tanks here. Except Sunfire Sett at higher ELOs, who is pretty good.

    Rocketbelt Abusers create a holy trinity at the top from Diamond to Master- Fizz, Ekko, and Galio

    A lot of the big winners here are AP Assassins and Burst Mages - Luden's Annie, Harvester Diana, Riftmaker Akali. Perhaps the biggest winner is Katarina - who tends to build Harvester > Nashor's but can just about go any build under the sun due to the changes to make her abilities deal on-hit damage.

    Viktor seems to continue to perform well, in spite of the hotfix nerfs but not quite at the insane winrate he was before.

    There's also Kayle, who seems to be overtuned right now due to the combination of new Nashor's and Riftmaker, as was the case in top lane.

    Explanations and Notes:

    In the case of Luden's and Rocketbelt, the Mythic effect of 5 Magic Penetration per additional Legendary is incredible for mages who have good base kits for dishing out damage but lacked the numbers to punch through. A lot of the AP Mythics send burst mages and Magic Damage Assassins over key thresholds for being able to remove targets. The 200-300 base damage on Protobelt, on top of the Haste and additional MPen really push Ekko, Galio, and Fizz over the finish line, giving them the finishing power, but also the manoeuvrability in fights that make them plain obnoxious to try to deal with.

    In these cases, it's less of a question of synergy between champion and mythic, but more or less a raw numbers game. Do Fizz and Ekko have high synergy with Protobelt? Yes. But they could also have equally good synergy with Luden's or with Night Harvester - the question is which item puts them over the finish line. The raw numbers on Rocketbelt itself are the highest - it gives the most damage, and the highest haste. In the case of Galio, Ekko, and Fizz, it also serves as an auto attack reset in a pinch.

    The absolute best picks, Katarina, notwithstanding are the ones who, like I said so many times before now, have really good synergy with their mythic item (Liandry's Malzahar for example), or whose Mythic item choice gives them the little bit of extra damage or Haste that they lacked from before.

    Most of these champions are also exceptionally good skirmishers who can brawl in the thick of it when all of the champions hit their Mythic spikes and the game begins to devolve into more loose fighting. In SoloQ in general, these types of champions almost always historically perform well - think of your Talons, your Zeds, your Katarinas - but in this case, the roster is different due to itemization.

    Tier List

    S Fizz, Ekko, Galio, Kayle, Katarina, Akali, Viktor
    A Diana, Malzahar, Annie, Rumble, Brand, Jayce, Xerath, Sett, Orianna
    B Qiyana, Zoe, Syndra, Sylas, LeBlanc

    Bot Lane

    Bot lane statistics seem to tell the tale of extreme determinism. At relatively lower levels of play - more things are viable. You see Kraken Slayer Kog'Maw, Kraken Slayer Vayne. The higher up the ladder you go, the more it starts to look like the way to win bot lane has nothing to do with relying on scaling, but simply winning lane.

    The 3 most dominant picks at the ADC are Samira, Jhin, and Ashe. 1 of the 3 will be in about 1/3 of all games, and all of the 3 have very favourable winrates.

    Other picks popping up include MF and Kai'Sa. One unusual but seemingly very potent niche pick is Swain.

    In the support role, the same story is mostly true. Lane dominant and kill pressure oriented supports with playmaking potential are outperforming their enchanter counterparts - Bard, Leona, and Thresh. The higher you go, the more the enchanters disappear. Though in all honesty, this likely has little to do with Mythics.

    Explanations and Notes:

    Bot lane mythics aren't particularly game changing - the changes to ADC itemization gave ADCs more flexibility in what they go, but not necessarily more power. Shield Bow is a bastard combination of a Bloodthirster and a Crit item, Kraken creates much more concentrated DPS come late game, and Galeforce gives flexibility in positioning through the midgame.

    What none of these items do particularly well, however, is spike immediately in terms of damage. Shield Bow certainly makes ADCs live longer in fights, but ADCs have never particularly been champions that can somehow carry fights on 1 item, no matter how long they live. Kraken Slayer streamlines DPS, but you need more attack speed - perhaps a Guinsoo's - to really start punching holes. Of the 3, Galeforce is likey the strongest single item spike, but is also the least utilized.

