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    Monday, November 2, 2020

    LoL Guide From a 500K M7 Darius main, the sure-fire of countering lane bullies is to not give them kills.

    LoL Guide From a 500K M7 Darius main, the sure-fire of countering lane bullies is to not give them kills.

    From a 500K M7 Darius main, the sure-fire of countering lane bullies is to not give them kills.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 09:43 AM PST

    I know it sounds obvious, but think about the mindset of the player playing the lane bully; they know their champion is supposed to snowball, and they are going to want to force engagements to take over the game.

    If you deny them the ability to control the lane and you play passively by poking them down, 9/10 times they'll get impatient and make a really dumb play which you can capitalize on with your Jungle (Darius burning Flash and Ghost to tower dive a 200 armor, full health Sion). It happens all the time, and I know it does because I play the champion. Lane bullies place a large portion of their potential into snowballing off of mistakes, so if you don't give them the opportunity to capitalise on them, you will be all set for the rest of the game.

    submitted by /u/Legoman7861
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    Remember that hitting a ward gives vision around it for a while.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 10:19 PM PST

    If you're on drake/baron and there's a deactivated ward, just don't hit it if you can melt it before the ward reactivates (oracle runs out). If you have a pink ward, there's no reason to hit it anyways. It's not going to reactivate, and that 30 gold's not going anywhere! If you hit the ward, it will give vision for a bit and the enemy can try to steal more accurately.

    submitted by /u/TheDankPotatoRises
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    How to get over the pressure of having over a million mastery points?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 10:43 AM PST

    Basically, I'm effectively a (veigar) one-trick with almost 1.1 million mastery points. First issue with that is that it's a coin flip on if I play well in any given game. Sometimes I hard carry, but more often than not (even in low gold) I'm the one getting carried. My bigger issue is that, with THAT many hours on a champ, I set expectations for myself so that I'd at least do decently in game, if not carry, and when things don't go according to plan, I spiral REALLY hard. Even if I mute both teams, I can still HEAR them type "so, million points, huh?" And I really REALLY don't want to have to abandon my main, because otherwise I'd feel like the past 6 years I've spent maining him were for naught.

    submitted by /u/bkaneshiro14
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    Help with Kiting as an ADC

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 12:08 PM PST

    I've been trying to get better at the ADC role and one thing I still don't know how to do is kite with hotkeys. How do you make it so if you just click near your target champion, it will lock onto that target and continue attacking it even when you're moving away? Is there a hotkey to do this? I struggle with this because I have to keep clicking to move and then clicking to attack, and so on. Also, sometimes when I'm fighting I'll accidentally click on a minion instead of a champion and I'll get punished for that. Thanks everyone in advance for the assistance.

    submitted by /u/icypaws321
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    Weaving auto attacks between spells.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 03:43 AM PST

    I have a pretty hard time doing this and I am ashamed to ask anyone for advice since people talk about it like it's the easiest thing in the world. How do I do this? It's very hard for me idk why. This also comes with AA cancels. I can do consistently AA cancels on minions and dummies, no problem, but I really have a very hard time doing it against real people. It's a very shameful thing to not know how to do considering I've been playing for 3 years. I really really want to improve since I've been having real bad match history lately. I just though I'd start with this and csing. Thank you so much in advance :D

    submitted by /u/flyingdoritowithahat
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    Champion Matchup Guide?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 01:34 PM PST

    So I've been starting to figure out league and I'm loving the process. The idea of win conditions, item building, objectives, wave management has all been tons of fun to learn. Now that I feel comfortable with the general concept of League, I wanted to start moving into mastering champions. Currently I play Garen Top mostly and I find that a lot of my Laning phase is totally dependent on who my opponent is playing. I've had games where a buddy of mine knew the matchup and would say "oh let him Q onto you then W and press E while chasing then finish with Q F R and you'll kill him at level 6" sure enough level 6 hit and that exact scenario played out. I know most of these matchups are just learned by playing the game, but I was wondering if there was a place that had it written out for me to understand how the matchup plays out and where the skill in the matchup is. Currently my strategy against new champs that I haven't laned against is to let them push wave and try to freeze by my tower, but playing against a Tryn I learned that's the exact opposite of what you want to do. Thanks any advice for any helpful tips anyone has!

    submitted by /u/H17_
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    How do I prepare (mentally and physically) for a LoL E-Sport competition?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 10:30 AM PST

    Are there any warmup drills? Should I just treat it like an exam? I'm nowhere near pro player level, don't want to be that, we have a local tournament with a fairly nice prize pool, and we actually have great chance, so wondering what could I do to improve our chances.

    submitted by /u/exemplar212
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    Which ranks should be considered "Mid elo"?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 07:31 AM PST

    As most people know, popular League of Legends streamers and content creators tend to call Diamond+ high elo and anything lower than Diamond low elo. Sometimes they even consider Diamond to be "low elo", which obviously isn't the case as we all know. The majority of the ranked playerbase are in Silver and you are in the top 20% of the playerbase if you are in Gold. So my question is: Which ranks should be considered Mid elo, High elo and Low elo? In my opinion, Iron, Bronze and Low Silver should be considered low elo, High Silver to Platinum should be Mid elo, and Diamond or higher should be considered High elo.

