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    Wednesday, November 18, 2020

    LoL Guide For low elo autofilled sups from low elo adc

    LoL Guide For low elo autofilled sups from low elo adc

    For low elo autofilled sups from low elo adc

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 07:19 AM PST

    As a low elo adc I can't give tips on climbing however I see low elo mistakes every game and I have to play with low elo mostly autofilled sups every game. I decided to write down things that an autofilled sup can easily learn and apply.

    You eventually will get filled as a sup and may not be able to swap so it's better to learn these stuff I think.

    1) Try not to touch the wave(read the explanation):

    It's ADC's job to manage the wave. If I am freezing or preparing a slow push please dont get bored and start using abilities or aaing. ADC will ask for your help when trying to shove. You can also easily tell what your adc is trying to do with the wave. If he's last hitting don't do anything, if he's pushing just thin the wave.

    Edit: Yes if he's pushing you should help him push like I said in the last sentence. Whether pushing is for a level 2 rush or hard shove.

    2) Don't try to execute minions from full hp

    If we are against poke and as a melee you want to take that juicy cannon I totally understand. Take it whenever you want but don't just stand next to the cannon and start aaing until you can execute it. This totally ruins the wave. Just kill it when it is low.

    3) Pick your summoners according to the match up.

    Yes ignite is all good. But if we are a kaisa-sona against draven-leona. We simply don't have kill pressure even with ignite. If your adc takes cleanse against heavy cc just get heal. If the enemy has zed or smt pick exhaust, if you are heavy cc sup get ignite.

    4) It's ok if the enemy escapes with low hp

    He'll have to b and will lose gold and xp. It means we already won. Don't jeopardize it by over chasing and diving. Sending him to base with extra gold means we lost all the advantage.

    5) ping before you engage

    I am not a mind reader and yes that flash play was fancy but I may not react in time if you suddenly decide to engage. Let your adc know before so he can prepare.

    6) Assume your adc is blind

    We are low elo so our map awareness is low. As an adc I have to pay attention to 2 enemy champ, enemy mid, enemy jgler, my mid, my jgler, my sup, wave, csing. Yes sometimes I may miss smt always ping your adc and communicate.

    7) check your adcs items before you engage

    Even if we are winning there may be a time when enemy adc died but spent all his gold while I am still in lane with 1500 gold in my pocket. That means enemy would be stronger than me. Just wait for me to recall and shop.

    8) If you are a poke champ don't spend all of your mana in 2 mins.

    Yes it was fun to poke them but now you are out of mana. You are basically useless now. Then you b and leave your adc 1v2 while he's to overextend to farm.

    9) Threat of a poke or a hook sometimes worths equal as landing one

    When you are walking up and enemy adc already backs off it means you basically won the trade. Just by walking up you made him miss that creep well done! Don't overdo it just back off and wait for him to walk back again.

    10) For the love of god don't steal minions

    This directly says I want my adc to fall behind. I don't care if you only took 1 or 10 just don't take any. And of course yes unintentional ones are ok but throwing your lux E on low hp caster then say "oh i WAs TrYInG tO pOkE" is really tilting. And also turn off your auto attack so your champ doesn't aa when its idle.

    11) Even if your adc is bad don't flame him

    Especially ADC mains can have high egos. If they are toxic just mute them flaming your adc won't help you win the game. You are not marrying him just suffer the 15 mins do your best and go help the rest of the team. Arguing with your adc like a married couple means the rest of team is having a 3v5 game.

    12) If I recalled don't just stand in lane trying to soak xp or farming.

    Yes I understand you want that free gold but don't get greedy. Almost always when my sups stay in lane to get a wave or a plate he ends up overstaying and die to a jgler gank or to the enemy bot. Even if you don't die you pushed the wave and base when I came back. And now I ll have to overextend just to farm against 1v2. Just recall or go roam or put some wards.

    13) Don't stand behind, or next to your adc.

    Unless you are trying to bodyblock a projectile, in a normal scenario you need to stand on the other side of the caster minions. If you are far back you are putting me in a 1v2. If we are standing next to each other we let enemy poke us both with aoe.

    14) Don't roam for 5 minutes

    Sups roam mostly to mid or to a herald skirmish. If fails you need to come back to bot. This happens so often. I get a double kill but our top lane dies my sup decides to help him. He stays there for eternity while I am 1v2. Yes I play safe but what happens is they generally zone me out then tower dive. Now while trying to save a losing lane you made your bot lane lose as well.

