• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 1, 2020

    League of Legends Drops were by far the most disappointing thing of this year's Worlds

    League of Legends Drops were by far the most disappointing thing of this year's Worlds

    Drops were by far the most disappointing thing of this year's Worlds

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 08:30 AM PST

    Basically what the title says.

    Drops were hyped and with so many high profile sponsors you would expect some such rewards but nothing came even close to this. Just some summoner icons, few emotes and free Spotify playlists.

    I watched 90% of the games (including play-ins) and I didn't get a single item worth the anticipation and hype.

    Very very disappointing.

    submitted by /u/exxxoo
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    G2 went 0-12 in scrims vs DRX

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:46 PM PST

    seraphine's champion spotlight has finally broken a 9 year old record for champion spotlights.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:00 PM PST

    seraphine's champion spotlight has broken both of old yorick's champion spotlight records, being worst like to dislike ratio and most dislikes. as someone who has been playing and maining yorick since i started in season 3, I'm very glad that my champion's spotlight is no longer the most hated. I remember the biggest criticism about old yorick was that it was a cool and unique concept, but it seemed like they focused more on the concept than designing a viable and functioning champion. the main thing I see with seraphine is that riot focused more on making money rather than making an original and unique kit. riot has always been receiving hate for things they do, but what they have been hated on has changed drastically over the years which I find very interesting. I'm really not sure what riot's response to this is going to be since this is the first champion spotlight they have released that has a negative like to dislike ratio. im interested to see what any people in the community think about this.

    submitted by /u/bigboy918
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    Mr. Beast Gaming LoL Team

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 03:59 AM PST

    This Rammus didn't honor me after the game

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 05:23 PM PST

    MikeYeung - Kindred Jungle Guide (Mechanics, Clear, Runes, and Items)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 11:18 AM PST

    League of Legends colorblind mode.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:36 PM PST

    I am trying to make this post go through but its really hard as colorblind people are a minority.

    It has been 10 years and colorblind mode is not actually a colorblind mode but just a lazy button to cover most of the colorblind people. It does not cover Protanopia and Trinatopia while other games have the option for all 3 cases. With the recent addition to stuff such as healing you are about to get (that little bar when you for example play aram and pick up a healthpack that shows how much u get from the predicted health) I really feel like Riot should support colorblind people as this game becomes harder and harder to play.

    submitted by /u/lytestalin
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    According to Kevin Kim twitter there's something worrying going with Chovy.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:25 AM PST


    Chovy: "When the quarantine is over, I'll get a haircut, then go on with my schedule. Even after the self-quarantine, I don't have any freedom, since I have stuff scheduled for the 8th, 9th, 10th, and the 11th. It's so bothersome, so exhausting. I can't do things I want to do."

    "I'll have to stream from 8 P.M. to 1~2 A.M. for around three days, I'll have to stay up until late, then wake up at 10 A.M. and stream then again. Then, after the self-quarantine, I have other things planned. My eyes hurt so much when I play during the day when the sun is up."

    I'm not struggling because of streaming. It's because there are those around me that are bothering me so much. It's not related to the offseason. It's just, there wouldn't be any issue if they didn't do this, but they do it anyways and it just annoys me.

    It's not a personal family issue. It's not a problem if they don't do this, but they keep telling me to do things and it's just so bothersome. It doesn't really matter what other people say since I heard it for three years now, so I don't take notice of it. But...

    I don't really like it. The fact that they don't keep their words for stuff that should be taken for granted, and try to profit from it no matter how small.

    If I could go on while ignoring them I would have. But there's a person like that in my vicinity. If that person's action didn't bring me any harm, I wouldn't have said anything, but because of that person, it looks like I will and it really stresses me out.

    They don't do what is expected of them but want so much. I don't even want to treat that person like a human being. If you guys lived with them, you would feel the same way. The fact they would treat someone that is with them like that while... I'll just stop talking here.

    I do not know what to think about this, but after reading Kevin Kim twitter i'm starting to worry about Chovy.

    Edit. Another Kevin Kim tweet, this time about cvMax response.


    I'll post cvMax's response to Chovy's statement later, but after hearing/reading what Chovy said he responded that

    it can't be about him

    he has never asked him to do anything (presumably besides what is required of him as a head coach)

    he will ask Chovy about it later

    submitted by /u/Houson2k
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    KDA More: Expectations vs Reality

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 06:16 AM PST

    KDA More: Expectations vs Reality

    me: mom can we have kda? mom: we have kda at home

    I'm not gonna lie the AR Models legitimately look like they were made by a fan for a R18 KDA Fan game. Ahri looks an entirely different ethnicity altogether in her AR model, and Akali and Evelynn even have the wrong colour eyebrows, just to name a few issues with the "live performance."It just looked off the entire time, not to mention the uncomfortably clunky dancing in multiple parts.