    In an overall meta game where the teams surrounding the ADCs are spiking incredibly hard between items 1 through 3, the best ADCs, unsurprisingly, are the ones that facilitate well - Jhin and Ashe. Samira is Samira and we don't talk about her.

    Kai'Sa also makes sense in these terms, as while most ADCs are getting slaughtered by literally everything on the map, she can join in with her frontline through Killer Instinct - her build also got streamlined by Mythic addition. The simple build of Kraken + Nashor's + Runaans gives her all 3 evolves when built with a Doran's.

    This is also in line with Enchanters not doing well. If the thing you're trying to Enchant is dying from every which angle and every which way, there isn't much of a point to pick it. Picks with better disruption or better presence, or that have more ways to create advantages for the team mid game are simply the easier avenues to victory.

    One other personal note is that I think Imperial Mandate is just gratuitous on most compositions at this point. Teams on the current patch very rarely are going to need the extra damage granted by the mandate, but are likely much more thankful for the massive AoE shield from Locket, or the stat auras. Even the movement speed from Shurelya's is likely more useful than even more damage. The key exception is likely Annie support, who has an incredibly high kill pressure in lane, and also gives massive playmaking potential later on to her team.

    Tier List:

    ADC Support
    S Ashe, Jhin, Samira, Swain? Bard, Annie, Leona, Thresh
    A Kai'sa, Miss Fortune, Draven, Kalista Alistar, Morgana, Nami, Janna, Rakan, Pantheon
    B Draven, Senna, Caitlyn Soraka, Taric, Lulu

    Snowballing in General

    While the statistics don't seem to point towards this, I expect that as the meta gets more solved, games are going to become increasingly deterministic.

    What Mythics don't do is fundamentally change the tenor of the game - people will still play towards win conditions around Herald, around Dragon Soul around Baron. what they do do, is change the way champions spike. Mythic item completion is probably one of the most important aspects of the game for areas outside of the Bot Lane, and due to Mythic passives, every subsequent completion makes your champions that much stronger than your opponents. This means that the avenues to victory, while unchanging, are much harder to contest once your team starts to get behind if the enemy team executes properly around them.

    The general ubiquitous picks seem to support this. You don't see many hyper scaling ADCs outside of Kai'Sa, and you do see a lot of mid-game power in almost every role. There is a lot ot be said, however, that mid-game tends to be one of the strongest compositions for SoloQ either way - so it's possible that I'm exaggerating this point.

    EDIT: Udyr is Stridebreaker and also Sunfire not just Sunfire. Edit was to clarify this.

    EDIT2: Updating Disclaimers to talk about the Tier Lists cause a lot of people take issue with them

    submitted by /u/TormentedLoL
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    EG parting ways with Bang, Goldenglue and Kumo

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 10:14 AM PST


    Today we are parting ways with @Bang, @Goldenglue, and @KumoLoL. Thank you for being part of our Evil family—we wish you all the best. See you on the Rift!

    • Kumo (Toplane)
    • Goldenglue (Midlane)
    • Bang (ADC)

    Jiizuke is contracted to Nov 2021

    Huni is also contracted to Nov 2021

    Evil Geniuses now just don't have adc since huni and jizuke are still there:

    • huni

    • svenskeren

    • jizuke

    • ???

    • zeyzal

    submitted by /u/axw30
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    PerkZ addresses his relationship with Carlos after the G2 drama

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 08:04 AM PST



    So now that we know Perkz and Carlos are still friends, are the people who made up all the drama about Carlos doing him dirty and not being on good terms going to retract from their statements?

    submitted by /u/Llex47
    [link] [comments]

    Dopa reveals his secrets after his last season- part 1

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 12:26 AM PST

    Before the translation

    This season was Dopa's last season before mandatory military service. He decided to talk about how he stayed at the top for so long, and how he views the game. He talks about what he considers to be his trade secrets. It's a long read, but I personally think that it gives insight into the mind of one of the best players to play the game, and arguably the best player never to go pro. You'll get to see how he views the game. The video is quite long, and I already have a wall of text, so I mainly translated what I thought Reddit would like. The video is labeled part 1, so I assume there's more. I may have translated a few things incorrectly, and remarks are welcome.