    I like roaming sups but playing as a top lane sup is just throwing your lead. Go there try to help if you can not then come back to bot. Get your adc even further ahead.

    15) Look where the minions are before you engage

    Don't force fights in enemy minions, especially at early levels they hurt a lot. if enemy builds a huge wave that's about to crash into our tower for the love of god don't engage or try to chase. I can't leave a wave worth nearly a kill to come with you just because you want revenge. Enemy minions alone would take half of my hp before I get here.

    16) Don't use your abilities on minions when your adc farms under tower

    This almost guarantees neither of us is getting any farm. If your adc has less than 2 ls and a dorans blade just aa caster once. If our wave is under tower too just don't do anything or better yet don't touch to wave at all see first item.

    17) Finding enemy jgler is your secret bonus mission.

    when we are pushing getting deep vision in river or enemy jg enables us to continue that pressure safely. If you can set that up we can safely continue that pressure so get plates or poke them safely and for a longer time.

    18) When the game starts standing idle next to a buff achieves nothing

    Yes spamming ctrl 4 is a nice team building exercise but it is better to guard your jgle entrance. Don't waste your ward just be a ward and stay there you have 8 seconds to get back before the buff spawns to leash.

    19) Don't over leash get back in lane and don't lose any xp.

    If you watch your jgler kill that buff it means you already lost 3 melee minions worth of xp. Which means when you get back you ll be at an xp disadvantage.

    20) Try to utilize Level 2, 3 or 6 spikes

    Killing a wave and 3 melee minions will make us level 2. If we can do that before the enemy it means we have a great window. Try to abuse that if you realize we ll get level 2 first just start walking up to them. We either zone them or have a great trade. This is same for level 3 and Level 6. In low elo very few people pay attention to these. Try to abuse that.

    21) Know matchups

    For example kaisa generally has a weak laning phase, mf is a lane bully. However at the same time kaisa has probably the biggest level 2 burst among other adcs. She can easily burst someone with q+w. Play according to your adcs strengths.

    22) You don't always have to focus adc

    If enemy sup gets caught out of position we don't ignore that we punish him. In an ideal scenario where you can choose ofc focusing adc is better. But if we can get away with bursting the overextended sup we should do exactly that.

    23) If you are playing a hook champ don't force it

    Like the item 9 just save your hook instead of missing it. I see a lot of sups constantly trying to hook and miss. After a couple of misses you start to lose your self confidence and enemy gets in your head. Thankfully you don't get punished as much in low elo for missing a hook but you can just bide your time. You standing there being a threat allows me to farm safely which is already great.

    24) Remember enemy can easily group as 4 in river or in bot lane

    Before you decide to wonder into the river or enemy jungle looking to catch somebody. Check mid lane does he have priority? Check where your jungler is, can he come in time to join a possible skirmish? And also check your adc? Am I even there bro? If we may be at a man disadvantage just ward and back off don't engage the enemy jgler.

    25) Dont die defending your control ward.

    I get it you spent 75 gold and you want that ward to stay there till the end of the game so you don't have to buy a new one. But it's not worth dying over. When we establish lane dominance then we can gain the vision control. If we are perma pushed under our tower having a control ward in river bush won't help us anyway. Giving a kill and a ward is worse.

    26) Set up vision before the objectives

    In low elo people tend to gather around the drake when it spawns. If you can come first before it spawns sweep the area and maybe put some deep vision you may have singlehandedly won us that objective. Try to get vision before drake spawns in other times try to have a ward around baron pit.

    27) Mikael is a great item against heavy cc.

    I take cleanse and an early qss as an adc against heavy cc comps cause I have never seen a sup using a mikael to save me. Even if your adc has qss you can still save one of your teammates. Heavy cc comps rely heavily on picking someone and if you can deny that you can win us the game.

    28) Games you autofill as sup give/take same amount of LP

    Yes you may hate being a sup but you ll get autofilled time to time. Instead of making it miserable for everyone just try to help your team win and win some LP. Next game you can go back to being a fancy one shotting assassin again.

    29) Poking enemy adc when he's about to last hit is the optimal poke

    Normally adcs start with one pot and sup with two pots. When you poke sup he's probably naturally tankier and will have less effect. If you can poke the adc when he's about to last hit is the best poke. So you can make him miss cs or just eat the poke. Early game adc lifesteal is very low it's better to poke the adc than the sup. Ofc if its soraka sup then poke her by all means.