    EDIT: For Reference.

    True Damage's Appearance (2019) Far, far superior 3D Models (Almost identical to the ingame ones), far superior visual effects, mixing of IRL and AR with the singers etc. Also proof that "dark lighting" is not an excuse. Just look at how good Ekko's rap verse towards the end is visually. Compare to this year. (Maybe not -AR- entirely, but far superior visually for the viewers and live audience entirely.)

    KDA's First AR Appearance (2018) - Models are still iffy in some shots yet they don't look anywhere near as uncomfortable to watch.

    submitted by /u/PeachyCreamed
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    Since S3, if you have more Koreans on your side in a Worlds Final, you'll win

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:53 AM PST

    2013: SKT (5 Koreans) vs Royal Club (0 Koreans)

    2014: Samsung White (5) vs Royal Club (2)

    2015: SKT (5) vs KOO (5)

    2016: SKT (5) vs Samsung Galaxy (5)

    2017: Samsung Galaxy (5) vs SKT (5)

    2018: IG (2) vs FNC (0)

    2019: FPX (2) vs G2 (0)

    2020: DWG (5) vs SN (0)

    submitted by /u/bl1tz1tr1ck
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    In Seraphine's spotlight video (at 3:46), she sings a descending lick: E-D-B-A. Unfortunately, the key of the background music is Bb Major, and it's on a deceptive vi cadence. Her lick is effectively in Gmaj, meaning she sings a Bnat against a Bb, and starts the lick a tritone above the Bb tonic.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:22 AM PDT

    For those of you who aren't musicians, this means it's super ugly. That a music-based character would have something like this in their spotlight video is pretty much heinous.

    Just a kinda /r/mildlyinteresting moment.

    submitted by /u/Eruionmel
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    LCK's 10 franchising teams for 2021 have been confirmed

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 05:40 PM PST



    Gen G

    KT Rolster

    Damwon Gaming


    Hyfresh Blade/Brion Blade

    Team Dynamics

    Hanwha Life Esports

    Afreeca Freecs

    Sandbox Gaming

    The 10 teams that were originally shortlisted to make LCK franchising have all been accepted. This also means that one of the teams that was in the LCK in 2020, SeolHaeOne Prince/APK Prince, will not be a part of LCK 2021

    submitted by /u/MedievalMovies
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    Riot "auto-auto-attack" system is enabled in ekko ult and it SHOULD be disabled.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:51 AM PDT

    Is Seraphine the most disliked newly released champion so far?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:43 AM PDT

    I don't remember the last time a champion received this much hate upon release. Was Yasuo hated when he was released? I don't even remember, it was such a long time ago.

    Riot went all out (unintended) with promoting the new mage champion, but seemed to hit all the wrong notes along the way. Feels bad for the people behind the scenes that are just doing the work (not the ones that are telling them what to do), putting in the hours to design the champion and then write the code, etc.

    submitted by /u/AtreusIsBack
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    Why does Seraphine need to exist when in lore there is already a character uniting the people of Zaun and Piltover, Mama Elodie

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:50 PM PST

    Seraphine to me is disappointing for many reasons, but as someone who loves the lol universe and the lore of Runeterra, her very existence is insulting to so much of the great world building that exists. Specifically invalidating the very interesting Mama Elodie.

    I know a lot of league players aren't huge lore junkies like I am but if you have read and enjoyed stories like "Where Icathia Once Stood" I highly recommend checking out "City of Iron and Glass" by Graham McNeill, who has written some amazing lore pieces. The story is an exploration of Zaun and the connection with Piltover, as a group of Zaun orphans try to sneak in to a performance. Of course this is not some ordinary show but one that features Mama Elodie. We don't see much of Mama but what we learn is that her songs create a sense of oneness and harmony with the audience, that her shows are able to unify the people of both Zaun and Piltover, and she uses this money to run the orphanage.

    Holy shit she does everything Seraphine does but better. She has deep connections to many Zaun orphans (Ekko, Jinx, Vi) in addition to being in contact with chem barons and the Piltover elite, all while claiming to be an Ionian princess. Her goals are fairly well defined, she doesn't have the impossible goal of unifying too completely different factions, but manages to create a common ground to help foster Zauns youth.