    Edit: This is roughly half of the video, i might translate the rest if I have more time.

    video link


    League concepts

    Every player has their own way of playing League. No one 'just' plays the game. Each player views the game in a different way. Their understanding of the game then builds into their world view, which dictates how they play the game, or what they do as they play. The way I look at the game of League of Legends is very unique. I have built a world of my own. Viewers frequently ask me how to get better at League, and I always answer in the same way. I tell them to play whatever champions they want to play, and just have fun. I do that because in order actually help them play better, I would have to make them understand my viewpoint. I would have to show them the world that I have built. I thought that would take too long, as there is too much to explain, and I'm not even sure that others would understand the way I view the game. But as it's my last season of League before military service, I thought now would be a good time to at least try to make you guys understand my world of League.

    To understand the way I view the game, you need to understand what a 'concept' is. So what are concepts? They are the fundamentals of the game. There are things in the game that give you huge advantages as long as you know about them. Those are concepts. If you know about them, you know them, and if you don't, you don't. Most people who play league of legends have little to no knowledge regarding concepts. If you want to a skilled League player, you have to know lots of concepts. That's all there is to it. Let me give you a few examples.

    Twisted Fate concepts

    As you all know, I play a lot of Twisted Fate. Lets think about the concepts that have to do with TF. When you play TF, there are 3 basic concepts that you have to know about. I personally don't think I'm a very good TF player. The reason that I appear to be better than others is because I am aware of concepts that others don't know about. You could call that skill, but anyone could do what I do as long as they knew the concepts. The reason no one can climb like me is because they don't know.

    Runes and spells

    Before we get into the details of gameplay, let's talk about runes and spells. I personally don't think that the choice of runes matter that much. Runes are balanced, so using one rune over another is a matter of taste. The important thing is that you have to play according to the runes and spells that you have chosen. The two major rune builds that I used on TF are unsealed spellbook with teleport, and Electrocute with ignite. Think about how you would lane when using those runes and spells. More importantly, think about how your play style should change according to the runes and spells you have chosen. Should you lane aggressively? Are you playing passively?

    When you have electrocute, you should passively until level 5 and avoid trading whenever you can. Try to keep the wave frozen, and save as many potions as possible. When you have unsealed spellbook, you want to play super aggressively. Even if the opponent gets better trades, just use all 3 of your potions and keep trading. Play according to your runes. (reads chat) My chat seems to think that it's the other way around. They think that you're supposed to lane aggresively with electrocute. Wrong. The greatest strength of ignite and electrocute is the burst damage you gain when you use your first ult. You don't have teleport as backup if you die during the laning phase, so one death means you're out of the game. On the other hand, unsealed sealbook lets you play more aggressively because you have teleport as backup in the event that you mess up the laning phase. Anyways, runes aren't actually that important compared to the concepts of the champion. Lets talk about basic TF concepts.

    Concept #1: base timing

    The first basic concept you have to know when playing TF is that TF recall timings are decided in advance. Most people that play the champion aren't aware of these recall timings. This concept is the probably the most important one regarding TF play. You hit level 5, use Q twice, and recall. Of course, you have to play according to the game situation. If you have to recall at 4, then you recall at level 4. But the important thing is that your gameplan revolves around recalling at level 5. Starting from level 1, your goal is to recall after using Q twice at level 5. You play around that goal, though that might not work out as intended.

    So how does this concept work? What does using Q twice at level 5 even mean? Let me talk a little bit about TF first. When TF has minion dematerializer and uses it on the ranged minions, using Q twice at level 5 kills the ranged minions. Most people that play TF know this fact. At level 4, a cannon wave comes mid. When you cs the cannon, you become level 5. That's around when the next wave comes mid. You use Q twice to kill the ranged minions, and then base right away. It's okay to lose a few melee minions as long as you can base sucssesfully.