    30) If you can't do anything just don't die

    It s better to afk under tower instead of dying. If you are bad at sup, if you can't do anything just focus on not dying. If your adc is good he ll keep up in cs, if not he ll fall behind but it s better to be 20 cs behind than 30 cs and a kill.

    31) If we got caught in a bad position better to be a sacrificial lamp

    If it's certain one of us is going to die and your adc is closer to tower. Just run to the opposite direction so your adc may escape. If you are closer to tower and you know your adc is gonna die just let him die and try to escape. It's better to give 1 kill than 2 kills.

    32) I don't believe in ks but don't give shutdown gold

    For me I don't care who takes the kill as long as you dont flash aa smt that I am about to finish off. Secure the kills no problem but as you do remember you ll have a bounty on your head. And it won't be ok to give that shutdown gold to enemy carries. Don't play reckless when there's a bounty on your head.

    33) You are not supposed to farm after laning phase either.

    Completing your sup item mission doesn't mean you are promoted to a mid laner now. You are not supposed to be farming when there's a carry next to you. It's not your job to take sidelane farm. Let the solo laners or adc get that. Focus on vision and protecting your team.

    34) Know the disengage

    Teamfights are not a one way street. You don't have to commit to every fight. You can use naut ult both as an engage or disengage. Same as braum, leona ults, morgana q etc. Nearly every sup has a tool that allow them to disengage from a fight. If your team is at a man disadvantage or just about to enter a bad fight try to disengage ping them back.

    35) You can be the shot caller.

    As a sup you may have more time to be aware of what's going on in the map. Use that to your advantage. Use pings to guide your teammates. Even if you are bad at macro calls. Just make your team aware that there's a drake spawning and adc is farming bot lane ping him to join etc. just simple stuff.

    submitted by /u/bednamm
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    Hi everyone - it's riste. I'm currently a 2x Masters Garen player on North America and I'd like to share a video where I break down how to beat a Tryndamere to the point where he d/c's. [No clickbait]

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:12 AM PST

    LINK TO THE VIDEO - 15:14

    Hey everyone, it's riste. I haven't posted here in quite some time but I'm back at Summoner School today to share with you a surprisingly good pick into Tryndamere that can invalidate his split pretty well and punish his early aggression hard in lane. Garen is a decent champion to consider vs Tryndamere if he bans picks like Malphite, and he's a bit easier to pilot than Poppy. The above video is 15 minutes and I break down the matchup with a lot of commentary and analysis. I hope you consider watching and please let me know if you liked it!

    The footage was recorded just at the end of Season 10, so you'll notice the old icons and items, however this strategy is still highly relevant and not much changes in terms of the laning phase. Once Tryndamere is buffed, he may take relevancy in solo queue again. Be careful out there.

    And yes, for those curious, this strategy does work vs experienced Tryndamere players. I've done extremely well vs even the likes of Fogged with this strategy to the point where he needed jungle assistance heavily to stabilize his lane.

    The Runes

    Conqueror, Triumph, Legend Tenacity (or Bloodline if the enemy has zero CC), Last Stand paired with Commencing Stopwatch and Biscuit of Rejuvenation. We pair it with 2 Adaptive Force and the scaling health per level stat shard.

    Starting items

    Ruby Crystal, x2 Potions

    Maxing Abilities

    R > E > Q > W, getting a second point in W at level 8 instead of Q if you're behind. It slims the cooldown of W slightly and gives your shield a bit of extra strength vs dives.

    Item Path

    Depending on your first back, you can go for Beserker Greaves first, as it will give Garen 9 spins total by level 7. If you can't afford, go for boots with a single dagger and a ruby crystal, prioritizing health components first as health stacking is very important in this matchup.

    Beseker Greaves -> Goredrinker if ahead.

    Plated Steelcaps -> Warden's Mail -> Dagger -> Goredrinker if behind.

    The most effective anti-Tryndamere build I think right now for Garen is Goredrinker, boots, Randuin's Omen, Black Cleaver, Sterak's Gage, and Spirit Visage. This build combined with teleport and sitting at tower will nullify his entire split-push objective. Teleport to objectives as the Tryndamere is rotating, as you'll always be able to arrive favorably before him. You need to be mindful though if your TP is down, as communicating to your team your Summoner Spell CD's is important as most likely the Trynd will continue splitting.