    submitted by /u/Captain_Darls
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    How much CS/min for Junglers?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 01:17 PM PST

    So I normally main top lane, but am now trying to improve on jungle. For normal lanes you want to target that magical 10 cs per minute, but I have no idea what would be considered good cs in the jungle. I tried looking it up, but only found outdated information. So what would be the equivalent in jungle to the 10 cs per minute rule?

    submitted by /u/IIIDzire
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    [JUNGLE] Can someone give me tips for Jungle?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 02:32 PM PST

    My problem here is that when I try to gank, I usually just die in a few hits from the enemy player (because I am like 3 levels behind) and I cannot really help out my team by ganking. I usually play Hecarim and my stats ends up being somewhere near 0/15/3 because of this. I also instantly get killed by the enemy jungler because I cannot do anything EVEN if they are the same level as me. I would highly appreciate if you gave me some tips. Also, please note that I just recently came back to LoL after like a 5 year long break from it.

    submitted by /u/Srobovak
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    Need help with keyboard finger placement

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 02:30 PM PST

    So I have played League on and off since 2009, and I've noticed that recently I have begun having problems with my left hand moving off the qwer position and I end up opening and closing the roster window (tab key) instead of pressing Q and losing exchanges as a result. This happens a lot now, like every game.

    Does anyone else have this problem?

    submitted by /u/jjmuzics
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    Is jinx good

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 04:37 PM PST

    Ok I know this a a simple question but I'm. Very new to the game and I'm looking at champions I find cool to use and there are like 130 champions and I can't learn them all so I'm hoping just to get some info on is she a fun characther how hard is she to use And is he viable in this game the other person I use a lot is akali and I average 18 kills with her can jinx match this.

    submitted by /u/Blackkage1
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    Help with ADC fitting into a teamcomp

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 12:29 PM PST

    Hey guys, I'm a gold level ADC player who is struggling to find an ADC that fits in with the rest of my premades. I'll try my best here to describe the situation, and what I think the issues are. My top laner enjoys playing juggernaut type champions. Illaoi, Garen, and Malphite are common picks. Our jungler is a one-trick Shaco. Midlaner like to pick off-meta champs, like Nunu or Teemo, and rarely will pick Annie, Anivia or Veigar. My support likes enchanter characters, Yumi, Sona, Lux, or Lillia.

    So here's my issue: The team is entirely focused on getting picks and bursting the enemy down. What tends to happen is that I, as the adc, almost always end up useless by the end of the game. One of two things always happens. Either my team's ability to catch and burst is too much for the enemy team to handle, and we win before I can "come online". The other situation is that their burst damage is not enough... in that case, they usually get cleaned up pretty quickly, and I am left with no front line to try and output my DPS. A lot of times the enemy team will have several assassins as well, and with my whole team diving on a clump of enemies (Malph ult into Sona ult, Shaco diving and trying to assassinate their carries) a lot of times I'm left defenseless for a Rengar or Talon or whatever. I usually play somewhat immobile adcs like Jinx or MF, but I need to know if there is any way to improve my performance. Jinx and MF AoE is great for the wombo, but I have no defense against assassins. More mobile adc's give me more defense, but I'm not as helpful in the team fights.

    I'm sorry the above writing is a mess, but I feel like there's a lot of issues and I'm not sure how to properly put it into words. Thanks for any help you may provide.

    submitted by /u/AkilaeTribe
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    REMEMBER: Tear/manamune/archangel’s have cds!

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 04:41 AM PST

    Just a psa for anyone who didn't know, tear and its items have cool downs! They only allow you to stack up to 3 times per 12 seconds, so keep this in mind when you are trying to spam abilities (particularly ez players) to stack your tear. After spamming 3, look at your item and wait for the cool down (4 seconds) before continuing - this way you will be much more efficient with your mana instead of wasting an unnecessary amount during the tear cool down.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that tear by itself stacks 4 mana per cast, whereas the completed items stack more (8 for archangel and 5 for manamune) so always try to upgrade your tear item earlier for faster stacks!

    submitted by /u/firelord_mel
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    Came back to game after being gone since around Kallista's release, pretty overwhelmed.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 09:21 AM PST

    Basically the title,

    I've learned rune changes, and I'm slowly learning item and champion changes on the fly since I'm only level 15 (no login info for old account whatsoever).

    I was curious if there are any good guides for players like me?

    Also whats the best way to stay up to date on champion/item changes?


    submitted by /u/Rubin987
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    What to do as Diana after Laning Phase

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 01:52 PM PST

    So I have been playing rankeds as Diana and most of my loses are due to my not knowing exactly what I should be doing in the game.