    The opposing mid can't contest your base because they need to last hit the wave. They also know that you based, So they usually push in another wave to get the item advantage, then recall. When you get back to mid lane, you use Q twice to last hit the ranged minions, and then you become level 6. What happens? You just learned ult, you have full potions and full health, your just used all your gold to buy items, and the enemy midlaner is still walking back to lane. Why? because you recalled at level 5 before they did. Now you have an uncontested use of your first ult, and have high damage potential because you just bought items. No one else in the game is level 6 right now, just you. The top laners are still level 5, and the bot laners are still level 4. The wave is also a cannon wave, so the opposing mid laner can't even push the wave into your turret. You don't even lose exp. That level 5 recall just created the perfect window of oppurtunity to use your ult. This is the first basic concept of playing TF. The difference between knowing this concept and not knowing it is huge. I'm not a great TF player, I just happen to know this important concept. I know this concept, so I always seem to have perfect situations for using my ultimate. It's not something you can learn just from watching replays. You have to understand the underlying concept. Did you guys know about this? Of course you didn't. (Reads chat) Stop lying guys.

    Concept #2 &3

    Next is the second Basic concept. I'll show you guys first. (Clears wave twice) Did you spot the difference? The next concept is about vision when splitpushing. In League, minion vision is lost in the instant that they die. You calculate the time it takes for your Q to hit the wave, and then pretend to walk a different way while the minions are still alive. When the minions die, you go the way you intended to. This isn't just a TF tip, but a tip for all split pushers who have skills that move. The opponent thinks you are moving in a certain direction, but you're going somewhere else. You want to make sure that the enemy doesn't know where you are.

    The third basic concept is also related to splitpushing. As you all know, splitpushers apply more pressure the closer they are to the enemy base. In other words, there are times when you have to splitpush in dangerous situations with zero vision. You have to do this without dying. Knowing how far up you can push according to the enemy comp is important. Knowing how to run away with ult while splitpushing dangerously is the third basic concept. Against champions like olaf, you can just ignore them and ult away when you have to. Against champions like Elise, however, your ult can be interrupted by her E. So you use ult and walk into a bush. Then Elise has no choice but to use E at you, because it looks like you're running away in the bush. So the important thing is to wait out the skills, and then ult away. This simple tip lets you split push so much further, which is often the deciding factor in games past 20 minutes. Ulting and walking into a bush might seem like nothing, but it is gamechanging.

    When you ult back to your team, it suddenly becomes a 4 vs 5 because one of the enemy team members went top or bot to try and kill you. You can use that to clear away all of the enemy vision, which then allows you to splitpush without ult.

    Concepts and laning

    Are these concepts hard? No, they aren't. Most of you could use them if you knew about them. However, you can't utilize these concepts in-game because you don't know about them. Most TF players don't know about these thing, so it looks like my TF is better than other TFs. I always seem to be put in favorable situations, and my enemies always look bad. The thing is, I actually suck at TF. I always lose trades in lane, and most of my bad games are because I get shit on in lane. Theres no point in knowing these concepts if you can't utilize them, and to utilize them you have to, at the very least, be able to go even in lane.

    There are concepts regarding laning too. Lets see... let's talk about the Orianna vs Lucian matchup. Off of the top of my head, here are some laning concepts.

    Use Q on the three melee minions at level 1.

    If Lucian tries to trade, always trade back even if Lucian procs PTA

    Use 3 potions even if Lucian only uses 1.

    If Lucian uses both q and w at level 3 to trade, just recall and teleport back to lane.

    You're letting Lucian trade favorably against you so he uses both q and w and you can recall. This is against d-blade ignite Lucian. Trade fast, then recall. Of course, these are just examples of concepts. There are far too many to talk about all of them.

    How to find 'Concepts'

    Now that I've explained what concepts are, it's time to tell you how to learn these concepts. Theres no point in explaining concepts. The important thing is teaching you guys how to learn these concepts. If you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day, but teaching him how to fish will keep him fed for life, you know? I've showed you some fish, and now I'll show you how to fish.

    When you play the games, there are games when you get shit on. If you aren't winning indefinitely, you'll lose at some point. When you lose, that's when you look at the replay. What put the enemy mid laner in a superior position? What did they do differently, and what kind of situation did they create? Of course, it's impossible to completely control every aspect of the game. You're looking for what they did better than you. Not just what happened, but why it happened. You have to look for the cause, not the result. They might not even be aware of why they won, but you have to analyze the game and find out what made things happen. I personally prefer looking at stomps, because they help you find out what breaks game open.