    If Tryndamere dives you, the best course of action is to stay under the tower but to stall his auto's by circling around the tower. The Randuins active also used as soon as he begins triggering aggro will also halt his chase very very heavily. Try to hold onto W for as long as possible, as you may bait him into over-committing and dying by a tower shot. If you're having a miserable time or you lost laning phase, Spirit Visage can be swapped out with Guardian Angel to ensure his tower dive vs you doesn't result in a kill for him. Try to time your Goredrinker for when you're really low as the missing HP will cost Trynd an extra auto-attack or two to kill you.

    If you get significantly ahead in laning phase, work with your jungler to take Herald, pin the Tryndamere to his tower, and rotate to objectives like Dragon and teamfights before he can rotate. Very few Tryndamere players take teleport so you'll have the priority hugely if ahead.

    Again, I highly recommend watching the video for the execution of the lane itself, as the first 5-10 minutes in this matchup is the most crucial stage. If you can beat Tryndamere early, you'll have lasting results that can lead you to a win so long as your itemization is precise and you're attentive to the enemy jungler.

    Thanks so much for reading!

    submitted by /u/JoyofLeaguewithriste
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    Breaking down some myths regarding the new Titanic Hydra

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 06:13 AM PST

    I've been facing too often people claiming the item now is bad if compared to old Atma's impaler by nitpicking on the HP/AD conversion rate, so i decided to make a cost-efficiency breakdown to make things clear.

    The original Atma's was a 2300g item, so to make things fair when comparing to Titanic i'll put here on the side a Tiamat. I'll consider the 2% Conversion ratio for its AD.

    It offered 45 armor (900g) and 15 crit chance (750g), which is already somewhat incongruent for fighters, and like live Titanic, it is about 71% gold efficient. A champion at 1k Health would net 45 AD from this - 20 from Atma's, 25 from Tiamat.

    Titanic Hydra is much more streamlined and congruent, offering 30 AD (1050g) and 500 Health (1334g), sitting at 72% gold efficiency. It having Health and thus being self-synergic gives it +5 AD (175g), increasing its efficiency to 77.2%. Adding 1K health from other sources (and thus 1.5k total), a user would sit at 45 AD.

    Thus in terms of first buy comparison, both starts par on par in terms of base damage and defense, each with the following pros:

    • Titanic hydra has the Tiamat effect inbuilt, not limiting how much health items you can buy. It's defense mechanism being health makes it more flexible than its opponent in terms of dealing with threat typs.
    • Atma's Impaler had the off-chance of doubling your autos.

    If comparing a state of 4K health builds, a fighter on Atma's was extracting 80 AD. A Titanic Hydra user would be sitting at 70 AD (40 from the ratio, 30 from the item) all while benefiting from Tiamat's splashes. At 5K health builds as achieved through Frostfire Gauntlet, the comparison still is 100 vs 80. 3K and below, if the Atma's user isn't bearing anything that gives direct AD, Titanic Hydra outright wins.

    This mostly means that the 'lost' AD from smaller health conversion ratio is just the upfront base value that comes from the item building out of Tiamat.

    Titanic Hydra wins by slot value/final cost, not wasting your gold in useless stats and generally offering more utility. And that's not even considering the health-based on-hit that Cleave also has, which effectively makes their autos scales on 2.5% max health.

    The item is outright ridiculous if you stop nitpicking and analyze the whole.

    submitted by /u/ZanesTheArgent
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    Things to know before playing midlane.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:35 AM PST

    TLDR at end.

    I find very frequently that people don't seem to understand how they can affect the game from each role. And while this is true for all roles to varying degrees, I think it is most true for 2 of them, Jungle and Midlane. ADCs and Supports generally get the idea of farm and try to get tower, once they do that they tend to dictate the flow of the game since others seem to habitually flock to where a group is. Toplaners just do whatever TF they want just as they have for a decade now, and then we have jungle and mid. At best they are powerful partners and at worst they bring the team down with them kicking and screaming. Today, I'm going to go over some VERY important ways mid influences the game, regardless of if the player wants to. If you aren't feeling ready to contribute towards these goals, I would advise queuing for another role, because the job of the midlaner is VERY important.

    1. Midlane either unlocks or starves their jungler, without ever even leaving the wave. Simply put, the winning mid makes the job of the enemy jungler much more dangerous. They can easily roam to both buffs and major objectives as well as threaten both crabs. It is a matter of seconds that decide if your jungler survives a mid roam. So, here are the steps you can take:

    - Obviously, win your lane. This should be a goal before this list so yeah. However, shit happens so here are backup plans.