    Seraphine has so many issues that have been beaten to death already, but I haven't seen much talk of how she essentially invalidates Mama Elodie, who has been built up in lore as an important and significant character with ties to other characters in game.

    submitted by /u/bqx23
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    "Don't worry bro, I'll bait it"- the most selfless solo Q player I've met

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    Since riot uses MF's Captain Fortune skin so much is trailers/art panels why not make it her default skin?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 02:15 AM PST

    I feel like riot refuses to use miss fortunes default skin in any cinematic or lore related art and always use her captain skin to show her off. Shouldn't they just make her default skin the captain skin? It looks 100 times better than her default skin and really gives her the pirate feel. Or maybe she just needs a complete VU i don't know, what do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/sk1thr1x
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    Sion bug featuring Thebausffs

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:44 PM PST

    World's Thoughts From My GF Who Doesn't Know League

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    My girlfriend, who does not play League and isn't a #gamer, was gracious enough to watch many many games of Worlds with me. She had some deep insights I'd like to share.


    *The best champions are, in order: Tahm Kench (for his waddle), Renekton (for lane action), Blood Moon Kennen (for being a large red minion), and Pool Party Orianna (for the pufferfish).

    *The worst champion is Volibear. He is lame and dumb and never fights. Lillia also should be deleted.

    *Bwipo has the best on cam reactions. Rekkles is the next best player - for also showing emotion (if only she knew).

    *All Koreans have Harry Potter glasses and they are all wholesome.

    *League needs a Panda Bear champion (not a volibear skin). He should be able to bite people and also hit people with a bamboo stick. His name is Oreo.

    *Gromp is renamed Grump.

    *Krugs are renamed Kruds.

    *Dragon should always be infernal (her prediction for soul is near 100%).

    *Flyquest are "Flysomething" or "that one team with the name," but otherwise they are good to root for.

    *Broxah please gank.

    *The following player names are not cool because they sound like edgy teenagers: Broken Blade, Biofrost, PowerOfEvil.

    *Skins make the game almost unwatchable for a new viewer. Pantheon and Azir look the same in certain skins, as do Ornn and infernal Alistar. When people choose dark skins like Moonlight Leona there's no chance.

    *She was always able to recognize Graves because of the buckshot symbols.

    *In watching, we used alternate names for some champions to make it easier to follow: Orianna is Ball Girl, Syndra is Other Ball Girl, Renekton is Croc, Ornn is Mountain Dwarf, Senna is Big Gun, and Lucian is The Husband.

    *All female champs in the game have human (often old lady) names: Evelynn, Caitlyn, "Ashley" (for comedic effect); Male champs are given cooler names.

    *She does not like TSM. TL are okay. She might become a Fnatic fan.

    *League and eSports are pretty cool actually and if that's your thing you shouldn't hide it.

    Edits (as I remember them):

    *When Kennen's team has baron buff the minions are bigger than he is.

    *It's unfair that you can get Elder buff when you've got no prior dragons and it's still so powerful.

    *She was sad when Spica lost their final game since he's so young and it's clear he was trying so hard. She also said BrokenBlade looked 12 and Bwipo looked like a middle aged man.

    *Blue buff was renamed Big Blue. Red buff never got a new name but she thought it was hilarious in the finals when Showmaker Angel slammed Red buff into Damwon game 2 as Syndra (24:10).

    *The game is called League of Legends but the characters are called Champions. "That's a real missed opportunity."


    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Chovy152
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    [FAN ART] Painted a portrait of Zyra

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:40 PM PST

    [FAN ART] Painted a portrait of Zyra

    Best plant lady, in my opinion :)

    Been playing her a lot more after Sona nerfs.


    Image HERE too!

    submitted by /u/aymeezus
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    Kled gets a clean 1vs5

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 03:48 PM PST

    How a Jungler decides which lane to support and nuture

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 04:10 AM PST

    Crowd DID cheer for DWG though not as loud as for SN which is expected for home team: Video proof

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    Post Worlds 2020 blues? Not enough LoL to watch? Fret not, here are some European Regional Leagues (ERLs) events worth checking out!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 05:20 AM PST

    My original post on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Megalodontus/status/1322857969353068546

    As the title suggests, I'm sure there are many who are wondering "what now?" after another historical Worlds Championship has passed us. I'm a writer who specialises in covering the European Regional Leagues and I'm here to tell you about some of the big events STILL ongoing in the ERLs.

    With how prevalent the amount of rookies from the ERLs that have entered the LEC in recent times, interested parties should definitely give some of these events a gander. After all, you can see the stars of tomorrow, today ;)

    Without further ado:-

    Poland: Starting today and in about 3 hours, we have the Trinity Force Puchar Polski 2020! You know these names: AGO Rogue, EUM Summer 2020 champion. K1CK Esports, Puki Style the Maestro. Along with others like Illuminar Gaming and surprise, Cream Real Betis from Spain (they have 3 Polish players)!