    Back in the day, I was famous for my Kassadin. Did I develop the build? No, I didn't. I was crushed by a famous Kassadin player, and I stole his build. And then I perfected it. There was a period when I didn't play much TF because I didn't think it was a very good champion. Then I found this TF one-trick on the chinese super server, and learned how to play unsealed spellbook TF by watching his replays. I never created the concepts myself, but stole them from other players. I was always better than the original players because I kept on thinking about the reasons, the causes instead of just playing.

    There are people who were similar in skill to me in previous seasons who are now washed up and struggle to get out of diamond. The difference between me and them isn't in mechanics. If I don't update my concepts, I'm just another diamond player. If those players were to learn all of the concepts that I know, then they would be around the same level as me. I myself would just be another diamond player if I didn't absorb new concepts all the time. I kept updating my database of concepts, and that's what kept me at the top.

    submitted by /u/yoonitrop12
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    Caedrel - FNC should take Lider over Nisqy

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:29 AM PST

    Caps syndra oneshot (not what you expect)

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:28 AM PST

    One of the best 1V1 in league history

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 12:58 PM PST

    Carlos confirms that Perkz is leaving G2

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 02:45 AM PST


    You are the biggest legend that's played for this organization in 6 years and your legacy has gotten us where we are today.

    It hurts to see you go and, while I would have loved to keep this same exact lineup for years, we respect your decision to move on for new challenges.

    Crown emoji

    So this is the end of the story, I guess.

    Also in a separate tweet: https://twitter.com/CarlosR/status/1327558887331991552

    It is not for the money. Luka wants to win worlds.

    submitted by /u/Malhazz
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    Sources: Misfits will buyout Vetheo from LDLC to sign the French player as their midlaner for the 2021 LEC season. Febiven to become a free agent.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:39 AM PST

    Nerfing crit damage and then reducing crit chance on items at the same time makes no sense.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 06:55 AM PST

    I understand nerfing crit damage to smoothen the damage AD carries dealt because 200% damage is quite a bit, and especially if it's an IE rush AD, few things feel worse than getting crit three times on 25% chance and dying, and similarly, few things feel worse than autoattacking someone six times and not critting once. It creates huge disparity left to chance in AD carry DPS.

    So if you nerf crit damage then the disparity between the best case and worst case scenario isn't as massive. But if you do this then it makes sense to INCREASE crit chance on items to make crit more reliable (since it's doing less damage than before) and make up for the loss in damage. Critting more often for less damage means your DPS is roughly as it was before, except it's easier to predict and less left to change.

    Instead what they do is nerf crit chance on items as well, so whereas before you needed 4 items to cap crit (which made sense because crits dealt a ton of damage), now you need 5 items to cap crit with your nerfed crit damage. It just makes zero sense and it's one of the reasons crit carries feel so bad to play right now.

    submitted by /u/tredli
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    Perkz on Carlos hate

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 01:16 AM PST


    Hate has to stop there is already too much in the world, not everything is black and white and not everything will ever be known to public which is the reality of it, having said that I'm super grateful for everything we've built in G2 and I couldn't have been more lucky


    Well I guess I could have been slightly more lucky to pass 2019 worlds finals and 2020 worlds semi finals but let's not talk about that


    but the thing that baffles me the most is people saying or thinking I would ever request G2 to remove Caps

    He is literally like a brother to me and like every other member of the team, they are one of my closest friends and I will FOREVER cherish all moments I've had with them


    by hate I mean hatred towards Carlos, G2, or myself in that matter

    submitted by /u/ShamylSA
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    We really need adaptive helm back

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 03:28 AM PST

    Hello. Adaptive helm was removed because it was "too niche". But now, there are items like liandry's anguish and demonic embrace doing the exact same thing (bonus magic damage over time) and no magic resist items that counter the effects - liandry's anguish increases magic penetration on targets burnt by it, so stacking magic resist doesn't work and it deals % max HP so buying health doesn't work either.