    - Learn to CS well without pushing. By doing this, you can secure minions without hard shoving the wave. This is a skill that would save many players who have been stuck at tower with shitty farm in a mage vs assassin lane. They can't cs well unless they hard shove, but if they shove they die. If they learn to CS well, they can hold the wave just outside tower range and still farm in safety. This also lets them get wards out, which they can't do if permanently under tower. The extra income helps you fight when needed, and the extra vision helps keep the team safe from enemy roams.

    - Waveclear is for pushing, and pushing is for pressure. Champions with waveclear can use that to get deeper vision and threaten the enemy with roams. Don't just sit in vision at the enemy turret for 150hp of harass unless you are setting up a kill or objective within the next 2 ish waves. Push up, then disappear into the fog of war. Even if you have no wards to place or lanes to gank, just hide in the fog. The enemy will be pinging and worrying and eventually you might get lucky and when you DO roam, they skip the ping or ignore the pings since you never actually roamed before so why bother? On the flipside, if pushing would get you killed before you crash into the enemy tower, don't push. Always push with a purpose.

    2) Midlane, during early laning phase, has the greatest ability to control information other than maybe the jungler. Midlaners can win games without actually taking any fights on roams.

    - Ward. Ward the bush behind red buff. Ward the bush on the river ramp behind blue buff. Don't ward the lane bush unless you have a specific suspicion the jungler is there because it gives you way less time to react to ganks and doesn't help if they take any other route. Your wards from mid are usually more valuable than any other laner at tracking enemy roams because you are at the middle of the map, the middle of the action. Between all 4 buffs and both major objectives. These wards will save your life AND your junglers life.

    - Out of game, but go watch some jungle pathing guides, try to predict what the enemy jungler will do and use early wards to confirm their path and plan. Wards on the raptors are quite good at this because almost every common jungle path crosses through the raptor bush and will be seen on the ward regardless of if they clear raptors. Only 3 camp blue side clear into gank / invade / recall or a level 2 sidelane gank will usually dodge this.

    3) If you are winning in lane pressure, as in able to keep the wave pushed up, get ready to get out on the map. A proper mid diff literally wins half the map alone.

    - Seriously, Mid is tied with jungle as the MOST team oriented role. You cannot expect to easily sit there and farm up in mid. You are in the middle of EVERYTHING. Don't let the enemy forget that. You might see peaceful farm midlane in pro play, but outside of pro that only happens by accident.

    SO, TL;DR: If you want to just lane, scale, and then teamfight / splitpush, your best bet is to queue ADC or toplane respectively. Expecting to do that from mid (or jungle) is going to harm your team in their effort to win, and leave you frustrated when you get camped and 3 man ganked on repeat. Queue for midlane when you want to lane as a way to get the resources you need for fighting for map control, you will do better and have more fun because your goals align with the role. Midlane is, IMO best viewed as a one camp jungle. Your duty is not to your lane but to the map, and the minions are there to level you and buy you items that help you fight for the map.

    submitted by /u/Spacemn5piff
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    Mejai's Gold Efficiency in Preseason Hint: it's fairly large buff.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:33 PM PST

    Hello all.

    If you were unaware - Mejai's Soulstealer has become more efficient this preseason due to becoming a legendary item. In the case of Everfrost, it has an extra 326.25g of extra stats for no cost (456.75g more with a Rabadons).

    This means, in order to become a gold efficient item (with Everfrost), you only need 6 stacks (105% gold efficient), which is a kill and a half. This then increases to 259% gold efficient at max stacks.

    For reference, in season 10, you needed 9 stacks to be above 100% (104%), and at max stacks it was 214% Gold efficient.

    For the other AP mythic items, they are less lucrative, but still an increase. +5 Ability Haste mythics are an increase of 133.35g's worth of stats. Leading to 8 Stacks being above 100% (7 stacks is 99% though), and max stacks being 222% gold efficient. This does not include the falling off of ability haste the more you have.

    +5 Flat magic penetration mythics are an increase of 235.4g's worth of stats, leading to 7 stacks being above 100% (6 is also 99%), and max stacks being 228% gold efficiency.

    TL;DR: If you are building Everfrost, Mejai's is extremely gold efficient and requires 3 less stacks to become gold efficient compared to last season (6 is breaking point).