    For the laning phase everything goes ok, I kill the enemy laner 3-4 times rotate to dragon or herald and if my bot is gankable I roam, but once the tier 1 towers are destroyed I just dont know what I should do next, I f I try splitting either I get 4 people come for me or my team gets picked and I must back to make sure they don't destroy everything, by grouping we never achieve anything since enemy team will just disengage and never fight just keep clearing the waves we are pushing. I know I'm doing something wrong there or missing something but I really don't have an idea.

    submitted by /u/Megumin09
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    Looking for Top Tier Mid Pros VoDs smurfing in Plat / Diamond

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 04:36 AM PST

    Hello community,

    i am searching the last few hours threw youtube and twitch for high tier pros VoDs from the likes of Dopa, Faker, BDD, Knight or anyone on the same Level smurfing in lower elos. I had no luck so far maybe anyone of you knows where to find those Videos.

    I know that Dopa did a smurf stream this season so far without luck to find anything.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Krypton13372
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    I made a complete itemization guide for Galio Mid in season 11. Check it out and learn a strong pick for the new season!

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 08:13 AM PST

    Hi everyone! ThaKinetic here.

    Some of you might remember me from springtime when I published some guides on Galio (Or maybe just seen me in the comments around here). I've been working on a video on itemization for season 11, for Galio Mid.

    With the new mythic items, I think Galio will be a powerful force in the next season and learning him in the preseason might be a good thing if you're looking to get better at your macro and prepare for S11. We need more Galio mains in this game!

    Feel free to ask questions, criticize etc. Here or in the YT comment section.



    submitted by /u/ThaKinetic
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    Ping with one button?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 04:46 PM PST

    When I want to ping summoner spells or R's or items in the shop, I always have to press G then click on said thing. I see streamers all the time pinging things by just pressing one button or clicking once. How is this done?

    Same for pinging something a bunch of times in a row. I always have to press g then click, so I can't rapidly spam ping something.

    submitted by /u/FizzTheWiz
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    How to play against Tahm Kench top?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 04:17 PM PST

    Pretty much the title.

    So, I've had quite a few games last week against top lane Tahm, and no matter the champion I play (so far I've tried with GP, Kayle and Camille) I get destroyed. Either I feed my ass off or I fall so far behind in farm that I'm a non factor for the rest of the game. Its getting really frustrating, because it seems that all he needs to do to chunk me down is land a Q and slow me. Only time I was close to even I had a lot of jungle help.

    Do you guys have any recommendations on how to play against Tahm and avoiding getting bullied too hard?. I am a Silver 2 player in EUW btw.

    submitted by /u/Thepadin2
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    Runes and ARAM

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 07:17 AM PST

    Some Items (Tear) have different effects on ARAM than on Summoners Rift. Some character mechanics do as well (Nasus getting double stacks). Does this also apply to runes like Dark Harvest?

    I generally play Top on SR, so I don't often run DH there. But I've been told many times on ARAM to take DH on characters like Brand, so I've started to do so - and I can't get stacks of DH to save my life. It seems simple - damage an enemy champ under 50% health, 45sec cooldown - but it rarely see actually work. Like early game, no DH stacks yet, there's always someone who face checks the bush or doesn't understand a Hookers range (even Darius' range), gets pulled into a slaughter. I get a hit, they're under 50%, but half the time no DH activation.

    Does DH have a different set of mechanics on ARAM? Or am I just doing something wrong? (Insert Old El Paso taco girl "Why not both?".gif here)

    submitted by /u/FandangoGhandi
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    Starting ranked + general questions

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 07:03 AM PST

    Sp today I'm hopefully going to hit level 30 and I'm going to start playing ranked, I'm familiar with competitive play in other games so I hopefully most things translate here, however I've got a few questions regarding some probably obvious stuff

    Firstly, I've mostly been learning support, but have played a few games as jungle, If I get into game and I get given Bot or Top is it best just to leave the game or should I try and play something considered safe(If so please can someone recommend something really braindead I can do in those roles)

    I've got a friend I regularly play with who I think was bronze rank but hasn't got a rank right now, is it worth playing my games with him or just play by myself.

    This is a bit more role specific, I normally play support and I play really aggressive, I've had some bad games where I'm just not on the same page as my carry, what's the best way to handle this kind of situation?

    submitted by /u/Clairevoyance98
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    top lane rotation questions

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 05:48 AM PST

    im new to top and am confused as too how to properly play lane, whenever i spend the game just playing my lane with little rotations only for stuff like herald or for drakes my teammates flame me for not helping so should i be rotating more

    but games where i rotate more and try to help fight for drake the other top laner stays top the whole time and gets mad damadge on my tower

    so how should i be playing the lane should i stick to the lane more or help the team more

    i play shen, garren, darius and malphite but i dont find this issue with shen due to his ult so i can play lane and just ult to help the team

    any help is appriciated

    submitted by /u/danoreillyphotos
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    Why hasn't Corki been played as an ADC for so long?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 12:13 AM PST

    Hey there, ADC main here. I was just watching some Corki mid gameplay and I was wondering why hasn't he been played in Bot for this long. I sure don't recall having seen him there in a very, VERY long time, and with the impression the ADC role has given me this season we could sure use some more pick variety down here. That said, why is he viable mid but not bot?

    submitted by /u/Pax19
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