    Adaptive helm is exactly what we need against these new mage items.

    submitted by /u/Yukisuna
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    I appreciate the overall nerf to mana to bring back mana gating

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 02:30 PM PST

    Maybe an unpopular opinion but I appreciate the overall nerf to mana to bring back mana gating.

    As someone who has Sona in their champ pool, it was kind of ridiculous that I could just get a Seraph's with PoM and NEVER go OOM.

    It was too easy. I appreciate the changes because it forces you to be more thoughtful with spells and have actual mana costs that impact your play.

    I've played Anivia and TF quite a bit in the past as well and Anivia in particular, while dependent on mana from RoA and Seraph's, had way too easy of a time pressing R to waveclear. Mana in general for both of them was not a problem once they hit mid game which I don't think was fair and was a bit lazy.

    I understand there may be some rebalancing for champs to help them bring them in line. I don't claim to be correct in what I'm saying but I do believe this is a step in the right direction.

    If there's anything to take away from Season 11 thus far, it's that Riot seems intent on making sure champions are mana gated. I'm all for it. Ever since the removal of mana potions, it really seemed like mana wasn't as crucial of a resource for most champions.

    It's not perfect and more changes may came to mana reliant champions but I agree with the steps Riot is taking.

    submitted by /u/Quality_Cucumber
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    NA Scouting Grounds 2020 / Draft / Post-Match Discussion

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 05:57 PM PST

    2020 NASG MVP: NXI

    IMT Tony Top TOP
    CLG Yeon ADC
    DIG Copy MID
    GG Niles TOP Pick sold by 100 Thieves
    EG Tomio JNG
    GG Yunbee MID
    C9 Shady SUP
    TL Spawn ADC
    FLY Nxi JNG
    TSM Shoryu ADC
    submitted by /u/TomShoe02
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    Preseason 11 - Build cheatsheet for all 152 champions

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 01:22 PM PST

    Hi! My name is Neko, I am an amateur coach from LAS, and with help from a close friend, we did a lot of cheatsheets for all champions, with suggestions on how you should build them. I have a lof of experience in theorycrafting and analysing builds and any kind of meta stuff.

    All this builds are based on a month and a half of playing, testing and analysing the items on the PBE, and not any actual data of what is best (for multiple reasons, data from sites like Lolaytics are still not good for making precise conclusions)

    As a disclaimer, I could be totally wrong about these builds but I think discussing them will help us all to learn and experiment.


    AD Carrys
    AD Bruisers
    AD Assassins
    AP (Mages)
    Enchanter Supports
    Tank Supports


    Each link below has the image of the build of 10 champions each link, all in alphabetical order.


    Aatrox - Garen
    Gnar - Kennen
    Kled - Neeko
    Nautilus - Ryze
    Sett - Tryndamere
    Urgot - Yorick


    Amumu - Ivern
    Karthus - Nocturne
    Skarner- Zac


    Ahri - Diana
    Ekko - Kog'maw
    Leblanc - Nautilus
    Nocturne - Swain
    Sylas - Vel'koz
    Viktor - Zyra


    Aphelios - Kai'sa
    Jinx - Sivir
    Swain - Ziggs


    Alistar - Karma
    Leona - Rakan
    Senna - Vel'koz
    Xerath - Zyra

    Is there a champion missing? You think I forgot about a situational item? A skill maxing order is wrong? It would be very helpful to receive feedback to update and improve them! (I will also be updating them in these days from data recollected by sites, while they become accurate)

    I hope they help you to itemize and have fun on preseason!

    EDIT: Seems like a lot of build did not get uploaded on the Imgur links... I will be adding them as I identify what was uploaded and what not.

    submitted by /u/CoachNeko
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    Without any mention of it in the patch notes, midlane siege minions now give 10 less gold in early game, and attack towers faster

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 12:17 PM PST

    Siege minions used to give 60 gold in early game, and they only give 50 now in midlane while other lanes are unaffected.

    Additionally, they also gain 30% attack speed when targeting towers.

    They talked about this change a while ago, but I think they should have mentionned this in the patch notes since it is actually such a big change.

    submitted by /u/Tib0ww
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    Dopa reveals his secrets after his last season - part 2

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 07:48 PM PST

    Before the translation

    - This translation is the second half of the first video Dopa uploaded on his channel, not a translation of the second video. If you haven't read the first part, check it out in the link below.

    first half of first video

    I noticed that someone else translated the second video that Dopa uploaded on his channel. So I probably won't be translating that one, but I might translate it anyways if you guys want me to.