    If you're curious to the math I can explain in further detail. Alongside the upcoming Everfrost and Cosmic Drive buffs, I can see this becoming quite strong for control mages like Heimerdinger. I am also a big advocate of the playstyle Mejai's soulstealer rewards and encourages.

    submitted by /u/Toliam
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    Main your main's counter

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 02:09 PM PST

    If youre a otp try maining the top counter of your main. At the very least you should have sufficent knowledge of 3 champs for rank. But in the case that enemy choose your champ, not only will you have knowledgr of said champ but you will also know how to play his best counter champion. On the flipside, if a counter is played against you, you would know what to do. Its a win-win folks. Obviously apply more to popular champion with high pickrate you chose as main.

    Saw this fiora fucked our malphite up. Op.gg explains it.

    submitted by /u/kaynkaynkayn
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    How to teach a new player league?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 12:25 AM PST

    I am in the process of introducing a buddy to league but I have found that one or two "noobs" queueing up with 3-4 "more experienced" (ie silver-plat) players actually stunts macro growth because the newer players can always rely on us to make calls, check map, etc and are never punished for not doing so. Has anyone else found this?

    Edit: Thank you guys all for the feedback!! I think my general takeaway is that there are pros and cons to both approaches and the key is patience, letting them have fun, and giving a few minor hints to think about each game and toning up or down depending on responsiveness.

    submitted by /u/hashbrown17
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    I need help with Freezing.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:32 AM PST

    Hello, I am a new League player (I came back to League after a 4 year break) and I have a problem with freezing.

    So, I wanted to learn freezing, but I do not understand ANY of the YouTube freezing guides due to them using things such as "slow-push" while explaining, which I do not yet understand.

    If you have the time to explain freezing to me, I'll highly appreciate it, thank you.

    submitted by /u/Srobovak
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    Charm/Taunt is bugged?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:03 AM PST

    So I'm not sure if this is intentional or not but you can "resist" a charm or a taunt if you spam right-click (move) in the opposite direction. Is this how it's supposed to work? I've always used this mechanic until recently I told a friend of mine of it and he told me it shouldn't work like that.

    By the way. Why does this get removed the official LOL subreddit when I post it?

    submitted by /u/PAGCPG
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    Thornmail preseason 11

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:55 PM PST

    Looking at so many tank builds, I see everyone building Thornmail after boots. Is it really that good and I'm missing something, or is it just because guides and sites are showing it in that slot? Should you buy it later if you don't need wounds right away and go for something else like Omen, SV or even Titanic if you can utilize it?

    As a point of reference, I mostly play Shen jungle right now, but play other bruiser style tanks like WW.

    submitted by /u/joepistachio86
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    As a top laner, where should I ward outside of the bush inside of my lane?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:16 AM PST

    I'm a Silver I Wukong OTP who plays entirely top lane (mid lane if need be.) I find that in the early game my vision score is okay, but it falls off really hard late game as i don't really know where to place wards after laning phase (where i mostly just ward river bushes to make sure I know when the jungler's coming to try to ruin my game _). A lot of the time I hear about low elo players being stuck because of their poor vision. I've been climbing with a positive winrate on Wukong but it still worries me to see my vision score so behind everyone else's at like, 25 minutes. What are some useful wards I can place throughout the game?

    submitted by /u/youngduckgoon
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    Preseason <5 minute rundown

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:56 AM PST

    Made an pretty short video on Season 11 preseason. Tried to include small tips I've picked up, early days but I'm really enjoying the update now that I am over the fact I have to relearn everything I knew! Let me know if this helped you in anyway or berate me if it didn't!

    Mostly about the new shop changes, but there's some useful stuff in there; if you have already played the new update a few games this isn't much a pair of eyes wouldn't have toldy you bythis stage

    submitted by /u/SarcasticSmorge
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    Gosu.ai, is it useful?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:32 PM PST

    Hello! Me again. Last time I came I got some really good tips on Akali and i went 26/3, so thanks for that! Anyway, i'm here today to ask about gosu.ai. It's this app that basically tells you everything you need to do in game, pathing for items and skills and a lot more. It seems useful but for some reason I feel like it may be a hindrance sometimes, so I don't know if i should be using it. I feel like i'm at a decent skill level but my major problem rn is pathing which it helps with, so i don't know.

    submitted by /u/Yenshirou
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    I don't think people get how busted lethality is.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:17 PM PST

    Armor is one of those stats in league which everyone seems to misunderstand.

    The way the math works out, each point of armor gives you 1% more effective health against physical damage.

    This means that a champion with 1000 health and 30 armor has effectively 1300 health against an enemy with physical damage.

    The consequence of this is that lethality is one of the most broken stats in the game. Why?