    With a big double elimination format, this looks to be an exciting end to the 2020 season for Poland. Polska Gurom!

    Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/polsatgames

    More info: https://lol.gamepedia.com/Trinity_Force_Puchar_Polski_2020

    Czech Republic/Slovakia: Starts up Week 4 of the Hitpoint Masters Winter 2020, before starting up Week 5 on the 7th. Esuba, kings of the Hitpoint Masters are the top but find themselves second place against Vikingekrig Esports. Repre Gold, a team with names like Wondro/Jejky who've attended past EUM's, are not far behind either.

    Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/hitpointcz

    More info: https://lol.gamepedia.com/Hitpoint_Masters/Winter_League_2020

    Greece: Week 4 of the Greek League Legends Winter 2020 starts tomorrow. Many expected the Greek powerhouse team WLG Gaming (who were in EUM Summer 2020) to dominate but new team Team Phantasma and Anorthosis Famagusta are tied for 1st at this point of time. Will WLG claw their way back up to prove themselves undisputed rulers of Greece?

    Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gamersloungegr

    More info: https://lol.gamepedia.com/Greek_Legends_League/2020_Season/Winter_Season

    UK/Nordics: The big offseason tournament, the NLC Fall Open 2020 starts on 5th November! Teams from the NLC, the leagues below it such as the UKLC and the Telia Nordic leagues have been invited to compete. The groups have been drawn already and some of them look to be bangers!

    Groups:: https://twitter.com/NLClol/status/1320809761986797568

    More info:: https://lol.gamepedia.com/NLC/2020_Season/Fall_Open

    Streams: https://nlc.gg/top-news/nlc-fall-open-where-to-watch/

    Spain/Portugal: The Iberian Cup 2020! We're already in the quarter-finals and all the giants are in it: G2 Arctic, Vodafone Giants, Movistar Riders and MAD Lions Madrid. S2V look like they could pull off an upset on a good day and SLO Rejects, a ragtag team with no org, could make semis.

    They too start on 5th November. Don't miss this one!

    Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/lvpes

    More info: https://lol.gamepedia.com/Iberian_Cup_2020

    DACH: To cap off the Prime League's first competitive year, we have the Prime League Grand Finals featuring 2 great rivals throughout the year of 2020. It's FC Schalke 04 Evolution vs. mousesports.

    In spring, S04 won playoffs; in summer, mous took it. Now they face in the finals for the 3rd this year. Who will have the last laugh? Find out on 15th November!

    Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/primeleague

    More info: https://lol.gamepedia.com/Prime_League_Pro_Division/2020_Season/Grand_Final

    Italy: Italy has 2 events running. The 1st one is the Campionato Piazza Esport, which is like Italy's Tier 2 league. It's in Week 4 currently and starts today.

    The 2nd tournament is known as Red Bull Factions, which is a unique, fun tournament of sorts where teams pick factions from Runeterra (Demacia/Ionia etc.) and choose their champions from there! It starts 4th November.

    Stream (Piazza): https://www.twitch.tv/piazzaesport

    Stream (RB Factions): https://www.twitch.tv/RedBullIT

    More info (Piazza): https://lol.gamepedia.com/Campionato_Piazza_Esport/Regular_Season

    More info (RB Factions): https://lol.gamepedia.com/Red_Bull_Factions/2020_Season/Main_Event

    If you've come this far, thank you for reading all of that and I hope people do tune in to the Regional Leagues. They lack the prestige or marketing in comparison to the Major Regions that people tend to focus on, but as you've seen in the LEC, the ERLs are the lifeblood of the region and there are many exceptional talents.

    But other than just watching 'who makes LEC' I do recommend watching the ERLs for entertainment value as you would with the larger leagues. Every ERL has their own set of teams, players, stories to tell etc. and while there's still a lot that needs to be done, helping to promote it is the first step and I can only do so much as one person.

    For those with continued, vested interest, as usual use Leaguepedia to keep up with the schedules and happenings: https://lol.gamepedia.com/League_of_Legends_Esports_Wiki

    For those who want a community to talk about European LoL or just LoL in general: https://discord.com/invite/9CybByJ

    And if you've any questions, I'll do my best to answer them or direct you to a place or someone who can answer. Once more, thank you for reading and hope the ERL action will fill in the gap that Worlds has left!

    submitted by /u/Megalodontus
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    LEC should expand to 12 teams

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:28 PM PST

    I think its time. We have a lot of players that ERLs that you think "this guy is LEC level for sure" but there's simply not a spot for them it would benefit the league a lot we dont have those shitter bottom teams that just go 0-18 and just are free wins anymore we have the players to expand for sure. Ofc there are more and better reasons as well but i just suck at english

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/CozyXan
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