    The Attention Theory

    There's another theory of mine that I'd like to talk about. It's related to the theory of 'concepts' that I talked about earlier, and is another part of my 'world view'. So what is the Attention Theory? You'll probably find this interesting, so just listen to what I say. It's something that's always on my mind. It's the idea that a human has a limited amount of attention that they can actively choose to focus on different aspects of the game. You probably didn't understand that, so I'll explain with some examples.

    Let's talk about laning. I personally think that there are 3 rules you have to focus on when you lane.

    1. You have to last hit the minions.
    2. You have to harass the enemy to stop them from last hitting.
    3. You have to avoid being harassed by the enemy when last hitting yourself.

    All other plays related to laning, in the end, are ultimately derived from these 3 aspects. Both players know that last hitting is important, so they try to last hit as well as they can. If I try to last hit, the enemy will try to harass me, so they'll use a certain skill at a certain time. Since I know they're going to use their skills, I'll use that chance to trade more effectively. Or say I'm laning against a Xerath. Xerath, knowing those three theories, will obviously want to last hit and harass me at the same time. Since I know that, I'll stand behind a low health minion to try and bait his Q. When he actually uses his Q, I'll sidestep it and avoid being harassed. This is actually pretty easy, because the trajectory of his Q is telegraphed. All laning plays are derived from those three basic rules. Your way you play out the game is dependent on how much attention you put on each of those rules.

    Let's assume you have a total of 100 attention that you can use. What happens if you spend all 100 of your attention on those three rules of laning? (Reads chat) Yeah, you just die to ganks. Even if you start off the game spending all 100 of your attention on laning, you have to have to spend some of your attention on other things at the 2 minute mark. Or to be safe, 3 seconds before the 2 minute mark. You have to spend 15 of your attention to look at the position of your jungle and figure out his pathing. It takes about 5 attention to check the time, and you have to spend 10 to predict the pathing of the enemy jungle. That only leaves you with 70 attention to lane with. You have to spend 3 seconds doing that, and then go back to laning with 100 of your attention. Then if a situation arises, you have to revert some of your attention to that.

    Attention management

    Pings act as a way of stealing away attention. In a mid-jungle 2 vs 2 situation, all 4 players are using all 100 of their attention on the skirmish. If you see 4 caution pings, then you are forced to spend about 10 attention per ping. You divert 40 of your attention to the minimap, and try to find the reason behind the pings. Then you realize that the enemy support is roaming faster than your own support. Then you avoid the skirmish.

    This is another example of attention being stolen away. You guys are probably used to this too. Say my bot lane is running it down every 30 seconds. Then I have no choice but to spend a lot of my attention checking on the status of my bot lane. I keep finding myself moving towards bot too, and that eventually leads to higher chances of getting my ult or teleport cancelled. It also opens me up to getting ganked. It's all because my attention is diverted to bot. That's why when one lane is blown apart, other lanes have a higher chance of losing. According to my Attention theory, it's natural. On the other hand, imagine that the enemy bot lane is running it down. Then I know that I'll win as long as I play well, so I can focus more on the movements of my enemy laner.


    An interesting application of the Attention theory is the Vayne vs Singed matchup, though the matchup itself is a bit outdated. Theoretically, Vayne is hard favored to win against Singed. But the strange thing is that Singed always seems to win the game. Why? It's because Vayne has to spend so much attention on last hitting and maintaining distance. Vayne has to click every single minion to last hit and clear waves. Singed, however, just has to press Q and fart over the minions. That means that Singed can spend all 100 of his attention on assessing the situation and making decisions. Vayne doesn't have enough attention left over to spend on decision making, and ends up making mistakes which the Singed player doesn't.