    Well, because it never really falls off! Take, for example, a Cho'Gath with 6000 health and 150 armor. The lad has 15,000 effective health against physical damage dealers. On most lethality builds, you can hit 54 lethality at three items - which isn't very difficult to do considering assassin itemization is cheaper than most other items.

    This means that you have reduced the Cho'Gath's effective health from 15,000 to around 12,000 before the fight even starts! This is equivalent to about 6 auto attacks from an adc at full build.

    Add to that the armor penetration from eclipse, and now your Cho'Gath is at 11,000 health - which would take an adc 8-9 auto attacks to achieve.

    All of this is before you realize that building 54 lethality and 8% armor penetration gives you pretty much true damage against squishies, is cheaper than almost every other buildpath, and gives you insane mobility and utility through actives, and spikes earlier. Not to mention that serrated dirk is an insanely good first back item!

    And my calculations haven't even taken into account a full build yet - you still have 2 more item slots left for whatever you want - including more broken lethality items!

    TL;DR build lethality whenever you can - it's busted.

    submitted by /u/sayhisam1
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    When is it okay to FF and if the game feels hopeless what I can I do to improve in some area?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:04 PM PST

    So I just played a game of Normal Draft, I've yet to hit 30 and just want to play and try learn more about the game and were I should focus my improvement on. Anyhow about 20mins into the game our Vlad decided to AFK, our Warwick is only at level 8 while the rest of us are level 10 but the enemy team is pretty fed and at level 13/14.

    Now as a noobie I kind of felt hopeless, I main talon so I was able to get a few all-in's off and get a couple picks but I literally couldn't do much to impact the game at this point. Every 90 seconds our ADC or Sup was dead and JGL was too weak in levels to make it a decent team fight. Eventually the Warwick wanted to FF and I kind of agreed based on the fact we were getting hammered at every push, we didn't get a single drake during the match and just gave up Rift Herald for some reason. But the FF didn't go through since our ADC and Sup didn't want to and they were basically just being toxic back to the warwick which didn't help things.

    So as a noob what can I do to learn during these games ? The only thing I could think of working on was playing Talon more like an assassin, getting picks on the weaker enemies or getting off enough damage for the ADC to finish off a couple enemies. Truly did feel like there was nothing to be done in that game.

    So yeah.. in this kind of situation what can I do to at least improve in some aspect of my gameplay if I know the match is lost already but Im going to be forced to play it out ? And also when , if ever, is it reasonable to FF in this game as I don't want to get mass reports for suggesting we FF when the game looks like I have a better chance of winning the lottery than turning the game around ?

    submitted by /u/IamNothingButTruth
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    Feel useless when using Graves

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:00 PM PST

    I started taking Graves to the jungle for the last months, mainly because it's one of the junglers I want to learn that is usually in the top meta champions every patch.

    At the beginning... well, almost like every champ, not that easy, but after a couple of games I got it's basic mechanics, jungle paths and builds. But I still felt uselles, contrary to others like Warwick, Fiddlesticks, Hecarim or Nunu, which after learning them I could possitively impact the game.

    I play him with Phase Rush, but I don't feel the rune that helpful, I remember that before I used to play him with Electrocute and had better results; first I thought it was just that I needed to learn how to play correctly, but it isn't the case.

    Now with the preseason I simply get behind the other jungle and can not help the team, my ganks don't generate kills or objectives and I cannot duel a laner or the other jungle. Any suggestions? Is there a guide you could recommend me?

    submitted by /u/chonguiri
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    Omniamp Not Working on Overheal

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:21 AM PST

    I originally posted this in r/leagueoflegends, but apparently was removed for not addressing the league community (?) and decided to repost here.

    While I don't often use champions that take Overheal, I decided to go into practice mode and test out Overheal's effectiveness out of curiosity. And what do you expect, I've tried:

    Items w/ Omnivamp stat:

    • 6 Doran's Blades: Does not grant shield from Overheal
    • Eclipse: Does not grant shield

    Items w/out Omnivamp stat but have some form of healing:

    • Cull: Grants shield
    • Goredrinker: Grants shield
    • Sterak's: Grants shield
    • Ravenous: Grants shield

    A rough test of a couple of items shows that (intended or unintended) Omnivamp does not work with Overheal at least for AD champions like Rengar (both AA and Abilities that do physical damage). It's not a game-changing bug or anything, but considering that some champions who go Doran's Blade and take Overheal are basically getting nothing out of the rune in the early laning phase, it should probably be addressed.

    And while I'm at it, PLEASE FIX MECHA RENGAR'S Q ANIMATION ALREADY. It hasn't been updated from Swimgar for a couple of years now, and considering it was one of the most used skins and a favorite of the Rengar playerbase before the Q revert, it sucks a lot to still have the animation bug in the game.

    EDIT: Ravenous = Ravenous Hydra, which apparently has Omnivamp. Which means there's probably a problem with Droan's Blade and Eclipse. Thanks for pointing that out.

    submitted by /u/sixtrics
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    I play normals fine but when I play ranked I do a lot worse, anyway to help stop this?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 02:14 PM PST

    So I think it is all mental in my head but at the same time I don't...

    I've played plenty of competitive games in the past such as CSGO & Valorant, I am quiet high ranked in them. Global Elite and Immortal 2... I wanted to start playing League of Legends as a lot of my friends are playing it and thought it would be another fun competitive game to play. I knew going into the game it would be difficult to learn and it really is, hardest game I have ever had to learn.

    I mainly play Jungle WW or Xin and in normals I do fine, the team is fine and we have a good time. Whenever I go into ranked I just do a lot worse, the team flames and just in general it is not a good experience whatsoever. I think it is most likely because I am so used to playing at a high level in both CSGO and Valorant I set myself expectations of being good at league when in actual fact I am not.

    I started playing properly around 2/3 weeks ago and reach bronze 1 solo Q'ing just before the season ended. Is there a way to stop getting disheartened when playing ranked? I know muting helps a ton but then I feel like I would be missing out on valuable information and I feel like I just need to not mute them to get used to being flamed.

    It might sound stupid but I don't want to just play normals all the time, for me I feel like it's a waste a time since I am such a competitive person I just want to play ranked, but it becomes so difficult to play whilst you are constantly being flamed.

    Are there any other remedies to fix this without having to mute? Or do you reckon muting is the only choice for the time being?

    submitted by /u/Argual3
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    Horizon focus boosts true damage as well

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:43 PM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    This is a pretty interesting thing, and im not sure if its intended. This is probably the most useful on Velkoz (passive), but it also works with ignite and Redemption and Cheap shot (these are the ones i tried so far).

    So have fun with tentacles :)

    Edit: Abyssal Mask also gives boost to true damage to affected champions, and it stacks with Horizon Focus, so for example a Cho ult deals 465 true damage instead of 385 if he has both items, and hits q first, and Vayne also benefits from Abyssal Masks amp.

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Question: Damage reduction of Death's Dance

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:54 PM PST

    Damage reduction of Death's Dance (ignore pain) can be used as indirect 'lifesteal reduction'- grievous wounds or not?

    You cant lifesteal with dot damage, only omnivamp heals you, but this is just theory.

    Did someone tested it?

    submitted by /u/AlexanderAnastaso
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    Help getting a friend to try league?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:27 AM PST

    I have a friend that I wanted to show league because I think it's something fun we could do together but they've been too intimidated to even give it a shot. To give you an idea their go to game is animal crossing so a PvP game, not to mention one with so many things to learn and with a reputation for toxicity, puts them off a lot. I was actually thinking of trying wild rift with them since a lot of the mechanics are simplified and there aren't as many champs.

    I wanted to know if anyone had any good resources for brand new players to get a good idea of the game without overloading them with information. I think finding the right youtuber or something could be a good start.

    submitted by /u/revolverlolicon
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    Looking for a Plat+ Top Lane Practice Partner

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:01 PM PST

    I'm looking to play some quick 1v1's in the top lane to practice small elements of my laning phase before the next season begins. I hope that we can both provide some good practice and critiques between games! If you are a top laner who is plat or higher, add me!

    ign: danbaseball

    NA Region.

    submitted by /u/faIco
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    Why was I so behind on XP as warwick in the jungle?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 12:54 PM PST

    Last game i played warwick as jungler, and at around 15 minutes into the game, i was 3-4 levels behind the enemy amumu, and 2 levels behind our SUPPORT. This really tilted me, and i was getting flamed in chat. I'm new to the jungler position, but i duoed with a friend, and they couldnt give me a concrete answer on why i was so behind. One mistake was that i didnt use smite enough, but other than that i cleared my camps and ganked a couple times. I seriously dont know why i was so behind. So, why was I unable to get enough XP to keep up with the rest of the team? Are there any tips you guys have for farming? And lastly, just a general question, once i have done my first clear, what should be my pathing in the jungle from then on? Thx in advance

    submitted by /u/Aberrantthoughts4
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