    That's why I personally think one-tricks or two-tricks have a huge advantage. Oh, and just saying, I consider myself to be a two-trick. They don't have to spend any of their attention on last hitting and using skills. It's because they're so familiar with the champion that no attention is required. I don't even check to see if I last hit successfully anymore when I play TF. (Chat: Then why do you always miss cannon?) I can then spend all of my attention elsewhere, which enables me to assess situations faster and make correct decisions. It's like breathing. I can multitask efficiently because of my mastery of the champion. In the same vein, new champions always have low winrates when they are released. People aren't familiar with the champion, so they are forced to use all 100 of their attention piloting the champion. With practice, you can reduce the amount of attention required to do certain tasks.

    Total attention values

    So what state am I in right now? I've optimized my attention usage so that most tasks require very little attention. But that doesn't change the fact that I have a lower amount of total attention than I used to. My total attention is getting lower as time passes, so optimizing my attention usage only gets me to where I started. As you age, your total attention slowly decreases. Pro players in their prime have 200 total attention that they can spend compared to my 100. I can still compete with them because I keep reducing the amount of attention required to do things, but my total attention values are getting smaller. It's inevitable, like how entropy increases. (Chat: Entropy???? Is this a physics stream?)

    Pro gamers and champion mastery

    People who have understood my 'Concept' theory and Attention theory might be able to guess my next topic. I'm going to talk about pro gamers. What are pro gamers? People think that pro gamers are people who can always pick the optimal champion according to the situation. But in reality, they are only people who try to achieve that. Even pro gamers aren't safe from the curse of mastery. That applies to all pro gamers, even World Champion pro gamers.

    You probably have experience asking friends whether they can play a certain champion. How did they answer? People usually say something along the lines of "Well, I've played it before, so I guess?" You know how that game ends as well as I do. They have very low mastery of the champion. Let's say that mastery can be measured on a scale of one to ten. My score of ten is only given to a few selected people. Peak TheShy's Kalista, 2020 Showmaker's TF, 2019 Chovy's Akali. Do you get the idea? Mastery 10 is the highest level that a pro gamer can achieve. It's at the level where they can first pick the champ regardless of matchup and win.

    A mastery difference of 1 lets you get ahead in an even matchup. A mastery difference of 2 lets you go even or even win losing matchups. A difference of 3 or more makes matchups meaningless. Most pro gamers can get to mastery 7 by playing 50~100 games on a certain champion. Getting to mastery 8 is harder, as it requires an innate understanding of the champion. Getting to mastery 9 isn't achievable just through hard work. Getting to 10 requires blessing from the heavens. Your ideas and views of how to play the game and the Champion design have to synergize perfectly. Most challenger one-tricks' mastery lie between 8 and 9. That's why they are so favored.

    Pro gamers have to expand their champion pool because against a mastery 8 Yasuo, a mastery 7 Renekton is more efficient than a mastery 9 TF. That's why pro gamers have to get all meta champions to mastery 7. If you have signature picks with mastery above that, you become a top tier pro. You can only maintain high mastery on a certain number of champions. If you don't play a certain champion enough, your mastery starts to fall. You can only practice a certain amount of time every day, say 14 hours of practice max, so the number of champions you can maintain high mastery on is limited.

    To wrap it up

    Mastery is an extension to the Attention theory. (Chat: I don't understand) See? Doesn't this all sound like bullshit? This is why I don't talk about my view of the game often. You guys might be having fun listening to me talk, but there will inevitably be points where you disagree with me. Different people have different understandings, so your views can be radically different from mine. My theories are interesting, but in the end, they're just my own thoughts.

    submitted by /u/yoonitrop12
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    [Rumor] Chovy is going to Afreeca Freecs

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 03:29 AM PST


    The dude with the hat and Afreeca jacket is Seo Soo-Gil, the owner of AfreecaTV(Korean version of Twitch).

    He mentioned that he's working as hard as he can to bring Chovy over and he's already talked with his mom(lolz).

    submitted by /u/riverkim09
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    The one and true reason for all of the new items is clearly so Pentakill can release a new album

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 03:01 AM PST

    I was driving my car and came to realize a completely new album could be coming or being worked at the moment. How dope would be a track named kraken slayer, everfrost and night harvester?

    Hope this truly comes to fruition, since Riot has been releasing non stop bangers but only on the pop side of music.

    submitted by /u/ramboiatotal
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